ptg 246 Chapter 8 Wondering where Timeline Effects have gone in Flash. They are now a part of the Motion Editor. You can add many Timeline Effects by using filters in the Motion Editor. You can add filter effects, such as Drop Shadow, Blur, Glow, Bevel, Gradient Glow, Gradient Bevel, and Adjust Color, to a motion tween. You can also add color effects, such as Alpha, Brightness, Tint and Advanced Color, to a motion tween. You can apply more than one effect or filter to an object to create a different effect. If an applied color effect or filter doesn’t work for you, you can remove it. Adding Color Effects and Filters Add Color Effects and Filters to a Motion Tween Select an object on the Stage with a tween applied. Click the Window menu, and then click Motion Editor to open the panel. Click the triangle to expand the Color Effect or Filters category. Use any of the following: ◆ Color Effect. Click the Add button on the Color Effect category, and then select an option. The options include Alpha, Brightness, Tint, and Advanced Color. ◆ Filters. Click the Add button on the Filters category, and then select an option. The options include Drop Shadow, Blue, Glow, Bevel, Gradient Glow, Gradient Bevel, and Adjust Color. Specify the options you want for the category; options vary depending on the color effect or filter that you choose. 5 4 3 2 1 1 Drop Shadow filter Bevel filter Gradient Grow and Blur filters 3 1 2 4 5 From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg Chapter 8 Animating with Motion Tweening 247 Work with Color Effects and Filters Select an object on the Stage with a tween applied. Click the Window menu, and then click Motion Editor to open the panel. Click the triangle to expand the Color Effect or Filters category. Specify the options you want for the category; options vary depending on the color effect or filter that you choose. To remove a color effect or filter, click the Remove button on the Color Effect or Filter category, and then select the effect or filter that you want to remove. To reset values back to the default, click the Reset Values button for the effect or filter. 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 6 3 4 5 From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 248 Chapter 8 When you select a tween space, a tweened object, or motion path, the Motion Editor panel displays tween property values in categories and a grid with a graph for each property. Each keyframe property for a spe- cific property appears as a control point on the graph. You can add or remove a property keyframe at any time. Control points can be either smooth or corner points. When a point is smooth, Bezier handles appear, which you can adjust. Some properties in the Motion Editor are associated with each other, such as Scale X and Scale Y. You can use the Link icon to constrain values to match to each other. Working with Property Keyframes Work with Property Keyframes Select an object on the Stage with a tween applied. Click the Window menu, and then click Motion Editor to open the panel. Click the triangle to expand a category. To work with property keyframes, do any of the following: ◆ View. Click the Go To Previous Keyframe or Go To Next Keyframe arrows. ◆ Add. Place the playhead where you want to property keyframe, and then click the Add or Remove Keyframe button. ◆ Remove. Right-click (Win) or Control-click (Mac) the control point in the graph, and then click the Remove Keyframe. ◆ Smooth or Corner. Alt-click (Win) or Command-click (Mac) the control point to toggle between smooth and corner. ◆ Link. Click the Link icon to constrain values to match for associated pairs. Click the icon again to unlink a pair. 4 3 2 1 3 1 Control points Go To Preview/next keyframe 2 Add or Remove keyframe From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg Chapter 8 Animating with Motion Tweening 249 If you want to change the x-, y-, or z-axes, it’s easier to make bigger adjustments in the motion path of a tween on the Stage and minor ones in the Motion Editor. You can move the entire motion path to another location on the Stage or edit individual points on the path. If segments within the path become to fast or slow, you can use the roving property for the x-, y-, and z- axes to make the speed consistent throughout the tween. Editing the Path of a Motion Tween Edit the Path of a Motion Tween Select an object on the Stage with a tween applied. To make changes directly on the Stage, do any of the following: ◆ Object Position. Place the playhead in the frame you want to move, click the Selection tool, and then drag the target object to a new location. ◆ Motion Path Position. Click the Selection tool, click the motion path, and then drag the path. ◆ Motion Path Size. Click the Free Transform tool, click the motion path, and then drag a resize handle. ◆ Motion Path Shape. Click the Selection tool, click away from the motion path, and then drag any line segment on the path. Click the Subselection tool, click the path, and then drag a control point to move it, or click a control point, and then drag the Bezier handles of the control point to reshape it. ◆ Delete Motion Path. Click the Selection tool, double-click the motion path, and then press Delete. ◆ Roving. Right-click (Win) or Control-click (Mac) the tween span or an individual control point in a Motion Editor graph, and then click Roving to toggle on and off. 2 1 1 Path 2 Subselection tool Selection tool Free Transform tool From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 250 Chapter 8 If you have a complex animation in the timeline that you want to con- vert into ActionScript 3.0 code, you can use the Copy Motion as ActionScript 3.0 command to get the job done. When you use the com- mand, Flash copies the properties that define the motion tween on the timeline and writes the ActionScript 3.0 code for you to apply to a sym- bol. You can apply the code as timeline code or in class files for the Flash document file. Copying Motion as ActionScript Copy Motion as ActionScript 3.0 Create the animation using a symbol on the timeline in a layer that you want to copy as ActionScript 3.0 code. Create a new layer. Create a new symbol or drag another instance of your existing symbol on the Stage. Select the entire animation that you want to copy on the animation layer of the timeline. Click the first frame, press Shift, and then click the last frame. Right-click (Win) or Control-click (Mac) the animation, and then click Copy Motion as ActionScript 3.0. Type an instance name to use in the ActionScript code. Enter the instance name of the instance that you want to apply the ActionScript code to. Select your second instance that you added to layer 2 (from Step 2), and type the instance name you entered into the Properties panel. Create a new layer (for the ActionScript), and select the first frame of that layer. Open the Actions panel and paste the code into the Script pane. Before you test the animation, make sure layer 2 has the same number of frames as the animation layer. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 42 8 3 5 9 Pasted ActionScript 3.0 code 6 From the Library of Wow! eBook . ptg 246 Chapter 8 Wondering where Timeline Effects have gone in Flash. They are now a part of the Motion Editor. You can add many Timeline Effects by using. sym- bol. You can apply the code as timeline code or in class files for the Flash document file. Copying Motion as ActionScript Copy Motion as ActionScript