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(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) phương pháp dạy từ vựng tiếng anh 7 đạt hiệu quả

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TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                       Contents page A. Introduction I. The reason for choosing topic II. Research purposes III. Subjects Research.  IV. Research methodology B.  Content  2 I. Advantages, disadvantages and the need of the subject 1. Advantages 2. Disadvantages 3. The need of the subject 3 a. Rationale b. Practical basis II.Situation issues before applying experience initiative III. Some tips on teaching vocabulary 4 1. Presenting a new word 2.Practice the use of the word 3.Wordgames 4. Expansion of vocabulary for students 13 16 IV. Experiment a lesson 18 V. The effectiveness of the experience initiative C. Conclusion I. Conclusion 21 22 22 II. Recommendations and suggestions.     23 The references 23 A INTRODUCTION I The reason for choosing topic   Our country is in the development stage, taking the knowledge economy as the foundation for the development of education and training is considered the first national policy and improving the quality of teaching and learning in order to complete the training human resources for industrialization and modernization of the country. To survive and developers to build and protect the country to keep up   with   developed   countries   requires   us   to   grasp   the   most   advanced achievements apart to put the country of Vietnam became a thriving civilization Besides English is a language used to communicate popular worldwide so that today the teaching and learning of English in the school has made major changes in the content and methods teaching, to match the objectives and requirements set   out   for   the   education   department   in   the  reform   program   The   most   basic views on the new method is to promote a positive, proactive students and create optimal conditions for their development and practice their language skills and communication purposes, not is the supply of plain language knowledge.         As a teacher of English in secondary school, I always think about how to achieve quality teaching and high effeciency . To do get it, ask the teacher to apply   the   procedure   in   all   forms   of   diversity,   abundance,   making   foreign language   classes   lively,   charismatic,   compelling   them   to   help   the   get   you promote capacity towards the end of "I am the organizer, student self-guided, self- control in class."  Although instructional time is not long, but through their own experience with the reference material, I realized: "To help students tobe cofident in their studies, teacher has to improve their abilities to use word. To achieve this, I think that providing ways to learn words is very important". Through real-time application in secondary school , I have achieved certain effects get. That's why I choose the topic "Some tips on teaching English vocabularies in grade effectively " II Research purposes: - To encourage students to use English in class, not using native - To help students to be confident in English - To investigate the difficulties of using “Classroom Language” of secondary  school students III Subjects Research:    Some tips on teaching  English vocabularies in grade 7  effectively IV Research methods: 1.Observation method 2. Research methodology and practice 3. Intergrated method.  B Content I Advantages, disadvantages and the need of the subject: Advantages: - In English courses   applied in recent years. So some students feel excited, or favorite subjects are new to this, so every class, most students are very positive -   The   concerns   of   the   Board   of   Management   to   help   the   school,   peers   and siblings preceded created conditions for teaching and learning English is better There   are   sufficient   textbooks   and   equipments   such   as   tapes,   disc,   speakers, projectors serve for teaching and learning Disadvantages:                                                                                                                                 According to the current distribution programs in English Secondary,there are 3 periods   per   week   Besides,   the   students   here   live   in   bad   conditions   and circumstances, parents do not understand the importance of English subjects, so they should not be interested and urge them to study this subject. In addition, the development of all aspects is limited, conditions for students to be exposed to the mass media, entertainment programs use less English. Leading to the possibility of their communication is limited, let alone communicate in English   To the students, besides a number of children seriously, there are many students only learn through the speakers, not to inculcate the lessons in mind, reading, writing   regularly,   not   interested   lesson,   until   the   teacher   asks   them     not   to succeed   For the teacher, it is also very difficult to check or guide them to learn at home because the foreign language isnot popular. This is a very difficult problem in managing the student's home  The need of the subject: a Rationale:  Education Act 2005 (Article 5) stipulates that "educational methods to promote a positive, self-discipline, initiative and creative thinking of students, training for self-study learning capacity, the ability to practice, passion for learning and will rise. " With   the   goal   of   universal   education   is   "Helping   students   develop   a comprehensive moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and basic skills, develop personal power, dynamism and creativity, image the human personality Socialist Vietnam, build and responsibilities as citizens, to prepare students for further education or go into working life, participate in the construction and defense of the homeland ". General education program attached to Decision No. 16/2006 / QD   -   05/05/2006   Ministry   of   Education   and   Training   of   the   Minister   of Education and Training has also stated: "It promotes the positive, self-discipline, initiative   and   creativity   of   the   students,   in   accordance   with   specific   subjects, objects student characteristics and conditions of each class, students foster selflearning   method,   the   possibility   of   cooperation,   skill   Games   knowledge   into practical, emotional impact, bring joy, excitement and responsibility for student learning b Practical basis:    As you know, for many years now almost all students in Viet Nam has not only aimed  at passing  their  exams and  getting  some  further  studies  for  their future life,   but  also   they   have   had  a  desire  to  be   integrated  into  the  culture,  the civilization, and the people  of  English  speaking  countries.  Many  students  are not confident  to  speak and express their English  in  class whereas most of the English  lessons   are  carried   out  in  traditional  methods.  That  is,  the   teacher presents new words verbally, and then students listen and repeat. Finally, teacher call   some   good   students   to   read   before   class.This   method   doesnot   limit   the number of words.  As  a  consequence, the  students  find  it  hard  to  remember  as well as to communicate in the real life naturally                                                                                                                               II Situation issues before applying experience initiative     For a long time, teachers become familiar with traditional thinking.It is  very difficult to change their mind. As you all know, English is now a global professional language . English is used in every corner all over the world. With the importance of learning languages, especially English, considering teaching English widely in schools is one of a main subjects to develop students' abilities In  teaching   English,   teaching   vocabularies  is   a   vitally   process   in   all   lessons Having   rich   vocabularies   helps   students   develop   all   four   skills   -   listening, speaking, reading, and writing. However, infact, almost students are very lazy to learn words. They arenot able to remember the words that they learnt. Others can't find out suitable ways to learn words, so they donot remember both the meaning ang using of the words.          Through   teaching   English,   the   hours   of   colleagues,   professional   training courses, I draw out for myself the method of teaching vocabulary effectively III Some tips on teaching vocabulary Presenting a new words 1.1.Eliciting the words.               Open-mindedness is an important step in teaching new words Teacher can use many different techniques to elicit such as: a Visuals : use pictures,map, chart, diagram, Ex :  cushion (n) : tấm đệm gối Teacher shows the picture and ask: “What’s this ?” Students look at the picture and answer: It’s a cushion b Mime : perform in actions + Facial expression + Guesture + Body action Ex: slice (v): thái miếng  Teacher do an action and ask : “ What am I doing ?”                                                                                                                               c Realia : use real things teacher brings  clock , chair , telephone, an apple, flowers………. Into the class ) Ex: apple (n):  Teacher points the envelope and ask : “ What’s this ?”  d Situation / Explanation : Teacher use real situation Ex : invent (v):  Teacher ask: Who is Thomas Edinson?                    - He invented the elictric bulb e Examples :  Give examples Ex: disease (n) Teacher tells names of some diseases such as headache, toothache, broken heart, lung cancer, These are diseases f Synoyms / antonyms :  Ex : bad # good , quick # slow          sick = ill g Translation: Use this way to present abstract words  Teacher: How do you say “phát minh” in English?  Student : invent (v) 1.2 Modelling : Teacher reads word loudly and clearly Ex:  “ Listen to me , disease disease disease ” * Choral repetition : Students repeat word which teacher has read Ex  :           T : “ Class, listen and repeat          SS : disease T : Again, please !          SS : disease ( 3 times )” * Individual repetition :  Ex:           T: Nam, again          Nam : disease          T : Long          Long : disease    1.3 Checking pronunciation: Check students' pronunciation.                                                                                                                                Ex:             Long : “disease”          T : No, listen to me “ Disease / z/ not /s/”           Long : “ disease” 1.4 Copying, checking meaning: Teacher writes the word on the board and ask students copy down on their notebooks Ex :            T : Copy this, please! “ disease” in Vietnamese ?          SS : căn bệnh 1.5 Checking stress, form, use Ex:         T : “ disease / ‘dizi:z/  or  disease / di’zi:z/”         SS : disease /di’zi:z/         T : noun or verb ?          SS : noun 1.6 Checking understanding:     After presenting new words, teacher is able to use some techniques to check students' understanding a Rub out and remember  :  After students write new words, teacher asks them to close their notebooks + Delete some English words, point to Vietnamese meaning and ask: “ What’s this in English ?” + Ask students to write English words on the board Ex: (n) : máy khâu (v) : khâu vá (v) : thử b Slap the board :  + T elicits and write all words on the board ( may use Vietnamese or pictures) + Call two teams + Teacher reads, students slap the board + Student who slaps first gets a point. Team that has more points is the winner.  Ex : Physical    education Music Geography Physics Biology Chemistry c What and where :                                                                                                                               + The teacher prompts and repeats the learned words + Write the words on the board and circle them + After writing all new words, teacher deletes the words and leaves the circles + Teacher points to each circle on the board + Students repeat and remember the position of each word + Teacher put student up on the board and fill in the correct word Ex :   map    use how to use     last be interested in computer science d Matching : Ex : Matching: a sandwich fried rice a bowl of noodles c ice cream cake d b e e.Bingo : + Teacher asks syudents to write six new words on a piece of paper + Teacher reads some words If it matches with your words, students mark the piece of paper                                                                                                                               + Students who mark six words will shout "Bingo" and is the winner f Pelmanism:  This technique may be used to teach verb infinitive, past or past participles, synonyms and antonyms                                                                                                                               Ex :       1               2               3               4                   5                     6   go have talk visit buy        be went had talked visted bought was / were d      7                8              9                10                 11                   12 g Ordering Vocabulary: After introducing the new words, the teacher reads a paragraph containing the new words, but not in the correct order on the board Students listeb and number 1, 2, 3  on the words that they hear       Some above techniques are able to apply for all students. They can remember both words and the meaning of words 2. Practice the use of the word.     In   class,   teacher   usually   has   no   private   lesson   to   practice   using   words However, vocabularies can be practiced in grammar period, reading, listening, further practice, warm-up and speaking. For example, in grammar lesson, the teacher   guides   students   how   to   use   words   through   grammar   structure,   using adjectives and adverbs. (Unit 13: Period 81. A3,5. Sports)          He is a  good  soccer player. He plays soccer  well                                     bad                                                      badly                        careful                                                carefully                         skillful                                                skillfully                        quick                                                   quickly         Or let students substitutes the elements of the sentence in his or her language to form a maeningfull sentence Ex : I’d like to buy some stamps and envelopes     S1: I’d like to buy a phone card     S2: I’d like to buy some meat                                                       a Odd one out:   Literature - author, writing, paintings, stories   History - basketball games, famous people, world events, important days   Science - experiments, meter, preposition, temperature   English - words, verbs, England, pronouns                                    b Matching: Match the verbs to the correct phrases                    Play                    an essay                    Use                     the refrigerator                    Do                       the guitar                    Repair                 experiments                    Write                   a computer                                        c Gap - fill:  + Ex1: Add the mising verbs to complete the recipe                                                                                                                                  (1) Slice the beef    (2) . the green pepper and onions   ( slice )    (3) the pan                                    ( heat )    (4) the beef                                   ( stir - fry )    (5) some soy sauce to the dish      ( add )    (6) rice                                          ( cook )    (7) salt to the the spinach              ( add)                              + Ex2 : Use the words given to complete the following sentences medical    records     temperature    waiting room    scales     weighed    (1) Your . is 37 degree celsius    (2) They filled in their medical    (3) The students are having a  check - up    (4) I’d like to weigh you. Would you stand on the , please ?    (5) We are sitting in the   to wait for the doctor    (6) I’m 40 kilos. The nurse   me.                               Answer key :     (1) temperature              (2) records                         (3) medical     (4) scales                       (5) waiting room                (6) weighed + Ex3 : Fill in the gaps with correct letters    (1) h- - rd- e- - er               ( hairdresser )    (2) dr- - sm- k- r                 ( dressmaker )    (3) h- bb-                           ( hobby )    (4) c- sh- - n                      ( cushion )    (5) m- ter- - l                     ( material )                                             d Sentence making :  Ex :  Make sentences using these following phrases      - play basketball     ( I like  playing  basketball  )      -  some coffee         ( Would you like some coffee ? )      -  go to the beach    ( Let’s go to the beach )       - go shopping          ( I usually go shopping with my mother on Sunday )      - listen to music      (  What about listening to music ? ) e.Multiple choice : Ex :      (1) What’s your ( height / kilos / weight ) ?  - I’m 40 kilos      (2) The medicines can relieve the ( symptoms / fever / temperature )      (3) The common cold is a common ( sickness / disease / pain )      (4) He got a ( note / paper / form ) from the doctor      (5) What was ( problem / matter / wrong ) with her ?                       f Story, text, picture retelling: After reading or listening a text, a story, the teacher asks students to retell by their own language or use pictures to retell that story                                                                                                                               10 Ex : Part A2 ( P 87 - Unit ), teacher asks students to retell the Robinson's trip to Nha Trang based on pictures on page 88 This exercise helps students revise the words as well as the meaning of words g Grouping:  The teacher writes a list of about twenty words and then asks students to group words with different topics Ex : Put these words into 2 groups :  sports and diseases baseball,   roller   -   skating,   temperature,   roller   -   blading,   symtoms,   headache, badminton,   swimming,   tennis,   stomachache,   toothache,   basketball,   common cold, skateboarding, volleyball,                                            Sports                                                            Diseases                                                                                                                               11 baseball, roller – skating, tennis                temperature, symptoms, headache, roller – blading, badminton, swimming    stomachache, toothache, common cold basketball, skateboarding, volleyball h Arrangement : Ask students to arrange the words into the sentence Ex :    (1)  visit / should/ You / grandmother/ your (2) dinner / fish / we / have/ for / lunch / our / and / often (3)  very / are / good / your / for / health/ vegetables (4)  chicken / likes / and / does / so / Mai / Hoa (5)  in / vacation / starts / June  / Our / months / for/ lasts / and / three + Answer key :      (1) You should visit your grandmother      (2) We often have fish for our lunch and dinner      (3) Vegetables are very good for your health      (4) Mai likes chicken and so does Hoa      (5) Our vacation starts in June and lasts for three months Wordgames : Get students have fun with the lesson and avoid stress, the teacher should apply some games in section Warm-up or at the end of the lesson in order to help them have more chance to practice words and urge their learning spirit a Bingo b.Kim’s Game: Ex: Show the pictures Teacher asks students to write the activities in the pictures - Activities: read, listen to music, skip rope, watch TV, play soccer, play video games, play badminton c Jumbled words : Ex:            athm    ( math )                                                                                                                               12                    ishryto    ( history )                    phygeogra    ( geography )                    sicalphy ucaedtion     ( physical education )  d Crossword puzzle: Ex : “ At the post office” -Unit e Wordsquare: R T T F S L I N R O P O H L I I F S H E V E I G Q S G I V E W C N M U T A T B A A L K V P E S K A T I E O S I N G P O C T A L K A Z I M E H D N S Z J E O O U J Q A P V T K S T O P            give, sing, talk, stop             wait, clean, think, listen, sit, eat                                                                                                                               13 f Shark attact / Hang man : Ex :           It is the name of thing in the house - - - - - - - - - - ( Television )             - - - - - - - - -        ( Telephone ) Expansion of vocabulary for students a.Related words Ex: Some words relate to “cook”, : bake                                    stir - fry                      fry   cook                       steam                                                   stew                                                                   boil                                                                                                                   roast                                                                                                            grill                                                                                                                                                                                 14 b Theme words Ex: Sickness temperature                                                                                         flu                                  runny nose                     common cold            Sickness                  fever                                                                           toothache s                             stomachache                           headache                                                         cough                                       c.Synonyms and Antonyms Ex:                    careful  #     careless                    quick    #    slow                    bad       #    good d Prefixes and suffixes Ex:  -Prefix: tell - retell ( TiÒn tố re, mang nghĩa ngợc lại ) - undo - Suffix : quick - quickly ( Adj + ly = Adv ) work - worker ( V + er = N tác nhân ) e Compound words Ex: ten - minute break number + N = Adj f Game “ building house ” Ex: - Teacher give the word “ good”, ends “ d” Students find word that starts with "d" and continue                                              good                                              desk                                              key                                              year                                                                                                                                                                       15 IV.Experiment a lesson Unit 9: At Home And Away Period 56: A2,3.A holiday in Nha Trang (page 87, 88) A Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Knowledge             -tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium -answer the questions and retell the story in summary base on the given  picture.  Skills - interactive skills Attitudes - like to retell  about one’s trip Competences - co- operation - self- study - use the pictures to retell a story  B Language content & preparation            1. Language content * Vocabulary: shark,dolphin,exit * Grammar: The past simple tense 2. Preparation * Teacher: Textbook, workbook, teaching plan * Students: Textbook, workbook C Procedures Teacher's & students' activities Contents I WARM UP: (5'):Kim’s Game * Methods and techniques: Kim’s games Kim’s   game:   parents,   wall, stall,   aquarium,   different, * Competences: flash remembering souvenir, picture, bought  T presents some words on the board,  then  erase them, ask Ss to rewrite - Ss skim the words given and rewrite them  without looking back   -The Ss rewrite more right words s the winner II KNOWLEDGE FORMING (15')  1.New words                                                                                                                               16 * Methods and techniques: TWc/individual- guessing/transtation/realia/What and where  *   Competences:   memory   words  ,  meanings and pronunciation - Teacher elicits the words from students - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab -Checking  : What and where  *Check : Matching : - Methods and techniques: TWc/individualmatching  - T asks  One student goes to the board and  match  the others correct  I.New words shark(n) : cá mập                     dolphin (n)  :  cá heo  turtle     (n)  :  con rùa biển exit       (n)   : lối ra      type      (n) :   loại cap       (n)  :  mũ lưỡi trai  poster   (n)  :  tấm áp phích crab      (n) : con  cua *Matching : shark                con rùa biển dolphin            cá mập  turtle               mũ lưỡi trai exit                  tấm áp phích     type                  lối ra cap                    con cua poster               loại            crab                  lối ra 2.T or F prediction * Methods and techniques:individual/groups-  II.T or F prediction Prediction  * Competences: Work out a. The Robinsons went to TN  Ask Ss to discuss in groups  Call on some groups to give their predictions aquarium  b. They saw many different  types of fish  c. Liz bought a little turtle  d. They had lunch at a food stall III PRACTICE (18') e. Liz ate fish and crab  1.Listen and read:   *Methods and techniques: flash lighting III Practice * Competences:  checking and remarking  Check T/F Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the  Answers: tape then check their predictions  a. T      b. T    c. F      d. T         Call some Ss to give the answers  e. F  Correct and give the correct answer  2.Answer the questions: (p.88) * Methods and techniques: Asking and  2.Answer the questions: answering (p.88) * Competences: read for details a/ Her parents ? Run through the questions         b/ They saw sharks, dolphins, - Make sure students understand them turtles   an         and   many   different ? First, answer the questions without reading types of fish                                                                                                                                17 the text again              c/ They bought a cap and a ? Exchange your answer with your partner poster -Have Ss work in pairs  d/ Yes, she did. Liz wore a cap -Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front  all day.  of the class  e/ Yes,They ate fish and crab -Correct and give the correct answers : f/   Because   She   remember   the beatiful fish in the Aquarium 3.Re-telling the story: * Methods and techniques: story, text, 3.Re-telling the story answers: picture retelling * Competences: remind the main points of the 1. The Robinson family went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium story 2. They saw many type of  - guide Ss to retell the trip of the Robinson different fish 3. they went to a souvenir shop  base on the pictures p.88 4. Mrs Robinson bought a  - let them do in groups  poster and Mr Robinson bought - goes around and help them to practise cap with a picture of  a dolphin  - call some S to retell and give feedback  on it 5. They had lunch at a foodstall Mr and Mrs Robinson ate sea  food, but Liz didn't. She ate  noodles instead * Speaking: My memorial trip IV APPLICATION (5'): * Methods and techniques: real story /self experience * Competences: creation ,transformation *Speaking - ask some ss to retell their trip last summer 8.Homework: using the past simple -   learning   by   heart   the   new - give marks words - writing your trip last vacation V WIDENING KNOWLEDGE (2') in notebooks - learning by heart 10 verbs in - learning by heart the new words - writing your trip last vacation in notebooks the past tense - learning by heart 10 verbs in the past tense - doing the ex 1,2,3 in A in  notebooks - doing the ex 1,2,3 in  part A in notebooks V The effectiveness of the experience initiative:                                                                                                                               18      Class empirical method is to apply innovative tips on all bring better results than the class teacher by pointing to all the usual forms: Check oldest treatment homework      Applying these tips in all forms has attracted the interest of students, creating the  need   to   communicate,   encourage   students   to   think   about   the  content   and theme of the lesson. In addition, we also help them review the old knowledge, promoting   positive,   active   learners,   providing   superior   results   However, teachers need to apply all the tricks in a flexible manner, in accordance with each student objects, each specific lessons, to achieve the highest results    Applying initiative to teach in the other classes, I see very passionate students who are interested in new lesson and bring better results than the normal lessons After a period of application "Some tips on teaching English vocabularies in grade 7 effectively", I realize that most students are able to read along text and some weak students can pronuonce correctly    In addition to all the students in a lively students are always proactive, explore, diligent in learning English, learning of the children had improved significantly Most of them are interested in learning English. Besides that: - Students are more and more excited to eaach period - The lessons become more lively and vivid - Students can understand right content at the class lessons - Calculate the initiative and creativity of the children increased significantly - Weak students can use words to make simple sentences Number of Make Translate into students 75 sentences 60 Vietnames 55 Translate into English 50 C Conclusion I Conclusion:      By   doing   this   subject   I   understand   more   about   the   effectiveness   of   the application of the procedure in all of the subjects taught in English. Through direct research and teaching program in grade 7, I noticed that the procedure works in all not just for fun, color and contrast as you like, but they should be recognized as the work is indispensable for each lesson. We must know tips on choosing an appropriate post that method it will determine largely the result of the lesson     From the practical teaching, I have explored and improved teaching methods only practical significance when applied to specific hours of coursework. The teachers need to grasp that he is taught how to use the tips on how to fit all, to                                                                                                                               19 put the question to them to help them review the knowledge learned in prior to applying to all new posts        Through the study of the procedure in all. I see the importance of it in the teaching   of   Foreign   Languages  in   general   and   English   in   particular   subjects, which directly affects the quality of teaching hours. I believe that if you continue to experience this initiative seriously, through the process of teaching, the quality of learning in the English department will get better results        With the experience of years of teaching experience in secondary school, I was raised on experiences and thoughts on one aspect has been used a lot in the teaching of English . Come here I also wish colleagues to read and contribute additional ideas useful and valuable to this topic more complete Through teaching, I have learned some small experiences in teaching yourself the following: In the teaching process there will be very difficult for both teachers and students because   of   reasons:   difficulty   concentrating   students   seriously   by   the   actors around or is not liked by the school. However, teachers need to calmly handle the situation a logical way and best to avoid stressful for lessons. For this, I have learned   a   number   of   principles   to   ensure   more   effective   learning,   in   which teachers and students need to make a positive way:  - Prepare lesson carefully before class  - Distribute the time of lesson to fit and balance - Teachers and students should be active in each task as well as in each part of the lesson  - Teachers should have good visibility of students in the class  - Encourage students to learn actively in the learning process. Even if they  read uncorrectly   or   give   wrong   answers,   the   teacher   should   actively   encourage children not to lose confidence  - Check out all of the students through each lesson in practice  - Instruct students learning at home  - Students should prepare carefully before class II.Recommendations and suggestions:           Above is the idea of personal experience I apply for English teaching more effective for students in junior high school. Over the years, my work has used the method to enhance the acquisition of knowledge of students. I hope that this article can contribute a small part of the effort to innovate teaching methods of English   in   secondary   schools   From   the   practical   difficulties   in   terms   of teaching,   time   to   write   initiatives   are   tight   and   not   much   experience   in   this                                                                                                                               20 article should not avoid these errors. I look forward to the feedback from the scientific council of the school, peers for this article is to further improve the practicality and higher I sincerely thank you! CONFIRMATION OF THE HEADMASTER Tho Xuan, May 2018 I declare this is the first initiative that experience I write, do not copy someone else’s REFERENCES                                                                                                                               21 1.  Books designed to teach mind maps - studying English - Vietnam Education Publishing House 2.  Book English teachers 7 -  Education Publisher – year 2004 3.  Book Design Lectures English 7 - Volume I, II – Chu Quang Binh - Hanoi Publishing House – year 2004 4.  English 7 Nguyen Hanh Dung (Ed) – Education Publisher 5. Play games with English - National University Publisher 5.  Scrapbooking Exercise English 7  - Education Publisher – year 2004     Some   issues   of   innovative   approaches   to   teaching   in   secondary   school English courses - Ministry of Education and Training – year 2004     Training   materials   "Teaching   and   examination   standard   assessment   of knowledge,   skills   in   the   general   education   program   in   English   secondary education subjects - year 2010" by the Ministry of Education and Training ppendix                                                                                                                               22 Before                                                                                                                               23 After efore After                                                                                                                               24                                                                                                                               25 ... 2.  Book English teachers? ?7? ?-  Education Publisher – year 2004 3.  Book Design Lectures English? ?7? ?- Volume I, II – Chu Quang Binh - Hanoi Publishing House – year 2004 4.  English? ?7? ?Nguyen Hanh Dung (Ed) – Education Publisher...       1               2               3               4                   5                     6   go have talk visit buy        be went had talked visted bought was / were d     ? ?7? ?               8              9                10                 11                   12 g Ordering... some soy sauce to the dish      ( add )    (6) rice                                          ( cook )     (7) salt to the the spinach              ( add)                              + Ex2 : Use the words given to complete the following sentences

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Mục lục

    Unit 9: At Home And Away

    -tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium

    B. Language content & preparation

    Teacher's & students' activities

    I sincerely thank you!


