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Development of new finite elements based on consecutive interpolation for 2d and 3d thermal mechanical problems

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NGUYỄN NGỌC MINH DEVELOPMENT OF NEW FINITE ELEMENTS BASED ON CONSECUTIVE-INTERPOLATION FOR 2D AND 3D THERMAL-MECHANICAL PROBLEMS Major: Engineering Mechanics (Cơ kỹ thuật) Codes: 62520101 Independent Examiner 1: Associate Prof Dr NGUYỄN VĂN HIẾU Independent Examiner 2: Associate Prof Dr NGUYỄN QUỐC HƯNG Examiner 1: Dr TRỊNH ANH NGỌC Examiner 2: Associate Prof Dr CHÂU ĐÌNH THÀNH Examiner 3: Associate Prof Dr LƯƠNG VĂN HẢI SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISORS: Assoc Prof Dr TRƯƠNG TÍCH THIỆN Assoc Prof Dr BÙI QUỐC TÍNH LỜI CAM ĐOAN / DECLARATION Tác giả xin cam đoan cơng trình nghiên cứu thân tác giả Các kết nghiên cứu kết luận luận án trung thực, không chép từ nguồn hình thức Việc tham khảo nguồn tài liệu (nếu có) thực trích dẫn ghi nguồn tài liệu tham khảo quy định This doctoral dissertation is the outcome of my original research, conducted at the Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology, VNU – HCM, Viet Nam I declare that this document is my own work and has not submitted for any other degree or qualification except as specified All the references are cited in the document Tác giả luận án / Author Chữ ký / Signature i TÓM TẮT LUẬN ÁN Luận án trình bày nhóm phần tử hữu hạn dựa tích hợp kỹ thuật nội suy liên tiếp vào phương pháp phần tử hữu hạn truyền thống Với kỹ thuật này, không giá trị nút mà giá trị đạo hàm trung bình nút sử dụng trình xấp xỉ Nhờ trường đạo hàm thu từ nhóm phần tử hữu hạn trường liên tục, thay bất liên tục nút (khơng hợp lý mặt vật lý) phương pháp truyền thống Sự cải thiện tính liên tục mang đến độ xác cao lời giải xấp xỉ Tuy nhiên khác với phương pháp có độ liên tục bậc cao hành phương pháp Đẳng hình học hay phương pháp không lưới, phương pháp phần tử hữu hạn nội suy liên tiếp trì thuộc tính Kronecker quan trọng tính tốn số Thêm vào đó, phương pháp đề xuất sử dụng lưới phần tử với phương pháp phần tử hữu hạn truyền thống không làm tăng số lượng bậc tự Kỹ thuật nội suy liên tiếp ban đầu giới thiệu riêng lẻ cho phần tử tam giác nút phần tử tứ giác nút áp dụng với tốn đàn hồi tuyến tính hai chiều Trong luận án này, phương pháp hệ thống hóa phát triển nâng cao để tạo nhóm phần tử hữu hạn phù hợp với nhiều miền toán từ chiều đến ba chiều, áp dụng để phân tích tốn tương tác cơ-nhiệt Phương pháp đề xuất tiếp tục mở rộng để khảo sát ứng xử miền chứa dạng bất liên tục vết nứt, với vật liệu đẳng hướng vật liệu trực hướng ii ABSTRACT This dissertation presents a new group of finite elements based on the integration of consecutive-interpolation procedure into the traditional Finite Element Method With this technique, not only the nodal values but also the averaged nodal gradients are included in approximation process As a result, the gradient fields obtained by the new group of finite elements are smooth, unlike the fields which are (non-physically) discontinuous at nodes delivered by traditional Finite Element Method The improvement on continuity results in higher accuracy of approximated solution as well On the other hand, unlike the other higher-order methods such as the Isogeometric Analysis and the Meshfree methods, the novel Consecutive-interpolation Finite Element Method possesses the important Kronecker-delta property Furthermore, the proposed method employs the same discretization mesh with the traditional Finite Element Method and does not increase the number of degrees of freedom The consecutive-interpolation procedure was initially introduced separately for the 3node triangular element and the 4-node quadrilateral element to be used in analysis of two-dimensional linear elastic problems In this dissertation, the method is further developed to form a new class of finite elements which is suitable for domains from 1D to 3D The new group of finite elements (being integrated with consecutive-interpolation procedure) is applied to analyze the thermo-mechanical problems The proposed method is also extended to study behaviors of bodies containing discontinuities such as cracks, for both isotropic and orthotropic materials iii CONTENTS LỜI CAM ĐOAN / DECLARATION .i TÓM TẮT LUẬN ÁN ii ABSTRACT iii CONTENTS iv LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES xii NOMENCLATURE xiii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION Heat transfer and thermo-mechanical problems Finite element method (FEM) and its issues Trends in development of numerical methods Original contributions of the dissertation Scientific and practical meaning of the contributions by the dissertation Methodology Scope of the dissertation Outline of the dissertation CHAPTER LINEAR THERMO-ELASTIC PROBLEMS 11 Formulation 11 Discrete form 13 Time integration scheme 15 2.3.1 Backward Euler scheme 15 2.3.2 Newmark scheme 16 CHAPTER CONSECUTIVE-INTERPOLATION PROCEDURE FOR 1D AND 2D PROBLEMS 17 Issue of non-physically discontinuous nodal gradient in Finite Element Method (FEM): An example of two-node bar element (L2 element) 17 The consecutive-interpolation procedure (CIP) for two-node bar element: CL2 element 19 3.2.1 Calculation of CIP-based shape functions 21 3.2.2 First order derivative of CIP-based shape functions 23 3.2.3 Modification to retain the C0-continuity 24 iv 3.2.4 Numerical example 25 The consecutive-interpolation procedure (CIP) for three-node triangular element (CT3) and four-node quadrilateral element (CQ4) 27 3.3.1 CIP-enhanced formulation for 2D domain 27 3.3.2 The CT3 element 28 3.3.3 The CQ4 element 28 3.3.4 Numerical examples 31 Conclusion .37 CHAPTER TWO-DIMENSIONAL DYNAMIC AND QUASI-STATIC THERMOELASTIC FRACTURE PROBLEMS IN ISOTROPIC MATERIALS .38 Introduction 38 Numerical modeling of cracks 39 The extended consecutive-interpolation four-node quadrilateral element (XCQ4) 40 4.3.1 Enriched formulation for displacement field 41 4.3.2 Enriched formulation for temperature field 43 Computation of (dynamic) stress intensity factors (DSIFs) for thermo-elastic fracture problems .45 Crack growth modeling 48 Numerical results and discussion .49 4.6.1 Edge crack under constant flux (mode-I) 49 4.6.2 Static SIFs analysis: Square plate with a center crack 55 4.6.3 Static SIFs analysis: Rectangular plate with a slant center crack (mixed mode) 59 4.6.4 Quasi-static crack propagation simulation of a slant edge crack in a cruciform panel 63 4.6.5 Dynamic SIFs analysis: Edge crack under quasi-static thermal shock .66 4.6.6 Dynamic SIFs analysis: Center crack under quasi-static thermal shock 68 4.6.7 Dynamic SIFs analysis: Curved crack under dynamic thermal shock 70 Conclusion .76 CHAPTER TWO-DIMENSIONAL QUASI-STATIC THERMO-ELASTIC FRACTURE PROBLEMS IN ORTHOTROPIC MATERIALS 78 Introduction 78 v Formulation of XCQ4 element for linear thermo-elastic fracture problems in orthotropic media .79 5.2.1 The characteristic equation of an arbitrary orthotropic material 80 5.2.2 Enriched formulation for displacement 81 5.2.3 Enriched formulation for temperature 83 Evaluation of SIFs by Interaction integral 83 Crack growth modeling 84 Numerical examples 86 5.5.1 Static SIFs analysis: Single edge notched specimen under mechanical tensile load .86 5.5.2 Static SIFs analysis: Rectangular epoxy/glass plate with a horizontal edge crack under constant flux 89 5.5.3 Static SIFs analysis: Rectangular epoxy/glass plate with a slant center crack 92 5.5.4 Static SIFs analysis: An anisotropic square plate with two parallel isothermal cracks 94 5.5.5 Quasi static crack propagation in an anisotropic cracked disc 97 5.5.6 Quasi static crack propagation of an edge crack in a rectangular plate under constant flux 100 5.5.7 Quasi static crack propagation in a perforated panel with a circular hole under constant heat flux .102 Conclusions 106 CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT OF 3D CIP-BASED FINITE ELEMENTS .107 Generalized formulation to determine auxiliary functions 107 CIP-enhanced FEM for 3D linear heat transfer problems .110 6.2.1 Steady-state heat convection in a 3D complicated domain 110 6.2.2 Transient heat transfer in a plate with cylindrical hole 113 CIP-enhanced FEM for 3D linear elastic problems .116 6.3.1 Static analysis of a cantilever beam with T-shaped cross-section 116 6.3.2 Free vibration analysis of a hollow cylinder 120 6.3.3 Free vibration analysis of a composite sandwich beam 122 Conclusions 124 CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOKS 125 vi Conclusions 125 7.1.1 XCQ4 element for analysis of linear thermo-elastic fracture problems 125 7.1.2 General formulation of CIP-enhanced elements .126 Outlooks 127 PUBLICATIONS 128 BIBLIOGRAPHY .129 APPENDIX A 140 APPENDIX B 144 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Thermal crack in an asphalt pavement [7] Figure 1.2 Illustration of a finite element mesh for a two-dimensional heat transfer problem Figure 1.3 Convergence of thermal energy corresponding to mesh size Figure 3.1 Illustration of a two-node bar element (L2) in global system of coordinates (left) and in natural coordinates (right) 17 Figure 3.2 A one-dimensional domain being discretized by two L2 elements 18 Figure 3.3 Shape function associated with node (global) of the Example provided in Figure 3.2, computed by traditional FEM and by CIP-enhanced FEM 22 Figure 3.4 CIP-based shape functions R1, R2 and R3 associated with the nodes given in Figure 3.2 23 Figure 3.5 First-order derivative of the shape functions associated with node of the Example given in Figure 3.2, computed by traditional FEM and CIP-enhanced FEM .24 Figure 3.6 Example 3.2.4: Sketch of 1D bar subjected to body load The bar is uniformly discretized by eleements 25 Figure 3.7 Example 3.2.4: Comparison of stress calculated by standard FEM and the proposed CIP-enhanced FEM 26 Figure 3.8 Example 3.2.4: Convergence rate with respect to number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) of the standard linear FEM, quadratic FEM and CIP approach 27 Figure 3.9 Visualization of the shape function for a CQ4 element 29 Figure 3.10 Visualization of the first order derivative of shape function for a CQ4 element 29 Figure 3.11 Sketch of the CIP-enhanced four-node quadrilateral element (CQ4) in a 2D finite element mesh [42] 30 Figure 3.12 Example Cantilever beam being subject to parabolic shear load31 Figure 3.13 Example (a) The triangular mesh and (b) quadrilateral mesh at coarsest level 32 Figure 3.14 Example Convergence rate of elastic energy with respect to mesh size, presented in log-log scale 33 Figure 3.15 Example The field of normal stress component σxx computed by four types of element: CQ4, Q4, CT3 and T3 33 Figure 3.16 Example Quarter model of the thick cylinder pipe and boundary conditions 35 Figure 3.17 Example Temperature distribution in the cylinder pipe .36 Figure 3.18 Example Hoop stress distribution in the cylinder pipe .37 Figure 4.1 Signed distance function 42 Figure 4.2 The set of nodes enriched by Heaviside function (denoted by x symbol and the set of nodes enriched by branch functions (denoted by square symbol) 42 viii Figure 4.3 Level set functions 43 Figure 4.4 The interaction integral domain 46 Figure 4.5 The weighting function q(x) .46 Figure 4.6 Example 4.6.1: (a) Geometry and boundary conditions of a strip with an edge crack under constant flux and (b) its deformed shape obtained with XCQ4 elements 50 Figure 4.7 Example 4.6.1: Different interaction integral domain size selected to evaluate the interaction integral: (a) domain 1, (b) domain (2), (c) domain and (d) domain A mesh size of 25 x 49 elements is used for both XQ4 and XCQ4 .51 Figure 4.8 Example 4.6.1: Convergence of SIFs evaluated by XCQ4 and XQ4 elements with respect to number of nodes 53 Figure 4.9 Example 4.6.1: Distribution of temperature [oC] .54 Figure 4.10 Example 4.6.1: Stress component σxx [Pa] obtained by (a) XCQ4 element and (b) XQ4 element, showing in deformed shape 54 Figure 4.11 Example 4.6.2: A square plate with horizontal center crack under two sets of boundary conditions: (a) Adiabatic crack and (b) Isothermal crack 55 Figure 4.12 Example (a) Temperature [oC] and (b) y-component of heat flux [W/m2] 57 Figure 4.13 Example (a) Temperature [oC] and (b) y-component of heat flux [W/m2] 58 Figure 4.14 Example Geometry and boundary conditions 59 Figure 4.15 Example Normalized SIFs with respect to a/W at the inclined angle θ = 30o 60 Figure 4.16 Example Normalized SIFs with respect to crack angle θ, given a/W = 0.3 60 Figure 4.17 Example Geometry and boundary conditions 61 Figure 4.18 Example Normalized SIFs with respect to a/W at the inclined angle θ = 30o 62 Figure 4.19 Example Normalized SIFs with respect to crack angle θ, given a/W = 0.3 63 Figure 4.20 Example 4.6.4: Geometry and a typical mesh of a cruciform panel (AF = BE = HC = GD = 3L) 64 Figure 4.21 Example 4.6.4: Crack paths predicted for four loading cases reported in Table 4.5 by the present XCQ4 element These paths are comparable with those derived by other numerical methods available in literatures, e.g BEM [90], XEFG [76] and the meshfree multiscale method [89] 65 Figure 4.22 Example 4.6.4: Temperature [oC] distribution of the cruciform panel for (a) case and (b) case by 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   Nj Nk   N  i      N N m   J 1  i      N   i     N j  N j  N j  N k  N k  N k   N m    N m     N m       (A.2) where the derivatives of Lagrange shape functions with respect to natural coordinates are as follows   N  i    N  i    N  i     N j  N j  N j  N k  N k  N k     N m       1 0   N m     1 0 ,       1 0 1 N m            (A.3) and J is the Jacobian matrix, which is the derivative of physical coordinates with respect to natural coordinates 140    x    y J    z     x  y  z  x  y  z    x    y     z     (A.4) Using the isoparametric concept, the same approximation scheme is used for geometry and field variables, i.e     x      x =  y   N i    z          Nj  xi  xj  Nm  xk   x  m   Nk yi yj yk ym zi   zi   zk   zm     (A.5) Hence, the Jacobian matrix is calculated by   N  i    N J i    N  i     N j  N j  N j  N k  N k  N k   x N m   i    x j  N m    x    k N m   x m       yi yj yk ym zi     zi   x j  xi   zk   xk  xi   z m  x m  x i         z j zi   z k  z i  (A.6)  zm zi     y j  yi yk  yi ym  yi Now, the Kronecker-delta property of fucntion ϕi is proved, i.e ϕi (xp) = δip, in which xp is the nodal coordinates of any node p within the element, i.e p = i, j, k, m Substitute xp into Equation (6.5)     i ( x p )  N i ( x p )  N i2( x p ) 1( x p )  N i ( x p )  2( x p )  N i2( x p ) 141 (A.7) Due to the Kronecker-delta property of the Lagrange basis functions, i.e Ni (xp) = δip, one obtains i ( x p )  N i ( x p )  , if i  p and i ( x p )  N i ( x p )  , if i  p (A.8) The proof of Kronecker-delta property for 𝜙𝑗 , 𝜙𝑘 and 𝜙𝑚 is similar Next, the derivatives of ϕi with respect to the physical coordinates are proved to vanish at nodes, i.e ϕi,x (xp) = 0, ϕi,y (xp) = and ϕi,z (xp) = for p being the indices of any local node i, j, k and m Derivative of ϕi with respect to w-direction (w = x, y, z) is taken from Equation (6.5) as  i ,w  N i ,w  2N i N i ,w  1  N i   N i2 N j ,w  N k ,w  N m ,w      N i ,w 2  N i2  2N i N j N j ,w  N k N k ,w  N m N m ,w (A.9)  For p = i, Equation (A.9) becomes i ,w ( x i )  N i ,w ( x i )  N j ,w ( x i )  N k ,w ( x i )  N m ,w ( x i ) , (A.10) in which Hence: N i ,w  N i  N i  N i           w  w  w w w w (A.11) N j ,w  N j  N j  N j       w  w  w w (A.12) N k ,w  N k  N k  N k       w  w  w w (A.13) N m ,w  N m  N m  N m       w  w  w w (A.14) i ,w ( x i )   For p = j or p = k or p = m 142 (A.15) i ,w ( x p )  N i ,w ( x p )  N i ,w ( x p )  (A.16) Similarly, the rest of conditions in Equation (6.3) will be obtained straightforwardly 143 APPENDIX B Asymptotic displacements and stresses for pure mode I and pure mode II in isotropic materials [59] B.1 Pure mode I ux  KI r   cos     2sin2  2 2 2 2 uy  K II 2 r   sin     2cos2  2 2 2 (B.1) (B.2)   3  cos   sin sin  2 2 2 r (B.3)   3 sin cos cos 2 2 r (B.4)   3  cos   sin sin  2 2 2 r (B.5)  xx  KI  xy  KI  yy  KI B.2 Pure mode II r   cos     2cos2  2 2 2 ux  K II 2 uy  K II r   sin     2sin2  2 2 2 2  xx    xy    3  sin   cos cos  2 2 2 r K II   3 sin cos cos 2 2 r K II (B.6) (B.7) (B.8) (B.9) 144  yy    3  cos   sin sin  2 2 2 r K II (B.10) Here κ is the Kolosov parameter     , plane stress       3  4 , plane strain   (B.11) 145 ... dissertation presents a new group of finite elements based on the integration of consecutive-interpolation procedure into the traditional Finite Element Method With this technique, not only the... assumed For cracked solids, currently only two-dimensional problems are considered For intact solids, the formulation is generalized and is applicable for 1D, 2D, and 3D problems Outline of the... the enriched formulations of field variables and the prediction of crack propagation Chapter is written based on Publication D and Publication E Chapter develops a general form of CIP that is

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    1.1 Heat transfer and thermo-mechanical problems

    1.2 Finite element method (FEM) and its issues

    1.3 Trends in development of numerical methods

    1.4 Original contributions of the dissertation

    1.5 Scientific and practical meaning of the contributions by the dissertation

    1.7 Scope of the dissertation

    1.8 Outline of the dissertation



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