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VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Tạ Trí Đức EQUIVALENCE IN THE VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF SHERLOCK FROM NETFLIX MA THESIS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE HO CHI MINH CITY, 2020 VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Tạ Trí Đức EQUIVALENCE IN THE VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF SHERLOCK FROM NETFLIX Field: English Language Code: Instructor: Assoc Prof Dr Phạm Hữu Đức HO CHI MINH CITY, 2020 DECLARATION BY AUTHOR Except where reference has been made in the text, this thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person I, Tạ Trí Đức, hereby state that this thesis is the result of my own research and the substance of the thesis has not, wholly or in part, been submitted for any degrees to any other universities or institutions Author’s Signature Tạ Trí Đức Approved by SUPERVISOR Assoc Prof Dr Phạm Hữu Đức Date:…………………… i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The completion of this thesis is credited to many people’s contributions and support I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all most sincerely, knowing that my thanks are never adequate First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to Assoc Prof Dr Phạm Hữu Đức, my supervisor, for his helpful and warm encouragement as well as his insightful comments on my work from the beginning to the end of the study In addition, I would like to thank all of the lecturers who gave me interesting lessons, dedication and advice during my study at Graduate Academy of Social Sciences I also offer my special thanks to my beloved friends whose support and encouragement help me to have this thesis accomplished Last but not least, I must express my gratitude to my family It is their endless love and expectations that have motivated me to complete this thesis I am immensely thankful for all the assistance they have given me ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DECLARATION BY AUTHOR I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS II ABSTRACT V CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE 1.2 AIM(S) OF THE STUDY 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.6 RESEARCH METHODS 1.7 STRUCTURE OF THE STUDY CHAPTER LIRTERATURE REVIEW 2.1 SHERLOCK FROM NETFLIX 2.2 SUBTITLE TRANSLATION 2.2.1 Subtitle and subtitle translation 2.2.2 Subtitle constraints 10 2.3 EQUIVALENCE IN TRANSLATION 12 2.3.1 Different approaches to translation equivalence 13 2.3.2 Descriptive Translation Studies 16 2.3.3 Translation universals 17 2.3.4 Categories of Translation Universals 20 2.4 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 26 2.5 CHAPTER SUMMARY 28 CHAPTER METHODOLOGY 30 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN 30 3.2 SAMPLING AND METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION 30 3.3 ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY 31 3.4 CHAPTER SUMMARY 33 iii CHAPTER TRANSLATION UNIVERSALS AND TRANSLATION LAWS IN SHERLOCK 34 4.1 TRANSLATION UNIVERSALS IN SHERLOCK 34 4.1.1 Explicitation 34 4.1.2 Simplification 39 4.1.3 Normalization 45 4.1.4 Omission of repetition 50 4.1.5 Exaggeration of Target Language Features 52 4.2 TRANSLATION LAWS IN SHERLOCK 53 4.2.1 Law of growing standardization 53 4.2.2 Laws of interference 59 4.3 CHAPTER SUMMARY 62 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 64 5.1 RECAPITULATION 64 5.2 CONCLUDING REMARKS 65 5.3 IMPLICATIONS FOR ENGLISH TRANSLATION TEACHING AND LEARNING 66 5.4 LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDIES 68 REFERENCES 70 APPENDIX: SAMPLES OF ENGLISH TRANSCRIPT AND VIETNAMESE SUBTITLE OF SHERLOCK FROM NETFLIX I iv ABSTRACT This study evaluated the equivalence in the Vietnamese translation of Sherlock on Netflix Most previous studies used the formal equivalence approach, which focused mainly on the form and content relationship between source text and target text This study uses dynamic equivalence approach, which describes functional relationship in translation Dynamic equivalence is considered to be a more suitable approach for evaluating equivalence in film subtitle translation because of the specific characteristics of subtitle translating Subtitle translators must ensure that the translated text can be read within the exact duration of the scene as well as ensure that the audience still has time to watch the images while preserving the meaning and effect Descriptive translation study of translation universals and laws is used as a theoretical framework applied to evaluate the dynamic equivalence in subtitle translation The Vietnamese subtitles of Sherlock on Netflix were analyzed on the basis of a theoretical framework derived from Baker's hypotheses on translation universals and Toury’s translation laws Research has shown that there are translation universals and laws in Vietnamese subtitles, through which functional relationship between the original and Vietnamese subtitles of Sherlock on Netflix are found Most of the translation universals is used to shorten or minimize the subtitles in order to meet the constraints of subtitle translation The parts that are omitted are mostly repetitive words or can be understood through images on film This shortening hardly affects the content that the audience needs On the other hand, some translation universals and laws are used to normalize grammar as well as explain cultural features that can be confusing to the audience However, this research also pointed out some of the audience’s experiences are sometimes lost due to circumstances such as repetition or lack of grammar is intended by the filmmaker to create humor or represent the character v CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale When more and more people watch movies not only to relax, but also to study foreign languages and cultures, subtitles translation has become a major problem Translation was considered language macro skill Netflix is an American leading streaming service that allows members to watch a wide variety of television shows, movies, documentaries, etc Netflix has over hundred million international subscribers, making it one of the world's largest entertainment services The subtitles programs of Netflix are translated into many languages in the world including Vietnamese Netflix-translated subtitles can be seen to have a major impact on the public and have played a large part in transmitting foreign languages and cultures to Vietnamese Sherlock is a British television series based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories Sherlock has been praised for the quality of its writing, acting, and direction Recent film subtitling research studies in European countries have concentrated primarily on content aspects, from a European viewpoint and as a representation of “a multi-talented challenge” (Gottlieb 2004) Scholars in the field of translation studies have founded the theoretical branches of AudioVisual Translation, the most important of which are Chaume (2004), DiazCintas (2004), Gambier (2009) and Gottlieb (2001) Their respective studies have formed the theoretical structure for subtitle translation and integrated successful translation strategies There have also been a few studies on translation and equivalence in the translation of subtitles in Vietnam such as the study by Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà on subtitles for translating some selected films from the website kst.net.vn, the research by Lê Thị Nhung about the equivalence in translating English subtitles of some documentary films However, there are no research studies on translation and dynamic equivalence based on descriptive translation study in the translated subtitles by Netflix, an American service, as well as a famous TV series like Sherlock Therefore, I chose to a thesis on “EQUIVALENCE IN THE VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF SHERLOCK FROM NETFLIX” 1.2 Aim(s) of the Study The thesis goal is to examine the dynamic equivalence in the Vietnamese subtitles of Sherlock series on Netflix To achieve the goal of this thesis, three main targets need to be implemented include finding out the existence of translation universals and laws in translating subtitles of Sherlock on Netflix, investigating the behavior of translation universals in Vietnamese subtitles, evaluating the relationship between English and Vietnamese subtitles of Sherlock based on the descriptive translation study theory 1.3 Research Questions This thesis is implemented to answer the following questions: - What are the translation universals and laws used in translating subtitles of Sherlock on Netflix? - What are the behaviors of translation universals in Vietnamese subtitles of Sherlock on Netflix? - What is the relationship between English and Vietnamese subtitles of Sherlock on Netflix? 1.4 Scope of the Study This thesis focuses on equivalence of original English transcript and Vietnamese subtitle version of Sherlock on Netflix Samples were taken from episodes throughout seasons of the series The research only focuses on dynamic equivalence, which is evaluated based on translation universal and law analysis of descriptive translation study Therefore only the most outstanding representative samples were selected for dynamic equivalence analysis 1.5 Significance of the Study Theoretical significance: This thesis gives an overview of subtitle translation This thesis also strengthened the theory of descriptive translation study and the theory of dynamic equivalence Practical significance: This thesis supports subtitle translators by giving the translation universals and laws used for subtitle translation as well as providing the behavior of translation universals, which draw the relationship, equivalent, in translating movie subtitles This thesis also aims to arouse the interest of English translation students with subtitle translation in particular and translation study in general 1.6 Research Methods Qualitative methods were applied to implement this thesis The data obtained were evaluated on the basis of a theoretical framework derived from Baker's hypotheses on translation universals and Toury’s translation laws Subtitle translation equivalence assessment would be explored by using dynamic equivalence framework combining with descriptive translation study in subtiles One-by-one translation universals and laws will be discussed by looking at their behaviors in nine episodes of Sherlock Only the most striking instances of each to situations such as the filmmaker's desire to generate comedy or portray the character by repetition or lack of grammar 5.2 Concluding remarks Analysis has shown that there are translations universals and laws in the Vietnamese subtitles, which provide a functional relationship between the original and the Vietnamese subtitles of Sherlock on Netflix Six of seven translation universals discussed were present in Vietnamese Sherlock subtitles Most of the translation universals behaviors are generalize and simplify subtitles in order to meet the requirements of the translation subtitles Marked or unusual language features tend to be replaced by less marked and more common language features Since subtitles are subject to a space constraint, a large amount of source text must be deleted from the translation In Sherlock, the subtitles in most of these translation universals has lower number of words than the source text In the other hand, explicitation, which tend to add information to a translation, are used to describe specific cultural features or specific words that might be misunderstand to the viewer Exaggeration of the target language features, translation universals that also tend to add information to a translation, is not used in Sherlock The reason for this difference is probably that explicitation adds important information; information that explains the darkness to a foreign audience Exaggeration of target language features, however, only adds information that does not have a vital role to play in the narrative Due to space constraint, subtitles not have enough space to incorporate such information, and I therefore believe that translation universal exaggeration of target language features will not be easily found in subtitles Translation universals have helped in elucidating the functional relationship between the original and translated text The majority of translation 65 universals and laws are used to simplify vocabulary, standardize grammar, and clarify cultural characteristics that may be perplexing to the target audience, while also attempting to keep the effects established in the original text To meet subtitle limits, two translation universals simplification and omission of repetition is used to shorten target text While it keeps the meanings that the target audience needs, it eliminates some of the side effects included in the original text The study also pointed out some of the experiences of viewers are lost due to situations such as repetition or lack of grammar which are intended by the filmmaker to generate humor or to portray the character However, it remains unfortunate that the simplification of most translation universals weakens the character's personality by imposing a more general vocabulary This would not pose too many problems in many movies and television series, because many characters not have a distinct vocabulary However, when characters with unique speech patterns, such as Sherlock and Mycroft, emerge, most translational universes weaken their personality by imposing a more common vocabulary 5.3 Implications for English translation teaching and learning Translation is one of the most important parts of learning foreign language Translation was considered language macro skill Translation is an effective practical tool for every student from beginner to advanced Translation encourages misconceptions about how language really works Translation helps learners tackle weaknesses in vocab, grammar and style Translation forces learners to understand the intention of the writer Translation also makes learners more aware of the conventions of language and culture During the translation process, the translator must consider type of source text Is there any special requirements or constraints for this type? As a result, 66 reasonable translation methods and strategies are proposed This is a common error made by student They have not made a clear distinction between text types and their purposes As a result, the incorrect approach was chosen, making it difficult to meet translation goal This thesis is a typical example of film and subtitle translation for learners As metioned in the beginning of chapter two, specific requirements and constraints of movie and subtitle translation have been addressed Since then, suitable equivalent approach and analysis method have been chosen This thesis also strengthen translation functional equivalence especially dynamic equivalence, while most translation students are familiar with form equivalence and meaning equivalence The standard theory of dynamic equivalence advocates translating text functionally (text impact) rather than form or meaning only This theory encourages translators to focus on what is important and to restructure form and meaning as needed to convey the impact of text Such an emphasis is especially useful in difficult communication situations, because it is better to transmit at least a minimal idea (impact) of source text than to produce form or meaning equivalent that does not work at all When a teacher is training students who have a naive understanding of language, dynamic equivalence theory is especially important Their natural tendency is to translate mechanically, word for word, especially if they only have a shaky grasp of one of the two languages with which they are working As a result, if students are not taught the fundamentals of translation, they will be unable to so They must first comprehend texts before attempting to translate them When they open a dictionary, however, they are unaware that they should check all the meanings of a word and choose the best one based on the context; instead, they simply use the first meaning given Furthermore, they must deal with the meaning of entire phrases, sentences, and paragraphs, rather than just isolated 67 words Each word in a sentence contributes to the meaning of the sentence Not just words in isolation, but the message, the meaning of the whole, must be translated It is also important to emphasize that students must be taught how to read a dictionary, including the phonetic alphabet, in order to learn the correct pronunciation They frequently undervalue the resources provided by a dictionary and only skim through it Because English is constantly changing, they are advised to use both bilingual and monolingual dictionaries, as well as check online dictionaries and investigate on the Internet, where they can verify the actual and current use of a word Descriptive translation study is a supporting tool for learning translation It emphasizes the importance of the translator comprehending the original text as deeply as possible Furthermore, the translator must feel the impact that the original text has, so cultural, background factors, and author's intention in original text must all be considered Translation students need to understand the concepts of intercultural and cross-cultural communication in order to effectively transfer the impact of the text Descriptive Translation Studies has inspired some teaching methods as it give lots of translational factors, such as laws, universals, norms This helps teachers and learners focuses on the experiences of recipients with the target text compared to the source text by taking into account the translator's choices under these factors Then learners can choose their own translation methods based on these translation factors in order to achieve the same experiences in translated texts 5.4 Limitations and suggestions for further studies Despite considerable effort, certain limitations of this study cannot be avoided due to time, knowledge, reference material limitations In addition, due 68 to the limited sources of examples used as data for the analysis, some sections of the study have not, as they should, achieved satisfactory depth Firstly, the dynamic equivalence is examined on one television series only, which is Sherlock on Netflix, in this thesis Secondly, the knowledge of the researcher makes it difficult to provide sufficiently and to focus intensively on other kinds of film or television programs Although the study offered some interesting results, it is limited The findings of this study are only reasonably fair due to the small number of cases taken for analysis in the Vietnamese subtitles of Sherlock on Netflix I hope that more instances will be reviewed for standard findings in future studies The research could serve as a basis for studies on the dynamic equivalence of film and television programs Despite my great efforts in this study to figure out the best outcome, due to the constraint of time and knowledge of the author, errors and limitations are inevitable Therefore, all your comments, suggestions or corrections for my better work would be greatly appreciated This thesis has focused only on studying the translation universals and laws in Vietnamese subtitles of Sherlock on Netflix Therefore, there are still some aspects related to this problem left for further studies such as translation norms, pragmatic equivalence, denotative and connotative equivalence 69 REFERENCES Baker, M (1993) “Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies Implications and Applications.” Text and Technology: In honour of John Sinclair Ed M Baker, G Francis and E Tognini- Bonelli John Benjamins Publishing Co.: Amsterdam 233-252 Baker, M (2001), Brano Hochel “Dubbing.” Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies Ed Mona Baker Routledge: London 74-76 Catford J.C (1976) A linguistic Theory of Translation Oxford: OUP Chaume, F (2004) "Film Studies and Translation Studies: Two Disciplines at Stake in Audiovisual Translation." 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Claims, Changes and Challenges in Translation Studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Copenhagen 2001 Ed G Hansen, K Malmkjaer, D Gile John Benjamins Publishing Co.: Amsterdam, 15-26 72 Valdeón, R A (2008) “Alienation Techniques in Screen Translation The Role of Culture Specifics in the Reconstruction of Target-culture Discourse.” Languages in Contrast Weston, M (1991) An English Reader’s Guide to the French Legal System, New York, Oxford, Berg Ying-Ting, C (2006) “Studying Subtitle Translation from a Multi-modal Approach.” Babel 52:4; 372–383 73 APPENDIX: SAMPLES OF ENGLISH TRANSCRIPT AND VIETNAMESE SUBTITLE OF SHERLOCK FROM NETFLIX SAMPLES OF ENGLISH TRANSCRIPT AND VIETNAMESE SUBTITLE OF SHERLOCK FROM NETFLIX No Season Episode 1 1 Episode Title A Study in Pink A Study in Pink A Study in Pink A Study in Pink English Vietnamese Man: Is she still dancing? Woman: Yeah, if you could call it that Mrs Hudson: There’s another bedroom upstairs if you’d be needing two bedrooms John: Of course, we’ll be needing two John: I looked you up on the internet last night Sherlock: You’re a doctor In fact, you’re an army doctor John: Yes Sherlock: Any good? John: Very good Sherlock: Seen a lot of injuries then Violent deaths Man: Cô ta nhảy? Woman: Phải, John: Yes Sherlock: Bit of trouble too, I I Mrs Hudson: Có phịng ngủ khác lầu, hai người cần hai phòng ngủ John: Chắc chắn John: Hôm qua tra google anh Translation Universal Simplification Simplification / Omission of repetition Explicitation Sherlock: Anh bác sĩ Thật anh bác sĩ qn đội Sherlock: Có giỏi khơng? John: Rất giỏi Sherlock: Vậy thấy nhiều vết thương Những chết bạo lực Sherlock: Một rắc rối nữa, cá Simplification / Omission of repetition bet John: Of course, yes Enough for a lifetime Far too much Sherlock: Wanna see some more? John: Oh god, yes Sorry, Mrs Hudson, I’ll skip the tea Hop out! The Blind Banker The Blind Banker Mrs Hudson: Both of you? Sherlock: Possible suicides? Four of them? There’s no point sitting at home when there’s finally some fun going on! Mrs Hudson: Look at you, all happy It’s not decent Sherlock: Who cares about decent? The game, Mrs Hudson, is on! Sherlock: Not exactly Fort Knox Sebastian Wilkes: Put the wind up everybody We hated it You’d come down for breakfast in the formal hall and this freak knew you’d been shagging the previous night Sherlock: I simply II John: Dĩ nhiên Đủ cho đời, nhiều Sherlock: Muốn thấy thêm không? John: Chúa Xin lỗi bà Hudson Tôi không uống trà đâu Tôi Mrs Hudson: Cả hai sao? Sherlock: Vụ tự sát không tưởng? Cả bốn vụ à? Sao lại ngồi nhà trò vui diễn Mrs Hudson: Nhìn anh đi, hạnh phúc q Đâu có phù hợp Sherlock: Ai quan tâm phù hợp hay khơng? Trị chơi bắt đầu Sherlock: Khơng an tồn Sebastian Wilkes: Rất khó chịu Khi người ăn sáng… Và gã vạch trần ngủ với gái Sherlock: Chỉ quan sát mà Law of growing standardization Simplification observed The Blind Banker Sherlock: Problem? The Blind Banker John: Some sort of code? The Blind Banker 10 The Blind Banker 11 The Blind Banker 12 The Blind Banker 13 The Blind Banker 14 The Great Game 15 The Great Game Sherlock: This investigation would move a lot quicker if you were to take my word as gospel Raz: I call it: Urban Blood Lust Frenzy Sherlock: Có vấn đề à? John: Có vẻ loại mật mã? Sherlock: Vậy điều có lẽ nhanh tí, anh tuyệt đối nghe lời tơi Raz: Tơi gọi “Urban Blood Lust Frenzy.” John: Catchy John: Bắt tai Chinese woman: Chinese woman: You want lucky Anh tìm cat? mèo may mắn à? John: No, John: Không, thanks, no cảm ơn Chinese woman: Chinese woman: Ten pound, ten tầm mười pound! bảng John: No John: Không Chinese woman: Chinese woman: I think your wife Tôi nghĩ vợ anh she will like! thích John: No, thank John: Không, you cảm ơn Sherlock: Dull Sherlock: Thật Boring nhàm chán, Predictable dễ đoán Sherlock: Sherlock: Anh Exactly thật xác Sherlock: Pass Sherlock: Đưa me my phone điện thoại cho không? John: Where is John: Nó đâu? it? Sherlock: Sherlock: Trong Jacket túi áo khoác Mycroft: I’m Mycroft: E afraid my em người brother can be cứng đầu III Normalization Explicitation Law of growing standardization Law of interference Normalization Normalization Normalization Normalization Law of growing standardization very intransigent 16 The Great Game 17 The Great Game 18 The Great Game 19 The Great Game 20 The Great Game 21 22 23 24 25 2 The Great Game The Great Game The Great Game A Scandal in Belgravia The Hounds of Baskerville Mycroft: He had an Oyster card but it hadn’t been used Sherlock: Elegant Sherlock: Address John: People come to him wanting to fix a crime up, like booking a holiday? Sherlock: Novel Lestrade: Any ideas? Sherlock: Seven So far Lestrade: Seven? Lucy Harrison: I knew Westie He was a good man He was my good man John: Nice part of town Moriarty: Westwood John: You don’t smoke Mycroft: I also don’t frequent cafes Sherlock: John, I need some Get me some John: No Sherlock: Get me some IV Mycroft: Anh có thẻ tàu Nhưng chưa sử dụng Sherlock: Thật tinh tế Sherlock: Cho địa John: Vậy người ta đến chỗ để dàn xếp vụ phi pháp, đặt lịch nghỉ mát? Sherlock: Lạ Lestrade: Có ý khơng? Sherlock: Bảy Lucy Harrison: Tôi biết Westie Anh người tốt Anh người chồng tốt John: Một góc đẹp London Moriaty: Bộ áo đắt tiền John: Anh không hút thuốc mà Mycroft: Tôi thường không đến quán cà phê Sherlock: John, Tơi cần Lấy cho tơi John: Khơng Sherlock: Lấy cho Law of growing standardization Normalization Normalization Normalization Simplification / Omission of repetition Explicitation / Omission of repetition Explicitation Law of growing standardization Law of growing standardization law of interference John: No Cold Turkey we agreed, no matter what Anyway, You paid everyone off, remember No one within a two mile radius will sell you any Sherlock: Why did you say hound? Sherlock: Diamant cufflinks All my cuffs have buttons 26 2 The Hounds of Baskerville 27 The Reichenbach Fall The Reichenbach Fall Sherlock: Boffin?! Boffin Sherlock Holmes John: Jubilee line is handy 28 29 The Reichenbach Fall 30 The Empty Hearse 31 The Empty Hearse 32 The Empty Hearse 33 The Sign of Three Boys: Penny for the guy? Text message: John is quite a guy Sherlock: Not an Sunderground network but an unground network! Sherlock: Basically, it’s cute smile to the bride’s side, cute smile to the groom’s side, and then the rings Archie: No Sherlock: And you have to V John: “Cold Turkey”! ta đồng ý bỏ thuốc Bất kể chuyện Vả lại, anh hối lộ người, nhớ chứ? Khơng vịng ba số bán cho anh đâu Sherlock: Sao anh lại gọi “hound”? Sherlock: Khuy cài kim cương Thật chẳng cần Sherlock: Chuyên gia?! Chuyên gia Sherlock Holmes John: Đường tàu điện ngầm tiện Boys: Vài đồng lẻ cho Người Pháo chứ? SMS: John đấy, Guy Sherlock: mạng lưới ngầm? mà Mạng Lưới Ngầm! Sherlock: Cười với bên nhà gái, cười với bên nhà trai, đưa nhẫn Sherlock: Và cháu phải law of interference Simplification Law of growing standardization Law of growing standardization Explicitation law of interference Explicitation Omission of repetition 34 The Sign of Three wear the outfit Archie: No Sherlock: You really have to wear the outfit Archie: What for? Sherlock: Grownups like that sort of thing Archie: Why? Sherlock: I don’t know, I’ll ask one Sherlock: The elephant in the room VI mặc áo Archie: Để làm gì? Sherlock:Người lớn thích Archie: Vì sao? Sherlock: Chú khơng biết, hỏi Sherlock: Có voi phịng Simplification ... SHERLOCK FROM NETFLIX? ?? 1.2 Aim(s) of the Study The thesis goal is to examine the dynamic equivalence in the Vietnamese subtitles of Sherlock series on Netflix To achieve the goal of this thesis,... constraint These limitations exist because of ? ?the presence of the visual and verbal elements of the original, the spatial constraints that imply the reduction of the original and the change in the. .. three main targets need to be implemented include finding out the existence of translation universals and laws in translating subtitles of Sherlock on Netflix, investigating the behavior of translation

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2021, 11:20
