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There are some problems with living in space .For example ,it is difficult to eat chips or spaghetti.Food is freeze- dried and kept in sealed boxes .It’s not bad ,but you know you are no[r]

(1)Name : ………………………… TEST 21 (2010- 2011) I/ Choose A,B,C or D to complete the following setences The most important holiday in China is the New Year At this time ,shops are(10 ……… The people celebrate by feasting ,by paying (2)…………………calls to their neighbors and by visiting the temples to make promises for the New Year.Children parade throught the streets (3) ………………colorful lanterns and paper fingers.Firecrackers similar to those in the United States(4)……………….the Fourth of July are set off.In fact,on the night that the New Year’s celebration begins,the exploding fireworks made so much noisy that no one is able to sleep The time of the New Year is also the time at (5)…………….Chinese people refresh their homes.They give their homes new coats (6)…………… paint.This is also the time during which people pay their debts.Everyone (7)……….to settle all his bills (8)……………… the beginning of the New Year a close b closing c closed d closely a friend b friendly c friendship d friendliness a carry b carried c to carry d carrying a in b on c at d from a who b whom c which d whose a of b in c on d to a tries b try c is trying d are trying a at b since c after d before * T or F or Not Given (N.G) The Chinese eat large meals during the time of the New Year …………… The Chinese don’t want to be in debt when New Year comes …………… The Chinese New Year is a joyful festival …………… Chinese people often build new house before the New Year ………… II/ Choose the words or phrasal into the blanks I remember …………the letter some time ago but I can’t remember exactly when a to post b.posted c.posting d post These days ……….everybody is aware of the damager of smoking a almost b most c all d the whole There was no …………….in persuading him to change his mind a use b point c worth d value Either Jonh or his brothers …… the money a has stolen b have stolen c has been stolen d have been stolen This house needs ……………… a to repaint b repainted c to be repainting d repainting Just watch me ,and ……….I tell you a whatever b whoever c however d whenever I am not accustomed ………… in public a to speak b to speaking c speaking d at speaking A number of planes ………… because of the bad weather a were delayed b was delayed c had delayed d delayed Bank only ……… money if they are sure it will be paid back a borrow b charge c lend d interest 10 Peter closed all the windows ……………the rain couldn’t come in a for b so as c in order d so that III/ Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets (2) She ………………….(learn) a lot of English since she ……………… (go) to Australia ……………… (not have)anything to do,I…………….(wander) around the city It’s time you …………….(decide)what ………………(prepare) for the party I regret ………………….(not warn)him about the risk.It …………….(be)too late now I ……………… (never forget)what you …………………… (just tell) me My father …………………(try)to give up …………….(smoke)four times without success Oh John,I …………….(look) for you everywhere.Where ………………….(you be)? I still remember ………… (hear)her …………….(sing) this song very beautifully By the time she …………………(complete)her studies next month,she ……………(live) in HaNoi for exactly years 10 She would rather I …………….(continue)my study,but I’d prefer ……………(find)a job IV Circle the word that has the bold part pronounced differently from the others in each group a invite b village c tired d life a family b afternoon c damage d carriage a hour b honour c host d honest a enjoyed b invited c mended d lasted a between b election c English d entrance V/ Rewrite each of the sentences,beginning as shown,so that the meaning stays the same People have used the Internet all over the world -> The Internet has ……………………………………………………………………………… I think it would be a good idea to take the train -> I suggest ……………………………………………………………………………………… She went out,but she didn’t say a word -> She went out without ………………………………………………………………………… It is interesting to go out with friends at weekends -> Going out ………………………………………………………………………………… I often go to bed late -> I am used …………………………………………………………………………………… What about going to the cinema tonight ? -> Shall we ………………………………………………………………………………….? “why don’t you go with me ?”,he asked me -> He asked me why ……………………………………………………………………… She enjoys going swimming -> She is niterested ……………………………………………………………………………… Does he spend most of his free time playing video games ? -> Does it ………………………………………………………………………………………? 10 He said to me ,”Do this test again,please!” -> He requested me ……………………………………………………………………………… VI/ Fill in each gap with ONE suitable preposition: Dear Sir , I saw your adventisement(1)……English classes (2)……Sunflowers magazine and I am interested (3)… .coming (4)……….your Foreign Language Center this summer I have learnt English (5)…….2 years but I have never been (6)…… England and I feel that it is now necessary,especially to improve my pronuonciation Could you please send me more information(7) …… your courses and an application form? I would also like some information about accommodation.I can your tests (8)………attending your course if necessary I look forward (9)…… hearing (10)…… you as soon as possible (3) Yours faithfully,J.B.Mark Key Test 21 I/ 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.D T/F/ N.G : T 2.T T N.G II/ Choose … 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B A A A B 9.C 10.D III/ Give the ……… has learnt - went has tried – smoking Not having – wandered have looked/have been looking – have you been decieded – to prepare 8.hearing – sing not warning /not having warned- is completes – will have lived will never forget – have just told 10 continued – to find IV/ Circle the word ……… B 2.b C 4.A D V/ Rewite the ………… The Internet has been used all over the world I suggested taking the train She went out without saying a word Going out with friends at weekends is interesting I am used to going to bed late Shall we go to the cinema tonight ? He asked me why I didn’t go with him She is intereted in going swimming Does it take him most of his free time to play video games ? 10 He requested me to that test again VI/ Fill one preposition 1.of 2.in 3.in 4.to 5.for 6.to about before to 10.from (4) Name : ………………… Test 22 (2009 – 2010) I/ Find one wor is pronounced differently from the other A fear B near C pear D rear A doll B goal C roll D stole A swamp B sweet C swear D sword A ladder B cake C value D battle A library B middle C lift D picture II/ Choose the best option to coplete sentences The weather turned out to be very good , ………… was more than we could expect A what B that C which D it We talked for hours of things and friends ………………we remembered in the old schooldays A Which B that C who D whom Coal can …………… to produce electricity for human A.have used B be used C use D.used You had better ……………late for class next time , John A.don’t B not being C won’t be D not be 10 Jane showed us the hospital ……………… she was born A which B in that C.in which D.from which 11 Speak to him slowly ……………he may understand you better A.since B so that C.for D.because 12 My mother always keeps candles in the room ……………… the lights go out A.if B unless C.in case D.even though 13 The more he tried to help her , ……………she seem to be interested in him A.more B less C the less D.the much 14 That city ……………by the fire in the 17th century A.is destroyed B.was destroyed C.had have destroyed D.would be destroyed 15……………………… , the players began the game A Having taken the seats B After we had taken our seats C Being taken the seats D.Taking the seats III/ Read and decide True (T) or False (F) statements In 1990 ,Dr Ron Parise was one of the team of astronauts who went on a nine – day mission that took them around the earth 143 times Dr Parise describes life on board the space shuttle Columbia “Living and working in zero gravity is OK.It’s quite nice floating around,but you have to fix your feet into position while you’re working so that you don’t float off But it wasn’t all work.There was lots of time for serious things like standing on the ceiling and holding each up with one finger.One of our favourite games was throwing and catching sweets and blowing water at each other There are some problems with living in space For example ,it is difficult to eat chips or spaghetti.Food is freeze- dried and kept in sealed boxes It’s not bad ,but you know you are not going into space to eat gourmet meals It’s also a bit like hospital because you have to choose all yor meal beforehand” 16 Dr Ron Parise was a pilot in 1990 ………… 17 His mission lasted for days ………… 18 He thinks it’s OK to live and work in zero gravity ………… 19 While he was on board the space shuttle Columbia ,he could stand on the ceiling ……… 20 There’s no problem with living in space ………… 21 It’s difficult to have normal food in space ……… IV/ Choose the best option to complete the passager We live in an (22)………………… (year/era/century) where television is the national pastime.Since the invention of the television (23) …………… (set/program/station) people have been spending more of their (24) …………… (relax/free/enough) time watching television than doing (5) anything else Many of television addictis feel that this particular pastime is not bad (25) …………… (one/habit/hobby) indeed ,they argue that people can (26)……………(study/follow/learn) a great deal watching television.I am(27) …………….(agree/disagree/sure) that if you look long and hard enough ,you can probaly (28) ………………… (find/found/discover) some programers that (29) …………… (is/are/be) educationally motivating But for the most (30) …………….part/idea/point) I say that watching television is a (31) ……………… (waste/save/kill) of time V/ Select the one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect 32 The majority to the news is about violence or scadal A B C D 33 Nakawa swimmed one hundred miles in the pool yesterday A B C D 34 When our vacation ,we plan to spend three days scuba diving A B C D 35 Mr Nanshi doesn’t take critical of his work very well A B C D 36 That doctor is visited the patient’s parents since p.m A B C D VI/ Complete the letter by using the suggested words given Dear , ………….! 37 Not/seen /you/ long /time/ - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 38 We/pleased/move to/country/ fed up / Paris / - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39 In city/ traffic /noise/ no time relax/ - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 40 In/ country/life/ slower/more peaceful - ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41 Now we / walk/ with /dog /across fields / before breakfast / - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 42 Children /enjoy/ fresh air /make /new/ friends / - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43 People / helpful /kind/friendly / - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44 But we miss /friends /in Paris – especially you / - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 45 Come/ see/ us /soon/ - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 46 We all/ look forward/see you again / - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Love Truong The end (6) Key 22 I/ C A D B A II/ C B B D 10 C 11.B 12.C 13.C 14 B 15 A III/ 16 F 17 T 18 T 19 T 20 F 21 T IV/ 22 era 23.set 24.free 25 one 26 learn 27 sure 28 find 29 are 30 part 31 waste V/ 32 B 33 A 34 A 35 B 36 B VI/ 37 We haven’t seen you for such a long time 38 We’re really pleased that w moved to the country because we were getting so fed up with living in Paris 39 In the city there was so much traffic and noise and there was no time to relax 40 Here in the country ,life is slower and much more peaceful 41 Now we are able to go for a walk with the dog across the fields before breakfast 42 The children are enjoying the fresh air and have made a lot of new friends 43 The people here are helpful ,kind and ever so friendly 44 But we miss all our friends in Paris ,especially you 45 Come and see us soon 46 We are looking forward to seeing you again (7)

Ngày đăng: 14/06/2021, 03:23



