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ĐỀ THI GỒM 80 CÂU TỪ QUESTION 1 ĐẾN QUESTION 80 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in ea[r]

(1)TRUNG TÂM SMARTIE (Đề thi có 06 trang) ĐỀ THI THỬ TUYỂN SINH ĐẠI HỌC Môn: TIẾNG ANH; Khối: D Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề Họ, tên thí sinh:……………………………………………………… Số báo danh:………………………………………………………… Mã đề thi 115 ĐỀ THI GỒM 80 CÂU (TỪ QUESTION ĐẾN QUESTION 80) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions Question 1: A referendum B political C communicate D original Question 2: A meteoric B favourable C combination D prehistoric Question 3: A challenging B fugitive C preferable D refugee Question 4: A ecstatic B marketing C consistent D interpret Question 5: A mushroom B superman C underage D loudspeaker Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 6: Sally: “Thank you very much for your lift.” James: “ .” A That was all I could B I see C Delighted I was able to help D Thank you Question 7: Richard: “You don’t like wine, you?” Gosh: “ I never drink it.” A Yes, I don’t B No, I don’t C Yes, I D No, I am not Question 8: Harrison: “ .” Willis: “Never mind, better luck next time.” A I’ve broken your precious vase B I have a lot on my mind C I couldn’t keep my mind on work D I didn’t get the vacant position Question 9: Caroline: “ ?” Aaron: “So so And you?” A How’s everything B What is everything C What are you doing D What are you like Question 10: Zach: “ Would you like a cup of coffee?” Jake: “ .” A I’d love to B No, thanks C No, I wouldn’t D I like Question 11: Now that we have identified the problem, we must decide on an appropriate course of A action B progress C solution D development Question 12: I’m afraid starting the race today is _ the question Look at this snow A out of B none C beyond D away Question 13: You look really tired You could a week’s holiday, I think A make for B make with C with D pass for Question 14: I don’t like Anthony, he seems to take too much in criticizing everyone A joy B pleasure C fascination D entertainment Question 15: Hats like this may have been fashionable in the 60’s, but now they are the times A beneath B under C over D behind Question 16: Who else is of the _ that we should break the camp? A conclusion B theory C remark D opinion Question 17: It’s no wonder the children felt disappointed because first their parents promised to take them to Disneyland and then they on their word A played down B went back C came off D drew out Question 18: I’m too keen on visiting the Parkers again so soon A that B very C such D none Question 19: I’m sure you miss the island, there for so long A have lived B lived C having lived D live Question 20: The freezing point is the temperature water turns into ice A at which B on which C that D whose *English teaching centre – Contact us at 35145579 or 0985536368* Trang 1/6 – Mã đề thi 115 (2) Question 21: snowfield on a mountain slope reaches a depth of about 100 feet, it begins to move slowly forward under its own weight A Whenever a B A D That a D Should a Question 22: After a short holiday, he _ himself once more to his studies A applied B converted C engaged D exerted Question 23: It’s really cold today I didn’t want to get out of bed, to outside A even though B much less C aside from D not only Question 24: Snare drums produce a sharp, rattling sound A as striking B when are struck C struck D when struck Question 25: She got the sack she always got to work late A although B but C therefore D because Question 26: I him the truth, for he is telling it to everyone else A mustn’t have told B can’t have told C shouldn’t have told D needn’t have told Question 27: the lesson well, John couldn’t answer the teacher’s question A Didn’t prepare B Having prepared C Preparing not D Not preparing Question 28: Paul, could you please turn off the oven? The potatoes _ for at least thirty minutes A are boiling B boiling C have been boiling D were boiling Question 29: The child’s arm was swollen because he _ by a bee A stung B had stung C had been stung D had being stung Question 30: Nobody knew where the ship had sunk and it laid for several centuries A undiscover B undiscovered C undiscoverable D undiscovering Question 31: I didn’t answer him as it was obvious that he was _ for a fight A intent B keen C driving D spoiling Question 32: “You may borrow my bike _ you are careful with it.” A even if B as long as C as much as D expecting Question 33: I must warn you I am not used to so rudely A being spoken to B speak C speak to me D be spoken to Question 34: The new student is a real snob: he refuses to mix with _ in his class A no one else B some other C the others D many other Question 35: The new personnel manager told us that he had visited countries in Europe A a number of B much C a great deal of D as many Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct sentence which is closest in meaning to each of the ones given before Question 36: “It certainly wasn’t me who took your car!” said Bob A Bob refused to take my car B Bob denied taking my car C Bob admitted having taken my car D Bob confessed to having taken my car Question 37: “I don’t think John will come.” said Bill A It’s up to Bill to decide whether John would come or not B Bill suggested John shouldn’t come C Bill was sure that John would come D Bill doubted whether John would come or not Question 38: “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Barry?” said Ben A Ben criticised Barry for not putting a better lock on the door B Ben questioned Barry about the reasons for not putting a better lock on the door C Ben suggested that Barry should put a better lock on the door D Ben suggested Barry to put a better lock on the door Question 39: You’ll have to tell him in the end; and the longer you put off doing so the harder it’s going to be A He’ll have to be notified about it, and the sooner the better B You can’t keep him in the dark about it forever, and telling him will get harder the longer you wait C Surely it’s better to let him know now that to wait until he finds out for himself D You never can keep things secret for long, so the best is to tell him about it soon Question 40: It’s no use expecting someone else to find a job for him; he must something about it himself A He will never get a job unless he sets about getting one himself and not leaving it to others B You shouldn’t expect anyone else to accept a job you aren’t will to take on yourself C He shouldn’t expect others to give up their jobs for him D As he doesn't want the job himself he might as well let someone else have it *English teaching centre – Contact us at 35145579 or 0985536368* Trang 2/6 – Mã đề thi 115 (3) Question 41: You would well to wait a little before buying a car A If you are thinking of buying a car, this is the right time B You must realise that this is not the right time to change old car C Don’t buy now, car prices are expected to fall D It would be better if you didn’t buy a car just yet Question 42: In all probability, he is coming A Undoubtedly, he will come B He is bound not to come C He is very likely to come D He is coming very soon Question 43: The news was such a shock that we all sat there without saying a word A Hearing the shocking news turned us into dumb people B We all sat there in silence because we were so shocked by the news C We all sat there in silence in order to hear such shocking news D We couldn’t say a word because we were busy hearing the shocking news Question 44: You can’t blame me for your stupid mistakes A I wish I could something to prevent you from making stupid mistakes B There is nothing more I could for you All the stupid mistakes have been made C It is not my fault that you made stupid mistakes D You wouldn’t have made stupid mistakes if you had taken my advice Question 45: They should have completed the new road last year but they’re still building it A The new road was due for completion last year but they are still building it B Due to the schedule, they had to finish the new road last year C The new road still requires construction, according to the schedule D Although they are still building the new road, they completed the most work last year Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 46 to 55 We have dreams (46) _ every night Some of these dreams are remembered vividly Other dreams, however, are (47) as soon as we wake up (48) to what some people believe, our dreams are not “messages” from beyond Neither they tell us anything about our future Instead, what you dream of at night is probably (49) to your experiences during the day For instance, if you had spent a (50) day at the beach, you may dream about your day’s experience as you sleep Our dreams may also have something to (51) with our fears and longings For example, if you long to win first prize in a high jump contest, you may dream of yourself winning to competition Finally our (52) “ ” environment may also affect our dreams If we are hungry, cold or thirsty, our dreams may (53) these feelings For example, if I sleep in a very cold air-conditioned room I may dream that I am on an (54) to the North Pole People known as psychoanalysts study and (55) _ dreams For instance, they may say that if you dream of flying in the sky you are a person who desires power Of course, these interpretations may not be accepted by everyone Question 46: A almost on B practically C nearly at D during Question 47: A vanished B disappeared C forgotten D obsolete Question 48: A Contrary B Contrast C Contradict D Contact Question 49: A linked B combined C related D attached Question 50: A memoir B memorable C memorial D memorizing Question 51: A relate B connect C interfere D Question 52: A external B exterior C outside D outward Question 53: A contain B consist C include D compose Question 54: A excursion B expedition C outing D exploration Question 55: A account for B explain C depict D interpret Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 65 The E.U.’s tough new rules on recycling could mean a rocky road ahead for Europe’s carmakers If it hadn’t been for Henry Ford’s drive to create a mass market for cars, America wouldn’t have a middle class today Undoubtedly, the car was the most important engine of economic growth in the 20th century However, Ford’s American Dream is fast becoming Europe’s environmental nightmare because cars that are cast aside as useless cannot be disposed of entirely and thus contaminate the environment Unfortunately, redundant cars not simply vanish *English teaching centre – Contact us at 35145579 or 0985536368* Trang 3/6 – Mã đề thi 115 (4) While a car’s metal components, which account for about 75% of its weight, can be reused, the remainder – a mix of plastic, rubber, fluids and paint that often contains toxic substances like mercury, cadmium and lead – is shredded into “fluff” and buried under garbage dumps The environmental group Friends of the Earth says that this “fluff” accounts for around a tenth of the hazardous waste in Europe And with million cars discarded every year, the amount of uncontaminated land left is decreasing fast According to environmentalists, although carmakers now have a variety of new, more easily recyclable materials to choose from, the pressures to work quickly and keep costs low often exceed their ecological concerns What is needed is some incentive to motivate car designers to think about the environmental aspect of their work Recently, the European Parliament provided just such an incentive when it approved a directive that transfers responsibility for the environmental effect of a vehicle over its entire life cycle – from design to disposal – directly onto the manufacturers’ shoulders Some requirements, such as a ban on the use of toxic heavy metals, and officially required recycling rates of 80% and 85% for cars that will go on the market after 2006 and 2015, are far reaching but feasible because with some effort, new cars can be adapted to the new regulations But the new law will also apply retroactively and force carmakers to pay the full price for the disposal of every auto they ever produced “The prospect of recycling cars that weren’t built to be recycled is unbearable from a financial point of view,” says Camille Blum, secretary-general of the Association of European Car Manufacturers (ACEA) ACEA believes that the new measures announced by the European parliament will cost around $23 billion, based on a recycling cost of around $155 a car and an estimated 150 million cars on the EU’s roads Question 56: The middle class of America _ A boosted the growth of the mass market for car B included Henry Ford th C played an active role the in 20 century economic growth D owes its origin to the mass market for car Question 57: What is still missing, according to the author, in order to promote the use of recyclable materials? A the diversity of recyclable materials B the encouragement from the authority C the wide availability of recyclable materials D the amount of uncontaminated land left Question 58: Some of the requirements introduced recently by the European Parliament are _ A within the ability of carmakers B considered to be unsuitable for the present situation C already applied by most carmakers D easy for carmakers to comply with Question 59: The word “their” in paragraph refers to A recyclable materials B pressures C environmentalists D carmakers Question 60: The word “retroactively” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A currently B previously C presently D recently Question 61: The word “measures” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A regulations B degrees C concerns D dimensions Question 62: The article points out that A carmakers in Europe have always taken care to use only recyclable materials B 75 % of a car’s weight turns into “fluff” when it is disposed of C 25 % of a car’s weight consists of materials that cannot be recycled D most European carmakers already have the incentive to consider ecology Question 63: Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the article? A Toxic waste from disposed cars is a cause of land pollution in Europe B The car industry helped in the development of the middle class in America C Ecological concerns will increase car-manufacturing costs D European carmakers have been held responsible for the disposal of cars Question 64: Which is true according to the text? A Carmakers will only be partly responsible for the recycling of disposal of cars B The recycling of new cars will present more difficulties far carmakers in the future C ACEA says that recycling about 150 million European cars will cost over $20 billion D Car manufacturers were always obliged to use non-toxic materials for car parts Question 65: The purpose of the article is to discuss A why car manufacturers insist on using toxic materials for making cars B the different materials used in the production of car components C the new regulations brought to car manufacturing the sake of ecology D how the car industry helped economic growth in America and Europe Mark the letter on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correcting *English teaching centre – Contact us at 35145579 or 0985536368* Trang 4/6 – Mã đề thi 115 (5) Question 66: The Department of Transport have set a deadline of June for completing of the new motorway AB C D Question 67: Items of luggage whose weight exceed 50 kilograms will not be allowed on the ferry A B C D Question 68: The trains in Switzerland are so punctual you can set your watch by it A B C D Question 69: Mr Johnson was pleased to find out that his son was making progresses in his studies Yes, he was really glad to hear that A B C D Question 70: The ship was shaken in the stormy waves and many people got sick A B C D Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 71 to 80 TV presenters have always taken a lot of criticism Daytime television hosts who drip with insincerity make it look easy and we all think we can better Presenting is one of the most sought-after jobs according to a recent survey Every year, television companies are flooded with letters from young hopefuls Unfortunately, their chances of getting on screen are slim To so, it is often who you know, not what you know But this doesn’t deter thousands from parting with their hard-earned cash to go on training courses in the hope that this will give them an advantage I went along to a one-day presenters’ course held in a real television studio, with proper chat show sofas, two cameras and an Autocue (a machine put next to a camera, displaying the words to be spoken) It even had talkback, a sort of hearing aid the presenter wears to receive instructions, and there were even light and sound technicians Ten of us had turned up Ambitions ranged from Paul’s, to read The News, to Kate’s, to host a game show Tina was “just doing it for a laugh” Hayley was under no illusions about why she wanted to go on TV, “I’m really attracted to the glamour of the job I think if people are honest, that’s why they want to it I want to be really famous.” Others made virtuous noises about wanting to meet interesting people or make high quality programmes but, judging by the looks on everyone’s faces, Hayley had hit the nail on the head The initial task we were given was to talk about ourselves to camera I volunteered to go first Well, what could be so difficult? “Switch to camera one, stand by, Fiona, and three to go … two to go … good luck.” Our tutor’s hand came down with a professional flourish, the lights came up and I was on I stared deep into the camera lens for inspiration It didn’t come “Say something,” urged a voice in my talkback ear This was the producer in the control room “Erm, good afternoon, er, morning that is, ha, I forgot what time it was for a minute …” I gradually went silent An hour later, when everybody had suffered a turn, we all felt a little bit better and our initial nerves had gone Next we learned how to read the Autocue The Autocue piece was relatively easy We had to write this ourselves, with topics ranging from how to ski to pig farming The hard bit was trying to make it look as if your eyes weren’t moving across the screen After lunch, we all had a bash at an Office Broadcast This was harder because there was no Autocue to refer to We were given our scripts just five minutes before we went on, so we had to it with very little preparation – a good lesson in thinking on your feet I was quite staggered at how good everyone else was So was this easier than “real” presenting or were they just superstars? “Basic presenting is easy, once you’ve got the hand of it,” said our tutor It just requires a bit of confidence and a sense of humour The difficult part is getting your foot in the door I’m not going to pretend that doing the course will get you a job All we are doing is giving you a starting point.” Question 71: “do so” in paragraph refers to _ A be employed as a presenter B have slim chances C know important people D receive a lot of papers Question 72: The word “this” in bold in paragraph refers to _ A attending training courses B being a TV presenter C earning money in a tough way D spending money to get on screen Question 73: The word “illusions” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A theories B false effects C ambitions D false ideas Question 74: What is the main subject of the first paragraph? A the kind of people who work as TV presenter B how hard it is to become a TV presenter C viewers’ attitudes towards TV presenters D how easy TV presenters’ jobs appear to be *English teaching centre – Contact us at 35145579 or 0985536368* Trang 5/6 – Mã đề thi 115 (6) Question 75: What does the writer say about the course she did in the second paragraph? A It created the circumstances in which presenters actually work B It wasn’t typical of many other courses of the same type C She wasn’t expecting it to be of benefit to those taking it D She had difficulty understanding what some of the equipment did Question 76: What does the writer say about the other people taking the course? A Most of them wanted to present specific kind of program B Some of them were looking forward to it more than others C Some of them know more about what it involved than others D All of them were doing it because they wanted to be famous Question 77: When the writer had to talk about herself to camera, she A wasn’t sure when she was supposed to speak B wasn’t able to think of anything to say about herself C got confused because of what the producer said to her D was unsure about what the tutor wanted her to Question 78: What does the writer say about reading the Autocue? A Everyone had been confident about doing it before the course B Everyone made the same mistake when they were doing it C Everyone had already prepared what they were going to read D Everyone approached it in a more relaxed state of mind Question 79: What is meant by the phrase “thinking on your feet” in paragraph 6? A forming clear opinions B acting naturally C making quick decisions D gaining confidence Question 80: After they had done the Outside Broadcast, the tutor told them that _ A people usually found the Outside Broadcast the easiest part of the course B people often underestimated how hard a presenter’s job really was C many other people who took the course weren’t as good as them D doing the course well didn’t increase their chances of working as presenters THE END *English teaching centre – Contact us at 35145579 or 0985536368* Trang 6/6 – Mã đề thi 115 (7)

Ngày đăng: 12/06/2021, 13:33

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