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Quá trình tổ chức nông dân tỉnh hưng yên và thái bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế tại sơn la tt

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BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƢ PHẠM HÀ NỘI BÙI MẠNH THẮNG QUÁ TRÌNH TỔ CHỨC NƠNG DÂN TỈNH HƢNG N VÀ THÁI BÌNH KHAI HOANG, PHÁT TRIỂN KINH TẾ TẠI SƠN LA (1961 - 1965) Chuyên ngành: Lịch sử Việt Nam Mã số: TÓM TẮT LUẬN ÁN TIẾN SĨ LỊCH SỬ HÀ NỘI - 2019 CƠNG TRÌNH ĐƯỢC HỒN THÀNH TẠI: TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƢ PHẠM HÀ NỘI Người hướng dẫn khoa học: PGS.TS Vũ Thị Hòa Phản biện 1: GS.TS Nguyễn Văn Khánh Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội Nhân văn – ĐHQG Hà Nội Phản biện 2: PGS.TS Nguyễn Mạnh Hà Viện Lịch sử Đảng Phản biện 3: PGS.TS Trần Đức Cƣờng Viện Sử học Luận án bảo vệ trước Hội đồng chấm luận án cấp: Trường Họp Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội Vào hồi … … ngày … tháng … năm 2019 Có thể tìm hiểu luận án : Thư viện Quốc gia Việt Nam Thư viện Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội DANH MỤC CÁC CƠNG TRÌNH CỦA TÁC GIẢ LIÊN QUAN ĐẾN LUẬN ÁN Bùi Mạnh Thắng (6-2016), “Chủ trương phát triển kinh tế, văn hóa miền núi miền Bắc Đảng năm 1961 - 1965”, Tạp chí Khoa học Trường Đại học Tây Bắc, ISSN 2354-1091, số 5, tr 89-94 Bùi Mạnh Thắng (10-2016), “Tìm hiểu chủ trương tổ chức đồng bào miền xi phát triển kinh tế, văn hóa miền núi (1961 1965)”, Tạp chí Lịch sử Đảng, ISSN 0936-8477, số 311, tr 83-87 Bùi Mạnh Thắng (3-2017), “Quá trình hình thành sở khai hoang đồng bào miền xuôi tỉnh Sơn La giai đoạn (1961 1965)”, Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Lịch sử, ISSN 0866-7497, số (491), tr 32-41 Bùi Mạnh Thắng (10-2017), “Quá trình tiếp nhận đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia khai hoang miền núi tỉnh Sơn La (1961 - 1965)”, Tạp chí Dân tộc học, ISSN 0866-7632 Bùi Mạnh Thắng (11-2017), “Cuộc vận động đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi (1961 - 1965)”, Tạp chí Lịch sử Đảng, ISSN 0936-8477, số 324, tr 32-36 Bùi Mạnh Thắng (12-2017), “Chủ trương tiếp nhận đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi Đảng Khu Tây Bắc”, Tạp chí Khoa học Trường Đại học Tây Bắc, ISSN 2354-1091, số 11, tr 60-66 MỞ ĐẦU Lý chọn đề tài Sau thắng lợi kháng chiến chống thực dân Pháp (1945 - 1954), nước Việt Nam tạm thời bị chia cắt thành hai miền, bước phát triển theo hai khuynh hướng trị - xã hội đối lập Nhiệm vụ củng cố miền Bắc, giải phóng miền Nam, tiến tới thống đất nước địi hỏi Đảng Lao động Việt Nam phải lãnh đạo phát huy tối đa sức mạnh đại đoàn kết toàn dân tộc Để thực nhiệm vụ đó, Đảng Lao động Việt Nam phát động miền Bắc số vận động, có vận động “Đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” Cuộc vận động “Đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” ba vận động lớn miền Bắc năm đầu thập kỷ 60 kỷ XX (cùng với vận động cải tiến quản lý hợp tác xã vận động “ba xây, ba chống”) Nội dung chủ yếu vận động tổ chức nông dân đồng Bắc Bộ tham gia khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế miền núi Trong năm 1961 - 1965, vận động triển khai mạnh mẽ toàn miền Bắc, đưa hàng chục vạn đồng bào miền xi lên khai phá vùng đất cịn hoang vu, xây dựng hàng nghìn sở khai hoang, tham gia phát triển kinh tế văn hóa miền núi Kết vận động góp phần giải phóng sức lao động miền xi, nâng cao bình qn diện tích đất canh tác đầu người, sở thúc đẩy sản xuất phát triển, cải thiện suất lao động đời sống nhân dân Sơn La tỉnh miền núi thuộc Khu Tự trị Thái - Mèo, địa bàn sinh sống lâu đời nhiều dân tộc, có tiềm phát triển kinh tế cịn gặp khó khăn, tình trạng thiếu lao động Trong năm 1961 - 1965, thực Nghị Đại hội Đảng toàn quốc lần thứ III, tỉnh Sơn La tiếp nhận vạn nhân khẩu, chủ yếu từ hai tỉnh Hưng Yên, Thái Bình lên khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế; xây dựng hàng chục hợp tác xã khai hoang Lực lượng có đóng góp tích cực lĩnh vực kinh tế, văn hóa, xã hội, trị, an ninh - quốc phòng tỉnh Sơn La nghiệp xây dựng, củng cố miền Bắc; đồng thời, tạo tiền đề cho việc tiếp nhận nhân lực bổ sung giai đoạn sau Nghiên cứu trình tổ chức nơng dân tỉnh Hưng n Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La năm 1961 - 1965 giúp thấy bối cảnh hình thành chủ trương tổ chức nơng dân đồng Bắc Bộ tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi Đảng Nhà nước; chủ trương, sách khai hoang nhân dân; trình xây dựng sở, tổ chức khai hoang, sản xuất quê hương mới; từ thấy tác động lực lượng khai hoang lĩnh vực: kinh tế, văn hóa, xã hội, trị, quốc phịng - an ninh Nghiên cứu đề tài cịn góp phần làm rõ giai đoạn phát triển lịch sử tỉnh Sơn La, giúp nhận thức đầy đủ nhân tố quan trọng tạo nên tranh văn hóa phong phú đậm đà sắc Sơn La Mặt khác, nghiên cứu đề tài cịn có ý nghĩa thực tiễn sâu sắc Hiện nay, công di dân tái định cư nước tiếp tục diễn ra, việc phân bố lại dân cư, lao động vùng miền nhiệm vụ quan trọng Đảng, quyền cấp Trong nghiệp đẩy mạnh cơng nghiệp hóa, đại hóa đất nước, q trình triển khai xây dựng sở hạ tầng khu vực miền núi, đặc biệt xây dựng cơng trình thủy điện lớn gắn bó chặt chẽ với công di dân tái định cư, xếp lại dân cư lao động, cần thiết tham khảo kinh nghiệm q khứ để có sách, giải pháp khoa học, phù hợp Những lý nêu khoa học để lựa chọn vấn đề “Q trình tổ chức nơng dân tỉnh Hưng Yên Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La (1961 - 1965)” làm đề tài nghiên cứu cho luận án Tiến sĩ lịch sử Đối tƣợng, phạm vi nghiên cứu 2.1 Đối tượng nghiên cứu Đối tượng nghiên cứu luận án q trình tổ chức nơng dân hai tỉnh Hưng n Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La 2.2 Phạm vi nghiên cứu - Không gian: Luận án tập trung nghiên cứu địa bàn tỉnh Sơn La; đồng thời, luận án nghiên cứu địa bàn tỉnh Hưng Yên Thái Bình - Thời gian: Luận án tập trung nghiên cứu khoảng thời gian từ năm 1961 đến hết năm 1965 Mục đích, nhiệm vụ nghiên cứu 3.1 Mục đích nghiên cứu Tái q trình tổ chức nơng dân tỉnh Hưng n Thái Bình lên Sơn La xây dựng sở khai hoang, trình khai hoang, phát triển sản xuất; làm rõ tác động đồng bào khai hoang lĩnh vực kinh tế, văn hóa, xã hội, trị, quốc phịng - an ninh 3.2 Nhiệm vụ nghiên cứu - Làm rõ bối cảnh lịch sử chủ trương tổ chức nông dân đồng Bắc Bộ tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi Đảng, Nhà nước địa phương - Tái trình tổ chức nơng dân hai tỉnh Hưng n, Thái Bình chuyển cư lên Sơn La; trình hình thành sở khai hoang địa bàn tỉnh Sơn La - Dựng lại trình tổ chức khai hoang, hoạt động sản xuất phát triển kinh tế lực lượng khai hoang địa bàn tỉnh Sơn La - Phân tích, làm rõ tác động q trình tổ chức nơng dân hai tỉnh Hưng n, Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La Nguồn tƣ liệu, phƣơng pháp nghiên cứu 4.1 Nguồn tư liệu - Các văn kiện Đảng vận động “Đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” - Tư liệu lưu trữ Trung tâm Lưu trữ Quốc gia III, địa phương - Các báo địa phương: Tây Bắc, Sơn La, Hưng Yên, Thái Bình xuất giai đoạn 1961 - 1965 - Tư liệu điền dã, vấn nhân chứng số địa điểm hợp tác xã khai hoang trước địa bàn tỉnh Sơn La - Những nghiên cứu có liên quan đến nội dung đề tài luận án 4.2 Phương pháp nghiên cứu - Phương pháp luận: Luận án thực sở chủ nghĩa vật biện chứng chủ nghĩa vật lịch sử; phương pháp luận sử học mácxít, quan điểm Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam Nhà nước Việt Nam vấn đề dân cư, lao động, dân tộc quan hệ dân tộc - Phương pháp nghiên cứu: Luận án sử dụng kết hợp phương pháp lịch sử, phương pháp lôgic; phương pháp thu thập tư liệu thứ cấp, phương pháp thu thập tư liệu sơ cấp; phương pháp thống kê, phân tích, so sánh; thực điền dã, khảo sát thực tế để thu thập tư liệu, xác minh thơng tin Đóng góp luận án - Về khoa học: tái q trình tổ chức nơng dân tỉnh Hưng n, Thái Bình lên Sơn La xây dựng sở khai hoang; hoạt động khai hoang, phát triển sản xuất năm 1961 - 1965; bước đầu rút nhận xét tác động đồng bào khai hoang Sơn La - Về thực tiễn: Luận án cung cấp thêm tư liệu cho việc nghiên cứu nội dung quan trọng lịch sử tỉnh Sơn La; làm tài liệu tham khảo nghiên cứu, giảng dạy lịch sử địa phương; tài liệu tham khảo, vận dụng vào trình tổ chức di dân tái định cư giai đoạn Bố cục luận án Ngoài phần Mở đầu, Kết luận, Tài liệu tham khảo, Phụ lục, luận án bố cục thành chương: Chương Tổng quan tình hình nghiên cứu Chương Bối cảnh lịch sử chủ trương tổ chức nơng dân tỉnh Hưng n Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La Chương Quá trình hình thành sở khai hoang nơng dân tỉnh Hưng Yên Thái Bình Sơn La (1961 - 1965) Chương Hoạt động khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế nông dân tỉnh Hưng Yên Thái Bình Sơn La (1961 - 1965) Chương Tác động q trình tổ chức nơng dân tỉnh Hưng Yên Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La (1961 - 1965) Chƣơng TỔNG QUAN TÌNH HÌNH NGHIÊN CỨU 1.1 Những nghiên cứu vận động “Đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” Cuộc vận động “Đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” khởi đầu từ Nghị Đại hội Đảng toàn quốc lần thứ III Ngay năm triển khai vận động, có số nghiên cứu bối cảnh, chủ trương, sách, q trình tổ chức thực Tiêu biểu nghiên cứu: “Tìm hiểu sách tăng vụ khai hoang” Xuân Thảo (năm 1962); “Chung sức xây dựng miền núi” Hồng Bắc (năm 1963); “Vì phải tiến hành vận động đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi?” Hằng Anh (năm 1964); “Một số kinh nghiệm xây dựng, củng cố hợp tác xã khai hoang Quỳnh Giáo, xã Mường Báng, huyện Tuần Giáo, tỉnh Lai Châu” (năm 1964); “Tham gia xây dựng miền núi thiết thực chống Mỹ cứu nước” Hằng Anh (năm 1964) Trong năm 1961 - 1965, Tạp chí Học tập cơng bố nhiều viết liên quan tới vận động, tiêu biểu là: “Bàn nhân dân khai hoang” Trần Hữu Dực; “Tăng cường khối đoàn kết toàn dân tộc làm cho miền núi mau chóng tiến kịp miền xi” Lê Quảng Ba; “Khu Tự trị Thái - Mèo phấn đấu để thực hiệu “làm cho miền núi tiến kịp miền xuôi, dân tộc thiểu số tiến kịp dân tộc đa số”” Bình Phương; “Làm tốt vận động đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” Nguyễn Dương Tâm Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Kinh tế đăng tải nhiều nghiên cứu như: “Tình hình khai hoang nay” Nguyễn Thiện Vỹ; “Một số ý kiến vấn đề khai hoang” Hoàng Ước; “Những kết kinh tế bước đầu công tác vận động đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế văn hóa miền núi” Nguyễn Thiện Vỹ; “Vấn đề củng cố sở khai hoang nông nghiệp miền núi trung du” Ngơ Văn Tình; “Thấu suốt khách quan vận động “đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi””; “Thắng lợi to lớn vận động “đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” kế hoạch năm lần thứ nhất” Nguyễn Dương Tâm Tạp chí Đoàn kết Dân tộc đăng tải nhiều viết liên quan đến vận động như: “Góp thêm ý kiến vào vấn đề khai hoang miền núi” Nguyễn Văn Tủy; “Chú ý quan hệ đoàn kết dân tộc lực lượng khai hoang nhân dân miền núi” Trường Sơn; “Quán triệt sách dân tộc tiến hành công vận động đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” Nguyễn Dương Tâm Từ cuối năm 1964, bên cạnh nhiệm vụ xây dựng chủ nghĩa xã hội chi viện cho miền Nam, miền Bắc phải đương đầu với chiến tranh phá hoại đế quốc Mỹ Trong hồn cảnh đó, việc tổ chức đưa nông dân phát triển kinh tế miền núi nhiều khó khăn Những hoạt động tìm hiểu, nghiên cứu vận động tạm thời đặt sang bên để tập trung cho nhiệm vụ chiến đấu phục vụ chiến đấu Phải đến hàng chục năm sau, đề tài đề cập trở lại diện cơng trình nghiên cứu năm cuối kỷ XX, đầu kỷ XXI Tiêu biểu nghiên cứu: “Di dân nội địa Việt Nam: chiến lược sinh tồn khn mẫu thay đổi” Nguyễn Văn Chính (năm 2000); cơng trình “Di dân, kinh tế mới, định canh định cư - lịch sử truyền thống” Cục Định canh định cư Vùng kinh tế tổ chức biên soạn (năm 2001); nghiên cứu “Chính sách di dân trình phát triển kinh tế - xã hội tỉnh miền núi” Đặng Nguyên Anh (năm 2006); cơng trình Lịch sử Việt Nam, Tập (từ năm 1945 đến năm 2015) Lê Mậu Hãn chủ biên (năm 2013); viết “Cuộc vận động, tổ chức nông dân miền Bắc xây dựng, phát triển kinh tế miền núi (1961 - 1965)” Trần Thị Kim Dung (Tạp chí Lịch sử Đảng, năm 2013); viết “Di dân Việt Nam thời kỳ 1954 - 1975 hệ quả” Nguyễn Trọng Phúc (Tạp chí Lịch sử Đảng, năm 2015) 1.2 Những nghiên cứu q trình tổ chức nơng dân tỉnh Hƣng n Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La Ngay năm đầu tổ chức phong trào khai hoang xa, có số nghiên cứu sở khai hoang Sơn La, Tây Bắc Tiêu biểu viết: “Nông dân Hưng Yên giương cao cờ đầu mặt trận khai hoang vùng núi Tây Bắc” Lê Quý Quỳnh (Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Kinh tế, năm 1961); “Vấn đề đoàn kết dân tộc Tây Bắc” Hoàng Bắc (Tạp chí Dân tộc, năm 1962); “Hợp tác xã khai hoang Hoa Mai đoàn kết dân tộc tốt” Hồng Giang (Tạp chí Dân tộc, năm 1963) Một số cơng trình nghiên cứu bước đầu sâu tìm hiểu phong trào khai hoang tình hình hợp tác xã khai hoang địa bàn tỉnh Sơn La, tiêu biểu tác phẩm: “Đi khai hoang Tây Bắc” Hữu Thọ (năm 1963); “Vài nét nông nghiệp Khu Tự trị Tây Bắc” Bùi Công Trừng (năm 1965); cơng trình “Địa chí Thái Bình” (năm 2011) Bên cạnh nghiên cứu nêu trên, phải kể tới cơng trình lịch sử Đảng liên quan như: “Lịch sử Đảng tỉnh Sơn La, tập II (1954 1975)”; lịch sử Đảng huyện Thuận Châu, Mường La, Yên Châu, Mộc Châu, Mai Sơn, Sông Mã, Quỳnh Nhai; cơng trình lịch sử địa phương, lịch sử ban ngành tỉnh như: “Tây Bắc - Lịch sử kháng chiến chống Mỹ, cứu nước (1954 - 1975)”; “Sơn La - Lịch sử kháng chiến chống Mỹ, cứu nước (1954 – 1975)”; “Tỉnh Sơn La 110 năm (1895 - 2005)” Những ấn phẩm nêu bước đầu đề cập tới nội dung luận án 1.3 Nhận xét tình hình nghiên cứu nhiệm vụ khoa học đặt cho luận án Điểm qua nghiên cứu trên, rút số nhận xét sau: 1) Số lượng nghiên cứu vận động “Đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” cịn Đến thời điểm tại, chưa có cơng trình chun khảo lịch sử vận động 2) Các nghiên cứu liên quan chủ yếu tập trung làm rõ bối cảnh lịch sử, nội dung chủ trương tổ chức vận động “Đồng bào miền xuôi tham gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” Đảng Nhà nước 3) Trong bối cảnh đó, nghiên cứu q trình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế nông dân đồng Bắc Bộ địa bàn tỉnh Sơn La khan nghèo nàn Cụ thể: - Nghiên cứu trực tiếp đề tài chưa có; có số nghiên cứu nội dung liên quan đến đề tài - Một số nghiên cứu đề cập tới tình hình số sở khai hoang địa bàn Khu Tự trị Tây Bắc tỉnh Sơn La, nội dung sơ sài - Một số cơng trình lịch sử địa phương đề cập tới số lượng đồng bào khai hoang Sơn La số liệu cơng bố cịn sai lệch với tư liệu gốc 4) Có thể khẳng định, thời điểm tại, chưa có cơng trình nghiên cứu chun sâu vận động, trình tổ chức nơng dân hai tỉnh Hưng n, Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La 5) Trên sở kế thừa quan điểm, tư liệu định hướng nghiên cứu trước, dựa tư liệu mới, đặc biệt tư liệu lưu trữ, tư liệu điền dã, luận án tập trung làm rõ nội dung sau đây: Thứ nhất, tái bối cảnh lịch sử hình thành chủ trương tổ chức nơng dân đồng Bắc Bộ tham gia khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế miền núi Đảng, Nhà nước địa phương Thứ hai, dựng lại trình tiếp nhận nhân lực khai hoang, xây dựng sở khai hoang Sơn La năm 1961 - 1965 Thứ ba, phục dựng lại trình khai hoang, phát triển sản xuất nông dân hai tỉnh Hưng Yên Thái Bình Sơn La lĩnh vực: trồng trọt, chăn nuôi, thủ công nghiệp, khai thác lâm thổ sản, phát triển kinh tế phụ, năm 1961 - 1965 Thứ tư, phân tích, làm rõ tác động q trình tổ chức nơng dân hai tỉnh Hưng Yên Thái Bình tham gia khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế địa bàn tỉnh Sơn La (1961 - 1965) Thứ năm, chỉnh lý tư liệu chưa xác nghiên cứu trước; bổ sung, trao đổi với quan điểm, nhận định mà nghiên cứu sinh cho chưa thực thỏa đáng phù hợp 10 the adjustment of construction human resources expanding the autonomous region towards socialism On December 26, 1960, Tay Bac Party Executive Committee issued Resolution No 18/NQ-TB on the project of governing the human resources from deltaarea contributing to consolidation and expansion of the Autonomous Region Obviously, Tai - Meo Autonomous Region already prepared to welcome reclaimed compatriots to participate in mountainous economic development 2.3 Overviews of Son La province 2.3.1 Administrative boundaries In the period 1961 - 1965, Son La province included Son La Town and districts: Moc Chau, Yen Chau, Mai Son, Thuan Chau, Quynh Nhai, Muong La, Song Ma There were 142 communes and towns across the province This is the administrative scope we focus on research in the thesis 2.3.2 Natural condition The majority of Son La's natural topography is an area of row on row of mountains stretching from Hoa Binh province to the top of Pha Din pass Moc Chau and Na San plateaus are Son La's merits in economic development Son La has favorable conditions for agricultural development thanks to the diversity of land The typical climate in Son La is a coincidence between the hot and the rainy season, as well as the cold with the dry season On the systems of Da River, Ma River and hundreds of streams, Son La not only has abundant sources of fisheries but also can unleash irrigation and hydropower In addition, the province is also endowed with rich mineral and forest resources Overall, Son La possesses numerous auspicious conditions for economic development 2.3.3 Social conditions According to the survey results up to 1-3-1960, Son La province was a home of 182,258 people The average population density was 15 persons per km2, whereas the average agricultural area per capita was very large This led to the fact that Son La had to deal with a shortage of workforce Son La is the habitat of 12 ethnic groups: Tai, Mong, Kinh, Muong, Dao, Tay, La Ha, Xinh Mun, Khang, Hoa, Lao and Kho Mu In 1960, the Tai ethnic group had the largest number of people with 117,065 peoples, accounting for 64.2% of the total population; followed by Kinh people with 26,828 peoples, accounting for about 14.7% Under the colonial regime, the malicious expedients of colonialism and feudalism caused psychological fear and hate the Kinh among the ethnic minorities in the Tay Bac Before the campaign “people from delta region participate in mountainous economic development”, there still remained many prejudices and doubts with Kinh peoplein the psychology and sentiment of ethnic minorities 2.3.4 Defense - security As an important strategic position with large area, especially 250 km 11 border with Laos, Son La has always drawn a lot of attention and is the operating area of hostile forces During the years 1955 - 1960, the situation of security and order in Son La province was complicated In particular, from 1958 to 1960, due to political upheaval in Laos, the Vietnam-Laos border situation became strained In this situation, defense and security work was strengthened and fortified By virtue of positive measures, domestic social order and border security were maintained Despite this, the risks of national defense and security are always present, requiring armed forces and people to uphold the spirit of solidarity, to be vigilant, and ready to defeat the opposed plot of hostile forces Minor conclusion of chapter Stemming from the demand of regulating human resources among regions leading to lavish workforce promotion of plain area and economic potential exploitation of mountainous area, there by developing mountainous culture and economy and “bring mountains to catch up with the plain” as well as implement the goal of building and strengthening the North and progress the North “fast, strongly, steadily” to socialism, Vietnam Central Labor Party set a policy to mobilize farmers in the Northern Delta provinces to reclaim in the midland and mountainous provinces This was a great policy, reflecting the Party Central Committee's determination in the construction and consolidation of the North In order to fulfill the policy, the delta provinces, which have a high population density, the average area of limited cultivated land such as Thai Binh and Hung Yen, actively responded and urgently organized people reclaiming and developing mountainous economy Tay Bac was selected to be the pilot area, thus replicating the model to the Northern mountainous provinces Meanwhile, the Thai-Meo Autonomous Region and Son La province, where are the most sparsely populated in the North with a large area of land but lacking in labor force, also activelyprepared to receive reclaimers It was the determination of the Party Central Committee along with the activeness and positivity of the localities that initiated a great revolutionary movement throughout the North in the early years of the 60s of the twentieth century - the campaign “People from delta region participate in mountainous economic development” Together with emulation movements during the first phase of the State Plan implementation (1961 - 1965), the campaign “people from delta region participate in mountainous economic development” has contributed to opening up an exciting period, enthusiastic atmosphere with the aim of attacking poor and backward; has led to the formation of many connections between the delta and mountainous localities, typically Hung Yen, Thai Binh and Son La 12 Chapter THE PROCESS OF ESTABLISHING RECLAIMING FACILITIES OF FARMERS IN HUNG YEN AND THAI BINH PROVINCES IN SON LA (1961 - 1965) 3.1 The organization of moving people to reclaim in Son La, Tay Bac of Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces 3.1.1 Hung Yen province With the aim of leading the transfer of people to reclaim and develop mountainous areas, an apparatus of managing reclaiming from provincial level to commune level in Hung Yen was established to administrate the transfer of people reclaiming and developing mountainous areas For the reclaiming in Tay Bac, Hung Yen Provincial Party Committee proposed the policy: “each district will make a connection with one district in Tay Bac” In the years 1961 - 1965, Hung Yen province assigned to districts in charge of the reclaiming areas in Son La, specifically: Khoai Chau and My Hao districts went to Moc Chau, Kim Dong district went to Yen Chau, Phu Cu district went to Mai Son, An Thi and Van Lam districts went to Muong La, Tien Lu and Yen My districts went to Song Ma Based on the first pilot step, the province decided to allot tasks to each district to build a pilot from to reclaimed cooperatives From the end of 1961, the pilot work was delivered to the districts; gradually, districts helped each commune build a pilot reclaiming cooperative, thereby expanding the scale of reclaiming 3.1.2 Thai Binh province In order to leading distant reclaiming, Thai Binh province established the Provincial Committee of Reclaiming Mr Ngo Duy Dong - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee was directly selected to be the Chairman At the same time, reclaiming sections of districts and communes were also required to be founded Just as Hung Yen province, the organization of reclaiming and participating in the mountainous economic development of Thai Binh province in the years 1961 - 1965 was carried out through many waves Each session was specifically directed on participants; guided how to write a volunteer application, organized confirmation and selection, etc The province supported essential material for the reclaimers, launched the movement “xe nguoi xe cua”2 to advocate the reclaiming movement 3.2 The process of receiving reclaimed human resources in Son La province (1961 - 1965) 3.2.1 The transferring and receiving reclaimed resources pilot In November 1960, Hung Yen province sent a delegation of officials to work with the leader of the Tai - Meo Autonomous Region for a coordination i.e the users of the left-over land areas of the reclaimers shall have to pay their funds 13 development of a plan to organize the people to reclaim In December 1960, Hung Yen province carried out the cooperative members to build a pilot reclaiming base in Son La, named Hoang Van Thu cooperative The cooperative was arranged along Road No in Mai Son and Muong La In February 1961, Thai Binh province's pilot reclaiming group started its journey to Tay Bac with the purpose of building a cooperative in Binh Thuan in Thuan Chau The cooperative arranged the reclaiming and development of production at the foot of Pha Din pass in Chieng Pha commune Hoang Van Thu and Binh Thuan were the first two pilot reclaimed cooperatives in the North of the Northern Delta farmers in the campaign of participating in mountainous economic development 3.2.2 The process of increasingly receiving reclaimed human resources From the end of 1961, the Tai - Meo Autonomous Region continued to welcome more reclaimed resources from Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces By the end of 1962, as for Son La, a total of 6,115 people were received, of which the proportion of workers accounted for 78% From the two districts Mai Son and Thuan Chau, the reclaimed compatriots expanded working areas to other localities in the province Son La province received more reclaiming manpower from 1963 to 1965 After years (1961 - 1965), excluding 870 young children born in their new homeland, Son La province received 14,046 people from provinces of Hung Yen, Thai Binh and Ha Dong with a labor rate of 66.3% However, in the same years, 263 workers went to the military; 69 workers pulled out working at other agencies and economic sectors; and 4,302 people were in cases of leaving, being released or reclaiming elsewhere The total number of reclaimed compatriots in Son La province was 10,282 people, including 5,169 men, 5,113 women, the proportion of workers accounted for about 48% by the end of 1965 3.3 The process of forming reclaiming facilities in Son La province (1961 - 1965) 3.3.1 In the first two years 1961 - 1962 In the first phase of receiving human resources, the Tai - Meo Autonomous Region advocated the construction of independent reclaiming cooperatives in convenient places, ensuring conditions for arable land, water sources and roads The two cooperatives Hoang Van Thu and Binh Thuan were established with a high-level cooperative model, and taken as an example for others to follow Up to the time of provincial re-establishment (October 1962), there were 19 independent reclaiming cooperatives built in districts in Son La province In the early stage, the scale of the reclaimed cooperative was relatively large In fact, the scale in the first two years of constructing was not suitable with the land conditions and management level of officials, which was a limitation to promptly adjust and overcome 14 3.3.2 In the years 1963 - 1965 Since 1963, Son La province decided to break up large-scale reclaimed cooperatives; continued to implement the policy of building independent reclaimed cooperatives in small and medium scale; conducted alternatepilot a number of reclaiming teams into local cooperatives According to this direction, by the end of 1963, the whole province divided 10 large reclaimed cooperatives into 33 small and medium-sized ones; initially implemented the pilot project to insert production teams of Hung Yen people into local cooperatives Son La province had 45 independent reclaiming cooperatives and integrated reclaiming teams at the end of 1963 From 1964 to 1965, Son La province received more reclaiming human resourcesto the earlier-established cooperatives, and continued to build new cooperatives By the end of 1965, the whole province had 80 reclaiming facilities, including 78 independent cooperatives and new integrated teams In terms of scale, in Son La, large-scale reclaimed cooperatives completely replaced medium and small scale reclaimed cooperatives,at the end of 1965 This was an important adjustment step in the process of building reclaimed cooperatives in Son La Minor conclusion of chapter Implementing the policy of adjusting human resources among localities of the Party Central Committee, from 1961 to 1965, Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces launched a movement of reclaiming in distant areas; organized and selected more than 10,000 people to build Son La village; as well as contributed to economic development of the province From the two initial pilot reclaiming sites, Hoang Van Thu and the Binh Thuan cooperatives, by the end of 1965, 80 facilities were built across the districts in Son La, concentrating mostly in Song Ma district The emergence of reclaiming compatriots and the formation of reclamation facilities are new factors, which can be considered astremendous and profound changes in Son La province in the early years of building socialism The reclamation facilities establishment of farmers in Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces in Son La province from 1961 to 1965 was the process of mobilizing synergy and close coordination among localities, organizing went parallel with learning from experience Additionally, thereclaimers overcame difficulties and hardships so as to quickly stabilize association, and embark on production In the process, the scale of reclaiming facilities was adjusted, divided to suit the geographical conditions and management capacity of officials; organizational form (independent cooperative) was established and affirmed; the range of reclaiming had been gradually expanded This was the first step to lay the foundation of the subsidiaries of farmers in Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces tothe mountainous economic development in Son La as well as contribute to strengthen the North 15 Chapter RECLAIMING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES OF FARMERS FROM HUNG YEN AND THAI BINH PROVINCES IN SON LA (1961-1965) 4.1 The process of reclaiming and expanding the production area The first task of the reclaimers was to organize reclaimingland, clear clump and nương rẫy3, and expand production areas After years (1961 - 1965), apart from the number oflocalland ceded and the area eroded, the cooperatives reclaimed, restored and put into production 1,849 hectares In addition to mainly cultivate on nương đồi4, the cooperatives also focus on unlocking wetfields to promote the wet-rice production forte On an average, the per capita land area in reclaimed cooperatives was much higher than in the old village By the end of 1965, each member had an average of 2,000 m2 (equivalent to more than sào5 in the North of Vietnam), each worker had 4,280 m2 (equivalent to mẫu5 sào5 of Bắc Bộ) This became the first achievement of the reclaiming people in their new homeland, also the first victory in the struggle for natural renovation and building new life 4.2 Agricultural production in reclaiming facilities 4.2.1 Cultivation * Crop techniques Reclaimed cooperatives made great efforts in irrigation including organizing embankments, dams to retain water; digging small lakes, and ponds to store water; making trenches to usher water In order to limit the negative impact of the weather, these cooperatives not only were instructed and implemented in very seasonal, but also concentrated on fertilizing, making full use of fertilizer sources In addition, measures to protect crops from pest infestation, wild animals, cattle and buffaloes, etc were also focused Many innovative tools invented in the process of manufacturing labor have contributed to improving labor productivity * Crop structure Crop structure in reclaimed cooperatives was relatively comprehensive, comprising: staple-food crops, industrial crops (short term and long term) Particularly, the area of staple-food crops dominated over industrial crops with 3/4 of the cultivated area or more However, industrial crops tended to grow over the years, from 7.3% in 1961 to 27.4% in 1965, accounting for more than a quarter of the cultivated area in reclaimed commune cultivated land in mountainous areas agricultural land on hill the units of land that are often used in the North of Vietnam; mẫu=3.600m2, sào=360m2 16 * Staple-food crops This type of crop was the main crop in reclaimed cooperatives to ensure food sufficiency Despite rice and corn, the two main staple-food crops, plenty of flour-plants also put into cultivating, such aspotatoes, cassava, arrowroot, and other kinds of crops Holding about 50%, rice was the primary plant in annual Staple-food crops area, containing lúa nương6 and lúa ruộng7 In the early years, lúa nương occupied an overwhelming area compared to lúa ruộng As a result, from 1964 to 1965, this situation was improved step by step by virtue of reclaiming cooperatives gradually reducing lúa nương area and expanding lúa ruộng area Aside from rice, corn was the second main Staple-food crops Corn area and production increased steadily over the years Over a five-year period, cornyield of the reclaimed cooperatives in Son La raised more than 10 times, from 33 tons in 1961 to 445.7 tons in 1965 * Industrial crops Since 1963, industrial plants began to be interested in development by crop specialization in some reclaimed cooperatives Therefore, thearea and yield of cash crops dramatically grew over the years and achieved 9,426 tons of products in years It was a large volume of raw materials in contributing to the local industrial development and bringing profit to cooperatives * Fruit trees Fruit trees were grown mainly in the land area of cooperatives and private production land of cooperative members It is noteworthy that long an trees were brought from Hung Yen to grow with seeds at reclaimed land, gradually becoming a high economic value tree in Son La province 4.2.2 Animal husbandry The livestock division was formed in the reclaimed cooperatives right from the early days of arriving in the Tay Bac During the development process, there was a strong breeding team to separate and establishe its own livestock cooperative Livestock structures in reclaimed cooperatives included cattle (cattle in big form mainly were cow and buffaloes; main cattle in smallform were pigs, goats) and poultry (chicken, duck, geese, etc.) Some cooperatives also organized to dig ponds and lakes to develop fish farming, some others organized to raise honeybee The development of the livestock sector, though, was not commensurate with favorable conditions, or able to reach an important position in the production structure of reclaimed cooperatives Annual income of collective animal husbandry only accounted for about 10% of the total income of cooperatives a type of rice planted on paddy field a type of rice planted on nương (nương rẫy3) 17 4.3 Handicraft production and natural resources exploitation 4.3.1 Handicraft production As an important activity in reclaimed cooperatives, handicraft production teams were organized right after the establishment of these cooperatives Common industries comprised carpentry, forging, tailoring, hair cutting, agricultural product processing, knitting, lime burning, brick making, etc By the end of 1965, out of 78 cooperatives reclaimed in Son La, there were cooperatives producing handicraft and dozensgroups of craftsman in agricultural cooperatives Income from handicraft production was a significant source of reclaimed cooperatives with the total proceeds from manual production of VND 832,478.46 4.3.2 Natural resources exploitation Another important return of reclaiming cooperatives was the exploitation of natural products Reclaimed cooperatives organized forces to unleash forest products and forestry; collect forest product and native in localities with similar forest areas in Moc Chau, Song Ma and Thuan Chau Some cooperatives along the Ma River and large streams organized fishing to improve the members' meals 4.4 Sub-economic development of cooperative members and their families Supplemental economy was a separate production activity of cooperative members and families, and also an additional source of income besides collective benefits In the first two years, supplemental economy was not paid pertinent attention In comparison, since 1963, it was relatively developed strongly and fast under the assistance of reclaiming cooperatives Correspondingly, the cooperatives could make use of leisured time and labor capacity of their members Several years after the construction of cooperatives, most of the members had their own houses, own land for production, gardens for vegetables, crops, livestock and poultry breeding Overall, the income supplemental economy played a significant role in stabilizing the life of the reclaimed people in the early years in their new homeland Minor conclusion of chapter Reclaimed cooperatives, together with the construction process, actively organized reclaiming land, enlarged cultivation and also advanced production By the end of 1965, each reclaimed member of Son La, averagely, acquired over 2,000 m2 of collective cultivated land This area was much more than the average level of their previous land, not to mention the area of supplement economic production by self-development On this newly land, reclaimed members and cooperatives actively emulatedat production, intensified the cultivation of Staple-food crops (mainly rice and corn); likewise, some cooperatives boldly turned to industrial crops Furthermore, the cooperatives 18 also promoted animal husbandry, broadened handicrafts, and tapped forest products and natural resources In addition to the collective labor time, the members also actively developed sub-economic activities It can be assumed that the economic activity of the reclaimed people was quite comprehensive, in which industrial tree planting, handicraft production and sub-economic development were defined as three fundamental ways of enrichment to cooperatives and their members Only after a few years of striving in the new homeland, the cooperatives obtained a sustainable life within a short time Although the collective economy's income in most cooperatives was not self-sufficient, the income of the cooperative members has been significantly offset by the sub-economic activities By overcoming the initial difficulties; actively learning local production experience, reclaimed cooperatives stabilized production, gradually struggled to implement self-sufficiency on food, and strived to enrich themselves as well as cooperatives and localities These initial results confirmed that the policy of human resources adjustment of the Central Party and localities is correct as well as reflected the efforts and determination of reclaiming people in their new homeland Concurrently, these not only showed the great ability and strength of nature and people in the cause of building socialism in the North but also result in enormous and profound impacts on many fields Chapter IMPACTS OF THE PROCESS OF ORGANIZING FARMERS IN HUNG YEN AND THAI BINH PROVINCES IN RECLAIMING AND DEVELOPING THE ECONOMY IN SON LA (1961 - 1965) 5.1 Economic impacts 5.1.1 Regulating human resources among localities In the two provinces of Hung Yen and Thai Binh, the transfer of tens of thousands of people to the mountains, including bringing over 10,000 people to Son La in a short period of time, made contributionto reducepressure on population density and population growth rate to these provinces By leaving large areas of land, reclaimers helped to raise the average land area per capita for those who stayed, contributing to breaking the so-called “xiềng sào”8, which result in liberating the labor of farmers, facilitating production development, and improving crop yield The process also added a large amount of manpower to participate in economic development in Son La By the end of 1965, the total number of people in reclaimed establishments in Son La province was 10,282 people average land area per capita of the North is about sào(over 1000m2) 19 equivalent to the population of Quynh Nhai district or Son La Town at the same time This was truly a significant force participating to the process of economic and cultural development, strengthening security and defense of Son La province 5.1.2 Forming new economic bases, contributing to boosting economic growth of Son La province More than 70 independent reclaiming cooperatives were the new economic bases of Son La province After years of striving, the people not only reclaimed, and restored nearly 2,000 hectares of hills and fields, hundreds of hectares of wet-fields, turned wild land into cultivated land, but also laid the foundation for the development of agricultural production in the new homeland One of the important impacts of reclaiming cooperatives was to increase the proportion of industrial crops in Son La's crop structure, contributing to improving the industrial plantation area of the province Moreover, the reclaimed compatriots in Son La also added new factors creating a shift in production in mountainous areas This movement embraced new plant varieties; new production tools to improve labor productivity in the new homeland; the dissemination of new technical measures, good production experiences Rather, they participated in building technical facilities for socialism as well 5.1.3 Expanding the industry, changing the habits and production levels of the local people The reclaimed cooperatives in Son La province developed over 20 handicraft industries, contributing to the development of commodity economy Many of them instructed, trained craftsmen, helped localities todevelop trades as well as took advantage of labor and idle time, and increased income The cultivation habit of local people was gradually changed through solidarity in production and exchange of experiences when cohabiting with reclaiming people Many local cooperatives strengthened management capacity under the guidance and assistance of reclaiming officials The spirit of the reclaimed people in conquering difficulties and workinghard has been praised and studied by local people in many places 5.2 Social impacts 5.2.1 Participating in improving people's lives After a short time of building foundations and striving to produce, the life of the reclaimed people in Son La had a lot of prosperity; particularly, material life was gradually improved, and spiritual life was concerned and attended Numerous cooperative members affirmed that their new life was much better than before With the arrival of reclaimed people, the lives of local people also had conditions to be better A great deal ofreclaimed cooperatives were willing to help the locality in difficult times The shop of reclaimed cooperatives became a convenient trading place for local people In particular, reclaimed people had 20 positive and clear influences in the field of health care for local people 5.2.2 Effecting on inhabitants and population in Son La province The reclaimed compatriots not onlyraised the natural population growth rate of Son La province which made a change inthe population density of the province, but also ascended the Kinh ethnic groupin the ethnic structure in Son La The Kinh people were widely distributed throughout the provinces of Son La province, in both remote and border areas This was extremely critical in strengthening and promoting the strength of national solidarity in the cause of national construction and defense The establishment of reclaimed cooperatives led to the emergence of new residential units that changed the population map of Son La province In many border areas, remote and isolated areas, which had none or very few people in the past, now adorned with a lot of reclaimed cooperatives Thanks to this appearance, the picture of some new towns gradually formed such as Mai Son and Song Ma 5.2.3 Promoting exchanges and developing culture Cultural life in reclaimed places had considerable prosperous features owing to the direct participation of reclaiming compatriots in improving the cultural level for local people In order to contribute to raising awareness and qualifications for local officials and people, cadres and teachers of reclaimed cooperatives not only acceded to the illiteracy elimination and cultural enrichment for local people, guided local people in scientific and technical knowledge, but also exchanged experience of leadership and management of cooperatives, etc The increasing emergence of reclaimed people also resulted in a positive influence in helping to makethe use of Vietnamese in ethnic minority communities gradually becoming more common and popular 5.3 Politicsand defense - security impacts 5.3.1 Strengthening the political system The attendance of reclaimed people was the engine of deepening and reinforcing the political system of Son La province With the addition of thousands of cadres, partisan, Communist Youth League, and dozens of Party cells, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Unionlocals, Women's Union branches in reclaimed establishments augmented the power of Party organizations and the mass groups in Son La The reciprocation on experience between reclaimed and local cooperatives also entered into improving the management capacity of local cooperatives' staff, especially in the “three stewardship” In addition, reclaimed peoplein Son La made a positive impact on the implementation of ethnic policy They not only supported local people in life and production, united with local people to perform common tasks but also were a bridge between localities of Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces and Son La provinces 21 Both successes and limitations in organizing farmers in the Northern Delta to reclaim and develop the economy in Son La were useful and valuable experiences, as well as bequeath profound lessons for reclaimers and party committees and authorities in the leadership of the campaign in the next period 5.3.2 Intensifying national defense and security The reclaimedpeople joined hands to build and confirm more firmly the defense front and security in an excessively important strategic location - a hedge to the northwest of the country.In the settingof the American empire escalating the war to raid the North, the reclaimed compatriots and cooperatives in Son La actively fought and served the fight against the war, contributing to the general deed of Northern people Minor conclusion of chapter Within a short time (1961 - 1965), farmers in Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces reclaimed and developed economy in Son La and achieved certain performances which positive and profound impacted on variety of fields Economically, they partly moderated human resources and released production forces Also, their presence led to the formation of new economic establishments, helped to develop many forms of manufacturing, contributed to the economic growth of Son La province Socially, organizing farmers in Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces to Son La to participate in economic development gave hands in stabilizing and improving the lives of the reclaimers and a division local people Furthermore, the reclaimed compatriots led to an increase in the number and the distribution of Kinh people in key areas, and the formation of new residential units that changed Son La's population map, as well as culture exchanges promotion in the reclaimed sites Reclaiming people not only made contribution in stiffening and multiplying the political system of Son La province, took part in the implementation of ethnic policyof the Party and the State, joined hands in building and consolidating more firmly the defense front and securityin an excessively important strategic location - a hedge to the northwest of the country, but also actively participated in fighting and serving the fight against American empire Although there still remained certain limitations, the positive impacts of reclaimers in Son La has made profound and long-term significance The cooperatives formation and reclaiming activities, production developmentin Son La from 1961 to 1965 created a solid basis for the next growth of the campaign “people from delta region participate in mountainous economic development” 22 CONCLUSION On account of the need to adjust human resources between the delta and mountainous areas so as to unleash the economic development potential of the mountainous region, thereby making contribution in fortifing of the North, and supporting the South, the Party and The state mobilized and organized the campaign “people from delta region participate in mountainous economic development” In respond of the campaign, Son La province coordinated with Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces to build a plan and pioneered in organizing farmers from the delta to participate in the mountainous economic development During 1961 - 1965, Son La province received a total of more than 14,000 people from Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces to reclaim By the end of 1965, in Son La province, there were 10,282 reclaimed people distributed in all districts across the province, in which most of them were transferred to Song Ma and Thuan Chau districts This force built up 80 reclaiming establishments with 78 independent reclaiming cooperatives and establishments intermingled into local cooperatives These were new residential units, economic facilities in Son La province In the new homeland, Son La, the compatriots and reclaimed cooperatives actively deforested and expanded the cultivated area On average, each reclaimed member had over 2,000 m2 of collective cultivated land, not to mention the area of sub-economic production developed by themself which was much larger than one they used to own and turned into their valuable fortune in new homeland On the newly exploited land, reclaimed people and cooperatives dynamically emulated, ascended cultivation and animal husbandry, developed handicraft production activities, and unlocked forest product, native and natural sources By means of overcoming difficulties in climate, weather, farming habits and practices; energetically learning local production experience, reclaimed cooperatives gradually stabilized production and strived to implement food self-sufficiency As collective production still faced a large number of difficulties, income from collective benefits did not ensure selfsufficiency for most of the reclaimed cooperatives, the income from subeconomic activities became a source of essential supplement for the persistence and improvement of cooperatives’ life Many families acquired a much more prosperous life than their previous time In fact, production also affirmed little by little: industrial crops, handicraft production and sub-economic development were three production directions capable of enriching cooperatives and members on reclaimed land In terms of boldly shifting crop structure and production direction, a lot of reclaimed cooperatives became typical examples in their new home The force engaged in reclaiming and economic development in Son La in 1961 - 1965 positively, greatly and deeply influenced, participatedin many 23 fields: economy, politics, society, security - defense for both delta and mountainous areas, which manifested in immediate and later long-term changes Paralleling with that, the reclaimed compatriots also contributed to improving the quality of life for a part of the local people, both materially and spiritually This led to the positive changes in culture and society, the aware and culture improvement of ethnic groups in Son La toward realizing the goal of pushing the mountains closer to the plain In particular, since the American war became more and more fierce and spread to the whole country, the accession of reclaimed people in Son La province contributed to strengthening the political system, the defense front and security in the momentous mountainous frontier areas, and the anti-American strength, as well as actively participated in fighting and servingthe fight against the war With these significances, reclaimed people in Son La partly shared the task of building technical and material bases for socialism, gradually improving people's lives, and actively played a part in the American war The biggest success of the process of organizing farmers in Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces to participate in the reclaiming and development of mountainous economy in Son La was the construction of a solid and long-term basis for the new life of reclaimers Only a few years of enthusiastically reclaiming and expanding production, reclaimers shaped a life of stabilityand step by step towards comfort A part of them had prosperous conditions with many satisfying and optimistically factors than before, and even surpassed the living standards of local people in some aspects It was the first foundation that enabled them orient for a long-term future in Son La as they had determined: “Stay for long, enrich new home” This initial performance of the reclaimers lay the groundwork and premise for the next stages of the movement “people from delta region participate in mountainous economic development” in Son La province Contrary to the above successes, the process still remained certain limitations Some newly reclaimed establishments did not had enough time to get acquainted with novel production conditions, or any crop experience, or built in unfavorable locations of water sources, terrain and traffic As a result, they failed to stabilize or ensured self-sufficiency of food and had to depend on the support of State and local authorities Considerable part of reclaimers (approximately 30%) did not determined to stay but came back to their old place or searched for other jobs because of many different reasons In someplaces, several conflicts and frictions occurred between reclaimers and local people coming at the cost of solidarity between the two sides, not only that, indiscriminate deforestation also arose in a number of reclaiming facilities, etc These limitations affected the overall results, requiring more time and subjective efforts of reclaiming compatriotsto gradually overcome However, on the objective point of view, these limitations are unavoidable in the first step 24 of building the reclamation facilities of farmers in Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces in Son La, a mountainous area Grasping these limitations no doubt helped draw many lessons for later developments In general, reclaimed people have made great efforts, tried and initially erected economic and social bases for a new life in new homeland; step by step contributed positively to Son La in particular and the cause of building socialism in the North in general This process fortified the correctness and prospects of the policy of adjusting human resources between the delta and mountainous areas; affirmed the spirit of revolution and the ability to conquer nature, created a new life for farmers in the Northern Delta; opened up economic, cultural and social relations among localities; improved the capacity to perform tasks of the authorities Both thriving experiences and limitations, failures in the first years of implementing the campaign “people from delta region participate in mountainous economic development” in Son La province were valuable lessons for the Party Committee and local authorities to continue promoting the campaign in later stages ... lịch sử chủ trương tổ chức nông dân tỉnh Hưng Yên Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La Chương Quá trình hình thành sở khai hoang nông dân tỉnh Hưng Yên Thái Bình Sơn La (1961 - 1965)... động khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế nơng dân tỉnh Hưng n Thái Bình Sơn La (1961 - 1965) Chương Tác động q trình tổ chức nơng dân tỉnh Hưng n Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La (1961... gia phát triển kinh tế miền núi” 2.2 Chủ trƣơng tổ chức nông dân tỉnh Hƣng Yên Thái Bình khai hoang, phát triển kinh tế Sơn La 2.2.1 Chủ trương tổ chức nông dân khai hoang xa Tây Bắc tỉnh Hưng Yên

Ngày đăng: 11/06/2021, 07:38


