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PREFACE Tse New Method Readers are based on a carefullv graded selectionof the commonestEnglish n,ords Each book of the seriesassumesthat the child kno'wsall the words which have been taught in the preceding books trt is therefore essentialto begin with the first book In addition each book is so constructed that each lesson assumesthat the child knows the words which have been taught in the preceding lessons It is important, therefore, to read the book right through, and not to omit any lessonsor to changetheir order Teachersare advised'to seethat each child possesses a copy of the Companion to this book (as otherwisemuch time *iit U lost in- unnecessary blackboard writing), and to follow the lessonplarrsset out in the guide to the series, lfhe lTearhingof Engiishas far as local conditionsallow This book, Reader f, is the'second of the series, ft follows the Primer (which now contains i8o words), and teachesa further e36 words When the Readeris finished further practice in-reading may be obtained by using the New Method Supplementary Readers, Stage I, which introduce no wordi or only- a few words beyond,those which have already been learnt You know zee* words frorn the prirner + This series was based on the original numbering of new words is retained I Foufih edition of the Primer, so the original imfiression r965 -_-.-_ Wizard-o +L- 4'- ]j-y_- LESSON I ALADDIN /o*, A Wizrrd (Africa) (Chhe) (Iilent to -LamP B I(-ew (That) 'Hidden The wizard Lt ew that iTlnow thp lamp wds, :' hiJJ"t in a hole in a field' {t was ^ ufr fi,,fr hole : the wizard was u {ig my*{ he id not could not go into the hole' Lt ow how to get the lamP ^ NEW METHOD READER ONE c woman-who ri,r.a(iH"n?r,"." ^ There.*"Hr"r tothe Sfg rrui o-i *";liir-'u* was feld , Aladdin,One day Aladdin ,went.oyt o! the,hut;- h ;;;;;i;;'fi.rJ r" S"l.fl.o*.9p,Th3 wizardsu* ti*, ^"a"."fi.a"nl_.'*iil called, " Boy! Boy!" Aladdin,uidr 1, wil;;ii,u,ii' ' '''I-;'t:"'D *:.1 Take h 1" 'f wi1ar,{_ said, Corneheie f can girr- fh.9 gold.r' ,Aladdin.:uiq.,,tWho are;.){oy?_ yo,, _1.t, W#i ;"-'^;;; ' The wizard9aid, Go into that,hole " H;l:f T.,_t1'do? ^rn9hotego€sveryer_down.Go'Ai.i.rto1;; ;;i;;;;ii r littlq lamp -I finowthat.trr.rr-p-il il-,rr l"g hole Take that lamp-and give it to me.,, Aladdin said, ', f wiil go.,, B+s Took the wizu.{ Su.rr Abddin a ring fhen He said, !' Take thiJring Th;;; ur gi*?, in tfal hole ; they *u.,? ," 1ifi you you have this ring and they cannot kill you Th; ,i"g ;;ll save you from ,the giants." Aladdin took ,fr.'')!9, : F , ^ (At the foo,fl Then the wizard took Aladdin io ttre r,Lr 'li opened the.doorof the hole,and Aladjl" *."iirrio-,r,.^rror He yg"t far down trr ttot.i il; h cameto a fierd In the field there'ivere,''&ry tsees There * *rro lilo*.r, n^ LE-SSON O*U the trees; there were jewels He saw the lamp at the foot of a big tree He took the lamp and went back to the r',-izard G (A little) He came to th'e door of the,,hole The door was shut with his hand The wizard opened the door He hit it 'he said, " Give me the,lamp."- Aladdin said, a little: " Open the door, and I will come uP:-'Thenrl will give sbu the lamp." The wizard said, " No; give me 'the lamp ; then' I,will open the door." Aladdin said, " No." Then the wizard shut the door, and went back.to Africa H (Where) The door was:.shut Aladdin could not'op€n it He could not get out of the hole- Ele wanted food and rlater He went back to the field where the trees were -He could find no food There were rro houses He could fi.nd no water ' "IIe saw no rnen He wasl there three days He was'ill, and' he said, " I shall die." He had no food, no water, and he could not get out (Get out) I Rubbed (Rub) One day he sat,at the foot of one'of the jewel-trees, and he said, 'i I shall die: this ring will not s4ve me.r' FIe rubbed the ring with his hand :' A big giant stood,in front of him., b NEW 'RF,ADER METIIOD ONE t J Wh€lr? (Iflhen) Clv!"t) Aladdin said, " Who are you? When did you come here? How did you'corneh"ere?'r The Giant said,"'You seethat ring on your hand :'f am the Gjairt of that Ring l.iten youtrub.the rinLg,,Icome; and I what,you want Why did you rub-the ring? What you want.,meto"do?" _ Aladdin said, " f want you to take me to my home .' Take me to lrry home! " .' , : I ' t - t, , ',:, ''- , , :' : , LESSON Z t ,i, , ALADDIN A}ID THE-LAMP ' '.,- '' : r_ r, , , A Been For The giant took Aladdin and put him clown-at his mother'i house Aladdin's mothef was at the door cf the house,; she did not see the giant She said to Aladdin, " Where have you been? You have noi,,beenhome for three days Have you got food? I have not got food for you I have not got a bit of bread in the house.", LN,SSON TWO B Money /-y (Dusty) Aladdin said, " I'have iro food, I have this lamp: we can get a little m.oney for the lamp and get food *ith thi money." His mother took the lamp; she said, " There is dust on the lamp, {e shall not get ryuch mgney for a dusty ' rubbed the lamp,, , lamp i will rub it;'r -fhe Eat \\-hen she rubbed the lam a, glant came and stoodin:front of her.,,, He.wasa very big sraat Aiaddinls mother did' n'ot'knowwhat to ao Aladdin said to:,the ;giant, "'Who are r-ou? " The Giarit said, !r'1,am the Giant of the Lamp When vou rub the lamp, I come,and I for you what you want' \Vhat you want?"' Aladdin saidr" i want food We have no food to eat Get food for us,t' D ,Ate Eaten (At once) Priacess Marry Wh o m ' At once,;the Giant get,'foodon.the table Aladdin and his mother ate the food When the-v had eaten, Aladdln's mother said.," We nill go out." Then they went down the street P r in c e s s that riding uP was The Princess Badrul' street B NEw METHoD READER oNE Alati,iirr saw the He wedt home; he 1o5r 111r I, th.q.I111iiand rubbed it The ciu"t-.^-.-,'^;;h Alacrdin said, l' I want to mrrry the princ.ri n"ar"i il;#;; in the"streer'., GjvcmI'" ui! rr",rr il.rr'*ii$l",:"o ".,d t' , ' , , , ' ' , '., ' : , -.',,., , E : ,, l l, Alidgin:ar,a hlrlornu, weiein u,ofloiur ,*i":T: t he house was all made of gold -to Then'A{again trre.KrlJ i wroter."'rfu llfefe,.to, -'],fi; marry,Pringess Ba.{rul whom l iaw in the street,r, -' ^^: sent much moirey and many jewels with thino-t-J; , - ,, ,, ,,: : I F i 1, :.: (Married) : : When the King saw the gold'and the jewels, "r, he was manTiu yrich; flt"i::^""T^11*.:.This PrincessBadrul." l I i rr {lad$in maqried goldenhouse ,r,iu-;;; princessBadrul,'and they lived:in the You now know 244 words LESSON ALADDIN AND THE LAMP A Now The wizard was now in Africa A man came'to him and said, " I have been in China A man called Aladdin has married the PrincessBadrul.' Aladdin 'waS a poor man and lived with his mother in a hut Then he found jewels; and'now he is riih and he much gold and many -Bidrul has malrried Princess " " lVhere did he find the gold? " said the wizard " I not knowr" saidlthe'man Then'the inan went ouL B ,,If (ff), , '.,(Given) "Same But " I knew a boyr" said the wizard: " I sent a boy down the hole to'get.,thelamp: bo1'? It'was, .'.'trt was Al- ' It was Aladdin! ' But I shut the door; Aladdin is in the hole now: he:is dead But a man called Aladdin has married the Princess f rrant to know if that Aladdin has come.out of the hole If he has come out ofihe hole, he has,thelamp: If he has the lamp, the Giant of the Lamp has given him all this gold I shall go to,Chinari' I want,to see,if,itis the sam.e Aladdin." ' t?1 N ew ' , ' The wizard went to China; he sawAladdin in the street, and he knew that it was the, same'Aladdin., ,He said, 1.11.11.-gg 1-* IO NEW METHOD RE.,I,DER O}iE q'This is the sameAladdin, and he has the lamp I shall get it from him." Then he got manv new larnp-., and he took thesenew lamps to the Golden House D Old So The wizard sa# Aladdin go out of the house He saw Aladdin 1n the street Their he came to the house; he t:y the Princess,and said, " I give new lamps for'old 'rr.* me jour old lamps, and f ivitt give yoo Jampg 9i" for them." The Princesssaid, i'f hulr" no old lamps The house is new and all the lamps are new.r' The wizard said, 'i fs there a very old lamp in the house?" ,, " AllCdin has a very old lamp," said the Princess; f {.oy where it is : I will go and get it." So shew:entand got l1fnp,1{e - Th" wizard-gavehIr a new lamp ; so shegir' him the old lamp The old lamp was the Giant's lanip (Taken) at on:ce ; The wizard took,,tlielanr.p,i,-Herrubbed it, and ,,Take this Giant stood there The wizard said,' Ii !h house.t_o.Aftica.'n, So,the Giant took the houseand put it :in'Africa fhe PrinCesswas in the houSe: so she ias, td,ken to Africa with the house Aladdin came back to his house But there was no house He saw a field rvhere the househad been You now know e5r words LESSON 2I BEAUTT AND THE BEAST A Last (At last) Long - At last the old man came home He gave to tt three girls the things which he had brought H"egave tfr.:.*J to one ; the beautiful clothesto tf,e other;" and, la"st, he gave Beauty her rose " The two ,irt.r, *.r, very - pleased; but Beauty saw that her father was not happv F.very day he looked'more and more sad At last sh_i-wentto him and said, t Father, Ib; l fongj.i-me y_ouhav-elooked sad, and you loot sadd.o "u.ry day,, Why-do you look,sosad?" For a long time he did not tell her But she askedhim again, la_s1 he said, ,, Thi,sis the last month I have and_3t to livc-.r'' He told her about the great houseand the Beast, , and w:hatthe Beasrhad qaidj; iri ;;.;ffi yo,, *,rst come,or Beaut-ymust comein place of you.,, Belu.ty said, " I.will Sp wi$ you if yo,, not take me with your I shall go alone.,' B I{orse At last'the time came The old ma+ made ready his horse He got up on, the horse, and Beauty got up with him; and they set out Th9y, ro4 ,throughrlhe forest,','Th way *as long It wasnight when at lait they cameio the g ui house fh.r, were little lights set in the trees,of.the-garden,'and all the LEssoN TwENTy-oNE Br housewas full of lights In the hafl beautiful food was set for 1ead11 thern, and ff.owerswere on the table They sat down and ate No one cameto them r-Ft r r ney went to bed : !, I : l, c A dress (To dress) Noise In the morning Bear.rtyawoke and found that some person had set many beautiful drespes it, th side of her bed for h.r Sh; -1 Dress ='"' did,not know which diessto take, for all the w:le so beautiful After some time ihe dr:;iJ ,dresses frer.sg[.' Then thCy went into the garden Jhe Ota ;in took Beauty ?nd showedher-the rsse-treewhere he had seenthe Beast _ fu they waited there, they heard a great noise, and the Beast-stood befo_rethe,m Beauty *Ir afraid : ihen she looked into the Blast'1 eyes,and she saw that they \Mere ' very kind eyes- she.thought, 'i H must be a kind Beast: he will not kill riie." D Yeii '.' The Beastsaid, I uT yery plgasedto seeyou, Beautn, he said.to her father, ?,pl.^" go u*uy neauty Th:l shall stay in this place with me alonel,' Thi old,mun lookedat Be_auty.' ,r' Shall_Igo?." he asked , yesr" said !e1uty " Yes, g! 3way, for I have seen his eyes,and I think he is a kind Beast." so her father went away The Beast'wentback into the trees" Beautywas therealone Bz NEW READER METHOD '.ii ONE E (To place) Beauty went into the house She went from one place to another, and looked into all the rooms The doors opened'for her as she came, but she could no-trsee who had opened them Each room was full of Book Book beautiful things all set ready for her When slie had seenall the'rooms, she went into,the hall and sat down " f want a book to rgadr" she said " Can I have a book? " She could not seeanione near 'her-'but'someone answetad, "Yes.t' At once someone placed a book on:the table at her side." Her name was ' ," written in the book: F Ttaak': lp sfe yt in the hall lh" wasreading - {h.q "ig}t her book just then sheheard a great noise,and shesaw the Beaststinding beforeher, The,Beast said, tt' Is"this a:,nice:place? " ' ' ,:', , ' i , ' ' ' ',:r, : ftYeS;t''SheSaid.",: ".',: , ' , ' , ' i , ' ,' '' r' : I " Did you iike the dresses? : 1' Yes, thank |ourl'' l6a said : ' ' ' ,l " Is that a nice book?'" LESSON TWENTY-ONF B3 t' Yesrllrrnk,yourl shesaid " Do you like.living here?" t' Yesr'thankyour""shesaid ''r Then, after a little timer ,he said, Will you marry me?I' She cried and r4n away ' Yes' or ' t' No.' H e , rs a i d ';! ' p " no t rt.n a w ay S ty Will you marry me? " " No, thank your" she said The.Beast looked sad, and went away G Each night, &s Shesat in the hall, the'Bgast,came.to her and said'the game things; Each time he rasked her to marry him, and Bhesai{,, !' No.'l Then he looked sad and went awayt It made her sad too Beauty: itayed in the place for a mgnth: Then she thought, 'i My father will think that I am, dead f must go and seehim." So she said to the Beast that night, " I want to go and seemy father." (''but please come " Yes, you may,So," said the Beast, : , back after one r,nonth.?' , " Thank your" she said " i will corne back after one month." B4 NEW READER METHOD ONE H Remember On the next morning she found a horse ready fur her at the doof She got o-nthe horse a.nd ro{1 to her father?s house He was very pleased to see her She stayed there days and, she was very h.pPy many ' One'month'Went byr,but she did'not rerrrem.ber the a4d still'she did not 'reBeast j Two months went by, -,f ' member him At last, when three months had gone by, she iemembered,and said, 1' I-must go back to the Beast I said that I would go-back after ole_I_no-lth,butI did not remember; tr must go now, quiCkly." She took thc horseand rode away She rode all night l'Poor BeastrPshe said, as she went through the fores,t," he will think that I have not rememberedhim, Ife'was so nice to nie Poor Beast! " r r A, t -^^,-rl L- J I As morning carheinto the sky, she saw the great house The door was op,en She ran'quickly into the'hall; she went into one roorri 'aftef another, lbut:'shecoultl not find',, but no or'reanswered She went ' the BeasL.'.',She,icalltd, into the garden and looked-,forhim: she cameto the roseshe found.him He was at the foot of the :ShJirtortgttt tree and"there he was'dead: his eyeswere shut She ;;;; went,tolhis,sideI " Poor Beas,t!?':shesaid, and kissedhinL thought -that You would nol eyes;i'-3!'tr: He,':oDened'his' rerne.mber,"he,siid " I thought that you would never, cOmeb'-ackr'and'Iknew that:'iou would'nevermarry me11f, But 'Beauty knew that she would always love *he Poor Beast 'She::saidr,r' I will marry you, Beast You are' ugly, but you'are'a very kind Beast." , LESSON TWE}{TY-ONE Change (Sornetimes) There was a great,noise, and in the, place where the Beast had been theie stood a beautiful Princc He said,, " A bad d"iry changed me into a Beast The fairy said, 'You may change back into a man when a beautiful girl savs that she will marry'buck you.r So when you said, 'I will marry you;' I changed into a rnari.??, ,: The Prin *urri.d Beauty, and they were very happy Beauty's fbther came and lived near the great house But the two sisterswent awa\i and lived'in'another'country.' Beauty scrnetirnes said, '! You'are very beautifuli my Prince; but I clid Xikemy nice,ugtryBeast! tl ,, ',,' / '' -r/ ' / , , z ' ' - :-> \ \ You now Lnow 458 words REVISION EXERCISES Fon RevrsroN oF tnp Vocerul-ARY AND FoR Pnacrrce IJxonnstex uJiNc qurcKLY IN introdu,ceaII the impori.antncw words of Reader I The (Ttusc scntences answc?sma2 be written in acrnactilaror (with tlu-,teacly-'s help) in English: ior the procedurcsee." The Teaching of English, ,A.guide to the New Method Series'") A ! Are there any wizgds i-n yolr cpqatly to-day? What you Put.inside a lamP? -,_ Makea mark X at'the answer: ma{e? rings: are what Of glsngPaperGold -'\ I rings? .Wha-i'do the boys when the bell glass with a cloth? S Why i{oes the servant rub the :''" B I J The King has three-sonsand two.girls' (a) How many prinqesse' are thJre? (6) FIgw many pri199 are there? (c) How man" children has the King? How much money you have to givg for a q-9wlamp? He ate three eggs this morning, and he ate two eggs at nifht: ho"' rl ' mpny eggs has he ealen to'alV'e REVISION EXERCISES + lv{y father's nam-ewas charles smith: he married a woman named What was my mother,s name after shewas married ? ', : -R a,ii3! [E r,{ Here are two windc - /hich of the windows are l 'l IL tl.l )l-J Maryjonef thesa.mea1thes9:.twowipdor,yp? :1' ,mn0,4ffi,mffift' B -L : :i.' j : : : : ' rr , : c r , D ,,, E' C, Gi.:*: -.i *.* .,,,:.,: l: .: :r t Mygrandmother is qery old: she is twice as old as r am one hundied yedrs ol-il How old arn I? Sheis l' ? {{r me the name.LAi powderwhichyog r,' In what way can agiri help FEimo_ther_inthe hguse? ;,: , i:r ' of thi Failipsleni a fairy.; q" and the fairy brougntt al*l -beauti{irl -"ffhat white-b*ird?othe'giri did-the eueen o?th" -'Fairie5.send-!o-thegirI.?-'.'o' i' HE rfent !p,:hl! ioor4; he pu-r-his clothes on the table He got ",,*, into bed and soo4 fell asleep; Whai time of day was it? , ,,! ,- D I-,.a of any flg1v,grthat.pricks your hand as -i ,' ,i,u , =z.Hoivm4nyTgt'.|'.'.,.t59,.intwgyears?.'l+j i The girl takes hei-needle and- iit, do*., at the table What is she goinf;-to ds| ;i1;'t1::!:., ,.t : ;;:f -4 In one box there are gogd appJes: in the other box there are bad *How apptbs *"t/baa pgif., tlr ? l "r r \Vrite the,nlfe ' ! \\}at @ rvale.s you in the mornihg? ij{.'r' ,.; - BB NEW METHOD READER ONE E r The woman has s-ix.children:.they are allgirls the womankissher r:L1! night? Why does not r The window of my room is at the front of the house The window 9f *y fathert room is at the back of the house The garden is at the bacl'of the house, tan ,I see the garden fro"rn*y - window? g Dq bgys.g-rowb.rgqg.rand bigger or smaller and smaller as they grow oldbr and older? Ml'pln has faltqn fr_omt{re table It is night and there is no light -tras'fallen in the roorn; so I qannot iee vrherb'it what m'ust It'"'d o ? 5.- What men,in your country Wear red coats? t [h1t would you'dq,if oq.qaw3 ry$fin the forest?z Tell me the -n3,.mg ofa bealt whigh puts its food in its mouth with -j"' its nose i,i;r.,- ,:.:t -'':-:-.u ,-{'") '.,': g Pu.t rt 2, S or in the place of the answer: '' , I,.Nose.' , Mouth l- Ears (c) i eat wjth'lrr! :t;, (d) I hear with my J Eyes , I walked for -two days and-camb to the city I wailgil in the city foq three days Then I walked for two-days and came ro my \ome (a) For how-many days did I, walk? (D) For llow (c) For how many days was I away Tan)'days did l wait? " from home? ITEVISION EXERCTSES Bg S ioi Which ,of these men has the largest b-eard?: (D) Which.of themhasa bookin'his hard? (c) Which of these men has:a,g.lass in-front of his eye? c {, D , E G r \\rhich gf th'esekeys will open this door? _-i lnn Fl tIl'l -' | Itl B' a l\Aich of these women & 5{ s the wife of this man? I i F ld l4'l'rich of these faces do-youlthink Q) llihich of these,faces{s the'ugliestd, u f) ,/ttl i,hl }J B A 11'4 fi,f is the most beautiful? Wm@ CD lark oVet the things which are blue ings rvhich are red ltfake a l i n e tlirr'tuc.h NEW :i:' S My name is Tom READER METIIOD ONE JvIY -father H I I sleep for ten hours at night and for three hours in the day how *atv '' hours am I'a*ake in one day and night? For The Kine's rins.fell into ihe seu A littie fish opened his mouth A big fisii at€ the little fish inside 'bim and thl'riniwent ' -r n o w ? rrng nowr tne rs Where If you would say that this boy is happy,-make a li''e through Happv il,if f you think that, he is unhappy, write your name o'er the boy's,face.' HAPPT + Vrite the name pf any pretty flower fish Write the name of any ugly Which of these two pots you think is full of beans? I I What you put over your hgad when there is rain? z What you call a servant who works in the garden? ll:e fisherman never spcak:r: he carrriot speak He has fallen into ;isk sr'rme one to help him? ,i,r",+ater Why docs lti i:' ,t 9r \ltrat docs glass if it falls on a stone? What does snow Jo if you put it on the fire? J r Which hal mo,pt Bird a:Horle, or an Ant? t3t, :: a' lvhy are there mori mice in [iie,fittle room than in the big room? i - ' lVhen-dois lour father become angry with vo:? , : The pot of milk has fallen from the little + girl's hand $ha,t is she doing now? Here are seven loaves of bread 'i there iro mice? On how many of the loaves are e6lg.ee@,& I K Ike w€re seven glassesof, water here How many gl_psesof rirter hasthe man drunk? READER NEW METHOD 92 ONE r The man says," Do not be afraid to tell your father what you have ' d o n e t ' -What has the boY done? In what you cook fish? ' ' A P9t: A net, Th-e 991, A shiP' Which of these things burn if you pyt -them,in the fire? Woo6 '$t91t.i -Pgger;:"' C-gl+ Who comes ind iells you that your fogd is ready? L r With what You Put out a,fire? r Just after he had gone out of the house, the house fell down he killed? was ? rYlA-a j1'j#L1-;i:fl:iT ";\ ?H :1 a1 Write the names of two beastswhich givq us milk' Whit is there on the top of a col's head? 'M 'ir to you? l tr\ltratis the nanre,of thg boy (or girl) who is sitting next ''',' -t lr.tt me somernrngthat looks like water but is not',\'atel .t , \\'hich of these'thingsruns along the road? :'Cart ShiP Fish Horse' 93 A t' Draw u.!.T,; put r on the beast'shead; put on his body; put q on his feet lVhy is this fat man running so qu,ickly? ,:' : -':1 N r lltite the narng of a flower which has a nice smell z \Vhat is this cat doing to its face? ( Itbat must you wash_before you eat your food? o IL+- many timgs do-youeat foodintone day?: f0tich will take most time to go to the citlr: a wafting, "i., *.-a-!i?in, ' - - - , - - "- lgan , , , i r., -ebird? , , Y To rrtat pllce does the.,train go ngxt from this placq? q IV'h is the name of the youlg!-st itritA in this room:? I b.ve lost my book *.* sitting in a room wigh I fom and John adJack :Tom had a book: 3f-ofrn naa no book; ' ,*'" Tu.t-aia " not wanr a book \{tho }rastakenmy book? R.EVISION EXERCISES , Write the name of the person who showed you how to write ' How ofd were you when you knew how to pur on your own clothes? I t: s I If are younger than ten years, write Tes1 if you are not, write 19u No What is the name of the last person who came into this room? Which side of this is the longest, AB, BC, or AC? + Whi'do men hard work when they not want to work? Here is Mr Tootle, and Mrs Tootle too what other person there too? ffi tF L r Add two and two, and add two again: how much is it? ' z, With what you cover your head? ,,' , With what you cover your body? lVhy should you nor go alone through a big forest at night? Write something at (a): Evena (o) becomesangrysometimes U t lir lrut a pot on the,fire: he put water in the pot He made the h-:rrcrirot Then h^eput an egg in the water Why did he put arr cgg in the water?