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giao an boi duong hsg 9

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IV.Rewite the sentences.If/Wish/ 1.I can't sing English song.. She is not tall.[r]

(1)so that; such that I.Rewrite the sentences:( enough; too+a/adv; so that; such that) 1.This machine is very powerful It can this work.(enough) This machine 2.He works hard.He can pass the next exam.( enough) He works 3.The lesson is easy We can understand it.( enough) The lesson 4.She speaks clearly We could hear everything.( enough) She speaks He doesn't work hard He can't get good marks.( enough) He She is very hungry She can't work more She is so 6.Lan is really intelligent She can all these exercises Lan is so 7.She is tall enough to play soccer She is so 8.He is clever enough to fix the light He is so He spoke too fast for me to hear anything He spoke so 10.The weather is very hot We can't continue to work.(too)/(too+adj/adv+V: quá đến nỗi) The weather 11.He walked very fast I couldn't catch up with him .(too) He 12.He spoke very noisily The baby couldn't get to sleep .(too) He spoke 13.He is so clever that he can every thing He is such 14,Ba is intelligent He can this exercises Ba is such 15.Nga and Lan are beautiful.A lot of boys like them Nga and Lan are such 16.Mr Tam is so weak that he can't walk any more Mr Tam is such 17.The baby was very hungry He kept crying He is such 18 These students are lazy They can't pass the exam They are such 19.The water is so cold that we can't swim in it It's such 20.The exercise is so difficult that no one in my class can it it's such 21 It's such polluted environment that our health becomes worse and worse The environment is so 22.It was such stale meat that he couldn't eat it The meat was so 23 My father is such a light hearted person that he always helps the poor My father is so 24.The room is too dirty for them to learnt in it The room is so 25.The song is too difficult for us to sing The song is not 26.They are too tired to take part in the exam They don't 27 He came too late to see the first film (2) He didn't 28.The room is so big that they can live in it The room is 29.She is so tired that she can't walk up the hill She is too 30.He didn't got up early enought to catch the first train He got up too II.Rewrite the sentences (in order to/so as to/ although;without+N/Ving;so s¸nh nhÊt;unless; if not; 1.I went to the book store where I bough I bought some story books I went to the book store to I went to the book store in order to/so as to 2.I get up early so that I can't go to shool late I get up early in order to/ so as to 3.In order to pass the exam, he tried hard, He tried hard so 4.He is rich, but he never helps the poor Although She works hard,however,she failed the exam He failed the exam although 6.In spite of the cold weather,we still went swimming.(Despite/ in spite of+N/Ving:bÊtchÊp) Although Although his legs are broken, he tried to wash himself In spite of I eat less I don't want to be fast I eat less in 9.I wear coats I don't want to be cold I wear coats so *without+N/Ving:Thay thÕ If not/unless Ex: If you don't have a raincoat , you will get wet You'll get wet without a raincoat 8.He'll be hungry without eating any food He 9.He can't get well without medicine If 10.If he doesn't have the key,he can't get in to his room Unless 11.Work hard or you will get bad marks If you don't 12 Hurry up or you will be late for school If you don't 13 I started learning English in 2004 I have 14.She has slept for two hoors She started 15.I last saw her years ago I haven't It't years since 16 I last went to London months ago I haven't been It's months since The last time I went to London ago 17.I have never seen this film before It is the first time 18.I have never seen a better film than this This is the 19.I have never met a more beautiful girl than she She is the (3) 20.Have you got a better room than this? Is this the best 21.Have you got any delicious food than this? Is this the 22 I'm happier than ever before I have never been so 23.They run faster than ever before They had never 24 She has never been so sad before She is III Rewritethe sentenses ( Reported speech, pasive voice; Mênh đề quan hÖ:Who/ Whom/ Which/ what/ that /Whose/Where/When) a.§¹i tõ quan hÖ: chñ ng÷ T©n ng÷ Së h÷u N¬ichèn Thêi gian Ngêi Who Whom Whose Where(in/at which) When VËt Which that Which Where When 1.I met the girl at my brother the wedding She is sitting next to you I met the girl 2.The girl is lovely I love her The girl I love the girl 3.The book is informative It is on the table The book 4.The film is interesting I watched it last night The film I don't like the house.My brother bought the house last week I don't like the house I play with the boy His hat is red I play with the boy 7.The man is a detective We are looking at his photo The man is a detective 8.Can you show me the book? It's covers are blue Can you show me the book 9.The man is rich We often play with his son The man 10.The book is about animals I bought last Sunday The book 11 The desk is new I often sit at it to read books The desk 12.The bench is new I often sit on it The bench 13 The house is lovely Uncle Ho use to live in it The house 14.Ho Chi Minh Square is beautiful I visit it yesterday Ho Chi Minh Square 15.Hai Duong is a rich province I visit HaiDuong last week HaiDuong 16.My father often gets up at o'clock.I am sleeping well at that time My father often gets up at o'clock 17.It is warm in march We often go camping in this month It is warm in march 18.She is the most beautifuf girl I've ever met her She is the most beautifuf girl 19.She is the last student She escaped from the fire She is the last student 20.He was the first person He helped me He was the first person 21 The man is rich I am talking to him (4) The man I am talking to the man 22.The library is well equipped I often borrow books from it The library I often borrow books from the library b.Reported speech: 1."Don't go to school late" the teacher asked The teacher asked me 2."Can you open the door" the teacher asked The teacher asked me 3." You must work harder at English"The teacher said The teacher said 4."I will check your lesss next monday" The teacher said The teacher said 5."Are you hungry" Lan asked Ba Lan asked Ba 6."Where will you go next Sunday"my friend asked My friend asked 7." How often you go to school"The teacher asked me 8." Do you want me to clean the floor?" Lan said Lan offered 9." Can you please carry that box for me? My arm is painful" said the lady The lady asked me 10." Shall I wash the dishes?"I said to Lan I offered 11." Would you mind opening the door ?" Ba said to Lan Ba offered 12." Remember to get up early tomorrow." My friend said My friend reminded me 13." Don't forget to post the letter for me" My mother said My mother remind me 14."I wish I met him now".she said She said 15 "I wish I came to your party this night" He said 16.You'd better getup early I advise you 17."Let's go to the movies" Lan said Lan suggested 18."You'd better get up early" said the doctor The doctor advised me 19 You'd better not to be late for school The teacher advised me 20.You'd better be quied while your father is reading I advise you IV.Rewite the sentences.(If/Wish/) 1.I can't sing English song I wish She is not tall She wishes 3.He was ill yesterday He wishes 4.What a pity he won't be with us We wish 5.She can't pass the exam because she is lazy If 6.It rained yesterday, so we didn't play soccer (5) If it 7.Without a ladder, you can't climb up the tree If you don't 8.I didn't catch the bus because got up late If I 9.The reason why she can't play basketball is that she is short If she 10.He is poor that's why he can't buy a house If he 11 She always gets bad marks that's because she doesn't workhard If she 12 The better way for you to learn English well is practising it everyday If you don't 13.Only by reading,can you widen your knowledge If you don't c.Passive voice( Bị động) Note:câu truyên khiến( Có cái gì đợc làm ai) S(chñ)+have +O(vËt)+PII+by+O(ngêi lµm hé) 1.Tai often clean my house./ 2.Lan is feeding my dog./ 3.She asked me to water her garden./.She had 4.I have just got a man repair the kitchen./I have just 5.I'm going to ask Lan to clean my room./ I'm (6)

Ngày đăng: 07/06/2021, 18:37

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