The purpose of the research: Find out the fundamental principles for organizing and operating the State management of international cooperation on science & technology. Point out the renovation solutions for the State management of international cooperation on science & technology in Vietnam in the period of 2018-2030.
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MINISTRY OF HOME AND TRAINING AFFAIRS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION LƯƠNG VĂN THẮNG STATE MANAGEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Major: Public Management Code: 34 04 03 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION HANOI, 2020 The works is completed in: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Scientific supervisors: Assoc Prof Le Thi Van Hanh Assoc Prof Tran Quoc Thang Opponent 1: Opponent 2: Opponent 3: The dissertation shall be defended in front of Academy-level Review Council Location: Conference room, National Academy of Public Administration – No 77 – Nguyen Chi Thanh – Dong Da District, Hanoi City Time: At………….on …….day………….month………… year The dissertation is available at the National Library of Vietnam or the Library of National Academy of Public Administration LIST OF THE AUTHOR’S SCIENTIFIC WORKS PUBLISHED IN RELATION TO THE DISSERTATION Luong Van Thang "Thinking about some new features in international cooperation on Science and Technology"; Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering (ISSN 1859 - 4794), Issue No 640 (9/2012), the 54th year, Pages 52-55 Luong Van Thang, "Thinking about a new public management model and its applicability in science and technology management in Vietnam"; Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering (ISSN 1859-3801); Volume No 6, Issue No.1 (2017), Pages 1-13 Luong Van Thang, “"Some trends of international cooperation on science and technology”, The Review of External Information (ISSN 1859-2899), Issue No 96 (10/2017), Pages 29-33 Luong Van Thang, “International cooperation in the field of science and technology in Vietnam”, The Review of External Information (ISSN 1859-2899), Issue No 104 (6/2018), Pages 13-17 PREFACE The necessity for researching the topic "Foreign affairs is the extended arm of domestic affairs." It is understood that international cooperation is a significant channel to join forces with domestic resources for successful implementation of the national policies The international cooperation in the field of science and technology (Science & Technology) also plays such an important role In each phase of Vietnamese socio-economic development, science & technology have always been defined as the leading motive force, foundation and national policy Science & technology plays a key role in developing a modern production force, improving productivity, quality, efficiency, development speed and competitiveness of the economy Hence, the international cooperation has become an inseparable part of science & technology development The international cooperation on science & technology contributes to upgrading the domestic research level, shortening the technological gap with the world, improving technical infrastructure, and strengthening the scientific & technological potential for vietnam Furthermore, the international cooperation on science & technology is a component of the country's diplomatic activities In the recent years, especially since the first law on science & technology was established in 2000, the international cooperation on science and technology has achieved the certain efficiency However, the result of this operation is still not as expected The State management of this operation is facing with a number of major challenges that directly impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of international cooperation on science and technology, namely (i) the overlap between State management on science & technology, foreign, economic and security branches has not promoted the formation of a smooth corridor for international cooperation (ii) the apparatus involved in State management has many clues and intermediary administrative organizations has created certain obstacles; (iii) the system of legal documents that directly or indirectly governs the international cooperation on science and technology makes it difficult to separate and lacks a transparent and long-term strategy; (iv) the public financial mechanism is not strong enough and not appropriate to the specific characteristics to maximize the effectiveness of international cooperation on science and technology In term of therory, the State management of international cooperation on science & technology is a narrow corner in the study of public management, so there have been no many works with overall referrence to this content so far Therefore, research for renovatation of the State management of international cooperation on science and technology for Vietnam in the coming period becomes very necessary The purpose and duty of the research: 2.1 The purpose of the research: (i) Find out the fundamental principles for organizing and operating the State management of international cooperation on science & technology (ii) Point out the renovation solutions for the State management of international cooperation on science & technology in Vietnam in the period of 2018-2030 2.2 The duty of the research: (i) Researching the theoretical basis of - International cooperation on science & technology (concept, characteristics, content) - State management of international cooperation on science & technology (concept, characteristics, fundamental principles for organizing and operating State management of international cooperation on science and technology) (ii) Study experiences of some countries in the world and lessons for Vietnam related to State management of international cooperation on science & technology (iii) Study the actual status of State management of international cooperation on science & technology in Vietnam in the period of 2000 - 2017; and analyze, assess the strengths and limitations affecting the State management of international cooperation on science & technology in Vietnam (iv) Study the objectives and orientations of the international cooperation on science and technology in Vietnam, some major trends in the world affecting the national science & technology development (v) Apply the theoretical basis of the principles in the State management of international cooperation on science & technology to propose the solutions for renovation of the State management thereof in Vietnam in the period of 2018 - 2030 The object and scope to be researched: 3.1 The research’s object: The State management of international cooperation on science & technology 3.2 The scope to be researched: +) In respect of the content: in general, the State management in the branches and fields includes many contents However, within this dissertation, the author only focuses on researching three key groups of issues related to the State management of international cooperation on science & technology: (i) power allocation and organization of the management apparatus; (ii) development of a system of management document; and (iii) public financial mechanism For implementation, the author divides the dissertation into parts including: (i) the overview of domestic and overseas research situation; (ii) theoretical basis; (iii) actual status in Vietnam; (iv) Solutions for innovation of the State management of international cooperation on science & technology in Vietnam In particular, besides the "Overview of the research", the remaining parts of focus on in-depth analysis into the three groups of issues mentioned above +) In respect of the time: the period from 2000 (since the first law on science & technology was established) to 2030 (from the time ended the scientific & technological strategic vision to 2030) +) In respect of the space: the State management of international cooperation on science & technology in Vietnam Methodology and research method 4.1 Methodology: Dialectical materialism, historical materialism; Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on foreign affairs; the Party's viewpoints on State management, organizational structure, vision and development orientation of Vietnam 4.2 Methods: Researching method of the secondary documents, social surveys, interviews from the experts, history, analysis, comparison and summary, forecasts, observations, Research questions and scientific hypotheses 5.1 Research questions: (i) In which principles is the State management of international cooperation on science & technology organized for implementation? (ii) In the period of 2018 - 2030, what are the fundamental solutions for renovation of the State management of international cooperation on science & technology in Vietnam? 5.2 Scientific hypotheses: (i) The State management of international cooperation on science and technology should be implemented in the following principles: - Firstly: Combination between centralization and decentralization of power and organizationation of management apparatus, in which including power contralization, concentration of a few contents, promoting decentralization thoroughly; - Secondly: Synchronize macro regulations, simplify macro regulations in the system of management documents; - Thirdly: Create a public financial mechanism that enables to simultaneously utilize the "repulsive force" and "attractive force" of the budget and allocates finance based on outputs (ii) In the period of 2018 - 2030, the State management of international cooperation on science and technology in Vietnam need be renovated in accordance with the following orientations and solutions: - For the allocation of power and organization of apparatus: State management agencies should only retain the rights to make decisions for a few contents, synchroneous & direct decentralization to units/organizations currently operating international cooperation on science & technology; cutting down intermediary management agencies; encouraging the establishment and participation of autonomous non-business units, private enterprises in promoting international cooperation on science & technology - For construction of a system of management documents: reducing the number of macro documents (only focusing on a few documents defining the strategic objectives, principles of expenditure allocation, and supervision mechanism of output results, ); forming a number of international cooperation programs on science & technology with long-term strategic targets (this is a formation of macro-documents with a high feasibility) - For usage of public finance: it is essential to synchronize and simplify regulations on the budget usage for international cooperation on science & technology; thoroughly apply the budget allocation mechanism based on the spending efficiency of national fund; optimally use the national budget through reciprocal capital sources to mobilize off-budget financial sources (including a large part from foreign partners); forming a "special" financial mechanism for some long-term strategic international cooperation programs on science and technology (importing the technologies, attracting qualified foreign experts, etc…) The theoretical and practical meanings of the dissertation In theory, the dissertation contributes to strengthening the theory of international cooperation on science & technology and State management thereof, including concepts, characteristics and models (the major principles for designing and operating the State management) In practice, the dissertation will provide the actual situation and assessment, comments on the State management of international cooperation on science & technology in the period of 2000 - 2017; and the orientations for renovating the State management of international cooperation on science and technology in the period of 2018 - 2030 The structure of the dissertation The dissertation shall consist of the major following contents: Chapter 1: The overview of the research Chapter 2: The theoretical basis of the State management of international cooperation on science and technology Chapter 3: The actual situation of the State management of international cooperation on science and technology Chapter 4: The renovation orientation and solution for the State management of international cooperation on science and technology Conclusion CHAPTER 1: THE OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH 1.1 In respect of international cooperation on science & technology A number of scholars have studied the international cooperation on science & technology, particularly dealed with such issues as: concepts; viewpoints (consider the international cooperation on science & technology as a tool for scientific and technological development or an external tool); development trends; impact on the nation (on the developed and developing countries); the content and form The international cooperation on science and technology in Vietnam is mainly studied by the domestic scientists, in which the international cooperation is mainly considered as a small content in science & technology activities The author realizes that the current concept of international cooperation on science and technology has not clarified the implications as well as the externalities of this concept The viewpoint of international cooperation on science and technology has not analyzed the compatibility of each viewpoint with the developed or developing country, or more specifically for each development stage of a nation Furthermore, this viewpoint has not been taken into consideration in the context of international integration, that is an indispensable trend in all fields The trend of international cooperation on science and technology has not been mentioned much and systematically; No study about the route to adapt or exploit opportunities brought about by trends to the nation, especially to the developing countries The content and form of international cooperation on science and technology are studied in a various manner but still found inappropriate to point out which the State management model is compatible with international cooperation 1.2 The State management of international cooperation on science & technology (besides compliance with regulations issued by other State competent management agencies) Furthermore, they must also abide by the provisions of the international agreements signed with foreign partners 3.1.3 Public finance system In the period of 2000 - 2017, Vietnam has promulgated certain preferential policies to promote international cooperation on science and technology so as to make use of foreign capital and advanced technology to strengthen domestic science & technology capacity Regarding financial incentives (taxes, land use, interest rates, ), Vietnam has applied some open supporting mechanisms to attract foreign partners to bring the advanced technology into Vietnam For example, using the hightechnology & modern technology, environmental protection, and investment in R&D are Vietnam's top priorities to encourage the foreign investors; or exemption of import tax for goods applied to to technology replacement and innovation Vietnam has used attractive "tools" to attract foreign partners to invest in development of science & technology in Vietnam For example, since 2000, Vietnam has used the funding from the science and technology budget to reciprocally carry out research cooperation projects with foreign partners (the Protocol) In 2011, Vietnam established a National Technology Innovation Fund (NATIF) for financial support to the operations of technology innovation and application Vietnam’s public finance policy has utilized the "expulsive force" thereof to develop international cooperation on science and technology such as paying annuities for international science and technology organizations, providing financial assistance to organize the delegations to go on a business trip abroad or receiving foreign expert delegations to come to Vietnam to organize international conferences and seminars or 17 to transfer of scientific and technological knowledge Vietnam has also implemented a number of national programs where international cooperation on science and technology is a solution to attract “brain” and technological advancements from foreign partners For example: National Technology Innovation Program (2011), Foreign Technology Transferring & Searching Program (2014) 3.2 Review and assessment 3.2.1 Regarding decentralization and organizational structure In practice, State management of international cooperation on science and technology in Vietnam from 2000 up to now, the organizational structure as well as the management decentralization have been implemented in the principle of combination between centralization and decentralization, which is found suitable in a certain aspect On the one hand, it has created flexibility for Vietnamese science and technology organizations to quickly expand their relations and promote cooperation with foreign partners On the other hand, through the State management function, the State has caused macro impacts to extend a legal framework for international cooperation on science and technology in this period, including the enaction of law on science and technology in 2000 consisting of provisions on international cooperation on science & technology State management centralization in a number of decision-making powers such as (i) decision-making power to create a management framework (laws, decrees, circulars, strategies, planning) and (ii) decision-making power for sensitive issues related to security that has made a positive impact on the international cooperation’s result and effectiveness However, the actual status of organizational apparatus and state management decentralization in the period of 2000 - 2017 18 still has some limitations, accordingly creating a negative (hindering) impact on results and effectiveness of this operation The coordination effectiveness between the State management agencies and the management subjects is at medium and low level The management centralization for making decisions of spending from the State Budget, of personnel issues and international cooperation on science & technology, of exploiting the results of international cooperation on science & technology, of using the funding gained from exploiting the results of international cooperation on science and technology has created negative (hindering) impacts on the results/ effectiveness of international cooperation on science and technology The key causes are: (i) the decentralization to some types of rights is still not scientific, inconsistent with the characteristics of international cooperation activities that require high flexibility; unreasonable decentralization, hierarchy and assignment of state management for international cooperation on science & technology have created a dispersion in this operation; (ii) the state management apparatus still has many intermediary management points, often resulting in complicated administrative procedures instead of providing supporting services to relevant units 3.2.2 Regarding the system of management documents In the period of 2000 - 2017, the macro and micro documents have been issued many, and this trend continues increasing In which, the "macro" documents have laid the foundations for the legal corridor for the development of Vietnam’s international cooperation on science and technology such as law on science & technology, law on technology transfer, or some such "micro" documents as the Decision No 14/2005/QD-BKHCN (the Protocol) have volunteered as pilot use of state budget to support joint-research projects among Vietnamese science & technology organizations with 19 foreign partners This is compliant with the characteristics of state management of international cooperation on science and technology; Due to the high interdisciplinary nature and international dependence, the great number of documents for management of this operation is inevitable However, the limitation is: the synchronization and mutual assistance of documents ("symbiosis") is low and moderate, unclearity, overlapping and vanishing of documents ("conflict") are moderate and high Therefore, the effectiveness of this document system for international cooperation on science and technology is medium or low The main causes are: (i) too many documents causing the "corridor" for international cooperation on science and technology becomes no longer open, sometimes expanded and sometimes “strangled”; (ii) nonsynchronous and large number of micro documents due to the absence of a national long-term foreign policy of science & technology; lack of strategic aims set for international cooperation on science & technology; and lack of a suitable mechanism for using the state budget 3.2.3 Regarding the public finance system In the period of 2000 - 2017, Vietnam's public finance had promulgated a number of practical regulations to exploit the international cooperation channel on science and technology in order to attract the brain, capital and advanced technology from foreign countries Throughout this period, Vietnam mainly took advantage of the "expulsive force" of public finance to support the international cooperation in science and technology However, there are still certain shortcomings resulting the effectiveness not as expected, such as in attracting off-budget investment or from foreign partners for international cooperation on science & technology The key cause is: (i) There are many documents regulating the financial framework, and there are also many documents 20 stipulating in detail the use of the state budget, which makes implementation in practice difficult because of the variety of spending contents in relation to international cooperation on science & technology; (ii) Funding from the state budget is limited but scattered and ineffective Financial monitoring mechanism must be in compliance with the contents of spending instead of focusing on outputs and evaluating the efficiency of using investment capital; (iii) lack of a special financial mechanism to run a number of targeted national programs 21 CHAPTER 4: THE RENOVATION ORIENTATION AND SOLUTION FOR THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 4.1 World trends affect international cooperation on science & technology (i) The world continues to increase spending on research & development globally (ii) Development and competition of scientific & technological human resources in the world is more and more increasing (iii) The world is increasingly focusing on promoting innovation and increasing the role of the private sector in development and dissemination of science & technology knowledge in global scale (iv) Scientific and technological cooperation is getting more and more significant in the world, inspite of parallel competition (vi) Forms and subjects involved in international cooperation on science and technology are becoming more and more diversified; NGOs, the non-profit fund of overseas philanthropists and intellectuals accordingly plays more important role (vii) The world is increasingly forming regional and global science & technology projects 4.2 The objectives of international cooperation on science & technology by 2030 The key objectives: (i) directly support to achieve the national science and technology development objectives; (ii) support to achieve economic development goals and to insure technology security; (iii) become a key part of the successful 22 implementation of national foreign policy, guidelines, and strategies The specific objectives: (i) to attract foreign capital to invest in development of science and technology in Vietnam; (ii) to attract advanced technology, advanced source technology from foreign countries into Vietnam; (iii) to attract science and technology brain from the world into Vietnam and to promote the transfer of Vietnamese scientists to go abroad; (iv) to export brain (R&D services) and Vietnamese technology; (v) to become an active and responsible part for the regional and global science and technology activities 4.3 The solutions for renovation of the State management of international cooperation on science & technology 4.3.1 For the competent organizations and management apparatus Implementation organization in the principle of a harmonious combination between centralization and decentralization and stipulating the management contents to be centralized and decentralized are necessary Accordingly, a number of following solutions should be synchronized: Firstly, streamlining and clearly regulating management authority, in which the state management agency only focuses on promulgating guidelines, policies, strategies, and legal frameworks for management unification, for ensuring technology security and national interests; allocating funds from the state budget; and monitoring and evaluating the results At the same time, promoting uniform decentralization to all units directly carrying out international cooperation on science & technology Secondly, streamlining the focal points, especially the intermediary management focal points but only a few implementing the state management function of international 23 cooperation on science & technology; The clear assignment in connection with increasing responsibility for the Ministry of Science & Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible before the Government Thirdly, attracting the businesses, universities/ research institutes and private sectors to join in international cooperation on science & technology 4.3.2 For issuance of management documents It is necessary to synchronize the macro provisions and to simplify the micro provisions to create an open, uniform corridor, to reduce the overlap, conflict and to increase the assistance for international cooperation on science & technology in the deployment process Development of documents need be unified on a key doctrine as attracting the world's advanced technology and knowledge into Vietnam to master and upgrade the indigenous science & technology capacity at the same time, to ensure national technology security Accordingly, some solutions need to be implemented: Firstly, review and synchronously establish 03 groups of macro documents to improve the management effectiveness of international cooperation on science and technology, including: national external relations of science and technology; define strategic aims for international cooperation on science and technology; and determine the principles of using the state budget to support international cooperation on science & technology Secondly, review and abolish intermediate legal provisions, hindering international cooperation on science and technology of institutes, universities and especially enterprises Thirdly, form a number of international cooperation programs on science & technology with long-term strategic goals to attract brain and advanced technology from foreign countries into Vietnam 24 4.3.3 For financial mechanisms It is essential to simplify regulations on using the state budget for international cooperation on science & technology; to apply the assessment mechanism of effectively using the state budget based on the outputs of international cooperation on science and technology in connection with the budget allocation for the next fiscal year on the basis of performance effeciency of the previous year Accordingly, the following solutions should be implemented: Firstly, promulgating the special financial mechanisms to implement a number of national target programs of international cooperation on science & technology Secondly, putting the mechanism of using the state budget into use as a reciprocal capital to attract off-budget investment for international cooperation on science and technology 25 CONCLUSION 1.International cooperation on science and technology is getting more and more important for development of each country, namely, serving for development of science & technology, economy, ensuring technology security and becoming part of each country's foreign policy It continues to become an indispensable trend International cooperation on science and technology is natural, arising from the cooperation necessity between scientists and scientific knowledge itself need be shared and disseminated; Competitiveness, stemming from the technology increasingly integrated into goods and becoming the key determinant of the products’competitiveness in the market; the pervasion of benefits after bringing the added value to the participants, both in science, technology and finance; synergism with the national external policy, arising from the dialectic impact on the national external policy; international accountability, arising from increasingly interindependent close binding and a growing number of global problems need be settled by scientific and technological solutions.The author classifies into main groups: (i) cooperation for creating scientific knowledge, (ii) cooperation for creating technology, and (iii) cooperation for applying science & technology to practice, including cooperation for commercialization of technology, cooperation for implemention of international-scale and regional science & technology projects, and cooperation for settlement of the global challenges In international cooperation on science & technology, developing countries may supplement capital sources for development of domestic science and technology, strengthen endogenous science & technology capacity through attracting and mastering the new knowledge, advanced technology, or step by step becoming a nation responsible for world science & 26 technology issues However, the developing countries are also facing with the risk of receiving backward and harmful technologies, becoming the testing sites of foreign technology or brain drain The State management decides the vision, purpose, result and effectiveness of international cooperation on science and technology State management of international cooperation on science & technology means the command, running and service of State competent authorities for organizations and individuals conducting the cooperation on science & technology with foreign partners (within bilateral and multilateral frameworks) in order to support scientific and technological development, serving for the economic development and national forreign affairs "Command" and "Running" indicate the governing characteristics of the State management to ensure the unification of the orientations and development strategies (science, technology & economy), to protect the intellectual property rights, to restrict the backward and toxic technologies from foreign countries, to ensure the national technology security "Service" indicates the supporting characteristics of the State management in order to share and maximize investment costs in science & technology, to upgrade the capacity of endogenous science & technology, to attract world-top technology and brain resources and join in dealing with global science and technology issues There are prominent characteristics of the State management of international cooperation on science & technology, including: high interdisciplinary nature; internationality; the prominence of "supporting" over "governing" The State management in conformity with international cooperation on science & technology should be built on three fundamental principles: (i) Regarding decentralization and organizational structure: it is necessary to combine between the 27 principles of decentralization and centralization This principle is applied both to the powerful organization and the management apparatus; (ii) Regarding the system of management documents: macro regulations need to be synchronized while the micro regulations should be simplified; and (iii) Regarding the public finance system: it is essential to create the specific mechanisms and to combine between "repulsive force" and "attractive force" of the state budget, to join with the output-based evaluation mechanism That finding out these three principles enables the author to perfect the International Cooperation Tower ICD35333 This is a brief summary of the fundamental contents of international cooperation on science & technology and state management thereof In the period of 2000 - 2017, the State management of international cooperation on science and technology in Vietnam has laid the foundations and created a corridor for development of international cooperation, including the apparatus organization, decentralization and promulgation of a system of management documents and using public finance tool for this type of operation The state management has such strengths as: it has combined the centralization with decentralization among management agencies and implementation organizations; building the macro legal corridors as well as a system of micro-guiding regulations and a number of public finance policies have been made to promote domestic universities/ research institutes or businesses to cooperate with foreign partners, at the same time to attract the foreign partners to conduct science and technology cooperation with Vietnam These strengths have brought such a significant contribution to international cooperation on science and technology in Vietnam as expanding the relation with partners, attracting capital sources, technology and step by step integrating into world science and technology However, the 28 State management of international cooperation on science & technology of Vietnam in this period still has some certain shortcomings such as: Power allocation towards decentralization, the power mainly centralized in a number of contents constraining the flexibility of the directly-deploying units, there are many intermediate management levels and macro and micro documents, resulting in overlap and conflict; The public finance mechanism is governed by many documents, budget is dispersed and lack of financial mechanism for running a number of targeted national programs Such shortcomings create obstacles and result in low effectiveness of international cooperation on science & technology In the period of 2018-2030, The solutions for renovation of the State management of international cooperation on science & technology are: For the competent organizations and management apparatus: Implementation organization should be conducted in the principle of a harmonious combination between centralization and decentralization, stipulating the management contents to be centralized and decentralized Accordingly, a number of following solutions should be synchronized: Firstly, streamlining and clearly regulating management authority, in which the state management agency only focuses on promulgating guidelines, policies, strategies, and legal frameworks for management unification, ensuring technology security and national interests; allocating funds from the state budget; and monitoring and evaluating the results At the same time, promoting uniform decentralization to all units directly carrying out international cooperation on science & technology Secondly, streamlining the focal points, especially the intermediate management focal points but only a few implementing the state management function of international 29 cooperation on science & technology; The clear assignment in connection with increasing responsibility for the Ministry of Science & Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible before the Government Thirdly, attracting the businesses, universities/ research institutes and private sectors to join in international cooperation on science & technology For issuance of management documents: It is necessary to synchronize the macro provisions and to simplify the micro provisions to create an open, uniform corridor, to reduce the overlap, conflict and to increase the assistance for international cooperation on science & technology in the deployment process Development of documents need be unified on a key doctrine as attracting the world's advanced technology and knowledge into Vietnam to master and upgrade the indigenous science & technology capacity at the same time, to ensure national technology security Accordingly, some solutions need to be implemented: Firstly, review and synchronously establish 03 groups of macro documents to improve the management effectiveness of international cooperation on science and technology, including: national external relations of science and technology; define strategic aims for international cooperation on science and technology; and determine the principles of using the state budget to support international cooperation on science & technology Secondly, review and abolish intermediate legal provisions, hindering international cooperation on science and technology of institutes, universities and especially enterprises Thirdly, form a number of international cooperation programs on science & technology with long-term strategic goals to attract brain and advanced technology from foreign countries into Vietnam 30 For financial mechanisms: It is essential to simplify regulations on using the state budget for international cooperation on science & technology; to apply the assessment mechanism of effectively using the state budget based on the outputs of international cooperation on science and technology in connection with the budget allocation for the next fiscal year on the basis of performance effeciency of the previous year Accordingly, the following solutions should be implemented: Firstly, promulgating the special financial mechanisms to implement a number of national target programs of international cooperation on science & technology Secondly, putting the mechanism of using the state budget into use as a reciprocal capital to attract off-budget investment for international cooperation on science and technology./ 31 ... basis of the State management of international cooperation on science and technology Chapter 3: The actual situation of the State management of international cooperation on science and technology. .. organizing and operating the State management of international cooperation on science & technology (ii) Point out the renovation solutions for the State management of international cooperation on science. .. management of international cooperation on science & technology in the period of 2000 - 2017; and the orientations for renovating the State management of international cooperation on science and technology