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Summary of Doctoral Literature Thesis: Dialogue pairs containing the action of notification - response in Nghe Tinh communication

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Research purpose: Clarifying some characteristics of the dialogue of notices responding to the communication of Nghe Tinh people in terms of structure and semantics. At the same time, aiming to point out some cultural characteristics of Nghe Tinh''s behavior when realizing this dialogue. From there, orient the use of notification-response action in a theoretical and practical manner.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION &TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY TRAN THI LY NA DIALOGUE PAIRS CONTAINING THE ACTION OF NOTIFICATION - RESPONSE IN NGHE TINH COMMUNICATION Major: Vietnamese Language Code: 92 22 01 02 DOCTORAL THESIS ON LITERATURE NGHE AN - 2020 The work was completed at Vinh University Instructors: Prof Dr Do Thi Kim Lien Assoc Prof Dr Hoang Trong Canh Reviewer Reviewer Reviewer The dissertation is defended in front of the thesis-grading council Meeting at: Vinh University At hour day month 2020 The thesis can be found at: - National Library - Documentation Center - Library Nguyen Thuc Hao, Vinh University INTRODUCTION The reason for choosing a topic We choose to research the topic “Dialogue pairs containing the action of notification - response in Nghe Tinh communication” for the following reasons: 1.1 Dialogues are the most important structural units in the overall system of conversation structure, capable of fully and focusing on the basic characteristics of interactive relationships Therefore, selecting the research object is the act of notification and response in the interaction in reciprocal dialogues is a scientific research direction And the things drawn from that would be more convincing than examining each single action in the sequence of words 1.2 Notice-response action dialogue is one of the most popular speech action dialogues in the world and in Vietnamese However, depending on the context of communication, the role of communication, the content of communication, the purpose of communication as well as the behavioral culture, the dialog contains the messageresponse action, there are many different ways, with very rich expressions Therefore, the study of the nature of notice-response action; means of expressing them; semantics and effective determinants of notification - response action are closely related and necessary issues However, up to now, there has not been any research work on the above issues about notification - response systematic and comprehensive 1.3 Daily, people need communicate with each other in the North, Central and South, not everyone uses Vietnamese as a common cultural language, but there is a phenomenon that people in each region speak the language of the region's local color It is also a notice-response action, but people in the Nghe Tinh dialect region have a way of doing not quite the same as those in the southern dialect areas of the North Therefore, through the actualization of the notification - response action of Nghe Tinh people (manner of expression, means of expression, semantics), we will realize the specific cultural characteristics of Nghe Tinh 1.4 In Vietnamese painting, Nghe Tinh dialect has its own position, its own color cannot be confused Therefore, in order to research the dialogue of messages containing the notification - response action in the communication of Nghe Tinh people, we are not only aiming to clarify the structure; semantics and agents that determine the effectiveness of the notification-response action on the pragmatic level, but also shed light on the cultural features of human communication in this land Research purposes and missions 2.1 Research purpose - Clarifying some characteristics of the dialogue of notices responding to the communication of Nghe Tinh people in terms of structure and semantics - At the same time, aiming to point out some cultural characteristics of Nghe Tinh's behavior when realizing this dialogue From there, orient the use of notification-response action in a theoretical and practical manner 2.2 Research mission To achieve the above research purpose, the thesis performs the following tasks: - Review the history of the problem, systematize the theoretical issues related to the topic, these are the theoretical issues as a suitable basis for in-depth analysis of main chapters 2, 3, - Analyze and describe to show the structure and semantics of the dialogue of messages containing the notification-response action in Nghe Tinh's communication - Draw cultural and linguistic characteristics of Nghe Tinh people through a dialogue of dialogs containing the notification-response action in Nghe Tinh’s communication Research subjects The research object of the thesis is a dialogue containing notification - response actions in Nghe Tinh communication that we have statistics Scope of research and linguistic resources 4.1 Research scope - Notification action can be taken directly or indirectly According to our survey, the notification action in Nghe Tinh's communication is mainly done directly, with few indirect forms Therefore, the thesis only focuses on considering direct notification action, which means there are obvious signs - The connotation of the message concept is extremely broad, possibly due to many vi verbs The most common verbs used to make informed actions are notice, press release, information, newspaper But in this thesis, notification action is considered by us as a neutral act to help the speaker achieve the intent, the intention to provide information to the listener and the notification action by the verb "notice" to name Incidents caused by the verb "notice" signify events that have not yet occurred but are likely to occur soon The thesis only considers the dialogue of messages containing the notification response action in Nghe Tinh's communication in terms of structure and semantics From there, we aim to point out some cultural and linguistic characteristics of Nghe Tinh people when realizing this dialogue The problem of comparing and comparing the research results of the dialogue of messages containing the notification-response action in Nghe Tinh's communication with this dialogue when done in other regions needs to be done by another project larger scale 4.2 Literature source - The thesis uses 1210 voice dialogues corresponding to 2420 speech lines containing notification - response actions The location that we conducted the survey and data collection was in the areas of Nghe An and Ha Tinh However, we only conducted material surveys in three regions: city, rural and coastal areas Specifically, in Nghe An, we surveyed eight districts: Hung Nguyen, Nam Dan, Thanh Chuong, Nghi Loc, Cua Lo, Dien Chau, Quynh Luu and Vinh City; In Ha Tinh, we surveyed eight districts: Nghi Xuan, Hong Linh, Duc Tho, Can Loc, Loc Ha, Thach Ha, Cam Xuyen and Ha Tinh City - How to collect materials: By recording and recording directly during the implementation of the project, we collected 1210 dialogues of dialogues corresponding to 2420 lines containing notification - response actions Then all the dialogs are converted into Word documents In each chapter of the thesis, depending on each specific case, we choose the suitable materials for related issues 3 Research methods and tactic 5.1 Research method a Fieldwork method We conducted data collection in two ways: recording and recording direct conversations in the daily life of the researched subjects being Nghe Tinh people; distinguish subjects according to the following criteria: a) Gender: male - female; b) Relationship: family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, buyer, seller ; c) Age: from 17, 18 years and older; d) Spoken situation: natural conversations that take place within the family and in society; d) Spoken content: are things that happen in life such as affection for family, friends, work b Method of description This method is used to describe the statistical data, then analyze the structure, manner and interaction of the dialogues with notification - response actions of Nghe Tinh people, and the total to consolidate the research process from which to draw conclusions of practical value in accordance with the research purpose of the thesis c Discourse analysis method In this method, we associate specific dialogues with related factors such as space, time, communication characters in different situations and contexts, thereby identifying the right semantic content which role of communication towards, thereby drawing out the role of the action of notice - response in the position 5.2 Research tactics a The tactics of statistics and classification This method is used to statistic the structure and semantics of the message response dialogue, then classify them into small groups for specific research purposes b Modeling tactics We use this tactic to specify the constructive models of the dialog containing the message-response action in Nghe Tinh communication Contribution of the thesis - Different from other authors who only research on the act of notification used independently, by a communication role - a role - a role, and with our topic, we can consider this is the first project to go In-depth study dialogue of dialogue containing the act of giving notice - responses are used by two roles (both roles and roles) associated with the context, placed in the interaction relationship of Nghe Tinh people on fieldwork data The structure of the thesis In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion, Appendix and References, the thesis content is implemented in chapters: Chapter 1: Overview of research situation and theoretical basis of the topic Chapter 2: Structure of dialogues containing notification - response actions in Nghe Tinh communication Chapter 3: The semantic dialogue containing the action of notification response in Nghe Tinh communication Chapter 4: Some characteristics of linguistic culture of Nghe Tinh people through notification - response dialogues Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION AND THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE TOPIC 1.1 Overview of the research situation on linguistic action 1.1.1 Research situation abroad Reviewing the history of linguistic action research, we can see that the issue of linguistic action as one of the pillars of modern pragmatics has been of interest to researchers around the world 50 years and affirming a new language approach in communication 1.1.2 Research situation in Vietnam In Vietnam, since the early 1990s, pragmatics, including linguistic action, has also attracted the attention of many researchers, focusing on two main directions: theoretical research and apply linguistic action theory to the study of specific linguistic actions in Vietnamese 1.2 Theoretical basis of the topic 1.2.1 Theory of the conversation The concept of conversation Conversation is one of the verbal activities between two or more direct characters, in each context, between them having interaction back and forth about linguistic or cognitive behavior to arrive at a certain destination Conversation structure a Conversation (conversation, interaction) Conversation is the most comprehensive unit of conversation, including several exchanging dialogues that make up, with the agreement on the topic of speech, form of expression and context b Sequence A sequence is a segment of a conversation that is linked together by a topic or several dialogues of topics to complete the parts so that the other speech can make the conversation successful c Exchange Exchange are the smallest biphasic units Typically, a dialogue of dialogs consists of a referral with an introduction function and a dialog with a response function d Participants Participants is the unit that directly constitutes the voice dialogue It is a mono unit Dialog can be identical, bigger, or smaller than words 1.2.2 Theory of linguistic action Concept of linguistic action Linguistic action is a special kind of human action, unique to humans Linguistic actions are intricately linked with human speech, which are social Conditions for performing language actions We rely on the four conditions of Searle as a basis for understanding the dialogue of messages containing the notification - response action in the communication of Nghe Tinh people Language action classification J.R Searle is the person who completes the way words are classified The author categorized the verbal acts into large groups In which the notification action belongs to the group recurs Direct and indirect linguistic action The direct linguistic action is one that is carried out exactly with the purpose of the word, there is a correspondence between the surface structure and the effect it exerts The indirect language act is the act in which the speaker performs an action at this word but aims to make the listener based on their understanding of the common language for the two of them, deducing the validity of the word of the other action Predicate verb Predicate verb is the verb that when using it, we simultaneously perform the action that the verb calls its name Phonetic expressions and language generator Phonetic expressions are speech patterns that characterize a behavior in words and are grammatical and semantic signs of verbal actions Phonetic speech is a statement that when people say it, they also perform what is shown in the speech 1.2.3 Notice language action Notification action concept According to J.L.Austin, notification action is in the presentation group (expositives); J.R.Searle (1977), put the notification action into a group of representatives; and A.Wierzbica (1987), the act of "announcing" her to the information group (Inform) The opinion of the author of the dissertation on notification action in Vietnamese is as follows: A notification is an act in which in a certain context, Sp1 spokesperson provides valid information, for Sp2 recipients about content of the situation According to the Vietnamese dictionary, the verb “notice” means I verb Inform everyone: notify officials in the agency II nounce Notice: school notice read notice written on message board [p.1524] In the thesis, we use the meaning I Conditions of use a The propositional content condition: The propositional content condition is a fact in question; can be judged against standard true - false logic b Conditions of preparation: 1) Sp1 speaker's knowledge of the situation will provide; effect on the listener Sp2; 2) The speaker is not sure that the listener knows the content of the information if the speaker does not speak out c Sincere conditions: Sp1 sincerely wants Sp2 to receive information; Sp2 is willing to receive notification content d Basic conditions: When giving notice content, speakers must be responsible for what they say and how to say to lead Sp2 to believe in what Sp1 provides the department identifies the notification action - respond - To identify the notification-response dialogues in general communication including Nghe Tinh people, we can rely on: - Based on the Sp1 speaker's use of the verb "notice" in the announcement speech; Sp2 listeners have spoken responses in language - Based on effective means of verbal instructions - IFIDs: use introduction elements in the extension of notification dialog; use words indicating the location and specific time of the incident in the notice; use adverbial affixes with propositional content 1.2.4 Overview of Nghe Tinh and dialect Nghe Tinh Overview of Nghe Tinh The characteristics of natural conditions, socio-economy, cultural history of Nghe Tinh gave Nghe people special psychological and core characteristics and this is also reflected in the usage of the language including the realization of the giving - response dialogue Local language Nghe Tinh a Dialect concept Dialect is the unique voice of a territory, a local area The dialect is a variant of the universal language, which has a difference from the universal language in terms of phonetics, vocabulary - semantics, grammar, and style of administration b Dialect Nghe Tinh Particularly, the difference of Nghe Tinh dialect compared to other regions is shown in all three aspects: phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar 1.3 Conclusion of Chapter Through the content presented above, we call out some summary results as follows: a Reviewing the opinions of domestic and foreign authors about general linguistic action including notification action, we find that the notification action in Vietnamese has been mentioned but is still separate, not yet published into an interactive giving - respond dialogue, especially in Nghe Tinh dialect b In order to understand the characteristics of the dialogue of messages containing notification - response actions in Nghe Tinh communication, we present some problems of communication theory; conversation theory; verbal action theory; Overview of Nghe Tinh and Nghe Tinh dialect as an important theoretical premise for the thesis c Some basic theoretical issues related to the act of giving and answering in conversation are also presented: concepts of linguistic actions, types of linguistic actions, classifications of verbal actions, conditions of using acts verbal verbs, microscopic language pronunciation, phonetic expressions, vi verbs and verbal instructions d Inheriting the views of some of the previous authors about communication, communication factors, conversation units, interpersonal relationships in conversations, the thesis aims to show the influence of interrelated relationships individuals in conversation, the dependence on communication factors such as communication characters, communication content, communication situations, ways of communication for the implementation and receipt of communication actions newspaper đ The thesis also refers to the basis for identifying dialogues of notification response actions in general communication and Nghe Tinh people as a basis for us to analyze in depth, describe their structure and semantics in Chapter 2, Chapter 7 Chapter STRUCTURE OF DIALOGUES CONTAINING MOTIFICATION RESPONSE ACTIONS IN NGHE TINH COMMUNICATION 2.1 The structure of the exchange and the participants 2.1.1 The structure of the exchange The conversations that contain the language of notification and response activities in Nghe Tinh's communication are diverse and structurally flexible However, because of the literature, we only went into the analysis of conversations with two dialogues: the exchange dialog containing the notification action and the response dialog containing the response actions for the notification actions 2.1.2 The structure of the participants Through the statistical structure of the message introduction and feedback dialog in the communication of Nghe Tinh people, we find that there are two types of message introduction: a) Dialogues only stand alone and b) Dialogue with notification action and accompanying components Responsive conversations also come in two forms: a) action and b) or more actions 2.2 Statistics and description of the structure of the message - response dialog in the communication of Nghe Tinh people 2.2.1 The structure of the communicating dialog contains the notification action Quantitative statistics In the 1210 speech pairs collected, the dialogues containing the notification action in Nghe Tinh's communication appeared in two forms: (1) The announcement dialog with the action of an independent announcement appeared 325/1210 times, accounting for 26.86%; (2) Announcement dialog with notification action and accompanying components appeared 885/1210 times, accounting for 73.14% Describe the notification action and accompanying components a Notification action Micro-expression (BTNV) notice is expressed in two forms: primitive and explicit The description of the independent notice action is the description of the constituents of the Micro-expression BTNV explicit notice in full form including elements: verb micro-notification (denoted Đg); the speaker - the notification subject (denoted Sp1); listener - the object receiving the message content (denoted Sp2); propositional content - notification content: certain information about people or things, events, phenomena mentioned by Sp1 (denoted by P) Depending on the communication situation, interpersonal relationships, elements Sp1 and Sp2 may be absent The full model of the BTNV explicit announcement is determined as follows: ± Sp1 + Đg ± Sp2 + P (Note: + always appears; ± may or may not appear) We found that the BTNV announced the whole level corresponding to the propositional content element - the notice content of the BTNV explicitly announced Because of such duplication, when analyzing the structure of the BTNV explicitly informed, we consider the description of the characteristics of the propositional content content - the message content, which is also the description of characteristics of the BTNV level notification b Action description accompanied by notification action b1) Quantitative statistics In 885 dialogues have an auxiliary component accompanied by the directional act of direction There are types of announcements: (1) The announcement dialog has an auxiliary component (587/885 times, accounting for 66.33%) and (2) The conversation contains many auxiliary components (298/885 times, accounting for 33,67%) b2) The characteristics of sub-groups together with the notification action in the communication of Nghe Tinh people b2(1) The auxiliary component has an introduction function, which attracts the attention and attention of the SP2 listener on the message content such as: call-toaction “nay/ ni, e, Hue nay/ ni, mi oi…”; the act of asking (Know / hear / or believe (what)?); assessment action (News / news + A (happy / sad / hot / hot / urgent ) + here (hey, hey, okay )!”, or A!); control action (Attention, listen!! The whole class is quiet! ) b2(2) The secondary component is a link phrase that has a role both in the direction of the notification-driven action and the function of linking the notification dialog with other references in the entire conversation For example: first, first, end b2(3) The auxiliary component has the function of commenting, supplementing, and clarifying information in the notice content: additional information, notes about the time and place that took place incident, phenomenon, activity mentioned in the notice content; caption information, clarifying the subject mentioned in the notice content b2(4) The secondary component is an accompanying affirmative action confirming the authenticity of the message as: one hundred percent accurate, absolutely accurate b2(5) The auxiliary component is an accompanying explanatory action, stating the reason, cause of the incident, and the phenomenon in question b2(6) An auxiliary component is an expressive act that accompanies expressing emotions, attitudes, and assessments of things, events and phenomena mentioned in the notice content The common type of structure is: "A so go!"; "I don't know that!", "Ah, terrible!" (A is often the word that expresses the mood such as: happy, like, sad, bored, ) b2(7) The secondary component is an accompanying bridge action that directs the action of the recipient of the notification content b2(8) The secondary component is an accompanying action with the function of interpersonal expression, showing courtesy when giving notice such as: praise, encouragement, thanks, congratulations or comfort, encouragement b2(9) The auxiliary component has the function of ending the conversation such as: okay, ung nghe (so sir) c The link between the notification action and the auxiliary component comes with the notification action in the communication of Nghe Tinh people If the auxiliary components are dependent actions, those actions will naturally be linked directly and closely to each other and to the notification action They perform the role of explaining and presenting influential and relevant situations If the auxiliary components are extended components, these components are quite independent and separate from each other They are all linked to the notification action, but each component presents a different information, depending on the notification action independently and performs the function primarily interpersonal function 2.2.2 The structure of the response dialog for the given conversation contains the notification action Quantitative statistics For 1210 dialogs containing the notification action, there are 1210 corresponding responders, of which: response with many actions appears 753 times, accounting for 62.23%; responding response action has appeared 457 times, accounting for 37.77% Describes the structure of the response dialog in the interaction relationship with the message reference a The structure of the response dialog has only one standalone action They include forms: / Response to notification action is action of agreeing, agreeing; / Responses to notifications are polite actions to thank, congratulate ; / The response to the notification action is expressive; / The response to the notification action is the act of commenting and evaluation; / The response to the notification action is the act of conviction; / The response to the notification action is the demand action b The structure of the response dialog consists of many actions The response dialog has many actions come in two forms: the response dialog has two actions and the response dialog has three actions In it, people Nghe Tinh mainly uses the response form actions with 679/753 times, accounting for 90.17%; 3-action response form only appeared 74/753 times, accounting for 9.83% b1 Responses to notification dialogs with standalone notification action: They often include the following forms: / Responding using adverbs that indicate agreement, agreement and act of thanks; / Respond by using adverbs that indicate agreement, agreement, and conviction; / Respond with words that express the attitude and affection of Sp2 about the message content of Sp1 and the accompanying action that explains the reason for that attitude, affection; / Respond with words that indicate permission and accompanying actions to explain the reason for that attitude b2 Response to notification dialog with notification actions and associated components: b2(1) The response dialog consists of two actions Responsive dialogues include two actions of the following types: Responsive dialogues for notification actions are actions of agreement, agreement and thanks act; Responding to the notice action is an act of disclosure, conduct, and an act of accompanying explanation; Responsive dialogues for notification actions are conduct / disclosure actions; disclosure involves a disclosure / conduct / control action b2(2) The type of response dialog consists of three actions They include the following types of combinations: responses to notification 10 actions including: consent action + thank act + promise action; Responsive dialog for notification action is a combination of three actions: presentation + promise + thanks; The response to the notification action is a combination of three actions: agree + explain + promise; Responsive dialogue for notification action is a combination of three actions: expression + presentation + demand 2.3 Conclusion of chapter From the issues presented above, we call out some basic conclusions: a In-depth study of the structure of dialogues containing the message-response action in Nghe Tinh's communication plays an important role in helping us see the communication needs of Nghe Tinh people who are always interested in expressing and exchanging communicate with each other in a typical way of saying "Made in Nghe An" (including the addition of elements or provinces), especially relatives and acquaintances, closely related through interaction b The purpose of the communication in Nghe Tinh's communication is usually composed of two types: 1) only notification action, 2) communication action Notice of action combined The dialog form has only the message action whose core is an explicit or primitive expression The structure model of the fully explicitly notified vi-expression expression includes elements: the subject performing the Sp1 notification action, the vi verb verb, the object receiving the Sp2 notification action and the propositional content; Depending on the context of communication that Sp1 and Sp2 (or both Sp1 and Sp2) may be awake The type of dialog with notification action and accompanying components we describe is an extension of the announcement BTNV including a one-component notification message and a multiappended notification dialog enclosed c For 1210 dialogs containing the notification action, there are 1210 corresponding responses The response dialog for the conversation containing the notification action in Nghe Tinh's communication can be composed of one action or many actions, in which, the response form many actions used by Nghệ Tĩnh people than They form interactive pairs: (1) the conversation contains an independent notification action - the response dialog consists of an action; (2) hands-on conversations that contain stand-alone message actions - conversations with actions; (3) the conversation contains an accompanying notification action - the response includes an action; (4) The conversation contains a notice of action with an auxiliary component - the response dialog consists of many actions In particular, the type of response to many actions in response to the conversation containing the notification action and accompanying components appears most in the communication of Nghe Tinh people 17 Chapter THE SEMANTIC DIALOGUE CONTAINING THE ACTION OF NOTIFICATION - RESPONSE IN NGHE TINH COMUNICATION 3.1 Semantic concept in language 3.1.1 Opinions of previous authors So far, the study of semantics in languages has been interested by many domestic and foreign authors, focusing on main directions: semantic research in the traditional direction; semantic research in the direction of psychology; study semantics in pragmatic direction; study semantics towards cognition 3.1.2 Distinguish meanings, semantics Meaning that abstraction exists at every level of language Content Meaning is that the content of the word is expressed through the physical shell of the word Semantics is the whole content of the language that the speaker targets the listener, attached to the functional layer 3.2 Factors that govern the semantics of the voice pair contain the message-response action in Nghe Tinh's communication 3.2.1 Interpersonal relationship Each dialogue contains the language of the message - the response performed shows the interpersonal relationship between the speaker and the receiver Through dialogue, we recognize the gender characteristics, social status, age, hierarchy of conversational characters 3.2.2 The positive or negative psychological state of the announcer and the notice recipient Psychological status, different emotions, the response is also different Pine usually if the message is positive the response is positive; If the message is negative, the response is negative 3.2.3 Context Context helps us understand the content of the communication, helps us identify a pair of messages containing notification - response actions in a specific and accurate way 3.3 Statistical, descriptive description of the voice pair contains the action of the message - response in the communication of Nghe Tinh people 3.3.1 Quantitative statistics of semantic subgroups of the message presentation and response dialog Quantitative statistics of semantic subgroups of given conversations According to the subjective criteria of the information content, the semantics of the notification action in Nghe Tinh's communication is divided into three groups: / Information group relating to both Sp1 and Sp2 with 561 voice pairs, accounting for 46.36%; / Information group related to Sp2 with 437 voice pairs, accounting for 36.12% and / Information group belonging to Sp1 has 212 voice pairs, accounting for 17.52% According to the criteria of the nature of the information, the semantics of the notification action in Nghe Tinh's communication is divided into two groups: / The positive information appears 495 times, accounting for 40,915; / The negative information appeared more than 715 times, accounting for 59.09% 18 According to the theme criteria, the semantics of the notification action in the communication of Nghe Tinh people is divided into two groups: / The public administrative information appeared 552, accounting for 45.62% and / Information about daily life more than 658, accounting for 54.38% Quantitative statistics of semantic subgroups of response dialogue There are groups of responding semantics for announcements in conversations of Nghe Tinh people: / The response form expresses emotional feelings, the most used behavior of Sp2 with 534/1210, accounting for 44.13%; / Feedback form shows the attitude of agreement and agreement with 470/1210 times, accounting for 38.78%; / Feedback form shows negative attitude, disagree with 114/1210 times, accounting for 9.49%; / Feedback form shows the attitude of distrust, not believing in the notification action at the talk, appearing at least 92/1210 times, accounting for 7.61% 3.3.2 Describe the semantic subgroups of the interaction giving-response containing notification-response action According to the subjective criteria of the information content a Informative content related to the speaker In this case, the speaker is the subject of the news The listener is often those who have a close, close relationship with Sp1 The information related to individual speakers is diverse from education, work, career, achievements, rewards to weddings, funerals, emotional life b Inform the content of information related to the listener In this case, Sp1 is the person who knows / witnesses the facts and incidents related to Sp2 Sp1 must tell Sp2 to let Sp2 have a psychological preparation or appropriate future action Sp1 is usually the person with a higher position than Sp2, the information provided is mainly related to the administrative and civil service fields c Informative content regarding both the speaker and the listener Information belonging to both Sp1 and Sp2 is usually news from social media On the other hand, the information content in this semantic group could also be news belonging to third parties (Sp3) but related to Sp1 and Sp2 According to the criteria of the nature of the information content a The content of information is positive Positive information is information that brings certain benefits to the subject This benefit may be material (money, valuables) or mental (rewarded, absenteeism ) b The content of information is negative Negative information is information that causes physical harm or causes uncomfortable psychological states for the subject According to the subject criteria a The notice contains information about public administration a1) The content of administrative and public service information related to the collective In the communication of Nghe Tinh people, through the survey, we found that the administrative and public administrative information mainly related to the collective, used 484/552 times, accounting for 87.68% a2) Public service and administrative information related to individuals This information does not appear much, only 68/552 times, accounting for 12.32%, mainly related to work within the scope of school or office communication 19 Sp1 notifies Sp2 to receive information and act b Information about daily life Surveying 1210 conversational conversations containing the notification action in the communication of Nghe Tinh people, we found that the semantics of this information group prevailed: 658/1210 occurrences, accounting for 54.38%, mainly information belonging to personal life such as work, affection, marriage, funeral, funeral, money, shopping, studying, playing, etc 3.4 Conclusion of chapter From the issues presented, we draw some conclusions as follows: a Regarding the factors that govern the semantic feature of the notification action, we identify factors: interpersonal relationship; Psychological status of the notifier and notification recipient and context Through these factors, we find that the frequency of occurrence and the ability to act of the notification action in the role of informant role, the role of the position of succession, age, gender differ different light dark Close relationships include 11 groups, in which: co-workers, learners-learners, neighbors, friendships and blood ties appear the most The close relationship we consider in two aspects: gender and status, rank, age In terms of gender, women use notification actions more than men They also have ways of selecting languages, organizing speeches to express the content of semantic messages to suit their personality and psychology In terms of position, rank, age, we established into groups: the upper - lower group (the notifier has a higher position than the notified person); the peer group (the notices and the notice recipients have equal status) and the lower-upper group (the notifier has a lower position than the notice recipient) Corresponding to each type of relationship and psychological state, Nghe Tinh people have a way of using vocative words, the type of structure and selection of appropriate notification content b The semantics of exchanging dialogues contain a variety of notification actions, including contents from family to neighborhood, office, school, market, hospital Based on different criteria, we have classified the notification action into different semantic groups According to the subjective criteria of the information content, the semantics of the notification action consists of groups: the information belongs to Sp1, the information belongs to Sp2, the information belongs to both Sp1 and Sp2 According to the criteria of the nature of the information, the semantics of the notification action consists of two groups: positive information and negative information According to the theme criteria, the semantics of the notification action also includes two groups: information about administrative and civil information and information about daily life c Regarding the semantics of the response act set in the interaction with the notification action (talk conversation): Based on the impact destination of the notification action and how to receive notifications of Sp2, we divide the semantics of responding actions in communication of Nghe Tinh people into groups: a / Responses expressing emotions, behavior of Sp2; b / Response showing attitude of agreement; c / Responses express attitude of disagreement, negation, rejection and d / Responses express skepticism, distrust With information within the workplace, neighborhood, response dialog appeared only forms: emotional response, behavior of Sp2; the response shows an attitude of agreement; The response shows an attitude of disagreement, disapproval, negation, rejection In those types, Nghệ Tĩnh people mainly use two types of responses: agree to respond to information within the workplace, neighborhood and to express emotions, behaviors, to respond to information in daily life 20 Chapter SOME CHARACTERISTIC OF LINGUISTIC CULTURE OF NGHE TINH PEOPLE THROUGH NOTIFICATION - RESPONSE DIALOGUES 4.1 Overview of culture and language 4.1.1 Culture concept Culture is a system of all symbolic material and spiritual values created by man through the struggle for survival and development Culture is created by the community of each resident and gives that community its own characteristics 4.1.2 The relationship between language and thinking, culture The relationship between language and thinking Language and thinking are intimately connected Language is the most important means of human communication; it is both a form of existence and a material means of expressing thought and a tool of thinking activity Language is directly involved in the process of thought formation and development The relationship between language and culture There is a close relationship between culture and language Language is one of the most characteristic components of any national culture and vice versa, it is in language that one finds the characteristics of a national culture most clearly preserved 4.2 Nghe Tinh cultural characteristics through conversations: notice - response 4.2.1 Nghe Tinh people prefer a direct way of speaking, going straight to the point From giver Firstly, Nghe Tinh people mainly use direct notification action, less use indirect notification method When they want to announce something, they often get straight to the point, not around and around Secondly, when announcing, Nghe Tinh people use emotional, emotional terms to directly express their feelings and attitudes towards Sp2 or the content of the notice: when expressing their feelings to Sp2, Nghe Tinh people often uses combinations of words of affection, intimacy such as: beloved husband, sister, beloved sister, daddy ; When expressing attitudes towards propositional content, Nghe Tinh people often use elements that show the nature of information such as sad news, good news, song news, sensational news, etc From response: - To show affection for Sp1, Sp2 often uses actions belonging to behaviors such as congratulation, praise, encouragement, condolences - To express the attitude, affection with the message received, Sp2 often uses words that express emotions such as happiness, sadness, boredom, surprise - Sp2 also uses fixed idioms, idioms, and proverbs to express feelings directly to the message and with Sp1 such as: cool eyes, cool liver; damage gut, damage liver 4.2.2 Nghe Tinh people like to talk in a close and close relationship Words vocative - Firstly, the way of addressing the Nghe people has a high degree of intimacy when exchanging, expressed using the noun kinship; way of addressing using combinations of pronouns and pronouns 21 - Secondly, the way of addressing Nghe people is in the community and community The Nghe people often use the title of vocations such as: our class, our village, our block, our neighborhood, our commune, our department, our room, our family, our village ; “choa” from the actualization of the notification - response dialogue - Thirdly, Nghe Tinh people often use a chain of vocations near relationships, taking children as a central element when making message-response dialogue - Fourthly, the way of addressing Nghe Tinh people when performing the act of notification is extraordinarily rich in expressive nuances: when they are close and affectionate; rustic time, popular; when messy, rude Use sub-status from local situation Surveying 1210 dialogues containing the notification action in Nghe Tinh communication, we found 10 status words appearing at the end of 736 speeches, of which, there were 7/10 status words in Thai dialect Nghe Tinh, the particle is used 390/736 times, accounting for 52.99% It is this system of sub-language nuances that make an important contribution to creating nuances of closeness and closeness for the notification action of Nghe Tinh people in comparison with other regions, and at the same time, creating a richness for the system of particle, state in Vietnamese 4.2.3 Nghe Tinh people like to say how to express their feelings, pulling attention to listeners Using factors that prevent psychological reaction in favor of “too” and “outrageous” level of Nghe Tinh people In 1210 dialogues, this factor was used 96 times Nghe Tinh people, accounting for 7.93% Factors with the nature of preventing the psychological reaction in favor of the level of "too" and "outrageous" in dialogues containing the notification action of Nghe Tinh people are usually structured in a way: after listening to B, don't be sad / angry ; after hearing B don't be happy / excited / crazy / crazy Use the looping method According to our survey, this element appears 51 times, by: repeating the invocation of object Sp2; repeat verb vi; repeat from the level / validity of information content or human emotional state Adverbs indicate the level before or after adjectives / verbs that inform the nature or state of human emotions Statistics show that this factor appears 88 times They are adverbs: “very, too, extremely, extremely, extremely”, and the two adjectives of the Nghe Tinh dialect are “fluent and chi chi” In addition, the way of expressing the high level in Nghe Tinh's notification action can also be the syntheses using the emotional elements such as “nhu rat chi la A, rat rat chi la A, A oi la A, A qua la A, A chi ma A rua…” The interesting and interesting feature is that Nghe Tinh people when using these words always have an increase in level according to the appreciation of the speaker / listener about the nature of the information For example: fun has levels such as rat vui, rat rat vui, vui oi la vui (So happy, so happy, extremely happy) …; then higher level is nong: nong hoi, cuc nong (hot, hot news, very hot news ) 22 4.2.4 Nghe Tinh people often use words that retain ancient local nuances Use words to indicate time Those are the words: bua ni, bua mai, bua mot, mot te, mot te, mot te… (today, tomorrow, next tomorrow… 2.4.2 Use words, fixed expressions, idioms that have dialect specificities This factor mainly occurs in both Sp1 and shoulders That's how to use words such as: sandy soil, cool and cool, mistakenly punching and dying of elephants, round like a little pompous, fat like a worm-worm, being young in the winter 4.3 Conclusion of chapter Understanding the culture of Nghe Tinh people through the interactive message - response dialog, we call out some main conclusions: a Nghe Tinh people prefer a direct way of speaking, going straight to the point They rarely use indirect notification but get straight to the point The speaker expressed his immediate attitude about the content of the notice to affect the listener and prepare the listener to receive the situation The listener on the contrary, also directly expresses emotions and emotions; attitude, opinion with Sp1 or the content of the notice received from Sp1 b Nghe Tinh people like to talk in a close and close relationship This cultural expression is mainly expressed using vocative words and mood words The specific point of Nghe Tinh people when using the vocative word in the notification action is: the way of address of the Nghe people is highly intimate when exchanging; the way of addressing Nghe people in favor of the common and the community; Nghe Tinh people often use the vocative method in relation to relationships, taking children as a central element when making a pair of message - response; Nghe Tinh's way of addressing people when performing the notification action is rich in expressive nuances Adverbs of affection are used to show the intimacy, closeness, simplicity, and commonality of the Nghe people c Nghe Tinh people like to say how to express their feelings and get the attention of the listeners They often use linguistic elements: properties that prevent psychological reactions in favor of the level of “too”, “outrageous” in the listener; repeat the invocation of Sp2 object, repeat verb vi, repeat word indicating the level / validity of information content; use adverbs of degree preceding or after the word indicating the nature / state when performing the notification action The appearance of these words in a pair of messages contains notification actions - the response shows that the culture expresses feelings, the feelings are inclined to the level of “too”, “outrageous”, and finally, to the very end of the feelings of the people of Nghe d Nghe Tinh people prefer to use words that retain ancient local nuances The use of words indicates time; fixed words, expressions and idioms that show the dialectic characteristics show the simplicity, piety and closeness of Nghe Tinh people in communication as well as the originality of the perception of the reality of Nghe people 23 CONCLUDE Through the implementation of research tasks set out in the topic “Dialogue pairs containing the action of notification - response in Nghe Tinh communication”, We call out some main conclusions later: The linguistic actions expressed in conversations are rich, including notification and response Responding to how the notice acts accordingly shows the attitude and conduct of the communicating character in the conversation The thesis has shown that researching the action of notification and response in interactions in reciprocal pairs is a scientific and necessary research direction And the things drawn from that would be more convincing than examining each single action in the sequence of words The thesis conducts document survey by recording and directly recording speech in daily life of residents in Nghe An and Ha Tinh provinces Thereby, we have separated the number of 1210 voice pairs containing notification - response actions, according to the research direction that the topic has identified From the development of the concept of notification and response action, with the use of the instrumental concepts of linguistic action theory and conversational theory with the collected corpus system, the thesis has proceeded describe the structure and semantics of the pair of messages containing the notification-response action in Nghe Tinh's communication in a complete and concise manner In terms of structure model, we see a variety of message - response pairs in Nghe Tinh communication, each pair is made up of two exchanging and exchanging dialogues There is a close link between formatted and formal dialogue to create a complete message - response pair In particular, the structure of the response dialog is always governed by the communicating dialog containing the notification action 3.1 The structured model of the communication containing the notification action usually has two types: 1) The conversation has an independent notification action and 2) The conversation has a notification action and its attached components The message-only form of communication has an independent standalone message action whose core is an explicit or primitive expression The structure model of the fully explicitly announced vi-expression expression includes elements: the given shoulder (Sp1), the verb vi (Đg) “notice”, the receiving shoulder (Sp2) and the propositional content (P); Depending on the context of communication that Sp1 and Sp2 (or both Sp1 and Sp2) may be awake The content of the proposition P in an explicit announcement is composed of two elements: X and V Where X is the subject of the notification clause given by the speaker; X can are Sp1, Sp2 or objects outside Sp1, Sp2 (Sp3) but both Sp1 and Sp2 are known and related; V is the component (word, phrase) denoting the content of the notice The structure model of the hand-held conversation contains the primitive informative expression corresponding to the propositional content element in the explicit message announcement expression The type of notification action and associated components we describe is an extension of the notification micro expression including: one-part notification message and multiple-message announcement dialog Auxiliary components The most noticeable auxiliary components are: the auxiliary function with the function of commenting, supplementing and clarifying the information in the notice content; The auxiliary component has the function of introduction, attracting the attention and attention of the listeners to the content of the 24 notice and the auxiliary component is the expressions expressing the status 3.2 The response dialog for the communicating dialog contains the notification action that can be composed of one action or multiple actions These types of responses are manifested by many actions such as agreeing, agreeing, congratulating, praising, revealing, commenting, proposing, etc Each type of response has certain roles and functions in the response dialog for notification actions For a response with only one action, it is natural that the action will respond directly to the destination of the conversation containing the notification action They often reflect the attitude, appreciation of the listener for the event informed by the speaker In a response dialog containing many actions, the level and linkage between actions to the response destination for the notification action are not the same In some dialogs, the notification actions are quite independent, separate from each other In language, some form of structure always expresses a certain meaning Message-response pairs are no exception 4.1 Regarding the factors that govern the semantic feature of notification action, we define including interpersonal relationship, context and psychological state of the notifier and notice recipient 4.2 In terms of semantics, communication contains various notification actions Based on different criteria, we have classified the notification action into different semantic groups According to the subjective criteria of the information content, the semantics of the notification action consists of groups: information belonging to Sp1, information belonging to Sp2, information belonging to both Sp1 and Sp2 According to the criteria of the nature of the information, the semantics of the notification action consists of groups: positive information and negative information According to the theme criteria, the semantics of the notification action also includes groups: information about administrative and civil information and information about daily life 4.3 Regarding the semantics of response acts placed in the interaction with the notification action, the semantics of the response actions in Nghe Tinh communication are divided into groups: Responses expressing emotions, behaviors of Sp2; the response shows an attitude of agreement; Responses express negative attitudes, rejects, disagree, and responses show distrust and disbelief Nghe Tinh people mainly use two types of responses: to agree and express emotions and behaviors to respond to dialogues to give notices Announcement - response dialog in Nghe Tinh communication is strongly influenced by the characteristics of thinking, habits, lifestyle, behaviors of Nghe Tinh people The characteristics of linguistic culture of Nghe Tinh people when realizing the notification action are shown in the following points: 1) Nghe Tinh people like direct speech and get straight to the point; 2) Nghe Tinh people like to talk in a close and friendly way; 3) Nghe Tinh people like to talk about it in a “too” way, so that they pay attention to the listener; 4) Nghe Tinh people like to use words that preserve old local nuances LIST OF WORKS BY AUTHOR PUBLISHED Tran Thi Ly Na (2015), “First step to understand the structure of notification action in school communication”, Journal of Science, Vinh University, Volume 44, No 1B Tran Thi Ly Na (2017), “Respect between husband and wife in the communication of Nghe Tinh people expressed through notification language action”, Proceedings of the National Linguistics Workshop 2017, Dan Tri Publishing House, Hanoi Tran Thi Ly Na (2019), “Some cultural features of Nghe Tinh people expressed through vocative words when performing the action of the language of notification”, Proceedings of the National Linguistics Workshop 2019, Dan Tri Publishing House, Hanoi Tran Thi Ly Na (2019), “Notice of action in Nghe Tinh's communication”, Journal of Language and Life, No 10 Tran Thi Ly Na (2019), “Additional components in notification dialogue”, Language Magazine, No 10 ... of Nghe Tinh people when realizing this dialogue The problem of comparing and comparing the research results of the dialogue of messages containing the notification- response action in Nghe Tinh' s... through a dialogue of dialogs containing the notification- response action in Nghe Tinh? ??s communication Research subjects The research object of the thesis is a dialogue containing notification - response. .. show the structure and semantics of the dialogue of messages containing the notification- response action in Nghe Tinh' s communication - Draw cultural and linguistic characteristics of Nghe Tinh

Ngày đăng: 07/06/2021, 17:02

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