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Summary of Doctoral Literature Thesis: Inguistic Style in Han Mac Tu''s Poetic

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Research purposes: Surveying and analyzing words and rhetoric measures in Han Mac Tu’s poetry, the thesis establishes the basic points of the author''s poetic linguistic style, identifies core values and evaluates Han Mac Tu’s contributions in Vietnamese poetry in 1932 - 1945 period, contributes to the research and teaching of his poetry from schools to university level.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY NGUYEN THI THANH DUC LINGUISTIC STYLE IN HAN MAC TU’S POETRY Major: Vietnamese language Code: 922 01 02 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL LITERATURE THESIS NGHE AN - 2021 The thesis is completed in Vinh University Science instructors: Ass Prof., PhD PHAN MAU CANH PhD DANG LUU Criticizer Criticizer Criticizer The thesis is defended before Doctoral Thesis Evaluation Council at University Level Location: Vinh University Time: At ……, date ……… month ……… year 2021 The thesis can be found at: - National Library - Information Center - Nguyen Thuc Hao Library, Vinh University INTRODUCTION Reason for choosing the topic 1.1 Studying poetry from a linguistic perspective is a popular approach for a long time, and has gained many remarkable achievements In poetry, language not only shows pure informational content, but itself also has "autonomy", "selfexplanatory." Therefore, if the uniqueness of linguistic forms shown through each work is the goal of the poet's striving in composing, it is discovering the uniqueness of linguistic organization in receiving and evaluating Language is also the decisive factor to understand the contents of poetry 1.2 "Poetic language" is a concept with a very broad connotation In fact, there is not a common poetic language, but there exists only poetic language belonging to each model, type of composition, of each certain author Each author often has his own living experiences, aesthetic opinion, hobbies, strengths, innermost life and own linguistic vision They contribute in creating unique features of each creative subject The highest level of crystallization of distinctive traits is style Understanding an author's poetic style from a linguistic perspective, therefore, is a really necessary direction to contribute to the study of artistic linguistic styles and to the practice of literary analysis in schools today 1.3 Han Mac Tu is an outstanding face of Vietnamese poetry in the twentieth century In 1932 - 1945 period, there were few poets who, in just a short time, made a journey to create poetry from classical, through romance, to symbolic, surreal like Han Mac Tu In terms of composition, his poetry is very diverse But no matter how diverse, it is completely possible to affirm Han Mac Tu’s poetic linguistic style Studying poetic style of Han Mac Tu, we have in fact contributed to the decoding of his poetic products, thereby promoting the research and teaching of Han Mac Tu’s poetry from high school to university level That is the reason why we choose the topic Han Mac Tu Poetic Linguistic Style to deploy within the framework of a doctoral thesis 2 Object and scope of the study 2.1 Research subjects The thesis focuses on surveying and learning to clarify poetic linguistic style of Han Mac Tu on the aspects: vocabulary, some typical vocabulary-semantic fields, unique choices and words combinations, some outstanding rhetoric measures 2.2 Scope of survey materials The survey will be conducted on existing materials source of Han Mac Tu’s poetry These are poems that appeared in the 1932 - 1945 New Poetry - work and authors volume (collected and introduced by Lai Nguyen An) In addition, we also surveyed his poetry in volumes: Han Mac Tu - Works, Criticisms and Memorials (Phan Cu De), Han Mac Tu’s Poetry (Che Lan Vien), Han Mac Tu’s Poetry and Life (Lu Huy Nguyen), Han Mac Tu - a poetic life (Thi Long), Han Mac Tu’s Poetry (Manh Linh) Research purposes and missions 3.1 Research purposes Surveying and analyzing words and rhetoric measures in Han Mac Tu’s poetry, the thesis establishes the basic points of the author's poetic linguistic style, identifies core values and evaluates Han Mac Tu’s contributions in Vietnamese poetry in 1932 - 1945 period, contributes to the research and teaching of his poetry from schools to university level 3.2 Research missions - Synthesize research results of Han Mac Tu’s poetry, clarify related concepts, serve as a theoretical basis for the thesis - Survey vocabulary, selection way, words combination, vocabulary-semantic field, rhetorical measures in Han Mac Tu’s poetry, clarify the features of words usage in his poetry (with comparison with three poets of his time: Bich Khe, Xuan Dieu, and Nguyen Binh) - Analyze linguistic data, realize the awareness of Han Mac Tu's choosing artistic words in poetry creation, then make some conclusions about Han Mac Tu's poetic linguistic style Research methodology To implement this topic, we use descriptive method, comparison method, general analysis method, statistical method, systematized method, correlative analysis method Contribution of the thesis Through surveying, analyzing and studying words usage and rhetorical measures in Han Mac Tu’s poetry, the thesis outlines basic features of Han Mac Tu's poetic linguistic style; then contributes a perspective, a way of evaluating the author's poetry in relation to other typical authors of the 1932-1945 New Poetry Movement Structure of the thesis In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion, Reference, the thesis is deployed in chapters: Chapter 1: Overview of research situation and theoretical basis of the topic Chapter 2: Han Mac Tu’s linguistic style reflected in words usage Chapter 3: The Han Mac Tu’s linguistic style reflected in the usage of rhetorical measures Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION AND THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE TOPIC 1.1 Overview of research situation 1.1.1 Research situation in the author’s linguistic style It can be said that, up to now, all over the world as well as in Vietnam, there are not many research works on linguistic styles in general and author's linguistic style in particular There is a lack of consensus among linguists in general and Vietnamese linguists on the author's linguistic style, so as of present, there is still no consensus on the concept of author’s linguistic style Overview of research conditions on author’s linguistic style all over the world One of the pioneering scientists in stylistics research is Ch Bali However, Ch Bali only focuses on studying style in terms of expressive linguistic means only This thought is reflected in his book - French rhetorical measures Unlike Bali's point of view, Leo Spitzer wanted to generalize individual style from the facts of works such as: ideology, details, structure, especially language Following the achievements of the pioneers, the authors such as RA Budagov, VV Vinogradov, DE Rozental, PI Dameran, R Levin, S Macus, P Miclau, F Guirand all have contributed into and promoted the development of author’s linguistic style research Overview of research conditions on author’s linguistic style in Vietnam In Vietnam, there have been a number of articles identifying linguistic styles of Ho Xuan Huong, Nguyen Du, Ba Huyen Thanh Quan, Xuan Dieu, Nguyen Binh, Nguyen Cong Hoan, Nam Cao, Nguyen Tuan, etc However, seasoned works on author’s style research are still very rare The analysis and explanations mainly focus on asserting the creativeness and uniqueness of each work, but still lack of deep judgments on individual style 1.1.2 Research situation of Han Mac Tu’s poetry linguistic style Among the poets of 1932-1945 New Poetry Movement, Han Mac Tu is the author who receives special attention from researchers Covering most of the articles on Han Mac Tu poetic language up to now, we find that there are several correction directions First is the opinions on style characteristics of Han Mac Tu’s poetry (Tran Thanh Mai, Quach Tan, Hoai Thanh and Hoai Chan, Che Lan Vien, Dang Tien, Do Lai Thuy, Ngo Van Phu, Vuong Tri Nhan, Nguyen Dang Diep, Chu Van Son, etc.) Second is the opinions on linguistic characteristics of Han Mac Tu’s poetry (Vu Ngoc Phan, Phan Cu De, Huynh Phan Anh, Vo Long Te, Lai Nguyen An, Phan Huy Dung, Nguyen Quan, etc.) In addition, a number of master thesis and doctoral thesis also choose the issue of Han Mac Tu’s poetic language as research topic, etc These articles and works have been referred by us to conduct our research topic 1.2 Theoretical basis of the topic 1.2.1 Some theoretical issues about linguistic styles Style and stylistics a Style Derived from the ancient Greek term slitos, over 2500 years, the concept of style has been explained in many different ways To clarify different ways of understanding the concept of style, we have looked at the opinions of Phan Ngoc, Diep Quang Ban, Nguyen Thai Hoa, Nguyen Thien Giap, Do Lai Thuy, etc From the above analyzed concepts, we draw the main features of the concept of style: Firstly, style is always associated with a particular linguistic product Secondly, in order to achieve style, linguistic products must have its own characteristics and distinctive signs Thirdly, style is the result of conscious choice rather than random phenomenon Forthly, the concept of style includes the following contents: era style, functional style, author style b Stylistics Through the explanations of scientists up to now, ignoring certain differences in expressions, we can give a unified understanding of the concept Stylistics is a part of the linguistics industry, researching stylistic features of linguistic products through the sense of choice of the subject, expressed in all linguistic means used in communication With such generalizations, stylistics has a very broad connotation, including both functional styles and individual styles, including all linguistic products that exist in different forms Artistic linguistic style Artistic linguistic style is a concept that indicates a style in the system of functional styles (including: living style, artistic style, journalism style, political style, scientific style, administrative - public service style.) We advocate the contrast between artistic language and non-artistic language in terms of: the characteristics of signaling system, social function, systematic, semantic aspect, presence of linguistic means, role for national language to verify the connotation of the concept of artistic linguistic style Individual linguistic style Personal style refers to all the basic elements of style that are steadily present in the works of a certain author, during a certain period of creativeness or in all general creative process of that author; characteristics of words using tactics, structures etc that characterize an individual's spoken or written language Individual linguistic styles must be considered in terms of: Firstly, individual linguistic styles must manifest in the text itself Secondly, these linguistic elements must emit unique and aesthetic values Thirdly, style has both stability and transformation, which is a dynamic phenomenon 1.2.2 Some issues related to individual linguistic styles Expressing individual style through the vocabulary-semantic field in artistic text Vocabulary field is a concept present in most vocabulary works Vocabulary field itself may not be different among authors and poets, but the practice of words gathered in each author's field has its own unique and different features This depends on aesthetic ideology, content of works and usage of words In short, analyzing the functional characteristics of words in fields, we will recognize the author's style Expressing individual linguistic style viewed from two linguistic axes The horizontal axis in language is the axis expressing the relationship that connects the linguistic units in linear order into larger structural units for communication activities But linguistic activity, especially in poetic creation, is the choice axis (longitudinal axis) is referred on coherent axis (horizontal axis) according to a famous viewpoint of R Jakobson Therefore, surveying a poet's linguistic style must pay special attention to the usage of language on both axes 1.2.3 Han Mac Tu - poetic life and career From the perspective of biography, in Vietnam’s modern poetry, rare poets have painful life pages like Han Mac Tu However, with more than ten years of writing, through pen names such as Phong Tran, Le Thanh and finally Han Mac Tu, the poet has left many works: Le Thanh poems volume (including all poems in Duong’s rules), Gai Que - Countryside girls (1936, the single volume of poems published at the time of the author's death), Tho Dien - Crazy poems (or Dau Thuong - Hurt, the poem consists of three volumes: Huong Thom - Fragrance; Mat Dang - Bitter; Mau Cuong and Hon Dien - Mad Blood and Crazy Soul - 1938), Xuan Nhu Y, Thuong Thanh Khi, Cam Chau Duyen (poem), Duyen Ki Ngo - Meeting fate (poetry play 1939), Quan tien hoi (poetry play, incomplete - 1940), Choi giua mua trang - Play in moon season (poem- prose volume) With such works, Han Mac Tu has clearly shown his linguistic style which is both unified and transformed through each type of poetry, each composition, and each stage 1.2.4 Own opinion about poet and poetic creativeness - factor that governs Han Mac Tu's linguistic style In the consciousness of Han Mac Tu, poets are human beings with special qualities and characteristics Perhaps not a believer has an unusual viewpoint like Han Mac Tu According to him, only the "poetic race" has an extraordinary ability to perceive the beauties of living creatures and the Supreme, worth exalting the praise of God's power He wants poet's soul always as clean as being cleansed in order to suffer the grace of creativeness In Han Mac Tu's poetic concept, we more or less come across his linguistic vision - through poetry creativeness 1.3 Summary of chapter In chapter 1, the thesis summarizes studies of the author’s language, poetry and Han Mac Tu’s poetic language, and in order to establish scientific foundation, the thesis presents some basic concepts: style, stylistics, artistic style, and individual linguistic style The above concepts have been explained in order to build a set of necessary tools for surveying and processing materials in the following chapters The thesis also takes into account two factors that clearly govern Han Mac Tu's poetic linguistic style: the experience of a traumatic life and a particular concept of the poet and poetic creativeness From here, it can be seen that the linguistic style is formally formed, on a viewpoint and in reality of the author's lively compositions Chapter HAN MAC TU’S POETRY LINGUISTIC STYLE EXPRESSED IN LANGUAGE USAGE 2.1 Research orientation and scope of words survey in Han Mac Tu’s poetry to identify the poet's linguistic style Authors and poets must have a rich vocabulary, because it is an essential condition for the artists to reflect all aspects of life with linguistic images It is possible that prose authors, especially novels, need richer vocabulary than poets And right in the team of poets, depending on the types of compositions, topics, creative personality, linguistic viewpoints, vocabulary of each person has its own characteristics Studying the author's vocabulary, the manipulation of linguistic statistics must also be used to offer specific and accurate data Comments on authors’ vocabulary characteristics should always be summarized on the basis of reliable statistical data 2.2 Han Mac Tu’s linguistic style expressed through a number of typical vocabulary fields 2.2.1 Vocabulary - semantic field issue Words in a language never classify into fields by themselves Therefore, field is the research result on vocabulary of scientists Field, as an object of linguistics, does not include the matter of practice When the literary language becomes the research object, fields is really attached to the practice Each vocabulary field in artistic text is the result of the author's creative word choice 2.2.2 Vocabulary field with author’s linguistic style issue Vocabulary field in literary language Field, as an object of linguistics, does not include the matter of practice When the literary language becomes the research object, field is really attached to the practice In use, words can change and transform inherent meanings to fit specific elements of each communication activity, in order to achieve the highest communication efficiency How words in artistic creation are used and how effective depend on many factors: topic, theme of works, language capacity, life experiences, writing style of the author Each vocabulary field in artistic text is the result of the author's creative word choice Therefore, studying the author's linguistic style, it is 11 In Table 2.6, we realize that the rate of poems used in Han Mac Tu’s poetry is higher than Nguyen Binh and Bich Khe's poems, only lower than poetry of "king of love poetry" Xuan Dieu Considering the average number of appearances in each poem, this number in Han Mac Tu’s poetry is only higher than Bich Khe However, an average of turns of love vocabulary per poem reflects the high rate of using this field in Han Mac Tu’s poetry b) Expression value Love field in Han Mac Tu’s poetry focuses on expressing the contents: from the desire of loving and being loved to passionate love; love with grief and separation; love is often mentioned in parallel with death Human body field a) Survey results It can be said that vocabulary field indicating human body in Han Mac Tu’s poetry is very abundant, not fewer than any other poets in New Poetry Movement To clarify that, we have surveyed the words indicating human body in Han Mac Tu’s poetry in comparison with the poems of Nguyen Binh, Xuan Dieu and Bich Khe Table 2.8: Words indicating human body in Han Mac Tu, Bich Khe, Xuan Dieu, and Nguyen Binh’s poetry Total Poet Total Total number of number of number of Rate of poems Appearan ce poems poems times surveyed used using Han Mac Tu 119 87 307 73.1 2.6 Bich Khe 82 59 339 72.0 4.1 Xuan Dieu 90 74 306 82.2 3.4 Nguyen Binh 88 53 248 60.2 2.8 used frequency in poems Not considering the usage, the numbers in the above statistical table partly reveals the selection of the class of words referring to human body in composing of four typical pens in New Poetry 12 b) Expression value Human body field in Han Mac Tu’s poems emits the following values: Fairy inspiration about a pure, beautiful body - wonderful work of the Supreme; experiencing pain with all the senses; the body thirsts for life 2.3 Unique word choices and combinations in Han Mac Tu’s poetry 2.3.1 Vertical axis in language and the issue of words choice in poetry In poetry, the selection axis is referred on the association axis R Jakobson made an important discovery that changed the later directions of poetic language: "The function of poetry brings the equivalence principle of the choice axis projected on on combination axis" On the vertical axis of a language, in a particular position, there are many words that can be put to establish relationships with other units in the horizontal axis However, among them, only one word is considered as prime Therefore, studying the language system that the poet chooses will help better understand the poet's own linguistic style 2.3.2 Horizontal axis in language and the issue of word combinations in poetry The horizontal axis in language is the axis expressing the relationship that connects the linguistic units in linear order into larger structural units for communication activities But depending on communication intention, the artists can create units (words, phrases, sentences) with "irregular" structure These are sentences that "deviate" from the trajectory of the normal linear order such as anagrams, sobriety, separation sentences, duplicate sentences, twisted sentences, sentences with unusual combination of meaning, etc The popular use of these structures has brought new values, capable of expressing the unique features of a poetic style 2.3.3 Imprint of Han Mac Tu shown in the choice and combination of words in poetry Words choice expressing the beautified look on the object In order to find Han Mac Tu's own imprint, we select words that the poet often uses repeatedly in one or different poems to survey the number of occurrences; at the same time comparing the frequency of using those words in Han Mac Tu with three 13 other poets: Bich Khe, Xuan Dieu, Nguyen Binh The results show that on the selection axis, Han Mac Tu’s poetry does not have many innovations in words usage indicating artistic images to convey feelings, emotions, mainly still the things and phenomena that are used in traditional poetry: wind, flower, snow, moon, etc In terms of the use of these words on the total number of poems surveyed from poets, Han Mac Tu is only better than other poets in frequency of using words: moon, smile, blood, light, feeling, and sadness Words choice as artistic predicate Indicating the same object, but how to visualize and describe it often depends on the individual style of each poet To clarify this statement, the thesis summarizes attached associations with 30 words/30 objects listed in section and illustrates by typical artistic predicate of two words sunshine and silk The statistical results show that Han Mac Tu uses a variety of combinations: morning sunshine, poetic sunshine, fresh sunshine, fragrant sunshine, hubbub sunshine, mild sunshine, golden sunshine, new sunshine, half-ripe sunshine, high sunshine, blazing sunshine, rosy sunshine, areca row sunshine, pinky sunshine, ancient sunshine and eternal sunshine Meanwhile, Bich Khe only uses: golden sunshine, frame sunshine, fragrant sunshine; Xuan Dieu and Nguyen Binh use more diversely than Bich Khe but compared to Han Mac Tu, this combination of two poets is still modest There are combinations that only Han Mac Tu uses: poetic sunshine, hubbub sunshine, pinky sunshine, sunshine silk, pinky silk, etc Besides the above-mentioned differences, it can be seen that among poets, there are choices which coincide with the associated words that are word combinations reflecting names of things and phenomena in real life, such as: golden silk; yellow moon, yellow flower, yellow leaf, yellow star; yellow sunshine, blazing sunshine, morning sunshine, etc Choice from the Central dialect instead of the national language In Han Mac Tu’s poetry, besides the poems refining in each word, using the words "expensive" and "strange", we still encounter many simple, rustic poetic sentences associated with the language of his own normal life What makes a different style - such a normal style, can be said mostly due to the way he put the Central dialect in poets 14 Han Mac Tu loves to use local words Among 78 words that we have summarize, there are words Han Mac Tu uses and reuses many times, such as: chi - leg (16 times), nường - girl (13 times), ngó - look at (10 times), van - request for (9 times) , dầu although (7 times), vô - come in (6 times), bưa (4 times), chấp - despite of (4 times), chửa - pregnant (4 times), ưng - like (4 times), mi (4 times), mắc cỡ - shy (4 times), - sure (3 times), đọt (3 times), hộc - eat/drink (3 times), nư (3 times), rọi - illuminate (3 times), mô - where (2 times), - that (2 times), etc There are many words Han Mac Tu used as a consciousness, bringing deeply local color to his poetry; which is thought to be rough but very sharpened, delicate in usage Through this class of words, we realize very high self-awareness of the author about enhancing the national language, creating a distinctive impression in Han Mac Tu’s poetry Words choice indicating high level Compared with a number of poets of the same period in terms of poems using words indicating high level selected for survey: infinite, countless, many, thousands, plenty, the results show that: both Han Mac Tu, Bich Khe and Xuan Dieu all have the rate of poems using words indicating high/extreme level, accounting for over 60%; Nguyen Binh only has nearly 50% of the poems using the above words Compared with Bich Khe, Xuan Dieu and Nguyen Binh, Han Mac Tu has more poems using infinite, countless words And the rate of Han Mac Tu’s poems using many, thousands and plenty is lower than that of Bich Khe and Xuan Dieu, only higher than Nguyen Binh in the rate of using many word In general, it can be assessed that Han Mac Tu has made many contributions to the innovation of poetry, especially in terms of expression forms On the choice axis, he has created a surreal, abstract word system that goes beyond the usual way of speaking For many words, we must put them in objective and subjective context that Han Mac Tu lives in order to fully understand Word order reversion to create grammatical surprises In the artistic language, for the sake of emphasis and to express the poets' intentions well, the word order can be reversed In Han Mac Tu’s poetry, the poet uses both the form of reversing the sentence compositions and phrase elements In the 15 two forms of order reversion as mentioned above, not only Han Mac Tu successfully use, but many other poets also use and obtain high efficiency in expression However, a unique point in Han Mac Tu is that even in the word itself, the word composing elements are separated and reversed order by him Combined spectrum expansion Combined spectrum expansion is a form of selection of words with close meanings to replace words familiarly used in conventional combinations in order to increase expressiveness, evocation and impression Perhaps, this method helps him to convey life strange ideas and ultimate desires lively In this content, we classify two types of combinations: combinations to create new words/phrases and combinations to create abnormal meanings The statistical results show that there are 21 strange combinations in Han Mac Tu’s poetry Here are example cases: Words are combined poem moon Conventional combination Composing poems, publishing volumes of poems, writing poems, etc Mr Moon, moonlight, gentle moonlight, bright moon, clear moon, full moon, shining moon, rising moon, golden moon, star moon, etc Strange combination in HMT’s poetry Poetry, rule poetry, embalming poems, mouth full of poems, etc Moon, moon puddle, moon shirt, moon fabric, moon poetry, moon silk, moon season, moon perfume, moon leaf, moonflakes, moon color, moon smell, moon body, moonlight, lying moon, kneeing moon, running moon , dizzying moon, falling moon, dreaming moon, blue moon, ancient moon, etc Thus, Han Mac Tu’s poetry has very unique elements, sometimes, making the receivers difficult to understand (both "strange" and "familiar") Readers often remember and are deeply impressed by the unique and expressive choice and combinations of words in his poetry Surveying his poetry, we feel more clearly the depth of physical and mental pain, the desire to live, the thirst for love, etc hidden within the shell of words 16 2.4 Summary of chapter With Han Mac Tu, it can be seen that: words in his poetry have three typical meaning fields, which are religion - spirituality field, love field and human body field The results of quantitative and qualitative analysis at each field mentioned above all show that Han Mac Tu's usage has many differences with many contemporary poets Along with words usage in the semantic fields, words choice in a poet's unique way to express the beautified viewpoint of the object, use of endemic words of the Central dialect and extreme words choice have given poetry an expression form with deeply personal imprint: real, ambiguous, surreal, deep and volatile Han Mac Tu often uses new word combinations, deviating from the Vietnamese norm, such as reversing order, expanding combination spectrum which give poetic language an endless ability in transferring fine feelings, mysterious moods, sorrowful affections of human soul world, thus reflecting clearly linguistic style imprint of the author Han Mac Tu 17 Chapter HAN MAC TU’S POETIC LINGUISTIC STYLE EXPRESSED IN THE USE OF RHETORICAL MEASURES 3.1 Role of rhetoric in poetic creativeness and expressing individual linguistic style 3.1.1 Role of rhetoric in poetry creativeness In poetry creativeness, rhetoric plays a very important role What makes the magic of language, especially the poetic text, are the rhetorical means and measures As the world of word art, literature, when using rhetorical means and measures, has turned natural communicative language into artistic language and aesthetic signals, capable of conveying rich, complex, and delicate thoughts and feelings With an artistic text, one can use one or more different rhetoric measures and even make the most of artistic power of some rhetoric measures, creating specific, vivid, and sexy images, making the text’s meaning deeper and easier to vibrate human soul 3.1.2 Role of rhetoric in expressing individual linguistic style The author's style is crystallizing artistic quintessence in trends and lines associated with individual names It is formed from creativeness, i.e the author always has to stand on artistic quintessence of the era to create artistic products with higher level However, regardless of standing on any creativeness, the author's linguistic style also depends on two factors: non-linguistic factors (psychological, social, cultural, etc.) and linguistic factors (language constituting means such as phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, etc.) These factors intermingle with each other to form means of expression Style is always specific to each author, scholastic philosophy and era As an instrument of expression, rhetoric is also a kind of artistic measure and the common property of the whole society like other linguistic means However, each person, author, poet, when using, will have different expressions The way of sometimes saying it finely or sometimes very normally, simply, etc repeatedly will create a separate and unique style 18 3.2 Some rhetorical measure expressing impression of individual style in Han Mac Tu’s poetry 3.2.1 Comparative measure The following statistical table quantitatively reflects the comparative rhetorical measure in Han Mac Tu's poetry in comparison with other poets of the same period Table 3.1: Comparative measure in Han Mac Tu, Bich Khe, Xuan Dieu and Nguyen Binh’s poetry Total Total number of number of poems poems surveyed used Han Mac Tu 119 Bich Khe Total Rate of Appearance number of poems frequency in times using used poems 74 218 62.2 1.83 82 49 170 59.8 2.07 Xuan Dieu 90 63 189 70.0 2.10 Nguyen Binh 88 51 101 58.0 1.15 Poet Through the table 3.1 above, it can be seen that the rate of poems using comparative measure in Han Mac Tu’s poetry is quite high: 74 out of 119 surveyed poems using this measure, accounting for 62.2% Compared to Xuan Dieu, this rate is lower, while compared to Bich Khe and Nguyen Binh, this rate is 3-4% higher The comparative measure is the rhetorical measure widely used by Han Mac Tu in his poetic compositions Poets often use comparative structure of four factors; use a variety of comparative words; the compared factors often belong to the target group of time, poetry and music; the comparing factors are abundant, belonging to many different objects In Han Mac Tu’s poetry, we see an surprising difference between the compared factors with comparing factors, which creates the irrationality of the rhetorical comparative structure Thanks to that, expression effect and aesthetic effect arise Han Mac Tu's talent is accurate at detecting unexpected similarities between two objects of different types, which others ignore or not realize to bring in the comparison structure The above characteristics in using comparison measure have created typical characteristics in Han Mac Tu’s style 19 3.2.2 Anthropomorphism measure Realizing that Han Mac Tu’s poetry intermingles quite a lot of anthropomorphism images, we summarize number of times using anthropomorphism and number of poems using out of the whole surveyed poems At the same time, in order to be objective in assessment and evaluation, the thesis also summarizes poems of three authors at the same period: Bich Khe, Xuan Dieu and Nguyen Binh The results are summarized in the following table: Table 3.6: Anthropomorphism measure in Han Mac Tu, Bich Khe, Xuan Dieu and Nguyen Binh’s poetry Author Han Mac Tu Bich Khe Xuan Dieu Nguyen Binh Total Total Total number of number of number of poems poems times surveyed used using 119 75 199 82 37 114 90 60 242 88 12 17 Rate of poems used Appearance frequency in poems 63.0 45.1 66.7 13.6 1.7 1.4 2.7 0.2 From the results in Table 3.6, it can be seen that: Rate of poems using anthropomorphism measure in Han Mac Tu’s poetry (63%) is much higher than Bich Khe (45.1%) and Nguyen Binh (13.6%); and nearly equivalent to Xuan Dieu (66.7%) To clarify artistic effect of anthropomorphism measure in Han Mac Tu’s poetry, the thesis analyzes types of anthropomorphism That is (1) Using words indicating human properties and activities to indicate activities and properties of things; (2) Using words commonly referred to people to call things; and (3) Use words to describe things as humans The ultimate goal of Han Mac Tu is bringing inanimate descriptive objects the features of human shape, personality, and soul, showing a subjective, imposing viewpoint, suitable with his feelings 3.2.3 Repetition measure In addition to the rhetorical measures mentioned above, we find that Han Mac Tu’s poetry often uses repetition measure as an important rhetorical measure to increase the expressive value of the works We summarize number of times using 20 repetition and number of poems using out of the whole surveyed poems At the same time, in order to be objective in the assessment and evaluation, the thesis also summarize poems of three poets surveyed, namely Bich Khe, Xuan Dieu and Nguyen Binh The results are summarized in the following table: Table 3.10: Repetition measure in Han Mac Tu, Bich Khe, Xuan Dieu and Nguyen Binh’s poetry Author Total Total Total number number number of Rate of Appearance poems frequency in used poems of poems of poems times surveyed used using Han Mac Tu 119 77 215 64.7 1.81 Bich Khe 82 60 266 73.2 3.24 Xuan Dieu 90 sixty one 137 67.8 1.52 Nguyen Binh 88 58 163 65.9 1.85 The statistical results show that repetition measure is a measure used by Han Mac Tu in his poetic compositions, but in comparison with the three poets Bich Khe, Xuan Dieu and Nguyen Binh, Han Mac Tu’s poetry is not outstanding in quantitative terms However, through the use of repetition measure, Han Mac Tu has left an unmixable mark, creating a distinctive style through the "fingerprinted" poetic sentences of Han Mac Tu This rhetoric measure used in Han Mac Tu’s poetry is expressed through the following types of repetition: (1) serial repetition (word repetition, phrase repetition, sentence repetition); (2) spaced repetition (separated by one word, separated by one/many phrases, separated by one/many sentences, separated by one/several paragraphs); (3) circular (transitional) repetition - a type of repetition in which the last letter of previous sentence is repeated into the first letter of next sentence and so on, making the text and poetic sentences together like a wave Han Mac Tu is not the poet who uses the repetition measure most with the highest frequency of uses, but the 21 way in which he applies repetition measure in his compositions is distinguished with anyone That is the talent of a person who is always highly conscious in innovating and renewing the form of poetry 3.3 Summary of chapter In chapter 3, the thesis has focused on surveying a number of rhetorical means and measures in Han Mac Tu’s poetry, comparing with poets in the same period, Nguyen Binh, Xuan Dieu and Bich Khe As a result, each surveyed rhetorical measure easily recognizes the separate, unique, creative and innovative usages of Han Mac Tu Through rhetorical measures such as rhetoric repetition, anthropomorphism and comparison, Han Mac Tu has built his own poetry zone with a unique poetic language 22 CONCLUSION Performing the tasks set out in the topic Han Mac Tu Poetic Linguistic Style, we draw some of the following main conclusions: In Vietnamese poetry in the twentieth century, Han Mac Tu was a great poet Many aspects in his works, including language, have been surveyed and studied from many different angles However, this is the first work that sets out the task of studying Han Mac Tu’s poetic linguistic style Up to now, the theoretical issues of the author's linguistic style have not been clearly defined Therefore, in order to have a theoretical basis for implementing the topic, in chapter of the thesis, we base on individual opinions appearing in many domestic and foreign stylistics works, try to summarize and analyze, comment and synthesize to draw a valid argument system Issues we argue are gathered in a hierarchical order with closely relationship, reflected through conceptual system: style, stylistics, artistic style, individual linguistic style As a key concept, the individual linguistic style is enlightened by the thesis from many sides, on many correlations Accordingly, the individual linguistic style is reflected in its own color, own tone and own way of words usage It is the issue of characteristics, i.e quantitative signs (through statistical, proportional, and frequency data) must express meanings that can be positively recognized and analyzed An individual style is only really confirmed when it expresses the crystallization of values (aesthetic value, uniqueness of structure, deep imprint of the individual, etc.) Moreover, the individual style is a dynamic phenomenon, which has the process of forming and changing over time, depending on the creative intentions, the author's different choices in the form of expression From that perspective, we realize that Han Mac Tu really expresses his own distinct linguistic style in poetry, which is worth studying carefully To highlight the basic points of Han Mac Tu's poetic linguistic style, the thesis surveys materials, including 119 poems referred from many existing sources The thesis uses many modern research methods and mechanisms, in which, the description and comparison methods together with statistical methods, classification and system, analysis of context are used throughout the chapters In every linguistic style characteristics of Han Mac Tu, in addition to describing, analyzing and 23 interpreting statistical materials of linguistic units in Han Mac Tu’s poetry systematically, the thesis also compares with other authors at the same period Nguyen Binh, Xuan Dieu and Bich Khe To summarize the linguistic style of the author Han Mac Tu - a linguistic style in the artistic category - we have tried to combine linguistic analysis and aesthetic value assessment through individual perceptions However, we always strictly comply with the principles of linguistic research so that the drawn conclusions can be objective and scientific Han Mac Tu’s poetry is the innermost feelings of human beings reflected through the poet's own pain Han Mac Tu's poetic language is both simple, delicate, polyphonic, surreal, and "horrible" With a defined research scope, the thesis has clarified the individual linguistic style of Han Mac Tu expressed in words usage and typical rhetorical measures 3.1 "Fingerprint" of Han Mac Tu is reflected firstly in words usage in a number of meaning fields There are three meaning fields that appear as aesthetic signals: religion - spirituality field, love field and human body field Each field is the result of choosing and using words creatively, reflecting high artistic value, imprinting the creative personality of Han Mac Tu Words in the religion field represent the essential refuge for the poet's enduring soul realm, thereby creating a source of pure and luminous poetry source Words in love field and human body field express the desire for passionate, indulgent love heart and a strong thirst for life For Han Mac Tu, not only words expressing all levels of love, but also a painful and exhausted human body is also a kind of aesthetic signal Instinct and aspiration to live are transformed into poetic creative inspiration With Han Mac Tu, soul - body have the most beautiful, poetic harmony In addition to prominent semantic fields with deep creative personality, the selection of unique words to create images with surreal colors, use of endemic words of the Central dialect and choice of extreme words have brought poetry a form of expressing deep personal marks: both specific, emotional, ambiguous and surreal On the other hand, Han Mac Tu often uses unusual combinations of words, creating a phenomenon of standard deviation such as reversing order, expanding combination spectrum which give poetic language an endless ability in transferring fine feelings, mysterious moods, sorrowful affections of human soul world 24 3.2 In poetry, Han Mac Tu has left a mark on the linguistic style through rhetoric comparison, anthropomorphism and repetition measures In comparison measure, Han Mac Tu mainly uses three types of comparative structures: type of full four elements, type of absence of comparative basic element and type of absence of both comparison basic element and comparison word; of which, four-elements type is used most Comparative measure of Han Mac Tu brings new, unique, strange and surprised associations Through comparison measure, Han Mac Tu has accurately-tosurprisingly discovered the similarities between objects of different type, forming new poems, suggesting readers by both accurate and vague associations There are three main types of anthropomorphism measure in Han Mac Tu’s poetry: (1) Using words indicating human properties and activities to indicate activities and properties of objects; (2) Calling things by words denoting people; (3) Addressing things like a person; in which, type (1) appears more than all Han Mac Tu mainly uses such things as moon, wind, and spring as an anthropomorphic image to express his exhausted feeling and entrust his woeful, doleful talks Anthropomorphic images of Han Mac Tu aim to express sadness and anxiety like cutting the readers’ hearts Although repetition measure is not used much by Han Mac Tu, it still has the effect of highlighting the poetic linguistic personalities of the author Han Mac Tu mainly uses three types of repetition including serial repetition, spaced repetition and circular repetition; in which, the spaced repetition type appears more than the others The organization of repetition structure in Han Mac Tu’s poetry has many unique, distinctive and musical features, bringing about the renewal in expressive forms of poetic language and suggesting many layers of profound meaning The identification of the author's linguistic style characteristics has contributed to decoding Han Mac Tu's poetry, thereby promoting research and teaching of his poetry from high school to university level Moreover, from the summarization of the Han Mac Tu poetic linguistic style, we have more experiences and conditions to approach the poetic language of other authors in 1932-1945 New Poetry Movement in particular and contemporary poets in general Certainly, Han Mac Tu's linguistic style still needs to be further studied in a deeper and broader direction from phonetic and grammatical aspects We will continue this work in a treatise when it is permitted 25 LIST OF WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR Nguyen Thi Thanh Duc (2008), "The group of adjectives denoting space in Han Mac Tu’s poetry", Summary record of the Conference on Young Linguistics, H Nguyen Thi Thanh Duc (2015), "Explaining some spatial words in Han Mac Tu’s poetry", Journal of Language and Life, No 7, H Dang Luu, Nguyen Thi Thanh Duc (2017), "Vocabulary field with the issue of author linguistic style", Summary record of Conference on Language Science in Vietnam - Integration and Development, H Nguyen Thi Thanh Duc (2019), "Vocabulary field indicating the human body in Han Mac Tu’s poetry", Summary record of the National Linguistics Conference, Dan Tri Publishing House, H Nguyen Thi Thanh Duc (2020), "Comparative rhetoric measure in Han Mac Tu’s poetry", Scientific Journal, Vinh University, No 2B/2020, Nghe An Nguyen Thi Thanh Duc (2020), "The imprint of Han Mac Tu style through the use of repetition in poetry", Journal of Language and Life, No 10, H Nguyen Thi Thanh Duc (2020), "The system of words in a religion field in Han Mac Tu’s poetry", Journal of Dictionary and Encyclopedia, No 6, H ... affirm Han Mac Tu’s poetic linguistic style Studying poetic style of Han Mac Tu, we have in fact contributed to the decoding of his poetic products, thereby promoting the research and teaching of Han. .. author Han Mac Tu 17 Chapter HAN MAC TU’S POETIC LINGUISTIC STYLE EXPRESSED IN THE USE OF RHETORICAL MEASURES 3.1 Role of rhetoric in poetic creativeness and expressing individual linguistic style. .. the individual linguistic style of Han Mac Tu expressed in words usage and typical rhetorical measures 3.1 "Fingerprint" of Han Mac Tu is reflected firstly in words usage in a number of meaning

Ngày đăng: 07/06/2021, 17:01

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