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Part 3: Read the passage below and circle the best answer A,or B, C, D to complete the sentences 1m As viewed from space, Earth’s distinguishing characteristics are its blue water and wh[r]

(1)ĐỀ THI ĐỀ XUẤT CHỌN HSG LỚP CẤP HUYỆN Năm học: 2012- 2013 – Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không tính thời gian phát đề thi) A READING: (14ms) Part 1: In this part of the test you must choose the words or phrases which best completes each of the following sentences (2ms) Lots of people ………… yoga to relax A take up B give up C practice D make With the availability of the Internet, we are able to get……….to much more information than people of yesteryears A excess B access C assess D incest The building was badly… in the fire A hurt B wounded C damaged D inhured The house I grew up ……… has been demolished and replaced by an office building A in B in it C in that D in which Cuba is ……… sugar growing areas in the world A largest B one of largest C one of the largest D one of the larger …………the gold medal, he will have to better than that A To win B So he wins C So that he wins D Winning Who can suggest a good…… to this problem? A result B key C solution D answer Many goods……… in China are now not very saleable in Vietnam A manufacturing B manufactured C manufacture D to manufacture I only eat…… meat A a little B too few C too much D a few 10 Not until darkness fell……… he hadn’t done half of his work A that he realized B that he didn’t realize C did he realize D didn’t he realize Part 2: Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the following passage use only one word in each space write the answers on your answer sheet (1,5ms) TELEVISION AND READING Many people believe that watching TV has resulted in lower reading standards in schools (1) …………………, the link between TV and printed books is not as simple as that In many (2) ………………, TV actually encourages people to read: for example, when a book is turned into a TV series, (3)……………… sales often go up One study of this link examined six- year- old children who (4)………….viewing a special series of 15minute programmers at school The series was designed to encourage love of books, as (5)……………as to develop the basic mechanical skills of reading Each program me is an animated film of a children’s book The story is read aloud (6)……… certain key phrases from the book appear on the screen, beneath the picture Whenever a word is read, it is also highlighted on the TV screen One finding was (7)…………………watching these programmers was very important to the children If anything prevented them (8)……………….seeing a program me, they were very disappointed What’s more, they wanted to read the books (9)……………………………the different parts of the series were based on The programmer also gave the children (10)…………….confidence when looking these books As a result of (11)……………familiarity with the stories, they would sit in pairs and read the stories aloud to……………….(12) other On (13)…………… occasion, the children showed great sympathy when (2) discussing a character in a book because they themselves (14)………… been moved when watching the character (15)…………… TV Part 3: Read the passage below and circle the best answer( A,or B, C, D) to complete the sentences (1m) As viewed from space, Earth’s distinguishing characteristics are its blue water and white clouds Enveloped by an ocean of air consisting of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, the planet is the only one in our solar system known to harbor life Circling the Sun at an average distance of 149 million kilometers (93 millions miles), Earth is the third planet from the sun and the fifth largest planet the solar system Its rapid spin and molten nicked-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field which, coupled with the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the sun and other stars Most meteors burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere before they can strike the surface The planet’s active geological processes have left no evidence of the ancient pelting it almost certainly received soon after it was formed The Earth has singe natural satellite-the Moon The main idea of the passage is that…………………… A there are life-supporting characteristics on Earth B Earth is predominantly water C Earth has no common characteristics with other planets D Earth is the only planet with a moon The word “distinguishing” as it is used in the passage means…………… A devastating in nature B elevating in nature C characteristics like all other planets D characteristics that set it apart from other planets It’s probable that the next paragraph would discuss……………… A people on planets B the solar system as a whole C the Earth’s natural satellite-the Moon D rings around Saturn As used in the passage, the word “harbor” is synonymous with……… A support B surround C water D include This passage leads one to believe that Earth…………… A never gets hit by meteors B always gets hit by meteors C was hit by meteors in some past time period D may be bombarded by mentors in the near future Part 4: Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true or false or impossible to know (ik) (1 m) When I was a student, I had a summer job in an expensive restaurant in Glasgow One day we were expecting forty members of a football team for lunch I was given the job of peeling potatoes I thought I was managing quite well with my small knife until the owner appeared to see how I was getting on She was amazed that I was using a knife and asked why wasn’t using the potato peeler I had no idea what a potato peeler was so she led me into a small room behind the main kitchen There, on the table, was a small machine like the rubbish bins some people have in their bathrooms She explained as if to a small child that I had to put the potatoes in, close the lid and press the button When she came back ten minutes later, I told her I thought it was quicker to it by hand She asked me what I meant “Well, they aren’t ready yet.” I replied You can imagine how I felt when she lift the lid and took out the potatoes the size of peas The potatoes peeler was not automatic The story happened in summer On that day the restaurant had forty guests The football team members would have potato for lunch The owner of the restaurant explained how to use the potato peeler very carefully (3) The potato peeler could stop when the potatoes were ready Part 5: Read through the following text and choose from the list A-F the best phrase to fit each space The exercise begins with an example (0) (1m) THE ROOTS OF DISCIPLINE Humor is strong and flexible Tragedy is brittle If we change all our children’s misdeeds into tragedy, (0)……F…If all their mistakes are exposed and judged, as before the High Court, they will swiftly feel themselves to be victims of an unyielding system Soon they feel that not only what they did was bad, …(1)…… But if a child can make mistakes in safety, (2)……… , or through laughter, his trust and feeling of parental acceptance is not destroyed The lesson will, however, still be learned Humor defuses a situation; (3)………… Quite simply, the best way to convey discipline to our children is to discipline ourselves We are the signposts to our children’s futures, (4)…………… It makes sense to take responsibility for our own actions, and respect and accept our own feelings (5)………We are then less likely to hide behind a liberal or an authoritarian mask that is unable to reflect the full range of our feelings A and they are always looking to us to see where to go B but that they are intrinsically bad, too C learn through the warmth of a cuddle D seriousness augments it E before we discipline the child F they soon learn the unhappiness of existence Part 6: The following passage contains 11 errors Find and correct them There have been an example for you (1m) Air pollution are a cause of ill- health in human beings In a lot of countries there have laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce Despite there isn’t enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increasing air pollution in most cities The lead in petrol products a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets surrounding by high buildings Children who live in areas that there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as quick as other children and are clumsy when they use them hands There are other long-term affects of pollution If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth’s climate may become warmest A lot of the ice near the Poles may melt and may cause serious floods Your answers: 0.are  is 1…………… 4………… 5…………… 8…………… 9…………… 2……………… 3……………… 6……………… 7…………… 10…………… Part 7: Supply the appropriate forms of words in the brackets (2ms) I feel so………………… I’m going to bed (sleep) The cost of…………………must be paid by the buyer (carry) They are going to announce the …………………… of the Prince (arrive) They caught him by the wrist and led him away; he went without………………(resist) His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant……………(sleep) She made no……………to our conversation of the night before (refer) She was the only visitor……… into the sick room (admission) She is one of the greatest………… to appear in this theatre (perform) The………………she gave last night was marvelous (perform) 10 She received a lot of………… from her mother (encourage) (4) Part 8: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the correct answer identify your choice by writing the corresponding letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet (1,5ms) MY FRIEND’S WEDDING My friends Laura and Ian got married last Saturday It was a lovely ……(1) The music was wonderful and the (2)…………sang beautifully The (3)………… looked absolutely stunning in a white silk dress with pearls around the neckline She was carrying a (4)………of roses and orchids She has asked her three sisters to be (5) and they looked very pretty as well There was one awkward moment when it seemed that the (6)……… could not find the rings, but in the end it turned out that he was only pretending not to know where they were The (7)………….was held in a huge tent on the village green All the (8)………enjoyed themselves thoroughly There were some very funny (9)…….as well I bet Laura and Ian got a surprise when they drove off to go on their……… (10) and heard all those tin cans that we had tied on the back of their car Ian had to (11)……….to stop all the noise Laura actually looked a bit (12)………but we only did it for fun No one knows exactly where they’ve gone but a friend is (13) …………after Ian’s flat until they get back They’re planning to live there until they (14)…… something a bit…………(15) A marriage B wedding C matrimony D engagement A singers B organist C choir D band A wife B bride C fiance D groom A bunch B branch C collection D bouquet A bridesmaid’s B companions C assistants D helpers A best friend B best man C best boy D best fellow A reception B meal C food D party A hosts B invited C guests D friends A talks B speaking C discourses D speeches 10 A holiday B vacation C honeymoon D break 11 A slow out B slow down C slow through D slow over 12 A annoying B annoy C annoys D annoyed 13 A taking B going C looking D watching 14 A find B are finding C found D will find 15 A more big B big C biggest D bigger Part 9: Read the article and match these headings with paragraphs 0- (1m) A An easy life B Less money; less waste C Homes like people D Not all good news E Starting to take control F Everything under control ……C………… Have you ever thought about how your body works? Everyday you make your body lots of different actions, such as when you talk, talk or dance But at the same your body automatically does many other things that are essential for everyday life For instance, when you blink or yawn or breathe, you don’t have to think about what you are doing; your body simply carries out these tasks for you You might think this is strange, but the latest houses are like this, too 1………… Now, thanks to the work of some far- sighted architects and designers, houses have become more “intelligent” It isn’t quite true to say that houses are starting to think for themselves, but some modern homes are now using sophisticated technology to control many of the routine jobs that up to now have always been our responsibility 2………… (5) For years, architects and builders have been trying to find ways to make houses more economical and comfortable to live in, as well as trying to reduce the mount of damage that houses to the environment “Intelligent” housing seems to be the ideal solution Clever use of building materials and techniques have brought us houses that are easier and cheaper to keep warm than traditional housing Modern water systems, together with the recycling of washing water from the bathrooms and kitchens, means that “intelligent” houses use 30 % less water than conventional homes ……………… “Intelligent” homes might look a little unusual from thr outside This is because the builders use a lot of glass and wood to make the walls Some of the houses even have a grass roof because it’s kinder to the atmosphere! But, inside, they are comfortable and bright The technology, which is similar to that of your TV remote control, makes sure of this There are always enough lights on in every room and the windows close when it starts to rain The water is always at the correct temperature whenever you want to have a shower and the house doesn’t allow you to use more water than you need You can even watch TV in every room, or use the close circuit cameras to see what’s happening in the garden 4……………… Until recently, we have always had to think about everything we want our house to If we have wanted it to be warmer or cooler, lighter on or off However, for some families already living in “intelligent” houses, daily life has changed in many ways They don’t worry about turning off the light or locking the door before they go out The house does all this for them Families in “intelligent” houses don’t have to as much work to keep their home clean and comfortable – and the hi- tech kitchen means it isn’t difficult to prepare family meals ……………… However, what happens, for example, if the computer systems that control everything in the house suddenly break down? What can we if a computer virus somehow gets into the system and changes all the automatic programs? What is more, “intelligent” houses aren’t cheap and not everybody can afford to buy one Designers are working on these and other problems, so “intelligent” houses are still improving Who knows, perhaps some designers are trying to create a house that can even your homework! Part 10: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be change in order to correct the sentence (0,5m) I really regret not to learn to play the piano when I had so many opportunities to learn and practice in A B C D school Martin was used to smoke a lot when he was studying, but since he has been working in the bank he A B C hasn’t been smoking as much D When you will make a promise, you tell someone that you will definitely give them something or that A B C you definitely will or won’t something D As we were entering the building, I noticed a sign that someone has put above the door which said, “Be A B C D alert” Two meters are about the size of the most doorways A B C D Part 11: Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the root one (0,5m) I’m not a millionaire, so I can’t buy you a plane A If I am a millionaire, I will buy you a plane (6) B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D If I were a millionaire, I would buy you a plane If you were a millionaire, I would buy you a plane If I buy you a plane, I will become a millionaire Although he is strong, he can’t move that stone As he is strong, he can move that stone Even though he is not strong, he can move that stone In spite of his strength, he can’t move that stone He can’t move that stone because he is not strong I usually walked to school when I was in primary school I was used to walking to school when I was in primary school I got used to walking to school when I was in primary school I used to walk to school when I was in primary school I did not usually use to walk to school when I was in primary school Hoa went to bed early because she was tired Hoa was tired, so she went to bed early Because Hoa went to bed early, she was tired Hoa was tired, but she didn’t go to bed early Hoa didn’t go to bed early although she was tired The boy was too fat to run far The boy was very fat and couldn’t run far The boy’s fatness didn’t stop him from running far The boy had to run a lot because he was fat The boy could run far because he was very fat Part 12 Choose a verb from the list on the left and put it with a particle from the list on the right to complete the sentences In some cases, you will need to change the tense or form of the verb Use each verb once only The first one has been done as example (1m) call carry get go leak run √ off on out √ up look see switch take wake Example: We have run out of gasoline The tank is totally empty Be careful not to the children! I was on the bus to Caravel Hotel, but it was so crowded that I decided to at Ben Thanh Market and walked the rest of the way Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you Please _ _ and finish what you were saying They _ their project almost five years ago If you don’t understand the meaning of a word, it in a dictionary May I _ you tomorrow afternoon? She the television and went to bed Now that Mr Bill has retired, he is going to have plenty of free time Maybe he can _ a new hobby Will you come to the airport to me , or must I go there alone? 10 The story and appeared in the next day’s newspaper B WRITING: (6,0 ms) Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentences printed before it (2ms) His briefcase was too full for the the zip fastener to close properly  His briefcase was so (7) He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk  No sooner “Why didn’t you report the incident to the police last week?” the officer asked the frightened witness  The officer wanted to know A fire destroyed most of the old city of London in the 1600s  The destruction He hasn’t been back to his home town for over 20 years now  It is I would love to be rich and famous  If only If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately  Only by I’m having a lot of trouble now because I lost my passport last week  If I We had planned to visit grandmother, so we left early in the morning  We were 10 It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car  The man Part 2: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it use the words given and not change their form (1m) The film I saw last week was better than this one (good)  This film………………………… the one I saw last week Sally might not bring her camera to the party, so I’ll take mine (in)  I’ll take my camera to the party……………………………………………………… bring hers I was never allowed to walk barefoot when I was a child (let)  My parents……………………………………… barefoot when I was a child “I’m sorry I have to leave so early,” John said (apologized)  John……………………………………………………… leave so early It would be difficult for me to finish the work by the weekend (difficulty)  I……………………………… the work by the weekend Part 3: The following table shows literacy rate of the population aged 17 years + of some Southeast Asian countries (1995) Describe the table (about 150 words) (1m) Countries China Cambodia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam Literacy rate (%) 90 53 88 88 95 96 Part 4: Write a composition about 250 words on the following topic: (2ms) YOUR HOMETOWN (8) HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM: A REAING: (14ms) Part I: 10x 0,2m 1A 2B 3C 4A 5C Part 2: 15x 0,1m However cases/ instances from which/ that 14 had 15 on 6A 7C 8B 9A 10C its were well and/ while/ as that 10 more/ some/ greater/ increased 11 their 12 each 13 one Part 3: 5x 0,2m A D Part 4: 5x 0,2m 1T 2IK C 3T A 4T C 5F Part 5: 5x 0,2m 1B 2C 3D 4A 5E Part 6: 10x 0,1m have  are Despite  Although increasing  increased products  produces surrounding  surrounded that  where quick  quickly them  their affects  effects 10 warmest  warmer Part 7: 10x 0,2m SLEEPY SLEEPLESSNESS PERFORMANCE CARRIAGE ARRIVAL REFERENCE ADMITTED 10 ENCOURAGEMENT Part 8: 15x 0,1m 1.B C B D A Part 9: 5x 0,2m E B F A D Part 10: 5x 0,1m 1A 2A 3A 4C 5B Part 11: 5x 0,1m 1B 2C 3C 4A 5A Part 12: 10x 0,1m wake up get off call on switched off B WRITING: (6,0 ms) B A C go on take up D RESISTANCE PERFORMERS 10 C 11 B 12 D 13 C 14 A 15 D carried out see – off look – up 10 leaked out (9) Part 1: 10x 0,2m His briefcase was so full that the zip fastener didn’t close properly No sooner had he returned from his walk than he got down to writing the letter The officer wanted to know why the witness had not reported the incident to the police the previous week The destruction of most of the old city of London was brought about by a fire in the 1600s it is over 20 years since he last went back to his home town If only I were rich and famous Only by operating immediately can we save your eyesight If I hadn’t lost my passport last week, I wouldn’t be having so much trouble now We were planning/ going/ intending to visit/ We were to visit grandmother, so we left early in the morning 10 The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car Part 2: 5x 0,2m isn’t as/ so good as in case sally doesn’t never let me walk apologized for having to would have difficulty in finishing Part 3: students’ answer Part 4: students’ answer (10)

Ngày đăng: 05/06/2021, 18:14



