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Nội dung

OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about sickness and further practice in the past simple, question forms and negative forms.. By the end o[r]

(1)Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 01/01/2012 Week: 20 Date of teaching: 02/01/2012 Period: 55 Class: 07 UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY Section A: A holiday in Nha Trang (A1) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text and practice fluently II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Past simple tense 2-Vocabulary: aquarium, souvenir, took,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, reading, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, posters and cassette player 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Teaching vocabulary - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson : The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’ activities Warm up: - Nha Trang, Dung Tau, Da Lat, Ha - Ss talk about some famous places in Long Bay,… Viet Nam - What you often on Summer - T asks Ss some questions vacation? - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Do you like to travel around in Viet Nam or in the world? Presentation : A1 Listen Then practice with a partner - T presents some new words * New words: - T reads model - aquarium (n): - Ss read again and give the meaning - buy (v): of the words - souvenir (n): - T checks intonation and rhythm (2) * Grammar notes: Past simple tense S + V2(ed) + O Ex: I bought a lot of different gift for my friends in America Now answer Number the sentences „ Liz bought souvenir „ Liz visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium „ Liz returned to Ha Noi „ Liz went to Nha Trang „ Liz talked to Ba about her vacation Answer key: 5e 1d 2b 3a 4c * Word cues drill : a, vacation / wonderful; b, Nha Trang / beautiful c, food / delicious; d, things / expensive e, people / friendly Example: S1 : How was the vacation ? S2: It was wonderful - T introduces the new grammar notes - T explains - Ss take examples - T asks Ss listen to the tape Ss listen Ss role play in pairs Ss practice with a partner T asks Ss to answer Number the sentences Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss number the sentences T checks and corrects the mistakes Ss copy the answer in the notebooks - T asks Ss to complete the sentences with the words given - Ss complete and role play - Ss practice with a partner - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: Guessing game : - T explains the way to play this game Example: Last vacation I was in S1: Were you in ? S2: Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t - T asks Ss to retell the past form Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparing: 01/01/2012 Week: 20 Date of teaching: 03/01/2012 Period: 56 Class: 07 UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY Section A: A holiday in Nha Trang (A2,3) (3) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text and answer questions correctly By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and write the letter of the sentences II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Past simple tense 2-Vocabulary: shark, dolphin, crab,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, reading, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, posters and cassette player 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Teaching vocabulary - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson : The content of the lesson Warm up: - Do you know Tri Nguyen Aquarium? - What will you if you win a prize? - Do you like to travel some where? Presentation: A2 Listen and read Then answer the questions New words: - shark (n): cá mập - dolphin (n): cá voi - crab (n): cua - cap (n): mũ lưỡi trai - turtle (n): rùa biển - exit (n): lối ra, lối thoát * True / False prediction : The Robinson went to Tri Nguyen aquarium The teacher and Ss’ activities - T asks Ss some questions to warm up - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - Ss read the sentences (4) They saw many types of fish Liz bought a little turtle They had lunch at a food stall Liz ate fish and crab Answer key: 1T 2T 3F 4T 5F a Her parents went to the aquarium with Liz b They saw many types of fish and turtle c They bought a cap and a poster d Yes, she did Liz wore the cap all day e Yes, they Mr and Mrs Robinson ate fish and crab f Because she remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium Now tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium a The Robinson family went to the aquarium b They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many colorful fish c There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium d Mr Robinson bought Liz a cap with a picture of a dolphin on it Mrs Robinson bought a poster e After their visit to the aquarium, the Robinsons went to a food stall Mr and Mrs Robinson ate first and crab and Liz ate noodles A3 Listen Write the letter of the sentences you hear b) d) e) h) j) Tape transcript: The Robinsons had a great holiday in Nha Trang Unfortunately, the holiday soon ended and it was time to return home They took a bus back to Ha Noi Liz was excited as the bus drove though the countryside She saw rice paddies for the first time Everything looked calm and peaceful At four o’clock, the bus stopped at a small roadside restaurant for ten minutes Mr Robinson was asleep, so Mrs Robinson bought some peanuts and an ice cream for Liz - T explains the exercises - T asks Ss to predict - Ss work in groups - Ss predict - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen to the tape and read - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss answer the questions - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to look at the pictures - Ss look at and work in groups - T asks Ss to tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen - T asks Ss to write the letter of the sentences you hear - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss write the letter of the sentences - T checks and corrects the mistakes (5) The bus arrived in Ha Noi at about 7pm Consolidation: - T asks Ss to look at the pictures a, b, c, d, e on p.88 to tell the story of the Robinson’s trip to the Tri Nguyen Aquarium - Ss retell the contents of the text Homework : - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 01/01/2012 Week: 20 Date of teaching: 05/01/2012 Period: 57 Class: 07 UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY Section A: A holiday in Nha Trang (A4) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to remember and retell the Robinsons’ holiday II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Past simple tense 2-Vocabulary: roadside, peanut, calm,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, listening, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, posters and cassette player 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Teaching vocabulary - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson : The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’ activities Warm up: The Robinsons had a great holiday in - T asks Ss to retell the story of Liz’s Nha Trang Unfortunately, the holiday trip to Tri Nguyen soon ended and it was time to return - Ss retell home They took a bus back to Ha Noi - T checks and corrects the mistakes (6) ……………………………………… Presentation: A4 Read Ba’s diary: Vocabulary: + roadside (n) : lề đường + peanut (n) : củ lạc + calm (adj) : êm đềm + unfortunately (adv) : không may + rent (v): thuê + keep in touch : liên lạc + improve (v): cải thiện a) Liz lived next door to Ba b) Liz learned Vietnamese in VN c) Ba collects stamps d) Liz’s aunt lives in New York e) The Robinsons moved to the other side of Ha Noi f) The Robinsons moved Now Ba is sad g) Ba’ll see Liz next week - T presents some new words T reads model Ss read again Ss give the meaning of the words T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss to read Ba’s diary Ss read T asks Ss to read the sentences T asks Ss make these sentences true - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss make the sentences - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss to retell about the main ideas of Ba’s diary - T asks Ss to retell the Robinsons’ holiday - T asks Ss to write sentences about what you did last summer holiday: place, what you see, what you bought Homework: - T asks Ss to learn vocabulary by heart - T asks Ss to read the text again - T asks Ss to prepare the next lesson Teacher’s signature (7) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 08/01/2012 Week: 21 Date of teaching: 09/01/2012 Period: 58 Class: 07 UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY Section A: Neighbors (B1,2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand how to use the past simple tense with interrogative sentences II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: (Compliments with What + N!) 2-Vocabulary: neighbor, material, cut,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: (8) Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, posters and cassette player 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Teaching vocabulary - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson : The content of the lesson Warm up: - What does your aunt do? - Is your hair short or long? The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss some questions to warm up - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes Presentation: B1 Listen Then practice with a partner Vocabulary: + hairdresser(n) : thợ uốn, cắt tóc + material (n) : chất liệu + dressmaker (n) : thợ may + cut (v): cắt + neighbor (n): hang xóm Answer: She is a hairdresser She is a dressmaker - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again - Ss give the meaning of the words - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen - T asks Ss to read the dialogue - Ss read with a partner - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss copy the answers in the notebook - T asks Ss to listen to the dialogue again (9) B2 Answer: a No, she didn’t b No, she didn’t c Yes, she did - Ss listen and read again - T asks Ss to answer the questions - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss copy the answer in the notebook - Rewrite words Consolidation: - T asks Ss some questions to consolidate - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes + Are your neighbors friendly? + Do you sometimes help them? + Do they help you? + What they for you? + What they/ you for them? Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Unit (B3,4)” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 08/01/2012 Week: 21 Date of teaching: 10/01/2012 Period: 59 Class: 07 UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY Section A: Neighbors (B3,4) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand how to make questions with Wh- questions in the past simple tense II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review ( the past simple tense) 2-Vocabulary: sewing, hobby, cushion,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, writing, listening and speaking IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, posters and cassette player 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Teaching vocabulary - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher (10) - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson : The content of the lesson Warm up: - What you learn in Home Economics? - Do you like it? - What you like to most in Home Economics? Presentation: B3 Read Then answer * Vocabulary: + sewing (n): công việc khâu vá + hobby (n): sở thích + sewing machine (n): máy khâu + cushion (n): đệm gối + fit (v): vừa hợp (về kích cỡ) * Structure: Learn how to + V-infinitive Ex: She learned how to use a sewing machine * True or false statement predictions: Hoa thought sewing was a useful hobby She decided to learn how to sew She learned how to make a dress Hoa made a skirt but it was too small Questions: a She learned how to use a sewing machine b She made a cushion for her armchair first c It was blue and white d Next, she made a skirt e It was green with white flowers o it f It looked very pretty g She tried it on but it didn’t fit h Hoa’s neighbor helped her i Finally, it fitted very well B4 Write Put the verbs in brackets in the simple past tense … watched … … decided was … The teacher and Ss’s Activities - T asks Ss some questions to warm up - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads models - Ss read loudly in front of the class - Ss give the meaning of the words - T checks rhythm and intonation - T introduces the structures - T explains - Ss take examples - T asks Ss to read the text - Ss read - T asks Ss to check True or False - Ss work in groups and check - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to read the text again - Ss read - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss answer the questions - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss copy the answers in the notebook - T asks Ss to read the sentences - Ss read - T asks Ss to write Put the verbs in (11) … bought … … made was … … cut … … wasn’t … … used … … helped fitted … brackets in the simple past tense - Ss work in pairs - Ss write - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation : - Ss remind the content of the lesson - Ss remind the content and the way to write the sentences with the past simple tense - T guides Ss to exercises Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Language focus 3” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 08/01/2012 Week: 21 Date of teaching: 12/01/2012 Period: 60 Class: 07 LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to remember grammar notes to exercises II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: The past simple tense, prepositions, present simple tense 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, reading, speaking IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, posters 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson : The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities * Activity 1: (12) How much is it? a Work with a partner Read the dialogue Lan: How much is the green dress? Assistant: It’s 30,000 dong Lan: And what about the violet dress? Assistant: It’s 35,000 dong b Now make similar dialogues …………………………………… * Activity 2: Prepositions: a Write the locations  The shoe store is on Hai Ba Trung Street It’s next to/ near clothing store to the left  The bookstore is on Hue Street It’s between the restaurant and the minimart  The minimart is on Hue Street It’s next to/ beside the bookstore to the right  The hairdresser’s is on Tay Ho Street It’s in the park on the right  The library is on Tay Ho Street It’s opposite the hairdresser’s b Ask and answer * Activity 3: Past simple tense a helped – remembered – took – sent – thought – talked b talked – bought – worked – sent * Activity 4: Simple tense Nga: …, help my mom …study English - T asks Ss to read the dialogue - Ss read and practice with a partner - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to make similar dialogues - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss make similar dialogues - T asks Ss to remind the prepositions “near, next to, opposite, to the right, to the left,…” - Ss remind - T asks Ss to write the locations - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss write - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to remind the grammar “past simple tense” ( S + V2/ed + O) - Ss remind - T asks Ss to write the past form of the verbs in the table - Ss write - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to read the dialogue - Ss read (13) Nga: I cleaned my mom, help my mom, studied English, watched TV, played volleyball, and stayed at Hoa’s house Nga: I will study English, clean my Mom, see a movie, visit my grandmother and buy new shoes * Activity 5: ………….fewer…………… ………….more…………… ………….more…………… ………….less…………… ………….more…………… ………….more…………… ………….less…………… - T asks Ss to complete the dialogue Ss work in pairs Ss complete T checks and corrects the mistakes - T explains the exercises - Ss survey - T asks Ss to write the sentences with “more, less, and fewer” - Ss write - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - Ss remind the structures and the prepositions - T asks Ss to answer some questions - Ss the exercises Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Unit 10 (A1)” Teacher’s signature (14) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 29/01/2012 Week: 22 Date of teaching: 30/01/2012 Period: 61 Class: 07 UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE Section A: Personal hygiene (A1) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know what Hoa’s mother writes and revise present simple tense well II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: The present simple tense, the past simple tense 2-Vocabulary: hygiene, iron,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, listening, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: (15) 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’ activities Warm up: Took made bought learned borrowed Helped taught Though Decided Presentation: A1 Read Then answer the questions New words: + hygiene (n): vệ sinh + iron (v): là, ủi quần áo + probably (adv): có thể + take care of oneself: tự quan tâm đến thân * Open predictions: harvest - T gives Ss to play game “Noughts and crosses” - Ss play - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words T reads model Ss read again Ss give the meaning of the words - T asks Ss to predict what Hoa’s mother writes - Ss predict Hoa’s mother writes about wash and iron clothes don’t eat too much * Answer: a They are busy because it is almost harvest time b Hoa’ grandfather helps them on the farm c They will (hope to) go to Ha Noi soon, after the harvest d Now Hoa is different She gets up early and does morning exercises every day e Hoa’s mother wants her to: her own washing and ironing Hoa’ s mother doesn’t want her to: Eat to much candy Stay up late - T corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to read a letter again Ss read T asks Ss to answer the questions Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss answer the questions T checks and corrects the mistakes Ss copy the answers in your exercise book (16) Consolidation: - T asks Ss to remind the content of the lesson - T asks Ss some questions + What you in the morning/ afternoon/ evening? + Do you brush your teeth in the morning/ before bedtime? - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “unit 10” (A2,3) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 29/01/2012 Week: 22 Date of teaching: 31/01/2012 Period: 62 Class: 07 UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE Section A: Personal hygiene (A2,3) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and put the pictures in the order you hear By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read Nam’s diary and complete a diary entry like Nam’s II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: The present simple tense, the past simple tense 2-Vocabulary: polish, pants, sandals,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, reading, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities (17) Warm up: receive a kẹo get up b là (quần áo) iron c nhận candy d ngủ dậy Presentation: A2 Listen New words: - polish (v): đánh bong (giày) - pants (n): quần - sandals (n): giép xăng đan - iron clothes (n): là quần áo TAPE TRANSCRIPT: Yesterday, Hoa got up and took a shower She put on clean clothes She polished her shoes and put them on She had her breakfast and she brushed her teeth She put a sandwich in her lunch box and a bottle of water in her bag She went to school At recess, she ate her sandwich Then she drank some water and talked with her friends At home, she changed into red pants and a shirt, and put on her sandals After dinner, she washed and ironed her clothes And she did her homework She brushed her teeth and had a bath Then she went to bed at 11 o’cock Answer key: a) e) f) d) g) c) h) b) A3 Read Nam’s diary 6.30 get up 55 wash face 6.35 morning 7.00 comb hair exercises - What you every day? - What time you get up/ eat breakfast/ homework/ go to bed …? - T asks Ss to matching to warm up - Ss match - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads models - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen - T asks Ss to put the pictures in the order you hear - Ss put - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to read Nam’s diary - Ss read - T asks Ss to complete a diary entry like Nam’s - Ss complete and practice with a partner - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - Ss remind what Hoa did (use the past simple tense) - T asks Ss some questions (18) - Ss answer + What you every day? + What time you get up/ eat breakfast/ homework/ go to bed ? Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson (A4) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 29/01/2012 Week: 22 Date of teaching: 05/02/2012 Period: 63 Class: 07 UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE Section A: Personal hygiene (A4) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write and complete Hoa’s reply to her mother with suitable verbs II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: The present simple tense 2-Vocabulary: review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, reading and speaking IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities Warm up: - What are you good at? - T asks Ss some questions to warm - What time you get up/ eat up breakfast/ homework/ go to bed…? - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes Presentation: * Questions: - Do you remember what Hoa’s Mom - T introduces the letter asked her to do? - Ss survey (19) - Can you guess what she wrote in the letter? A letter to Mom October 20 Dear Mom, Thanks for your letter I’m glad to hear you are well I am doing fine at school At first, everything was strange and difficult Now I’m having a lot of fun I hope you will visit Ha Noi after the harvest We will show you around the city Don’t worry about me, Mom I know how to take care of myself Every day, I get up early to take morning exercises I never go to bed late I often wash my clothes and iron them carefully I’m not eating much candy now I told all of my friends about your visit and they all hope to see you in Ha Noi It’s 9.30 now, so I must go to bed Take care, Mom Write again soon Love, Hoa - T asks Ss some questions - T asks Ss to read a letter - Ss read - T asks Ss to complete the Ho’s reply to her mother with a suitable words - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss complete - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss copy the answers in your exercise book Consolidation: - T asks Ss to talk about what Hoa did and what did not - Ss talk - T checks and corrects the mistakes + get up early, take morning exercises, go to bed early, play volleyball, clean room, washes clothes, eat breakfast,… Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “unit 10 (B1,2)” Leader’s signature (20) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 05/02/2012 Week: 23 Date of teaching: 06/02/2012 Period: 64 Class: 07 UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE Section B: A bad toothache (B1,2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice asking and answering the questions about the tooth with the words: fill cavity, fix one’s tooth, scared, hurt II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: The present simple tense, past simple tense 2-Vocabulary: to be scared, drill, hurt,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson The teacher and Ss’ activities Warm up : - T asks Ss some questions - What will you if you have a - Ss answer toothache? - T corrects the mistakes - When you go to the dentist, what will (21) the dentist do? Presentation: B1 Listen Then pratice with a parter * New words: + Dentist ( n ) : nha sĩ + An appointment ( n ) hẹn + Scared ( adj ) : sợ + Cavity ( n ) : lỗ sâu + hurt ( v ) : đau + Drill ( n ) : cái khoan - What is Minh going to at 10:30? - What happened to Hoa last week? - How did the doctor help Hoa? * Now answer: a Minh has a toothache b No, he doesn’t The loudness of the drill scares him c Because she had a toothache (or, to have a cavity) d She filled the cavity in her teeth e (students’ answers) f (students’ answers) - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to listen to the tape Ss listen and practice the dialogue with partner - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss work in pairs - Ss answer the questions - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss copy the answers in your notebook B2 Listen and answer TAPE TRANSCRIPT: Dr Lai is a dentist at Quang Trung school She looks after all the students’s teeth Dr Lai’s office is clean and so is her uniform She always washes her hands after each child leaves Many children are scared when they come to see Dr Lai, but she is a kind woman She explains what will happen so they are not afraid Dr Lai gives the children advice She tells them how to look after their teeth She reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly - T asks Ss listen to the tape Ss listen T asks Ss to answer Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes (22) Answer key: a Dr Lai is a dentist b Dr Lai (or she) wears a uniform to work c Most children feel scared when they come to see Dr Lai d She explains what will happen She gives them advice She tells them how to look after their teeth and she reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly Consolidation: - T asks Ss play a game: Find someone who? EX: S1: Do you have a toothache? S2: Yes / No S: Do you like going to the dentist ? - T checks and corrects the mistakes Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B3,4” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 05/02/2012 Week: 23 Date of teaching: 07/02/2012 Period: 65 Class: 07 UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE Section B: A bad toothache (B3,4) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about Dr Lai’s job They continue to practice about the topic of toothache By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice asking and answering the questions about the tooth with the words II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: The present progressive tense 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups (23) VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson Warm up: Appointmen t Cavity Scared Hurt Toothach e The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to play game: Slap the board - Ss play - T checks and corrects the mistakes Dentist Presentation: B3 Listen and read - What is the matter with Minh? - How does he feel? - What is the doctor doing? - Why does that happen to Minh? - Ss look at the picture - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes * Now complete the story: Minh is very nervous and Dr Lai notices this She smiles to Minh and tells him not to worry She explains one of his teeth has a cavity He has to brush them regularly After Dr Lai fills his tooth, Minh leaves He is very pleased Call on some Ss to read the completed the story aloud - T asks Ss to read the passage - Ss read - T explains the exercises - Ss survey - T asks Ss to complete the story - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss complete - T corrects the mistakes - Ss copy the answers B4 Ask answer the questions with a partner Use the words to help you a Minh’s tooth hurts Why? Because he has a cavity b Minh is (feels) nervous Why? Because he’s seeing the dentist c The cavity is not serious Why? Because it’s small d Minh is very happy Why? Because his teeth are OK - Ss look at the pictures - T explains the exercises - Ss read the example - T asks Ss to ask and answer the questions - Ss ask and answer the questions with a partner - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss write the answers in the notebook (24) Consolidation: - Ss remind the content Dr Lai advised in lesson - T asks Ss some questions - T checks and gives feedback Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Unit 11” A1 Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 05/02/2012 Week: 23 Date of teaching: 09/02/2012 Period: 66 Class: 07 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEATHY Section A: A checking up (A1) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the content of the dialogue and give the requests and the responses II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: - The present progressive tense - Would you + verb…? 2-Vocabulary: height, measure, weigh,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabularies VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson Warm up: - Do you eat much candy? - Do you often eat ice- creams? - How often you brush your teeth? - If you have healthy teeth, what should you do? The teacher and Ss’ activities - T asks Ss some questions to warm up - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes (25) Presentation: - Where are they? - What are they doing? - T asks Ss the questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes  Vocabulary: + Medical check- up ( n ) : khám sức khỏe + Medical record ( n ) : phiếu khám sức khỏe + Height ( n ) : chiều cao + measure ( v ) : đo + weigh ( v ) : cân nặng + Temperature ( n ) : nhiêt độ + Scales ( n ) : Cái cân  Structure: Would you open your mouth, please? Would you + V…? What were the students of QT school doing? LN Who was doing the medical check – up? What did the nurse do? LN What was Hoa’s temperature? Was it normal? What was her height? What was her weight? How heavy was she? * Now answer Number the sentences a b c d e f g h - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T presents the structures - T explains - Ss take examples - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to listen to the tape Ss listen T asks Ss to read the dialogue Ss practice the dialogue with a partner T asks Ss number the sentences Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss number the sentences T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - Ss remind the words or phrases words: weigh, measure, medical check – up - Remind the structure: + Would you + Verb…? Consolidation: (26) - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - preparing the next period lesson “A2” Leader’s signature Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 11/02/2012 Week: 24 Date of teaching: Period: 67 Class: 07 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEATHY Section A: A checking up (A2) (27) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and write the missing words II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review the structure “ How tall/ heavy + to be + S? 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities Warm up: - My name is…., I am thirteen years old, - T asks Ss to introduce themselves my height is one 45 centimeters, I’m 42 - Ss introduce kilometers, … - T checks and corrects the mistakes Presentation: A2 Listen Then write the missing words - Who are they in the picture? (Hoa and doctor) - What is Hoa doing? ( Hoa is having a medical check-up) TAPE TRANSCRIPT: Doctor: I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa How are you? Hoa: Fourteen Doctor: And your height is one meter 50 centimeters? Hoa: No I think I’m shorter The nurse measure me Doctor: Oh How tall are you? Hoa: One meter 45 centimeters - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to listen to the tape Ss listen Ss look at the pictures T asks Ss to write the missing words Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss write the missing words T checks and corrects the mistakes Ss write the answers in the note book (28) Doctor: I will ask the nurse to check your height again How heavy are you? Hoa: I think I’m 42 kilos Doctor: No It says on your form that you’re 40 kilos Consolidation: - T asks Ss to answer to consolidation - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes + How old is Hoa? + How tall is she when the nurse measured her? + Does she think she is taller or shorter? + How tall is she? Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 11/02/2012 Week: 24 Date of teaching: Period: 68 Class: 07 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEATHY Section A: A checking up (A3) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about personal information II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review the structure “ How tall/ heavy + to be + S? 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Speaking, listening, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: (29) The content of the lesson Warm up: Scale s The teacher and Ss’ activities T asks Ss to play game: Slap the board - Ss play game in two teams (2 groups take part in the game) - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Medical record Medical check up Weigh Norm al Height Measur e Presentation: A3 Ask and answer questions with a partner + Which school does he go to? + What is his surname? + How tall is he = What’s his height? + What’s his weight? = How heavy is he? A: - Which class is she in? - What is his surname? - Where does she live? - What is his weight? / How heavy is he? - What is his height? / How tall is he? B: - Which school does he go to? - What are his forenames? - How old is he? T introduces the situation of the exercise to Ss and explains some questions - Ss survey - Ss practice with a partner - - Ss work in pairs, one of you A and the other is B - T asks Ss to look at your copy of the medical record and cover the other copy - Ss ask and answer questions with a partner - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss play a game: Survey - Ss work in groups: Ask their friends in order to have information and write in the form Name Male/ Age Female Hoa §V Weight Height (30) T Calls on some groups to practice in front of the class Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B1,3” unit 11 - Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 11/02/2012 Week: 24 Date of teaching: Period: 69 Class: 07 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEATHY Section B: What was wrong with you? I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about sickness and further practice in the past simple, question forms and negative forms By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and complete the table II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: The structures “What is/was + the wrong/ the matter with sb?” S + have/has + name of illness 2-Vocabulary: sick, a little tired, stay inside,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson Warm up: How tall are you? What’s your weight? How old are you? …………… Presentation: B1 Listen Then practice with a partner The teacher and Ss’ activities - T asks Ss some questions to warm up - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes (31) * Vocabulary: - sick (adj): ốm - a little tired: mệt - stay inside (v): lớp học - sick note (n): giấy xin phép nghỉ T presents some new words Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - học - virus (n): vi rút * Structure: - What is/was the matter with sb? Wrong Ex: What was wrong with Lan yesterday? * Now answer: a) Lan didn’t go to school yesterday because she had a bad cold b) She had a headache c) Mr Tan told Lan to stay inside at recess d) The doctor said that Lan had a virus e) The doctor wrote Lan’s sick note - T introduces the new structures T explains Ss take examples - T asks Ss read the dialogue Ss work in pairs Ss practice the dialogue with a partner Ss read the questions T asks Ss to answer the questions Ss discuss with a partner Ss answer the questions T checks and corrects the mistakes Ss copy the answers in the notebook - B3 Listen Then complete the table Answer: Cold: 10/flu: 43/ stomachache: 37/ headache: Toothache: 17 Total days lost: 112 TAPE TRANSCRIPT: Last semester in class 7A, there was a total of 112 days’ absence due to sickness The total breaks down as follows: most absences – 43 – were due to flu Then came stomach problems with 37 Toothache came next with 17 Colds accounted for 10 absences Finally, headaches caused days’ absence - Ss look at the table T asks Ss to listen to the tape Ss listen T asks Ss to complete the table Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss complete T checks and corrects the mistakes Cosolidation: - T gives some cues and asks Ss to practice in pairs You / a cold She / toothache (32) Lan / headache He / flu Ba / Stomachache Make example: S1: What was wrong with you? S2: I had a cold - Ss work in pairs - T calls on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B4” Leader’s signature Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 15/02/2012 Week: 25 Date of teaching: Period: 70 Class: 07 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEATHY Section B: What was wrong with you? (B4) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the symptoms of the common cold and the cues to prevent it II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: disease, common, catch,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, listening, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups (33) - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson Warm up: - Among the diseases you learned, you know which disease is the most common? → The common cold - Do you know what symptoms of the common cold are? Presentation: B4 Read Then answer the questions * Vocabulary: + Disease ( n ) : bệnh + Symptom ( n ) : triệu chứng + Runny nose ( n ) : sổ mũi + Slight fever ( n ) : Sốt nhẹ + cough ( v ) : ho + sneeze ( v ) : hắt + relieve ( v ) : làm dịu đi, bớt + prevent ( v ) : Ngăn ngừa + disappear ( v ) : biến + Cure ( n ) : chửa trị * Answer: a) Because every year millions of people catch it b) They are: a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing c) No, there is no cure for the common cold d) No, these medicines don’t cure a cold, but they relieve the symptoms e) We can prevent a cold by eating well, doing exercise, keeping fit and staying healthy The teacher and Ss’ activities T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words T reads model Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - - Consolidation: - T asks Ss to write about the common cold T asks Ss to read the text Ss read Ss read the questions T asks Ss to answer the questions Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss answer the questions T checks and corrects the mistakes Ss copy the answers in the notebook (34) - Ss to read their writings in front of the class - T remarks Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the home work - Preparing the next period lesson “Revision” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Week: 25 Period: 70* Class: 07 REVISION Date of preparation: 15/02/2012 Date of teaching: I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to remember grammar note to some exercises II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, reading and speaking IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’ activities * Activity 1: Complete the sentences Use the past form of the verbs in brackets a I ……… (see) a lot of beautiful fish at Tri Nguyen Aquarium b They ………… (go) to Ha Long for their last summer vacation c My friend ………… (take) me to see - T asks Ss remember the past Tay Phuong Pagoda simple tense “S + V2(-ed) + O) d We ……… (speak) to some - Ss remember American tourists - T asks Ss to complete the e She ………… (receive) a lot of gifts sentences Use the past form of (35) on her birthday f Lan ……… (buy) a yellow cap, and she …………(wear) it all day g I ……… (be) in Ho Chi Minh for one week h He …………… (return) to America for a short visit i My teacher ………… (teach) me to love animals j They ………… (be) very happy in Viet Nam in spring festival * Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the simple present or simple past tense of the verbs a Hoa ………… (brush) her teeth twice a day b She ………… (forget) to brush her teeth yesterday c Last week the doctor ………… (fill) a cavity in my eighth tooth d We usually ………….(wash and iron) our clothes every week e I ………………… (be) nervous when the doctor (be) going to check up my teeth f We always ………… (wash) our hands before meals g Ba ………… (clean and tidy) his room yesterday afternoon h Lan ………… (not have) a health examination last month * Activity 3: Write the sentences with “had better + verb” to give advice a …………………………………… lan is sad She’s having a headache (she/ see/ doctor) b …………………………………… Nam is having a bad cough (he/ take/ cough syrup) c …………………………………… It is beginning to rain (they/ stop/ playing football) d …………………………………… I am so tired (you/ take/ a rest) the verbs in brackets - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss complete - T checks and corrects the mistakes - - - - - T explains the exercises Ss remember the structures “ the present simple and past simple tense” Ss remember T asks Ss to complete the sentences with the present or simple past tense of the verbs Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss complete T checks and corrects the mistakes T explains the exercises Ss remember the structures “had + verb” to give advice T asks Ss to complete the sentences with “had better + verb” to give advice Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss complete T checks and corrects the mistakes (36) Consolidation: - Ss remind some grammar notes - T asks Ss to some exercises - T checks and gives feedback Homework: - Ss write the answers in your exercise book - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “test” Teaching date: ……./……./ 201 Period: 71 Written test A OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the test, T will be able to check Ss’ understanding about the structures and vocabulary that they have learnt from Unit 10 to Unit 12 B Questions: I/ Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu sau: ( điểm ) You can get ……………… if you read for a long time a headache b a headache c the headache Where ……………… You yesterday Lam ? a are b did c were I don’t like durians and ………………… a neither Lan does b Lan doesn’t neither c neither does Lan Add ………………… salt and pepper to the soup a a few b little c a little II/ Cho dạng đúng động từ ngoặc để hoàn thành câu sau: (2,5 ®iÓm) My sister ………………… (be) home all day yesterday …………… your teacher ………….(give) you homework everyday Will you be free next Sunday morning, Tan ? - No, I and my brother (visit ) ……………………… our grandmother What is your mother doing now ? - She (cook ) ……………………… dinner in the kitchen (37) III/ Dựa vào các thông tin bảng sau để hoàn thành các đối thoại: ( điểm ) Name Nga Lan Beef   Chicken x x Pineapples x x Ice - cream   ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… IV/ Hãy xếp công thức làm món trứng ốp nấm theo đúng trình tự hợp lý : ( ,5 ®iÓm ) 1/ ……… A: After that, pour the eggs into a frying pan Add the mushroom 2/ ……… and cook 3/ ……… B : Then beat the eggs in a bowl 4/ ……… C : First, slice the mushroom 5/ ……… D : Next, add the salt and pepper to the egg mixture E : Finally, fold the omelet in half And enjoy! Your omelet is ready - The End _o0o Teaching date: ……./……./ 201 Period: 72 Correcting Written test Câu : Chọn từ có phần gạch dới đợc phát âm khác các từ còn lại (2.0 ®iÓm) Câu : Em hãy cho dạng đúng động từ ngoặc câu sau (2.0 ®iÓm) Câu : Em hãy chọn A B C để hoàn thành các câu sau (2.0 điểm) C©u : ViÕt l¹i nh÷ng c©u sau b¾t ®Çu b»ng tõ nh÷ng tõ gîi ý cho nghĩa câu không đổi (2.0 điểm) (38) o0o Teaching date: ……./……./ 201 Period: 73 Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 25/02/2012 Week: 26 Date of teaching: Period: 73 Class: 07 UNIT 12: LET’S EAT! Section A: What shall we eat! (A1) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to identify some kinds of food II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: The structures “So + auxiliary verb + S, Neither + auxiliary verb + S” 2-Vocabulary: chicken, beef, pork,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, reading, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson Warm up: * Game: Networks Fruits The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to play game “Network” - Ss work in goups of four - Ss write (39) - T checks and corrects the mistakes Presentation: A1 Listen and read Then practice with a partner New words: + Chicken (n): thịt gà + Pork (n): thịt lợn + Spinach (n): rau chân vịt + Papaya (n): đu đũ + Pineapple (n): dứa + Durian (n): sầu riêng * Structures: a.Cấu trúc diễn tả đồng tình khẳng định Ex: I am a student She is, too/ So is she S1: I like beef S2: I do, too/She does, too So I/ So does she b Cấu trúc diễn tả đồng tình phủ định: Ex1: I’m not a student I am not, either / Neither am I (she isn’t, either/ Neither is she) Ex2: I don’t like carrot I don’t either./ Neither I (She doesn’t, either./ Neither does she) ● Cue word: a) I am happy (I/ too) b) She is hungry (He/ so) c) Is she thirsty? (Yes/ I/ so) What about you? d) I hate coffee (He/ too) e) He doesn’t like soda (I/ either) f) I don’t like beef Do you like it? (No/ I/ neither) * Comprehension questions: What did Hoa and her aunt buy at the market? Write a list Answers: beef, spinach, cucumbers, oranges - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T presents the structures - Ss survey - T explains - Ss take examples - T presents the structures - T explains - Ss take examples - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen - T asks Ss to role play - Ss work in pairs and practice with a partner - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss answer the questions with a partner - T asks Ss to write a list (40) - - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss write - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss write the answers in the note book Consolidation: - T asks Ss to play game “find someone who” - Ss work in groups - Ss play game - T checks and corrects the mistakes Do you like Name Apples Pineapple Pork Chicken ……… ……… Which is the most favorite food/ fruit in the class? Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “A2” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 25/02/2012 Week: 26 Date of teaching: Period: 74 Class: 07 UNIT 12: LET’S EAT! Section A: What shall we eat! (A2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about food, using responses with too, either, so and neither II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review the use “so, too, either, neither 2-Vocabulary: grapefruit, lemon, strawberry,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Speaking, listening, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method (41) - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities Warm up: - Do you like mango? - T asks Ss to answer the questions to - Which is the most favorite fruit/ food warm up in the class? - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes Presentation: A2 Ask and answer questions with a partner Talk about the food you like * New words: + grapefruit (n): bưởi + lemon (n): chanh + strawberry (n): dâu tây + water – melon (n): dưa hấu + longan (n): nhãn + mango (n): xoài * Structure: Review the use “ so, too, either, neither I like pineapples Do you like them? I like pineapples Do you like them? Yes I like pineapples, too / yes, so I No, I don’t like pineapples / no, I don’t I don’t like beef Do you like it? No, I don’t like beef either / No, either I Yes I like beef / Yes, I - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss to remind the use “so, too, either, neither” - Ss remind - T explains - T asks Ss to ask and answer questions with a partner - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss practice asking and answering with a partner - Ss talk about the food you like - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss to remind the use “so, too, either, neither” - Ss remind - T asks Ss some questions to consolidate - T checks and gives feedback Homework: (42) - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “A3,4” Leader’s signature (43) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation:03/02/202 Week: 27 Date of teaching: Period: 75 Class: 07 UNIT 12: LET’S EAT! Section A: What shall we eat! (A3,4) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to read a text and understand the details of it, know the recipe to make a dish II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review “the past simple tense” 2-Vocabulary: slice, boil, heat,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, listening, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson Warm up: * Game: Networks Fruits Foods and vegetables The teacher and Ss’ activities - T asks Ss to play game “Networks” - Ss play - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Do you always cook meal? - What you think of this work? Do - T asks Ss some questions you like it? (44) - What you have to when you cook meals? Presentation: A3 Read Then answer the questions: * New words: + Vegetable oil (n): dầu thực vật + soy sauce (n): nước xì dầu + plate (n): đĩa + bowl (n): bát + chopsticks (n): đũa + glass (n): cốc + heat (v): đun nóng + slice (v): thái * Comprehension questions: - What did Hoa’s aunt cook? - What did she first/next? - How did she boil the spinach? - What did she last? - What did Hoa do? - What did Hoa and her aunt and uncle have for dinner? a Answer the questions: Menu: - Cucumber salad with onions - Boiled spinach - Stir-fried beef with green peppers and onions - Rice b Adding the missing words: Answer key: Slices 2, heat sliced 4, added cooked 6, added ● Matching the instructions to the questions 1–c 2–f 3– a 4–d 5–b 6–e 7–g A4 Write What did you eat and drink - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to read the text Ss read individually T asks Ss to answer the questions One asks and one answers T asks Ss to write the menu Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss write T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to read the text again - Ss read - T asks Ss to add the missing verbs Then match the instructions to the pictures - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss add and match - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss write the answers in the notebook (45) yesterday? For breakfast, I ate … I drink … For lunch, I … For dinner, … - T asks Ss to ask and answer the questions - One asks and one answers - T asks Ss to write the answers - Ss write - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss to read the sentences - Ss read - T asks Ss to put them in good order (4)_ After that, pour the eggs into a frying and cook (2) _ Then beat the eggs in a bowl (1) _ First, slice the mushroom (3) _ Next, add the salt and pepper to the egg mixture (5) _ Finally, fold the omelet in half, and enjoy Your omelet is ready Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B1” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 03/02/2012 Week: 27 Date of teaching: Period: 76 Class: 07 UNIT 12: LET’S EAT! Section A: Our food (B1) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to identify some healthy food and know the way to avoid stomachache and other food related disease, practice the dialogue and understand the details of it II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Structures: It must be … It is (was) probably Make sb + adj/ sth 2-Vocabulary: dirt, awful, carefully III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: (46) 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson Warm up: * Recipe for cooking rice:  First, you put water in a pot and boil it  Then put the rice in and stir  Next let it boil for minutes  And leave on the store for 45 minutes  Finally, serve it Presentation B1 Listen Then practice with a partner * Pre – questions: + Where is Ba? + Can you guess what’s wrong with him? + You now tell me what causes stomachache? * Structures:  It must be: chắn là…  It is (was) probably : có là  Phỏng đoán Ex: It must be something you ate It probably the spinach  Cấu trúc với “Make”: Make sb + adj/ sth Ex: That dirt can make you sick This medicine will make you feel better The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to tell the recipe for cooking rice - Ss tell - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to answer some questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - T presents new structures - T explains - Ss take examples - T corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen twice - T asks Ss to practice the dialogue with (47)  Cấu trúc khác Have an awful headache/stomachache Wash sth well/ carefully: Rửa sạch, kỹ ● Now complete the story: Answer key: - doctor; - sick; - asked; - had; - wash; - more carefully; vegetable; - make; - she; 10 - medicine a partner - Ss practice and role play - T asks Ss to read the dialogue again - SS read - T asks Ss to complete the story - Ss complete - T checks and corrects the mistakes - SS write the answers in the note book Consolidation: - T asks Ss to work in groups, discuss about how to avoid stomachache - Ss discuss with a partner and say - T checks and corrects the mistakes Discussion: To avoid stomachache and other food related disease, what should we and what shouldn’t we do? Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B2,4” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 03/02/2012 Week: 27 Date of teaching: Period: 77 Class: 07 UNIT 12: LET’S EAT! Section A: Our food (B2,4) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to write a menu for a healthy and balanced meal II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: unhealthy food, moderate amounts, energy,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, reading, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids (48) - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities Warm up: - What is your favorite food? - T asks Ss some questions to warm up - What you always have for - Ss answer breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? - T corrects the mistakes - Do you think your diet is balanced? Presentation: B2 Listen and read Then answer the questions * Vocabulary: + Unhealthy food (n): thức ăn bỗ - T presents some new words dưỡng - T reads model + Body building food (n): thức ăn - Ss read again and give the meaning of giúp phát triển bắp the words + moderate amounts (n): khối lượng - T checks intonation and rhythm hợp lý + fatty food (n): thức ăn giàu chất béo + energy (n): lượng + diary products (n): thực phấm bơ sữa + cereals (n): ngủ cốc + a variety of (n): đa dạng, nhiều loại + advantage (n): lợi, tác dụng * Answer key: a) Sugar adds taste to good and it give - T asks Ss to listen to the tape you energy - Ss listen and read the text b) A balanced diet is not enough, all - T asks Ss to read the questions people need exercise to keep a - Ss read and discuss with a partner healthy life - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss answer What should we in order to have a - T checks and corrects the mistakes balanced diet? - Ss write the answers in the note book What does a balanced diet mean? B4 Listen and write the letters of what (49) they ate and drank * Answer: Lan: f, b, d, g, Nga: a, d, g, Ba: c, a, e, h, Hoa: b, e, g, TAPE TRANSCRIPT: For her lunch, Lan had beef with noodles and vegetables She had juice too Ba chose fish and rice and some fruit He drank some water Nga ate rice and vegetables and drank juice Hoa had noodles and some fruit She had juice, too - Ss look at the pictures - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen and work in pairs or in groups - T asks Ss to write the letters of what they ate and drank - Ss write - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer + Do you think your diet is balanced? Why? Why not? - T asks Ss to remind the effect of sugar - T checks and corrects the mistakes Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Language focus 4” Leader’s signature Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 11/03/2012 Week: 28 Date of teaching: Period: 78 Class: 07 LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES: (50) By the end of the lesson students will be able to exercises in order to practice the structures which have been learnt, they will use them and apply to exercises well II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review (past simple, indefinite quantifiers, too and either, so and neither) 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson * Activity 1: Past simple tense: Answer the questions b No, I didn’t I had dinner in the restaurant c No, I didn’t I went to the movie theater yesterday d No, I didn’t I read a book on the weekend e No, I didn’t I played football yesterday * Activity 2: Indefinite quantifiers: a Write the correct expression B a lot of tea C a little sugar D a lot of salt E too much coffee b Complete the dialogues A A little … a lot The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to remind the grammar note “past simple tense” ( S + V2(-ed) + O) - Ss remind - T explains the exercises - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T explains the exercises - Ss work in pairs or in groups - T asks Ss to write the correct expression - Ss write - T explains the exercises (51) … a little … B a lot of C too much D a little - Ss look at the pictures - T asks Ss to complete the dialogues - Ss complete - T checks and corrects the mistakes * Activity 3: too and either a Work with a partner Read the dialogues b Look at the pictures Make up similar dialogues with a partner mangoes, bananas, papaya, corn, spinach, potatoes,… - T asks Ss to remind the use with “too and either” - T reminds - T asks Ss to read the dialogue - Ss practice with a partner * Activity 4: Work with a partner Read Then look at the pictures in exercises Make up eight dialogues with so and either I like mangoes I don’t like bananas * Activity 5: Imperatives: b Wash c Slice d Mix e Add f Stir g Wait - T asks Ss to look at the pictures - Ss look at - T asks Ss to make up similar dialogues with a partner - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to remind the use “so and neither” - Ss remind - T asks Ss to make up eight dialogues with so and neither - Ss work with a partner - Ss practice the dialogues with a partner - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T explains the exercises - Ss look at the pictures - T asks Ss to complete the instructions - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss complete - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss to remind the structures in the lesson (52) - Ss remind - T checks and gives feedback Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “A1, Unit 13” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 11/03/2012 Week: 28 Date of teaching: Period: 79 Class: 07 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES Section A: Sports (A1) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read and master the context of the text about most sports which are the most popular that the young in America love to play and further practice talking about sports II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: Roller-skating, roller-blading, surprising results,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, reading, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson Warm up: *Find some one who: The teacher and Ss’s activities Find some one who - T asks Ss to play game “find some one who” Plays sports Name (53) Reads books Watches TV Goes out Learns how to cook Presentation: A1 Listen and read Then answer the questions: * Chatting: - What are your favorite sports? - When you always play these sports? - Do you recognize these sports? * New words: + roller-skating: môn trượt patanh + roller-blading: môn trượt patanh (giày bánh xe nằm dọc đế giày) + surprising results (n): kết đáng ngạc nhiên - Ss play - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss some questions before - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss to listen to the tape (●) These above are among 10 sports - Ss listen twice which American teenagers like most - T asks Ss to read Can you guess the rest? - Ss read individually * Questions: - T asks Ss to ask and answer the a Is baseball your favorite sport? If not, questions what is your first choice? - Ss work in pairs or in groups b Do you like table tennis? - One asks and one answers (Ss’ answers) - Ss practice with a partner - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss write the answers in the note book Consolidation: - T asks Ss some questions to consolidate - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes + You have learned 10 sports which American teenagers like most Do you think it is the same in Viet Nam? And which sport is the most popular in Viet Nam? + Which sport you like best? Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “A3” (54) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 11/03/2012 Week: 28 Date of teaching: Period: 80 Class: 07 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES Section A: Sports (A3) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to form adverbs from adjectives and the usage of them II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Adverbs of manner 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities Warm up:  Network: - T asks Ss to play game “Network” - Ss write the words or phrases of Most popular words sports - T checks and corrects the mistakes Presentation: A3 Listen Then practice with a partner: * Grammar notes: - T presents the model sentences and Eg: He plays soccer well how to form the adverbs from adjectives * Form: - T explains Adj + “ly” = Adv - Ss take examples (55) Adj Adv Skillful Skillfully Slow Slowly Bad Badly  Irregular adv: Good  well Fast  fast Late  late Hard  hard Early  early Ex: (adj) He is a good soccer player (adj) (n) (adv) He plays well (v) (adv)  Use: Adjs qualify nouns Advs modify verbs  Word cue: (Adj or Adv): a) They run (quick/quickly) b) Ba sings (bad/badly) c) Nam and Lan are (skillful/skillfully) d) Yen and I speak English (good/well) * Answer: a) quikly b) badly c) skillful d) well - T corrects - T explains the irregular adv - Ss take examples - T explains the adjectives qualify nouns advs modify verbs - Ss take examples - T asks Ss to complete the sentences by choosing Adv or Adj in the blank - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss complete Consolidation: - T asks Ss to write the correct adverbs: (Ex P 132) - Ss write - T asks Ss to remind the adverbs of manner - T checks and corrects the mistakes Answer: clearly clearly carefully carelessly safely Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart (56) - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “A4,5” leader’s signature Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 18/03/2012 Week: 29 Date of teaching: Period: 81 Class: 07 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES Section A: Sports (A4,5) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know benefit of some sports, by reading the text about walking II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Adverbs of manner 2-Vocabulary: Walking competition, organize, participant,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, listening, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids (57) - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson Warm up:  Pelmanism: Skillful Good Skillfully Well Quick Quickly - What are they doing? - Do you always take a walk? - What are the benefits of walking? Presentation: A4 Read Then answer the questions * Vocabulary: - Walking competition (n) thi - organize (v) tổ chức - Participant (n) người tham dự - Regular activity (n): hoạt động thường xuyên - Instead of (v): thay vì - Bicycle trip (n) dã ngoại xe đạp - Inexpensive (a) không đắt, rẽ - Ability (n) khả * Answer key: a) He takes part in walking for fun club b) The writer’s school team won the first prize; they were so happy and wanted to keep the activities c) One activity is a km walk/ walking km to the beach on a Sunday morning and the other is walk-toschool day The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to play game “pelmanism” - Ss work in groups - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss to read the text - Ss read - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss answer the questions - T checks and corrects the mistakes (58) d) It’s km from school to the beach e) Wednesday is the WTS day f) Members living near school often take part in the WTS day A5 Write Change the adjectives in brackets to adverbs clear - clearly careful - carefully safe - safely careless - carelessly strict - strictly - Ss write the answers in the note book - T asks Ss to read the passage - Ss read - T asks Ss change the adjectives in brackets to adverbs - Ss work in pairs - Ss change - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: * Take a class survey: - T asks Ss to talk about the benefits of walking - Ss talk - T corrects the mistakes Benefits of Walking: - fun - easy - inexpensive - Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B1,2” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 18/03/2012 Week: 29 Date of teaching: Period: 82 Class: 07 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES Section B: Come and play (B1,2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review the way to use ther model verbs: Must, have to , ought to … II LANGUAGE CONTENT: (59) 1-Grammar: Modal verbs + V + infi, would you like + to do…? 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson Warm up:  Find someone Who: Find someone who … Name - can play soccer well - can run quickly The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to play game “Find someone Who” - Ss play and write - T checks and corrects the mistakes - can play volleyball skillfully - can’t swim quickly - can’t play table tennis well Presentation: B1 Listen Then practice with a partner: * Chatting: - What are Ba and Nam doing? + They are playing table tennis - Can you play table tennis? + (Ss’ answer) * Model sentences:  Model verbs: Ex: You must your homework first Form: Model verbs + V- inf - Model verbs: Ought to Must - Ss look at the pictures - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - T presents new grammar notes - T explains - Ss take examples - T checks and gives feedback (60) Have to * It takes sb time + to smt: bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì * Answer key: a He should his homework b He will be ready for a few more minutes c He will finish the question for Math tomorrow d He has two paddles B2 Listen Then practice with a partner Change the underlined details using the information in the box Ba: Come and play basketball, Nam Nam: I’m sorry I don’t think I can Ba: That’s too bad Why not? ……………………………… - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen - T asks Ss role play - Ss role play and practice the dialogue with a partner - T asks Ss to read the dialogue again - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - Ss write the answers in the note book - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen Then practice the dialogue with a partner - T asks Ss to change the underlined details using the information in the box - Ss change - T asks Ss to make the dialogue - Ss make - T checks and gives feedback Consolidation: - T asks Ss to remind the structures + Modal verbs + V + infi + Would you like + to do…? + It takes sb time + to smt… - Ss remind - T checks and gives feedback Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B3” (61) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 18/03/2012 Week: 29 Date of teaching: Period: 83 Class: 07 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES Section B: Come and play (B3) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know a new and thrilling sport: Scuba – diving II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Modal verbs: have to, must, ought to,… 2-Vocabulary: world’s surface, pearl diver, underwater life,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, speaking, listening and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: Contents Warm up:  Jumble words: - arspe - spare - padslde - paddles - balte nentis - table tennis Presentation: B3 Read Then answer the questions: * Vocabulary: - World’s surface (n): bề mặt trái đất - Pearl diver (n): thợ lặn lấy ngọc trai - Special breathing equipment (n): dụng cụ đặt biệt Activities - T asks Ss to play game “Jumble words” - Ss play game - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words (62) - Invent (v) phát minh - Deep – sea diving vessel: tàu lặn biển - Underwater life (n): soomgs nước * Rub out and remember:  True/ False statements * Answer: - False: Most of the world’s surface is water - True - True - False: He invented a deep – sea diving vessel - True - T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss to read the text - Ss read - T asks Ss to check true or false - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss checks and the false sentences - T corrects the mistakes Consolidation: * Gap - fill: - T asks Ss to gap-fill - Ss gap-fill - T checks and corrects the mistakes can can must ought to/ should must not can/ should should should/ must Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “A1, unit 14” Leader’s signature (63) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 25/03/2012 Week: 30 Date of teaching: Period: 84 Class: 07 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN Section A: Time for TV (A1) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the activities in their free time: Television II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: like and prefer + to – inf/ regund … 2-Vocabulary: news, play, chess,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities Warm up:  Find someone Who: - T asks Ss to exercises Find someone who … - play soccer - watch TV Name - Ss ask “Yes/ No – Questions” Other Ss answer and write the name (64) in column “Name” - listen to music - play video game - play chess Presentation: * Chatting: - How many students watch TV in their free time? - What time you always watch TV? - What is your favorite program? * Structure: Review: - Would you like to have dinner at my house last nigh? + I’d love to + Great That would be a lot of fun New structure: - They prefer to other things Form: Prefer to do/ doing smt to smt else - She prefers to read books to newspapers * Answer: a–C c–B e–D b–A d–C - T gives some guilding questions and introduce the content of the text Then presents vocabulary - Ss practice reading in chorus - Ss read individually - Checking - T plays the tape and asks Ss to find out the new structure - T presents structures - T asks Ss to read the dialogue and choose the best answer - Call on some Ss to give the answers - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss write the answers in the note book - T plays the tape and asks Ss to practice the dialogue between Hoa and Lan - T calls on some pairs to practice Consolidation: - T asks Ss to remind the structures in the lesson + Would you like + to do…? + How about…? + Let’s + V-infi… - Ss remind - T checks and gives feedback Homework: (65) - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “A2” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 25/03/2012 Week: 30 Date of teaching: Period: 85 Class: 07 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN Section A: Time for TV (A2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the activities in their spare time II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Would you like + to – inf … How about … ? / What about … ? Let’s + V- inf … 2-Vocabulary: Pop concert, classical concert, detective,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, reading, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson Warm up:  Game: Network The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss exercises (66) TV programs - Ss play game in two teams of 5, write out many words related to the TV programs as possible - T checks and corects the mistakes Presentation: A2 Listen and read Then practice with a partner * Grid: Trên gạp Phim/kịch Giờ ngày * Vocabulary: - Pop concert (n) nhạc pop - Classical concert (n) hòa nhạc cổ điển - Detective (adj) trinh thám - Cowboy (n) cao bồi * Structure: - Would you like to go to the movie this weekend ? - How about Tuesday ? - What about Friday ? - Lat’s go on Friday Hoa: Would you like to go to the movies this week Lan: That sounds good What would you like to see? Hoa: There is a cowboy on at the New Age Theater/ Lan : Can you make it on Monday right? ………………………………………… - T asks Ss to complete the table with the informations in the advertisements - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T presents the structures - T explains - Ss take examples - T asks Ss to listen to the tapes - Ss listen - T asks Ss to read the dialogue - Ss roleplay - Ss pratice the dialogue with a partner - Ss listen again - T asks Ss to make similar dialogue - T checks and gives feedback Consolidation: - T asks Ss to remind the content of the lesson - Ss remind - T asks Ss some questions (67) + What you on the weekend? + Do you like to go to the movies? - T checks and corrects the mistakes Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “A3” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 25/03/2012 Week: 30 Date of teaching: Period: 86 Class: 07 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN Section A: Time for TV (A3) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice and discuss about TV programs and talk about the favorite programs II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: gather, black and white programs,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, listening, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities (68) Warm up:  Game: Hangman - Detective - Cowboy - Advertisement Presentation: A3 Read: * Predicting questions: a Did many people in Viet Nam have TV set in their home thirty years ago ? b What did they always after dinner ? c What color were TV programs thirty years ago ? d Where people watch TV today ? e Do they spend much time together ? * Vocabulary: - gather (v) tụ tập - black and white programs: chương trình đen trắng - comfortable (adj) tiện nghi - popular (adj) phổ biến * Rub out and remember a) Prediction questions: a No , they didn’t b Their neighbors gathered both inside and outside their house c They were black and white programs d They sit in their own living rooms and watch TV e No, they don’t b) Complete the summary * Answer: People They not today TV have Popular 10 life evening 11 know gather - T asks Ss to exercises - T gives the clue and ask Ss to guess thew letters to find out the words - T asks Ss to work in groups to discuss about the questions - T calls on some groups to show their opinions - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - Checking - T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction - T gives the answers - Ss write the answers in the note book - T asks Ss to read the text again and complete the summary - Ss read and complete the summary - T checks and gives the feedback - Ss write the answers in the note book Consolidation: - T asks Ss to play game “True/ false repetion drill” (69) Most people in Viet Nam had a TV set thirty years ago TV owners were not popular at that time People always gathered in the TV owners’ home - Ss play game - T checks and gives feedback Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B1,2” Leader’s signature Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 01/04/2012 Week: 31 Date of teaching: 02/04/2012 Period: 87 Class: 07 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN Section B: What’s on? (B1,2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to express preferences to talk about TV programs Ss will be able to listen and write the times of programs (70) II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: - Like + to do/doing something - Prefer + doing something 2-Vocabulary: cartoon, sport shows,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Ask and answer: pairs or groups - Teaching vocabulary - Play game VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson Warm up: - Do you have a TV set at home? - Do you like watching TV? - Can you retell some TV programs? The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to answer some questions - Ss answer movies Cartoon music sport series News Presentation: B1 Listen Then practice the partner: - What program is on TV now? - Do you like to watch cartoons on TV? - Who are the characters? - Which character you like best? - T asks Ss to retell some TV programs - Ss retell - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T uses the pictures to introduce the new lesson - T asks Ss to answer some questions - Ss answer (71) * New words: - sport shows (n): các chương trình thể thao - cartoon (n): phim hoạt hình - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words * Structures: Review - T checks intonation and rhythm Like + to do/doing: thích làm gì - Ss listen to the tape Prefer + doing: thích làm gì - Ss role play in the dialogue Ex: Nga likes to watch/ watching programs - T presents the new structures about teenagers in other countries - Ss take examples Ba prefers watching sports * True or False? Check () the boxes T F Nga doesn’t watch a lot of TV   - T asks Ss to the exercises Ba likes to watch sports shows, cartoons - Ss work in pairs and movies   - Ss work in groups Nga doesn’t like to watch programs - Ss write the answers on the board about teenagers in other countries   - T checks and corrects the mistakes This evening, she is going to listen to music and read a book   Now answer: a No, she doesn’t Because there aren’t - T asks Ss to work in groups to many good programs for teenagers b He watches sport shows, cartoons and answer the questions - Some groups present the answers in movies c She likes to watch programs about front of the class - Ss write the answers on the board teenagers in other countries d Because they don’t play the kind of - T checks and corrects the mistakes music she likes e This evening, She is going to listen to the radio and may be read a book * Choose and circle a suitable word or phrase to fill in the blanks: Nga likes to watch……………… - T asks Ss to the exercises a series b cartoons c programs - Ss discuss with a partner about teenagers - Ss the exercises Ba likes to watch……… - T corrects the mistakes a News b sports shows, cartoons and movies c programs about teenagers Nga is going to…………this evening a listen to the radio b listen to music c watch TV B2 Listen Write the times of the programs (72) - Children’s program: chương trình dành cho thiếu nhi - Early News: Bản tin buổi sáng - Weather forecast: Dự báo thời tiết - The World Today: Thế giới ngày - Movie: “A Fistful of Dollars”: Phim đồng tiền vấy máu - Do you always watch these programs? - Which programs you like watching? - What time is each of the programs on? It is at……………… Answer key: Programs Time Children’s program 5.00 Early News 6.00 Weather forecast 6.10 The World Today 6.15 Movie: “A Fistful 7.00 of Dollars” Tape transcript: Ba: What is on TV at six tonight, Lan? Lan: Let me see It’s the early news You want to watch it, don’t you? Ba: Come on, Lan! I want to watch the movie ‘A Fistful of Dollars’ When does it start? Lan: It starts at seven o’clock, after the program ‘The World Day’ at a quarter past six Ba: And what about the weather forecast? What time is it on? Lan: It’s on at ten past six But we should watch our children’s program It starts at five Ba: That sounds great - T explains the programs a)  e) - Ss survey - T asks Ss to answer some questions - Ss answer - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss write the answers on the board - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss answer some questions - Ss answer - T checks and gives feedback + What programs you like/ prefer to watch? + Do you like watching children’s program on TV? (73) Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B3,4” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 01/04/2012 Week: 31 Date of teaching: Period: 88 Class: 07 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN Section B: What’s on? (B1,2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about some popular programs on TV that the most people like II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: pop music, broad audience, contest,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Speaking, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, cassette player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities Warm up: TV programs Picture - T gives the work cues and ask Ss to make sentence with the words they choose - Ss work in two groups (74) * Matching: Pop music Contests Imports Picture Picture Presentation: B3 Listen and read Then answer the questions * Vocabulary: - pop music (n): nhạc pop - audience (n): khán giả - contest (n): thi - import (n): sản phẩm nhập - series (n): phim truyền hình nhiều tập * Rub out and remember Answer the questions: a They like to hear the latest pop music and see the shows of their favorite artists b The contestants are students, workers, or family members c Imports usually include police and hospital series d (Students’ answer) B4 Write Complete the passage Use the words in the box * Answer key: – around – like – watch – station – listen – receive – series – cities – show 10 – possible Consolidation: - T askd Ss to match the pictures with the right pictures - T calls on some Ss to match - T introduces the content of the dialogue and presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - Ss practice in chorus - T checks - Give examples - T plays the tape and ask Ss to listen and then read the text - Ss listen and read - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss answer the questions - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss write the answers in the note book - T asks Ss to read the passage - Ss read - T asks Ss to write Use the words in the box - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss write - T checks and corrects the mistakes (75) - T asks Ss to complete the information - Ss complete - T checks and gives feedback program Number of student position News Children’s program Cartoon Pop music Contest Movie The World Today Weather forecast Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Revision” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Week: 31 Period: 88* Class: 07 REVISION Date of preparation: 01/04/2012 Date of teaching: I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to remember grammar notes to exercises II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, speaking and reading IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary (76) VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson * Activity 1: Complete the sentences The first one is done for you a My brother is a good badminton player He plays……… b Lan’s sister is a quick swimmer She swims…………… c Na’s father is a safe driver He drives…………… d I’m a bad swimmer I swim…… e Hoa’s aunt is a slow runner She runs………… f Minh’s brother is a skillful tennis player He plays…… * Activity 2: Give advice Use ought to or should and the idea prompts a Ba plays a lot of computer games He gets bad marks at Math (play less computer games, study harder)  b My shoes are getting too small for me (buy a new pair)  c My sister swims badly (practice swimming more)  d Mai is very interested in collecting stamps (join the stamp collection club)  e Lan loves literature but she doesn’t have many books at home (go to the library and read there) The teacher and Ss’s activity - T explains the exercises Ss read the sentences T asks Ss to complete the sentences Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss complete the sentences T checks and corrects the mistakes - T explains the exercises - Ss read the sentences - T asks Ss to use ought to or should and the idea prompts to give advice - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss give advice - T checks and corrects the mistakes (77)  * Activity 3: Write the sentences Use the cue words a Minh/ like/ listen/ pop music  b Most/ old/ people/ like/ watch/ TV  c Lan/ not/ really/ like/ watch/ sports on TV  - T explains the exercises - Ss read the words - T asks Ss to write the sentences Use the cue words - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss write the sentences - T checks and corrects the mistakes d Ba/ not/ like/ watch/ TV He/ prefer/ listen/ radio  e Chi/ prefer/ pop music/ classical music  Consolidation: - T asks Ss to the exercises - Ss the exercises - T checks and gives feedback Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Test 45” Leader’s signature (78) Teaching date: ……./……./ 201 Period: 89 Written test I Objectives - By the end of the test, T will be able to check Ss’ understanding about the structures and vocabulary that they have learnt from Unit 13 to Unit 14 B Questions: I/ Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu sau: ( điểm ) He plays soccer very ……………… a goodly b good c well ……………… something to drink ? a Would you to like b Would you like c Do you like I don’t think I can it now I ………………… clean my room a should b must to c can There are different sports activities at my school but I only take part ………………… jogging a on b at c in II/ Chọn tính từ hay trạng từ ngoặc để hoàn thành câu sau: (2 ®iÓm) We finished the work ………………… (quick) so we could go home early Ann looks very ………….(nice) in her new dress Have a good trip home And drive ……………………… (careful) Old Tom seems very ……………(hard) , but he’s really very ……… (kind) III / H·y s¾p xÕp c¸c c©u sau ®©y thµnh bµi héi tho¹i hîp lý : ( ®iÓm ) 0/ …B… A: Well, what about going to the concert ? 1/ ……… B : Would you like to go to the movies this evening ? (79) 2/ ……… 3/ ……… 4/ ……… 5/ ……… 6/ ……… C : I’d like to stay at home and listen to music D : No, I don’t want to go there, either E : Oh, that sounds boring to me F : Well, what would you like to do, now ? G : Oh, I’m sorry I don’t like watching films - The End - Corecting the test Period 90 Planning date: / / 200 Answer I/ Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau ( điểm ) => câu đúng đợc 0,5 điểm 1–c 2–b 3–a 4–c II/ Chọn tính từ hay trạng từ ngoặc để hoành thành các câu sau ( điểm ) => câu đúng đợc 0,5 điểm – quickly – nice – carefully – hard ; kind III/ H·y s¾p xÕp c¸c c©u sau ®©y thµnh bµi héi tho¹i hîp lý : ( ®iÓm ) => câu đúng đợc điểm 1–G 2–F 3–C 4–A 5–D 6–E Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 07/04/2012 Week: 32 Date of teaching: Period: 91 Class: 07 UNIT 15: GOING OUT Section A: Video games (A1) I OBJECTIVES: (80) By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give the advice and respond for not doing something such as : playing video games They will talk about video games and disadvantages of playing video games II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Don’t + V – inf… 2-Vocabulary: amusement, arcade, addictive … III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, speaking and reading IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The contents of the lesson Warm up: *Network: Entertainment s Presentation: A1 Listen Then practice with a partner - What can you see in the picture? - Are there any amusement centers in your neighborhood/ town? - Do you often go to an amusement center? *Vocabulary: + Amusement center (n): A place where we can go to play some games for relaxing (Trung tâm giải trí) + Arcade (n): nơi mua bán có mái vòm, khu vui chơi + Addictive (adj): nghiện,có tác dụng gây nghiện The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to play game “Network” - Ss play game in groups - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T introduces the new lesson by asking some questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm (81) * Now answer: a He’s going to the amusement center b He’s going to play video games c He goes to the amusement center about once a week d No, he doesn’t e He usually stays for about an hour f Because video games can be addictive g He will his homework later - T asks Ss to listen to the tape Ss listen T asks Ss to role play Ss practice with a partner Ss read the questions T asks Ss to answer the questions Ss work in pairs or in groups Ss answer the questions T checks and corrects the mistakes Ss write the answers in the note book Consolidation: - T gives a mapped dialogue and ask students to look at carefully YOU YOUR FRIEND Where ….going ? Amusement center What …….do? video games How often ? 2/ week Don’t spend … video games … Don’t forget …… homework… - Ss work in pairs - T calls on or pairs to practice in front the class - T corrects the mistakes if necessary Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Prepare the next period lesson “A2” Leader’s signature (82) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 14/04/2012 Week: 33 Date of teaching: Period: 92 Class: 07 UNIT 15: GOING OUT Section A: Video games (A2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to understand video games and some disadvantages of playing video games II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: - Modal verbs - The present simple tense 2-Vocabulary: Inventor, dizzy, develop,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, reading, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary (83) VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson: The content of the lesson Warm up: - Do you like playing video games ? How often you play video games ? - How long you usually spend playing video games? - What you think about playing video games ? ……………… Presentation: A2 Listen and read * Vocabulary: + Inventor ( n ): (The person who invents videogames ) người sáng tạo, người sáng chế + Dizzy ( adj ):hoa mắt, choáng váng + develop ( v ): phát triển + Social skill ( n ): kĩ giao tiếp Children like playing video games because they are good fun It’ s very good for children to spend too much time on their own Playing video games for a long time will make the children become tired Children mustn’t play outdoors with their friends Some inventors become rich when they are very young Answer key: T F T F T a) Many young people play video games b) Some inventors of video games become very rich c) The doctor thinks all children should take part in outdoor activities with their friends d) The doctor says you should spend little time playing video games - Have students write in the notebooks The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - Work in groups - T introduces the situation of the lesson , then asks students to an exercise : True or False prediction - Ss listen to the tape and check the prediction - Ss work in groups - T calls on some groups to give their prediction - Ss look at the books and listen to the tape then check their prediction - T gives the answers - Ss listen to the tape again - T asks Ss to read the text in silent - T calls on 3or students to read the text aloud - T corrects their pronunciation - Have Ss read the text again to find out the answers - Ss exchange the results with the (84) partners - T calls on some students to give the answers in front of the class - T corrects the mistakes and gives the correct answers Consolidation: - T asks Ss to work in groups discussing about the disadvantages of playing video games - T calls on some groups to demonstrate their ideas in front of the class - Ss retell the main points of this lesson Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 14/04/2012 Week: 33 Date of teaching: Period: 93 Class: 07 UNIT 15: GOING OUT Section B: In the city (B1,2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to about life in the city and life in the country II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review : the simple present tense and past tense 2-Vocabulary: rest, awake , scare,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson The contents of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities (85) Warm up:  Word square: H O O D M O T O R R O C L Z K R S Z J P C T R X L B I B H G U B Z S J V Y M N R K Y O Q Z A F F D R N K E S I W Q T T E I U Q E S I O N J C B K N C E G A L L I V Presentation: B1 Listen Then practice with a partner: + Do you like to live in the city or in the country ? Why / why not ? - Who likes to live in the city or in the country * New words: + The rest ( n ) : Phần còn lại, số còn lại + Awake ( adj ) :Thức giấc, thức, tỉnh + scare ( v ) : Sợ hãi + hate ( v ) : dislike + Direction ( n ) : điều khiển, huy * Play a game : Lucky numbers Where did Hoa live before ? Why doesn’t Hoa like the city ? LN What does Hoa in the evening ? What does Hoa dislike most in the city? Why ? Does She like the city ? LN Why did Hoa like living in a village in Hue? * Answer the questions: a She go to the school theater once a week The rest of the week she usually stays at home in the evening b No, she doesn’t like in the city c Before, Hoa lived in the village near Hue d She likes living there because she knew all the people in her neighborhood; the village was quite and there was only a - T asks Ss to play game: “Word square” - Ss work in groups - Ss play game - T corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss to play game: “Brainstorming” - Ss work in groups - Ss play game - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen - Ss role play and practice the conversation with a partner - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss answer the questions - T checks and corrects the mistakes (86) little traffic e She doesn’t like in the city because it is noisy and the roads are busy f She hates crossing the road most because bikes, motorbikes and cars come from every direction, and they scare her B2 Work with a partner Ask and answer the questions a What you in the evening? b Do you like the city? Why? Why not? c Do you like the countryside? Why? Why not? - Ss write the answers in the note book - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss work with a partner and ask answer the questions - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss to use the questions in part B2 to work in pairs discussing about life in the city and life in the country - Ss work in pairs - T calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class - T corrects and remarks Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 14/04/2012 Week: 33 Date of teaching: Period: 94 Class: 07 UNIT 15: GOING OUT Section B: In the city (B3) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to know how Hoa got used to the life in the city and what she could II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review : - The simple present tense and past simple tense - Like / Prefer + to infinitive ; Like + gerund 2-Vocabulary: Rarely, socialize III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, listening, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids (87) - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson The contents of the lesson Warm up: * Network: city The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to play game “Network” - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss play game - T corrects the mistakes country Presentation: B3 Read: * Vocabulary: + rarely ( adv ) :hiếm + socialize ( v ) : giao tiếp, quan hệ bạn bè * Structure : - Like / prefer + to infinitive Ex: Hoa likes to read / She prefers to socialize with her friends - Like / prefer + gerund Ex: Hoa likes playing chess very much a) What did Hoa and her friends often together ? b) Why did Hoa rarely go to see movies or eat out in the evening ? c) Why couldn’t Hoa read many books in her village ? d) Why did Hoa decide that the city wasn’t so bad after all ? * Answer key: - She visits her friends - She talks and listens to the music with her friends - They help each other with their homework - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T presents the structures - T explains - Ss take examples - Ss read the text - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss answer the questions - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to read the text again - Ss read - T asks Ss to make a list of the things Hoa does in the evening Use the simple present tense (88) - She plays table tennis and plays chess with her friends - She socializes with her friends - She goes to the library and borrows books - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss make a list - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss to use the model in part B3 and the pictures in B4 to talk about what they like to or dislike to - Ss work in pairs - T calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class - T checks and gives feedback Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B4” Leader’s signature (89) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 22/04/2012 Week: 34 Date of teaching: Period: 95 Class: 07 UNIT 15: GOING OUT Section B: In the city (B4) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to listen and match the name to an activity II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson The contents of the lesson Warm up:  Game: Networks City Country Presentation: B4 Listen Match each name to an activity - What are the entertainment activities in the pictures? The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to play game “Network” - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss play game - T asks Ss the questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - T introduces the aim of the listening (90) * Answer key: Ba- b Hoa- a Nam – c Lan – f - T asks Ss to look at the pictures and Nga – d give the activity of each picture An – e - T calls on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class Tape transcript: - Ss guess and write the names next to Yesterday evening, Ba played table tennis the pictures Nga saw a movie - T asks Ss to listen to the tape and Lan went to a restaurant check their prediction Hoa played chess - T plays the tape for Ss Nam listened to CDs - T calls on some Ss to give the An watched a soccer amtch answers in front of the class - T plays the tape again for Ss to check the answers - T corrects and gives the key Consolidation: - T asks Ss to use the model in part B3 and the pictures in B4 to talk about what they like to or dislike to - Ss work in pairs - T calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class - T checks and gives feedback Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “A1,2” unit 16 Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 22/04/2012 Week: 34 Date of teaching: Period: 96 Class: 07 UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES Section A: Famous places in Asia (A1,2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about name of the countries in Asia and their capital cities II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: pilot, region,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids (91) - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson The contents of the lesson Warm -up: *Matching Bangkok China Beijing Laos Kuala Lumpur Thailand Phnom penh Myanmar Vientiane Indinesia Yangon Cambodia Jakarta Malaysia Presentation: A1 Listen Then practice with a partner: Where is it? Where is Bangkok? Do you go to Thailand? Answer key: a D (Ba’s uncle is a pilot.) b F (Uncle Nghia sends postcards to Ba from the cities he visits.) c B (Ba keeps the postcards as well as the stamps.) d C (Ba puts the stamps in a special book.) e A (Hoa wants to see the stamps.) f E ( Ba and Hoa would like to visit many different places.) A2 Complete the table Use the names of the countries in the box * Word cue drills a Bangkok /Thailand b Beijing /China c Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia d Phnom penh / Cambodia e Vientian / Laos f Yangon / Myanmar g Jakarta / Indinesia Answer key: The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks to play game “Matching” - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss play game - T corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss some questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen - T asks Ss to role play - Ss role play and practice the dialogue with a partner - Ss read the dialogue again - T asks Ss to match the halfsentences - Ss work in groups - Ss match - T corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to play game “Word cue drills” - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss play game - T corrects the mistakes (92) Capital Bangkok Beijing Kuala Lumpur Phnom Penh Vientiane Yangon Jakarta Country Thailand China Malaysia Combodia Laos Myanma Indonesia - T asks Ss to complete the table Use the names of the countries in the box - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss complete the table - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss to ask and answer the questions - Ss work in pairs - Ss ask and answer the questions - T checks and gives feedback + Where does Ba’s uncle fly to? + He usually/ sometimes/ occasionally flies to + Where is that? It’s in Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “A3,4” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 22/04/2012 Week: 34 Date of teaching: Period: 97 Class: 07 UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES Section A: Famous places in Asia (A3,4) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to read for details about tourist attractions in South- east Asia and places II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: monument, destinations, attraction,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups (93) - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson The contents of the lesson Warm -up: * Networks: Countries Presentation: A3 Listen and complete the pilot’s schedule with the correct place names * New words: - Destinations (n): điểm đến, nơi - attraction (n): Sự hấp dẫn, lôi - monument (n): đài tưởng niệm, tượng đài - traditional (adj): thuộc truyền thống - ancient (adj): cổ xưa - resort (n): khu an dưỡng, khu nghỉ mát - admire (v): chiêm ngưỡng, ngắm nhìn Answer key: Mon: Bangkok and Singapore Tue: Singapore Wed: Jakarta Thu: Bali Fri: Bali Sat: Hong Kong Sun: back to Ha Noi Tape transcript: On Monday, I flew to Bangkok and then to Singapore I stayed Monday and Tuesday nights in a hotel Then on Wednesday, I flew to Jakarta I stayed overnight and on Thursday I flew to Bali I stayed there Thursday and Friday On Friday night, I went to a cultural show and saw some Balinese dancers On Saturday, I flew to Hong Kong I was there overnight On Sunday, I finally flew back to Ha Noi A4 Listen and read Then answer the questions The teacher and Ss’s activities - T asks Ss to play game “Networks” - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss play game - T corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - Ss look at the picture - T asks Ss listen to the tape - Ss listen - T asks Ss to complete this pilot’s schedule with the correct place names - Ss work in groups - Ss complete - T checks and corrects the mistakes (94) a The passage mentions three kinds of tourist attractions What are they? b What kinds of attractions you prefer? Answer: a The three kinds of tourists attractions mentioned in the passage are ancient monuments, shows and resorts b (Student’s answer) - T asks Ss listen to the tape - Ss listen - T asks Ss to read the text - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes - Ss write the answers in the notebook Consolidation: - T asks Ss to work in groups to list some kinds of attractions in Viet Nam you may prefer - Ss work in groups and list some kinds of attractions in Viet Nam - T corrects the mistakes Ex: - I may prefer the [ beaches ] - I may prefer the food - I may prefer the monuments Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B1” Leader’s signature Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 29/04/2012 Week: 35 Date of teaching: Period: 98 Class: 07 UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES Section A: Famous people (B1) (95) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about the famous people in Asia II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: fly, stay overnight,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Listening, speaking, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson The contents of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities Warm up: - Do you know the famous people in the - T asks Ss some questions to warm battle? up - Do you know anything about them? - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes Presentation: B1 Listen Then practice with a partner: New words: + History quiz ( n ): thi lịch sử + General ( n ): đại tướng + People’s Army of Viet Nam ( n ): quân đội nhân dân việt nam + Lead ( v ): lãnh đạo + Commander in chief ( n ): tổng huy + Forces ( n ): lực lượng + defeat ( v ): đánh bại - Checking “ Rub out and remember ” + Who is in the picture? + Do you know anything about this person? + Which victory is the picture about? - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss the questions to introduce the new lesson - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes (96) * Answer key: a False (Liz knows nothing about General Giap.) b False (The people’s Army of Viet Nam defeated the French in 1954.) c True (The people’s Army of Viet Nam won the battle of Dien Bien Phu.) d False (General Giap was born in 1911.) e True f False (Ba will lend Liz some history books.) - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen - T asks Ss to role play - Ss role play and practice with a partner - T asks Ss to check the right column Then correct the false sentences - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss check and correct - T checks and corrects the mistakes Consolidation: - T asks Ss to remind the information about General Giap - Ss remind - T checks and gives feedback Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B2” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 29/04/2012 Week: 35 Date of teaching: Period: 99 Class: 07 UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES Section B: Famous people (B2) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice the dialogue about Liz and Ba to understand the general details II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Speaking, listening, reading and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups (97) - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson The content of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities Warm up: * Play game “Networks” - T asks Ss to play game “Networks” - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss play game Famous - T corrects the mistakes person Presentation: B2 Practice: - Do you like these players? Why? Do you know anything about them? a Complete this dialogue with the words in the box Then practice with a partner Hoa: Do you like Romario? Lan: No, not very much I prefer Pele Hoa: Why? Lan: Because Pele is a better player then Romario Hoa: I guess so Lan: What about you? Hoa: My favorite player is Micheal Jordan Lan: Really? Hoa: yes I think he is very fast * Questions: - Who does Lan prefer? Why? - Who is Hoa’s favorite player? b Now make your own dialogues about famous people you know The adjectives in the box will help you A: Do you like My Tam” B: No, not very much I prefer My Linh A: Why you prefer My Linh? B: Because she sings better than My - T asks Ss the questions to introduce the new lesson - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss to read the dialogue - Ss read - T asks Ss to complete the dialogue with the words in the box - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss complete - Ss practice the dialogue with a partner - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T asks Ss the questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - T explains the exercises - Ss survey - T asks Ss to make your own dialogues about famous people you know - Ss make - T corrects the mistakes (98) Tam Consolidation: - T asks Ss to remind the content of the lesson - Ss remind - T checks and gives feedback Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “B4,5” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 29/04/2012 Week: 35 Date of teaching: Period: 100 Class: 07 UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES Section B: Famous people (B4,5) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to read for details about famous people and their biography By the end of the lesson , students will be able to listen for details about the biography of uncle Ho and read the text about Dien Bien Phu to understand the general details II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: electric light bulb, power station , gramophone,… III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, listening, speaking and writing IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson The contents of the lesson The teacher and Ss’s activities Warm up: Play game “Networks” (99) Famous people Presentation: B4 Read: * Vocabulary: - electric light bulb (n): bóng đèn điện - power station (n) : nhà máy điện - gramophone (n):máy hát đĩa - motion picture (n): phim ảnh - fairy tale (n):chuyện thần tiên * Answer the questions: 1.Who are they? 2.What are they doing? What are they talking about ? *Answer key: Thomas Edison was born in 1847 and died in 1931 He invented electric light bulb His other inventions were gramophone and motion pictures Andersen was born in 1805 and died in 1875 No His family was very poor He wrote novels, plays, poetry and travel books B5 Listen Complete the table Year Place Date of birth 1890 Kim Lien Left Viet Nam 1911 SaiGon Worked in hotel 1900s London Went to another 1917 Paris country Moved again 1923 Moscow Founded Vietnamese 1930 Guangz Communist Party - T asks Ss to play game “Networks” - Ss discuss with a partner - Ss play game - T checks and corrects the mistakes - T presents some new words - T reads model - Ss read again and give the meaning of the words - T checks intonation and rhythm - T asks Ss the questions - Ss answer - T corrects the mistakes - Ss read the sentences - T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss answer the questions - T corrects the mistakes - Ss look at the picture - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen to the tape - T asks Ss to complete the table (100) Formed Viet Minh front Became president Died 1941 Vietnam 1945 1969 Vietnam Ha Noi - Ss work in pairs or in groups - Ss complete - T checks and corrects the mistakes Tape transcript: Ho Chi Minh was born 1890 in Nge An Province, in the village of Kim Lien When he was twenty years old, he left Viet Nam and traveled to Africa, England and America After this, he worked in a hotel in London in the early 1900s then moved to Paris in 1917 He spent six years in Paris, one year in Moscow and then moved to Guangzhou He founded the Indochinese Communist Party when he was living in Guangzhou During the 1900s Ho Chi Minh continued to travel and after his return to Viet Nam he formed the Viet Minh Front 1941 Four years later, he became President of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam declared its independence Ho Chi Minh died in Ha Noi in 1969, but he will always be remembered by the Vietnamese people Consolidation: - T asks Ss to tell some famous people and events in Viet Nam - Ss tell - T checks and corrects the mistakes Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Language focus 5” Leader’s signature (101) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 06/05/2012 Week: 36 Date of teaching: Period: 101 Class: 07 LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able remember some grammar notes to the exercises II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, speaking and reading IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson Contents Activities 1/ Warm up : Greetings (102) Greetings Ask Ss some questions such as : + What did you yesterday ? + Did you watch TV last night ? + What did you during last summer vacation ? Remark and lead in new lesson 2/ Consolidation and practice : a)Past simple tense : -Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book and answer what they are doing -Call on some Ss to answer the questions in front of the class i.Watch TV / k Eat at a restaurant / l.Go to the movie theatre m.Read books / n Play soccer -Have Ss answer the questions , using the pictures Make example : S1: Did you your homework last night ? S2: No, I didn’t I watched TV -Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Correct and give the correct answers a) Did you eat dinner at home on Wednesday ? No, I didn’t I ate dinner at a restaurant b) Did you go to school yesterday ? No, I didn’t I went to the movie theatre c) Did you watch a video on the weekend ? No, I didn’t I read books d) Did you play basketball yesterday ? No, I didn’t I played soccer Ask Ss to write in the notebooks b)Indefinite quantifiers : -Have Ss repeat the indefinite quantifiers and the use - Ask them to exercise  Write the correct expression -Ask Ss to write the correct expression , using the pictures -Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class - Correct and give the correct answers : -Answer T’s questions - Look at the pictures and answer what they are doing -Answer the questions -Work in pairs -Practice in front of the class Write down -Repeat the indefinite quantifiers and the use - Do exercise Write the correct expression Give the answer Write down in the notebooks -Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues - Work in pairs -Practice in front of the class -Repeat the use of too, either , so and neither -Practice the dialogues in pairs -Practice in front of the class - Play a game groups take part in the game Make sentences with the words , using too, so , either and neither (103) + A little coffee + A lot of salt + A lot of tea + Too much water + A little sugar -Ask Ss to write in the notebooks  Complete the dialogues : Have Ss look at the pictures and then complete the dialogues - Have Ss work in pairs -Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class /Remark c+ d) Too and either / So and neither Ask Ss to repeat the use of too/ so / either and neither - Have Ss practice the dialogues in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice in front the class - Have Ss play a game : Noughts and Crosses Mangoes Bananas Papaya v x Corn Spinach potatos Fish Chitchen beef -Remark and ask Ss to write sentences in the notebooks EX: S1: I like mangoes S2: So I / I , too S1: I don’t like bananas S2 : I don’t , either / Neither I e) Imperatives : - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and complete the instructions - explain some new words : + To Peel ( v ) /+ To mix ( v ) /+ Vinegar (n) -Call on some Ss to give their result in front of the class -Correct and give the answer key : a) peel / e) Add/ b.Wash / f) Stir b) Slice / g) Wait / c.Mix *HOW MUCH IS IT ? *Form : How much is it / are they ? It is / They are + price How much +be + S ? (How much + do/ does + S + cost?) à It’s/ They’re +( price ) *Use: Ask and answer about the prices *The simple past tense : *Form: To be( was/were)… S + V_ed … Write down -Look at the pictures and complete the instructions -Listen and write down Give the answer Write down in the notebooks Two groups take part in the game -Listen to the teacher -Read the questions in the book and guess the answers ( work in groups) -Give the predictions -Listen and check the predictions -Listen and write down -Read new words in chorus and individually, guess meaning then copy down - Ss to answer some qs about the use, form of the simple past tense : Give the answers Check the answers Write the answers in the notebooks -Look at the picture and answer the questions Give the answers Look at the book and listen to the tape (104) V_qkbqt … *Use: Diễn tả hành động xảy và kết thúc thời điểm , khoảng thời gian xác định quá khứ - T asks ss to write the past form of the verbs in the table (p.97) Eg : buy > bought Note : Ordinary verbs are divided into kinds :  regular verbs (- ed ) / (-d)  irregular verbs - T asks ss to ex b (p.97-98) - T gets feedback * Answer key : b, played / talked / bought / worked / sent c, help my mom and study English *.More / Less and fewer : * More + countable noun ( nhiều hơn) * Fewer + countable noun ( ít hơn) * Less + uncountable noun (ít hơn) Asks ss to say the use of those then write the sentences according to the pictures Eg : Before : there were bananas Now : there are fewer bananas * Prepositions :* Matching: near a bên trái opposite b gần between c bên phảii beside/ next to d đối diện to the right e to the left f bên cạnh T asks ss to retell some prepositions then look at the map and write the location of each store a Eg : The restaurant is next to the bookstore *Why-because… Why + do/does + S + V …? - Because + S + V… *Model sentences : + What was wrong with you ? I had a headache + What was wrong with her ? She had a bad cold  Note : Hỏi và trả lời tình trạng sức khỏe : What + was wrong with + pronoun? S + had + ( sickness ) * word cue drill : Lan/ headache She/ toothache Read the text in silent Read the text aloud -Complete the story with the suitable words Exchange the result with the partner Ex: He plays soccer (good/ well) He’s a (good/ well) player - (to) play – player - (to) run – runner - (to) cycle – cyclist *Examples: S1 : What was wrong with Lan ? S2 : She had a heachache **a S1 : I like spinach and cucumbers S2 : So I / I do, too b S1 : I don’t like pork S2 : Neither I/ I don’t, either a Thích: I do, too So I b.Không thích : I don’t either Neither I -Give the answers in front of the class Listen to the teacher -Write homework - Retell the content of the lesson individually - Copy down homework Listen carefully Write homework (105) He/ flu You/ a cold Ba/ stomachache  Model sentences : Position of adv of manner: - S + V + (O) + adv of manner - S + be/ look … + adj - (a/ an) + adj + N  Gammar: Ex: Adj + ly = adv of manner bad – badly Slow – slowly But good – well  Note : Express preferences :  ( Diễn tả ý thích ko thích ) + S + auxilary V, too So, auxilary V + not + either + S + auxilary V + not + either Neither + auxilary V + S *Grammar: + S + ought to/ must/ can/ should + V(inf ) + S + shouldn’t/ ought not to + V(inf) * Note : hỏi sở thích What would you like to + v (inf) ? I’d like to + V ( inf ) + N (ten phim ) * Model sentences : What kinds of programs you like? I like program about teenagers * Note : Hỏi và trả lời ctrinh TV bạn thích What kinds of programs do/ does + S + like ? - S + like(s) + program about + Chương trình *Model Sentences: Don’t spend too much time in the arcade No, I won’t * Note : Lời khuyên , Câu mệnh lệnh - Don’t spend too much time in + place Nhận lời : No I won’t Consolidation: - T asks Ss to repeat the structures which the students have learnt and retell the main points of this lesson Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Revision” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 06/05/2012 (106) Week: 36 Period: 101* Class: 07 Date of teaching: REVISION I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able remember some grammar notes to the exercises II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, speaking and reading IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson A GRAMMAR: I/ Present simple tense Form: S + V ( s/ es ) + O Ex: a She has a lot of friends in Hue b She doesn’t have any friends in Ha Noi c She misses her parents very much Use: II/ Present progress tense Form: S + am/is/are + V- ing + O Ex: a She is reading book now b They are playing tennis c I am doing my math homework Use: III/ So/ Too/ Either/ Neither a I’m in class 7A So am I / I am, too b I like banana So I/ I do, too c I don’t like pork (107) Neither I/ I don’t, either IV/ Question words a Where is she from? b What is your family name? c How old are you? d Who are you? e Why is Hoa unhappy? f Who is it? g How many room are there? h How much is it? V/ Future tense Form: S + Will + V-inf + Ex: a Will you be free tomorrow? Yes, I will b What time will it start? It will start at c I won’t happy Use: VI/ Date June eighth I will be 14 on my next birthday VII/ Past simple tense With “ To be” * I/ He/ She/ It + Was * You/ We/ They + Were Ex: How was your vacation in Nha Trang? It was wonderful Ex: Were you tired after the trip? No, I wan’t ( = was not ) With ordinary verbs S + V ( ed/ P1 ) + Ex: They saw sharks, dolphins and turtles My uncle didn’t ( = did not ) cut my hair Where did you buy it? Consolidation: - T asks Ss to answer some questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Revision” Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Date of preparation: 06/05/2012 (108) Week: 36 Period: 102 Class: 07 Date of teaching: REVISION I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able remember some grammar notes to the exercises II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, speaking and reading IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson B EXERCISES: * Activity 1: Supply the correct tense for the verbs in brackets I prefer (play) ……………… soccer They (not do) ……………… their homework yesterday Lan (be) …………………… at home last night His father (buy) …………… him a new bike last week He often ( watch) …………… TV in the morning He usually (drive) ……………… carefully My brother (buy) …………me a new watch on my last birthday How long you (stay) …………in Dalat? – For about weeks We (not go) …………to the cinema last night because we (be) …………busy 10 Tom (watch) …………TV every night Yesterday he (watch) …………it in the afternoon because there (be) …………an exciting football match on TV But now he (lie) …………on the sofa reading a newspaper * Activity 2: Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition Hoa’s getting used …………the busy city traffic Do you often help your mother …………the housework? I’m really interested …………Vietnamese history We need some vegetables …………dinner * Activity 3: Make questions for the underlined words Most children feel scared when they come to see a dentist (109) I prefer listening to music at night \ I’d like to buy a pair of shoes We go to the concert once a week * Activity 4: Combine each pair of sentences into one, using “so, too, either, neither” I will go to the seaside at weekend Hoa will go there at weekend She isn’t playing games now He isn’t playing games now She didn’t stay up late Her children didn’t stay up late He drinks coffee every morning She drinks coffee every morning 2) Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences I / taking / part / activities / in / prefer / outdoor is / a / cowboy / There / film / at / theater / the / new / age Consolidation: - T asks Ss to answer some questions - Ss answer - T checks and corrects the mistakes Homework: - Learning the lesson by heart - Doing the homework - Preparing the next period lesson “Revision” Leader’s signature (110) Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Week: 37 Period: 103 Class: 07 REVISION Date of preparation: 06/05/2012 Date of teaching: I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able remember some grammar notes to the exercises II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, speaking and reading IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson A EXERCISES: I Listening: * Listen Then choose the best answer For her lunch, Lan had ……… with noodles a beef b rice c vegetables Ba drank some ……… a juice b tea c water (111) Nga ate ……… and vegetables a meat b fish c rice Hoa had noodles and some …… a noodles b fruitc beef Tape transcript: For her lunch, Lan had beef with noodles and vegetables She had juice too Ba choose fish and rice and some fruit He drank some water Nga ate rice and vegetables and drank juice Hoa had noodles and some fruit She had juice, too * Listen Then complete the passage Dr Lai is a (1)……… at Quang Trung school She looks after all the students’ teeth Dr Lai’s office is clean and so (2)…… her uniform She always washes her hands after each child leaves Many children are scared when they come to (3)…… doctor Lai, but she is a kind woman She explains (4) …… will happen so they are not afraid Dr Lai gives the children advice She tells them how to look after their teeth She reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly Tape transcript: Dr Lai is a dentist at Quang Trung school She looks after all the students’ teeth Dr Lai’s office is clean and so is her uniform She always washes her hands after each child leaves Many children are scared when they come to see doctor Lai, but she is a kind woman She explains what will happen so they are not afraid Dr Lai gives the children advice She tells them how to look after their teeth She reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly * Listen and write the time Programs a Children’s programs b Early News c Weather forecast d The World Today e Movie: ‘A Fistful of Dollars’ Time …… …… …… …… …… Tape Transcript: a Children’s program starts at five b The early News is at six c The weather forecast is at ten past six d The World Today is at quarter past six e The movie: ‘A Fistful of Dollars’ starts at seven II Reading:  A French oceanographer (nhà hải dương học), Jacques Cousteau (1910-1977), invented a deep-sea diving vessel in the early 1940s In the vessel, he could explore the oceans of the world and study underwater life Now we can explore the oceans using special TV camera as well We can learn more about the undersea world thanks to this invention * Questions: What did Jacques Cousteau do? à…………………………………………………………………… When was he born? à…………………………………………………………………… (112) What did he invent? à…………………………………………………………………… What could he in the vessel? à…………………………………………………………………… * True or False? He is an engineer c He was born in 1920 c He doesn’t invent a deep – sea diving vessel c We can explore more the undersea life thanks to the deep – sea diving vessel c  In 1960s most people in Viet Nam did not have a TV set The TV owners were very popular After dinner, the neighbors gathered both inside and outside their houses Some watched through the windows All evening, they sat and black and white programs The older people might sleep a little and the children might play with their friends, but no one went home until the TV programs finished Times have changed Today, many families have a TV set People sit in their own living rooms and watch TV Life is more comfortable now, but many neighbors don’t spend much time together any more * True or False? Most people in Viet Nam have a TV set in 1960s c The TV owners were popular c Today, Viet Nam is different c People don’t spend much time together any more c * Questions: 1) Did many people in Viet Nam have a TV set in 1960s? 2) Where did the TV owner’s neighbors gather after dinner? 3) Where people watch TV now?  Last summer they went to Nha Trang They stayed at sunshine hotel for three days In the morning, Tuan played football with his father on the beach Hoa and her mother walked along the beach and built sandcastles They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium and saw different kinds of fish there They also bought a lot of souvenirs for friends * True or False? They stayed at sunshine hotel for two days c In the afternoon, Tuan played football with his father on the beach c Tuan and her mother walked along the beach c They also bought a lot of souvenirs for friends c * Questions: Did they go to Nha Trang last summer? How long did they stay at sunshine hotel? Who did Tuan play football with? Did they buy a lot of fish for friends ? (113) * Hoa watched Mrs Mai make her dress She though sewing was a useful hobby She decided to learn how to sew Hoa bought some material She learned how to use a sewing machine and made a cushion for her armchair It was blue and white Next, Hoa made a skirt It was green with flowers on it It looked very pretty Hoa tried it on but it didn’t fit It was too big Hoa’s neighbor helped her and then it fitted very well Now, Hoa has a useful new hobby, she wears the things she makes Write (T) if it is true, (F) if it is false a …… Hoa watched Mrs Mai make her dress b …… She thought sewing wasn’t a useful hobby c …… She learned how to use a washing machine d …… A cushion is blue and white Answer the questions a What did she make next? → b What color was it? → c How did it look? → d What was the problem? → Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Week: 37 Period: 104 Class: 07 REVISION Date of preparation: 06/05/2012 Date of teaching: I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able remember some grammar notes to the exercises II LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1-Grammar: Review 2-Vocabulary: Review III LANGUAGE SKILLS: Writing, listening, speaking and reading IV TEACHING AIDS: 1-Teacher: Extra boards, pictures, castle player and tape 2-Students: Studying and preparing the lesson at home before go to the class V METHODS: - Communicative method - Using visual aids - Work in pairs or in groups - Teaching vocabulary VI PROCEDURES: 1- Taking attendance - Greeting class and introducing teacher - Checking up the attendance 2- Checking up the previous lesson 3- New lesson A EXERCISES: I Language focus: * Choose the best answer: Vocabulary: 1) She looks tired What’s the with her? (114) A matter B wrong C happen D thing 2) Yesterday Hoa went to the dentist’s because she had a A headache B toothache C stomachache D cold 3) To a cold, eat well and exercise A prevent B bring C cure D take 4) I failed the exam because I didn’t learn A good B well C goodly D hardly 5) Are you free Friday? A in B on C at D about 6) A balanced diet is good your health A to B with C for D at 7) Are you free Friday? A in B on C at D about 8) Hoa’s aunt cut her hair She is a A hairdresser B dressmaker C neighbor D dentist 9) If you want to know how the weather is tomorrow, watch the A the world today B news C children’s programs D weather forecast 10)The ………………… of the cold are a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing A appearances B cures C symptoms D notes 11)Brushing teeth regularly is good …………… your teeth A to B with C for D on 12)She talked to her friends …………………….……… her vacation in Da Lat A about B on C with D at Grammar: 13)They very happy yesterday A is B was C were D be 14)Children shouldn’t much time on video games A spend B to spend C spending D spent 15) to have dinner at my house? – Yes I’d love to A Do you like B What about C Should we D Would you like 16)Why don’t we badminton? A play B to play C played D playing 17)He isn’t tired, and am I A too B so C either D neither 18)Hoa likes bananas, and her aunt does, A too B so C either D neither 19)My father is a football player A skill B skillful C skillfully D well 20)I don’t like pork, and my sister doesn’t like A too B so C either D neither 21)He ………………… very happy yesterday A is B were C was D to be 22)I had a bad stomachache because I didn’t wash the spinash ……………… A good B well C goodly D badly 23)My mother didn’t wash it but I ……………… A did B didn’t C D does 24)Stop, please That is too ………………… coffee (115) A many B much C lots of D lot 25)He doesn’t like candy, I…………………… A don’t neither B don’t either C don’t, too D so 26)She likes bananas, ……………………… her mother A so is B either does C so does D does too 27)Her brother plays soccer very………………… A good B better C well D bad 28)What about…………………………………… to see the detective movie tonight? A to go B going C go D went 29)How ………………………………… is it from Hue to Da Nang? A long B far C big D wide * Supply the correct form of the verbs: 1) I would like (eat) some bananas 2) We should (do) morning exercises regularly 3) Yesterday, Hoa and her aunt (go) to the market 4) When you (buy) this hat?- Two days ago 5) Last year, Hoa (be) good student 6) You (be) twelve last year? – Yes, I (be) 7) I (live) in Nha Trang 10 years ago 8) Mr Hoa (fly) to Washington DC tomorrow 9) Miss Lan (get) a new job last month 10)What your father (do) now ?- He (read) .newspapers 11) Mr.green always (go) to work by bus 12) Be careful! The car (come) 13) It (not rain) .in the dry season 14) His uncle (teach) English in our school five years ago 15) They (have) lunch in the cafeteria now 16) The children should (spend) only a small part of their free time (play) video games 17) My English teacher (get) a bad cold last week 18) They (not go) to the movies last Sunday 19) The police can (identify) the robbers by ( study) video games 20) My little sister (drink) milk every morning * Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning : 1) My mother likes walking better than cycling My mother prefers 2) I don’t like the noise in the city and my friends don’t either I hate 3) Let’s go for a drink How about ? 4) They like to travel to Nha Trang on their vacation They enjoy 5) She doesn’t like playing volleyball She hates……………………………………………………………… 6) He is a good soccer player He ………………………………………………………………… 7) You should your homework before you play table tennis You ought…………………………………………………………………………… (116) 8) Miss Lien teaches very well Miss Lien is………………………………………………………………………… 9) Minh is a skillful swimmer Minh ……………………………………………………………………………… II Writing:Using the cue words to complete these sentences: some / you / Would / orange / like / juice? sports / Nam / taking / in / part / prefers is / He / good / soccer / a / player clean / I / my / should / room the / Most / world’s surface / of / water / is Did / Nam / this /yesterday / write / essay / ? we / Nowadays,/ at / wear / work / uniforms Most of students / this / tomorrow /answer / will / question went / Nam / Ha Long Bay / week / last 10 can / vegetables / people/ sick / the / make / dirt / on 11 What / kinds / programs / of / he / like / does / ? 12 yesterday / my / I / to / talked / mother 13 She / ought to / wash / iron / clothes / and / her 14 last / stay / He / at / home / summer / didn’t 15 chickens / for / raised / their small plan / the pupils of class 7a / last summer 16 fruit tree / some of them / planted / and vegetables 17 to make / who / more interesting / wanted / the meeting ? 18 always / younger sister / keeps / my / her room / tidy Teacher: Nguyễn Chí Thiện Week: 37 The second examination Class: Period: 105 I Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use their knowledge to complete the written test II Language content: Grammar: Review the studied knowledge Vocabulary: Learned words from unit to unit 14 III Language skills: Reading, writing, listening skills IV Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette,… V Procedures: Check attendance Oral checking: No checking New lesson: MATRIX thông hiểu Chủ đề Nội dung cụ thể nhận biết TN I - Listen Then TL TN TL câu vận dụng Cấp độ cấp độ cao thấp TN TL TN TL (117) Listenin g II Reading complete the passage - Read the passage: + Write true (T) or False (F) with the sentences + Answer the questions câu điểm III - choose the best câu Languag answer to complete e Focus the sentences điểm - complete the sentences with the correct form of the words Use “present simple tense, present progressive tense, future simple, past simple, prepositions (in, on, of, at), gerund (like, prefer) and vocabulary (appearances, cures, symptoms, detective) IV - Write the sentences Writing with the words given tổng câu điểm (20%) câu điểm điểm câu 1.5 điểm câu điểm câu 1.5 điể m 15 câu 5.5 điểm (55%) câu 2.5 điểm (25%) NỘI DUNG I LISETNING: Listen Then complete the passage (2.0marks) Dr Lai is a (1)……… at Quang Trung school She looks after all the students’ teeth Dr Lai’s office is clean and so (2)…… her uniform She always washes her hands after each child leaves Many children are scared when they come to (3)…… doctor Lai, but she is a kind woman She explains (4)…… will happen so they are not afraid Dr Lai gives the children advice She tells them how to look after their teeth She reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly II READING: Read the passage In 1960s most people in Viet Nam did not have a TV set The TV owners were very popular After dinner, the neighbors gathered both inside and outside their houses Some watched through the windows All evening, they sat and black and white programs The older people might sleep a little and the children might play with their friends, but no one went home until the TV programs finished Times have changed Today, many families câu điể m (118) have a TV set People sit in their own living rooms and watch TV Life is more comfortable now, but many neighbors don’t spend much time together any more * Write True (T) or False (F) with the sentences.(1.0mark) Most people in Viet Nam have a TV set in 1960s c The TV owners were popular c Today, Viet Nam is different c People don’t spend much time together any more c * Questions (1.5 marks) 2) Did many people in Viet Nam have a TV set in 1960s? 3) Where did the TV owner’s neighbors gather after dinner? 4) What the children in the evening? III LANGUAGE FOCUS: * Choose the best answer to complete the sentences (2.0 marks) Are you free……… Friday? a in b on c at The…………of the cold are a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing a appearances b cures c symptoms They……… very happy yesterday a is b was c were What about………….to see the detective movie tonight? a going b go c to go To………….a cold, eat well and exercises a prevent b bring c take Children shouldn’t…………… much time on video games a spend b to spend c spending Yesterday, Hoa went to the dentist because she had a………… a headache b toothache c cold How……………is it from Hue to Da Nang? – It’s about 300 kilometers a longb far c high * Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (1.0 marks) I (live)……… in Nha Trang 10 years ago What is your father (do)……… now? Mr Green always (go)…………to work by bus It (not, rain)…………….in the dry season IV WRITE: Write the sentences with words given (2.5 marks) some/ you/ Would/ orange/ like/ juice? is/ He/ good/ soccer/ a/ player What/ kinds/ programs/ of/ he/ like/ does? Yesterday/ my/ I/ to/ talked/ mother always/ young sister/ keeps/ my/ her room/ tidy Leader’s signature (119) (120)

Ngày đăng: 04/06/2021, 20:55


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