Version 00 Date Declarationofliability Managementhandbook 01 - Chapter 03 Page 1 of 4 Declarationofliability Purpose and range of application The available management manual HQU 01 documents are the fundamentals of the quality and environmental policy that TIGER Coatings in the principal Firm Wels as well as the regulations and procedure for the safeguard and statement of the customer/environmental request for appropriate quality of the products and activities. As basis serves the ISO according to 9000/14000 – series, the statement degree ISO 9001/14001 as well as demands of our customers going beyond it. The points of the standard ISO 9001 " 7,5,2 validating the processes " and " 7,5,4 property of the customer " are excluded, since they are not applicable to the activities in the TIGER factory. All production processes in the TIGER factory are sufficiently controlled by integrated and following checks. This management manual is obligatory on all persons, products and services that TIGER: Mr. Ing. Berghofer 01,07,2001 E development Mr. Prok. Dr. Freiseisen 01,07,2001 A administration Mr. Prok. Farmer 01,07,2001 P production/environment Mr. Prok. Engineer Knoll 01,07,2001 Q quality department Mr. Prok. Strouhal 01,07,2001 I sales - industry Mr. Prok. Poeschl 01,07,2001 I Europ. Addresses Mr. Prok. Kokot 01,07,2001 V sales DIY Mr. Reisenberger 01,07,2001 D EDP Mr. dipl. Ing. Steiner 01,07,2001 I asiatic addresses additional declarations ofliability because of modifications of the family tree. Name date place signature Mr. Ing. Mathe 01,09,2001 quality departments Prok. Ebenberger, MBA 01,09,2001 Sales & marketing Version 00 Date Declarationofliability Managementhandbook 01 - Chapter 03 Page 2 of 4 Application agreement The following functions have agreed to the application of the manual in the available form and are therefore responsible for the adherence to the management manual in their functional area: Name Date Place Signature Hr. Ing. Berghofer 01.07.2001 Development Hr. Prok. Dr. Freiseisen 01.07.2001 A Administration Hr. Prok. Bauer 01.07.2001 P Production/Environment Hr. Prok. Ing. Knoll 01.07.2001 Q Quality Hr. Prok. Strouhal 01.07.2001 I Verkauf - Industrie Hr. Prok. Pöschl 01.07.2001 I Europ. Niederlassungen Hr. Prok. Kokot 01.07.2001 V Verkauf- DIY Hr. Reisenberger 01.07.2001 D E Version 00 Date Declarationofliability Managementhandbook 01 - Chapter 03 Page 3 of 4 Hr. Dipl. Ing. Steiner 01.07.2001 I Asiatic Plants Version 00 Date Declarationofliability Managementhandbook 01 - Chapter 03 Page 4 of 4 Additional declarations ofliability because of modifications of the organigram Name Date Place Signature Hr. Ing. Mathe 01.09.2001 Quality Prok. Ebenberger, MBA 01.09.2001 Sales & Marketing The remaining declarations ofliability remain upright also after modification of the field with the old signatures. . Version 00 Date Declaration of liability Managementhandbook 01 - Chapter 03 Page 1 of 4 Declaration of liability Purpose and range of application The. Date Declaration of liability Managementhandbook 01 - Chapter 03 Page 4 of 4 Additional declarations of liability because of modifications of the organigram