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-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks.. - T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes.. - T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning, th[r]


Date of preparing:Sunday -27th-Feb-2011 Date of teaching:

7A:Wednesday-2nd-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6 7B:Tuesday-3rd-Mar-2011

7C :Wednesday-2nd-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

Period: 71: Unit 12 :ET'S EAT !


1 The aim of the lesson


-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about health -The simple past tense

-Food and vegetables vocabulary b Skills

- Reading and speaking skill c.Educations

-Students like to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks


-Old lesson,new lesson 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson

-No question

+Warm up.

( ms


-call some student go to board and play the game -"Braistorming"(3ms) spinach


Food vegetables

-Give the remarks and give marks b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities +Pre-reading.(9ms)

-Pre teach vocabulary - "What and Where" -.Open prediction

T gives a question to asks Ss to predict

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes



+While-reading.(8ms) Activity 1:

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Activity 2:

- Introduc grammar - ""Wh-questions"

1 What's matter with Ba ? Are his parents O.K ? Did his Mom eat spinach ? Dis his Mom wash the spinach

well ?

5 Why must we wash the spinach well ?

_- T gives a game " Hang man " to ask Ss to practice

+Pre-listening.(5ms) -Open prediction

T asks Ss to predict what Lan, ba, hoa ate and drank

Name of food and drink

Lan Ba Nga Hoa

noodles beef juice rice


-T turns on the tape to asks Ss to listen and check their prediction

+Post-listening.(5ms) - "Find s.o who"

Find s.o who

ate yesterday Name

fish Hoa


- Copying the words .-sick- ốm

-medicine- thuốc -soup - súp -dirt - bẩn

-Check vocab Past simple tense S+V(ed,past

- Working in pairs to predict what Ba ate yesterday

- Comparing & Giving the keys - Working in pairs to ask & answering the questions

- Giving the answer by asking & answering in pairs

- Correcting the answers Answer keys:

1.He had an awful stomachache 2.Yes, they are fine

3.No, she didn’t

4.No, she didn’t wash it 5.It often have dirt from the farm.

- Working in individual then in pairs & in groups to predict what Lan, Ba, Hoa, Nga ate & drank


noodles vegetables

beef fruit

Example exchange:

Lan: Did you eat fish yesterday ? Hoa: Yes, I did


-T controls and corrects -T corrects

- Listening to the dialogue & get the idea

- Listening to the dialogue & check the prediction

*Answer key:

Lan: noodles, vegetables, juice Ba: fish, rice, fruit, water Nga: rice, vegetables, juice Hoa: noodles, fruit, juice

-Ss work individually - in pairs - in groups


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak

again the main of this content Listen to the T d.Homework :(1ms)

- Learning by heart all newwords

- Preparing new lesson: Unit 12: B3-4 - Do exercise in books


Date of preparing:Sunday -27th-Feb-2011 Date of teaching:

7A:Wednesday-2nd-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6 7B:Tuesday-1st-Mar-2011

7C:Tuesday-1st-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6 Period: 72

Unit 12 : LET'S EAT ! OUR FOOD :B4-5

1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about diet and practice writing a menu for meals

-Practising writing a menu for meals b Skill

- Reading skill c.Educations

-Students like to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks


-Old lesson,new lesson Proceduce.

a.Old lesson -No question +Warm up(5


What you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner ? fish

breakfast lunch dinner

bread meat

-chech and give remarks

b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities +Pre-reading.(15ms)

-Pre teach

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation


Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.Check vocab

- "Slap the board"

c.T/F statement prediction

a) Sugar isn't an healthy food b) We eat moderate amount of fatty

food and suger

c) Meat and dairy products are not body building foods

d) Eat plenty of cereals fruit and vegetables

e) Eat too much food you enjoy d.Presentation text: B2 – P120

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the dialogue

- Asks Ss to read the dialogue in individual & check their prediction & correct the prediction

- Corrects & comments +While-reading.(16ms) Activity 1:

-T asks Ss to read the text and check the prediction

Activity 2:

-T asks Ss to read the text again and

answer the questions: a, b, c P.120 B2-text book

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer by asking & answering in pairs

- Corrects & comments Questions:

1 Name two advantages of eating sugar ?

2 Is a balanced diet alone enough for a

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words .energy

-a balanced diet -moderate amount -body-building food

-dairy product -fatty food

-Ss read and predict the sentences

- Reading the dialogue in individual & check their prediction

- Correcting the keys

-Ss read the text and corect *Answer key:


healthy lifestyle ?

3 Do you think your diet is balanced ? Why ? Why not ?

+Post-reading.(7ms) - B3 -P.120 -text book

(After Ss write the new menu,ask them to compare it with the menu they write at the beginning of the lesson and decide what they should eat for eat meal.)

- T controls and corrects

c) F d) T e) F

- Working in pairs to ask & answering the questions

- Giving the answer by asking & answering in pairs

- Correcting the answers * Answer keys:

1.It adds taste to food & gives energy

2.No, it isn’t Because all people need exercise to keep the life healthy

3.No, she didn’t

I think my diet is balanced / not balanced because

- Working in groups to discuss - Reporting the ideals


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak

again the main of this content Listen to the T d.Homework :(1ms)

- Learning by heart all newwords

- preparing LANGUAGE FOCUS for the next lesson

- Do exercise


Date of preparing:Sunday -


thh:22:04 A6/P6




Date of teaching:

Ah:22:04 A6/P6 Friday-4th -Mar-2011

B Tuesday-3rd-Mar-2011 C Friday-4th -Mar-201 h:22:04

A6/P6 Period: 73


1 The aims of the lesson a.Knowledges

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to remind all knowledge from unit to unit 12

- The simple past tense -Indefinite quantifiers

- Too and either/ So and neither b.Skills

- Reading and speaking skill


-Students like to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks


-Old lesson,new lesson 3 Proceduces.

a.Old lesson( ms)

-Call some S go to board and write the newwords in the last lesson -Body-buildin( ps)

-Energy-giving (4 ps) -Protective( ps)

-look and remarks then give marks +Warm up (2ms)

-Ask students some quetions -what did you yesterday? -I went out with my friend b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities +The simple past tense.(12ms)

-T asks ss to give the example , structure, use


I ate pork last night

She went to school last week - T asks ss to exercise *Answer key:

.No,I didn't I went to thr movie theater .No,I didn't I read book

-T corrects

+Indefinitequantifiers.(10ms) - T asks Ss how to use

- a little

- a lot of/ lots of - too much

T gives exercise and ask ss to (P.12 4)

+ Too and either.(5ms) + Too and either

-T asks Ss to give the way to use them Ex:

S1: i like pork

S2: I don't like cat, either .etc

+ so and neither.(5ms) + so and neither

-T asks Ss to give the way to use them Ex:

S1: I like cat,so does she

S2: I don't like cat, neither does she .etc

-T gives exercise P.127-128 -T controls and corrects

+ Indefinite quantifiers.

- Practicing in pairs & in pairs by asking & answering the questions with “NO” - Giving the answers

-Correcting the pronunciation

- Working in individual to use “A LITTLE – A LOT OF /


fill in the dialogue

- Comparing & giving the keys + Too and either

- Working in pairs to practice the dialogue

- Correcting the pronunciation

- Repeating in chorus & in individual

- Making sentences f + so and neither or the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs

- Correcting the pronunciation

- Repeating in chorus & in individual

- Making sentences for the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak

again the main of this content Listen to the T d.Homework :(2ms)

-Learning by heart all content

-Preparing new lesson: Unit 13:A1-2


Date of preparing:Sunday -6th-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A Wednesday-9th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

7B Tuesday-8th-Mar-2011

7C Tuesday-8th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6 Period: 74


1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details and the main ideas about the most popular sports in the USA

- The most popular sports in the USA b Skill

- Reading skill c.Educations

-Students like to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks


-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks Proceduces.

a.The old lesson -No question +Warm up

-all some student go to board and play the game -"Brainstorming"(5ms)

football Sports

-look and check then give the marks

11 b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities +Pre-reading.(15ms)

-Pre teach

T elicits to teach vocabulary

- T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example


- T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning, the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words -.Check vocab

- "Matching" - (Using pictures) c.Open prediction

-T asks Ss to predict what sports is the first choice and what sports is the tenth choice of teenagers in the USA

-T ticks the poster on the board

+While reading.(18ms) Activity 1:

T asks ss to read A1 P.129 -text book and check their prediction

Activity 2:

T asks ss to read A1 again and work in pairs to ask the questions:

?What sport is the third choice - the nineth choice?


-T asks Ss work individually - in pairs - in groups to list the most popular sports in Viet nam

-T controls and corrects

- Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words skate-boarding(n) - basketball(n) - rollerblading(n) - athletics : (n

-Ss predict


A.football B.volleyball C.skateboarding D.tennis

E.baseball F.swimming G.badminton H.roller-skating K.basketball I.rolleblading

- Ss read A1 (P129- textbook) and check their prediction

*Answer key: baseball: first swiming: tenth Example exchange:

S1: What sport is the third choice? S2: Roller-skating is the third choice



pairs-> in groups to list the most popular sports in Viet Nam


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak

again the main of this content Listen to the T d.Homework :(1ms)

-Learning by heart all newwords -Preparing new lesson: Unit 13: A2-3 - Do exercises


Date of preparing:Sunday -6th-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A Thursday-10th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6 7B Wednesday-9th-Mar-2011

7C Wednesday-9th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

Period: 75


1.The aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about sporting activities b Skills

- Reading and speaking

-Students like to study English more and more c.Educations

-Students like to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3 Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question +Warm up

call some student play the game(5ms) -"Guessing game"

I play tennis Ex:

S1: Do you play soccer? S2: No, I don't

S1: Do you play tennis? S2: Yes, I


-look and chech then give the marks if necessary b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities +Presentation.(15ms)

-Pre teach


meaning, using the situation & gives example

- T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times)

- T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning, the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words - T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary -.Check vocab

- "What and Where" -.Presentation text

- A3 P.131 (text book )

- T asks Ss to look at the picture of Kim Hue and answer the questions:

? Who is Kim Hue? ? How does she play? -

-T asks Ss to give their keys on the Bb

? What comes before the noun “Volleyball player”?

? Is it an adjective?

? What come after subject? ? Is it ordinary verb?

? What come after the ordinal verb?

+Practice.(16ms) - Picture drill

1) good/well 2) slow/slowly 3) quick/quickly 4) bad/badly +Production.(7ms)

-Ask students practieses pair or group anything they like to play

- Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words -Vocabulary

-skillful (adj) - slow (adj) - quick (adj) - safe (adj) - careful (adj) - careless (adj)

- (to) cycle

* Model sentences:

- She is a good volleyball player.

- Ss: She play well

- Ss look at the picture of Kim Hue and answer the questions: * Model sentences:

- She is a good volleyball player

- Ss: She play well * Formation:


S + Verb(e/es) + adv * Concept checking:

Adjectives come before a noun

- Adverbs come after the ordinary verb

- Ss repeat in choral

- Ss present the question and answer

- Ss work in pairs -> open pairs Example exchange:

She is a slow simmer She swims slowly etc

-listen then play c.feedback(1ms)

Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak

again the main of this content Listen to the T d.Homework :(1ms)

- Learning by heart all newwords

- Preparing new lesson: Unit 13: A4-5

- Do all exercise in books


Date of preparing:Sunday -6-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Friday-11-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

7B :Thursday-10-Mar-2011 7C :Friday-11-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6 Period: 76


1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about walking-one of the sports activities

b Skill

- Reading skill c.Educations

Students like to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks Proceduce

a.Old lesson(5ms)

- Call somne Students go to board and write adverbs corresponding to the adjectives - bad -> badly 1(pts)

- slow ->slowly 1(pts) - quick -> qickly 1(pts)

- safe ->safely 1(pts) - skillful ->skillfully 2(pts) - sudden -> suddenly 2(pts) - dangerous ->dangerously 2(pts) -listen then give marks

b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities +Pre -reading.(13ms)

-Pre teach

- T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation and gives example


- T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.Check vocab

- R.O.R

c.Open prediction

-T asks Ss to predict two activities of the club chieldren take part in

? Close your book

- T writes the questions the Bb and asks Ss to predict

- T asks Ss to work in groups of or +While -reading.(20ms)

Activity 1:

- A5 p.132-133 -text book Activity 2:

T asks Ss to read the text A5 P.132-133 and list some of the advice every kid should clearly remember when he/she swims in the swimming pool

-T controls and corrects

Activity 1:

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

*Answer key:

5) WFF: walking for fun

6) WTS day: walk to school day Activity 2:

-T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions a-f ( question c has been answerd in the pre stage)

-T gives a game "Hang man" to asks Ss to practice

- Ss repeat the words in chorus and in individual and correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words to) take part in

- (to) organize


- (to) volunteer

volunteer (n)

participant (n)

prize (n)

competition (n)

- Ss predict the answer of the question

- Ss work in groups of or

-Ss read the text A5 P.132-133 and list some of the advice every kid should clearly

remember when he/she swims in the swimming pool

- Ss read the text (A4-P132) and check their prediction

* Answers keys: a Walking


+Post- reading.(5ms)

-T asks Ss to practice in groups to dicuss the question" What sports activities you like best ? Why?"

- T controls and corrects

WTS is walk-to school day - Ss read the text again and answer the questions

- Ss work in groups of (one table)


a The writer takes part in Walking For Fun club/ walking

b Because last years, they won the 1st prize in a district walking competition; they were so happy and wished / wanted to keep this activity c One activity is a km walk/

walking 5km to the beach on Sunday morning; and the other is walk- to- school day d It’s km from school to the


e Wednesday is the WTS day f Members living near school often take part in the WTS day - Ss work in groups of or to discuss the question


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak

again the main of this content Listen to the T d.Homework :(1ms)

-Learning by heart all newwords -Preparing new lesson: Unit 13: B1-2


Date of preparing:Sunday 13rd-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Wednesday-16th -Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

7B :Tuesday-15th-Mar-2011

7C :Tuesday-15th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6 Period: 77


.1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to give advice and futher practice with making an invitation

- Using model verbs "can, must, should, ought to"

- Giving advice and futher practice with making an invitation b Skill

- Reading and speaking skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question +Warm up "(3ms) -"Slap the board

(using pictures P.134-135 -text book)

play tennis play badminton play volleyball play chess -Write the words on the board

-Call teams of students (6 students each team) to in front if class -Make sure they stand at an equal distance from the board

-Teacher calls out one word in Vietnamese, the two Ss must run forward and slap the word on the Bb

The one who slaps the correct word first is winner


Teacher's activities Students'activities +.Presentation(15ms)

- Vocabulary:

- T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example - T models and helps Ss to repeat

- T checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words - T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary

-Presentation text - B1 P.134

- Comprehension questions a d (P.134- text book)

- T gives a game "Shark attack" to practice You ought to finish it before I play table tennis

You must your homework first Structure:

+.Practice.(18ms) - "Word cue drill"

1) Lan/toothache - She/ought to/see doctor

2) Nam/somehomework - He/must/do/homework

3) Minh/late/school - He/should/get up/early

4) Ba/eat/too much/meat - He/ought to/eat/more/vegetables

+Production.(7ms) - B2 P.135 (text book)

- T asks Ss to work individually to change the underlined and then practice with a partner

T controls and corrects

- Ss repeat the words in chorus and in individual and correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning and the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words

- ought to = should (modal verb): nên

- must = have to (modal verb): phải

- paddle (n): vợt bong bàn

- Ss listen and read the dialogue at the same time - Ss work in pairs, practice the dialogue

Ss repeat

Model sentences: Form

Modal verbs + infinitive

S + ought


in choral

- Ss present the question and answer

- Ss work in pairs -> open pairs

Example exchange:

Lan has toothache She ought to see a doctor


- Ss open the books (P135)

- Ss change the underlined details

- Ss work in pairs -> open pairs

* Basketball

Ba: Come and play basketball, Nam? Nam: I’m sorry I don’t think I can

Ba: That’s too bad Why not? Nam: well, I should clean my room

Ba: Can you play on Friday? Nam: yes, I can

Ba: All right See you at seven Nam: OK Bye

Ba: Bye c.feedback(1ms)

Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again

the main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms)

-Learning by heart all content -Doing exercises in workbook

-Preparing new lesson: Unit 13: B3-4


Date of preparing:Sunday 13rd-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Thursday-17th- -Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

7B :Friday-18th-Mar-2011

7C :Friday-18th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

Period: 78


.1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about another kind of sports scuba -diving and futher practice with model verb "can/could"

- Another kind of sports scuba -diving -Practicing with model verb "can/could" b.Skill

- Reading skill

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks -Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question +Warm up"(3ms)

-"Matching 1.besaball 2.skateboarding 3.roller-skating 4.basketball 5.volleyball 6.badminton b.New lesson


-Pre teach

- T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example - T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times)

- T checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

- T helps Ss to practice the vocabularyb.Check vocab

- "What and Where" c.T/F prediction

- B3 P.137 (text book) + While -reading.(18ms) Activity 1:

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Activity 2:

-" Answer given" a minutes b.a long time c.1997

d.the early 1940s

e.spencial T.V cameras + Post-reading.(7ms)

- T asks Ss to write about invention Invention Verbs Sentences special

breathing equipment

-explore the

ocean before spencial breathing equipment we couldn't explore the ocean, we couldn't learn about the sea electricity -read at

night -watch T.V -use computer -listen to music Before electricity, we couldn't read at night


motorbike -travel far-get home Before the motorbike,we

- Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words

- (to ) stay underwat

- (to) invent: Phat minh

- invention (n) Su phat minh

- (to) explore: tham hiem

- scuba- diving :

- diver (n): tho lan

- ocean(n): Dai duong

- Ss work in groups of or to predict

- Ss read the text again and check their prediction

- Students make the suitable question

* Key:

a) Who could stay underwater for longer

two minutes?

b) How long can a diver stay underwater?



-visit places couldn't travel far Cousteau die?

- Students work

individually -> in groups c.feedback(1ms)

Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again

the main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms)

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson: Unit 14: A1-2


Date of preparing:Sunday 13rd-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Friday-18th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

7B :Thursday-17th-Mar-2011 7C :Friday-18th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6 Period: 79


.1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about freetime activities and expressing preferences, use "like/ prefer + to -infinitive"

-Freetime activities and expressing preferences -Using "like/ prefer + to -infinitive


- Reading skill.b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question

+ Warm up


read friends

play to the movie

have homework

go T.V

listen chess (play chess)

watch dinner

meet books


Teacher's activities Students'activities + Presentation.(15ms)


- T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation and gives example

- T models and helps Ss to repeat

- T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning, the pronunciation

- T corrects and asks Ss to copy the words - T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary -.Presentation dialogue

- A1 P.139

T asks Ss to read the dialogue carefully to get the main of this content

c.Model sentences:

-T sets a sence to give the model sentences My aunt and uncle don't like it

They prefer to other thing + Practice.(18ms)

-"word cue drill"

5) He/music - He/play sports 6) She/movies - She/listen to


7) They/game - They/read book 8) Lan/T.V - Lan/meet friends + Production.(7ms)

-T corrects

-.Comprehension questions - A1 P.140 (a- e)

T gives a game "hang man" to ask Ss practice well

- Ss repeat the words in chorus and in individual and correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning and the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words

- adventure (n): phiêu lưu - cricket (n): dế

- series (n): phim nhiều tập - (to) guess: đoán

-Ss to read the dialogue carefully to get the main of this content -Ss give the form of the

sentences: -Grammar

-Like + v_ing/ to- infinitive -“Prefer + V- ing/ to inf.”have the same usage of “Like+ to – infinitive”

Prefer + V- ing + to+ V-ing: like to this things more than other thing.

- Ss repeat in choral

- Ss present the question and answer


Example exchange: He doesn't like music He prefers to play sports etc

-Ss enjoy the game


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again

the main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms)

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson: Unit 14: A2


Tuan 30

Date of preparing:Sunday 20th-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Friday-23rd-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

7B :Thursday-22nd-Mar-2011 7C :Friday-22nd-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6 Period: 80


.1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about freetime activities and expressing preferences


-Reading and speaking skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces

a.Old lesson -No question

+ Warm up

-"Matching"(3ms) go

read friends

play to the movie

have homework T.V

listen chess

watch dinner

meet books

b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities + Presentation.(15ms)


- T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation and gives example

- T models and helps Ss to repeat

- T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning, the pronunciation

- T corrects and asks Ss to copy the words - T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary -.Presentation dialogue

- A1 P.139

T asks Ss to read the dialogue carefully to get the main of this content

c.Model sentences:

-T sets a sence to give the model sentences My aunt and uncle don't like it

They prefer to other thing + Practice.(18ms)

-"word cue drill"

9) He/music - He/play sports

10) She/movies - She/listen to music

11) They/game - They/read book

12) Lan/T.V - Lan/meet friends

+ Production.(7ms) -T corrects

-.Comprehension questions - A1 P.140 (a- e)

T gives a game "hang man" to ask Ss practice well

- Ss repeat the words in chorus and in individual and correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning and the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words

-movies(n): rap chieu phim -see (v) :nhin

-sound (n) :am -detective (n): su phieu luu

-cowboy(n) :cau be chan bo

-Ss to read the dialogue

carefully to get the main of this content

-Ss give the form of the sentences:

- Ss repeat in choral

- Ss present the question and answer

- Ss work in pairs -> open pairs Example exchange:

He doesn't like music He prefers to play sports etc



Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again

the main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms)

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson: Unit 14: A3,4


Date of preparing:Sunday 20th-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Friday-24th -Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

7B :Thursday-23rd-Mar-2011 7C :Friday-23rd

-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

Period: 81



1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about T.V

- Time for T.V b Skill

- Reading skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question

-Greeting (3ms)

@ Chatting ? What you often after school? ? Do you like watching TV every night? ? What programs you like best? ? Is your TV colorful?

b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities +Pre-reading.(15m)


- - T intro

duces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation and gives example

- T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times)

- T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words -.Check vocab

- "What and where"

- T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary c.T/F statement prediction

a) Forty years ago in Viet Nam,very few people had T.V sets

b) These T.V owners were very popular

c) All morning poeple watched the black and white programs

d) Today, many families have a T.V set

e) Now people spend much time together

? Close your book!

-T hangs a poster with statements on the board

- T asks Ss to work in groups of or students to guess which statements are true and which are false

- T asks Ss to stick their prediction on the board

+While-reading.(18m) Activity 1:

T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Activity 2:

- "Answer given"

1) thirty years ago

2) black and white programs 3) in their own living room 4) life is more comfortable - T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions

- T asks Ss to work in pairs

- Ss repeat the words in chorus and in individual and correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words

- owner (n) : người làm chủ

- neighbor (n) : ngwời hàng xóm

- (to) gather : tập trung, tụ tập

- (to) spend time: dùng thời gian

- outside (prep) : ở trong nhà

- inside (prep) : ngoài nhà



1.How many years ago did people in Viet Nam have sets ?

2 etc


- Gap fill A3 P.142 (text book)

- T asks Ss to work individually to complete the missing words in the gap

- T asks Ss to compare with partners - T gives feed back

- Ss work in groups of or

- Ss read the text (A4-P142) and check their predictions

* Answers keys: F F T T F

- Ss read the text again and find out the questions of these answers

- Ss work in pairs key:

1 How many years ago did people in Vietnam have TV sets?

2 Did they watch the black and white programs all evening?

3 Today, where they sit to watch TV?

4 How is the life today? @ Gap fill A3(P142- text book)

In 1960s, most (1) people in Vietnam did (2) not have a (3) TV set The people with TVs were (4) popular In the (5) evening the neighbors would (6) gather around the TV (7) They (would stay until the TV programs finished Vietnam is different (8) today More families (9) have a TV set and (10) life is more comfortable But neighbors don’t (11) know each other as well as they did in the past



- Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms)

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson: Unit 14: B1,2


Date of preparing:Sunday 20th-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Friday-25th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

7B :Thursday-24th-Mar-2011 7C :Friday-25th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

Period: 82


WHAT'S ON ? <B1,2>

1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about t.v programs - Time for T.V

- Practicing with " prefer/like + gerund" b Skill

- Reading and speaking skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question +Wram up"(3ms)

-" Brainstorming sports T.V programs

music b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities +Presentation.(15m)

-.Pre teach

T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation and gives


- T models and helps Ss to repeat

- T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words - T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary -.Check vocab

- R.O.R

-.Presentation dialogue - B1 p.144

* set the scene: Ba and Nga are talking about the programs which they like

- T asks Ss to listen and repeat the dialogue at the same time

- T asks Ss to work in pairs, practice the dialogue

-.Comprehension questions - a- e P.144

T gives a game "Hang man" to ask Ss to practice well

- T asks Ss to read the dialogue silently and answer the questions on page 144 - T asks Ss to work individually

-.Model sentences:

- T elicits and presents modal sentences Pre-listening

-Open prediction

T shows the way a ask Ss to predict the time of the programs

Order Programs Time

a Children's programs

b Early news

c Weather forecast d The world today e Movie"A fistful of

dollars" + Practice.(18m) - "Substitution drill"

correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning and the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words

- The World Today: thế giới ngày nay

- Cartoon (n) : phim hoạt hình

- Music program (n) : c trình âm nhạc

- Children’s corner (n) : góc trẻ thơ

- Early news (n) : tin sơm

- Weather forecast (n) : dự báo thời tiết

- Sports show (n): buổi chiếu thể



- Ss listen and read the dialogue at the same time - Ss work in pairs, practice the dialogue

- Ss read the dialogue silently and answer the questions on page 144

- Ss work individually

a No, she doesn’t

Because there aren’t any good programs for teenagers

b Ba watches

sports shows, cartoons and movies

c She likes to

watch programs about teenagers in other countries

d Nga doesn’t like


1) Listen to music 2) read book 3) go to the movie 4) meet friends 5) watch cartoon 6) watch sports + Production.(7m) Activity 1:

- "Chain game" Activity 2:

- B2 P.90 (work book)

T asks Ss to work individually - in pairs - in groups

-T corrects


-T asks Ss to work in groups write a list of the T.V programs

-T cotrols and corrects

because they don’t play the kind of music she likes

e This evening

Nga is going to listen to the radio and maybe read a book

I don't really like watching sports

I prefer talking part in them like/prefer + gerund Example exchange: I like listening to music show


Ex: I prefer watching children's corner

(Ask Ss to talk about T.V programs)

Ss work individually - in pairs - in groups

Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction *Answer key:

a) 5:00 b) 6:00 c) 6:10 d) 6:15 e) 7:00 Ss work in groups write a list of the T.V programs Example:


6:00a.m -Early news

6:00 a.m

-football match 7:00

a.m Film


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak

again the main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms)

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson: Unit 14: B3,4


tuan 31

Date of preparing:Sunday 27th-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Friday-30th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

7B :Thursday-29th-Mar-2011 7C :Friday-29th-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

Period: 83


WHAT'S ON ? <B3-4>

1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about t.v programs - Time for T.V

- Practicing with " prefer/like + gerund" b Skill

- Reading skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question

+ Warm up"(3ms)

> -"Guessing game

I like watching music Example exchange:

S1:Do you like watching cartoons? S2: No I don't


S2: Yes, I .etc b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities + Pre-reading.(15m)

-Pre teach

-T elicits to teach vocabulary

-T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times)

- T checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words - T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary b.Check vocab

- "What and Where" c.Open prediction

T gives a question to ask Ss to predict the answer news

What are popular T.v programs? +While-reading.(18m)

Activity 1:

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Activity 2:

-T asks ss to read the text again and answer the following questions

1.) What teenagers like to hear and see?

2.) What bands and singers perform on T.V?

3.) LN

4.) What contests are these on T.V?

5.) Who are the

contesttants in contest programs?

-Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words

- Pop music (n) : nhạc Pop

series (n): phim truyền hình hiều tập

- import (n): hàng nhập khẩu

- contest (n): thi

contestant = participant: người tham gia

(to) perform: trình diễn

- Ss predict guess

- Ss work in groups of or Key:

Pop music, contests, imports are popular programs

- students read the text again and answer some questions by playing “lucky numbers”


1 Te


6.) Can T.V viewers join in the contests and answer questions?

7.) What imports usually include?

8.) Why T,V staions all over the world show these programs?

9.) List some foreign series you have known?

10.) Ln +Post-reading.(7m) - B4 P.146 (text book)

T asks Ss to work individually - in pairs - in groups

-T corrects

2 They perform their latest song on TV

4 There are contest of knowledge, contest of folk music, games, sports

5 The contestants are students, workers or family members Imports usually include

police and hospital series 9, Because they can buy them


Ss work individually -> share with a partner


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms)

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Written test 45 minutes



Date of preparing:Sunday 27th-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7C :Friday-31st-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6

7B :Friday-31st-Mar-2011h:22:04 A6/P6


period: 84 WRITTEN TEST Time: 45 minutes.

1.The aim of the lesson. a.Knowledge.

-Tell to Ss knowledge in study English b.Skill

-Practice reading and writing skill c.education

-Students want to testing English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,questions b.students

-Really 3.Questions



Chủ đề

Thông hiểu Nhận biêt

Vận dụng

Cộng Cấp độ thấp Cấp độ



1.Let's eat


her,neithe r Số câu

Số điểm Tỉ lệ %

1Question part 1.3 1.7 point 10 % 1Questi on part 1.3 1.7 point 10 % 2.Activites Adjective ,Should, Must Present simnple,P ast simple Số câu Số điểm Tỉ lệ %

1Question parts 1.1 1.2 1.6 1,5 points 15 % Question marks 20 % 2Questi on parts 1.1 1.2 1.6 1,5Ques tion II points 35 % 3.Freetime fun To infinitive, infinitive Adjectiv e,preposi tion Số câu Số điểm Tỉ lệ %

1Question parts 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.9 points 20 % Question 3,5 points 35 % 2Questi on parts 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.9 Questio n III points 55 % Tổng số câu


Tổng số điểm Tổng tỉ lệ


Question 4,5 points

45 %

Question points

20 %

Question 3,5points

35 %

Questio ns 10 points 100 %

I Choose the correct answers ( 4,5 marks)

1 They ……… …… drink a lot of water.(u13)

a should b must not c shouldn’t d.ought not to

2 Milk is a……… … drink.(u13)

a bad b good c healthful d well

3 Hoa can speak English and……… … can he.(u12)

a too b either c neither d.so

4 Would you like ………… tennis, Nam?- sorry I can’t.(u14)

a play b.to play c playing d.to play

5 Lan invites Hoa dinner with her family(u14)

a ate b eat c eating d to eat

6 She is a ……… …….basketball player.u13)

a skillful b skillfully c skilling d.to skill

7 Lan isn’t hungry Hoa isn’t hungry, (u12)

a too b either c neither d.so

8 Can I ………… your pen, Quang?(u14)

a borrowing b to borrow c lent d.borrow

9 Many people just sit and TV all nights.(u14)

a watch b see c look d.watching

II.Supply the correct verbs in the brackets( 2marks)

It (be)……… always hot in summer in Quang Tri.u12 When Lien (be)……… eight She could play the piano.u12

Before they (move)……….here, they lived in a small town in the West.u12 She (not go)………… to the cinema last night, because she ( be)……… busy u12

III.Read the passage and decide if each of the statements is True (T) or false (F) (3,5marks).

Most of the world's surface is water.Wec may know the land very well,but we know very little about the oceans

Until recently ,man could not stay underwater for long .A pearl diver for example ,couldn't stay underwater for longer than two minutes But now ,with special breathing equipment ,a diver can stay underwater for a lomh time After the envention of this equipment ,man could swim freely underwater and scuba-diving became a popular sport


Now,we can explore the oceans,using special TV cameras as well.We can learn more about the undesea world thanks to this invention

Most of the world's surface is land

2.Before the envention of special breathing equipment ,man couldn't swim freely underwater

3.Now,scuba-diving is a popular sport

4.Jacques Cousteau invented special TV cameras

5.We can learn mare about the undersea world thanks to Jaques Cousteau's invention.

4.THE KEYS I Complete the sentences (4,5 marks)

1 a should b healthful c so

4.b.to play 5.dto eat b skillfu 7.a.too a borrow a watch

I. Supply the correct verbs in the

brackets( 2marks)

1 It …is… always hot in summer in Hue

2 When I was… eight I could play the piano

3 Before I … moved…….here, I lived in a small town in the North We …did not go to the cinema last night, because we … were…busy

III Read the passage and decide if each of the statements is True (T) or false (F) (3,5marks).


Date of preparing:Sunday 27th-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Friday-1st-Apir-2011h:22:04 A6/P6


period: 84 WRITTEN TEST Time: 45 minutes.

1.The aim of the lesson. a.Knowledge.

-Tell to Ss knowledge in study English b.Skill

-Practice reading and writing skill c.education

-Students want to testing English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,questions b.students

-Really 3.Questions



Chủ đề

Thông hiểu Nhận biêt

Vận dụng

Cộng Cấp độ thấp Cấp độ



1.Let's eat

Using so,too,eit her,neithe

r Số câu

Số điểm

1Question part 1.3 1.7 point


Tỉ lệ % 10 % 10 % 2.Activites Adjective ,Should, Must Present simnple,P ast simple Số câu Số điểm Tỉ lệ %

1Question parts 1.1 1.2 1.6 1,5 points 15 % Question marks 20 % 2Questi on parts 1.1 1.2 1.6 1,5Ques tion II points 35 % 3.Freetime fun To infinitive, infinitive Adjectiv e,preposi tion Số câu Số điểm Tỉ lệ %

1Question parts 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.9 points 20 % Question 3,5 points 35 % 2Questi on parts 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.9 Questio n III points 55 % Tổng số câu Tổng số điểm Tổng tỉ lệ


I Choose the correct answers ( marks)

1.They ……… …… drink a lot of water.(u13)

a should b must not c shouldn’t d.ought not to

2.Milk is a……… … drink.(u13)

a bad b good c healthful d well

3.Hoa can speak English and……… … can he.(u12)

a too b either c neither d.so

4.Would you like ………… tennis, Nam?- sorry I can’t.(u14)

a play b.to play c playing d.to play

5Lan invites Hoa dinner with her family(u14)

a ate b eat c eating d to eat

6.She is a ……… …….basketball player.u13)

a skillful b skillfully c skilling d.to skill

7.Lan isn’t hungry Hoa isn’t hungry, (u12)

a too b either c neither d.so

8.Can I ………… your pen, Quang?(u14)

a borrowing b to borrow c lent d.borrow

9 Many people just sit and TV all nights.(u14)

a watch b see c look d.watching

II.Supply the correct verbs in the brackets( 2marks)

It (be)……… always hot in summer in Quang Tri.u12 When Lien (be)……… eight She could play the piano.u12

Before they (move)……….here, they lived in a small town in the West.u12 She (not go)………… to the cinema last night, because she ( be)……… busy u12

III.Read the passage and decide if each of the statements is True (T) or false (F) (2marks).

Most of the world's surface is water.Wec may know the land very well,but we know very little about the oceans

Until recently ,man could not stay underwater for long .A pearl diver for example ,couldn't stay underwater for longer than two minutes But now ,with special breathing equipment ,a diver can stay underwater for a lomh time After the envention of this equipment ,man could swim freely underwater and scuba-diving became a popular sport

A Frenchman ,Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997)invented a deep-sea diving vessel in the early 1940s In the vessel ,he could explore the world and study underwater life

Now,we can explore the oceans,using special TV cameras as well.We can learn more about the undesea world thanks to this invention

Most of the world's surface is land

2.Before the envention of special breathing equipment ,man couldn't swim freely underwater

3.Now,scuba-diving is a popular sport


5.We can learn mare about the undersea world thanks to Jaques Cousteau's invention.

IV.Change the underlineddetails using the information (3marks)

Ba : Come and play basketball, Nam. Nam : I'm sorry.I don't thik i can. Ba : That's too bad.Why not? Nam : Well,I should clean my room. Ba : Can you lay on Friday?

Nam :Yes,I can.

Ba : All right ,See you at 7:00. Nam :OK ,Bye.

Ba : Bye

b,table tennis

Must / go/dentist

Sunday morning / o'clock

4.THE KEYS I Complete the sentences (4,5marks)

1 a should b healthful c so

4.b.to play 5.dto eat b skillfu 7.a.too a borrow a watch

II. Supply the correct verbs in the

brackets( 2marks)

1 It …is… always hot in summer in Hue

2 When I was… eight I could play the piano

3 Before I … moved…….here, I lived in a small town in the North We …did not go to the cinema last night, because we … were…busy

III Read the passage and decide if each of the statements is True (T) or false (F) (3,5marks).


2 T T F T

IV.Change the underlined details using the informations a, Table tennis

Ba : Come and play Table tennis, Nam. Nam : I'm sorry.I don't thik i can.

Ba : That's too bad.Why not? Nam : Well,Must to go to the dentist Ba : Can you lay on monday? Nam :Yes,I can.

Ba : All right ,See you at 9:00. Nam :OK ,Bye.

Ba : Bye

WEEK: 32

Date of preparing:Sunday 20th-Mar-2011 Date of teaching:


7B :Thursday-31st-Mar-2011 7C :Friday-1st-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6



1 the aims of the test aKnowledge

- by the end of the test, S will be able to know the Grammar and vocabulary more


-reading and writing skill c.Educations

- S like to writing test more and more 2 Preparations


-Questions ,text book b.Students

-really 3 Procedures * Warm up ( ms )

- Ask S somme questions by chating a Repeat the questions

I Choose the correct answers ( marks)

1.They ……… …… drink a lot of water.(u13)

a should b must not c shouldn’t d.ought not to

2.Milk is a……… … drink.(u13)

a bad b good c healthful d well

3.Hoa can speak English and……… … can he.(u12)

a too b either c neither d.so

4.Would you like ………… tennis, Nam?- sorry I can’t.(u14)

a play b.to play c playing d.to play

5Lan invites Hoa dinner with her family(u14)

a ate b eat c eating d to eat

6.She is a ……… …….basketball player.u13)

a skillful b skillfully c skilling d.to skill

7.Lan isn’t hungry Hoa isn’t hungry, (u12)

a too b either c neither d.so

8.Can I ………… your pen, Quang?(u14)

a borrowing b to borrow c lent d.borrow


a watch b see c look d.watching II.Supply the correct verbs in the brackets( 2marks)

It (be)……… always hot in summer in Quang Tri.u12 When Lien (be)……… eight She could play the piano.u12

Before they (move)……….here, they lived in a small town in the West.u12 She (not go)………… to the cinema last night, because she ( be)……… busy u12

III.Read the passage and decide if each of the statements is True (T) or false (F) (2marks).

Most of the world's surface is water.Wec may know the land very well,but we know very little about the oceans

Until recently ,man could not stay underwater for long .A pearl diver for example ,couldn't stay underwater for longer than two minutes But now ,with special breathing equipment ,a diver can stay underwater for a lomh time After the envention of this equipment ,man could swim freely underwater and scuba-diving became a popular sport

A Frenchman ,Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997)invented a deep-sea diving vessel in the early 1940s In the vessel ,he could explore the world and study underwater life

Now,we can explore the oceans,using special TV cameras as well.We can learn more about the undesea world thanks to this invention

Most of the world's surface is land

2.Before the envention of special breathing equipment ,man couldn't swim freely underwater

3.Now,scuba-diving is a popular sport

4.Jacques Cousteau invented special TV cameras

5.We can learn mare about the undersea world thanks to Jaques Cousteau's invention.

IV.Change the underlineddetails using the information (3marks)

Ba : Come and play basketball, Nam. Nam : I'm sorry.I don't thik i can. Ba : That's too bad.Why not? Nam : Well,I should clean my room. Ba : Can you lay on Friday?

Nam :Yes,I can.

Ba : All right ,See you at 7:00. Nam :OK ,Bye.

Ba : Bye


Must / go/dentist

Sunday morning / o'clock

b.THE KEYS I Complete the sentences (4,5marks)

1 a should b healthful c so

4.b.to play 5.dto eat b skillfu 7.a.too a borrow a watch

III. Supply the correct verbs in the

brackets( 2marks)

1 It …is… always hot in summer in Hue

2 When I was… eight I could play the piano

3 Before I … moved…….here, I lived in a small town in the North We …did not go to the cinema last night, because we … were…busy

III Read the passage and decide if each of the statements is True (T) or false (F) (3,5marks).

1 F T T F T

IV.Change the underlined details using the informations a, Table tennis

Ba : Come and play Table tennis, Nam. Nam : I'm sorry.I don't thik i can.

Ba : That's too bad.Why not? Nam : Well,Must to go to the dentist Ba : Can you lay on monday? Nam :Yes,I can.

Ba : All right ,See you at 9:00. Nam :OK ,Bye.


C.Giving back

- all S exercise quite good beside that need to well. d.Checks

Ba : Come and play Table tennis, Nam. Nam : I'm sorry.I don't thik i can.

Ba : That's too bad.Why not? Nam : Well,Must to go to the dentist Ba : Can you lay on monday? Nam :Yes,I can.

Ba : All right ,See you at 9:00. Nam :OK ,Bye.

Ba : Bye

e.Giving back and call marks f.Answer Students questios


Date of preparing:Sunday -3rd-Apir2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Wednesday-6th -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6


7C :Wednesday-6th -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period 86

Unit 15 : GOING OUT


1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk aboutvideo games and their effects

- Video gamesand their effects

- Practicing with "should/ shouldn't" b Skill

- Reading skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question

b.New lesson +Warm up(3ms)

- Ask students some questions by "chating"

Teacher's activities Students'activities

+Presentation.(15ms) a.Pre teach

- T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times)

- T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning, the pronunciation - T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

- Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes - Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words

- amusement center: trung tâm giải trí

- addictive (adj.): có tính gây nghiện - arcade (n) : khu vui chơi/ mua sắm


- T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary b.Checking vocab

- R.O.R

c.Presentation dialogue - A1 P.147

* Set the scene: Nam usually goes to the amusement center Listen to the conversation between Nam and Lan - T asks Ss to listen to and repeat the dialogue

+Practice.(18ms) - "Word cue drill"

a) play video game for a short time

b) spend lot of money on video games

c) go to the amucement center often

d) spend little time in video game


- Exercise P.94 ( work book)

T asks Ss to work in groups to write full sentences

-T corrects

- Ss listen to and repeat the dialogue * Model sentences:

- Don’t spend too much of your time in the arcade.

- No I won’t * Formation:

Don’t + Verb

* Use: Used to advice someone not to something


-You should play video game for a short time

-You shouldn't spend lot of money on video games


Ss work in groups to write full sentences


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

- Learning by heart all content

Doing exercises in workbook



Date of preparing:Sunday -3rd-Apir2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Thursday-7th-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6



7C :Friday-8th-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 87

Unit 15 : GOING OUT


1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about video game

- Video games b Skill

- Reading skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question b.New lesson

+Warm up"(3ms) -"Slap the board

addictive amusement center

spend arcade play outdoors

Teacher's activities Students'activities

+Pre-reading.(15ms) -.Pre teach

- Premises (n): đất đai, nhà cửa, ngơi T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example - T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times)

Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes


- T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning, the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words - T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary -.Check vocab

- "What and Where" T/F statements prediction

1) All children play video game in arcade

2) Children shouldn't spend much time on video game for a long time because they become dizzy and tired

3) Children should play outdoors 4) Children mustn't forget to

other things

* Set the scene: Some young people play video games You will read some opinions about playing video games

- T asks Ss to read the statements (on poster) and work in pairs to predict they are true or false

+While -reading.(17ms) Activity 1:

-T asksSs to read the text and check their prediction

Activity 2:

-T asks Ss to read the text again and A2 (a - d)-text book P.148

T asks Ss to read the text again and complete the sentences on page 148- 149

- T calls on some Ss to call out their answers - T gives feed back and corrects

+Post-reading.(8ms) - A3 P.149-text book

T asks Ss to work individually - in pairs - in

- Ss copy the words

- inventor (n): nhà phát minh

- dizzy (adj.): choáng váng, hoa mắt

- social skill (n) : kỹ giao tiếp

- (to) protect an sb/ st against st :

bảo vệ che chỡ

- (to) develop: phát triển

-Ss enjoy the game

- Ss read the statements (on poster) and work in pairs to predict they are true or false

Ss read the text on page 148 and check their prediction

* Answers keys:



-T corrects - Ss read the text again and

the task A2

- Some Ss to call out their answers

*Answer given

a-D: Many young people play video games

b-A: Some inventors of video games become very rich c-D: The doctor thinks all

children should take part in outdoor activities with their friends

d-B: The doctor says you should spend little time playing video games

* Gap –filling A (P149-textbook)

- Ss complete the passage with words in the box individually then share with partners


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 15: B1-2


Date of preparing:Sunday -10th-Apir-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Wednseday-13rd -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

1 be use

2 have can

3 is will

4 identify buy


7B :Tuesday-12nd-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C :Tuesday-12nd-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 88

Unit 15 : GOING OUT


1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about life in the city and copare city and village life styles

- life in the city and copare city and village life styles b Skill

- Reading skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question

+ Warm up "(3ms) -"Jumbled words

ctproet =? (Answer key:protect,develope,country,noise,traffic) pedevelo =?

ycoutrn =? snoie =? ictraff =? b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities

+Pre-reading.(15ms) -Pre teach

T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation and gives example

- T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times)

- T checks S’s reading in individual and

- Ss repeat the words in chorus and in individual and correct the mistakes - Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation


corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

- T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary b.Checking vocab

- "Slap the board"

c.T/F statements prediction"

1) Hoa goes to the school theater club twice a week 2) When Hoa lived in the

village, she knew all the people in her


3) Lan lived near quiet road 4) The noise never keep Lan

awake at night

* Set the scene: There are many different between the city and life in the country You will read the text about those

- T asks Ss to read the statements (on poster) and work in pairs to predict they are true or false

+While-reading.(17ms) Activity 1:

-T asksSs to read the text and check their prediction

Activity 2:

-T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions a-f P.151 (text book)

T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to find out the answers of the questions a- f on page 151

- T gives feed back and calls on Ss to answer the questions

- T checks and writes the answers on

- awake (adj): thức giấc - (to) scare: làm hảng sợ

- (to) get used to: thích nghi với - (to) hate: ghét

-Ss enjoy the game

- Ss read the statements (on poster) and work in pairs to predict they are true or false

*Answer key: 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F


the Bb

- T asks Ss work in open pairs and in close pairs

+ Post-reading.(8ms)

-T asks Ss to work in group to discuss the question:


1 Do you like the city or the country? Why? Or why not?

2 What you like most about the city? Why?

3 What you like most about the country? Why

-T controls and corrects

- Ss work in open pairs and close pairs * key:

a She goes to the school theater club once a week The rest of the week she usually stays at home in the evening

b No, she doesn’t like the city

c Before, Hoa lived in a village near Hue

d She liked living there because she knew all people in her neighborhood; the village was quiet and there was only a little traffic

e She doesn’t like the city because it is noisy and the roads are busy

f She hates crossing the road most because bikes, motorbikes and cars come from every direction, and they scare her

Ss work in groups of or to discuss about life in the city and life in the country by answer these questions

Answer possible:

- I don’t like the city much because life there is noisy, the air is polluted and the roads are busy

- I like the peaceful most because life in the country is quite, the air is fresh and the neighbors are very friends


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 15: B2,3


Date of preparing:Sunday -10th-Apir2011 Date of teaching:


7B :Wednseday-13rd -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C :Wednseday-13rd -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 89

Unit 15 : GOING OUT


1.the aims of the lesson


-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about Hoa's life in the city

- Hoa's life in the city b Skill

- Reading skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question

+ Warm up "(3ms) "sing a song"


a.the traffic from every direction b.the road busy

c.the noise too many d.the neighbors expensive e.cars, motorbikes,bikes noisy and busy

e.eating out keep people awake at night b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities +Pre-reading.(15ms)

-.Pre teach -public library

- T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- T models (3 times) and helps Ss to

- Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes - Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation


repeat (2 times)

- T checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

- T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary -.Checking vocab

- R.O.R

c.Open prediction

-T asks Ss to predict activities Hoa did in the evening

+While-reading.(18ms) Activity 1:

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Activity 2:

-T asks Ss to read the text again and practice with "Answer given"

1) bike

2) table tennis 3) playing chess 4) with her friends 5) thousands of book +Post-reading.(7ms)

- B1 + B2 (work book) P.96

T asks Ss to work in groups to write full sentences and then copare city and village lifestyle

-T corrects

-(to) socialize ( tinh xa hoi) -(to) cost (gia ca)

-Ss enjoy the game

-Ss predict activities Hoa did in the evening

-Ss read the text and check their prediction

-Ss read the text again and practice with "Answer given"

Example :

1) What did Hoa's uncle buy her?

2) etc

-Ss work in groups to write full sentences and then copare city and village lifestyle


-In the city the traffic is busy, but in the country it is not busy


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).


- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 15: B4,5


tuan 34


7A :Wednesday-20th -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7B :Tuesday-19th-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C :Tuesday-19th-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 90

Unit 15 : GOING OUT


1.the aims of the lesson


-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about activities students did yesterday

-Activities students did yesterday b Skill

- Listening skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question +Warm up (3ms)

-"Kim’s game"(3ms)

(using pictures B4 P.152 -text book ) b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities

+ Pre-listening.(15ms) -Introduc vocab


T asks some questions: What did you yesterday? Did you play soccer yesterday? Did you your homework?

-T asks Ss to predict and match names to the pictures (B4 P.152)

Ba picture a Hoa b

- Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes - Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words

-Terribale (adj) toi te

-Nice (adj) dep,xinh


Nga c Lan d An e Nam f

+ While-listening.(17ms)

-T turn on the tape and ask Ss to listen carefully and take notes the main ideas

+Post-listening.(8ms) - B3 P.97 (work book) - T corrects

-Flat (n) can ho

-Ss listen and anwers Expected:

Yesterday, I went out with my friends We ate, chatted

-Ss predict and match names to the pictures (B4 P.152)

-Ss listen carefully and take notes the main ideas

*Answer key:

Ba play table tennis (Ba-b) Nga saw a movie (Nga-d)

Lan went to a restaurant (Lan-f) Hoa played chess (Hoa-a)

Nam litened to CDs (Nam-c)

An watched a soccer match (An-e) c.feedback(1ms)

Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

-Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 16: A1-2


Date of preparing:Sunday -17th-Apir-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Friday-22nd-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7B:Wednesday-20th -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C :Wednesday-20th -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 91


1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about names of the coutries in Asia and their capital cities, use "Where is that?/ It's in "

- Using "Where is that?/ It's in "

- Names of the coutries in Asia and their capital cities b Skill

- Reading and speaking skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question +Warm up (5ms)

(A2-P.155 -text book )

Bangkok Chine Beijing Laos Kuala Lumpur Thailand Phnom Penh Myanmar Vientiane Indonesia Yangon Cambodia Jakarta Malaysia


Teacher's activities Students'activities +Presentation.(15ms)

-.Pre teach

T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times)

- T checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

- T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary -Checking vocab

- "What and Where" -Presentation dialogue

- A1 P.154

-Comprehension questions - a- f (text book ) P.154

- T gives a game "Hang man" to ask ss to practice

-T sets a sence to give the model sentence

+Practice.(15ms) - "Word cue drill"

3) Bongkok/ Thailand 4) Vientiane/Lao 5) Jakarta/ Indonesia 6) Beijing/chine

7) Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia +Production.(8ms)

- A3 P.100 ( work book ) - T asks Ss to work in pairs to

practice speaking

- Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes - Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words

-postcard -capital -pilot -region -(to) fly

-Ss enjoy the game

- Ss read the text again and answer the questions

Model sentences:

S1: Where does ba's uncle fly to? S2: He flies to Bangkok

S1: Where is that? S2: It's in Thailand -Ss practice well Example exchange:

S1: Where does Ba's uncle fly to? S2: He flies to Phnompenh

S1:Where is that? S2: It's in Cambodia etc


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

-Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 16: A3,4


WEEK: 35

Date of preparing:Sunday -24th-Apir-2011 Date of teaching:

7A :Wednesday-227nd -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7B:Tuesday-26th-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C :Tuesday-26th-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 92



1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about a schedules of a fly

-A schedules of a fly b Skill

- Reading and speaking skill c.education



-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson -No question

+Greeting "sing a song"(3ms)

b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities

+Pre -listening.(15ms) -Open prediction:

T gives a poter with some information -T asks Ss to predict

Days Places

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Open prediction

1) South east Asia has many attractions

2) We could visit many new monuments

3) We can see shadow puppet shows in Thailand

There are thousands of kilometers of beaches


-T turns on the tape to ask Ss to listen carefully and check their prediction Activity 1:

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

-Ss listen and predict the place-Ss listen carefully and check their prediction Answer key:

Days Places

Monday Bangkok and


Tuesday Singapore

Wednesday Jakarta

Thursday Bali

Friday Bali

Saturday Hongkong

Sunday Back to Ha Noi

Ss read sentences and predict which sentences are T/f?

-Ss work in groups to practice


Activity 2:

- "Wh-questions"

-T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions

1) The passaga mentions three kinds of tourist attractions What are they? 2) What is the famous ancient

temple in Jave?

3) Where can you see shadow puppet shows?

4) Where can you see famous traditional dances?

5) What can you see in the ocean?

+Post-listening.(7ms) - A4 P.101 (work book )

T asks Ss to work in groups to practice -T cotrols and corrects

-T asks Ss to list some kinds of

attractions in Viet Nam you may prefer

*Answer key: 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) T

-Ss read the text again and answer the questions

-Ss list some kinds of attractions in Viet Nam you may prefer


I may prefer the beaches I may prefer the food .etc



- Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 16: B1


Date of preparing:Sunday -24th-Apir-2011 Date of teaching:

7A:daThursday-28th -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7B:Wednesday-27th -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C :Wednesday-27th -Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 93



1.the aims of the lesson


-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about famous people and events in Viet Nam and practice with " I prefer /because "


- Reading skill c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson

-No question-+Warm up(3ms)


Famous peolpe in Viet Nam

Uncle Ho

b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities +Pre -reading.(15ms)

-.Pre teach

-T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example - T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times)

- T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning, the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words - T helps Ss to practice the vocabulary b.Checking vocab

- R.O.R

c.T/F statements prediction - a) - f) B1 P.158


-T asks Ss to read the text and check heir prediction

+Post -reading (10ms) - B2 (a- b) P.158 -text book

T asks Ss to work in pairs to practise speaking

-T cotrols and corrects

- Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes

- Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

Ss copy the words

-general -battle -(to) lead -(to) defeat -powerful -kind


-Ss practice the vocabulary

-Ss read the text and check heir prediction

*Answer key:

a) F b) F c) T d) F e) T f) F

-Ss work in pairs to practise speaking


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 16: B2,3


Date of preparing:Sunday -24th-Apir-2011 Date of teaching:

7A:Friday-29th-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7B:Thursday-28-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C :Friday-29th-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 94



1.the aims of the lesson a.Knowledge.

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about famous people and their biography


b Skill

- Reading listening and skills c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson

-No question-+Warm up(3ms) -"Brainstorming

Famous peolpe in the world


b New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities

+Pre-reading.(15ms) -Pre teach

-inventor/ to invent -electric light bulb -power station -motion picture -fairy tale -(to) found -(to) form -(to) declare

-indochinese Communist Party -independence

- T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times) - T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning, the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.Checking vocabulary

- "What and Where" c.Open prediction

-T gives two questions and asks Ss to give the answer 1) Who is Thomas Edison?

2) Who is Hans Christian Andersen?

- Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes - Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words


+.While-reading.(15ms) Activity 1:

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction Activity 2:

-T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions

1) When and where was Thomas Edition born?

2) What is his famous invention?

3) What did he establish in New York city? 4) How many things did he invent?

5) When didi he die?

6) When and where was Hans Christian Andersen born?

7) Who did he want to be ? 8) What did he write?

9) What did he become most fanous for/ -T gives a game "Nooughts and Crosses" to ask ss to practice well


Complete the sentences

Year Place

Date of birth 1980 Kim Lien

Left Viet Nam

Worked in hotel 1900s

Went to another country

Moved again 1923 Moscow

Founded Vietnamese communisr Party


Formed Viet Minh Front Viet Nam

Became President Died

-Ss read the text and check their prediction -Ss to read the text again and answer the


-Ss read and listen to the information and fill the year and the place to complete the sentences


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook



Tuan 36

Date of preparing:Sunday -2th-May-2011 Date of teaching:

7A:Wednsedday-4th -May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7B:Tuesday-3rd-May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C: Tuesday-3rd-Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 94




-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about famous people and their biography

- Famous people and their biography b Skill

- Reading listening and skills c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson

-No b New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities

+Pre-reading.(15ms) -Pre teach

-inventor/ to invent -electric light bulb -power station -motion picture -fairy tale -(to) found -(to) form -(to) declare

-indochinese Communist Party -independence

- T introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- T models (3 times) and helps Ss to repeat (2 times) - T checks S’s reading in individual and corrects the mistakes

- T writes the words on the Bb and checks the meaning, the pronunciation

- T corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.Checking vocabulary

- "What and Where" c.Open prediction

-T gives two questions and asks Ss to give the answer 3) Who is Thomas Edison?

4) Who is Hans Christian Andersen? +.While-reading.(15ms)

Activity 1:

- Ss repeat the words in chorus & in individual and correct the mistakes - Ss give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Ss copy the words


-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction Activity 2:

-T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions

10) When and where was Thomas Edition born?

11) What is his famous invention? 12) What did he establish in New York


13) How many things did he invent? 14) When didi he die?

15) When and where was Hans Christian Andersen born?

16) Who did he want to be ? 17) What did he write?

18) What did he become most fanous for/

-T gives a game "Nooughts and Crosses" to ask ss to practice well


Complete the sentences

Year Place

Date of birth 1980 Kim Lien

Left Viet Nam

Worked in hotel 1900s

Went to another country

Moved again 1923 Moscow

Founded Vietnamese communisr Party


Formed Viet Minh Front Viet Nam

Became President Died

-Ss read the text and check their prediction -Ss to read the text again and answer the


-Ss read and listen to the information and fill the year and the place to complete the sentences


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook



Date of preparing:Sunday -2nd-May-2011 Date of teaching:

7A:Thursday-5th-May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7B:Wednesday-4th -May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C:Wednesday-4th- Apir-2011h:22:05 A6/P6



Period: 95

1.the aims of the lesson


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about the biography of Uncle Ho


- Reading speaking and skills c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson

-No b.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities


- T asks Ss to the task (68- language focus 2) by completing the sentences, use the verbs in bracket

- T asks Ss to read their keys

- T corrects and comments and asks Ss to copy down

+THIS and THAT, THESE and THOSE(15ms)

- T asks Ss to the task (68- language focus 2) by completing the sentences, use the verbs in bracket

- T asks Ss to present their keys in pairs - T corrects and comments and asks Ss

to copy down

- Ss the task in individual - Ss present their keys

- Ss copy down *The keys:

It’s six thirty in the evening Lan is doingher homework She is writing an English essay Mr Thanh is reading a newspaper and Mrs Quyen is cooking

dinner Liem and Tien, Lan’s brothers

are playing soccer in the back yard Liem

is kicking the ball and Tien is running

after it

- Ss the task in individual - Ss present their keys in pairs - Ss copy down

*The keys:

a) - This room is very untidy - Sorry Mom

b) - Put this bag away

-That isn’t my bag, Mom This is my bag

c) - Put those dirty socks in the washing basket

- These socks?

- No Those socks on the bed d) - Throw away those comics


+.ADVERB OF FREQUENCY(13ms) T asks Ss to look at the table and write sentences about Ba in individual

- T calls Ss to write their keys on the Bb - T corrects, comments and asks Ss to copy down

- Ss write sentences about Ba in individual

- Ss write their keys on the Bb - Ss copy down

* The keys:

- Ba seldom rides a bike to school.

- Ba always practices the guitar after school.

- Ba usually does his homework in the evening.

- Ba sometimes plays computer games.


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

- Learning by heart all content

- Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Review( from unit to unit 16)


Date of preparing:Sunday -2nd-May-2011 Date of teaching:

7A:Friday-6th-May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7B:Thursday-5th-May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C:Friday-6th-May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 96


1.the aims of the lesson


-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to remind all knowledge from unit to unit


-Future simple tense & Question with “Would ?” & Vocabulary b Skill

- Reading speaking and skills c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson


question-b.New lesson.

Teacher's activities Students'activities

+.PRESENTATION(15ms) Shark attack:

- Introduces the game & explains the way to play & divides the class into groups to play the game

- Helps Ss toplay the game - Corrects & comments


-Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to give the form & use of the future simple tense then work in pairs to write things they will or will not tomorrow

- Asks Ss to compare the keys -Asks Ss to practice in pairs - Corrects & comments Word cue drill: A1/ P19-20

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Playing the game in groups - Commenting the game

* The words for the game:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Television). _ _ _ _ _ (chair).

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Picture). _ _ _ _ _ _ (Stove). _ _ _ _ _ (Table)

- Giving the form & use of the future simple tense

- Working in pairs to write things will or will not tomorrow

* Form: S + Will/shall + V.

* Use: Talk about things will do in the future

- Comparing the keys & give the keys by practicing in pairs

- Correcting the keys


- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments  Cues:

-go to the movie /☺

-go shopping /☺

-listen to music /☻

- go out for dinner /☺

-play video games /☻ +.PRODUCTION(8ms)

- Asks Ss the questions & requires them to answer

- Corrects S’s answers & comments * Questions:

a What time your classes start ? b What time they finish ?

c How many lessons you have on Mondays ?

d How many hours you your homework ? e When will you have a vacation ?

f How long does your vacation last ?

grandmother but he won’t meet Minh

- Repeating in chorus & in individual

- Making sentences for the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs

- Correcting the pronunciation * Example exchange:

S1: Would you like to go for a walk ?

S2: Yes, I’d love to./ I’m sorry I can’t.

- Answering the questions -Correcting the pronunciation

a My classes start at 7.00. b They finish at 11.15.

c I have five lessons on Monday.

d It takes two hour for me to do my home work

e I will have a vacation in June.

f It will last in three months.


Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

-Doing again all exercises in your notebook -Preparing: review


Tuan 37

Date of preparing:Sunday -8th-May-2011 Date of teaching:

7A:Wednesday-11st May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7B:Tuesday-10th-May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C:Tuesday-10th--2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 97


1.the aims of the lesson


-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to consolidate the knowledge -The present simple

b Skill

- Reading speaking and skills c.education

-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson


b New lesson

Teacher's activities


+Present simple tense. -With (to) be:(10ms)

-T asks ss to remember the way to use the structure,use

-T calls some ss to go to the board and write -T controls and corrects with ss

-T asks Ss to give the structures and the way to use them

-T asks ss to give more example Example:

1.They are students 2.He isnot an engineer Are they students ? Yes, they are No, they aren’t T controls and corrects Notes:

I + am

She,He,It + is

You, They, We + are +.Exercise: (10ms)

Put the verbs in the correct answer:

- Introduces the way to practice & devides the class into groups to practice

- Helps Ss to practice

-Calls ss to go to the board write the answer - Corrects & comments

-Ss remember and answer the question of teacher


Khẳng định: S + (to) be +(a/an) + O.

Phủ định: S + (to) be-not +(a/an) + O.

Nghi vấn:(to) be + S +a/an + O ?. Trả lời: Yes, S + (to)be

No, S + (to) be-not

-Ss give examples + He is a teacher + Nam isnot a student + Is she tall?

Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t .etc

- Ss take notes


1 She (to)be not ) a student she a good student ? ((to) be) I a farmer ((to)be)

4 They nurses ((to)be)

5 Mr.Nam andMrs Nga workers

((to)be-not) -Ss work individual then share with your partners


1.She isn’t a student 2.Is she a good student? I’m a farmer

4.They are nurses

5.Mr.Nam and Mrs.Nga aren’t workers

-Ss go to the board write the answer

- Correcting the answer keys +Present simple tense.(10ms)

a- With regular verbs

-T asks ss to remember the way to use the structure,use

-T calls some ss to go to the board and write -T controls and corrects with ss

-T asks Ss to give the structures and the way to use them

-T asks ss to give more example b.Example:

1.They play chess

2.He works in a hospital Does nam like oranges? Yes, he does

No, he doesn’t T controls and corrects Notes:

+.Exercise: (13ms)

a.Put the following verbs in simple presnt -T aks ss to work in groups of to the exercises

-T asks ss the way to

- T calls ss to go to the board write the answer -T comment and correct

1 The swimming bath (open) at 9:00 and (close) at 18:30 every day 2.I have a car but I (not-use) it very often

-Ss remember and answer the question of teacher


Khẳng định: S + V(s/es) + O. Phủ định: S + don’t/doesn’t + V(inf) + O.

Nghi vấn: Do/ Does + S + V(inf) + O ?.

Trả lời: Yes, S + do/does

No, S + don’t/ doesn’t. She,He,It + V(s/es)

You, They, We + V(inf)

-Ss give examples

+ He teaches in a school

+ Nam doesn’t play volleyball + Do you want to learn English? Yes, I do/ No,I don’t



3.I (play) the piano, but I (not-play) very well

4.I don’t understand the word”decide” What (“decide”/ mean)? 5.I (work) in a bank Nam (work) in an office

- Ss copy the notes and learn by heart

Practicing in groups


1 opens closes 2.don’t use

3.play don’t play 4.does the “decide” mean? 5.work doesn’t work -Ss go to the board write the answer

- Correcting the answer keys c.feedback(1ms)

Teacher's activities Students'activities - Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

-Preparing the simple present tense -Preparing the present progressive tense


Date of preparing:Sunday -8nd-May-2011 Date of teaching:

7A:Thursday-12nd-May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7B:Wednesday-11st -May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

7C:Wednesday-11st- May-2011h:22:05 A6/P6

Period: 98


1.the aims of the lesson


-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to remind all knowledge from unit to unit

-Preposition of place; Must & Can; Question words -Yes / No question with Present progressive

-The present progressive tense -Adjectives and adverbs -Prepositions

b Skill


-Students want to study English more and more 2.Preparatoins


-The planing of the lesson,old lesson.textbooks b.students

-Old lesson,new lesson texbooks 3.Proceduces.

a.Old lesson

-No question-b.New lesson.

Teacher's activities Students'activities


1 Yes/ No question of Present progressive

- Introduces the dialogue & helps Ss to practice in chorus

- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in pairs

- Check S’s practicing the dialogue in groups & in pairs

- Corrects the pronunciation & comments

… TV ? x

… radio ? x

…reading ? x

What ….? …video games - Preposition of place:

* Listen & Draw:

- Reads the text & Asks Ss to listen to the text & draw the position of things that they hear

- Reads the text again & Asks Ss to compare & give the picture they drew - Corrects & comments

* “There is a house Behind the house there are mountains To the left of the house there is a tree In front of the house there is a river To the right of the house a man is riding a bike.”

* Mapped dialogue:

- Practicing the dialogue in chorus; in groups & in pairs

- Corrects the pronunciation & comments * * Example exchanges:

S1: Are you watching TV ? S2: No, I’m not

S1: Are you listening to the radio ? S2: No, I’m not

S1: Are you reading ? S2: No, I’m not

S1: What are you doing ? S2: I’m playing video games

-Working in pairs to look at the picture & use the Preposition of place in the box to complete the paragraph


+PRACTICE(8ms) - Question words: - Grid

- Introduces the topic & asks Ss to practice in groups, using the past simple to talk about their vacation

- Asks Ss to give the answers

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments * Example exchanges:

S1: What is his name ? S2: John

S1: How old is he ? S2: He is thirty-five S1: What does he ? S2: Hoe is a teacher

- Practicing in groups, using the past simple to talk about their vacation

- Giving the answers

- Correcting the pronunciation

S1: Where does he live ? S2: In Hue

S1: What time does he get up ? S2: Five-thirty

S1: What time does he come home ? S2: One o’clock

John 35 Teacher Hue 05.30 13.00

Hoa 21 Farmer Ha Tinh 04.00 18.00

Binh 12 student HCMC 06.00 15.30

+.PRODUCTION(7ms) - Must & Can:

Noughts & Crosses:

- Introduces the example exchange & helps Ss to work in groups to answer the questions about the road signs with Must & Can

- Asks Ss to compare the keys - Corrects & comments the game * Example:

S1: What does this sign mean ?

S2: You [ must slow down ] [ can park here ]

-Working in groups to answer the questions about the road signs with Must & Can

- Comparing the keys - Correcting the keys

Teacher's activities Students'activities

+The present progressive tense. (5ms)

T asks Ss to remind *


S1:What is he doing? S2: He is playing football -"Word cue drill"

-Ss renind and show the way to give the use and the structure

Answer key.


a)Lan/walk to school

b)They/go to school by bus c)We/play computer game d)She/travel to work e)He/sing a song Ex:

S1: What is Lan doing? S2: She is walking to school .etc


T asks Ss to show the way to use & structure (short adjectives and long adjectives)


1)Lan is taller than Hoa Mai is the tallest

2)This pen is more expensive than that pen

The dress "C" is the most expensive -"picture drill" (T asks Ss depend on ex P.40 in text book)


-A toy is cheaper than a ball -A ball is cheaper than a car -A toy is the cheapest


+Adverbs of frequency.(3ms) -Exercise P.71 (text book) Ex:

Ba never goes to the cafeteria at lunch time


T controls and corrects

+Prepositions(5ms) -Exercise4 P.39 (text book)

(To)Be + S + V-ing + O ?

-Take notes

-Ss practice well

-Ss show the way to use & structure (short adjectives and long adjectives)

-Ss practice well

-Ss renind and show the way to give the use and the structure

-Ss practice well

-Ss renind and show the way to give the use and the structure

-Ss practice well c.feedback(1ms)


- Teacher asks students to speak again the

main of this content Listen to the T

d.Homework :(1ms).

- Study the grammar & the modal sentence & the exercises at home -Preparing: written test (The second term examination)

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2021, 21:22


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