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BTTN Unit 8 E12

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A solar car is a vehicle powered by photovoltaic cells, also called solar cells, which convert sunlight (light energy) into electrical energy.. As a source of energy on[r]



Exercise Hãy điền vào trống từ loại cịn lại (nếu có) từ từ cho sẵn sau đây: (Phần

này HS về nhà chuẩn bị trước vào học reading, speaking,… GV tô màu trắng cho chữ màu

đỏ, in cho HS làm xem trước)

Noun Adjective Adverb Verb Vietnamese meaning

pessimist pessimistic pessimistically bi quan

optimist optimistic optimistically lạc quan

terrorism terrorist

sự khủng bố

kẻ khủng bố

labor saving tiết kiệm sức lao động

to wipe sth out xóa bỏ, hủy bỏ

space shuttle tàu thoi

depression tình trạng suy thối

corporation to coroporate công ty kinh doanh

burden gánh nặng

for better or worse dù tốt hay xấu

micro technology công nghệ vi mô

to be bound to bị buộc phải làm điều

influence to have a huge

influence on có ảnh hưởng lớn đến

disappearance to disappear biến

unexpectation unexpected unexpect không trông đợi

contribution contributive to contribute đóng góp

violence violent bạo lực

to force bắt buộc

spacecraft tàu vũ trụ

to bring about xảy ra, mang lại

dramatic dramatically sâu sắc

holiday maker người nghỉ mát

jupiter mộc (ngôi thứ kể từ

mặt trời)

mars hỏa (ngôi thứ kể từ

mặt trời)

a cure for sth phương thuốc chữa trị

declaration to declare tuyên bố

conflict to conflict with mâu thuẫn

materialistic theo chủ nghĩa vật chất

ideal lí tưởng

peace peaceful peacefully hịa bình

desire to desire khát khao, si mê

to be similar to giống nhau, tương tự

to let sb down bỏ rơi

to face đương đầu, đối mặt

the butcher’s cửa hàng bán thịt


to be fitted with tương thích, phù hợp

power powerful mạnh mẽ

head office văn phịng

efficiency efficient efficiently có khả năng, có hiệu suất

variety various variously to vary nhiều ….khác

achievement to achieve đạt thành tựu

accomplishment to accomplish đạt thành tựu

responsibility responsible for có trách nhiệm

contribution contributive to contribute to góp phần vào

citizen công dân

prediction to predict đốn trước

curable to cure chữa trị

eternal vĩnh hằng, trường cửu

mushroom nấm (dùng để ăn được)

ruin to ruin phá hủy, hủy hoại, tàn phá

Exercise Hãy cho biết từ đồng nghĩa gần nghĩa, từ trái nghĩa từ sau (nếu có) : (Phần này HS về nhà chuẩn bị trước vào học reading, speaking,… GV tô màu trng cho chữ màu đỏ, in cho HS làm xem trước)

từ cho sẵn từ đồng / gần nghĩa Từ trái nghĩa to force to put ino force, to oblige, to be bound

For instance, For example,

to disappear to appear

to achieve to accomplish

to expect to unexpect

to wipe sth out to remove eternal permanent domestic household

Ghi chú:

AT THE END (OF) phần cuối mặt vật lý (không gian lẫn thời gian, cụ thể)  IN THE END (OF) phần cuối mặt luận lý (cái trừu tượng)


Ví d: At the end of the book, there is a reference list (Ở cuối sách có danh sách tài liệu tham khảo) In the end of the book, the Prince lives happily with his dear wife (Cuối truyện Hồng tử sống hạnh phúc bên người vợ hiền mình)

(Từ Exercise trở đi, GV cho HS làm tại lớp, làm ở nhà để kiểm tra bài cũ làm các tiết học tăng tiết )

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence or replace the underlined words or phrases Many teenagers show signs of anxiety and when being asked about their future

A depress B depression C depressing D depressed Constant of attack makes everyday life dangerous here


3 No one can predict the future exactly Things may happen

A expected B unexpected C expectedly D unexpectedly Someone who is is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular

A powerful B optimistic C stagnant D pessimistic There will be powerful network of computers which may come from a single computing

that is worn on or in the body

A device B machinery C equipment D vehicle

6 A _is a spacecraft that is designed to travel into space and back to earth several times A plane B corporation C telecommunication D shuttle

7 An economic is a time when there is very little economic activity, which causes a lot of unemployment and poverty

A improvement B depression C development D mission In the future many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jobs will be lost

A companies B services C supermarkets D farms

9 The more powerful weapons are, the more terrible the is

A creativity B history C terrorism D technology 10 The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer

A speed B expectation C improvement D treatment 11 Let’s put off that meeting to next Monday

A postpone B schedule C arrange D appoint

12 A nuclear station may take risk going off due to unexpected incidents

A demolishing B exploding C developing D running

13 In the future, the number of tiny but computers you encounter every day will number in the thousands, perhaps millions

A power B powerful C powerfully D powered

14 Advances in computing , from processing speed to network capacity and the internet, have revolutionized the way scientists work

A technology B technological C technologically D technologist

15 What will the relationship between computing and bring us over the next 15 years?

A science B scientific C scientifically D scientist

16 Someone who is _thinks that bad things are going to happen

A optimistic B pessimistic C threatened D hopeful

17 Domestic chores will no longer be a burden thanks to the inventions of laborsaving devices A Official B Household C Schooling D Foreign

18 is the technology of sending signals and messages over long distances using electronic equipment, for example by radio and telephone

A Telecommunication B Telegraph

C Multifunction D Information technology

19 Peter was asked to to a newspaper article making predictions for technological progress in 10 years

A expect B invent C develop D contribute

20 Strict measures are in force in the capital to protect it from terrorism A scientific B normal C transportation D security 21 The of the future will no longer be remedial It will be preventive

A communication B education C medicine D technology 22 Doctors and pharmacists have to assume for human life

A responsibility B achievement C optimism D aspect

23 There is a wide of computers in that shop for you to choose

A vary B various C variety D variously


A terrorist B terrorism C terrorize D terror

25 Many people think that in some more years we will see the complete of newspapers and magazines due to the Internet

A disappear B disappearance C appear D appearing 26 A specific area of biotechnology that shows great promise for treatment and cure of life-


A developing B threatening C hoping D fitting 27 Telecommunication is bound to have a huge influence on various aspects of our lives

A depression B technique C expect D impact 28 We sometimes go away from the city to the countryside for a of fresh air

A feeling B sip C swallow D breath

29 The idea of building a with human intelligence is not only ambitious but also highly unconventional

A robot B corporation C line D road

30 Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and dish washers are labor- devices which help us housework easily and quickly

A improving B making C saving D employing

31 Those companies were closed due to some seriously financial problems

A taken off B put away C wiped out D gone over 32 The computer allows us to work fast and

A efficiently B differently C variously D freshly

33 That lazy girl is _to fail the GCSE exam

A hoped B liked C bound D possibly

34 Bringing up two children alone must be a _for her

A chore B burden C travel D responsibility

35 “You must have had a very good time on holiday.”– “ _it was a disaster Everything went wrong.”

A By tradition B In short C On the condition D On the contrary 36 There are _ways of spending your free time, so you can choose to whatever you


A scanty B various C ridiculous D variety

37 They are trying to persuade the rich to _their money to the charities

A provide B invest C finance D contribute

38 Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources _

A efficient B efficiency C inefficient D efficiently 39 Thousands of factory workers are attending evening classes in an attempt to _


A better B be better C being better D better than

40 “ _does Joe like his new motorbike?” - “He’s crazy about it.”

A How B What C When D Why

41 Some people think _a foreign language However, it isn’t

A it easy to master B easy to master C easily to master D it is easily to master 42 When his parents died, they _him a house in which he still lives

A continued B from earning C inherited D saved 43 Most people prefer spending money _it

A than earning B from earning C to earn D to earning Choose the answer that has the closest meaning to the original one:

1 Just imagine / human life / be like / 20 years


C Just imagine what human life will be like in 20 years D Just imagine that human life will be like since 20 years

2 I hope / we / able / solve the problems / over population and pollution

A I hope whether we are able to solve the problems, those are over population and pollution B I hope if we will be able to solve the problems, which are over population and pollution C I hope that we will be able to solve the problems of over population and pollution D I hope when we will be able to solve the problem for over population and pollution Cancers and AIDS / untreatable / now / be cured successfully

A Cancers and AIDS, which are untreatable now, will be cured successfully B Cancers and AIDS, they are untreatable now, will be cured successfully C Cancers and AIDS, that are untreatable now, will be cured successfully D Cancers and AIDS, which are untreatable now, they will be cured successfully All schools / on earth / equipped / computers and the Internet

A All schools on earth will be equipped with computers and the Internet B All schools on earth to be equipped with computers and the Internet C All schools on earth will be equipped by computers and the Internet D All schools on earth to be equipped by computers and the Internet no places / people / suffer / the lack of food and accommodation

A In no places, where people have to suffer the lack of food and accommodation

B There will be no places where people have to suffer the lack of food and accommodation C As there are no places, people will suffer the lack of food and accommodation

D They are no places that people will have to suffer the lack of food and accommodation

Read the passage and choose the best answer for each sentence below

In the future, maybe all cars that run on petrol will be replaced by solar cars, which have been around for a while, but with recent developments in solar car design and the measurement of photovoltaic cells becoming smaller, the dream of a truly efficient solar car is more reality than fantasy A solar car is a vehicle powered by photovoltaic cells, also called solar cells, which convert sunlight (light energy) into electrical energy As a source of energy on earth, there is nothing like the sun: in a mere one thousandth of one second (0.001) , the sun emits enough energy to fulfill our planet’s energy needs for the next 5,000 years It is a staggering fact, and an exciting one Since the energy from the sun is responsible for renewable resources such as wind, tides, and heat, solar energy seems to offer the brightest future for not only cars, but for the entire energy crisis Despite the appearance that solar energy may be the least feasible among the current crop of alternative fuel propositions, new solar powered devices and more specifically solar powered cars are beginning to be developed How Solar Cars work?

The photo-voltaic cells absorb photons from sunlight This action generates heat, which the cells then convert into electrical energy and stores in an on-board battery This process of conversion is called the photovoltaic effect Not surprisingly, such a vehicle has zero emissions, and is very environmentally friendly Unfortunately, at the moment photovoltaic cells are extremely inefficient, yet as time progresses the efficiency of these cells will grow This will make solar energy and solar cars the fuel and car of the future-a closer reality

1 According to the text,

A up to now, we have designed some solar cars B solar cars have been very popular for many years C we have not produced any solar cars yet

D solar cars are not as much appreciated as other kinds of car A solar car is supplied power from


3 Which can not help us to solve the problem of energy crisis?

A wind B tide C the sun D heat from the moon

4 According to the text,

A no powered solar devices have been developed so far

B besides solar car, we have also developed solar powered device C solar energy plans are more feasible than wind energy plans D tide can supply more energy than the sun

5 The photovoltaic effect is A the process of operating a solar car

B the process of absorbing photons from the sun

C the developing of solar cars and solar powered devices D the converting of heat from the sun into electricity Read the passage and choose the best word for each blank

Robots are already a part of our lives Industrial robots widely used in manufacturing Military and police organizations use robots to (1) in dangerous situations Robots can (2) be found from vacuuming the floors in your home to exploring the surface of Mars

Within a few more years a whole host of robotic adaptations will be running many aspects’ of our lives” I think in (3) next thirty years, we are going to see a transformation between the industrial sorts of robots to personal robots,” says Brooks from Brooks’ company, Robot, markets floor cleaning robots for homes

“The advances in robotics make it clear that many household (4) will be easily handled by a robot in the near future,” says Bob Christopher, who works for a robotic technology company that is marketing a toy robot (5) Pleo “We have only one child but I could easily (6) five or six robots in the home as well.”

Within the next 10 years one will be able to (7) , to lease or purchase a domestic robot that not only does the household cleaning and prepare and serve his meals, (8) also can carry him to the bathtub if he cannot walk

Demographic changes, such as a rapidly aging population and a shrinking workforce, will drive forward the application of new (9) There is going to be a real pull for increasing the productivity of working age people So there is going to be a real push for robotics to help people (10) addition it is likely that in the near future we will see robots- taking on some of the care functions elderly, or long-term ill people

1 A assist B increase C make D create

2 A so B either C too D also

3 A a B an C the D Ø

4 A aspects B chores C works D jobs

5 A which called B called C calling D that called

6 A hope B think C imagine D look

7 A afford B attain C offer D affect

8 A either B as C and D but

9 A technology B technological C technique D technician

10 A At B In C For D With

Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting

1 Future is a time when most people assume that everything will keep getting better and future



2 Many optimist people have made predictions about the positive impact of the increasing


mechanization on human life D

3 Imagine an entirely wireless world where the Net is “always on, always there”, we live in


endless sea of data, and objects are alive with intelligent D

4 Norma Jean Baker was the real name of the famous Hollywood actress, known such as Marilyn

Monroe A B C D

5 The Concorde can fly across the Atlantic without refueling and carrying 11 tons of freight


6 For more than 450 years, Mexico City has been the economic, culture, and political centre of the


Mexican people D

7 The jacket was nice, however it was very small for me


8 Despite the forecast said it would rain, it turned out to be a beautiful day


9 The café was crowded, so we found a table


10 Mark went on working in spite feeling unwell


11 The stereo didn’t work, so that Vicky took it back to the shop


12 I turned the heating on, because it was cold


13 You could fly via Vienna; but it isn’t the only way


14 I had a sandwich for the lunch today


15 Do you have to wear an uniform at work?


16 Shall we visit George in Spain in next April, John?


17 I think I’ll be on a Moroccan beach in my birthday


18 I normally go to the south of the France in the winter




PHẦN I: MẠO TỪ BẤT ĐỊNH : A hoặc AN ( MỘT ) Mạo từ bất định A hoặc AN có nghĩa là : MỘT

Khi dùng A? Khi dùng AN?


+ Dùng AN trước danh từ số bắt đầu nguyên âm và”H- “câm (không phát âm)

Ví dụ: an uncle, an ant, an aunt, an H (một chữ H) , an L (một chữ L) , an M (một chữ M) , an N (một chữ N) , an R

(một chữ R) , an S (một chữ S) , an X ( chữ X) ,

Cần ý: Các nguyên âm tiếng Anh thường : A, O, E, U, I (Anh, Om, Em, Ú, Ì ) , chữ L, M, N, R và”H”câm

3.Cách dùng A hoặc dùng AN: Ta dùng A hoặc AN khi:

a) Sau A hoăc AN danh từ số đếm được: (Xem lại danh từ đếm danh từ không đếm được)

Ví dụ: I have a pen, a pencil, an armchair and a notebook I have an aunt and an uncle give an answer to you

b) Danh t số đếm chưa đề cập đến trước đó:

Ví dụ: I have bought a new bicycle, Ihave a book c) Đưa một nhận định chung chung:

Ví dụ: A tiger is a wide animal A snake is a dangerous animal

An hour is all what he needs to that d) Với b túc từ nói nghề nghiệp :

Ví du: I am a student I am a teacher She is a nurse

He is an engineer Uncle Ho is a great man He is an excellent person It takes me an hour to go to Long Xuyên City by motor

e) Nằm trong một thành ngữ định (ta phải thuộc lịng)

Ví du: a dozen (of) , a pair (of) , a couple (of) , a hundred, a large number of, a number of, a great deal of, a great many, a lot (of) , a few (of) , a little (of) , a big sum of,

f) A hoặc AN còn dung câu cảm thán như:

Ví dụ: What a Chistmas tree!

What a beautiful dress she’s wearing!




T Dùng THE với VÍ DỤ

Khơng dùng



Tên đại dương, sơng vịnh, hồ, rặng núi ( có hình thức số nhiều) biển

The Pacific Ocean, the Black Sea, the Mekong River, the Great Lakes, the Rockies, the Thames,

Các anh từ trừu tượng, danh từ só nhiều chúng đại diện giống, lồi định

Love is made from the two same- vibrate hearts Health is perhaps more important than wealth Horses are strong

animals Oranges are rich in vitamins


Tên quốc gia,các đảo, quần đảo (có hình thức số nhiều) có tính từ tên đo trừ (Great Britain)

the United States, the Netherlands, the Seyshelles, the Philippines, the

Maldives, the Solomon Islands, theVatican City, the Virgin Islands,

Tên hồ, núi quốc gia (có hình thức số )

Lake Superior, Mount Everest, Haiti, Vietnam, England,


địa lí the Iudo- China, the Indo- Europe,

lục, địa cực America, Australia, North Pole, South Pole,


Tên trường đại học, cao đẳng, bắt đầu School, Univesity, College

the University of Texas, the College of Education, the University of Cần Thơ,

Tên trường bắt đầu địa danh, tên tiểu bang, thành phố, đường phố

Cantho University, Dongthap University of Pedagogy, Hongngu High School, Texas, Ohio, Hanoi City, HCM City, Tranphu street, Los Angeles,


Tên chiến tranh (trừ World War I, World War II)

the Civil War, the War of Independence, the War of Invasion

Tên môn học phổ thông

History, English, Physics, Mathematics, Liteature, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Civic Educaion,

6 Tên văn kiện lịch sử

the Treaty of Geneva, the Magna Carta, the

Declaration of Independence,

Tên người, tên tạp chí

Madona, Ronaldo, Charles Dicken, Saigon Times, New York Times, Time Magazine,


Tên tàu, xe lửa,máy bay

the Queen Mary, the Orient Express,

Danh từ có nghĩa tổng qt mà khơng ám đối lượng

Sleep is necessary to animals

Reath is automatic to human beings

8 Tên loại nhạc cụ

the piano, the drum, the flute,

Các danh từ bữa ăn ngày

breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner,


Các từ văn phịng, nơi giải trí, tác phẩm văn học nghệ thuật

the post office, The House Of Parlement, the zoo, the movies, the theatre, the Plough And the Stars,

* Nhưng: giới từ + THE + bữa ăn người biết đến

There were 20 people at the dinner given to celebrate their wedding anniversary


Các danh từ đề cập tình định (hoặc người biết sẵn danh từ đề cập đến)

Please, shut the windows My students are very nice I’ll never be tired of the students


Các danh từ thiên nhiên, vũ trụ, trời đất, vị thần, thiên


đàng, 12 Các từ so sánh

nhất, số thứ tự

The biggest ocean, the second man, …


GIIII TT I Giới từ + thời gian:

1 AT + giờ cụ thể: at 5’ oclock, at p m, at 3:34a.m, …

+ Chú ý: at noon; at midnight; at night; at sunrise/ dawn; at sunset/ dusk; at Christmas; at once; at last; at the moment; at weekend; at present

2 ON + thứ tuần; ngày; ngày tháng: on Monday/ Saturday, on June 10th, + Chú ý: on time (đúng giờ) ; on Christmas Day; on Tet holiday,

3 IN + buổi, tuần, tháng, mùa, năm, thập kỷ, kỷ, thiên niên kỷ: in the morning, in the

afternoon, in the evening, in a week, in June, in May, in Spring, in Summer, in Autumn, in Fall, in Winter, in 1979, in 2009

+ Chú ý: in time (đúng có chút chênh lệch khơng đáng kể, kịp giờ)

4 Một số giới từ khác + thời gian: FOR (khoảng) , SINCE (kể từ) , FROM TO… (từ … đến…) ; BETWEEN AND (giữa … ….) ; until (cho đến khi) ; TILL (cho đến khi) ; AFTER (sau khi) ; BEFORE (trước khi) ;

II Giới từ + nơi chốn:

1 AT (tại, tại) : at home; at the theatre; at the seaside; at the grocer’s/ dentist’s, ; at the corner of the street; at the top; at the bottom at the foot of the page; at the beginning; at the end (of the lesson; at the shop; (To arrive) at the airport/ railway station,

2 IN: trong, ở,

Ex: in London/ in Paris/ in Hanoi, In Vietnam/ in French/ In England, In the east; in the north,

Note: In the street (trên đường) ; in my opinion (theo ý tôi) ; in good weather (trong thời tiết) ; in (the) newspaper (trong tờ báo) ;

3 ON: ở trên: on the table; on the floor; on the wall;

Chú ý: on horseback (trên lưng ngựa) ; on foot (đi bộ) ; on TV; on radio; on the beach Ghi chú: in English/ German (bằng tiếng Anh/ Đức) , in ink (bằng mực) ,


Bảng 1: Bảng 2:



Noun phrase prep

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Adjective prep

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

have / take a look at hãy nhìn vào sad about buồn về

make allowance for chiếu cố đến clever at thông minh về, khéo léo về

make room for dành phòng cho good at giỏi về

have confidence in tự tin vào present at có mặt tại

catch sight of thoáng thấy, gặp quick at nhanh, sáng trí về

lose sight of mất hút rich at giàu về, dồi về


make fun of đùa cợt, chế nhạo frightened by run sợ

make use of đem dùng surprised by ngạc nhiên về

take account of tính đến available for có sẵn

take advantage of lợi dụng difficult for khó khăn

take care of chăm sóc, trơng nom famous for nổi tiếng về

take charge of chịu trách nhiệm về good for tốt cho

take note of ghi nhận late for trễ

take notice of lưu ý đến, để ý đến perfect for hoàn hảo

make a fuss over/

about làm lộn xộn / la ó lên responsible for chịu trách nhiệm về give place to dành chỗ cho useful for có ích cho

give way to nhượng cho thankful for biết ơn

pay attention to chú ý đến grateful to biết ơn

put a stop to chấm dứt absent from vằng mặt

put an end to chấm dứt, kết thúc devorced from ly dị với

set fire to đốt cháy, làm cháy different from khác với

keep pace with theo kịp, bắt kịp isolated from biệt lập với, bị xa rời với

lose touch with mất liên lạc với safe from an toàn

Bảng3: independent of Không phụ thuộc vào

Verb prep Nghĩa tiếng Việt interested in thích thú vào, thích

complain about phàn nàn về interesting in thích thú vào, thích

go after theo đuổi successful in thành công về

look after trông nom afraid of sợ, e ngại

arrive at đến ( nơi nhỏ, địa điểm, …) ahead of về phía trước

laugh / smile at cười chê, cười nhạo aware of coi chừng, cẩn thận với

look at nhìn thẳng vào capable of có khả năng

apologize for xin lỗi certain of chắc chắn với, hiển nhiên

ask for hỏi xin confident of tin tưởng, tự tin

look for Tìm kiếm fond of thích, vui với

pay for chi trả cho full of đầy ắp

vote for bầu cử cho guilty of tội lỗi về, có tội

wait for chờ, đợi dependent on phụ thuộc vào, lệ thuộc vào

work for làm việc cho acceptable to có thể chấp nhận được

arrive in đến ( nơi rộng lớn, xứ sở, thành phố lớn,…) accustomed to quen với, quen thuộc với

believe in tin vào agreeable to có thhợp vớiể đồng ý được, phù

get in lên xe ( taxi, xe hơi, máy bay) contary to trái lại, ngược lại với

succeed in thành công trong… harmful to có hại

consist of bao gồm kind to tử tế với

agree on đồng ý ( điều ) likely to có thể, gần như

base on dựa vào open to mở (cho)

call on ghé qua, viếng thăm pleasant to dễ chịu

decide on quyết định relevant to dư thừa,

depend on phụ thuộc vào, lệ thuộc vào similar to giống với

get on lên ( tàu, xe buýt, xe lửa, ) disappoited with thất vọng về

go / keep on tiếp tục crowded with đông đúc

rely on tin vào, dựa vào familiar with quen thuộc với

try on thđạc, …ử, mặc thử ( quần áo, dồ ) friendly with thân với, thân thiện với

pick out nhặt ra, tìm ra,… happy with vui với, hạnh phúc

belong to thuộc về popular with phổ biến


object to hướng vào, phản đối well-fitted with hồ đồng với, thích ứng với

give up bỏ qua, tha thứ delighted with vui với

wake / get up tỉnh giấc / thức dậy delighted by vui bởi

agree with đồng ý với ( )

insist on nằng nặc đòi

Bảng 4:


Verb preposition preposition Nghĩa tiếng Việt

come along with theo

get along with hoà thuận với

look forward to trông đợi, trông chờ

catch up with theo kịp với, bắt kịp với

put up with chịu đựng

be fed up with chán nản, chán ngán với

along with với

out of bên

( verb ) + prepostion NOUN prepostion Nghĩa tiếng Việt

( fall / be ) in love with yêu, phải lòng

( get / keep ) in touch with bắt / giữ liên lạc với

( be ) in charge of chịu trách nhiệm

( be ) in favor of thích

at / by the time of vào lúc

by means of cách

in case of trường hợp

in addition to thêm vào

in contrast to / with ngược lại với

in terms of thuộc phương diện

on account of vì,

III: Giới từ sau tính từ: OF:

Afraid of: e ngại/ ashame of: xấu hổ vì/ aware of: nhận thức/ capable of: có khả năng/ proud of: tự hào vì/ full of: đầy rẫy/ ahead of: phía trước,


accustomed to: quen với/ delighted to sb: thú vị với ai/ familiar to sb: quen thuộc với ai/ responsible to: có trách nhiệm với / available to sb: sẵn có cho ai/ similar to (giống, tương tự) / equal to: bằng, tương tự/ harmful to sb: có hại cho


Available for sth: có sẵn câi gì/ late for: trễ/ dangerous for: nguy hiểm/ suitable for: thích hợp / sorry for: xin lỗi vì/ helpful (useful) for: có lợi, có ích/ good for: tốt cho/ grateful for: biết ơn việc gì; convenient for: thuận tiện cho/ ready for sth: sẵn săng cho việc gì/ responsible for: chịu trâch nhiệm văo việc

4 AT

Good at (giỏi về) / bad at (dở về) / clever at (khéo léo) / skillful at (có kỹ với) / amazed at = surprised at (ngạc nhiên) / excellent at (xuất sắc với) / present at (hiện diện) / angry at sth (giận dỗi gì)


Delighted with (vui mừng với) ; acquainted with (làm quen với) ; crowded with (đông đúc) ; angry with (giận dỗi với) ; friendly with (thân mật với, thân thiện) ; bored with (chán nản với) ; busy with (bận) ; familiar wth: quen thuộc; pleased with (hài lòng với) ;


Excited about (hào hứng) ; happy about (hạnh phúc, vui) ; sad about (buồn) ; serious about (nghiêm trọng, nghiêm túc) ; upset about (thất vọng về) ; worried about = anxxious about (lo lắng)

7 IN

Interested in (thích, quan quan tâm vào) ; rich in (giàu vì, dồi giàu với) ; successful in (thành cơng trong) ; confident in sb (tin cậy vào ai)


Isolated from (bị cô lập) ; absent from (vắng mặt) ; different from (khác) ; far from (xa) ; safe from (an toàn) ; divorced from (ly dị, làm xa rời)

9 ON

Keen on: hăng hái

IV Giới từ sau động từ:

 Apologized sb for sth: xin lỗi việc  Admire sb of sth : khâm phục việc  Belong to sb: thuộc

 Accuse sb of sth: đỗ lỗi cho việc  Congratulate sb on sth: chúc mừng việc  Differ from: khác với

 Introduce sb to sth: giới thiệu cho gì, giới thiệu cho  Give up: từ bỏ

 Look at (nhìn vào) ; look after (chăm sóc, trơng nom) ; look for (tìm kiếm) ; look up (tra từ điển) ; look forward to (mong đợi)

 Put on (mang vào, mặc vào, đội vào) ; put off (cởi ra, bỏ ra)  Stand for = symbolize for: tượng trưng cho

 Agree with: đồng ý với  Provide with: cung cấp

 Prevent sb from doing sth: ngăn khơng cho làm  Succeed in: thành công với

 Depend on / rely on: dựa vào/ phụ vào  Die of: chết


 Escape from: thoát khỏi

 Borrow sth from sb: mượn từ  Take after (giống)

 Take off (cởi ra, cất cánh)  Take place (diễn ra)  Take over (đảm nhận)


Choose the best answer to complete each sentence or replace the underlined words or phrases I want apple from that basket

A a B an C the D X

2 Miss Lin speaks Chinese

A a B an C the D X

3 One of the students said, “ professor is late today”

A a B an C the D X

4 Eli likes to play volleyball

A a B an C the D X

5 I bought umbrella to go out in the rain

A a B an C the D X

6 My daughter is learning to play violin at her school

A a B an C the D X

7 Please give me pen that is on the counter

A a B an C the D X

8 Albany is the capital of New York state

A a B an C the D X

9 Our neighbour has cat and dog

A a/ a B an/ a C the/ the D X/ X

10 ink in my pen is red

A a B an C the D X

11 It is funniest book that I have ever read

A a B an C the D X

12 Can anyone give me hand, please because I have just fallen over?

A a B an C the D X

13 She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be

A doctor B a doctor C the doctor D a doctors

14 I have left my book in kitchen and I would like you to get it for me

A a B an C the D X

15 Please meet me at the train station in hour from now

A a B an C the D X

16 I like to watch tennis on the television It is very good game

A a B an C the D X

17 president of the United States will be visiting Australia next week

A a B an C the D X

18 July goes to work on the bus

A a B an C the D X

19 golf is my favourite sport I play once or twice week if I can, but I’m not very good player


20 I don’t know what to It’s problem

A quite difficult B a quite difficult C quite a difficult D the quite difficult 21 starts at seven o’clock

A School B A school C The school D The schools

22 We can finish the rest of the bread for breakfast

A a B an C the D X

23 Nigel opened a drawer and took out

A photos B a photos C some photos D some photo

24 We need to protect environment from pollution

A some B a C an D the

25 We often go to school by bicycle

A a B an C the D X

26 There was accident yesterday at corner of street A a/ the/ the B an/ a/ a C an/ the/ the D the/ X/ X 27 I need time to think about offer you made me

A the/ the B a/ the C X/ an D X/ the

28 book you ordered last week is now in stock

A the/ X B a/ the C X/ an D X/ the

29 dancing is more interesting activity than reading

A X/ X/ X B The/ a/ the C X/ a/ X D X/ the/ X

30 recipe for success is hard work

A The/ X/ X B The/ a/ the C X/ a/ X D X/ the/ X

31 people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

A the/ X B the/ the C X/ X D X/ the

32 I have two brothers: older one is training to be pilot with British Airways, younger one is still at school

A The/ X/ the/ X B The/ a/ the /X C an/ a/ the/ X D the/ the/ the/ X 33 I won’t be home for dinner this evening I’m meeting some friends after

work and we’re going to cinema

A The/ X/ X B X/ the/ the C X/ X/ the D X/ the/ X 34 She has read interesting book

A the B an C a d, any

35 John Gilbert was a patient He was

A a sick B an ill C a sick man D not in a hurry

36 The Atlantic is

A a canal B a sea C an ocean D a lake

37 The songs are popular like them

A people B the folk C the people D many people

38 That was a family of

A a prosperity B the prosperity C the prosperous D prosperity 39 youngest boy has just started going school

A the / x B a / x C x / the D an / x

40 I eldest boy is at college

A The / the B An / the C The / x D a / the

41 She lives in top floor of an old house

A an B any C a D the

42 She had very bad night, she didn’t sleep wish

A a / a B an / a C a / an D an / an

43 person suffering from shock should not be given anything to drink


44 You’ll get shock if you touch live wire with that screwdriver

A a / a B an / a C an / the D the / the

45 Mr Smith is old customer and honest man

A the / an B an / the C an / an D the / the

46 Do you go to prison to visit him?

A the B x C a D an

47 On Sundays my father stays in bed, reading Sunday papers

A the / the B a / the C x / the D the / a

48 My mother goes to church in morning

A the / x B the / the C x / the D a church / A

49 And in afternoon goes to visit friends

A the / any B the / x C an / an D the / the

50 I have little money left, let’s have dinner in restaurant

A some / the B a / the C the / a D a / a

51 man is reasoning animal

A x / a B the / a C x / an D a / the

52 Ann used to ride a motorcycle up and down road early in morning

A a / the B the / a C the / the D the / an

53 I am on night duty When you go to bed, I go to work

A a / the B x / x C a / x D the / x

54 He switched on torch, read meter

A the / a B the / the C a / the D a / a

55 is star

A The moon / a B moon / the C a moon / the D A moon /a 56 Hanoi is capital of Viet Nam

A a B x C an D the

57 She visited France and United States last month

A x / the B the / the C the / x D x / x

58 The murder was taken to prison

A a B x C an D the

59 My mother goes to school to meet my sister’s teacher

A x B a C the D an

60 Mr Smith was holding a lighted match at time of explosion

A the / x B x / the C the / the D the / an

61 He said that he had had book but that it had been burnt in fire

A the / the B a / the C a / a D the / a

62 Peter thinks that this is quite cheap restaurant

A A B the C an D any

63 To prevent possible repetition of this accident, I lent him torch

A a / an B the / a C a / a D the / the

64 There’ll always be a conflict between old and young

A the / the B an / the C an / a D the / a

65 The lioness bit him in leg

A a B an C the D his

66 The barman seized the drunk by collar

A A B any C an D the

67 He pointed to a woman in green dress

A in B a C the D an

68 Would you like to hear story about Englishman?


69 There was collision at corner

A a / the B the / the C an / the D the / A

70 Call an ambulance There’s been

A accident B an accident C some accident D any accident 71 Sandra works at a big hospital She’s

A nurse B a nurse C the nurse D an nurse

72 He works six days week

A in B for C a D x

73 is a very big star in the Solar System

A Sun B A sun C The sun D Suns

74 What did you have for breakfast this morning?

A x B a C an D the

75 When invented?

A was telephone B was the telephone C were the telephones D were a telephone 76 We visited two years ago

A Canada and the United states B the Canada and the United States C the Canada and United states D Canada and United States

77 It took us quite a long time to get here It was journey

A three hour B a three- hours C a three –hour D three- hours 78 I eat everyday

A a banana B banana C the bananas D any banana

79 Did your train leave from ?

A the Platform B an Platform C some Platform D Platform 80 I can’t work here There’s too much

A noise B noises C the noise D a noise

81 I’ve seen good films recently

A a B the C some D an

82 Unemployment compensation is money to support an unemployed person while he is looking for

A job B a job C works D a work

83 My mother goes to church in morning

A x B every C the D a

84 I eat everyday

A a banana B banana C the bananas D any banana 85 Harry is a sailor He spends most of his life at sea

A a B an C the D x

86 There are billions of stars in space

A a B an C x D the

87 He tried to park his car but space wasn’t big enough

A the B a C an D x

88 Can you turn off television, please?

A the B a C an D x

89 We had dinner in a restaurant

A a B an C x D the

90 We had meal in a restaurant

A a B an C the D x

91 Thank you That was very nice lunch

A a B an C the D.x

92 rose is my favourite color


93 When was computer invented?

A a B an C the D x

94 My daughter plays piano very well

A the B a C an D x

95 Mary loves flowers

A a B an C the D x

96 Jill went to hospital to see her friend

A x B the C a D an

97 Mrs Lan went to school to meet her son’s daughter

A x B the C a D an

98 Carol went to prison to meet her brother

A the B a C an D x

99 She works six days week

A in B for C a D x

100 is a star

A Sun B A sun C The sun D Suns

101.London is capital of England

A an B a C x D the

102.Are you going away next week? No, week after next

A a B the C some D x

103.We haven’t been to for years

A cinema B the cinema C a cinema D any cinema

104.If you live in foreign country, you should try and learn the language

A the B x C an D a

105.Did your train leave from ?

A the Platform B an Platform C some Platform D Platform 106.I can’t work here There’s so much

A noise B noises C the noise D a noise

107.Do you need ?

A an umbrella B a umbrella C umbrella D an umbrellas 108.I often watch television for two hours every night

A some B the C any D x

109.The injured man was taken to

A hospital B any hospital C the hospital D hospitals 110.She went out without money

A any B an C a D x

111.Toshi speaks at home

A the Japanese B Japan C the Japan D Japanese

112.A man and a woman were standing outside my house looked English but I think woman was foreign

A the / a B a / the C a/ a D the / the

113.John sat on chair nearest the door

A the / a B a / the C a /a D the / the

114.For breakfast I had sandwich and apple The sandwich wasn’t very nice

A the / an B a / the C a / an D the / the

115.I would love to live by sea

A the B a C an D x

116.What is longest river in world?


117.This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where magazine is

A a /a B a / the C the / the D the / a

118.We live in big house in middle of the village

A a / a B a / the C the / the D the / a

119.I’m looking for job Did Mary get job she applied for?

A a / the B the / a C a/ a D the / the

120.Did police find person who stole your bicycle?

A a /a B the / the C a / the D the / a

121.We went out for last night restaurant we went was excellent

A a /a B the / the C a / the D the / a

122.As I was walking along the street, I saw $10 note on pavement

A a/ a B the / the C a / the D the / a

123.The Soviet Union was first country to send a man into space

A the /the B x / x C x /the D the / x

124.Did you watch “Titanic” on television or at cinema?

A the/ the B x / x C x / the D the / x

125.After lunch, we went for a walk by sea

A the / the B x/ x C x/ the D the / x

126.Peru is country in South America capital is Lima

A a / a B a / the C the / the D the / a

127.I never listen to radio In fact I haven’t got radio

A a /a B a / the C the / the D the / a

128.It was a beautiful day sun shone brightly in sky

A a / a B a / the C the / the D the / a

129.It is said that Robinhood robbed rich and gave the money to poor

A a /a B a / the C the / the D the / a

130.Life is not so easy for unemployed

A the B a C an D x

131.Many people were killed in the accident The bodies of dead were taken away

A the B a C an D x

132.The butler was I suspected

A last person B a last person C the last person D some last person 133.Where you borrowed last week?

A is scissors B are the scissors C is some scissors D are scissors 134.Why don’t we go to the park ?

A in the car B with a car C with car D by the car 135.Too much rubbish is being dumped in

A sea B the sea C a sea D some sea

136.This is exactly I was looking for

A job B a job C some job D the job

137.Of all the cars, I think I prefer

A a Japanese B some Japanese C the Japanese one D a Japanese one 138.I try to go jogging at least four times

A the week B of the week C a week D of a week 139.Sally spent six month out of

A work B a work C the work D some work

140.I’ll be at home Saturday morning You can phone me then

A At B on C In D By


A At B on C in D to 142.What time did they the hotel?

A arrive to B arrive at C arrive in D arrive on

143.Have you read any books Agatha Christie?

A of B from C by D with

144.I’m not very good repairing things

A at B for C in D about

145.“What time will you arrive?”- “I don’t know It depends the traffic.”

A of B for C from D on

146.I prefer tea coffee

A to B than C against D over

147.The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage the other car

A of B for C to D on

148.These days everybody is aware the dangers of smoking

A on B of C with D about

149.He’s very brave He’s not afraid anything

A at B about C with D of

150.Bill and I come from the same town but my accent is different his

A with B on C at D from

151.Do you know anyone who might be interested buying an old car?

A on B in C with D about

152.Sun oil can protect the skin the sun

A in B for C from D by

153.The apartment consists three rooms, a kitchen and bathroom

A of B about C on D at

154.Mozart died Vienna in 1791 the age of fifty-nine

A in / on B in / at C at / in D of / for

155.We waited ages for a taxi We gave up the end and walked home

A in B on C at D of

156.I like to get up time to have a big breakfast before going to work

A on B to C in D for

157.Why are you never time? You always keep everybody waiting

A in B on C for D at

158.“Romeo and Juliet” is a play Shakespeare

A about B for C on D by

159.There has been an increase the number of road accidents recently

A in B on C at D by

160.I’m sure you are capable passing the examination

A with B to C of D by

161.My home town is not especially interesting It’s not famous anything

A for B with C at D on

162.Linda is married an American

A with B to C in D for

163.When I realized that I was wrong, I apologized my mistake

A to B at C on D for

164.The book is divided three parts

A to B with C of D into

165.Don’t throw stones the birds! It’s cruel

A at B to C into D in


A at B from C in D on 167.Stuart: Good heaven! It’s Nick Jenkins, isn’t it? I don’t believe it!

Nick: Stuart! I haven’t seen you we left school

A for B from C since D by

168.What’s the difference a boat and a ship?

A between B from C under D with

169.I can’t find my keys I had them a minute

A ago B before C behind D back

170.Father: What’s this girl’s name?

Son: Julie She’s college me

A at / with B at / on C in / to D to / with

171.We all laughed the cartoon

A for B at C on D to

172.Sally and Kevin had an argument and now they’re not speaking one another

A about B to C for D at

173.Police are searching the man who escaped from prison

A at B in C for D by

174.Don’t point that knife me It’s dangerous

A at B to C into D onto

175.I heard a noise behind me and turned , but there was nothing

A away B out C on D round

176.Why were you so unfriendly Tessa? Have you had an argument with her?

A of B for C to D with

177.They gave me a form and told me to fill it

A in B on C at D with

178.We travelled 4:45 train, which arrived there at 6:30

A in the B on the C by the D by

179.Janet warned me the water She said it wasn’t safe to drink

A about B with C on D to

180.Albert is and lives alone He needs somebody to look him

A for / at B on / in C at /at D at / after

181.I will not be here next week I am going business in Singapore

A in B on C with D at

182.I don’t believe ghosts I think people only imagine that they see them

A to B about C in D with

183.Don’t go too fast I can’t keep you

A on to B on with C up to D up with

184.Polly wants to cycle round the world She’s really keen the idea

A about B for C on D with

185.This village is Hanoi It’s only six miles away

A along B by C near D next

186.Endangered species are plant and animal species which are danger of extinction

A on B in C at D by

187.Plant and animal extinction leads loss of biodiversity

A on B in C into D to

188.The initiative for founding the Red Cross came a Swiss man called Jean Henri Dunant

A from B with C through D to


A on B at C in D from 190.Miss Dunn: Hello, Tenex Transport Can I help you?

Mr Miller: Yes Can I speak Mr Smithers, please?

A at B about C to D for

191.Tom: How long have you been living there? Peter: Oh, about two years

A In B Since C On D For

192.My birthday is November 2nd, 1990

A on B in C since D at

193.Bacteria is helpful our life

A to B at C with D for

194.His parents are really surprised his success

A with B to C at D about

195.We haven’t heard any news John since 003

A on B with C about D of

196.The children were amused the teacher’s funny story

A in B by C about D with

197.His opinion is different mine

A from B to C with D about

198.His present is similar me

A at B on C with D to

199.Glass is made sand

A in B by C of D from

200.Tom is late school very often

A with B for C in D by

201.The library is the second floor

A at B in C over D on

202.These animals are thought to be danger of extinction

A in B on C at D for

203.I’m not good at English Please speak Vietnamese

A on B in C by D with

204.The students are excited going on a holiday in China

A about B at C in D with

205.This is not a true story He just made it

A up B by C off D for

206.If you don’t know the meaning of this word, try to look it in the dictionary

A out B after C up D at

207.She always takes good care her children

A for B in C of D about

208.My watch is made gold

A in B with C by D of

209.There are several bridges the Mekong river

A on B in C at D over

210.These shoes are made leather

A with B from C by D of

211.We arrived the stadium just minutes before the match started

A on B to C in D at

212.Do you think Nam is better Maths than Lan?

A with B about C to D at


A with B on C of D at 214.We always go to school foot

A with B by C on D in

215.No one has written to me my birthday

A in B for C on D since

216.Rice was grown Vietnam thousands of years ago

A at B on C by D in

217.We are interested listening to folk music

A in B with C to D about

218.Many people still believe that our natural resources will never be used

A off B over C up D out

219.Right now we are holiday China

A in/on B from/to C on/in D at in

220.This mobile is made Nokia Corporation

A in B of C by D from

221.I lived in Hanoi from 1999 2005

A in B to C for D since

222.James Watt is still famous his discovery of the steam engine

A about B for C with D in

223.They are leaving Hanoi Ho Chi Minh city

A for B of C at D to

224.We arrived Dalat at ten pm yesterday

A for B to C in D at

225.He was disappointed his school result

A at B with C of D on

226.The meeting will be held Independent Day

A at B to C on D in

227.Susan is looking something to eat

A at B for C by D up

228.This bag is made plastic

A from B by C in D of

229.There are many differences women in old day and women in modern day

A with B between C to D from

230.America was discovered Columbus in 492

A with B in C on D by

231.There is a hospital my house

A near B at C above D in

232.Mrs Kent is tired looking after the house every day

A with B of C at D in

233.How far is it your house to school?

A to B in C at D from

234.I’m afraid living on myself in a big city

A with B about C on D of

235.Miss Lan is fed up doing the same thing every day

A about to B in C of D with

236.Someone broke into the room and made several TVs and Videos

A out B up C of D off

237.Surfing is one way spending free time in Australia

A with B in C for D of


A At B In C For D Since 239.Chemical wastes from factories are extremely harmful our life

A without B to C with D for

240.The shop is crowded rush hour

A at B with C in D on

241.What’s television tonight?

A in B to C at D on

242.Sometimes Mr Pike has to work very late night to some important experiments

A in B at C for D on

243.Peter was a hurry to go so he did not stop to greet me

A in B on C with D over

244.Where is Jimmy? - He is work He is busy his monthly report

A on/for B in/about C to/through D at/with

245.With greatly increased workloads, everyone is pressure now

A under B above C upon D out of

246.While studying he was financially dependent his parents

A to B of C on D from

247.Please don’t enter knocking

A except for B While C with D without

248.A nuclear station may take risk going off due to unexpected incidents

A demolishing B exploding C developing D running

249.She is looking a new place to live because she does not want to depend her parents anymore

A for/ on B after / with C up / forward D at / into

250.I was brought in the countryside by my aunt after my parents had pass

A on / over B for / on C on / off D up / away

251.Due to industrialization, we have to cope the fact that many species are danger extinction

A over / at / for B at / upon / over C for / on /with D with / in /of 252.Boys! Put your toys it is time to go to bed Don’t stay late

A off / on B away / up C down / off D around / for 253.She intended to quit her job to stay home and look her sick mother

A in /at B at / after C for / over D up /on

254.He is very worried his new job because he is not quite prepared working

A on /over B to / off C about / for D in /at 255.Instead petrol, cars will only run solar energy and electricity

A of /on B for / by C in / over D from /upon

256.She has a promising future ahead her

A for B from C on D of

257.The space shuttle crashed and went in flames

A of B for C over D off

258.Elevators in tall building make the top floors accessible everybody

A to B with C about D at

259.While I am waiting my bus, I often listen music

A on / at B for / to C toward / about D upon /in 260.Those spacecrafts are used taking photographs space

A about /through B for /in C of /at D in/ off 261.Will you take care my little dog when I am business?


262.According Bill, there’ s something wrong my computer A after /for B on/ about C to /with D upon /at 263.He depends his sister assistance

A to /from B from /in C on /for D at/ with

264.They arrived that train station late because their taxi had broken

A at /down B for /off C on/ over D on /up

265.Those workers are in difficulty because wage increases cannot keep up inflation

A with B for C over D on

266.They argued us the problem last night, but we could not find the solution

A with /about / out B on / for / off C upon /with /in D to /on /up

267.Williams is working an export company He intends to apply another job because he is not satisfied the salary

A in/on /at B for/ for/ with C at/ out/ into D from/ on /for 268.Is Miss Wilson very fond French food?- No, she is not used having

French food

A over / with B of/ to C off/ for D in/ about

269.Look ! The tree is going to fall down

A over B off C in D out

270.I think we maybe run natural resources someday

A in to B up to C out of D away from

271 whom these English books belong?

A From B To C For D With

272.Thanks the inventions labor saving devices, women have more free time to take part social work

A through/ over/ for B on/ from/ with C forward/ for/ from D to/ of/ in 273.Mary always takes get care her children

A for B of C to D with

274.Could I speak Tom, please?- I’m afraid Tom is work Would you like to speak him?

A up/at/to B to/at/to C with/in/with D on/in/of

275.He started going school the age of five So now he’s been school for ten years He’s leaving the end of this year

A to/at/in/in B to/with/on/out C for/about/in/of D off/up/upon/above 276.He goes his office every day, except Sunday On Sundays he stays

home and works the garden

A for/on/in B to/up/with C to/at/in D for/at/under 277.I think I left my umbrella the bus I’d better write the lost property


A in/for B at/to C up/with D on/to

278.We arrived the airport good time for the plane

A in/for B at/at C up/about D on/to

279.Can I look up a word your dictionary? I left mine home

A from/at B at/from C up/to D on/within

280.Our train arrived New York 6.30 Paul met us the station A at/for/off B at/at/at C up/with/at D on/to/between 281.Have you been the theatre recently? - Yes, I was the Old Vic last night

A in/for B at/to C up/with D on/to


A in/for/in B to/in/to C on/without/beside D upon/to/down 283.I went bed early but I couldn’t get sleep because the people

the next room were talking so loudly

A in/forward B at/into/at C to/into/in D for/to/with 284 first, I found the work very tiring, but a few weeks I got used


A in/for/to B at/in/to C up/behind/with D on/to/in

285.There was an accident the crossroads midnight last night Two men were taken hospital I believe one of them is still the hospital A at/at/to/in B in/for/of/out C up/about/for/off D on/out/up/to 286 the daytime the streets are crowded but night they are quite deserted

A to/for B up/about C in/at D out/to

287 first her father refused to allow her to go back work, but the end he agreed

A in/for/at B to/on/of C up/out/off D at/to/in

288 the beginning of a textbook there is a preface, and the end there is an index

A at/at B with/to C up/out D in/behind

289.He went sea 18, and spent all his working life the sea He retired 56, and went to live the country

A in/for/to/at/off B to/at/by/at/in C up/about/on/for/in D on/to/of/by/from 290.I saw Tom the bus stop the morning but couldn’t speak him because we were standing a queue and he was the front of it and I was the back

A in/for/up/on B at/to/in/at C upon/about/in/at D at/in/in/in 291.I’ll leave some sandwiches the fridge in case you are hungry when you come in

A in B up C with D under

292.We’d better start six, because climbing up the gallery takes some time I hope you don’t mind sitting the gallery.- No, of course not When I go the opera I always go the gallery

A on/for/on/in/to B at/in/in/to/to C up/out/in/to/at D on/to/up/at/with 293.He is always a hurry He drives a tremendous speed

A on/out B with/from C in/at D onto/upto

294.When he began speaking English, she looked him amazement (sự kinh ngạc)

A in/for/to B at/out/up C in/at/with D on/of/off 295.Write ink and put your name the top of the page

A in/at B of/in C with/for D under/above

296.We start serving breakfasts 7:30 Shall I send yours up your room, or will you have it the restaurant?

A on/to/out B up/in/from C with/under/of D at/to/in 297.He’s always a bad temper breakfast time

A in/at B on/off C beside/behind D beneath/under

298.According the guide book, there are three hotels the town

A of/of B to/in C for/with D under/at

299.The pilot climbed 5,000 meters high and flew that height till he got the coast Then he got down 1,000 meters and began to take



A in/for B in/at C with/for D with/at 301.Shall we discuss it my room, or shall I come your office?

A in/from B up/from C in/to D up/under

302.The Loch Ness Monster is supposed to live the bottom of the Lake Noch, and come the surface from time time

A in/to/with B on/to/on C with/up/by D for/up/to 303.Must you have dropped your key somewhere there?

A over B up C with D out

304.Our teacher lives that house his friends

A in/with B for/by C at/on D up/out

305.We shall be there the day after tomorrow

A on B to C in D away

306.Their house is two bigger ones

A among B between C under D for

307.Miss Lệ bought a small house a nice forest

A on B above C near D above

308.He will come Monday the afternoon

A in/on B on/in C at/in D up/to

309.We have stayed there 2000

A since B for C with D under

310.Will he be there one month?

A out B with C for D near

311.What does he often his free time?

A in B up C with D up

312.I am sad my daughter’s laziness

A from B at C for D about

313.The children are free Sundays

A on B up C with D under

314.Việt is not interested listening to music

A with B under C in D up

315.Her profession is similar his

A in B up C with D to

316.Ms Trang is fond candy

A under B off C of D in

317.Were you absent the lecture yesterday?

A in B with C up D from

318.We must hurry if we not want to be late school

A from B for C to D out

319.Mr Dan is friendly all his colleagues

A to B up C with D by

320.Will the raincoat keep you safe the cold?

A to B up C with D from

321.Did the bus collide (va, đụng nhau) a car?

A to B from C with D out

322 last you have to make a conclusion

A in B up C from D at

323.No, she wasn’t shocked what he said

A at B with C by D from

324.Does Mr Long forgive Linh interrupting him?


325.Have you left your bicycle leaning the tree?

A in B up C to D under

326.Do you have to live Hanoi in autumn every year?

A in B up C with D under

327.I live 21, Phó Đức Chính, Distrct

A in B for C at D to

328.He like to sit Tú and Quyên

A in B between C from D under

329.Did he eat the apples which were the fridge?

A in B for C around D under

330.This dictionary is big and heavy It is the other one

A in B up C beside D of

331.President Hồ was born Nghệ An in 1890

A in B into C at D from

332.None the money is mine

A of B up C off D for

333.Be fast! We’re got to go some minutes

A at B with C of D in

334.I don’t think the weather will be nice weekend

A of B to C for D from

335.They have lived in this city twenty years of their life

A at B during C since D for

336.I was furious you for not telling me the news

A with B to C at D from

337.She was astonished the way he behaved

A at B on C to D with

338.The monitor is really responsible the manager for the group

A for B with C of D to

339.No, we’re not short staff in our office at the moment

A to B up C of D for

340.You’re very kind, but I wouldn’t like to be married you

A of B for C with D to

341.I am walking the river bank

A within B without C along D in

342.We will leave Russia

A for B to C of D at

343.Autumn comes summer

A before B after C back D from

344.Did the rain fall the day before yesterday?

A during B in C off D toward

345.They arrived six and seven a.m

A forward B before C between D among

346.I shall meet you the corner the street

A for/at B to/of C of/from D at/of

347.I always go school foot

A to/on B from/in C at/for D out/with

348.It never snows here Christmas

A for B to C of D at

349.The country looks beautiful Spring


350.I can see you Monday

A to B at C in D on

351.I live the country, but she lives the seaside

A on/at B in/by C at/in D in/at

352.Have you any money you?

A for B since C with D from

353.He always comes here bicycle

A in B by C over D with

354.I don’t like getting up too early the morning

A for B on C in D at

355.He has learned the whole poem heart

A for B to C of D at

356.This book is Charles Dickens

A by B at C on D out

357.Is Miss Smith home?

A for B to C of D at

358.I often have my breakfast 7:30 every morning

A to B for C at D of

359.Can you translate that German

A on B into C by D at

360.My birthday is December 14th 1979

A in B off C on D into

361.My birthday is 15th of March

A in B on C of D at

362.They come the room

A onto B without C into D up to

363.I like swimming summer

A over B by C during D in

364.We got a lot of rain November, last year

A in B on C over D at

365.He never comes time for the class

A to B by C out D on

366.I’m busy present

A for B to C of D at

367.I have no time the moment

A for B to C of D at

368.He was standing the middle of the room

A on B in C with D by

369.Please write you name the top of the page

A for B to C of D at

370.There is vocabulary the end of the book

A in B on C by D at

371.I shall see her the beginning of the week

A for B to C of D at

372.What would that be French?

A in B to C of D with

373 my opinion, it is very a good book

A for B in C with D on

374.She is the garden


375.We are going the theatre this evening

A for B to C of D at

376.The train arrives Victoria station 4:30

A for/to B to/over C of/off D at/at

377.Please tell me once

A to B at C for D of

378.I’ve waited her half an hour, and last she came A for/for/at B to/over/since C of/of/at D at/with/by 379.The book is the surface of the table

A in B at C on D to

380 He is sitting an armchair

A in B to C of D by

381.The picture is the wall

A for B on C to D at

382.I put my hands my pockets

A throughout B into C about D within

383.She is drinking a cup

A by B over C with D at

384.She took ten shillings her bag

A on over B to C at D out of

385.For the last few days I haven’t been able to sleep night

A for B to C of D at

386.She always agrees everything he says

A with B on C by D for

387.Are you acquainted the lady?

A at B in C on D with

388.You will soon get accustomed English cooking

A for B to C of D at

389.She is very angry me for what I talked about her

A at B about C by D to

390.I apologize keeping you waiting

A for B to C of D at

391.The dog begged a piece of cake

A to B at C for D of

392.Does this belong you?

A for B to C of D at

393.She always borrows money me

A at B of C from D about

394.This plate belongs the cupboard

A at B in C to D with

395.This plate belongs the table

A at B to C on D over

396.My cat is fond fish

A at B by C on D of

397.I’m very grateful her her help

A at B in C on D with

398.The room was full people

A with B for C by D of

399.I’m quite different her


400.She insists coming

A at B in C on D with

401 He is quite in capable such a thing

A to B of C by D out

402.I should like to be independent everyone

A for B of C on D off

403 May I introduce you Miss Brown?

A in B on C at D to

404 I’m afraid this dog

A by B in C of D with

405.Are you interested literature?

A at B in C on D with

406.She is very jealous her sister

A at B in C on D with

407.Won’t you join the game?

A at B in C on D with

408.Clean air provides us a healthy supply of oxygen

A at B in C on D with

409.I’m very sorry what I have done

A by B for C from D up

410.His son succeeded the throne

A at B in C on D with

411.My hat is quite similar yours

A with B within C over D to

412.I’m tired waiting for her

A at B for C with D of

413.I’m so worried my sister who is ill

A about B to C up D out

414.It is very bad you to eat so quickly

A at B in C on D with

415.I’m not good tennis

A at B in C on D with

416.My birthday is the first the month

A at/for B in/from C on/of D to/up

417.This will come in very useful her

A with B for C to D out

418.Out sight, out mind

A of/of B in/of C on/to D for/for

419.The sun rises the east, and sets the west

A at/at B in/in C on/on D by/by

420.Were your friends successful borrowing a loan from the bank?

A at B in C on D with

421.I’m sure the explanation in the book will be quite clear you

A with B from C to D for

422.Miss White was very upset the news of her father’s death

A at B by C to D with

423.I’m not familiar his name

A up B into C onto D to

424.We were very grateful our friends all of their assistance?


425.Mr Green is very responsible hiring employees

A at B of C on D for

426.That type of music is quite popular teenager boys and girls

A at B in C to D with

427.My daily expenses are just about equal my income

A by B with C up D to

428.Fred is capable doing better work than he is doing at present

A to B in C of D with

429.We were very doubtful his ability

A about B in C for D with

430.Ken was proud his good marks on English

A at B over C up D of

431.My plan is similar yours, but it is different Ken’s

A in/with B to/from C on/for D with/with

432.Pierre said that he had become quite fond American hamburgers

A to B in C of D for

433.We are still hopeful hearing from our friends before Saturday

A to B for C from D with

434.That fashion magazine is full advertising for women’s clothes

A from B of C by D up

435.This gloves aren’t very suitable that kind of work

A for B by C up D to

436.They were happy the result of the election

A with B to C out D through

437.It was certainly kind you to help me

A with B to C on D of

438.Mrs Brown is often worried money

A to B with C about D in

439.Her parents are very pleased her French

A at B in C on D with

440.I’m not interested politics

A at B in C on D with

441.She was sad because he was rude her

A of B to C out D in

442.Traveling by air is preferable traveling by train

A with B of C in D to

443.Thank you You are very kind me

A up B to C from D with

444.Everybody was surprised the news

A at B in C on D with

445.I was delighted the present you gave me

A at B in C on D with

446.Are you excited going on holiday next week

A at B in C on D with

447.Tom is excellent repairing things

A at B in C by D for

448.You get bored doing the same thing everyday

A at B in C to D with

449.I’m sure you are capable tourists


450.Mary is very fond researching wild animals

A at B to C up D of

451.Ann wasn’t very keen going out in the rain, so we stayed at home

A at B in C on D with

452.Hurry, or you’ll be late school

A from B for C up D to

453.Were they absent class yesterday

A from B for C on D by

454.She was confused the dates

A beside B on C about D of

455.The hall was crowded students

A at B in C on D with

456.Miss White is very kind her colleagues

A with B up C off D to

457.She is accustomed rising early

A to B with C in D for

458.He was successful his job

A at B in C on D with

459.Tom is very quick Mathematics

A at B in C on D with

460.I haven’t received a letter from her I’m rather anxious it

A at B in C about D to

461.He was sad his failure

A at B in C to D about

462.This country is rich oil

A at B in C on D with

463.Are you aware the time

A at B in C on D of

464.The museum is now open all visitors

A with B to C on D for

465.Smoking is harmful your health

A at B in C to D in

466.Are you afraid snakes?

A to B out C on D of

467.Is she serious learning to be a pilot

A about B in C up D over

468.Is this matter important you?

A at B to C off D for

469.I just couldn’t believe what he said It was contrary his thought

A from B in C out D to

470.Don’t give up hope yet Be confident a success in the future

A at B in C on D of

471.Please wait here I’ll have some tickets available them

A of B for C to D off

472.Make yourself useful others

A at B to C for D of

473.It’s very kind you to help them

A at B in C on D of

474.He said he had given drinking


475.Don’t put until tomorrow what you can today

A off B up C of D in

476.What does NATO stand ?

A for B by C up D to

477.This is a different car the one I drove yesterday

A at B from C to D on

478.Everyone is aware air pollution

A at B in C on D of

479.This building belongs those who live in it

A to B on C of D in

480.They are good learning English

A at B in C on D of

481.A man usually takes off his hat when he is introduced a woman or a girl the street

A at/of B to/in C on/to D of/for

482.Drinking is harmful your health

A of B to C at D on

483.We are interested swimming

A at B in C on D of

484.He has waited her for a long time

A for B on C to D in

485.I agree you completely

A on B to C at D with

486.His opinion differs mine

A with B in C from D up

487.She said that she had been absent school the day before

A from B by C at D to

488.There were crowds people in the park yesterday

A of B with C to D for

489.The park was crowded people

A at B in C on D with

490.The convict escaped prison

A at B in C from D of

491.I’m fed up my job

A at B with C on D of

492.My parents are pleased my results

A at B in C on D with

493.I think you are qualified this job

A at B in C to D of

494.Mr Smith is very kind us

A at B to C on D with

495.We are pleased the result of our work

A with B in C for D of

496.We are confident the success

A at B in C on D of

497.Most people are afraid snakes

A at B in C on D of

498.Our country is rich natural resources

A at B in C on D of


A at B to C on D for 500.My mother is always busy her house work

A at B with C for D of

501.Dirty air us is harmful health

A around B in C on D of

502.We are proud our people’s heroic tradition

A at B in C on D of

503.The teacher’s advice is profitable the students

A at B in C on D to

504.The streets are crowded vehicles at the rush hour

A at B in C with D of

505.The climate of our country is favorable agriculture

A to B in C on D of

506.The air at the seaside is good health

A at B for C on D of

507.My friend is skilful dancing

A at B in C on D of

508.This opportunity is lucky us

A at B in C on D to

509.I’m not acquainted those flowers

A at B in C with D of

510.Mr Smith is not accustomed hot weather

A at B to C on D of

511.Your words are contrary your acts

A to B in C on D of

512.My home is a long way school

A at B in C from D of

513.He is sad his son’s laziness

A about B in C on D of

514.Many young people want to be independent their parents

A at B from C on D of

515.We are grateful our teacher

A at B in C on D to

516.I’m interested current events

A at B in C on D of

517.Your profession is similar mine

A to B in C on D of

518.This chemical is dangerous humans

A at B in C to D of

519.This work is not suitable him

A at B in C on D to

520.Her voice sounds familiar me

A at B with C on D of

521.My house is next the post office

A at B in C to D of

522.This man is greedy fame

A to B in C at D of

523.I was absent class two days before yesterday

A at B in C to D from


A at B in C to D of 525.Teachers are responsible their teaching

A at B for C to D of

526.The beach is full tourists in summer

A at B in C to D of

527.We are present the lecture yesterday

A at B in C to D of

528.We must hurry, otherwise we should be late school

A at B for C to D of

529.Air is necessary life

A at B in C to D of

530.He is friendly everybody

A at B in C to D of

531.The day seems perfect a picnic

A at B in C to D for

532.That singer has become very popular the youth

A at B in C to D of

533.This sweater will keep you safe the cold

A from B in C to D of

534.She said she came two hours ahead the performing time

A at B in C from D of

535.Everything looks sad Autumn

A at B in C to D about

536.Your plan will be acceptable some respect

A at B in C to D of

537.Was she aware not doing anything contrary her parents’ expectation?

A at/from B in/about C to/with D of/to

538.The lesson was difficult us, but the teacher was capable making us understand it thoroughly

A at/about B in/with C to/of D of/for

539.My brother wasn’t confident passing the exam

A at B in C to D of

540.After many months of living in Canada he got accustomed the colD

A at B in C to D of

541.He was absent work yesterday because he was ill

A at B from C to D of

542.We are ashamed his behavior

A at B in C to D of

543.I didn’t like the film, so I didn’t stay there the end

A at B from C for D of

544.I was talking to the neighbors 8:00 8:30

A from/to B at/for C during/to D between/to

545.Vietnamese children have to go to primary school years

A at B in C to D for

546.This book must go back to the library Tuesday

A on B in C at D of

547.I got a headache the examination

A with B by C to D of

548.He lost his passport the journey


549.I will love you my heart stops going on

A at B in C to D until

550.They played tennis an hour and so then they went home

A at B in C to D of

551.May I talk to you a few minutes?

A at B in C to D of

552.Can you finish your work 5:30 in the afternoon?

A at B in C to D of

553.I must find some money the end of this week

A up B until C to D on

554.He never drinks alcohol lunchtime

A at B in C to D of

555.That I last saw Helen was a Tuesday

A at B in C on D of

556.We’ve known about it two days

A at B in C to D of

557.A woman sitting next to me dinner spilt (làm tràn) her drink all over me

A at B up C to D for

558.I like that picture which is the wall

A at B in C on D of

559.We met a lot of people our holiday

A at B on C to D of

560.The lorry had to wait the traffic lights

A for B in C to D of

561.He turned up early to make sure he had a seat the plane

A on B in C to D of

562.Did you go away the summer holidays

A at B in C to D on

563.There was an accident the crossroad this morning

A at B in C to D of

564.They have been living in Rome last year

A at B for C since D of

565.We waved him off the bus station

A at B in C to D of

566.He often gets his salary the fifth of the month

A at B in C to D of

567.We have a tea break four o’clock

A at B in C to D of

568.Shall we travel your car or mine?

A by B with C to D of

569.You can’t stay out midnight

A at B in C to D of

570.The price of the electricity is going up November, 2005

A at B in C to D of

571.We watched TV two hours last night

A at B for C to D of

572.They hope to finish the bridge next December

A at B in C by D of

573 the end of the street there is a path leading to the river


574.Do you usually have a holiday Easter Day?

A at B in C to D of

575.I’ve been studying English seven years

A at B since C to D for

576.My father was in the army the war

A at B in C to D of

577.I haven’t seen John he got married

A for B since C to D of

578.What time you usually get up the morning?

A at B in C to D of

579.See you o’clock tomorrow

A at B in C to D of

580.The police car chased the robbers the streets

A at B in C to D of

581.I haven’t smoked ages

A at B in C for D since

582.They stayed a marvelous hotel last summer

A at B in C to D of

583.I went the chemist’s, but I didn’t notice if it was open

A at B in C to D of

584.Peter hurt himself He fell his bike

A with/for B down/ from C for/in D of/on

585.We had to wait for him the school gate for a few minutes

A at B in C to D of

586.The sheep go out a hole near the fence

A at B in C to D of

587.What English people eat Christmas Day?

A on B in C to D of

588.I’ll meet you the airport tomorrow

A at B in C to D of

589.He’s held the world record for seven years the 1970s

A at B in C for D since

590.There are many tall buildings the road to the city

A at B in C to D of

591.Tom has been ill He isn’t work today

A at B in C to D of

592.It’s a public holiday new year’s day

A at B in C on D of

593.I want to look up at the stars I love the sky at night

A at B in C to D of

594.The president made a speech his visit to Marid

A at B in C to D of

595.His village is the south-west of England

A at B in C to D of

596.London is the River Thames

A at B in C to D of

597.They rushed the room when the fire began

A at B into C onto D of

598.She is wearing a ring her middle finger


599.We should hurry I have to be at home o’clock

A at B in C to D of

600.My father will be here the weekend

A at B in C to D on

601.I’ve been invited to a wedding party 18th, September

A at B in C to D on

602.They drove home silently the darkness

A at B in C to D of

603.The passengers had to stand a queue

A at B in C to D of

604.Tom is out of work the moment

A at B in C to D of

605.We got the train which headed to Nha Trang

A at B in C to D of

606.I didn’t get up an half past seven yesterday morning

A at B in C to D of

607.He walked the road reading a newspaper

A for B in C with D on

608.Will it be convenient you to meet me at tomorrow morning?

A at B in C to D of

609.My mother is not very interested cooking

A at B in C to D of

610.He couldn’t get back his car He had locked himself out

A at B in C for D by

611.Our vacation always depends my mother

A to B in C on D from

612.I got this news a newspaper

A at B from C to D of

613.Students who are filled ambition always work hard

A with B in C to D of

614.Mary doesn’t mind living her own

A at B in C to D on

615.My little brother is very fond cartoons

A at B in C to D of

616.Have a nice holiday Take care yourself!

A at B in C to D of

617.Mary always has a kind word everyone

A at B in C to D of

618.It’s very kind you to tell me all this

A at B in C to D of

619.The government failed to keep its election promise more arts funding

A at B in C to D for

620.The victims were not referred by name

A at B in C to D of

621.I was filled admiration his bravery

A at/from B with/for C with/from D to/for

622.His disappearance is being looked by the police

A at B in C to D of

623.We’re really looking to seeing you again


624.We must look the house before we decide to rent it

A at B forward C down D for

625.The beach is crowded tourists the summer

A with/in B within/of C into/on D about/over

626.“Harry Porter” is now very familiar people the world

A for/of B with/on C to/over D of/in

627.He hoped I would make good use this dictionary

A to B in C with D of

628 some countries, people drive the left side of the road

A at/to B in/on C to/of D for/of

629.Our teacher doesn’t accept our frequent absence school

A at B in C to D from

630.The building was totally destroyed the fire

A at B by C to D of

631.The children are very excited going on holiday

A about B within C into D without

632.His eyes were wide excitement

A at B with C to D of

633.Try the shoes before you buy them!

A at B in C to D on

634.Although he was tied ropes, he managed to get free

A by B in C to D of

635.Đà Lạt is famous its pleasant climate and natural beauty

A at B in C for D of

636.I’m bored watching TV Let’s something different

A at B with C to D of

637.He was lucky to start working 1,000 US dollars a month

A at B in C from D of

638.Bill was numbered the successful men his town

A at B in C to D of

639.He tried all his might (sức lực) to move the rock

A at B with C to D of

640.You’ll find it in the drawer (ngăn kéo) many other things

A at B in C to D of

641.Sometimes the children are very noisy the performance

A at B in C to D of

642.It’s not safe to drive thirty miles an hour on that road

A at B in C to D of

643.She met several people her way home

A at B on C to D of

644.It’s necessary to cross the river to get there

A with B over C above D through

645.John’s parents are very proud him

A at B in C to D of

646.My sister has just got engaged her boyfriend

A with B in C to D for

647.The police accused the man murder

A at B in C to D of

648.His boss has warned him being late for work


649.This picture reminds me my childhood

A at B in C to D of

650.We congratulated him getting married

A with B in C to D on

651.She almost crashed a bus when she was driving home

A with B into C onto D upto

652.Have you heard Jim since he left here?

A at B in C toward D about

653.Could you look the baby while I prepare the dinner?

A at B after C for D down

654.Don’t shout me I’m not in debt

A at B in C to D of

655.What plan you think ? Is it good enough?

A about B in C out D of

656.Have you heard a disco called Monaco?

A at B about C to D from

657.I put salt in my coffee mistake this morning

A at B in C by D of

658.Do you believe what she said?

A at B in C to D of

659.There’s not much difference prices the two computers

A at/of B from/of C with/to D of/to

660.She looked very pleased the gifts

A at B with C to D of

661.The government plans to make important changes the tax system

A at B in C to D for

662.Do you have any difficulty your English?

A at B in C to D with

663.Please apologize your sister and say I’ll see her this afternoon

A at B in C to D of

664.The workers complained the manager the working conditions

A at/with B in/from C to/about D of/for

665.Her parents weren’t keen her traveling alone

A on B in C to D of

666.Don’t interfere matters that not concern you!

A at B in C to D of

667.He seems to fail everything he does

A at B in C to D of

668.Your parents are worrying you: please write to them

A at B in C about D of

669.A part of the building has been subdivided offices

A at B into C up to D of

670.He can persuade himself believing everything he wants to believe

A at B in C to D of

671.We must conclude these remarks that all hope of a settlement is dead

A at B in C to D of

672.The concept community care is not new

A at B in C to D of

673.The reports from Rome disagree those from Milan


674.I think the answer is right but I am not absolutely sure it

A at B in C to D of

675.His parents keep him well-supplied cash

A with B in C to D of

676.Will you support him his competition election?

A with/for B in/in C for/in D of/from

677.He’s already making plans his retirement

A at B in C to D of

678.We used to have musical evenings with the whole family gathered the piano

A round B in C to D on

Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting

1 Electricity is the most critical energy for the future of many countries and cheap, plentiful


electricity is associated for high employment and productivity


2 Our continuously economic growth, the maintenance of our quality of life and assurance of our


security all depend on a, abundant, affordable supply of electricity


3 The school library is free and open for all the pupils and teaching staff


4 Why don’t you borrow books in the local lending library?


5 The students suggested buying flowers for the teachers in the Teachers’ Day


6 Thank you very much of the present that you sent me


7 They visited America about a thousand years ago, on the eleventh century AD


8 English children start school in six and finish at sixteen


9 Why did all the customers at the Red Lion have to pay of their beer that week?


10.It is a beautiful building of two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben


11.They usually took a tree back with them and put it on the centre of the village


12.In April 1984, David Hempleman - Adams walked through northern Canada to the North Pole


with himself D

13.Each Easter Monday, old people, widows, widowers, and others living on small incomes take


part with a ceremony called Chulkurst Charity


14.Along in jogging and swimming, cycling is one of the best all-round forms of exercise


15.One day their mother took them in their aunt’s house to play while she went to the big city to


buy some new clothes D

16.There is a chill striking me when I go alone in night


17.It is many years for Mount Vesuvius last erupted


18.I keep my reference books near in my desk for convenience


19.I always make a point of checking that all the windows are shut after I go out


20.You need to attach a label to each piece with luggage


21.Try to more positive in dealing with the problem


22.I talk about the Tower of London, and then of the lives of people in England today


23.Sun Jingxiu, a 80-year-old retired teacher, is the oldest storyteller in the country


24.Written language without of punctuation is not easy to follow


25.There was once a foreigner who went in England to learn English


26.It is not easy to take good notes from a lecture on a foreign language


27.Her mother died early with her father tried hard to bring up the four children


28.Marie learnt to read and write in the age of four


29.At the intersection for Broad Street and Park Avenue, Kim had the green light and drove into


the intersection

30.A Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Suez and separates the continents


of Africa and Asia D

31.Ships sailing in Europe to Asia once had to take the route around the Southern tip of Africa


32.Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards are presented for the



33.Elizabeth Blackwell was born on England in 1821 and emigrated to New York City when she


was ten years old

34.The invention of the electric telegraph gave birth of the communications industry

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2021, 20:44

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