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a Type I:

1) If I ………(study), I ………( pass) the exams 2) If the sun ………(shine), we ………(walk) to the town

3) If he……….( have) a temperature, he ……….(see) the doctor 4) If my friends………( come), I………( be) very happy

5) If she……… ( earn) a lot of money, she ……….(fly) to New York 6) If we………( travel) to London, we………( visit) the museums

7) If you ……….(wear) sandals in the mountains, you……… ( slip) on the rocks 8) If Rita………( forget) her homework, the teacher……….( give) her a low mark 9) If they………( go) to the disco, they……….( listen) to loud music

10) If you ………(wait) a minute, I……….(ask) my parents b Type II

1) If I ………(come) home earlier, I………( prepare) dinner 2) If we……….( live) in Rome, Francesco ……… ( visit) us

3) If Tim and Tom ……… (be) older, they ……….( play) in our hockey team 4) If he ………(be) my friend, I ………( invite) him to my birthday party 5) If Susan ……….(study) harder, she……….(be) better at school

6) If they……….( have) enough money, they ……… ( buy) a new car 7) If you ……… (do) a paper round, you ………( earn) a little extra money

8) If Michael……… ( got) more pocket money, he ………(ask) Doris out for dinner 9) If we……… hurry, we ……… ( catch)the bus

10) If it……….( rain), Nina ………( take) an umbrella with her c Type III

1) If the weather………(be) nice, they………( play) football

2) If we……… ( go) to a good restaurant, we……….( have) a better dinner 3) If John……… ( learn) more words, he ……….(write) a good report

4) If the boys……….(take) the bus to school, they……… ( arrive) on time 5) If the teacher……… ( explain) the homework, I……… (do) it

6) If they………(wait) for another 10 minutes, they……… ( see) the pop star 7) If the police ……….( come) earlier, they……… ( arrest) the burglar

8) If you……….( buy) fresh green vegetable, your salad………( taste) better 9) If Alex……….(ask) me, I……….(email) the documents

10) If he………( speak) more slowy, Peggy………(understand) him

d Mixed conditional sentences

1) If I were you, I ……….( invite) Jack to the party 2) She would get 100 pounds if she ……… (sell) this old shelf 3) If they had enough money, they……… ( buy) a new car 4) If it………(rain), I will stay at home

5) If the weather……….(be) fine, the children can walk to school 6) We……….( pass) the exam if we studied harder

7) If Pat……… ( repair) his bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us

8) Walter……….( help) his mother in the garden if she reads him a story this evening 9) If you come with me, I ……….( do) the shopping with you

10) Our teacher will be happy if we ………(learn) the poem by heart 11) If we meet at 9:30, we……….(have) plenty of time

12) Lisa would find the milk if she……….( look) in the fridge

13) The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she……… (feed) the animals 14) If you spoke louder, your classmates………(understand) you

15) Dan……… (arrive) safe if he drove slowly


18) The door will unlock if you……….( press) the green button

19) If Mel……….(ask) her teacher, he'd have answered her questions 20) I………(call) the office if I were you

21) If we………( cycle) to Dresden, it will be a fantastic trip 22) I……….( miss) the school bus if I don't get up early

23) Harriet would stay longer in Vienna if she………( have) more time

24) She……… (support) the people in Peru if she bought her coffee beans in this shop 25) If I don't see Claire today, I……… (phone) her this evening

26) If Carlos……….( go) sailing, he'll need a life-jacket

27) If my brother……….( park) his car here, the traffic warden would give him a ticket 28) You'll catch a cold if you………(not wear) a pullover

29) If you drink more of this sweet lemonade, you……… (get) sick

30) If Marcus sings under the shower, I………(turn up) the radio up to full volume 31) If I……… ( go) to Leipzig, I'll visit the zoo

32) If it……….(not rain), we'd be in the garden

33) If you……… (wear) a lighter jacket, the car driver would have seen you earlier 34) We……….(watch) TV tonight if Peter hadn't bought the theatre tickets 35) She wouldn't have had two laptops if she………(sign) the contract 36) If Iwere a millionaire, I………(live) in Beverly Hills

37) You would save energy if you………( switch off) the lights more often 38) If we had read the book, we……… (understand) the film

39) My sister could score better on the test if the teacher……….( explain) the grammar once more 40) They……….(arrive) on time if they hadn't missed the train

41) If it rains, the boys………(not play) hockey

42) If he……… (grow) his own vegetables, he wouldn't have to buy them 43) Jim……….(see) whisky destilleries if he travelled to Scotland


46) If you……….( wait) a minute, I'll come with you

47) If we arrived at 10, we……….(miss) Tyler's presentation

48) We………(help) John if we'd known about his problems

Ngày đăng: 27/05/2021, 17:36

