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Nội dung

- Work in pairs and make similar dialogues.. Liz is at the post office. she wants to mail a letter. * Answer the questions: a) Where will Liz mail her letter? Liz will mail her lett[r]


WEEK 16h



PERIOD 47th DATE CREATED: November 30th, 2011

Objective : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to name some places , ask for and give directions

Teaching aids: Posters, pictures, textbook, flashcards, projector

T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’activities




Warm up:


Pictures - Name of places a) The National Bank of Viet Nam

b) Saint Paul Hospital c) Hotel (in Ha Noi)

d) The Central Post office (in Ha Noi)

e) Ha Noi Railway Station f) Dong Xuan market Vocabulary:

_ souvenir shop (n): cửa hàng đồ lưu niệm (explanation)

_ tourist (n) : du khách (explanation) _ excuse me (n): xin lỗi (situation)

Check memory: rub out and remember Pre-speaking:


a) Could you tell me how to get there? b) Thank you

c) You’re welcome

d) Excuse me Is there a souvenir shop near here? e) Go straight ahead Take the second street on the left The souvenir shop is on the right, opposite the post office

f) Yes There is one on Hang Bai street

While-speaking: * Check

1 d a b f e c * Matching:

Near a phía bên phải Go straight ahead b

- Divide ss into two teams

- Guide ss to play game

- Introduce the new lesson

- Follow steps of teaching


- Put these phrases on the bb

- Run through and ask ss to order

- Let ss read the dialogue and check

- Run through these words

- Ask them to

- Listen to the teacher and play game

- Listen

- Listen and follow the teacher’s instructions

- Listen to the teacher and predict the order

- Read and check




Opposite c gần In front of d phía bên trái On the right e thẳng On the left f phía trước Between g đối diện Answer key:

1 – c – g – a – b – e – f – d

* Practice the dialogue with a partner

* Make similar dialogues based on the cues Post office / Tran Phu / first street / right / left / between the bakery and bookstore

2 bookstore / Cach Mang Thang Tam street / first street / in front of

3 hotel / walk along / turn right / opposite the supermarket

Example exchange:

A: Excuse me Is there a post office near here? B: Yes There is one on Tran Phu street

A: Could you tell me how to get there?

B: Go straight ahead Take the first street on the right The bookstore is on the right, between the bakery and the bookstore


Look at the street map again Listen and write the places.

Go straight ahead to the second street Turn left What is on the right?

Go straight ahead Turn right into the first street What is on the left next to the restaurant?

What is on your left?

Go to the second street Turn right What is opposite the hotel?

What is on your right? Answer key:

_ souvenir shop _ shoe store _ hotel _ drugstore _ hospital


- Get ss’ answers and corrects some mistakes

- Let ss work in pairs to


- Ask them to make similar dialogues based on the cues

- Give clear instructions

Play the tape and ask ss to listen and write the name of places

Give the answers

- Work in pairs to practice the dialogue

- Make similar dialogues

- Listen and what the teacher says

- Listen to the tape and write the places


……… ………




16th PART A: ASKING THE WAY Lesson 2: A4,5


DATE CREATED: November 30th, 2011

Objective : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the distances using “How far……?”

Teaching aids: Posters, pictures, textbook, flashcards, projector

T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’activities




Warm up:

Shark attack D I S T A N C E


_ (to ) get : tới (explanation) _ (to) guess : đoán (situation) _ coach (n) : xe đị (picture)

_ way (n) : chặng đường (translation) Check memory: What and where Presentation:

* Set the scene: Lan and Hoa * Dialogue RoR

Lan : You are from Hue How far is it from Ha Noi, Hoa?

Hoa: I’m not sure It’s a long way It takes about 18 hours to get to Ha Noi by coach

Lan: Have a guess

Hoa: I think it’s about 680 km

Lan: And how far is is from Hue to Ho Chi Minh city?

Hoa: I think it’s about 1,030 km * Form:

How far is it from ……… to………….? It’s about………… km

* Use: ask and answer about the distance from one place to another place

* Meaning: Từ …… Đến……… bao xa? Practice:

Word cue drill.

- Divide ss into two teams

- Guide ss to play game

- Introduce the new lesson

- Follow steps of teaching vocabulary

- Show the dialogue on the bb, helps ss practice and ask students some questions to elicit the form , use and meaning

- Run through these cues and follow steps of a drill

- Listen to the teacher and play game

- Listen

- Listen and what the teacher says

- Follow the teacher’s instructions

- Listen and answer some teacher’s questions

- Copy the form , use




_ Ha Noi – Vinh / 319 _ Ha Noi – Da Nang / 719

_ Ha Noi – Ho Chi Minh city / 1,726 _ Vinh – Da Nang / 472

_ Hue – Da Nang / 103

_ Ho Chi Minh city – Vinh / 1407 _ Ho Chi Minh – Da Nang / 1007 _ Vinh – Hue / 369

Example exchange:

How far is it from Ha Noi to Vinh? It’s about 319 km

How far is it from from Ha Noi to Da Nang ? It’s about 719 km

Further practice:

Make similar dialogues ask and answer about the distance in your hometown


_ write your dialogue in the notebook _ learn by heart vocabulary

_ prepare the next lesson

- Let ss work in pairs and guide ss clearly

- Work in pairs and make similar dialogues



WEEK 17th


Lesson 3: B1

PERIOD 49th DATE CREATED: November 30th, 2011

Objective : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the distances using “How far……?”

Teaching aids: Posters, pictures, textbook, flashcards, projector

T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’activities





Warm up:

Shark attack



_ (to) send : gửi (explanation) = (to) mail _ (to) cost: chi phí ,tốn (explanation) _ (to) pay : trả (explanation)

_ envelop (n) : bao thư, bì thư (realia) _ change (n) : tiền lẻ, tiền thối (realia) _ altogether (adv): tổng cộng (translation)

Check memory: RoR Pre-reading:

Pre-questions: a Where is Liz?

b What does she there?

While-reading: * Check:

a Liz is at the post office b she wants to mail a letter * Answer the questions: a) Where will Liz mail her letter? Liz will mail her letter to the USA b) How much does Liz pay altogether? Liz pays 11,500 dong

c) How much change does she receive? She receives 3,500 altogether

d) Where is your nearest post office?

- Divide ss into two teams and giveclear instructions to help ss play game

- Introduce the new lesson

- Follow steps of teaching vocabulary

- Put the questions on the bb and ask ss to predict

- Let ss to read the dialogue and check their prediction

- Put the questions on the bb

- Run through the questions and ask ss to read and answer

- Listen to the teacher and play game

- Listen

- Follow the teacher’s instructions

- Listen to the teacher and predict

- Read and check their prediction



Students ‘answer

e) How you get there from your house? Students ‘answer

Post-reading: Discussion

1 How much is it to mail a local letter in Viet Nam?

2 How much is a letter to America?

3 What does the post office sell apart from stamps?

4 Do you write to anyone overseas? Who? Role play

Make similar dialogues Homework:

Write the answers in the discussion into your notebook

- Get ss’ answers

- Let ss work in group and discuss

- Let ss work in pairs to make similar dialogues

- Work in group and discuss

- Make similar dialogues in pairs



WEEK 17th


Lesson 4: B2

PERIOD 50th DATE CREATED: November 30th, 2011

Objective : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make conversations at the post office

Teaching aids: Posters, pictures, textbook, flashcards, projector

T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’activities





Warm up:


Stamp, letter , envelope , post office , pen pal , mail , change , send

1 Vocabulary: - Overseas (adj) - phone card (n) - regularly (adv) - postcard (v)

Check memory : What and Where 2 Pre _ Stage:

T/F statement Prediction

a Hoa and Tim write to each other regularly b Hoa needs to buy a phone card

c Hoa phones her parents once a month d Nga needs some stamps too

3 While _ stage: + Check:

a T b.T c.F d.F

Questions :

a Hoa needs some local stamps and some

- Give

instruction to help ss play game

- Follow steps of teaching


- Run through these statements

- - ask ss to predict T/F

- Ask them to read and check their prediction

- - let ss to read carefully and answer these questions

- - what the teacher says

- Follow the teacher’s instruction

- Listen

- - predict

- Read and check



stamps for overseas mail and phone card

b She needs stamps for overseas mail because she has a penpal in American

c She needs a phonecard to call (phone) her parents (once a week)

+ Gap fill

Like is are here much 6.change 4 Post_ stage:

ROLEPLAY Homework:

_ learn by heart vocabulary

_ write a dialogue into the notebook

- - ask them to read and fill in the gaps

- ask ss to make similar dialogues

- Read and the gap _ fill

- -work in groups


……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………



18th PART B: AT THE POST OFFICE Lesson 6: B4,5


DATE CREATED: November 30th, 2011

Objective : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get information from a listening text

Teaching aids: Posters, pictures, textbook, flashcards, projector

T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’activities

Warm up Kim’s game

Store buy envelope pen thousand hundred stamp post office phone card how much

1 Vocabulary:

- stationery store (n): cửa hàng văn phịng phẩm ( explanation)

- a packet of (n) : gĩi, bao (realia) - writing pad (n) : giấy viết thư (realia) - total cost (n) : tổng chi phí ( explanation)

Check memory: 2 Pre _ listening: Brainstorming


50,000 40,000

3 While – listening:

- giveinstruction to help ss play game

- follow steps afternoon teaching vocabulary

- ask them to predict the total cost of these things

- reads aloud

run through these questions

- what the teacher says

- Follow the teacher’s instruction

- predict

- Listen and check


+ Listening and check + Question

- How much is a packet of envelopes ?

2000 đ

- How much is a pen ?  1500đ

- How much is a writing pad ?  3000 đ

- How much is a stamp ?  500đ

- What is the total cost ?  59,000 đong

- How much change will he have from 60,000 ?

1,000 đong in change 4 Post – listening : Discussion

1 How much is it to mail a local letter in Viet Nam? How much is a letter to America?

3 What does the post office sell apart from stamps? Do you write to anyone overseas? Who?

Home work

- reads aloud

- get ss’ answers

- Ask sts to discuss in group of

- answer the teacher’s


- Listen and answer

- Discuss in group of


Ngày đăng: 27/05/2021, 12:54
