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I saw your Institute advertisement on Today’s TV program yesterday. I saw your Institute’s advertisement in Today’s TV program yesterday[r]





Meaning Example

advance /ədˈvɑːns/ n sự xảy trước You have to book the film ticket in advance because of the large demand for it

campus /ˈkampəs/ n khuôn viên trường học

We often go for a walk around the school campus when we feel tired after the lessons

candidate /ˈkandɪdeɪt/ n thí sinh, ứng viên

All of the candidates were ready for the competition.

detail /ˈdiːteɪl/ n chi tiết Give me more details of the plan.

explain something in detail

/ɪkˈspleɪn ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪn detail/

giải thích chi tiết điều

The students need this exercise to be explained in detail

dormitory /ˈdɔːmɪt(ə)ri/ n ký túc xá, nhà tập thể

Living in a dormitory with many other students gives me essential skills

edit /ˈɛdɪt/ v sửa chữa, tái bản The script needs to be edited.

edition /ɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ n ấn bản, in

The dictionary's seventh edition is sold all over the world

editor /ˈɛdɪtə/ n biên tập viên

Our professional editors have contributed to the success of this program.

exam /ɪgˈzam/ n kỳ thi

Have you prepared for the coming exam?

examination /ɪgˌzamɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ n kỳ thi



examination /ˈrɪtn ɪgˌzamɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ n kỳ thi viết

The final written examination will be very hard


examination /ˈɔːr(ə)l ɪgˌzamɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ n kỳ thi nói

He is always worried about the oral examination.

fee /fiː/ n lệ phí, thù lao

He had a lot of troubles paying the tuition fee

formal /ˈfɔːm(ə)l/ adj trang trọng, nghi thức

The formal clothes made him feel unpleasant

informal /ɪnˈfɔːm(ə)l/ adj thân mật, không trang trọng

The language used in an informal letter is different from that in the formal one

grade /greɪd/ n lớp I'm in the ninth grade.

inquiry /ɪnˈkwʌɪri/ n sự hỏi thông tin

The secretary wrote a letter of inquiry to ABC company yesterday

institute /ˈɪnstɪtjuːt/ n viện, học viện

It is difficult to become a student of this famous institute

linguistics /lɪŋˈgwɪstɪks/ n ngôn ngữ học I studied linguistics in a foreign college.

linguistic /lɪŋˈgwɪstɪk/ adj thuộc ngôn ngữ

These linguistic terminologies are rather difficult

reputation /rɛpjʊˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ n uy tín, danh tiếng

Hogwart is a school with an excellent reputation

repute /rɪˈpjuːt/ v cho là, đồn là, có tiếng tăm

He is reputed to be the best doctor in the area.

scenery /ˈsiːn(ə)ri/ n

phong cảnh, cảnh vật, cảnh quan

We stopped to admire the scenery


scholarship for her excellent study result

award /əˈwɔːd/ n phần thưởng

She received an award from a famous university for her achievement

celebrate /ˈsɛlɪbreɪt/ v ăn mừng, làm lễ kỷ niệm

Tonight the club will hold a party to celebrate the team's victory

celebration /sɛlɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n/ lễ kỷ niệm

The formal atmosphere covered the celebration

weigh /weɪ/ v cân nặng How much you weigh? weight /weɪt/ n cân nặng What is his weight? overweight /ˈəʊvəweɪt/ adj thừa cân I'm a little bit overweight.

underweight /ʌndəˈweɪt/ adj thiếu cân You need to eat more You are so underweight.

gain weight /geɪn ʌndəˈweɪt/ v tăng cân Mary has gained some weights recently.

put on weight /pʊt ɒn weɪt/ v tăng cân

If you eat so much sweet, you will put on your weight.

lose weight /luːz weɪt/ v giảm cân

In order to lose weight, you should have a good diet as long as doing physical exercises.

qualify /ˈkwɒlɪfʌɪ/ v đào tạo

People who are well-qualified have chances to get a good job.

well-qualified /wɛl ˈkwɒlɪfʌɪd/ adj

có tay nghề cao, có trình độ chun mơn cao

We only employ well-qualified people.


chỉ, chuyên môn

good job with such a good qualification.

Test Unit

I- Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest : 1- a experience b except c excellent d exchange 2- a union b unit c until d university 3- a campus b relax c locate d fashion 4- a qualify b baggy c grocery d scenery 5- a cried b published c ordered d sprayed II- Pick out the word that is of different topic from the others :

1- A television B foreigner C channel D broadcast 2- A laugh B walk C shout D cry 3- A novel B dictionary C textbook D dormitory 4- A library B magazine C machine D librarian 5- A relatives B areas C districts D villages III- Fill in the blank space with the correct from of the words in parentheses :

1- This school has excellent (repute) 2- We often take part in many activities at school (culture)

3- If you want to your English, we can help you (improvement) 4- We have well- teachers (qualify)

5- Please phone this number for more (inform) 6- I want to for selling my house (advertisement) 7- He is an of the Vietnam News (edition)

8- This book is not (avail)

9- This shirt costs 79,000 VND (approximate) 10- He answered these questions (exact) 11- They enjoy talking to in English (foreign) 12- He is having a time on the beach (wonder) 13- Hung is a young teacher, but he is very (experience)

14- You should write a letter of to that institute (inquire) 15- That child must be when he open that door (carelessly) IV- Give the correct forms of these verbs :

1- If he (have) free time, he will go swimming. 2- If you (come) into his garden, the dog will bite you. 3- If I have much money, I (buy) a new car. 4- They will take him to the movies there. 5- If you (heat) ice, it (turn) to water. 6- If you (see) him, tell him to write to me. 7- Don’t go out if the wind (be) strong. 8- If it (not rain) tonight, I wll go to the theater.

9- He (write) to her if she writes to him. 10- If the test (do) well, my parents will take me to Hanoi. 11- If the weather (be) cool, the bananas won’t spoil. 12- This car (buy) if it is cheap. 13- If you (see) her today, please ask her to call me. 14- If they know your addresses, they (meet) you. 15- Where you (go) next week if you (have) a car ? V- Rewrite each sentences, using Reported Speech :


2- Lan said, “I like learning English.”

3- Peter said to me, “I will go to the movies with you.”

4- Miss Nga said, “I love these sunflowers.”

5- Tom said to her, “I can’t help you to this test.”

6- They said, “We are doing the exercises now.”

7- Daisy’s father said to her, “I will give you a new bike.”

8- They said to him, “It is raining, so we can’t go out for a walk.”

9- Tom said, “I must leave now.”

10- She said, “I won’t buy this car because it is very old.”

11- “Do you like classical music ?” He asked me.

12- The man asked her, “Where are you from ?”

13- He asked them, “Why you come home late ?”

14- She asked me, “Will you go with me ?”

15- Peter asked, “Can I play video games, Daddy ?”

16- The teacher asked Long, “How old are you ?”

17- “What are you doing now ?” Mary asked Tom.

18- My mother asked me, “Why don’t you clean your room ?”

19- I asked him, “Which grade are you in ?”

20- Mrs White asked him, “How you go to your school ?”



Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:

1 A fee B meet C need D pioneer 2 A order B border C tuitor D dormitory 3 A campus B cake C capture D hamburger 4 A publish B cut C bury D but

5 A fly B scenery C slowly D usually

II VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE. Choose the correct word in A, B, C or D.

6 Do you enjoy _ English ?

A learn B learning C to learn D learnt 7 I improve my English by doing my _ everyday.

A housework B homework C network D hard work. 8 What of learning English you find the most interesting ?

A sides B fields C aspects D angles 9 Our school has many well _ teachers

A.qualified B qualify C quality D qualification 10 I saw your school’s _ in today’s edition of the Viet Nam News

A advertiser B advertisement C advertising D advertise 11 If you want to your English, we can help you

A improve B improving C improved D improvement 12 If you study at the Brighton Language Center – UK, you can live in a _ on campus.

A dormitory B hotel C mobile room D private room 13 Please phone this number for more _

A matter B information C problem D detail 14 The restaurant has the _ for serving some of the finest food

A repute B reputed C reputation D reputable

15 If we go to the Brisbane Institute of English Australia, we can practice speaking English with speakers ) A nation B national C native D natively.

16 She asked me _ I came from

A where B what C who D which 17 She asked me what my name

A am B is C are D was 18 He _ me if I could help him

A asks B asking C asked D will ask 19 She asked me how I use English in the future

A will B won’t C would D wouldn’t 20 He asked me _ the writer of this book was

A what B who C whom D whose 21 I am looking forward to you

A see B seeing C to see D seen 22 We usually use an English-Vietnamese dictionary _ reading.

A to B of C for D in 23 She asked him what

A his name is ? B his name is C his name was ? D his name was. 24 Mr Brown asked me if _

A I could speak English. B I can speak English. C you could speak English. D you can speak English. 25 We like _ English on TV programs

A speaking B listening to C writing D doing



English is a very useful (26) If we know English, we can go to any countries we like We will not find it hard to make people understand (27) we want to say English also helps us to (28) _ all kinds of things Hundreds of books are _(29)_ in English every day in many (30) English has also helped to spread ideas and knowledge to all corners of the (31) Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better _(32) and (33) _ among countries of the world.

26 A language B languages C linguist D linguistics 27 A where B when C what D which 28 A learnt B learning C to learn D learn 29 A write B wrote C written D writing 30 A countrified B countries C country D countryside 31 A school B class C word D world 32 A to understand B understanding C understand D understood 33 A friend B friendly C friendliness D friendship


Circle the correct sentence in A, B, C or D to make a good letter.

Dear Madam,

34 A I saw your Institute’s advertisement on Today’s TV program yesterday B I saw your Institute advertisement on Today’s TV program yesterday. C I saw your Institute’s advertisement in Today’s TV program yesterday. D I saw your Institute’s advertisement on Today’s program TV yesterday. 35 A I am interested in learning English

B I am interesting in learning English. C I am interest in learning English. D I am interested in learn English

36 A I would like have some information in your Institute B I ‘d like having some information on your Institute.

C I would like to have some information about your Institute D I would like have some information of your Institute. 37 A I wanted improving my listening and speaking

B I want to improved my listening and speaking C I want to improving my listening and speaking D I want to improve my listening and speaking

38 A Could you please give me some information in the length and fees of the courses ? B Could you please give me some information about the length and fees of the courses? C Could you please give me some information of the length and fees about the courses? D Could you please give some information for the length and fees in the courses ? 39 A I can complete an English spoken test if necessary

B I can complete a speaking English test if necessary. C I can complete a test spoken English if necessary. D I can complete a spoken English test if necessary. 40 A I am looking forward to hearing of you


Sincerely, Ann

Ngày đăng: 27/05/2021, 11:45



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