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relative clause

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Mệnh đề không giới hạn (Non-Restrictive Clause) bổ nghĩa cho danh từ xác định. Những mệnh đề loại này chỉ thêm thông tin cho câu và có thể bỏ đi mà câu vẫn đủ nghĩa.. Bogota, thủ đô củ[r]


Topic 5

Date: / / 2012 Lesson 1: Introduction


Introduction ( giới thiệu).

Mệnh đề quan hệ/ mệnh đề tính từ mệnh đề phụ câu (khơng thể đứng riêng mình) Nó bắt đầu bằng:

a relative pronouns (đại từ quan hệ) : WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHOSE, THAT b relative adverbs (trạng từ liên hệ) : WHERE, WHEN, WHY.

Ex1: A man who dares to it dares to anything Ex2: We talked to the man who was from Beijing



* Thay cho danh từ, đại từ người, có chức chủ từ * Lưu ý “Who” cấu trúc:

Noun/ pronoun (person) + who + verb

Ex1: The man has met your boss.He come from Italy S

→ The man who comes from Italy has met your boss relative clause

Ex2: We have met the girl She studies in the shool → We have met the girl who studies in the school

relative clause


* Thay cho danh từ/ đại từ người, có chức đối từ * Lưu ý: “Whom” cấu trúc

Noun / pronoun + whom + subject + verb Ex1: We like the man You talked to him yesterday

O We like the man whom you talked to yesterday

relative clause

Ex2: Is that the man ? You have been waiting for him O Is that the man whom you have been waiting for ?

relative clause

WHOSE * Thay cho sở hữu cách (possessive cases)

* Xuất hai cấu trúc

- noun/ pronoun + whose + noun + verb


noun/ pronoun whose + noun + subject + verb

Ex1: The girl looks disappoited Her examination result its so bad The girl whose examination result is so bad looks disappointed Ex2: That is the girl I took her hat by mistake yesterday

That is the girl whose hat I took by mistake yesterday


* Thay thể cho danh từ, địa từ vật * Có thể làm chủ từ đối từ * Lưu ý cấu trúc

- noun / pronoun + which + verb

- noun/ pronoun + which + subject + verb Ex1: She show me the table It was made by her father


Do you like this car, which Mr.Tan bought last month ?

Note: “Which” sử dụng để thay cho mệnh đề đứng trước (= and this/ and that) Ex: Tom is so lazy, and this makes Mrs Green worried

Tom is so lazy, which makes Mrs Green worried


* Thay cho trạng từ, cụm trạng ngữ nơi chốn (place) (eg.here, there, in that place ) * Thường xuất cấu trúc:

noun/ pronoun ( = a place) + where + subject + verb Ex: We visit the hospital We were born there/in that hospital We visit the hospital where we were born


* Thay cho trạng từ, cum từ thời gian (time) (on that day, in the year ) * Thường xuất cấu trúc :

noun / pronoun (= time ) + when + subject + verb Ex: She will never forget the day She first met him on that day

She will never forget the day when she first met him


* Thay cho cụm từ lý ( reason) (for this/ that reason) * Thường xuất cấu trúc

noun/ pronoun ( reason) + why + subject + verb

Ex: She has just told me the reason She left the company for that reason She has just told me the reason why she left the company


Chúng ta sử dụng: “ Preposition (in/ at / on / from ) + “which” để thay cho “where, when hay why” Ex1: She has just told me the reason why/ for / which she left the company

Ex2: We visit the hopital where/ in which we were born THAT

- "That" sử dụng để thay cho “who, whom, which, where, when, why” mệnh đề để xác định

Ex: Here is the man whom/that you want to meet


Ex1: Tom is the only student that didn’t pass the examination

Ex2: We saw the people and the vehicles that were moving to the market


Excercise 1: Fill in each space with Who Which, where, when or whose. What is the name of the girl ís wearing a white blouse ? I don’t like the food is very spicy

3 Last week, my father returned to his home village, he was born I’ll never forget the day you gave me a surprise birthday party He is the man friends always trust him

6 My friend Tom sings Western folk songs very well can compose songs I like reading books tell about different people and their culture

8 On my Mom’s birthday my father gave her roses were very sweet and beautiful He is the man is wearing a blue shirt

10 She is the woman son is a famous singer

II Chose one correct answer to complete the following sentences

1 This is the man has asked me to marry him (who / which / whose / whom)


5 A butcher is someone sells meat (who / whom / which / whose)

6 I’m in love with Chris, is a wonderful person (who / that / whom / which) The bus we got are very old (on that / on which / which on / whose on)

8 I like cars dependable in the winter (that are / which is / who are / whose are) I know a man three horses (who owns / which owns / he owns / that owning) 10 Documentary films are the films I find most interesting (who / that / whose / what) 11 It’s this computer program my father created.(that / whom / who / what)

12 Mine is the one has a green luggage bag.(what / whom / who / that) 13 The CD Victor bought is on the table.(whose / that / who / whom)

14 “ films are you talking about?” “Gone with the wind.”(That / Which / Who / Whose) 15 The book we discussed was a best-seller (which / who / whom / whose)

16 How about the shirt you wore Saturday night? (which / whom / who / whose)

17 The person wallet is missing should report to the office (which / whose / who / that) III Combine these sentences using the words given in brackets.

1) There are some words They are very difficult to translate (Using: which) 2) The man is a famous actor You met him at the party last night (Using: whom) 3) His house is big It is not very far from here.(Which)

4) That is the boy We took him to the theater last night ( Whom )

5) The student writes well I’ve read her composition (nối câu dùng “whose” ) 6) We lived in grandfather’s old house I told you about it (which )

7) Ba lives on Trang Tien Street He likes playing the guitar (who)

8) Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991.It is a volcano in the Philippines (which) 9) It snows in Lang Son in the winter of 2002.Lang Son is on the Ky Cung River 10) Venus is a planet.It is closest to the Earth

Topic 7

Date: / / 2010 Lesson 2: Restrictive and non- restrictive.


* Restrictive and non-restrictive clause(Mệnh đề xác định )

1.Định nghĩa chung.Phân loại.

a Định nghĩa

Mệnh đề liên hệ ( Relative clauses) mệnh đề:

 bắt đầu đại từ liên hệ ( Relative pronouns): who, whom, which, that, where, when, whose  bổ nghĩa cho danh từ câu sau danh từ

Ví dụ:

- The man who works for my father is my friend’s brother RELATIVE CLAUSE

Người đàn ông làm việc cho cha anh trai bạn

Mệnh đề liên hệ bắt đầu “who” bổ nghĩa cho “the man” sau “the man” b.Phân loại Mệnh đề liên hệ có hai loại sau:

 Restrictive clause: Mệnh đề giới hạn mệnh đề cần thiết cho nghĩa câu

Ví dụ: - Women who go out to work have to both housework and social work RELATIVE CLAUSE

Mệnh đề “who go out to work” bổ nghĩa cho “women” Câu có nghĩa có phụ nữ làm phải làm công việc nhà công việc xã hội

 Non-restrictive clause: mệnh đề bổ nghĩa cho danh từ riêng danh từ xác định Nó

chỉ thêm nghĩa cho danh từ bỏ mà câu đủ nghĩa Mệnh đề tách khỏi mệnh đề dấu phảy (.)

Ví dụ: - Mr Jones, who is a famous scientist has made a new discovery. RELATIVE CLAUSE

Ông Jones, nhà khoa học lớn, vừa làm khám phá


II Non-restrictive relative clause(Mệnh đề quan hệ không giới hạn)

2 Mệnh đề khơng giới hạn

Có thể bắt đầu bằng: who, whom,, which, whose, where Ví dụ: - Mr.Cox, who is the manager of the bank, saw the robber.

Ông Cox, người giám đốc nhà băng, nhìn thấy tên cướp

- Ann, whom I know very well, has just talked to you Ann, người mà biết rõ, vừa nói chuyện với bạn

- The car, which he bought yesterday, crashed this morning Chiếc xe mà mua hôm qua bị tai nạn sáng

- The book is about Dennis Thatcher whose wife became Prime Minister Quyển sách nói Dennis Thatcher mà vợ ông trở thành thủ tướng - They worked in Sydney, where they were born

Họ làm việc Sydney, nơi họ sinh

Lưu ý

Đại từ liên hệ THAT thay cho đại từ WHO, WHOM, WHICH mệnh đề giới hạn không dùng mệnh đề không giới hạn

Ví dụ: - The boy who / that plays football very well is my best friend. Cậu bé người chơi bóng giỏi bạn thân - Tom, who plays football very well, is my best friend Tom, người chơi bóng giỏi, bạn thân

- The city which/ that is well-know for its beaches attracts a lot of tourists Thành phố tiếng nhờ bãi biển thu hút nhiều khách

- Vung Tau, which is well-known for its beaches, attracts a lot of tourists Vũng Tàu tiếng nhờ bãi biển thu hút nhiều


 Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (non-restrictive clause) mang

thơng tin phụ, khơng ảnh hưởng lớn đến danh từ, đại từ mà bổ nghĩa

Mệnh đề không xác định tách khỏi mệnh đề hay hai dấu phảy

 Thông thường mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định khi:

a Tiền vị tự ( preceding/antecedent) danh từ riêng ( a proper noun)

Ex: Tom, who has just left school, is looking for a job

b Tiền vị tự có từ xác định: THIS,THAT, THESE, THOSE phía trước.

Ex: We admire those people, who are from China

c Tiền vị tự trường hợp sở hữu cách ( a possessive case)

Ex: My car, which I bought last year, is still in good condition

d Tiền vị tự cụm danh từ gồm: noun +preposition phrase( eg The man from Hanoi, the book on the table ) Ex: The man form Ha noi, who is very friendly, has told me about the story

e Tiền vị tự gerund/gerund phrase

Ex: Jogging, which thousands of people practise everyday, is very good exercise.

Có lẽ bạn khơng ngạc nhiên biết mệnh đề liên hệ (Relative Clauses) gọi mệnh đề tính từ (Adjective Clauses) bổ nghĩa cho danh từ câu Suy ra, Restrictive Adjectives Non-Restrictive Relative Clause (Mệnh đề liên hệ khơng giới hạn).

Ví dụ: Paul O’Gray, who died two years ago , was a kind and loving man.

Mệnh đề không giới hạn (Non-Restrictive Clause) bổ nghĩa cho danh từ xác định Những mệnh đề loại thêm thơng tin cho câu bỏ mà câu đủ nghĩa Chúng tách khỏi mệnh đề dấu phảy (,) phổ biến văn viết văn nói

Thế danh từ xác định ? Danh từ xác định là: - danh từ riêng: tên người, tên thành phố, quốc gia

- sau tính từ định (Demonstives): this, that, these, those - sau tính từ sở hữu (Possessives): my, your, his, her, their


Bogota, thủ đô Colombia, thành phố lớn

-This village, where we spent our childhood, has changed a lot

Thành phố này, nơi mà trải qua thời thơ ấu thay đổi nhiều - My friend, who understands all difficult lesson, is always ready to help us Bạn tơi, người hiểu tất học khó, ln sẵn sàng giúp đỡ - The flood in the Sound of VietNam, which caused a lot of damage, is now over Trận lụt miền nam Việt Nam, gây nhiều thiệt hại,


I Combine the following sentences by using Who, that, which, where or whose. 1) Last month I went to Hai Phong My uncle is working there

2) I read about the child His life was saved by his pet dog 3) Look at the girl She is wearing a white dress

4) That is the picture of his town He grew up in that town 5) Mr Quang will be here soon He will be able to help us

6) The blue whale is considered the largest animal that has ever lived It can grow to 100 feet and 150 tons 7) Nhung has some tests Her health hasn’t been good recently

8) Viet is one of my closest friends I have known him for years

9) The storm caused a lot of damage Nobody had been expecting the storm 10)Dr Feilds predicted another earthquake He lectured at Browning Hall lastnight II Correct one mistake

1) I enjoyed the book that you told me to raed it

2) Phong still remembers the man who he taught him to play the guitar when he was a boy 3) I don’t like to spend time with people which lose their tempers easily

4) She sits next to a person who his name is Ahmed

5) We don’t forget the typhoon which it swept through our village five years ago 6) One of the people which I admire most is my aunt

7) Football is the only sport in which I am interested in it


1.Mệnh đề quan hệ mệnh đề khởi đầu bằng: *Các đại từ quan hệ (relative pronoun)

- Who: dành cho từ người- dùng làm chủ từ

e.g: The little boy Who is wearing a blue shirt is the best pupil in my class ( Cậu bé mặc áo sơ mi xanh học sinh giỏi lớp tôi)

The doctors are looking after the young man who was wounded yesterday morining (Các bác sĩ chăm sóc cậu niên bị thương sáng hôm qua)

-Whom: dành cho từ người-dùng làm túc từ.

e.g: The old man whom you met last week is the best surgeon in this hospital. (ông già mà bạn gặp tuần trước bác sĩ giải phẫu giỏi bệnh viện này)

- Whose + danh từ: Whose từ sở hữu quan hệ, dùng định từ cho danh từ kèm Nó phép dùng chỉ người hay vật Trong mệnh đề quan hệ, whose + noun là:

+ chủ từ (subject):

e.g: I’m talking to the old man whose daughter is my friend.

(Tơi nói chuyện với ông già mà gái ông ta bạn tôi) – (whose daughter: chủ từ is) + túc từ: (object):

e.g: That was metting whose purpose I could not understand (Đó gặp gỡ mà tơi khơng thể hiểu mục đích) (Whose purpose: túc từ could not understand)

-Which: dành cho từ đồ vật động vật, dùng như: + chủ từ (subject)

e.g: The cat which is playing with the ball is very intelligent (Con mèo chơi với trái banh thơng minh ) (Which: chủ từ is playing)

+ túc từ (object):

e.g: The new T.V which I bought last week gives very beautiful pictures (Cái truyền hình mà tơi mua lần trước cho hình ảnh đẹp)

- That: (xin xem ở: "UNIT 8" mục 2) *Các trạng từ liên hệ ( Relative adverbs):

-Where: nằm sau danh từ nơi chốn (noun of place)

e.g: I always miss the small village where I was born and grew up (Tôi luôn nhớ làng nhỏ nơi mà sinh lớn lên) - When:

eg: I can never forget the rainy morning when I first met her at the airport

(Tôi quên buổi sáng mưa dầm mà gặp gỡ cô lần phi trường) - Why: nằm sau danh từ lý do, thường chữ reason.



See also Pronouns

There are two different types of relative clause:

1 A "defining" or identifying clause, which tells us which person or thing we are talking about

2 A "non-defining" or non-essential clause, which gives us more information about the person or thing we are talking about This kind of clause could often be information included in brackets ( )


The farmer (his name was Fred) sold us some potatoes The farmer, whose name was Fred, sold us some potatoes

It is important to see the difference between the two types of clause, as it affects:

a. the choice of pronoun used to introduce the clause,

b. the punctuation - you must use commas with a non-defining clause


As the name suggests, these clauses give essential information to define or identify the person or thing we are talking about Obviously, this is only necessary if there is more than one person or thing involved


Elephants who marry mice are very unusual.

In this sentence we understand that there are many elephants, but it is clear that we are only talking the ones

who marry mice. Punctuation

Commas are not used in defining relative clauses

Relative pronouns

The following relative pronouns are used in defining relative clauses:












where when







1. The relative pronoun stands in place of a noun This noun usually appears earlier in the sentence:




spoke at the


was very



subject of






to 'the


subject of


verb + rest of


2. Who, whom and which can be replaced by that. This is very common in spoken English

3. The relative pronoun can be omitted (ø) when it is the object of the clause:

The mouse that the elephant loved was very beautiful. OR The mouse the elephant loved was very beautiful.

Both of these sentences are correct, though the second one is more common in spoken English

The mouse


the elephant


was very



subject of

main clause

relative pronoun,

referring to 'the

mouse, object of


verb + rest of

relative clause

verb + rest of

main clause

(You can usually decide whether a relative pronoun is an object because it is normally followed by another subject + verb.)

4. Whose is used for things as well as for people Examples:

The man whose car was stolen. A tree whose leaves have fallen.

5. Whom is very formal and is only used in written English You can use who/that, or omit the pronoun completely :

The doctor whom/who/that/ø I was hoping to see wasn't on duty

6.That normally follows words like something, anything, everything, nothing, all, and superlatives Examples:

 There's somethingthat you should know  It was the best film that I've ever seen


 A clown is someone who makes you laugh

 An elephant is an animal that lives in hot countries

 The plums that were in the fridge were delicious I have eaten them  Where are the plums (that) I put in the fridge?

 Has anyone seen the book I was reading?

 Nothing that anyone does can replace my lost bag  Let's go to a country where the sun always shines  They live in the house whose roof is full of holes


The information in these clauses is not essential It tells us more about someone or something, but it does not help us to identify them or it



3 John's mother, who lives in Scotland, has grandchildren (We know who John's mother is, and he only has one The important information is the number of grandchildren, but the fact that she lives in Scotland might be followed with the words "by the way" - it is additional information)


Non-defining relative clauses are always separated from the rest of the sentence by commas The commas have a similar function to brackets:

My friend John has just written a best-selling novel (He went to the same school as me) > My friend John, who went to the same school as me, has just written a best-selling novel Relative pronouns in non-defining clauses

Person Thing Place

Subject who which

Object who/whom which where

Possessive whose


1.In non-defining clauses, you cannot use “that” instead of who, whom or which

2 You cannot leave out the relative pronoun, even when it is the object of the verb in the relative clause:

He gave me the letter, which was in a blue envelope. He gave me the letter, which I read immediately

3 The preposition in these clauses can go at the end of the clause, e.g This is Stratford-on-Avon, which you have all heard about.

This pattern is often used in spoken English, but in written or formal English you can also put the preposition before the pronoun: e.g Stratford-on-Avon, about which many people have written is Shakespeare?s birthplace.

4 Non-defining clauses can be introduced by expressions like all of, many of + relative pronoun:



all of

+ whom

+ which

any of

+ whom

+ which

(a) few of

+ whom

+ which

both of

+ whom

+ which

each of

+ whom

+ which

either of

+ whom

+ which

half of

+ whom

+ which

many of

+ whom

+ which

most of

+ whom

+ which

much of

+ whom

+ which

none of

+ whom

+ which


two of etc?

+ whom

+ which


a There were a lot of people at the party, many of whom I had known for years b He was carrying his belongings, many of which were broken

5 The relative pronoun which at the beginning of a non-defining relative clause, can refer to all the information contained in the previous part of the sentence, rather than to just one word a Chris did really well in his exams,which was a big surprise (= the fact that he did well in his exams was a big surprise)

b An elephant and a mouse fell in love, which is most unusual (= the fact that they fell in love is unusual)


a My grandmother, who is dead now, came from the North of England b I spoke to Fred, who explained the problem

c The elephant looked at the tree, under which she had often sat d We stopped at the museum, which we?d never been into

e She?s studying maths, which many people hate f I?ve just met Susan, whose husband works in London g He had thousands of books, most of which he had read


There are often prepositions in relative clauses, and the relative pronoun is the object of the preposition This means that the preposition can sometimes be omitted

3 The preposition is normally placed at the end of the relative clause: Is that the man (who) you arrivedwith?

Do you know the girl (that) John is talkingto?

4 In formal or written English, the preposition is often placed before the relative pronoun, and in this case the pronoun cannot be omitted:

The person with whom he is negotiating is the Chairman of a large company. It is a society to which many important people belong.

However, this is unusual in spoken English


 The jungle the elephant lived in was full of strange and unusual animals  He was very fond of the mouse that he lived with

 The tree under which they had their home was the largest and oldest in the jungle  In the middle of the jungle was a river that all the animals went to every day  It was the stream in which the elephant and the mouse preferred to swim

I.Mệnh đề quan hệ theo sau giới từ (Relative clause following a preposition)

Chúng ta xem ví dụ sau đây: e.g:


The old man that the doctors are looking after is working here. Trong cách này:

- đại từ quan hệ that đứng đầu mệnh đề quan hệ, làm túc từ cho “are looking after” - That đứng khơng kèm giới từ “after”

Cách 2:

The old man after whom the doctors are looking is working here Trong cách này:

- Whom, đại từ quan hệ người, làm túc từ

-Whom đặt sau giới từ “after”, mở đầu mệnh đề quan hệ -That không dùng kèm với giới từ

Như động từ có kèm giới từ mệnh đề quan hệ, phải: - mở đầu mệnh đề quan hệ bằng: giới từ + whom hay which

- mở đầu mệnh đề quan hệ that Lúc đó, giới từ nằm sau động từ

e.g: The young man wanted to pay a visit to the orphanage I told you about him last week Nối cặp câu ta có hai cách viết:

- The young man about whom I told you last week wanted to pay a visit to the orphanage

-The young man that I told you about last week wanted to pay a visit to the orphanage (Cậu niên mà tơi nói với anh tuần muốn tới viếng thăm trại mồ côi)

Ghi chú: Những mệnh đề quan hệ khởi đầu trạng từ quan hệ when, where why có thể viết bằng:

GIỚI TỪ + đại từ quan hệ WHICH e.g1:

Sunday is the day We have nothing to on that day Chúng ta viết:

Sunday is the day when we have nothing to Sunday is the day on which we have nothing to e.g2:

I love the house I was born and grew up there Chúng ta viết:

- I love the house where I was born and grew up - I love the house in which I was born and grew up e.g3:

Tell me the reason You didn’t come here for that reason Chúng ta viết:

Tell me the reason why you didn’t come here Tell me the reason for which you didn’t come here

II.Reduced form of Relative Clauses

2.Các trường hợp mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn

*Có thể bỏ whom which: Trong trường hợp này, whom which đóng vai trị túc từ động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ:

Có thể bỏ whom which: Trong trường hợp này, whom which đóng vai trị túc từ động từ mệnh đề quan hệ

e.g: The young doctor whom you met yesterday is working in this hospital (Vị bác sĩ trẻ mà bạn gặp hôm qua làm việc bệnh viện này) (whom túc từ “met”)

e.g: The colour TV which I bought last week is smaller than yours

(Cái truyền hình màu mà tơi mua tuần trước nhỏ truyền hình anh) (which: túc từ “bought”)


- The young man you met yesterday is working in this hospital - The colour TV I bought last week is smaller than yours

*Có thể cắt bỏ “THAT” đứng đầu mệnh đề quan hệ, đóng vai trò túc từ. Trong trường hợp này, động từ mệnh đề quan hệ có giới từ kèm theo

e.g: The air pollution is the serious problem that everybody has to think about (Việc nhiễm khơng khí vấn đề nghiêm trọng mà người phải nghĩ tới) ( That: túc từ cho giới từ about, nằm sau động từ “think”)

Câu viết lại là:

The air pollution is the serious problem everybody has to think about

*Chúng ta dùng dạng phân từ (participle) để thay mệnh đề quan hệ có chủ từ là who, which, that

c1: Người ta dùng cụm phân từ (present participle phrase) để thay cho chủ từ who, which, that động từ mang tính chủ động

e.g: The young man who answered your question yesterday is my friend (Người niên trả lời câu hỏi bạn hôm qua bạn tơi)

Câu viết lại là: The young man answering your question yesterday is my friend

c2: Người ta dùng cụm khứ phân từ (past participle phrase) để thay chủ từ who, which, that Khi động từ mang nghĩa bị động Lúc bỏ chủ từ động từ ‘To be” giữ lại khứ phân từ trở

e.g: People are rebuilding the bridges which were broken by that terrible flood (người ta làm lại cầu bị làm sập gãy lũ lụt khủng khiếp đó) Câu viết lại là:

People are rebuilding the bridges broken by that terrible flood ( past participle phrase) III.The Reduced forms of Relative clause(Dạng rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ)

1.The participle phrase (cụm phân từ)

a The present participle phrase (cụm hiệu phân từ) Wh-(subject) + verb(active) → V-ing

Ex: The man who stood by the window last night is my uncle (relative clause)

The man standing by the window last night is my uncle (present participle phrase) b The past participle phrase (cụm khứ phân từ)

Wh-(subject) + verb (passive) → PP

Ex: Balls which are thrown into the air will fall back down ( relative clause) Balls thrown into the air will fall back down ( past participle phrase) 2.The appositive phrase ( ngữ đồng vị)

Wh-(subject) + be + noun phrase → noun phrase Ex:

We visit Dam Sen, which is a big park in Ho Chi Minh city ( relative clause) We visit Dam Sen, a big park in Ho Chi Minh City ( appositive)

3.The to-infinitive phrase ( cụm động từ nguyên mẫu ) a Chỉ công dụng vật

Ex: This is the key which can unclock the car ( relative clause) This is the key to unlock the car ( to- infinitive phrase)


Ex: Neil Amstrong is the first person who walked on the moon (relative clause) Neil Amstrong is the first person to walk on the moon ( to-infinitive phrase)

c Hai chủ từ ( người) giống ( mệnh đề quan hệ hành động hay nghĩa vụ phải thực hiện): Ex: We (S1) have some exercises that we (S2) have to finish at once ( S1=S2) ( relative clause) We have some exercises to finish at once ( to-infinitive phrase)


This is a good hotel for them to stay tonight


Chúng ta biết: - That thay

- Who làm chủ từ (khi dùng để người) - Whom làm túc từ (khi dùng để người) - Which làm chủ từ túc từ (khi dùng vật)

- Các trường hợp buộc phải dùng that trường hợp khác không dùng that ( xem lại phần "THE WORLD OF SICENCE")

Trong phạm vi này, dùng which thay that trường hợp: -That làm chủ từ trước danh từ vật

-That làm túc từ trực tiếp cho động từ, trước that danh từ vật -That làm túc từ cho giới từ nằm sau động từ, trước that danh từ vật Which thay that làm chủ từ:

e.g1: The cows that/ which give good milk are well-fed (S)

(Những bò cho sữa tốt cho ăn uống đầy đủ)

e.g2: My father is telling about the colour TV that/which was bougth last week (Cha tơi nói truyền hình màu mua tuần rồi)

Which thay that làm túc từ trực tiếp cho động từ:

e.g1: The novel that/which she is reading is written in Chinese

( Quyển tiểu thuyết cô ta đọc viết tiếng Trung Quốc) e.g2: I’m looking for the picture – book that/which my sister gave me last week (Tôi tìm truyện tranh mà chị tơi cho tơi tuần rồi)

Which thay that làm túc từ cho giới từ sau động từ. e.g1: The question that he is thingking about is very serious. hoặc:

The question about which he is thingking is very serious (Vấn đề mà anh nghĩ tới nghiêm trọng)

Ngày đăng: 27/05/2021, 05:28

