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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm 2020-2021 - Trường THPT Hà Huy Tập

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Với mong muốn giúp các bạn đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới, TaiLieu.VN đã sưu tầm và chọn lọc gửi đến các bạn Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm 2020-2021 - Trường THPT Hà Huy Tập, hi vọng đây sẽ là tư liệu ôn tập hiệu quả giúp các em đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo đề cương!

Trường THPT Hà Huy Tập Năm học 2020- 2021 ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KỲ II MÔN TIẾNG ANH KHỐI 10 I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently A eliminate B equality C educator A income B couple C ceremony A employment B secondary C eliminate A global B greenhouse C energy A impact B influence C negative A reduce B removal C effort A assignment B diversity C superstition A wedding B guest C examination A affects B removes C enrolls 10 A eliminates B takes C pursues 11 A preserves B damages C washes 12 A polluted B depleted C assigned 13 A performed B replaced C accessed 14 A threatened B allowed C introduced D encourage D culture D women D underground D scientist D depletion D bridegroom D venture D traditions D works D matches D crowded D looked D enrolled II Find the word whose main stress is different from the others 15 A environment B equality C contaminate 16 A enrol B treatment C threaten 17 A documentary B personality C potentially 18 A promote B allow C system 19 A perform B gender C replace 20 A symbolic B interest C personal 21 A excellent B introduce C digital 22 A concentrate B chemical C contribute D electronic D access D limitation D agree D success D recognize D similar D scientist III Choose the best option to complete the following sentences A holiday by the sea is than a holiday in the mountains A gooder B better C more good D best You tidy up your room A must be B mustn’t C must D mustn’t be The chemistry book was a little expensive A that I bought B what I bought C I bought that D which bought He told us that the weather might get much worse A tomorrow B the following day C yesterday D the day before Would you mind a window? A open B opening C to open D to opening He will be late for the train if he at once A doesn’t start B didn’t start C won’t start D don’t start Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people the same language? A spoke B speak C had spoken D has spoken I …… go to see the doctor last week because I was very ill a must b must to c had to d could I …… go now because I am already late for my class a must b had c have to d may 10 Susan .hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly A might not B couldn't C can't D mustn't 11 Gender discrimination must in order to create a better society A eliminate B be eliminating C be eliminated D eliminated 12 That’s a nice bike.” - “We bought ….one we could find because we don’ t plan to use it very much” A cheapest B a cheapest C the cheapest D of cheapest 13 The food is …… the last time I ate it A badder B bad C worse than D the worst 14 He finished the test of all A rapidly B the most rapidly C most rapidly D more rapidly 15 The deep oceans contain some of of all living creatures a the strangest b strange c as strange as d stranger than 16 What's _ film you've ever seen? a good b best c better than d the best 17.We’ll have lunch outside in the garden, _ it’s too cold A if B unless C in case ` D should 18.John _ win more races if he trained harder A would B will C would have D shall 19 I can’t understand what he sees in her! If anyone treated me like that, I _ extremely angry! A am B would be C will be D was 20 If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, _ this incident again A I don’t mention B I will never mention C I never mention D will I never mention 21 Julia said that she _ there at noon A is going to be B was going to be C will be D can be 22 He _ that he was leaving way that afternoon A told me B told to me C said me D says to me 23 She said to me that she to me the Sunday before A wrote B has written C was writing D had written 24 They said that they had been driving through the desert A the previous day B yesterday C the last day D Sunday previously 25 I can answer the question you say is very difficult a which b whom c who d whose 26 We saw the girl you say is beautiful a which b whom c who d whose 27 He talked about the books and the authors interested him a who b that c which d whom 28 Bondi is the beautiful beach I love the most a when b where c which d why 29 The table legs are broken should be repaired a who b whom c which d whose 30 Electronics could your body, couldn’t they? A harm B harmful C harmless D be harmed 31 Ecotourism helps to preserve the environment A nature B natural C naturally D naturalist 32 _ is a ceremony or service which is held shortly after a person’s death A Funeral B Wedding C House moving day D Farewell party 33 The team paid a price for its lack of preparation A heavy B light C dirty D expensive 34 In order to a man’s job, Brenda had to work very hard A pursue B work C enroll D prefer 35 is the unfair treatment based on gender, age or race A Elimination B Equality C Discrimination D Enrolment 36 I think the Vietnamese government has considerable progress in gender equality A done B taken C given D made 37 There is a wedding for all guests after the wedding ceremony A reception B engagement C proposal D ring 38 _ will lead to the extinction of rare animals due to the loss of their habitats, and extreme floods and land erosion A Deforestation B Conservation D Depletion D Protection 39 I’m looking for some new to put on my smartphone to improve my English pronunciation A assignments B applications C calculations D devices 40 The Vietnamese government has done a lot to _ hunger and poverty A discriminate B contaminate C eliminate D preserve 41 Global warming has had negative impact our environment A in B of C on D with 42 Gender differences cannot prevent a person _pursuing a job A from B of C on D with 43 To _ is to keep and protect something from damage, change or waste A pollute B preserve C damage D deplete 44 In the age of technology, you can _ advantage of new applications which are very useful for learning English A make B take C get D have 45 Drinking water in this area is highly _ by waste A pollution B pollutant C polluted D pollute 46 Global warming will result…………… crop failures and famine A in B of C from D to 47 One major of this area is lack of public transport A advantage B disadvantaged C disadvantage D Advantaged 48 It is important that men should share household tasks their wives A to B with C for D against IV Mark A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) Câu 49: The team wasn’t playing well, so the coach took the bull by the horns and sacked several senior players A made the right decision B made a bold decision C made a final decision D made the wrong decision 50 Professor Berg was very interested in the diversity of cultures all over the world A variety B changes C conservation D number 51 Southeast Asia is a region of diverse cultures A like B various C same D respected 52 How on earth could they away with a lovely old building like that and put a car park there instead? A keep B destroy C decrease D upgrade 53 John wants to buy a new car, so he starts setting aside a small part of his monthly earnings A using up B putting out C spending on D saving up V Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning 54: Psychologists encourage their patient not to get upset about trivial matters A expectant B important C minor D unnecessary 55 The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad A done B made C protected D varied 56 We greatly respect my teacher for all of the best things that she brought to us A look up to B look forwards C look for D look down on 57 It is found that endangered species are often concentrated in areas that are poor and densely populated, such as much of Asia and Africa A disappeared B increased C threatened D safe 58 During the Great Depression, many people suddenly found themselves jobless after a night A employed B redundant C unoccupied D supplementary VI Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges 59 Two friends Diana and Anne are talking about their upcoming exams Diana : “ Our midterm exams will start next Tuesday, are you ready ? ” Anne : “ ” A I 'm half ready B God save you C.Thank you so much D Don’t mention it! 60 “You look beautiful with your new hairstyle!” " _" A Not at all B Very kind of your part C It is very kind of you to say so D Willingly 61 Bill is talking to his colleague Bill: “ ………., Jack?” Jack: “Fine! I have just got a promotion.” A What happened B What are you doing C How are you doing D How come 62: Two students are taking in a new class 63 Student 1: “Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?” Student 2: “ ” A No, thanks B Yes, I am so glad C Sorry, the seat is taken D Yes, yes You can seat here 64 Lan: “What behaviours are only seen as appropriate for men?” Nam: “ ” A What are men’s appropriate behaviours? B There are many, such as offering to pay for meals or drinks C Men, in general, don’t have appropriate behaviours D Men don’t want other people to criticize them VII Identify ONE mistake among A, B, C or D 65 It is strange but often a coke is expensiver than a beer A B C D 66 Touch screen is the screen whom allows giving instructions by touching A B C D 67 Scientists have tried to assess the impact of human activities on the environmental A B C D 68 Ann asked Kirk if had he really written that story the previous day A B C D 69 If I passed this exam, I’ll go to the university next summer A B C D 70 All new workers mustn’t have a medical examination A B C D 71 The chemical pollutants from cars and factories make the air, water and soil dangerously dirtily A B C D 72 Do you remember a name of the hotel which is at the end of this street? A B C D VIII Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions Passage In Britain, greetings cards are sold in chain stores and supermarkets, in newsagents’ shops, corner shops and, increasingly, in shops that specialize in the sale of cards and paper for wrapping presents in The most common cards are birthday and Christmas cards Many Christmas cards are sold in aid of charity and special ‘charity card shops’ are often set up in temporary premises in the weeks before Christmas A wide variety of birthday cards is available to cater for different ages and tastes Some, especially ones for young children or for people celebrating a particular birthday, have the person’s age on the front Many have comic, often risqué, messages printed on them, and cartoon-style illustrations Others are more sober, with reproductions of famous paintings or attractive original designs The usual greeting on a birthday card is ‘Happy Birthday’, ‘Many Happy Returns’ or ‘Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday’ Some people also send special cards for Easter and New Year Easter cards either portray images of spring, such as chicks, eggs, lambs, spring flowers, etc, or have a religious theme Cards are produced for every ‘milestone’ in a person’s life There are special cards for an engagement, a marriage, a new home, a birth, success in an examination, retirement, a death in the family, etc Some are ‘good luck’ or ‘congratulations’ cards Others, for example ‘get well’ cards for people who are ill, express sympathy What is the passage mainly about? A Greetings Cards B Birthday Cards C Christmas Cards D Easter Cards The word ‘some’ in paragraph refers to A young children B ages and tastes C card shops D birthday cards Which of the following is NOT the usual greeting on a birthday card? A ‘Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday’ B ‘Happy Birthday’ C ‘Good luck’ D ‘Many Happy Returns’ The word ‘milestone’ in paragraph is closest in meaning to A a positive view B a special gift C an important event D a convenient way It can be inferred from the passage that A greetings cards are used on many different occasions B there are few choices of birthday cards C greetings cards are not very popular in Britain D greetings cards are for children only Passage A lot of people worry about the African chimpanzee Its population in the wild is shrinking because it is hunted to be sold For every chimp that is taken alive, five to ten chimps die In the past fifty years, Africans have sold three to four thousand chimps for use in business and experiments If this practice continues, the chimp may become extinct The United States may soon join the other ninety-nine nations that prevent chimps from being bought and sold In Washington, D.C., the Interior Department recommends putting the chimpanzee on the endangered animals list, which will make it against the law to sell them to the United States Once on the list, they will have a better chance to survive Which of the following would be the best title of the passage? A The life of a chimpanzee B African jungles C Save the chimpanzee The story says that chimps are used for _ A movies B TV programs C experiments For every chimp that is taken alive, five to ten others _ A are born B die C are captured, too For the survival of the chimp, the story suggests _ A there is hope B there is no hope C nobody cares 10 The word “shrinking” in line means _ A expanding B increasing C decreasing D The shrinking population D pets D are hurt D no one need to worry D developing Passage Today, more and more women are actively participating in social activities both in urban and rural areas Specifically, they have shined brightly in even many fields commonly regarded as the man's areas such as business, scientific research and social management In some areas, women even show more overwhelming power than men The image of contemporary Vietnamese women with creativeness, dynamism, success has become popular in Vietnam's society The fact reveals that the gender gap has been remarkably narrowed and women enjoy many more opportunities to pursue their social careers and obtain success, contributing to national socio-economic development According to Ms, Le Thi Quy, Director of the Gender/and Development Research Centre under the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University, gender equity in Vietnam has reached a high level over the past decade The rate of Vietnamese women becoming National Assembly members from the 9th term to the 11th term increased 8.7%, bringing the proportion of Vietnamese women in authority to 27.3%, the highest rate in Southeast Asia There is no big gap in the level of literacy and schooling between men and women Women account for about 37% of university and college graduates, 19.9% of doctoral degree holders and 6.7% of professors and associate professors The legitimate rights of women and children are ensured more than ever before with more complete legal documents including laws, conventions and national action plans, among which the laws on "gender equity" mark a turning-point in the empowerment of women Mass media also highlights the continued success of women in every field and honors their great importance in modern society, helping to away with outdated perceptions about traditional women's duties Many projects on reproductive health care, children protection, and family income improvement jointly conducted by various mass organizations, state agencies and non-governmental organizations have created favorable conditions for women to become involved 11 The text is about a the changes in the status of Vietnamese women b the Vietnamese women's liberation c the Vietnamese sex discrimination d the discrimination that Vietnamese women have to face 12 Which adjective is not used to describe Vietnamese women? a successful b creative c narrow d dynamic 13 According to the data in the text, a Vietnamese women not take part in authority b the level of literacy and schooling between men and women in Vietnam is the same c there are more women in authority in Vietnam than those in any other countries in Southeast Asia d there are no female professors in Vietnam 14 Vietnamese women a have few opportunities to develop their intellectual ability b have only shined brightly in doing housework c cannot any scientific research d are ensured their rights with laws, conventions and national action plans 15 Which is not mentioned in the text as a project to create condition for Vietnamese women? a Traditional women's duties b Reproductive health care c Children protection d Family income improvement IX Read the following passage and choose the correct word for each of the blanks Passage A person who tosses a can or a napkin on the ground is contributing to land pollution This (1) of pollution mainly involves the depositing on land of solid wastes that cannot be broken down quickly or, in some cases, at all Heaps of trash are not only unpleasant to look at - they can (2) interfere with the lives of plants and animals Land pollution also includes the build-up of (3) _ chemicals on land The use of pesticides in farming is a major source of this type of pollution These chemicals are spread over fields to kill insects, weeds, fungi, or rodents that are a threat to crops But pesticides harm or (4) _ other living things too When they drift with the wind or become absorbed (5) _ fruits and vegetables, they can become a source of health problems such as cancer and birth defects A plan A so B use B also C train C too D type D such A poisonously A make A of B poison B kill B up C poisoning C get C into D poisonous D help D on Passage Ecotourism is a form of tourism that involves (6) travel to fragile, pristine and relatively undisturbed natural areas These (7) areas usually have programmes to conserve the environment or sustain the wellbeing of the local people An ecotourism holiday is done on a (8) scale compared to commercial mass tourism and is intended to be low impact This means that (9) tour operators and accommodation providers act as responsibly as possible, ensuring the protection (10) flora and fauna in the local area A responsibility A beautiful A small A  10 A of B responsible B polluted B much B a B on C responsibly C natural C the most C an C for D responsibilities D local D smaller D the D from Passage United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has made gender equality central to its work and we’ve seen remarkable progress in the past 20 years There are (11) girls in school now compared to 15 years ago, and most regions have reached gender parity in primary education But although there are more women than ever in the labour market, there are still large (12) in some regions, with women systematically denied the same work rights as men Sexual violence and exploitation, the unequal division of unpaid care and domestic work, and discrimination (13) public office all remain huge barriers Climate change and disasters continue to have a disproportionate (14) on women and children, as conflict and migration It is vital to give (15) women equal rights land and property, sexual and reproductive health, and to technology and the internet Today there are more women in public office than ever before, but encouraging more women leaders will help achieve greater gender equality 11 A less 12 A inequalities 13 A at 14 A effect 15 A a B many B inequality B in front of B contact B  C more C equality C in C touch C the D much D equal D on D temper D an X Rewrite the sentences with suggested words "I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine", said she → She said………………………………………………………………………………………… Tom said: “I’m going to visit my grandmother tomorrow.” → Tom said that Charlie said: "You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London" →Charlie said: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Charlie said, "I'll tell Jim I saw you" →Charlie said: ………………………………………………………………………………………… She’s very thin; perhaps that’s why she feels cold so much → If she ……………………………………………………………………………………………… I can’t live in the country because I can’t find a job there → I’d ………………………………………………………………………………………………… If she doesn’t water these trees, they will die → Unless Study hard or you’ll fail in the exam → If The man is a famous actor You met him at the party last night → The man whom ……………………………………………………………………………… 10 I don't remember the man You said you met him at the canteen last week → I 11 The tree has lovely flowers It stands near the gate of my house →The tree …………… 12 The students will be awarded the present The students' reports are very valuable →The students ... going to be B was going to be C will be D can be 22 He _ that he was leaving way that afternoon A told me B told to me C said me D says to me 23 She said to me that she to me the Sunday... c who d whose 26 We saw the girl you say is beautiful a which b whom c who d whose 27 He talked about the books and the authors interested him a who b that c which d whom 28 Bondi is the... of trash are not only unpleasant to look at - they can (2) interfere with the lives of plants and animals Land pollution also includes the build-up of (3) _ chemicals on land The use of pesticides

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2021, 03:40

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    V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning


