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SKKN enhancing the english speaking reflex of phan dang luu high schools 11th graders through the combination of hot seating strategy and ielts speaking part 1 and 3 questions

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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO NGHỆ AN TRƯỜNG THPT PHAN ĐĂNG LƯU  SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ENHANCING THE ENGLISH SPEAKING REFLEX OF PHAN DANG LUU HIGH SCHOOL’S 11TH GRADERS THROUGH THE COMBINATION OF HOT SEATING STRATEGY AND IELTS SPEAKING PART AND QUESTIONS MÔN: Tiếng Anh Tác giả: Triệu Thị Nghĩa Tổ chuyên môn: Văn – Ngoại ngữ NĂM HỌC: 2020-2021 Page PART 1: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………… PART 2: CONTENT…………………………………………………… I LITERATURE REVIEW…….…………………………………… Speaking Skill and Importance of the English speaking reflex 1.1 Speaking Skill …………… … ………………………… 1.2 Importance of the English Speaking Reflex… ….……… Hot Seating Strategy…….………………….………………… IELTS Speaking Part and ……….……….……………… II THE REALITY…………………………………………………… III THE OBJECTIVES AND THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY……… The Objectives of the Study…………………………………… The Scope of the Study…… ….……………………………… IV SOLUTIONS…………………………………………………… Process of Applying the Initiative ….………………………… 1.1 Interaction ………………………………………………… 1.2 Assignment ………… … ………………………………… 1.3 Performance ….… ……………………………………… 1.4 Assessment…….……… ….……………………………… Detailed Solutions ……… …………………………………… PART 3: CONCLUSION……………………………………………… 41 I FINDINGS AND LIMITATIONS…………………… …………… 41 Some Findings………….……………………………………… 41 Limitations…… … ………………………………………… 41 II SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY……………………… 42 REFERENCES …………………………………………… 43 APPENDICES ……….…………………………………… 44 Appendix Class Observation Checklist…………… 44 Appendix Pre-treatment Questionnaire …………… 45 Appendix Post-treatment Questionnaire ………… 49 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1: INTRODUCTION In the era of the globalization and international integration, English has become a ‘lingua franca’, which, according to Jeremy Harmer (2001:1), can be defined as a language widely adopted for communication between two speakers whose native languages are different from each other’s, and one or both speakers are using it as a second language It has been used almost all over the world in many different fields such as diplomacy, science, technology, business, culture, tourism, etc There is no doubt that English is one of the most important means of communication and access to information In this context, the ability to use English properly is more and more highly appreciated In Vietnam, in recent years, English as a foreign language has gained considerable attention It has become a compulsory subject in the syllabus of most schools, colleges and universities It has been taught throughout the country, both urban and rural areas Even in the countryside, children now start learning English when they are or years old However, the teaching and learning of English, especially in the countryside, has not been really effective yet There are still many people who cannot use English well after English courses It is clear that keeping speaking and giving answers to others’ questions as fast as possible is the key to a successful conversation However, as a rural high school teacher of English, the writer finds that most of her students, including the ones with a good knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary, have great difficulty in speaking English They even cannot open their mouths to answer very simple questions in this language Therefore, it is important that there be a stimulus to enable students to express their ideas orally After investigating the real situation and reviewing the related literature, the teacher discovers that the students’ low level of motivation for speaking skill partly results from their bad speaking reflex, which makes them unconfident about their spoken English Meanwhile, they not have a favorable environment for practicing and fostering this On the other hand, some students whose English is good are studying or have intention to study it for IELTS tests If the teacher continues to deliver her lessons in the conventional way and mainly focus on the goal of her students’ passing the national exam, these students will feel bored and ignore the lessons in class Consequently, the learning atmosphere will become dull and students will not know the real value of mastering an international language like English In the light of research, the teacher has realized that Question and Answer activity with IELTS Speaking Part and questions is the approach that could work in tackling her students’ problems The International English Language Test System (IELTS) is undeniably one of the most reputable and popular English tests in the world, which could be a kind of motivation to stimulate students to speak English In fact, some Vietnamese students today tend to use IELTS scores to be admitted to universities Especially, many IELTS speaking questions are of the same topics as the textbook’s units In addition, a strategy like Hot Seating could help to put students in the lifelike situations, where students play roles relating to the lesson topics so that they could use their English naturally All of these things are the reasons why the teacher has studied and worked on the initiative: ‘Enhancing the English speaking reflex of Phan Dang Luu high school’s 11 th graders through the combination of Hot Seating Strategy and IELTS Speaking Part and questions’ PART 2: CONTENT I LITERATURE REVIEW Speaking skill and Importance of the English speaking reflex 1.1 Speaking skill Of all the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), speaking seems to be considered the most important Penny Ur (1996:120) says that people who know a language are referred to as ‘speakers’ of that language, as if speaking includes all other kinds of knowing and many if not most foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak In terms of the importance of speaking skill, Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Peter Collins, and David Blair (1984: 103) also argue: ‘We live in a world of language We talk to our friends, our associates, our wives and husbands, our lovers, our teachers, our parents and in-law We talk to bus drivers and total strangers We talk face to face and over the telephone, and everyone respond with more talk Television and radio further swell this torrent of words Hardly a moment of our waking lives is free from words, and even in our dreams we talk and are talked to We talk to pets and sometimes to ourselves.’ In brief, the speaking skill is very important It is a way of expressing ourselves and exchanging information in whatever language we use Besides, the fact is that a man can learn to speak his first language naturally in his language environment in everyday life before learning to read and write, which can need a lot of guidance 1.2 Importance of the English speaking reflex Biologically, a reflex is an automatic reaction involving nerve cells that is not controlled by the brain, and, therefore, does not involve choice, for example, sneezing or vomiting According to Cambridge Dictionary, a reflex is a physical reaction to something that you cannot control or it is the ability to react quickly In other words, as cited in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, it is an action or a movement of your body that happens naturally in response to something or is something you without thinking With reference to languages, the reflex could be understood to be the way of your thinking and expressing your ideas in those languages as soon as possible This makes your communication with your counterparts better and more effectively In regard to the importance of language reflexes, Zhanli Yang Department of Pre-school Education Hebei Vocational College of Foreign Languages Qinhuangdao, China email: yzl200519751001@126.com argues in ‘Strategies of Improving Spoken English for Learners’ that building up reflexes right from the beginning will help people later when their skills are good enough to participate in a conversation However, unlike some natural reflexes, which people are born with, it takes time and practice to form and foster foreign language reflexes Therefore, to have good reflexes in spoken English, practice is considered to be one of the most effective methods Hot Seating Strategy Hot Seating is a strategy in which a character or characters, played by the teacher or a student, are interviewed by the rest of the group about their background, behaviour, motivation and multiple perspectives/ experiences related to a theme, event, or idea Characters may be hot-seated individually, in pairs or small groups The technique is additionally useful for developing questioning skills with the rest of the group The traditional approach is for the pupil playing the character to sit on a chair in front of the group (arranged in a semi-circle), although characters may be hot-seated in pairs or groups It is helpful if the teacher takes on the role of facilitator to guide the questioning in constructive directions To help students begin, the teacher can try hotseating children in pairs (e.g a pair of street urchins) or in groups (e.g environmental protesters, refugees) Also, according to David Farmer (https://dramaresource.com/ hot-seating/), it is important that the rest of the group be primed to ask pertinent questions and not get bogged down in facts during hot seating, but concentrate on personal feelings and observations instead He also adds that characters to hot seat include famous people such as Florence Nightingale, President Kennedy or Tutankhamen as well as ordinary people like a chimney sweeper, a Roman soldier or a Saxon farmer Students can be asked to research historical characters with opposing points of view then be hot-seated by the class as part of a debate IELTS Speaking Part and The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the world’s most popular English language proficiency test for higher education and global immigration More than 10,000 organizations globally trust IELTS, so when one takes the test, he/she can be confident that it is recognized by educational institutions, employers, governments and professional bodies around the world As one of the pioneers of four- skill (listening, speaking, reading and writing) English language testing 30 years ago, IELTS continues to set the standard for English language testing today Governments in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom use IELTS to process immigration applications IELTS Speaking is a face-to-face, informal discussion with an IELTS examiner, and is the same for both Academic and General Training The test is divided into parts and is designed to test your pronunciation, fluency, grammar and vocabulary IELTS Speaking Part lasts between 4-5 minutes, includes around 8-10 IELTS Speaking questions, and about 2-3 familiar IELTS Speaking topics such as your job, your studies, your family, your hometown, your accommodation, etc Part questions might best be described as questions that imitate small talk between two strangers or acquaintances They are not very in-depth It is considered to be a warm-up activity to provide examinees with relaxation and comfort to enter the rest parts IELTS Speaking Part is designed to give you the opportunity to talk about more abstract issues and ideas It is a two-way discussion with the examiner, and last 4-5 minutes In this part, the examiner will ask a broader range of questions based on the IELTS Speaking Part He/ She will also expect answers with an explanation and examples in general The time will be strictly controlled in this part II THE REALITY At the beginning of the academic year 2020-2021, I conducted a survey among my students and colleagues, using the questionnaires, interviews and observations, and got some significant findings First, the goal of all of the students (96.6%) is to pass the national examination, which is designed in the format of multiple-choice questions and focuses mainly on vocabulary, pronunciation, reading comprehension and controlled writing, but not listening and speaking skills Many of them (70.5%) consider English to be a compulsory subject and the smaller number of students (43.2%) valued it as a means of communication Consequently, they did not have much motivation to practise speaking English Second, the differences between the objectives of the syllabus and those of the final examination make the teachers waver, not knowing what and how to teach their students in order to gain the best results Therefore, the time and attention to the two important interactive skills (listening, speaking), which help students more selfconfident in communicating in person with others, is little Third, to learn English well, the environment for it, especially spoken English, is very important However, our students hardly have opportunities to use English outside English classes As a result, even the students who are good at English are also afraid of speaking English and have difficulty in using it orally The majority of the students (84.1%) say that they cannot respond immediately when asked and 67% of the sample students say they are not willing to be involved in real conversations Clearly, the shortage of regular practice and the lack of self-confidence have led to our students’ bad English speaking reflex Fourth, because some students (11.4%) want to use these tests’ results to be admitted to some universities, at weekends or on summer holidays some students (11.4%) have to travel a long distance to the city’s centres of English to study for IELTS tests Besides, there are some other students (378.6%) say that they are going to study for IELTS tests when they are at university All of these show the increasing demand for IELTS and the practicality as well as popularity of this form of assessment III THE OBJECTIVES AND THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY The objectives of the study The Question and Answer activity combined with Hot Seating Strategy is expected to foster the students’ English speaking reflex The relevant questions related to the lesson topics are carefully selected from the IELTS Speaking Part and questions and the students are give a certain period of time to prepare for their answers Hot Seating Strategy has long been used in language teaching methodology with various purposes However, in this initiative, the teacher would like to utilize it in order to create a lifelike environment so that students could practice their speaking reflex and use their English language as naturally as possible The scope of the study - The study subject: The participants in the study are 88 students from classes 11A1 and 11A5 of Phan Dang Luu high school in the academic year 2020-2021 They study English rather well (11A1: and 11A5: 69.3% good, 30.7% rather good); however, only 15.9% of the students say that they are confident of their spoken English reflex - Due to the limited time, the teacher only focuses on exploiting and using IELTS Speaking Part and questions related to the lesson topics in the textbook ‘Tieng Anh 11’ by Vietnam Education Publisher The Hot Seating Strategy is used as a game with the questions incorporated in it as a guide to ongoing conversations This activity is intended to be at the beginning of the lesson as a ‘Warm-up’ one or at the end of the lesson as a ‘post-’ one IV SOLUTIONS Process of applying the initiative 1.1 Interaction At the beginning of the school year, the teacher divides the class into groups with assigned leaders The students in each group have to help one another actively because each member’s marks may affect the ones of the rest and vice versa 1.2 Assignment After Lesson A-Reading or lesson C- Listening of each unit, for homework, all students are asked to work in groups to answer all the given questions in the role of a famous or special person These questions are exploited from the question sets of IELTS Speaking Part and and related to the information of the given person as well as the topic they have just learnt 1.3 Performance Each unit has a respective role concerned with its topic for students to play With a view to helping students have a constant practice, the teacher asks the students to perform this task almost every lesson after Lesson A-Reading or Lesson C- Listening The representative of each group is chosen to play the role in many different ways to motivate the students The groups and the students in each group may draw lots to decide who will the task by each taking a piece of paper from a container Also, the teacher may use the game of passing the ball accompanied with the music to choose the performer When the music stops, the person with the ball in his/her hand will have to go to the board and the task The students of the other groups will use some questions on the list to ask him/her The performer is expected to give answers to questions as fast as possible The next person is chosen by the student just finishing his/her performance During the period of time between and 10 minutes, or 3students take turns to answer questions including the ones about name, hometown, job and others from the rest ones 1.4 Assessment The teacher makes observations, records, takes notes and gives marks to students’ performance These marks will be recorded At the end of the term, each member will be given a mark which is an arithmetic mean of the whole group The arithmetic mean is used as a frequent mark for each student in each term of the school year This is motivation for all students to help one another and try as hard as possible Besides, It depends on my mood really I think most people need some time on their own Sometimes my work is quite stressful and I spend a lot of time there with others, so it's good to just get home and relax and read a book or something But I get bored if I am alone too much so I like to go out and meet friends in the evening So I have acrophobia which is an extreme fear of height So as crazy as it may seem, I really want to try sky-diving Because, you know, I just wanna try something that is out of my comfort zone 10 Yes, I believe spending excessive time on a hobby may have an adverse effect on people You may end up having not enough time for your priorities like family or work For example, it’s easy for me to lose myself in books and neglect the deadlines at work 2.13 Unit 15 Space Conquest a Role: Pham Tuan In this unit, students play the role of Pham Tuan, Vietnamese pilot and cosmonaut, the first Vietnamese citizen in space b Aim: This activity helps students revise some useful language and knowledge relating to the topic Outer Space - ‘Space Conquest’ and practice the speaking reflex c Time: 7-10 minutes, as a Warm-up or a Post-activity of lesson B-Speaking, lesson C-Listening, lesson D-Writing, lesson E-Language focus d Preparation: This is the question list for students to work in groups to prepare the answers to Could you tell me your full name please? Where you come from? What’s your job? Do you like watching stars? How you feel when watching stars? Have you ever taken a course about stars? Should students learn about stars at school? Are films about planets and solar system popular in your country? Do you think life on other planets is feasible? 10 Do you think government spending on space exploration is a waste of money? 36 Pham Tuan- The first Vietnamese Cosmonaut in Space e Procedure: - Choose the performers to play the role of Pham Tuan at random - The performers take turns to go to the board and answer the questions - When the time is over, the teacher comments and gives marks to the groups f Suggested Answers: Well, it is my pleasure to introduce that my full name is Tuan Pham I was born and raised in Thai Binh, a province in northern Vietnam I’m currently a retired Vietnam Air Force aviator and space traveler Definitely, a night sky full of shining stars always takes my breath away When I was little, I used to climb on the rooftop of my house to gaze at the stars and admire a stunning sky in solitude However, the city I’m living in is heavily polluted and I’m no longer able to watch them as often as I wish A night sky with billions of stars always put my mind at ease Whenever I get frustrated, I look at the stars and they will instantly cheer me up All of a 37 sudden, my problems seem so tiny and I feel like I can conquer them all Overall, a star-lit sky is truly magical and surreal, just like heaven I consider myself very lucky to have had chance to study Astronomy at Soviet Air Force School and then the Gagarin Air Force Academy in the Soviet Union before my flight into space in 1980 I am really into it Sure, it’s essential to learn more about the stars, the galaxies and the cosmos in general Astronomy opens our eyes to new knowledge about the universe and I hope some day it’ll answer our other questions like ‘Is there life beyond earth?’ No, not at all From my observation, there’s more of the thirst for horror and action movies rather than those in the sci-fi genre I think the idea of life in space is far-fetched and people are skeptical about these ideas in my country Having said that, I myself have a genuine interest in movies related to the solar system and some of my favorites have to be Interstellar and the Martian I I’m an optimist you know If humans can settle on Earth, there is no reason that other life forms couldn’t exist in the universe It’s just that we are currently not in a position to discover or recognize them However, with future technology advancement, I believe some day we will be able to so or even could make other planets more favorable to the settlement of human being 10.I’m afraid I disagree The universe is full of mysteries and it’s our duties to unlock them all Several hundreds of years ago, no one thought human could set their foot on other planets but this has become a reality I firmly believe that space exploration is a meaningful challenge that humans have to conquer 2.14 Unit 16 Wonders of the World a Role: Abdel Fattah In this unit, students play the role of Abdel Fattah, the current President of Egypt b Aim: This activity helps students revise some useful language and knowledge related to the topic ‘Wonders of the World’- Historical Places and practice the speaking reflex c Time: 7-10 minutes, as a Warm-up or a Post-activity of lesson B-Speaking, lesson C-Listening, lesson D-Writing, lesson E-Language focus d Preparation: This is the question list for students to work in groups to prepare the answers to 38 Could you tell me your full name please? Where you come from? What’s your job? Do you like travelling? Do people in your country enjoy visiting historical places? Is it important to conserve old buildings? Are all historical buildings well maintained and managed? How people in your country feel about protecting historical buildings? Do you think an area can be benefit from having an interesting historical place locally? 10 Do you think the government generates funds from tourism? Abdel Fattah- the current President of Egypt e Procedure: - Choose the performers to play the role of Abdel Fattah at random - The performers take turns to go to the board and answer the questions - When the time is over, the teacher comments and gives marks to the groups f Suggested Answers: 39 Well, it is my pleasure to introduce that my full name is Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi I was born and raised in Cairo, the capital and largest city in Egypt, where is located the Pyramid of Giza, one of Seven Wonders of the World I’m currently the president of Egypt Yes, definitely! I love visiting places in the world, anywhere from famous historical monuments to tropical islands; variety is the spice of life It’s what travel is all about discovering new cultures and exploring new places Absolutely yes! People love to visit sites of historical significance because those places are incredibly beautiful and breathtaking For the most part, people can gain a deeper understanding of a country’s history by visiting museums, monuments and ancients sites such as the Pyramid of Giza in Cairo Personally, I like old buildings and history, so to me it’s a good idea to preserve them We can learn a lot about our history from the buildings of the past and it’s fascinating for children to see how people used to live many centuries ago They’re a very important part of our national culture and heritage No, I don’t think all of them are The ones attracting lots of tourists are normally looked after well, but there’re many old buildings that are falling down and will probably be replaced by something new in the future In fact, the Pyramid of Giza is now the only wonder of the ancient world still in existence Most of the people in my country would advocate protecting any significant historical building The pyramids in my country are icons of our heritage and we feel very proud to have them An impressive historical place encourages national and international tourists to travel to this area, and this, in terms of tourism and economic development, is very important Local people get many benefits from a renowned tourist spot including employment opportunity, better exposure of their culture and custom to the world, and finally, they get many development-works in their area since the government invests in promoting the area 10 Absolutely Many countries rely on tourism as a major driver of their economy Tourists spend large amounts of money on food, shopping, accommodation, and visiting tourist spots All of this boots the local economy and allows the government to generate revenue through tax and also ticket sales PART 3: CONCLUSION I FINDINGS AND LIMITATIONS 40 Some Findings With the combination of IELTS Speaking questions and Hot Seating strategy, the study is expected to address the teacher’s deadlock and help her students more easily express their ideas verbally Obviously, when learners could speak out their ideas or answer others’ questions without delay, they will feel more confident, which in turn will give students more motivation to learn English After the initial observations of her students’ English learning reality, the teacher decided to conduct this study She applied the idea into some classes in the academic year of 2019-2020 and gained certain positive results During the school year of 2020-2021, she has systematically applied this initiative into class 11A1 and 11A5 of Phan Dang Luu high school After applying the initiative to the lessons of Class 11A1 and 11A5 for a period of time, the teacher realized some positive changes in her students’ learning English At the end of the first term, 73.9% of the students were assessed as good at English and 26.1% of the students were assessed as rather good Many of them (80.7%) said that they were more excited and more comfortable to orally express their ideas in English It is noted that their English speaking reflex becomes better According to the data from the questionnaire, 64.8% of the sample population said that their English speaking reflex was improving Although these are only the first steps in the students’ progress, they can be considered to be encouraging results More importantly, the students have more motivation to learn speaking skill – an important productive skill which used to be overlooked or neglected With this approach, students not only have chance to practice their spoken English but also equip themselves with a wide range of structures and vocabulary as well as knowledge about various fields, which is very helpful for them in study and real situations Limitations However, within the limited time, this initiative has not been able to be applied to all the students of our school and all the grades yet Besides, the study mainly focuses on helping improve students’ English speaking reflex, or in other words, their reacting to others’ English questions, but not all aspects of speaking skill II SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY 41 Practically and pedagogically, the initiative is also believed to assist teachers of English in developing their students’ English speaking reflex in their own classrooms It would be useful for students of different grades and levels providing teachers devote their time and efforts to exploiting IELS Speaking questions and combining them with Hot Seating Strategy This is not only good for many students’ speaking skill but also very beneficial to the students who have intention of taking IELTS tests Furthermore, English speaking reflex also could be considered a useful factor to motivate students to learn this language This could be further studied and is expected to be an effective approach to the teaching and studying of English 42 REFERENCES Bộ Giáo dục Đào tạo (2006) - Tiếng Anh 11 – NXB Giáo dục Jeremy Harmer (2001) -The Practice English Language Teaching - Longman Paul Davies, Eric Pearse (2000) - Success in English Teaching - OUP Penny Ur (1996) - A Course in Language Teaching - CUP Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Peter Collins, and David Blair An introduction to language – Cengage Learning SimonYU – IELTS Speaking: Recent Actual Tests and Suggested Answers Tong hop Publisher Vanessa Jakeman Clare McDowell – Cambridge for Practice Tests for IELTS From Book to 15 – CUP LouiseMachemi and Barbara Thomas - IELTS Trainer – CUP Hai Jim – Expert on Cambridge IELTS Practice Test From Book 7-10 – The gioi Publisher 10.Zhanli Yang Department of Pre-school Education Hebei Vocational College of Foreign Languages Qinhuangdao, China email: yzl200519751001@126.com - Strategies of Improving Spoken English for Learners 11.https://dramaresource.com/ hot-seating/ 12 https://www.britishcouncil.in/exam/ielts 13.https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/cambridge 14.https://dictionary.cambridge.org/vi/dictionary/english/ 15.https://www.ielts-simon.com/ielts-help-and-english-pr/ielts-speaking/ APPENDICES 43 APPENDIX CLASS OBSERVATION CHECKLIST Class: …………………… Unit: Time: Role: Aim: Student 1: Group: … Mark for the reflex: … …… Further Notes: …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Student 2: Group: … Mark for the reflex: … …… Further Notes: …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Student 3: Group: … Mark for the reflex: … … Further Notes: …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Groups giving questions: Are students interested? Do students make any effort? Yes A little Yes Not at all No APPENDIX 44 PRE-TREATMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Please put a tick or ticks (√) and fill the information where necessary to answer the following questions Why you study English? ( You can choose one or more than one option) a Because I like English, people and culture of English speaking countries b To communicate in English c To have a good job in the future d Because it is a compulsory subject e To pass the national exam f Because my result of English is better those of the other subjects g Other reasons: ……………………………………………………………… Are you studying or you have intention to study English for IELTS tests? a I am studying English for IELTS b I am going to study English for IELTS c I will never study English for IELTS d I don’t know Do you think English speaking skill is important? a Very important b Not very important c Not important at all Do you want to learn speaking skill? a I want to learn it very much b I want to learn it but I will study it later c I want to learn it but I am not willing to take part in real conversations d I not want to learn it at all How you rate your English speaking reflex? 45 a Very good b Good c Not good not bad d Bad Which speaking activity you like? a Games b Monologues c Debates d Role-play What kind of interaction you like in speaking activities? a Group work b Individual work c Pair work d Whole class - Thank you for you cooperation - PHIẾU ĐIỀU TRA NGHIÊN CỨU 46 (Trước áp dụng cách dạy mới) Hãy vui lòng đánh dấu (√) vào đáp án điền thông tin cần để trả lời cho câu hỏi sau Vì em học Tiếng Anh? (em chọn một lý do) a Vì em thích Tiếng Anh, người văn hóa nước nói Tiếng Anh b Để giao tiếp Tiếng Anh c Để có hội tìm việc làm tốt tương lai d Vì môn học bắt buộc e Để thi THPT Quốc gia f Vì kết Tiếng Anh em tốt môn học khác g Những lý khác: …………………………………………………… Em có học hay có ý định học để thi lấy chứng IELTS không? a Đang học b Sẽ học c Không d Không biết Theo em kỹ nói có quan trọng không? a Rất quan trọng b Không quan trọng c Khơng quan trọng chút Em có muốn học kỹ nói khơng? a Rất muốn b Muốn sau vào đại học làm học c Muốn ngại tham gia vào nói chuyện Tiếng Anh d Khơng muốn chút Em tự đánh giá phản xạ nói Tiếng Anh nào? 47 a Rất tốt b Tốt c Bình thường d Kém Em thích hoạt động nói hơn? a Trị chơi b Nói cá nhân c Tranh biện d Đóng vai Em thích làm việc hoạt động liên quan đến kỹ nói? a Theo nhóm b Cá nhân c Theo cặp d Cả lớp - Cảm ơn hợp tác em - APPENDIX POST-TREATMENT QUESTIONNAIRE 48 Please put a tick or ticks (√) and fill the information where necessary to answer the following questions What you think of Hot Seating Strategy in the classes (You can choose one or more than one option) a It helps to make my speaking reflex better b It helps to make my speaking skill better c It is time-consuming d It is fun but does not help me a lot e It helps me to be more confident in communicating in English f It makes me like to learn English g It makes no sense to me What you think of your English speaking reflex now? a It is much better b It is a little better c It does not improve What is your attitude towards spoken English now? a I not like it at all b I am still afraid to use it c I like it and feel more comfortable to speak English d I like it very much Do you have any recommendations to help the teacher with using Hot Seating Strategy and IELTS Speaking Part and questions in class? - Thank you for you cooperation PHIẾU ĐIỀU TRA NGHIÊN CỨU (Sau áp dụng cách dạy mới) 49 Hãy vui lòng đánh dấu (√) vào đáp án điền thông tin cần để trả lời cho câu hỏi sau Em nghĩ hoạt động Hot Seating học? (em chọn một lựa chọn) a Chúng giúp phản xạ nói em tốt b Chúng giúp kỹ nói em tốt c Chúng thời gian d Chúng vui chúng không giúp em học nhiều e Chúng giúp em tự tin giao tiếp f Chúng làm em thích học Tiếng Anh g Chúng chẳng có ý nghĩa với em Giờ em thấy phản xạ nói Tiếng Anh em nào? a Tốt nhiều b Tốt chút c Không cải thiện Giờ thái độ em việc nói Tiếng Anh nào? a Khơng thích tí b Vẫn cịn rụt rè c Thích thấy thoải mái việc nói Tiếng Anh d Rất thích Em có góp ý thêm cho giáo viên việc sử dụng hoạt động Hot Seating Câu hỏi IELTS Speaking lớp? - Cảm ơn hợp tác em - 50 ... and worked on the initiative: ? ?Enhancing the English speaking reflex of Phan Dang Luu high school’s 11 th graders through the combination of Hot Seating Strategy and IELTS Speaking Part and questions? ??... scope of the study - The study subject: The participants in the study are 88 students from classes 11 A1 and 11 A5 of Phan Dang Luu high school in the academic year 2020-20 21 They study English rather... rather well (11 A1: and 11 A5: 69 .3% good, 30 .7% rather good); however, only 15 .9% of the students say that they are confident of their spoken English reflex - Due to the limited time, the teacher

Ngày đăng: 25/05/2021, 12:03

Xem thêm:

Mục lục

    6. How are birthdays of children celebrated in your country?

    6. Do you miss being a high school student?

    6. Are there many celebrations in your hometown?

    6. Do you think it’s important to reply to emails immediately after you receive them?

    4. Do you think we can live without electrical appliances?

    6. Do you see that we use energy resources efficiently?

    4. Do you like playing sports?

    6. What sports are popular in your country?

    6. Is it important to have a hobby?

    10. Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?


