12. 13. 14. 11. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Flapping Bird 1. Begin with a square sheet of paper, colored side up. Valley-fold along each of the main diagonals. 2. Turn the paper over and valley-fold as shown. 3. Fold the paper into a preliminary base. Valley-fold each flap into the center line as shown. Repeat behind. 4. Valley-fold the point down as shown. Repeat behind. 5. Sink-fold the point as shown. 6. Petal-fold each side along the creases previously made. 7. Fold the font flap along the long axis as shown. Repeat behind. 8. Valley-fold the top flap as shown. Repeat behind. 9. Fold out the middle flaps to the positions indicated. 10. Reverse-fold the tip of the tail. Swivel-fold the leading edge of the wing as shown. Repeat behind. 11. Crimp the head and form the beak as shown. 12. Curl each of the wings slightly. Crease each wing as indicated. 13. Finished flapping bird. 14. To make the bird flap its wings, hold the model in the places indicated by the circles and pull in the directions indicated by the arrows.Diagrams © 1996 by Bradley A. Minch . 12. 13. 14. 11. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Flapping Bird 1. Begin with a square sheet of. sheet of paper, colored side up. Valley-fold along each of the main diagonals. 2. Turn the paper over and valley-fold as shown. 3. Fold the paper into a preliminary