A Khái niệm quản trị hệ thông thư điện tử
1 Mục đích của việc quản trị hệ thông thư điện tử
2 Các công việc cân thiêt đề quản trị hệ thông thư điện tử
B Một số tính năng cơ bản đề quản trị và thiết lập hệ thông thư điện tử
Mô hình hoạt động của hệ thông thư điện tử
Giới thiệu về thủ tục LDAP
Các giải pháp an toàn cho hệ thông thư điện tử Quản trị máy chủ thư điện tử từ xa
Trang 3
Mô hình hoạt động của hệ thống thư điện tử Giới thiệu về thủ tục LDAP
Các giải pháp an toàn cho hệ thống thư điện tử Quản trị máy chủ thư điện tử từ xa
Trang 4
1 Mô hình hoạt động của hệ thống thư
điện tử: K: incoming Email `
Hình 3.1 Mô hinh hoạt động của hệ thông thư điện tử
Trang 5
Quan ly tir xa bang Webadmin va
Mdconfig: Remote Configuration E x; Tw Menu setup/chon Remote configuration Remote configuration engines
ae, J¥ Enable MDConfig remote configuration engine LB JV Enable WebAdmin remote configuration engine
J¥ Stop WebAdmin when MDaemon stops
MDConfig security issues [logon/password values do not apply to Web&dmin) Administrator [Administrator Supervisor [Supervisor Password XXxXXXX* Password XXXXXxwxw* Only allow connections from these IP's New IP address Remove | Wildcards of the form 192.168.0.* or 204.168.*.* can be used
MDConfig backup directory
= JC:\MDaemon\B ackup
Hinh:4.51 Thi ết lâ pc 4 u hình từ xa Before updating, MDaemon will backup its existing configuration files
Trang 6MDConfig Configuration Client :
L4 onfig - MDacmon Remxe eT eT
Ine tree et ve: DRip le rire eb
eee Tr Ata @ sue
3 DomenPOPrevd: 0 +
Fd MuBPOP rovd: 0 Set ANTE 04 25085 ocket corrector cael
+i-[#\ PTIP sessions 0 cai 2)12-604 ¿4104 t0 rOK meurpov.con MDOINTIG rẻzlave cai
H/AIMAPestmel [X #I-IÚ£) Rib/ II:+ag: Í ae mm pahem, SOK WD ny AAO aneerabe CN ¥ +4 5,7 U AECERNSUE
om St 2002-0604 2300 55 LI5FT anrixr3tr
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(8 Locel queue’ Ct 702.0604 23045 + «achini:tztap athotiaol
(5) [ldry quzue: 0 Cai 1J12 (6 04 ¿5:04 S9 GLTS Sie
(5) Gad quewe 0 Set 2002-0504 2204.4 +OK E31! byes Ged LAN quever 0 $4 202-0604 25.00 GET= Cullee!
i) RO quene 0 S4 214:04 1304 54 Tiamssrrifrnplele<[`1MDeernrrWpp\MDEFDN/KN,
= : Set 2002-0606 220054 Ll
El BR Saven _ || $z202(801120151 Dk ye
SMTP savelft| sive || C5 2902.05.04 2204 54 Coerngtarensron choral
4) UGB PUP eoiverey ate Cet 202 (604 25045 Stotus coat for deren mecorpany.cam
+) fila IMAP sevatl|: da || Set 2092-0504 2204.55 Warsơn VD eertor PR v6.7.0
(Ẩn LI4P server are || Set Tưng nu Upines 013, TN sa wh
: ae =4 a | 1Ÿ xI1:£#3XÌI w®c(IIIl
b ee Cor R604 22005 — La#tzurre:ZulSNTPseszerr St (May 2002220412:
MUBPOP inact Se 22-0500 2500: Last cucoceul MM apni: U
.InaoNe €z 2114504 12015 Last MDCONAG conmloact 0
- ta wdiliy: azive I Se S004 2204 La#MbEfRHD uodale 0 == +
WereLberk active sla at : | nụ
faeces 2
Hình:4.52 MDConfiguration chạy gia lap như Mdaemon Server
Trang 7Két noi dén Remote Mdaemon site:
MU eeron Most Intornston
Trang 8Thiết lập và sử dụng WorldClient Server: WorldClient là gi? Là công cu gitp email Client truy nhập vào hộp thư điện tử của minh © %,* se * WorldClient cho phép nhà cung cấp dịch vụ đặt biểu tượng quảng cáo của mình * WorldClient là công cụ rất mạnh hồ trợ cho người dùng quản trị hộp thư của mình
+» WorldClient là hạt nhân của Mdaemon Server
Trang 9Ba cach Start/Stop WorldClient Server:
| Trong Message Router 0 phia ben trat co phan server cO WorldChient bam
ya0 do va bam chudt phar chon Zoggle Active Inactive
2 Chon FilesEnable WorldClient server tren Message Router
Chon Setp-oWorldClient Relay Far tren Message Rower va bam Enable WorldClient Server
Trang 10Thiết lập WorldClient: Setup rồi chọn WorldClient/Relay Fax WorldClient/RelayFax Properties E ?| xi Server Options | WorldClient SSL | Domain Options | RelayFax | WorldClient properties
WorldClient is running under IIS
Run WorldClient server using this TCP port [ 3000
Sessions not composing 4 message expire after [20 inactive minutes Sessions composing a message expire after [ 120 inactive minutes I¥ Cache HTML templates to increase web server performance IV Use cookies to remember logon name, theme, and other properties [ Respond to read confirmation requests
I¥ Require IP persistence throughout WorldClient session
Bind WorldClient's web server to these IPs only Separate multiple values with commas Leave blank to bind to MDaemon's IP list
Restart WorldClient (required when port or IIS value changes] |
Hinh ° 4 5 4 [ ox | Cancel | Apply |
Trang 11
Sử dụng giao thức LDAP:là giao thức để lưu trữ và truy vẫn cơ sở dữ liệu về người sử dụng Từ menu setup chọn Ldaemon/LDAP tuỳ chọn LDAP Sfar/stop cùng Laeree: | (páP fpesxa: | LDceman LDA® seve operas
Oe Note: LOsemon requires Wirdows NT 2000
Stait2 Stop LDaemoe whan D acon stalls L 2G p2
Noi dé g6 cau lénh [Dicsctn cecsaaad clatboak
diéu khién LDAP [hp 230m LDAP Options '=T<1l LEÁPF pert nthe Setup | Prirraw Domain! Pores tab Il you Chiaige Ihe por LDacmoriic ung woe mue! cleo iaige Iho Se \ Fd) LT ae Gorviguiein fit Scop 4 Restat LOsernm ]
, non logor pub buggy cụ 1e: feeat LDasmor afte: chong yl
muôn sửa chữa câu
l|Z Tuacø lzicixei ca: [` Eorigishứœt lá cúœø¿£fc ^ fe Debug packet hardi-a [ Access conrol ist procestr9
lénh cho LDaemo [” Haaw tece debuggers Sak: conmmccbons/opsAcenls
T Cosrection manageners [ Seats: log erie sant
ya T Logs 10 pschels [` Camrwawcalem wih shes! beckend
T Search the olocesera [ Ernie oaena debsoona
Dé thay đôi chế độ Fœ as basta: LDasnon retaler ond hiorration sir
ghi log file va tim 101 Iiznrrsrl Lrce |
| Ex “ricap vs 1001 of hips yf dao) 27.00 bee”
Trang 12„ Tuy chon cho Mdaemon dùng Ldap để lưu CSDL “ : Thiết lập cho phép LDAP Bae hs aT) LOsercn LDAP Optors: | LDAP cusions
LDAP server poperties
Note LOG lurchavally ude Windows SS ques! Jo gosetet
Sioie accoun! dala manLDAP accessable twalPRD rerio orb) FY Use LDAP zerver br eddeez book and renols vatficston
This option beegs an LDAP server up to date wath address nication
Dién DN dé gan quyén
Dién base entry sé dung userlist.dat hoặc ˆ được tất cả Mdaemon user entry ODBC AO truy cap vao LDAP Server Hoa! sane a IF 304 filer fica mal=$ MLS a Brd DN Sind pereword Pott fpeẽDunbir T Fayim+s onthti T Beery ON |+»tt++^ = Bast im II [v43*23 h£pk | Ath Techreloges cS
[lharl clare [databece)
tac, seá4†( Tas‡naigk2, cai Š
heer! clare ladddecr hy | LDAP tieds
See the MOsermon cere syad lo at exclaston ol hes
Mo senen ie ML sano: Cotect xX
Bese erty ON berate wenticetionl
[curPornale Addo £v0Ii0^3)0( ot Tact fitter ces \\
Xác định object clas điều
khiến dữ liệu cla LDAP Điều khiến cho phép tạo ra RDN Set password di kèm BindDN TỶ a? Tạo một bản về
thông tin của
account vào đữ liệu LDAP
Xác định obJect
class điều khiến dữ
liệu của LDAP Xác thực thư đầu xa đề châp nhận hay từ chôi của Mailserver Backup
Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http:/www.novapdf.com)
Trang 14
Spam Blocker : đễ ngăn chặn hầu hết các thư spam gửi đến Mail Server của bạn
Nó sử dụng co' sé dir liéu blacklist cia hai t6 chive ORDB va MAPS RBL host
Ban tham khao cac théng tin vé ORDB va MAPS RBL tai hai web site sau:
http:// www.ordb.org
http:// www.mail-abuse.com/rbl
Trang 15Spam Blocker Engine:
Kich hoat Spam
Spam Blocker Engine | Spam Blocker Hosts Spam Blocker Caching
am Blocker engine
I¥ Enable Spam Blocker engine
i ¢ Click here and MDaemon will query MAPS /RBL/ORDB type hosts to detect blacklisted sites
Cho ban tin tr blacklist
qua, nhung gan co
canh bao Spam Blocker options Z ‘Flag messages from blacklisted sites but go ahead and accept theng
This option inserts an %-RBL-Warning’ header into flagged emails
[~ Automatically filter spam messages into user's IMAP spam félder Kiem tra Ip được điện Check 'Received' headers within SMTP collected messages trong “receive” cua thu Check only this many 'Received' headers [0 = all] | 0
° > Skip this many of the oldest 'Received' headers (0 = none] | 1
khi gửi qua SMTP [— Check 'eceived' headers within PP collected messages Check only this many 'Received' headers (0 = all] 0 Cho phép account mới được | thumuc Inbox/Spam Thém dia chi IP vao IP Screen
Skip this many of the oldest 'Received' headers (0 = none] IV Skip 'Received' headers within messages from exempted [” Add blacklisted sites to the IP Screen (under ‘All IPS") [ Authenticated sessions are exempt from Spam Blocker loo J¥ Always exempt Trusted IPs from Spam Blocker look
Cho phép cac dia chi
trong Trust host cua ban Relay Setting
Click here to configure IP and email addresses that are exempt
Trang 16
spam Blocker Hosts: Spam Blocker E |x|
Spam Blocker Engine Spam Blocker Hosts | Spam Blocker Caching |
Spam Blocker hosts
The spam blocking engine works by querying each host below and seeing if the IP address of an incoming SMTP connection has been blacklisted for propogating spam For complete details on how this works check out http: 4/wwwwordb.org or http://www mail-abuse.org bl.spamcop.net, mail from $IP$ refused by SpamCop, see http: //www.spame = 4| >| Remove |
Trang 17Spam Blocker ° p a) D | OC Ke [ C aC h | MN g ‹ Spam Blacker Engine | Spam Blacker Hosts Spam Blacker _— -+lx| Hình:4.59 Caching options
¥ Automatically cache Spam Blocker results
Warming: Caching the results of a these lookups is not recommended by the folks who maintain these databases Since a blacklisted host can right itself in a matter of minutes we recommend you keep the 'Default Time To Live’ value to 4 minimum
See http: //www.mail-abuse.org for details on the implications of caching
cached entry
IP address | IP address to place in cache
Default time to live [in minutes] 5 (9999 = never expire]
[~ Automatically cached entries use default time to live also
Maximum cached entries | 50 Add |
Currently cached entries for [15] more minutes
Trang 18
Spam Filter:
-?| x|
White List (auto) | © White List (to) | ‘White List (from) | Black List
Spam Filtering | Heuristics | Bayesian | Reporting | Exclusion List
Spam Filter options
MDaemon's Spam Filter uses 4 variety of techniques to detect and deal with spam
If the Spam Filter determines that a message is spam then C bounce the message back to sender
( just delete the message completely
o : flag the message but let it continue down the delivery path: I¥ Don't filter messages sent from local sources
I¥ Don't filter messages from trusted or authenticated sources
Don't filter messages larger than 25 kb (0 = filter all messages)
[— Automatically filter spam messages into user's IMAP spam folder
A white list match subtracts this many points from the spam score | 100.0
& black list match adds this many points to the spam score 100.0
Trang 19Address Suppression: Security Settings = ?| xị Address Suppression | IP Screening | Host Screening |
Currently suppressed addresses —————_ New suppression entry
AN =F Domains Domain name |ảll Domains *|
Ef" All Domains
_ spamcopne
= TH vn
“ES spammer@muaha.com.yn Email address
BY hoaco.com ị Œ muaxuan@hoaco.com ae ok u22ZZf1s of the form “@domain.com or *@???.com company mail v Remove | Add Options elect the domain this new suppressed address will apply to
[_ Refuse to accept mail during SMTP session
| >| J Inform sender when their mail is rejected
Trang 20
IP Screening: Security Settings E ki Xx| Address Suppression IP Screening | Host Screening | Current IP screen entries ——————— New IP screen entry AN =1-*ÿ` IP Addresses Local IP ị —ÿ AlTPs Select the IP that this new screen will belong to -="Ÿ' 203 100.100.100 † “Sp Remote IP OG 1270/01 1274: oÍ the form 132.168.0.* or 182.168.*.1 are cceptable
(* This remote IP can connect
( This remote IP can not connect Remove |
Default For Undefined IPs © Undefined IPs can connect to this local IP
€ Undefined IPs can not connect to this local IP
IP Screening works by comparing the IP of the incoming connection to the IPs specified in this dialog If a match is
Trang 21Host Screening: nt host screen entries host screen entry Local IP B-† IP Addresses
Select the IP that this new screen will belong to
8 192,168,200.10,Allow Wildcards of the form * altr.com or altn.*.com are Ef acceptable 200100, 100.100,Prevenl STOO TOOTOT alow (© This remote host can connect địa 200,200 Laa+^
Default For Undefined Hosts
(* Undefined hosts can connect to thi
| 3| ( Undefined hosts can not connect to this local IP *| EF Remote host | Add |
gia 200,100,100, 102,Prevenl This remote host can not connect Remove | mond here
reening works by comparing the value passed in an incoming SMTP session's EHLO or HELO parameter with
Trang 22IP Shielding: Security Settings : ?| x| P Shielding | SMTP Authentication | POP Before SMTP | Site Policy |
Currently defined domain/IP pairs
|” Messages to valid local users are exempt from domain/IP matching IP Shield honors aliases qtsc.com.vn, qtsc.com.vn, quangtrungsoft.com vn, Remove | Domain name IP address | | Add `
H | 8 h " 4 64 Wildcards like *.altn.com and 192.168.0.* ok
Trang 23smtp Authentication: Security Settings : ?| x| IP Shielding SMTP Authentication POP Before SMTP | Site Policy SMTP Authentication
JV ‘Authenticated senders are valid regardless of the IP they are using Select this switch and MDaemon will ignore the IP restrictions setup by the IP
hield when a message comes from an authenticated source
JV Authenticated users are exempt from the POP Before SMTP requirement Select this switch and MDaemon will exempt authenticated sessions from any POP Before SMTP restrictions
[— Authentication is always required when mail is from local accounts When this option is enabled any message claiming to come from a local account will need to authenticate before being recognized
MAIL FROM ‘Postmaster’ requires an authenticated session
Spammers and hackers know that the ‘Postmaster’ account exists ‘You can use this switch to prevent them from exploiting this fact
[ Authentication credentials must match those of the email sender
This switch requires the sender of the email to use only his/her own authentication credentials
Global AUTH password
In some cases it is useful to provide a global password for authentication
Trang 24POP Before SMTP: Security Settings IP Shielding | SMTP Authentication POP Before SMTP | Site Policy | POP Before SMTP 2| x!
IV Local sender must have accessed mailbox within last 5 minutes
Click here to force local users to check mail with POP, IMAP, or WorldClient before MDaemon will accept a message from them
JV Messages collected via ATRN are exempt from this requirement
¥ ‘Messages sent to local recipients are exempt from this requirement JV Messages sent from trusted IPs are exempt from this requirement
Hinh:4.66 ayes Ja
Trang 25Site Policy: ea E 3| xi
IP Shielding | SMTP Authentication | POP Before SMTP Site Policy
Cửa sé hién thi Text file policy.dat Site policy
trong thu mục \app\ được sử dụng XR A site policy is text that is transmitted to the sending mail server at the beginning
để gửi khi bắt đầu một phiên làm non ti min go ng vote tee
việc SMTP E File POLICY.DAT phai 6 dang
ASCII khong chwa hon 512 ký tự mot dong va dung lwong lon nhat là 5000 bytes
‹ s”
Please limit your policy to 15 lines of 75 characters each RFC 2821 says blank
Trang 26Relay Settings: Sever này không cho phép relay những Relay Settings | Trusted Hosts | Tarpit Settings | Reverse Lookup ail relaying
‘This server does not relay mail for foreign domains:
With this switch enabled MDaemon will not accept a message for delivery unless it is either FROM or TO a known user
Từ chối nhận những bức thư gửi đến cho domain mà
nó quán lý nhưng địa chỉ người dùng không tôn tại
J# Refuse to accept mail Íar unknown lacal users
With this switch set MDaemon will refuse to accept any message addressed to 4 local user who does not exist
¥ Sender's address must be valid if it claims to be from a local domain
4 common tactic used to get around anti-relay measures is to guess a valid account name and try to send mail using it Click here and quessing will not be fruitful
Khi thư gửi từ một Mda domain sẽ được kiêm tra trong +l | 7 —— — Mda trung chuyên thư [_— Mail addressed to known aliases can always be ST
With MDaemon it is possible to create aliases that point to other non-local domains Click here if it is ok to relay mail to such aliases
cơ sở đữ liệu về account và nó
phải tôn tại.Nêu không Mda sẽ
từ ch Ke ns thu di |¥ Mail sent via authenticated SMTP sessions can always be relaye
ucnol gui thu dl If senders can authenticate using the AUTH protocol odds are they shoul
[” Mail can always be relayed through domain gateways be allowed to relay Relaying should normally be allowed for gateway hosted i J Hinh:4.68 lo | Cancel
của các Alias mà không cân bit các thiệt lập
(rung chuyên
Cho phép trung chuyên các thư được gửi thông Mail luôn luôn được
Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http:/www.novapdf.com)
phép trung chuyén qua
Trang 28Reverse lookups: Security Settings Relay Settings | Trusted Hosts | Tarpit Settings Reverse Lookup 2| x! Reverse lookups
These switches allow MDaemon to track into the log files the result of a reverse lookup on the incoming host's IP or identification
Perform reverse PTR record lookup on inbound SMTP connections _ send 507 and shut down connection ifne PIA record match [~ Perform lookup on HELO/EHLO domain
|¥ ‘Perform lookup on value passed in the MAIL command
Refuse to accept mail if a lookup returns ‘domain not found! J¥ send 501 error code (normally sends 451 error [” and then shut down the socket connectio
Trang 29a.Head Translation: Header Translation E xị Enter new header translation
If 4 message is FROM a local domain and TO a non-local domain then the headers of the outgoing message are scanned for the text specified
here and that text is replaced with something new This is useful when you want to convert each occurance of a local domain name within the
headers with 4 real domain name Existing header text |
ew header text | Add
IV Translate headers in forwarded messages
JV Translate headers in gateway messages forwarded to host or IP
Currently defined header translations
Trang 30b.Header Translation Exception: Hinh:4.72
Header Translation Ewceptions ' xị Do not translate values in these headers
Header value | Add |
Trang 31Giải phap truy van DNS va luu giữ địa chỉ IP cần truy vẫn: :: 2x IP Cache Caching options
J Automatically cache uncached domains:
Clear cache at each processing interval
Default time to live [minutes] 60 fuse 9999 and entry will not expire) Maximum cached entries 50
Trang 33Thiết lập thoại và lây thư qua đường điện thoại: Eyent Scheduling Send k Recelve Mai | AniVius Updates|
B4\//sustem mail processing interval 60 min ———— Scheduled remote mail processing event
1 J 60 What day? Friday at 00:00 (12:00 AM) ^ \ i 3 ¥ Friday at 01:00 (1:00 AM) I~ Deliver/collect remote mail at this above interval dc 4 Thursday Fak, 3 2m lun AM IV Deliver local mail immediately upon reception ¥ Monday — |¥ Friday Friday at 04:00 (4:00 4M)
yey Vv Vv Friday at 05:00 (5:00 4M I Deliver remote mail immediately upon reception IV lương |V SMujy Fiday 3 06:00 en AN|
Simple scheduling M Wednesday Friday at 07:00 (7:00 AM)
Friday at 08:00 (8:00 AM)
Iv Wait | 30 minutes after the last mail What hour? Friday at 09:00 (9:00 4M)
¬ Friday at 10:00 (10:00 4M
session starts before initiating the next one [Every hour M Filay 3 1110 f 100 a
Scheduling options Friday at 12:00 (12:00 PM)
JV Always send mail if there's | 1 ormore © Whatminute? = ; Friday at lâm tl Đ PM) i) | Friday at 14:00 [200 PM]
Trang 34RAS Dialup Settings ; Be -
I Dialup only if remote mail is waiting in outbound que
JZ Notify [Postmaster when dialup attempts fail Dialup attempts
AY) Make this many attempts to establish a session 1
After dialing, wait this many seconds for 4 valid connection 60 Connection persistence
: Once established, MDaemon will not close the RAS session Lư Keep sessions alive for at least 1 minutes (0 = immediate
If applicable, you should use the option that has MDaemon leave RAS sessions open If you need to close the session based on inactivity use
Trang 35Logon Setting: RÃãS Dialup Settings Ề ?| x| Dialup Settings ISP Logon Settings | Post Connection | LAN Domains | LAN IPs | Dialup profile
ay Use any currently active dialup sessioré
Logon name Use this RAS dialup profile Logon password Maximized use x] New profile} Edit pro Ae | Maximize use of this connection profile
Every so many minutes, MDaemon will check the computer system to see if perhaps another program has initiated the selected RAS profile If so, MDaemon will use the existing connection while it is available You can control the time interval between uses of an existing connection by entering 4 value in minutes into this control
Use existing connection every | 1ñ minutes Hangup now |
Cancel | aoe _|