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The factors impacting on organizational attractiveness and its impact on job pursuit intention in the logistics industry in ho chi minh city

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Tiêu đề The factors impacting on organizational attractiveness and its impact on job pursuit intention in logistics industry in Ho Chi Minh City
Tác giả Tran Thi Bich Hong
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Cao Quoc Viet
Trường học University of Economics in Ho Chi Minh City
Chuyên ngành Business Administration
Thể loại Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2021
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 102
Dung lượng 3,37 MB

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS IN HO CHI MINH CITY TRAN THI BICH HONG THE FACTORS IMPACTING ON ORGANIZATIONAL ATTRACTIVENESS AND ITS IMPACT ON JOB PURSUIT INTENTION IN LOGISTICS INDUSTRY IN HO CHI MINH CITY MASTER THESIS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Ho Chi Minh City – 2021 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY _ TRAN THI BICH HONG THE FACTORS IMPACTING ON ORGANIZATIONAL ATTRACTIVENESS AND ITS IMPACT ON JOB PURSUIT INTENTION IN LOGISTICS INDUSTRY IN HO CHI MINH CITY Major: Business Administration Direction: Research Code: 8340101 MASTER THESIS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUPERVISOR: DR CAO QUOC VIET Ho Chi Minh City – 2021 DECLARATION I, Tran Thi Bich Hong, certify that this thesis "The factors impacting on organizational attractiveness and its impact on job pursuit intention in the logistics industry in Ho Chi Minh City" comprise no information which has been used for any other academic degree awarded in my name in any educational institution and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, includes no previous published or written material, except with due reference to other author's work in the text Sign and print name by author Tran Thi Bich Hong TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION LIST OF ABBREVIATION LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES ABSTRACT - TÓM TẮT CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Statement of the problems .1 1.2 Objective and research question .4 1.2.1 Overall objective 1.2.2 Detail objective 1.2.3 Research questions 1.3 Scope and Research methodology .5 1.3.1 Scope of study 1.3.2 Research Method .5 1.3.3 Research focus 1.3.4 Target population .5 1.4 Structure of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definitions 2.1.1 Brand 2.1.2 Brand equity .7 2.1.3 Employer brand equity 2.2 Fundamental Theories 2.2.1 Signaling theory .8 2.2.2 Social identity theory .8 2.2.3 Person-environment fit theory 2.2.4 Brand equity theory .10 2.2.5 Theory of reasoned action 11 2.3 Summary of prior studies about employer branding 11 2.4 Hypothesis development and proposed research models .20 2.4.1 Early recruitment activities 20 2.4.2 Employer brand knowledge 26 2.4.3 Person-organization fit 30 2.4.4 Organizational attractiveness 31 2.4.5 Job pursuit intention 32 2.4.6 Research model 33 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHOD 35 3.1 Research process 35 3.1.2 Pilot study 37 3.1.3 Main research 41 3.2 Data analysis method 43 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS 45 4.1 Preliminary analysis 45 4.2 Assessment of measurement models 47 4.2.1 Construct reliability 47 4.2.2 Construct validity 48 4.3 Assessment of structural model 51 4.3.1 Multicollinearity assessment 51 4.3.2 Analysis of Coefficient of Determination, Adjusted R2 51 4.3.3 Analysis of effect size f2 52 4.3.4 Analysis of predictive relevance Q2 53 4.3.5 Path coefficient and hypotheses testing 54 4.4 Discussions 56 CHAPTER 5: IMPLICATION 60 5.1 Managerial implication 60 5.2 Limitation and direction for future research 65 REFERENCES APPENDIX LIST OF ABBREVIATION AD : Advertising AVE : Average variance extracted CR : Composite reliability EBK : Employer brand knowledge EF : Employer familiarity EI : Employer image ER : Employer reputation ERA : Early recruitment activities IT : Job pursuit intentions OA : Organizational attractiveness PB : Publicity PO fit /PO : Person-organization fit SS : Sponsorship Activities TP.HCM : Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh WM : Word-of-mouth LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Summary of prior studies 15 Table 3.1 Measurement scale 38 Table 4.1 Respondents’ Demographic profile 46 Table 4.2 Construct reliability results 47 Table 4.3 Convergent validity results 49 Table 4.4 Fornell & Larcker criterion 50 Table 4.5 Heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations 50 Table 4.6 Collinearity Statistics (VIF) results 51 Table 4.7 Coefficient of Determination, adjusted R2 results 52 Table 4.8 Effect size f2 results 53 Table 4.9 Construct Crossvalidated Redundancy results 54 Table 4.10 Path coefficients results 56 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Research model .34 Figure 3.1 Research process .36 Figure 4.1 Research model analysis results .55 ABSTRACT Recently, logistics has a vital role in the economic section and Viet Nam in which Ho Chi Minh City has huge potential for the logistics industry However, the human resource of the logistics industry faces a situation of both shortage and weakness (Vũ Đình Chuẩn, 2019) This research examines factors that impact organizational attractiveness (OA) and job pursuit intention (IT) to help the HR department choose the right applicant for logistics corporations The study considers that to test these factors, such as early recruitment activities (ERA), employer brand knowledge (EBK) follows Kashive and Khanna (2017) Additionally, empirical studies evidently predicted that the person-organization fit (PO fit) significantly affect OA and IT (Brunner & Baum, 2020; Firfiray & Mayo, 2016) Moreover, word-of-mouth (WM) of ERA also successfully predicts that it is possible to impact OA in the logistics industry The current study examined whether advertising affects OA, which is believed not to be popular in the logistics industry Besides, the research also examines to what extent OA relates to IT The participant of this study includes two groups of students and employees who were hypothesized to have the intent to pursue a job in the logistics industry, and the sample has different demographics profile such as age & gender This study used a quantitative research approach by PLS-SEM analysis as it can be used with a small sample size The study result supported almost all hypotheses predicting the relation of ERA, EBK to OA, and the impact of PO fit and OA on IT However, the relation of one component of EBK (e.g., employer reputation) to OA was not found in this study, and PO fit was also not confirmed to be a driver of OA Future research can further study the influence of demographics on OA and IT in logistics context and verify the validity of the measurement scale in this study with larger sample size and possibly to introduce new constructs into the model Keyword: organizational attractiveness, job pursuit intention, early recruitment activities, employer brand knowledge, person-organization fit TÓM TẮT Hiện nay, ngành logistics đóng vai trị quan trọng kinh tế Việt Nam, có TP.HCM nơi có tiềm lớn cho ngành logistics Tuy nhiên, nguồn nhân lực ngành logistics đối mặt với tình trạng vừa thiếu số luợng yếu chất luợng (Vũ Đình Chuẩn, 2019) Nghiên cứu xem xét yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sức hấp dẫn tổ chức (OA) ý định theo đuổi công việc (IT) để giúp phận nhân công ty logistics thu hút ứng viên phù hợp Nghiên cứu sử dụng biến hoạt động tuyển dụng sớm (ERA), kiến thức thương hiệu nhà tuyển dụng (EBK) theo Kashive and Khanna (2017) để xác định nhân tố có tác động đến OA IT Ngồi ra, nghiên cứu thực nghiệm dự đoán phù hợp cá nhân với tổ chức (PO fit) có ảnh hưởng đáng kể đến OA IT (Brunner & Baum, 2020; Firfiray & Mayo, 2016) Hơn nữa, yếu tố truyền miệng (WM) ERA đuợc cho có tác động tích cực đến EBK ngành logistics Nghiên cứu cịn xem xét liệu quảng cáo có ảnh hưởng đến sức hấp dẫn tổ chức (OA), vốn cho không phổ biến ngành logistics Bên cạnh đó, nghiên cứu xem xét mức độ liên quan OA đến IT Đối tuợng tham gia nghiên cứu bao gồm hai nhóm sinh viên nhân viên, người xem có ý định theo đuổi công việc ngành logistics mẫu khảo sát có hồ sơ nhân học khác tuổi giới tính Nghiên cứu sử dụng phương pháp nghiên cứu định lượng với phân tích PLS-SEM sử dụng với cỡ mẫu nhỏ Kết nghiên cứu chấp nhận hầu hết giả thuyết dự đoán mối quan hệ ERA, EBK với OA, tác động biến PO OA IT Tuy nhiên, mối quan hệ thành phần EBK (danh tiếng nhà tuyển dụng) với OA khơng tìm thấy nghiên cứu này, phù hợp PO không xác nhận yếu tố thúc đẩy OA Nghiên cứu tương lai nghiên cứu sâu ảnh hưởng mặt nhân học OA IT nghiên cứu ngành logistics kiểm chứng tính hợp lệ thang đo nghiên Rantamäki, P (2019) Employer branding in the ICT-sector  : Aligning external prejudices with internal experiences Richard W Brislin (1970) Back Translation for Cross-Cultural Research Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, Vol 1, pp 185–216 Roberson, Q M., Collins, C J., & Oreg, S (2005) The effects of recruitment message specificity on applicant attraction to organizations Journal of Business and Psychology, 19(3), 319–339 Robert D Gatewood, M A G and G J L (1993) Corporate Image, Recruitment Image, and Initial Job Choice Decisions The Academy of Management Journal, 36(2), 414–427 Ryan, A M., Kriska, S D., & Horvath, M (2005) The role of recruiting source informativeness and organizational perceptions in decisions to apply International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 13(4), 235–249 Rynes, A L., Bretz, R D., Gerhart, B., Rosenthal, D., Weber, C., Bozec, J., … Levy, D (1991) The Importance Of Recruitment In Job Choice: A Different Way Of Looking And Nabil El Cheik For Assistance In Interviewing And Transcription Saini, G K., Rai, P., & Chaudhary, M K (2014) What best employer surveys reveal about employer branding and intention to apply? 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Minh City – 2021 DECLARATION I, Tran Thi Bich Hong, certify that this thesis "The factors impacting on organizational attractiveness and its impact on job pursuit intention in the logistics industry. .. scope of research for the topic ? ?The factors impacting on organizational attractiveness and its impact on job pursuit intention in the logistics industry in Ho Chi Minh City. ” Chapter 2: This... test some factors that impact organizational attractiveness and its impact on job pursuit intention in the logistics industry in Ho Chi Minh City Moreover, we consider adding a new independent

Ngày đăng: 21/05/2021, 00:14



