PERSONALDETAILEDFORM Application for: Team Leader Emp. Code: TeamLeader I.PERSONAL DETAILS Full Name: DOB (dd/mm/yyyy) POB ID Number issued date at Nationality Gender Marital status Amount of children Contact address Home-phone: Office-phone: Mobile: Current net salary Desired net salary Fax : E-mail : Religion : Other benefits ? Willingness to work in provinces? Date available for work II. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Year of Graduat ion Name of Institution & Faculty Qualification Length of Progra m III. TRAINING AND OTHER COURSES Obtained Year Name of Course Conducted by Certificate Duration 1 IV. JOB HISTORY In reversed chronologic order From month/yea r to… Company’s name Company’s nationality Company address Fields of operation - Job title Main duties Net Salary Name & Title of Direct Supervisor V. TRAVELLING EXPERIENCE Please list places you traveled Foreign countries Vietnam provinces Place Duration Place Duration VI. FOREIGN LANGUAGES Please tick at column is appropriate Language Communicational Fair Good Excellent English French 2 Chinese Japanese Others VII. PC SKILLS Please fill down IT sciences which you can use VIII. CHARACTERISTICS Strengths Weaknesses IX. REFERRENCE Please complete in details the following Referee Title Company's name & address Telephone I hereby authorize YOUR company., to contact my referees and/or former employers for further information about myself. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this resume is accurate and complete. Applicant's signature Applicant's name Date 3 . PERSONAL DETAILED FORM Application for: Team Leader Emp. Code: TeamLeader I .PERSONAL DETAILS Full Name: DOB (dd/mm/yyyy). contact my referees and/or former employers for further information about myself. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this