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Some practice activities help students practise listening skills of english 10 program (basic) effectively

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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THANH HOÁ TRƯỜNG THPT YÊN ĐỊNH I SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM SOME PRACTICE ACTIVITIES HELP STUDENTS PRACTISE LISTENING SKILLS OF ENGLISH 10 PROGRAM (BASIC) EFFECTIVELY Người thực hiện: Nguyễn Thị Đan Chức vụ: Giáo viên SKKN thuộc lĩnh vực (mơn): Tiếng Anh THANH HỐ NĂM 2021 TABLES OF CONTEN TS Contents Page INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reasons for choosing the topic: 1.2 Purpose of the topic: 1.3 Research subjects: 1.4 Research Methods: 1.5 New points of the experience initiative 2 CONTENTS OF THE STUDY Rationale of the study 2.2 Current status of the problem before applying the study 2.3 Some practice activities help students practise listening skills of English 10 program (basic) effectively 2.3.1 Warm-up section Scramble lines Pictures talk Guessing the program Vocabulary matching Which song is Van Cao's? 2.3.2 Practice activities True and false Personal information Find the missing word A great musician 10 Listen carefully 11 2.4 Effectiveness of the study for educational activities, with myself, 12 the colleagues and the school CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 13 3.1 Conclusions 13 3.2 Recommendations 13 REFERENCE BOOKS 14 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reasons for choosing topic: In recent years, the Ministry of Education and Training has put the 7-year English textbook program into synchronous implementation in high schools across the country, in order to meet the new practical needs today Each unit is compiled in five basic sections: Part A: Reading Part B: Speaking Part C: Listening Part D: Writing Part E: Language focus Through the teaching process, we can clearly see that in the parts of practicing skills, the book has designed practice activities that are relatively reasonable and clear, making it easy for both teachers and students to grasp their tasks through each specific task in the textbook However, after many years of teaching, I realized that the organization of teaching listening lessons in the high school program has been facing many difficulties and problems That students participating in these classes are not natural, and passive makes the class boring and lacks depth Usually, this class is taught in a perfunctory way without effective communication and skill training Therefore, the practice of language in this skill in a large number of students is still low and uneven 2020-2021 school year, I was assigned to teach in grade 10 I myself has tried to learn and explore ways to teach listening part more effectively, especially the listening part in class 10(basic) How to make activities to practice the knowledge and skills of the listening lesson simple, easy to practice, easy to remember, and highly communicative is what I personally, a teacher who directly teaches in class always think of Therefore, in this experience initiative, I want to share with my colleagues : "Some practice activities help students practise listening skills of English 10 program (basic) effectively" 1.2 Purpose of the topic: -In this initiative, I want to find a simple and effective way to teach listening comprehension in the 10th textbook program - Outline some typical activities applied to 10th grade listening comprehension in order to improve students' listening comprehension ability in particular and improve the quality of English teaching in general 1.3.Research object This study focuses mainly on students' interest in learning the listening section and provides activities to help students practice effectively listening skills of the English 10 program (basic) 1.4 Research Methods Methods to build the theoretical basis: Learn the reality of the problem then find out the solutions to solve the problem Methods actual survey, gathering information:Distributing questionnaires learning attitude of students towards subjects in English before performing the subject Then gather information to grasp the spirit of their learning Statistical methods, data processing: After applying the theme will be the result statistics about the level of student progress to evaluate the success of your project 1.5 New points of the experience initiative In this experience initiative, I have developed appropriate practice activities that are superior to existing textbook activities to help students easily understand the content of the lesson through specific practice in each lesson of listening comprehension skills 2 CONTENTS OF THE STUDY 2.1 Rationale of the study Vietnam is on the development and international integration Thus, English is a powerful tool with requisite strength Also for that reason that English is seen as a major subject in the high school level The teaching and learning English has many ways and many different conditions, but are focused on the development of creative dynamism, the activeness of students in order to make it possible to identify and resolve their problems In fact, the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, especially listening skills of students are facing many difficulties, especially when listening to foreigners in person or through listening videos or tapes Because communication is the favorable conditions to stimulate the use of foreign language learners to achieve the most effective However, listening skills are sometimes forgotten by us only through the assessment language proficiency, knowledge is not measured by the ability to use language Therefore, we must pay attention a lot to the skills to equip students the ability to communicate confidently, fluently To this, teachers need to organize attractive learning environment in order to attract more students to participate Do these, students will be more confident and more boldly to communicate in a foreign language later 2.2 Current status of the problem before applying the study 2.2.1 For students: To know exactly about their interest in learning English and whether they like listening lessons or not? I distributed the questionnaire a with 90 students in classes 10 A1 and 10A7 The survey form is as follows: Please tick your choice Do you like or dislike studying English? Like very much Like Normal Dislike Do you like to study listening lessons ? Like very much Like Normal Dislike Why you like (don't like) listening class ? …………………… Thank you for your cooperation! I get the following results: Like very Total Like much 90 hs Sl % Sl % Before applying 10 11.1 15 16.7 the theme Normal Dislike Sl % Sl % 25 27.8 40 44.4 From the above results, I found that: Most students are not interested in learning English in general and listening class in particular Most students think that English is a difficult subject, most of them are afraid to learn this subject The number of students with knowledge and skills is very small They also think that listening lessons are just for fun because their ability to practice language is not noticed as soon as they begin to approach English They also think that, in fact, this course is not an exam, so they don't need to pay much attention Besides, the types of practice activities of textbooks are not only very difficult but also poor, boring and monotonous These lessons are often boring, very few students participate Because of the above reasons, they are very passive in lessons, uninterested and ineffective Besides, the high school that I am teaching is a school located in a rural area, with many economic difficulties and a sparsely populated area The main income of the people is based on agriculture, so the investment in children's education has not been paid much attention by parents Therefore, students face many difficulties in learning, even they not have enough materials for learning 2.2.2 For teachers: Most English teachers clearly realize that teaching listening skills is important, but in reality when teaching the listening part, especially the part of the English 10 (basic) program, they all realize that: They are very painful at the beginning of a listening period for the following reasons: The number of students in a regular classroom in our country is currently 45 students With such a large number of students, to organize an effective listening lesson, the teacher must work very hard and cannot control all the activities of the students In addition, the listening activities offered by the basic English 10 program are not very suitable for students, there are many book activities that are too difficult, and there are activities that are too easy for students' level Therefore, these classes only focus on a few students who have listening skills, the rest of the students just want the class to pass quickly because they don't understand anything 2.3 Some practice activities help students practise listening skills of English 10 program (basic) effectively Warm-up section Scramble lines Unit 2: School talks Purpose: Identify the relationship between lines in a dialogue through listening skills Time: minutes Preparation: Lines of dialogue are pre-written and cut into pieces, divided into sets Organization: The whole class participates Process: Step 1: The teacher gives each student a piece of paper with a pre-printed line and reads the first question Step 2: The student who has the right answer will raise their hand and stand up to read the answer Then, read on to the question on your piece of paper If accepted, the student will stand in place The purpose of the activity is to find students listening to react quickly Many students have the same piece of paper, but only the student who listens and reacts the fastest stands up to answer Step 3: Students who match the sentences incorrectly are invited to sit down The teacher praised the students who stood in place Conversation lines used: Are you enjoying the party? Yes, I am Would you like to have a drink? Sure I'd like to What subjects are you taking this semester? I'm taking maths What about you? I'm taking English Do you like your maths class? Yes, I How you like your English class? I really like it How long are you staying? For a month Where are you staying? In the hotel by the river It's great Do you know it? Yes Is it the Bamboo Green? Pictures talk Unit 6: An excursion Purpose: Introduce the listening lesson Time: minutes Preparation: No Organization: in groups of students Process: Step 1: The teacher divides the class into groups of students each Step 2: Each group describes a picture on page 62 of the textbook according to the group's subjective opinion, can use the words given in the Before you listen section Step 3: After minutes, each group presents its description The teacher records and lets students listen to the tape for comparison Guessing the program Unit 7: The mass media Purpose: Listen to some news and get to know the program Time: minutes Preparation: Some radio or TV news on different topics Organization: Group activities Process: Step 1: Divide the class into groups Tell students a list of program names Step 2: The teacher reads some excerpts from the collected information The odd-numbered messages belong to group 1, the even-numbered messages belong to group The groups listen and say the program name The group with the correct answer gets point, if the answer is wrong or can't answer, the teacher invites another group Step 3: The group with more points wins Teacher's Reading: Piece of news Contents And here comes Karlson The others are at least ten meters behind her This brilliant young at hletes is going to win and we're going to see a new world record It's quite simple really First, cut up the garlic into very small pieces Next, cut up the chicken into very thin slices Now fry the garlic until it turns light brown Then add the chicken to the frying pan and stir it in ten minutes In Da Nang today, there will be thunder and lightning There will also be heavy rain The tiger is at the top of the list of endangered animals Most of the world surviving tigers live in India altho ugh a small number remain in the forests of Vietnam They have to face a battle for survival Answer: Sports Program Cookery Program Weather Forcast Wildlife World Vocabulary matching Unit 7: National parks Purpose: Introduce some vocabulary students encounter while listening Time: minutes Preparation: Photocopy of handouts Organization: Working in groups Process: Step 1: The teacher divides the class into groups and distributes handouts to each group Step 2: The task of the groups is to find the definition in column B that corresponds to the words in column A Step 3: The group that finds the answer quickly will win Handouts: A B officially a win a victory over somebody flora b all the animals of an area or a period of time fauna c person entering a country to attack or occupy station d extend over something attack e put an army in a certain place defeat f formal invader g an insect with four wings that can sting ethnic minority h small group of people having a common cultural tradition bee i all the plants of a particular area or period of time 10 spanning j a violent attempt to overcome somebody Key: 1.f 2.i 3.b 4.e 5.j 6.a 7.c 8.h 9.g 10.d Which song is Van Cao's? Unit 12: Music Purpose: Introduce some songs of musician Van Cao Time: minutes Preparation: Some short music with songs by Van Cao, vocabulary sheet for each group Organization: Work in groups of students Process: Step 1: The teacher divides the class into several groups, each group of students and listens to some music by Van Cao Step 2: The teacher gives each group a word board Students identify the words in each row are English words related to which song and write the name of the song in the blanks Step 3: Each group reports its results and presents a passage of one of the songs found Identify which song belongs to musician Van Cao by marking √ Step 4: The group that performs quickly, has the right results and sings the best will win Words table : Title of the song Van Cao's Words from the song Village, bamboo, church Sing, lover, wind, rain Autumn, leaves, red, roof Country, road, flag, gun River, wave, water, soldiers, fight Stream, dream, sunshine Title of the song Van Cao’s Làng tơi √ Tình ca Hà Nội mùa thu Tiến quân ca √ Trường ca sông Lô √ Suối Mơ √ 2.3.2 Practice activities True and false Words from the song Village, bamboo, church Sing, lover, wind, rain Autumn, leaves, red, roof Country, road, flag, gun River, wave, water, soldiers, fight Stream, dream, sunshine Answer: Unit 2: School talks Purpose: Improve listening skills Time: minutes Preparation: Short information in the listening part Organization: Working in groups Process: Step 1: The teacher divides the class into two groups , each student brings a number One group has odd numbers, the other has even numbers Step 2: Place two chairs in front of students One seat has the word TRUE, the other has the word FALSE Step 3: The teacher reads the sentences according to the content of the listening lesson, and then calls any number When their number is called, students hurry up and sit in the TRUE or FALSE seats The teacher gives marks and continues with another sentence, alternating even and odd numbers respectively Step 4: Finally, the teacher calculates the score for the whole group Suggested information: Suggested sentences Lan is taking English this semester Miss Lan Phuong doesn't teach English Lan hates learning English Nam wants something to drink Nam is having a good time Son left Nha Trang yesterday The weather in Nha Trang is great Son is going to stay in Nha Trang for a week Hoa wants to go swimming with Son 10 Hoa's friends are traveling with her 11 Hoa stays in a comfortable hotel room 12 Hoa refuses the invitation to go for a drink Answer T F F F T F T T F F T F Personal information Unit 3: People's background Purpose: Practice listening skills Time: 10 minutes Preparation: Make photocopies of Personal information sheet (PIS) Organization : Work in pairs Process: Step 1: The teacher divides the class into pairs and distributes a PIS sheet to each pair Step 2: The teacher tells the students times about Sally Students fill out information about Sally on the PIS sheet Step 3: After listening, the teacher receives the answers of the earliest pairs to correct the lesson in front of the class and give points Personal information sheet: PERSONAL INFORMATION SHEET Name: SALLY Age: Hometown: Family members: Education: Present job: _ Hobbies: Achievements: Plan for the future: Other information: Find the missing word Purpose: Practice listening Time: minutes Preparation: Some phrases in the listening comprehension section Organization: Working in groups Process: Step 1: The teacher divides the class into groups Step 2: The teacher writes the selected words on the board, for the students to find the appropriate nouns to have the phrases with the appropriate meaning in the listening part Step 3: The group that completes the fastest and has the correct information will be the winning group The words the teacher writes on the board: 10 disabled first color daily _ Hoan Kiem teach _ exhibit take escape look for _ 10 disabled children first exhibition color photos daily life Hoan Kiem Lake teach photography exhibit photographs take photographs escape sorrow look for food Answer: 10 A great musician Unit 12: Music Purpose: Practice listening comprehension skills Time: minutes Preparation: Short cuts of sentences in the content in the listening passage ; The worksheets are printed with sentences with missing words Organization: Individual and pair activities Process: Step 1: The teacher gives each student a preprinted board with the missing words and lets the students listen to the tape again Step 2: Students fill in the blanks and discuss with friends next to them to refer, check and practice repeating the content of the listening lesson Step 3: The teacher let some students present the content in front of the class and awarded points to the students who got the correct answers and presented the best content Exercise sheet: Quang Hung is a actor Quite a few good musicians have _songs Van Cao is Quang Hung's _musician Tien Quan Ca is hard and We feel of our country when we hear the song Van Cao wrote many songs about _life in Vietnam These songs are sweet, gentle and very Answers: well-known popular favourite solemn proud rural lyrical Listen carefully Unit 14: The world cup Purpose: More practice on listening comprehension Time: minutes Preparation: The board prints sentences about the listening passage Organization: Individual and pair activities Process: Step 1: The teacher divides the class into pairs and gives each student a printed board with sentences related to the listening lesson Step 2: Students choose the right or wrong answer according to the content of the listening passage After listening, students discuss their work with their peers and check for errors Step 3: The teacher invites some students to present their work and explain why they chose it The teacher then rewards the student for the best explanation Printed board: Contents T/F Correct Pele is from Brazil Pele participated in three World cups: 11 1958, 1962, 1966 Not many football players took part in three World Cups By 1974 Pele became a national hero because he was good at football Pele has scored 1200 goals in his lifetime Pele played for a Brizilian football club for two years before he retired Pele became a Brazilian ambassador to the United States Pele wants to promote peace through sport activities Answer: Contents T/F Correct Pele is from Brazil T Pele participated in three World F Pele participated in three World cups: 1958, 1962, 1966 cups: 1958, 1962, 1970 Not many football players took T part in three World Cups By 1974 Pele became a national T hero because he was good at football Pele had scored 1200 goals in his F He had scored 1200 goals by 1974 lifetime Pele played for a Brizilian football F Pele played for an American club for two years before he football club for two years before retired he retired Pele became a Brazilian F Pele became an international ambassador to the United States ambassador for the sport Pele wants to promote peaceT through sport activities 2.4 Effectiveness of the study for educational activities, with myself, the colleagues and the school Thanks to the good application of the above activities, the results achieved in the last school year in the grade 10 I taught were very positive Comparing the results of the survey from the beginning to the end of the study, the results are as follows: Like very Total Like Normal Dislike much 90 sts(10A1,10A7) sl % sl % sl % sl % After applying the 25 27.8 40 44.4 15 16.7 10 11.1 theme 12 Most of the students are interested in the subject, ready to participate in the activities requested by the teacher in each "listening" period in particular and in the English class in general With these experiences, I have promoted the activeness and creativity of students in learning activities A large number of students have mastered knowledge and skills and have trained their listening skills The majority of students from not liking to study the subject have become confident in their ability And their academic results have many positive changes Academic results: (Before applying the topic) Total Excellent Good Fair Bad sl % sl % sl % sl % 90 sts (10A1,10A7) 3.3 15 16.7 30 33.3 42 46.7 Academic results for the academic year 2020-2021: (After applying the topic) Total Excellent Good Fair Bad sl % sl % sl % sl % 90 sts (10A1,10A7 ) 10 11.1 30 33.3 40 44.5 10 11.1 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Conclusions Teaching English at high schools, especially those located in areas where the economy is difficulty is a hard work, however, that is not an impossible mission To solve these problems, the first thing that requires teachers to have the mind to the job, hard to explore teaching methods to suit each student audience, gradually resolve the difficulties, discipline problems of a most efficient way The practical experience has initially shown me that my direction is right, I am more confident and stable with each listening lesson thanks to the effective practice activities mentioned above 3.2 Recommendations Through this experience initiative, I want to make a small contribution to helping students practice listening skills through specific practice activities in the most effective way, and at the same time, I also want to share a bit of my experience teach this part of the 10th grade curriculum to my colleagues I really hope it will be a useful resource for teaching listening in the most effective way XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Thanh Hóa, ngày 15 tháng năm 2021 13 Tôi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, khơng chép nội dung người khác Nguyễn Thị Đan REFERENCE BOOKS English 10,11,12 (Hoàng Văn Vân, Hoàng Thi Xuân Hoa, Đỗ Tuấn Minh, Nguyễn Thu Phương, Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn)-Nhà xuất giáo dục English 10,11,12-Teacher book (Hoàng Văn Vân, Hoàng Thi Xuân Hoa, Đỗ Tuấn Minh, Nguyễn Thu Phương, Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn)-Nhà xuất giáo dục Thiết kế giảng Tiếng Anh 10,11,12 (Chu Quang Bình) –Nhà xuất Hà Nội Giới thiệu Giáo Án Tiếng Anh 10,11,12 (Vũ Thị Lợi, Đồng Thị Yến Trang, Nguyễn Thị Ý, Võ Thị Minh Hồng, Tôn Nữ Hạnh Trâm, Nguyễn Thị Kim Dung)-Nhà xuất Hà Nội Hướng dẫn thực chuẩn kiến thức, kĩ môn Tiếng Anh THPT – Nhà xuất Giáo Dục Việt Nam 14 DANH MỤC CÁC ĐỀ TÀI SKKN ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG SKKN NGHÀNH GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HUYỆN, TỈNH VÀ CÁC CẤP CAO HƠN XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Đan Chức vụ đơn vị công tác: TPCM, Trường THPT Yên Định TT Tên đề tài SKKN Đơn giản hoá hoạt động dạy kĩ đọc hiểu chương trình Tiếng Anh 12 (cơ bản) Một số hoạt động luyện tập giúp học sinh học hiệu phần Language Focus chương trình Tiếng Anh 12 Cấp đánh giá, xếp loại Kết đánh giá, xếp loại Năm học đánh giá, xếp loại Sở GD&ĐT C 2010-2011 Sở GD&ĐT C 2011-2012 15 (cơ bản) Some practice activities help students learn language focus part in English 11 (Basic) effectively Sở GD&ĐT C 2016-2017 16 ... CONTENTS OF THE STUDY Rationale of the study 2.2 Current status of the problem before applying the study 2.3 Some practice activities help students practise listening skills of English 10 program (basic). .. think of Therefore, in this experience initiative, I want to share with my colleagues : "Some practice activities help students practise listening skills of English 10 program (basic) effectively" ... focuses mainly on students' interest in learning the listening section and provides activities to help students practice effectively listening skills of the English 10 program (basic) 1.4 Research

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