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On Tap Ky I English 11

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Every four years people all over the world (1)……….the Olympic GamesA. There was only one event.[r]





1.David (come)……… from England 2.He (come) ……… to Paris six months ago 3.He (learn)……… French for two years

4.He (start) ……… learning French when he was 18

5.I was driving home when I (see) ……….a car which (break) ……….down, so I (stop) ……….to see if I could help

6.His mother usually (send)……… him email every week 7.He (not like) ……… cooking very much

8.When I (come) ……… to the room last night, this film (begin) ……… a quarter before 9.Why (you / wash)………your car this early morning?

10 What ( you / ) ……… since yesterday? 11 What ( he / ) ……… yesterday ?

12 My father never ( drink ) ………wine

13 When the earthquake ( take place)………., I ( work )……… in my office 14 Shakespeare ( write ) ………many dramas

15 Look! That girl ( go )……… to catch the bus 16 We (see) ……… that film before 1975?

17 This room (paint) ……….since the last time I (be) ……….here 18 What ( you / ) ……… last weekend?

19 ( you / meet) ……… her when you were in Italy?

20 Those singers ( be ) ……… famous in my country for years

II Gerunds or Infinitives


1 We hope ……… the next exam with high marks ( pass )

2 I’m very glad………you again ( see )

3 English is an important language ……… ( master )

4 Have you got anything ………now ? ( eat )

5 We go to the library everyday ……….books ( read ).

6 The teacher wanted ……… our old lesson ( check )

7 The teacher made us ……… a friendly letter ( write )

8 I hear someone ………at the front door ( knock )

9 ………foreign languages is necessary ( learn )

10 Most passengers dislike ………to sit in small, uncomfortable seats on long flights ( have )

11 He always refuses………others ( help )

12 I didn’t mean ……….him I was only trying ……….him ( upset/ help )

13 He denied ………any money by his company ( pay )

14 Why you call your son Hugo?

+ He wants ………by that name (call )

15 He promised ……….phone me soon (phone )

16 I’ll help you ………the party if you like ( arrange)

17 Did you see him ……… ( go out )

18 She noticed him ………( leave ) the party without saying goodbye.

19 It was getting dark and I couldn’t see anything ……… (read )

20 John decided ……….( give ) up……….( smoke )

21 On her birthday, the girl likes ……….( give ) gift.

22 The children enjoy……….( take ) to the zoo by their parents.

23 She smelt something ( burn ) ……… and saw smoke ( rise )



25 They spent a lot of money ( modernize )……….the house.

26 The children admitted ( take )………the money.

27 They denied ( be ) ………there.

28………( Fail) twice, he didn’t want to try again.

29 Not ( ) ………… the homework, he got a bad mark.

30 The girl ( talk )……….to you this morning is my sister.

31 ( open ) …………the bottle, the boy poured the drink.

32 ( Finished)………… the work, they went out for shopping.

33 ( Close ) ………the factory means ( put )………people out of work.

34 We had to stand in a queue ( wait )………for the bank to open.

35 The sts denied ( copy )……… the answers of each other.

III Reported Speech


Rewrite these sentences beginning as shown:

1 Sue said: “Don’t buy a used car”

Sue advised me “Don’t touch the hot pot” Bill said

Bill warned me “I’m sorry, I was rude to you yesterday.” I said to Tom

I apologized “Please put out the fire when you leave here” said a villager

A villager suggested “Don’t forget to visit your grandparents” said Tom to Mary

Tom reminded ……… ““Would you like to have a drink with me?”

He invited me She feels like traveling to foreign countries

She looks forward ……… “Shall we deliver the donation now?” suggested Minh

Minh suggested ……… 10 “ Please come and see me if you you need any help” insisted the villagers

The villagers insisted ……… 11 “ We’ll come back again”

They promised ……… 12 “ Don’t forget to write to me a letter”

He reminded me ……… 13 “ Close your books and note books right now”

The teacher ordered students……… 14 “It was nice of you to invite me to the dinner Thank you”, Miss White said to Peter

Miss White thanked 15 “ Take a rest and eat some lunch please”

I told them……… …… 16 “ Don’t call me after p.m, please”, the manager said

The manager told his secretary……… 17 The dean said, “Send me a report after you have finished your volunteer work!”

The dean ordered his students……… 18 “Sorry because I didn’t reply you soon”, my pen pal said

My pen pal apologized to……… 19 Mother said, “I wouldn’t that silly thing if I were you.”

My mother advised……… 20 “Let’s go to the zoo now”, our friends said

Our friends suggested……… 21 “You have passed the final exams Congratulations!” Jim said to you

Jim congratulated me


Ex *Give the correct forms of the verbs :

1. If it costs too much , I ……… ( buy ) a small one


3. What ……… ( happen ) if there ……… ( not be ) gravity ?

4. If I ……… ( make ) that mistake again , my teacher ……… ( get ) angry with me

5. If I spoke English well, my job ……… ( be ) a lot easier

6. He ……… ( meet ) his old friend if he ……… ( go ) to London yesterday

7. Would you mind if you suddenly ……… ( win ) haft a million pounds ?

8. I ……… ( lend ) them some money if they ask me

9. If we ……… ( know ) who he was , we ……… ( invite ) him to speak at our meeting

10. If they had invited us , naturally we ……… ( go ) to the party

11. If I ……… ( be ) you, I ……… ( tell ) her the truth

12. I was busy If I ……… ( have ) free time, I ……… ( go ) to the cinema with you

13. What we ……… ( ) if they ……… ( not come) tomorrow ?

14. If I ……… (have) enough time now, I ……… ( write ) to my parents

15. It’s too bad Helen isn’t here If she ……… ( be ) here, she ……… ( know ) what to

16. If I ……… ( not eat) breakfast tomorrow morning I ……… ( get) hungry during class

17. He might have understood you if you ……… ( speak ) more slowly

18. If the weather ……… (be) nice today, we ……… ( go) to the zoo

19. If you meet him, remember ……… ( not tell ) him what I ……… ( just say ) to you

20. Why didn’t you attend the meeting ?

_ Oh I ……… (not know) indeed If I ……… (know) I ……… (come) there

Ex 2Write conditional sentences :

21. Keep quiet or you’ll wake the baby up

……… ……

22. Because you don’t leave immediately, I call a guard

……… ……

23. I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up

……… ……

24. Go right now or you’ll be late for the train (Unless .)

……… ……

25. Be careful or you’ll cut yourself with that knife

……… ……

26. As she is often absent from class, she can’t keep pace with her classmates

……… ……

27. I couldn’t write to Alice because I didn’t know her address

……… ……

28. It’s very cold, so we can’t go swimming

……… ……

29. We got lost because we didn’t have a map

……… ……

30. You drink too much coffee; that’s why you can’t sleep

……… ……

31. The farmers didn’t have enough rain, so they could not grow rice

……… ……

32. His friends were late, so they missed the train

……… ……

33. Today isn’t Sunday, so the pupils can’t go swimming

……… ……

34. We don’t have a big house We can’t invite friends to stay

……… ……

35. Unless he phones immediately, he won’t get any information

……… ……

Ex 3: Change these sentences into reported Speech.

1 He said to her : “What would you if you were my friend?”

……… …… Johnny said to his mother: “ If I study this lesson, I’ll know how to this exercise”

……… …… My friend said “I’m going to leave if the weather is fine tomorrow”?


4 “If I had a car, I would drive you to the station” said the man to me

……… …… John said : “ If I have time, I’ll finish studying my lesson”

……… …… “If he gives her a pen, she’ll thank for him” said I

……… …… Lan said “ If you had got up early, you wouldn’t have been late for your class.”

……… …… Jane said to me : “ I will bring back to you some souvenirs if I visit Paris “

……… ……

V Choose the word whose bold/ underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other


1 A cause B haul C fault D because

2 A population B average C favorite D station A people B creosote C theory D geometric

4 A growth B math C brother D strength

5 A education B special C economy D uncommon

6 A based B damaged C joined D organized

7 A foreign B eight C reign D vein

8 A thanks B skills C parks D groups

9 A weak B meal C least D pleasure

10.A raise B fair C hair D stair

VI Prepositions + Articles + Conjunctions

1 Thank you very much lending me your bike A about B in C for D of Her mother prevented her going out tonight A against B from C about D at Banh Chung is made sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork A of B from C with D by A lot of students are eager to take part the fight illiteracy

A on/of B of/about C in/for D in /against

5 My friend got married at the age ………… 25 A inB of C at D about

6 You must be responsible ……… what you’ve done A for B at C to D with According …… the map, we should take the first turning on the left A to B as C on D by She has learned English and French _ the age of five A since B for C before D in The film was interesting that I wanted to see it again a so b such c too d very 10 What you learn English ? a since b as c for d then 11 I borrowed this book _ the school library a from b on c over d out of 12 _ the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished a of b in c from d by 13 She is nicest girl in our club A a b an c the d no article 14 Who is _ monitor in your class ? A a b an c the d no article 15 Pharmacy is one of world’s oldest professions A a b an c the d no article 16 Peter sometimes does the washing _ after lunch a on b of c up d at

17 He is good chemistry a on b of c in d at

18 Peter graduated _ a college of pharmacy a on b of c from d in 19 A housewife, in former days, spent _ average of twelve hours _ day doing housework

A a / a b a / an c an / a d an / an

20 Mrs Pike usually comes _ home from work at o’clock A a b an c the d no article

VII Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

1) While I did my homework, I had a good idea A B C D

2) John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday A B C D

3) After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle A B C D

4) She did not know where most of the people in the room are from A B C D 5) The thief asked her handing over her money



A B C D 7) I dislike being talk about everywhere

A B C D 8) We’re looking forward to see you again


9) She smelt something burning and saw smoke rise A B C D 10)David asked me telling him the time


11)I warned them not climb the mountain in such bad weather A B C D 12)) If you were here yesterday, you would have seen Jean

A B C D 13)We should visit that part of the country if it will be spring

A B C D 14)We could had done more if we had had more time


15)He said that if he has more time, he would come to see us A B C D


1 Today he is on the of his wife's death

A annual B anniversary C annually D date

2 A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the A ideal B idea C idol D fan Some high school students take part in helping the handicapped

A play a role of B take a place of C participate D are a part of We should take care of war invalids and family of martyrs

A look after B look into C look for D look at He pulled a(n) of 10 pounds notes out of his pocket

A sum B amount C piece D wad

6 I’ve never fallen in such a(n) situation before

A embarrassed B embarrassing C confused D confusing it several times, he didn’t want to read it once again

A Reading B To read C To have read D Having read that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare

A Knowing B Known C Knew D Having knew photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there

A Seeing B Seen C Saw D Having seen

10 The practice of controlling the number of children a person has, using various methods of contraception is called

A family planning B birth control C population D A & B 11 A person who has moved from one place to another especially to find work A emigrant B immigrant C migrant D A & C 12 What’s the of your country?

A populate B population C populous D Popular

13 Many people go to the pagoda to for a happy year for themselves and their family A pray B long C desire D ask

14 I threw my old trainers and bought some new

A ones B one C some D any

15 There’s waiting outside to see you She didn’t tell me her name

A no one B anyone C someone D everyone

16 There are two films on TV this evening Which would you prefer to see?

A one B ones C someone D anyone

17 Do you need thick paper or thin ?

A anyone B everyone C one D ones

A someone/ no one B everyone/ no one C anyone/ no one D anyone/ someone 18 Can you please check that has got a ticket?


19 I would like to offer a small reward to who finds my missing dog

A someone B anyone C no one D one


Ex * Choose the best answer.

Every four years people all over the world (1)……….the Olympic Games The first Olympic

Games were (2)…… Greece in 776 B.C There was only one event People ran a race the length of the

stadium The Games lasted one day Slowly people added more events The Games were only (3)…………

men, and women couldn’t even watch them Only Greeks competed The first modern Games were (4)

………1896 in

Athens Then there were Olympics every four years in (5)………….cities in Europe and the USA Today

there must be Olympics Games every four years The games must have at least fifteen events, and they

can’t last more (6)……… sixteen days There is no age limit – people of any age can (7)……….The

competitors must be amateurs The (8)………….are still national heroes, as they were in the early

Olympics Games in Greece.

1 A meet

B want

C watch

D have

2 A at

B for

C in

D by

3 A with

B in

C of

D for

4 A on

B in

C at

D with

5 A different

B same

C much

D little

6 A than

B many

C in

D for

7 A complete

B see

C compete

D struggle

8 A losers

B winners

C loses

D wins

* Answer the following questions

1 How often are the Olympic Games held?


2 When were the first Olympic Games?


3 How many events were there in the first Olympics games?


4 Could the women take part in the first Olympic Games?


5 What is the event limit of the modern Games?


6 Can the competitors be professional?


Ex 2: Last Sunday was definitely not a good day for me It all started when I got into my car and it refused to start I immediately realized that I had left the lights on and the battery had gone flat I telephoned my friend George and he came round and helped me start the car I then drove into town seeing a friend I had arranged to meet him six thirty, but by the time I got there, it was ten past seven and my friend was not there I waited for him for an hour despite the freezing weather, but he didn’t come When I returned to my car, I saw that someone had broken into it, probably looking for the radio Luckily, I never leave the radio in the car! There was nothing I could but get into my car and drive home Later I spoke with my friend and discovered that he had waited for only half an hour and left He didn’t even apologized for not waiting for me longer!

1 How did the writer’s unlucky day start?

Who helped her start the car?

How long was she be late for seeing her friend in town?

Did her friend wait for her? How long had he waited?

Ngày đăng: 18/05/2021, 11:52

