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Application of water quality index wqi in assessing surface water quality in bac kan province vietnam

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY DANG CHAU GIANG APPLICATION OF WATER QUALITY INDEX (WQI) IN ASSESSING SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN BACKAN PROVINCE VIETNAM BACHELOR THESIS Study Mode : Full-time Major : Environmental Science and Management Faculty : Advanced Education Program Batch : 2014 - 2018 Thai Nguyen, 25/9/2018 DOCUMENTATION PAGE WITH ABSTRACT Degree program Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Full name DANG CHAU GIANG Student ID DTN1453120001 Thesis title Application of water quality index (WQI) in assessing surface water quality in Bac Kan province, Vietnam Supervisor MSc Nguyen Van Hieu Supervisor signature Abstract: Vietnam has a relatively dense network of rivers, but the rapid socio-economic development has led to many heavily polluted river basins Therefore, environmental protection in river basin has been attracted much attention in term of their urgent status This thesis used the Water Quality Index (WQI) to evaluate the surface water quality of large rivers and lakes in Bac Kan province which situated in the Northern part, Viet Nam in April and June, 2017 then compare the result of these two phase together to propose the solutions for integrated management of surface water resources of Bac Kan province toward sustainable development For calculating WQI, 10 parameters namely PH, BOD5 (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), DO (Dissolved Oxygen), TSS (Total Suspended Solids), Coliform, Ammonium-nitrogen (N-NH4+), Phosphorus (P-PO43-), Turbidity and Temperature (T℃) were considered It is apparent from WQI values that the overall surce water quality is relatively good, surface water quality in Bac Kan province in the second phase lower than that in the first phase The reason was that, in June 2017, rain occurred with high intensity, which eroded river bank, leading the soil was washed away into rivers and streams, making the content of TSS in surface water increased Keywords Water pollution, Water Quality Index (WQI) Number of pages 47 Date of submission 25/9/2018 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisors Msc Nguyen Van Hieu for their infinite guidance, patience, generous encouragement and supports to me to finish my work step by step I appreciated all the apportunities my advisor offered me by giving me intellectual freedom in my work, engaging me in new ideas, and demanding a high quality of work in all my endeavors Besides my advisors, I would like to thank to Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research (CSRSR) and Geo-Informatics Research Center (GIRC) of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF) for providing me all the necessary facilities and scientific knowledge to complete this thesis and my deep gratitude also goes to Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry which helps me gain to deep knowledge about Environmental science and Management I would be remiss if I did not thank to fellow labmates in CSRSR and GIRC for their kindness and help in training me and for many valuable advices that given to me whenever I get stuck with my research Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family for their unconditional love and support they gave me throughtout the research process Thai Nguyen, 25/09/2018 Student Dang Chau Giang ii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES iv LIST OF TABLE v LIST OF ABBREVIATION vi PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research rationale 1.2 Research objectives 1.3 Significance of study 1.4 Limitation of study PART II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Study area and water quality in the study area 2.1.1 Study area 2.1.2 Water quality in the study area .5 2.2 Overview of WQI .6 2.3 WQI construction method 2.3.1 Method to build WQI of some countries in the world 2.3.2 Method to build WQI in Vietnam PART III METHODS 10 3.1 Stages of research 10 3.2 Statistical methods and aggregation of secondary data .10 3.3 WQI calculation method 18 PART IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .22 4.1 Ban Kan hydrographic features .22 4.2 Evaluation of surface water quality in Bac Kan province 22 PART V CONCLUSION 32 5.1 Conclusion 44 5.2 Recommendation 45 REFERENCE .47 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Map of Study area (Source: Google Earth pro) .5 Figure Chart of BOD5 concentration in surface water stage in 2017 25 Figure Chart of COD levels in surface water stage in 2017 26 Figure Chart of TSS concentration in surface water stage in 2017 26 Figure Chart of BOD5 concentration in surface water phase compared with phase in 2017 36 Figure Chart of COD concentration in surface water phase compared to phase in 2017 36 Figure Chart of TSS levels in surface water phase compared to phase in 2017 37 iv LIST OF TABLES Table List of monitoring stations 11 Table Table regulated for qi, BPi values 19 Table Regulated BPi, qi values for DO% saturation 20 Table Table regulated BPi and qi values for pHtime 20 Table Water Quality Index (WQI) at Surface Water Surface Monitoring in Bac Kan province, phase in 2017 27 Table Water Quality Index (WQI) at surface water surface monitoring in Bac Kan province, phase in 2017 38 v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BTNMT: Ministry of natural resources and environment BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand BVMT: Environmental protection COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand CP: Government DO Dissolved Oxygen LVS: River Basin ND Decree QA: Quality assurance QC: Quality control QCCP: Permissible standards QCVN: Vietnamese Standards QD: Resolution TCVN: Vietnam standard TSS Total Suspended Solids TT: Town TTg: Prime Minister TTQTMT: Environmental Monitoring Center TW: Central government UBND: People's Committee WQI: Water Quality Index vi PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research rationale Currently, along with the development of the country towards Industrialization Modernization takes place strongly, the environment in general and the water environment in particular is greatly affected Spontaneous, unplanned activities such as uncontrolled logging, inadequate agricultural practices, and direct discharge into water bodies have resulted in polluted water, clean water shortages is becoming more serious than ever before in less rainy areas The water is used in the dry season with big quantity, especially the amount of water used for agriculture The total volume of water needed during the dry season in 2000 was 70.7 km3, accounting for 42.4% of total water that can be supply for the dry season (including river water, spring water, groundwater and water from the reservoirs) Moreover, in many areas and river basins, the amount of water needed can be several times the amount of water that can be supplied Vietnam is a developing country Although, receiving much attention from the government, still only 46-50% of urban population and 36-43% of rural population have access to clean water Many people in different regions also have to use water sources that not meet hygiene standards, resulting in a high proportion of the population is infected: 90% of rural women suffer from gynecological diseases, 95% of children infected with germs, worms etc Water pollution is the cause of the potential risk of diseases in the locality (VNCOLD 2014) Bac Kan is a mountainous province in the Northern part of Vietnam with mountain ranges in the Gam River arch and Ngan Son arc, so it is also home for dense network of rivers and streams flowing in many directions around Bac Kan has main rivers with a total length of 343 km, basin area of 3,935 km2, total water reserve of the river about 3,513 million m3, including rivers: Cau river, Yen river, Phat Dat river, Bac Giang River, Na Ri River, Hien River and Bang Khau River Bac Kan has more than 40 lead, zinc, gold and stone mining sites Due to poor management, most mines have no wastewater treatment system, so waste water in and after extraction are discharged directly into rivers and streams, causing the water in the mining areas seriously polluted ( In order to overcome the above difficulties, one or more indicator systems should be used to allow an integrated view of water quality in terms of physical and chemical indicators of water resources, evaluated on a uniform scale, understandable with common objects One of the indicator systems is the "Water Quality Index (WQI), which has the advantage of being simple, easy to understand, generalizable and can be used for the purpose of assessing the quality of water in space and time Beside of that, WQI is a good source of information for the community, for non-water professionals who were not in the field of water environment For the reasons mentioned above, I selected the topic "Application of WQI in assessing surface water quality in Bac Kan province, Vietnam” 1.2 Research objectives - Learn about the WQI and hydrographic features in Bac Kan province - Collection of documentary information: inherit the results available, collected, analyzed through reports, research topics, and reports on environmental impact assessment - Processing of raw data and through the WQI calculation and assessment of water quality for each river and stream in the Bac Kan city 1.3 Significance of study Study based on WQI parameters and WQI calculations on all observations in the province to assess the surface water quality in large rivers and lakes and to propose appropriate management measures 1.4 Limitation of study In this study, new monitoring and WQI values were obtained for the second round of 2017, which only compared the changes in environmental quality during the year, which could be compared with previous years to assess the changing water environment between years mg/l The average BOD5 value in stage was lower that that in the first stage by 0.52 mg/l The average COD value of stage was 8.9 mg/l, compared with the first stage; the second stage was 0.12 mg/l higher than the first stage The mean TSS of the second stage was 13.2 mg/l, compared with the mean TSS of the first stage; the TSS value of the second one was 3.4 mg/l higher than that in the first stage The average WQI of Ba Be Lake basin was 95.09 Compared to the average WQI of the first stage, the second round was 1.51 times lower than the first stage; Water quality in the first stage of the reservoir is better than the second one - Bac Giang river basin: The basin of Bac Giang river in 2017 is monitored at locations: NMNS1, NMNS4, NMNR1, NMNR2, NMNR3, NMNR4, NMNR4, and NMNR5 Water quality in Bac Giang province is good The values of monitoring parameters at all monitoring sites in the Bac Giang river basin in 2017 are within the permitted limits of QCVN (column B1) The average BOD5 value of the second stage was 9.59 mg/l, compared with the first batch, the average BOD5 value of the second batch was reduced by 0.74 mg / l The average COD value was 18.15 mg/l, compared to the first one, the average COD of the second one was lower by 0.45 mg / l 35 The mean TSS of the second stage was 31.5 mg/l Compared with the first stage, stage was 3.87 mg/l higher than stage The average water quality of the monitoring sites in the Bac Giang river basin phase is 86.37; Compared to the first round, the WQI fell by 1.36 The water quality of phase is better than phase in Bac Giang 25 20 15 10 BOD concetration of Observation BOD concetration of Observation National Technical Standard 08:2015/BTNMT (column B1) Figure Chart of BOD5 concentration in surface water phase compared with phase in 2017 40 30 20 10 COD concetration of Observation COD concetration of Observation National Technical Standard 08:2015/BTNMT (column B1) Figure Chart of COD concentration in surface water phase compared to phase in 2017 36 60 40 20 TSS concetration of Observation TSS concetration of Observation National Technical Standard 08:2015/BTNMT (column B1) Figure Chart of TSS levels in surface water phase compared to phase in 2017 37 Table Water Quality Index (WQI) at surface water surface monitoring in Bac Kan province, phase in 2017 (Report on environmental monitoring results of Bac Kan province-2017) STT Basin of rivers and lakes Monitoring point code WQI Expression Evaluation of water quality NMCĐ-6 Water in Cau bridge in Dong Vien commune 94,76 Blue Well used for water supply purposes NMBT-1 Water in Na Cu stream ( Cam Giang commune) 90,05 Blue Well used for water supply purposes NMBT-2 Water at Phu Thong stream 95,58 Blue Well used for water supply purposes NMBT-3 Stream water in Na Cu, Nguyen Phuc commune 93,1 Blue Well used for water supply purposes NMBT-4 Stream water in My Binh, My Thanh commune 97,99 Blue Well used for water supply purposes Cau River’s WaterNước (Duong Quang bridge) 94,77 Blue Well used for water supply purposes Water in Nam Cat stream 97,96 Blue Well used for water supply purposes Green It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures Cau rive basin Locations of monitoring point NMTX-1 NMTX-4 NMTX-5 Stream water in Nong Thuong 78,4 38 10 11 12 NMTX-6 NMTX-7 NMTX-8 NMCM-1 Pa Danh Stream water Stream water flow through Phung Chi Kiên and Đuc Xuan ward Water in Khuoi Cuong stream 78,43 Green 80,28 Green 89,4 Blue Cau river water in Nong Ha commune 80,86 Green 13 NMCM-2 Cau rive’s water in Thanh Binh commune 88,01 Green 14 NMCM-3 Cau rive’ water (My Yen bridge) 85,62 Green 15 NMCM-4 Cho Chu Spring Water (O Ga Bridge) 87,92 Green Cau river water at Tham temple Green NMCM-5 Quan water springs at bridge 84,48 62 Green NMCM-6 The average value Green 16 17 18 89,54 It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures Well used for water supply purposes It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but 39 19 Stream water flows into Boc Bo commune (at overflow bridge) 88,60 Green 19 NMPN-1 Stream water after flowing through Boc Bo commune 90,31 Green 20 NMPN-2 Nang River water in Boc Bo commune (Na Nghe village) 86,6 Green 21 NMPN-3 Na Phac stream (at Na Phac bridge) 85,96 Green NMNS-2 Cho Chu Spring Water (O Ga Bridge) 86 Green 23 NMBB-1 Water of Nang river at tin Don bridge (Cho Ra town) 82,73 Green 24 NMBB-2 25 NMBB-7 22 26 The Nang River Basin Basin of Ba Be NMCĐ-3 Water of Nang River at 82,53 Buoc Lom (wharf) Water of Ha Hieu River at Pac Cham suspension bridge 89,54 in Bach Trach commune Green Blue The average value 86,24 Green Quang Bach - Nam Cuong 88,02 Blue requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is good for use for water supply purposes It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is good to use for water supply 40 Lake Stream (Nam Cuong commune) Cho Lon spring water (Pac Ngoi suspension bridge) Ta Han stream (at Coc Toc village) purposes 95,44 Blue 96,58 Blue 27 NMBB-5 28 NMBB-6 29 NMBB-3 Ba Be Lake Water (Lake 1) 97,98 Blue 30 NMBB-4 Ba Be Lake water (Lake 3) 97,47 Blue The average value 95,09 Blue 93,71 Blue 91,8 Blue 89,57 Blue 95,15 Blue The average value 92,55 Blue NMNS-1 Van Tung stream water (Van Tung bridge) 90,61 Green NMNS-4 Thuan Mang Stream (Ban Giang Bridge) 87,91 Green 31 NMCĐ-1 32 NMCĐ-2 33 Pho Day River Basin 34 35 36 NMCĐ-5 NNCĐ-7 Bac Giang River Na Tum stream, Ngoc Phai commune Pho Day River (BinhTrung commune) Water of Pho Day River in Bang Lang commune (Tum To bridge) Water of Pho Day River (second branch) It is good for use for water supply purposes It is good for use for water supply purposes It is good for use for water supply purposes It is good for use for water supply purposes It is good for use for water supply purposes It is good for use for water supply purposes It is good for use for water supply purposes It is good for use for water supply purposes It is good for use for water supply purposes It is good for use for water supply purposes It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment 41 37 NMNR-1 Bac Giang river water (Luong Thuong commune) 79,59 Green 38 NMNR-2 Bac Giang river water (Tan An suspension bridge) 81,39 Green 39 NMNR-3 Bac Giang river water (Pac cap I dam) 82,8 Blue 40 NMNR-4 Water of Na Ri river (Pacn Cap II dam) 94,67 Green 41 NMNR-5 Bac Giang river water (Hat Deng bridge) 84,48 Blue 42 NMNR-6 Water of Na Ri River (Hao Nghia Bridge) 89,54 Green The average value 86,37 Green measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is good for use for water supply purposes It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is good for use for water supply purposes It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures It is used for water supply purposes but requires appropriate treatment measures 42 * Note: The WQI value corresponds to the water quality assessment as follows: WQI value 91 - 100 Color Blue Water quality assessment It is well used for water supply purposes It is used for water supply purposes but 76 - 90 green requires appropriate treatment measures 51 - 75 yellow Used for irrigation and other similar purposes Used for navigation and other similar 26 - 50 Orange purposes Heavy polluted water, need treatment - 25 red measures in the future 43 PART V CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion Results of monitoring parameters of surface water of monitoring stage in 2017 showed that the quality of surface water at most of the monitoring sites in BAC Kan province is generally good, most of the monitoring parameters are within the aallowed limit according to QCVN 08-MT: 2015 / BTNMT - Cau River Basin: Surface water quality in Cau river basin is relatively good According to the results of the WQI calculation, the average WQI of the monitoring points in stage was 88.6 Compared to the average WQI of stage 1, the average WQI of second round was lower by 1.04 - Nang River Basin: Surface water of the stage in 2017 is good The analytical parameters are within the allowable limits of the 08-MT standard: 2015 / BTNMT (column B1) The average WQI of the monitoring sites in the second stage of Nang river basin is 86.24 Compared to the average WQI of the first round, the average WQI of second round was 0.2 times higher than that in the first stage - Ba Be Lake Basin: Surface water quality in the Ba Be Lake basin is also very good All monitoring 44 parameters are much lower than allowed limits regulated by QCVN The average WQI of Ba Be Lake basin was 95.09 Compared to the average WQI of the first stage, the average WQI of stage was 1.51 times lower than that in the first round - Bac Giang river basin: Water quality in Bac Giang province is good The values of monitoring parameters at all monitoring sites in the Bac Giang River Basin in phase in 2017 are within the permitted limits of QCVN (column B1) The average water quality of the monitoring sites in the Bac Giang river basin phase is 86.37; Compared to the first round, the average WQI value fell by 1.36 5.2 Recommendation To maintain and protect surface water in Bac Kan province, some suggestions are given below: + It is recommended that people in the province should use tap water for food and drink If using drilled wells, digging wells, several pretreatment method are required such as settling, filtering, rinsing, boiling drinking to ensure hygiene; + Build a waste water collection and treatment system for Bac Kan city and district townships in the provincial capital so that waste water in central areas is effectively collected and treated, hinder the negative impacts to surface and ground 45 water quality + Continuing to develop the model of domestic waste generator for the communes and towns in the province so that waste is collected and processed effectively limiting the impact on the environment + Propagating people to live civilized lifestyle in residential build hygienic latrines + Having measures to collect and treat manure properly prior to fertilizer application 46 REFERENCE Report on environmental monitoring results of Bac Kan province (2017) Canada council of Ministry of the Environment (2001) Canadian water quality guidelines the protection of aquatic life – CCME WQI 1.10, Technical report Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (2002) Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Environment and Human Health Cude C.G Oregon (2011) WQI: A tool for Evaluating Water Quality Management Effectiveness Journal of the AWRA Development of a Soil quality index for the Chalmers Silty Clay Loam from the Midwest USA Grosvenor K (2007), Water Quality Index Https://vi.wikipedia.org/Bac_Kan Https://en.wikipedia.BacKanProvince Hoan Nguyen (2017) Ap dung phuong phap tinh toan chi so chat luong nuoc ket hop phan mem quan ly co so du lieu Moi truong nuoc mat tai tinh ben Tre Truong Dai hoc Cong nghiep thuc pham TP.HCM 10 King Country (2007) Water Quality Index for Stream and River 11 Listone, HA & Turoff M 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system Groundwater for Sustainable Development 18 US EPA, (1999) Guideline for reporting of daily Air Quality - Air Quality Index (AQI) EPA - 454/R-99-010 19 VNCOLD (2014) 48 APPENDICES ... Water Quality Index (WQI) at Surface Water Surface Monitoring in Bac Kan province, phase in 2017 27 Table Water Quality Index (WQI) at surface water surface monitoring in Bac Kan province, ... in 2017 26 Table Water Quality Index (WQI) at Surface Water Surface Monitoring in Bac Kan province, phase in 2017 (Report on environmental monitoring results of Bac Kan province- 2017) TT Basins... calculating water quality indicators * Evaluation of surface water quality in Bac Kan province (stage 1) - Cau River Basin: Cau River Basin is one of the main river basins in the province In 2017,

Ngày đăng: 17/05/2021, 09:55



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