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Environmental management in seaport case study in east coast of peninsular malaysia

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Tiêu đề Environmental Management in Seaport: Case Study in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Tác giả Rhonalyn Perez Agupo
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Jagan Jeevan, Dr. Duong Van Thao
Trường học Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry
Chuyên ngành Bachelor in Environmental Science and Management
Thể loại Bachelor thesis
Năm xuất bản 2017
Thành phố Thai Nguyen
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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY - - RHONALYN PEREZ AGUPO TOPIC TITLE: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN SEAPORT: CASE STUDY IN EAST COAST OF PENINSULAR MALAYSIA BACHELOR THESIS Study Mode Major : Full- time : Bachelor in Environmental Science and Management Faculty : International Programs Office Batch : 2013- 2017 Thai Nguyen, 2017 i ABSTRACT Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Student Name Rhonalyn Perez Agupo Student ID DTN1454290053 Thesis Title Environmental Management in Seaport: Case Study in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia Supervisor (s) Dr Jagan Jeevan; Dr Duong Van Thao Abstract: Environmental pollution has drastically changed the air, water and terrestrial ecosystems Seaport contribute significantly to the cause of pollution in the areas they are situated As maritime sector in Malaysia continues to grow and expand to facilitate global trade and maritime-related activities; it faces growing pressure and challenges to operate in an environmentally friendly manner The environmental issues generated by shipping activities where pollutants often pose negative externalities to natural habitats and as well to humans, have become an important research topic This paper aims to determine the environmental issues cause by shipping activities, due to the increasing environmental threats that may harm to local sea life and human health in nearby communities and to propose the approaches to reduce environmental issues in seaports at East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, which can be apply for all the environmental impacts that seaport activities generate Using quantitative research design, data was collected through survey questionnaire with personnel in seaports, transport operators, ministry/enforcement agencies and others such as engineers, department staffs etc in seaport at East Coast Peninsular, Malaysia Furthermore, the result of this research indicates that the list of environmental issues occurring in seaport and also the strategies can implemented to reducing environmental issues in seaports at East Coast of Peninsular, Malaysia including Kuantan, Kememan and Kertih Port seaports Number of Pages: Seaport; environmental issues; shipping activities; environmental strategies Sixty (60) pages Date of Submission: October, 2017 Keywords: ii DEDICATION First and foremost, praise and thanks to LORD GOD Almighty who has blessed us all with so much love, guidance, wisdom and strength through this whole journey I dedicate my research paper to my family and many friends A special feelings of gratitude to my loving parents, Roger and Librada Perez Agupo , my sister Lea Rose and my brother, Rico Yan for their support, encouragement, immeasurable understanding and love and most of all, prayers which never ceased I also dedicate this research paper to my many friends who have supported me throughout the process I will always appreciate all they have done, especially Nur Hafzan Afini and her family iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT This thesis would have not been completed without the valuable help of these people First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr Jagan Jeevan, for the generous assistance in conducting my research I am very grateful for his guidance, advises and encouraging words which became a big part of my writing process Especial thanks to my adviser, Dr Duong Van Thao for his assistance, advice and support Secondly, to the personnel at Kuantan, Kemaman and Kerteh Port for kindly sharing their knowledge to complete my research Their intelligent responses during the survey process really contributed much to the success of my research To my friend Michael, who have helped me in statistical analysis which is really useful in this thesis To my close friends, Rosette Princess R Dela Torre, John Maverick De Leon, Real Angelo, Tran Van Nam, Claude Marcel W Narito and Aldwin Centeno Cátillo for the moral support and for always remind me to be optimistic Thank you for the encouragement which helped me to get through in difficult times Special thanks to Nur Hafzan Afini and her family, for their thoughtful and help during my data collection I really appreciate your help If it was not because of them, I would have not been able to get my questionnaires answered To my beloved parents, who served as an inspiration for me to stay strong To my sister who encourages me while having my research It was a tough time, but I am really grateful for the priceless advises you have been giving me Above all, to the Almighty, for the guidance, strength and good health this enabled me to conduct this study It is solely because of the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding He blessed me with that I was able to finish this research Glory to GOD iv TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures………………………………………………….………………… vii List of Tables……………………………………………………………….……… viii List of Abbreviations……………………………………………………………… ix PART I: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………… 1.1 Introduction…………………….……………….…………………………… 1.2 Research Background …….…………………… …… …………………… 1.3 Problem Statement…… ………………… ………………… …………… 1.4 Objectives of the study………………………………………….……… …… 1.5 Research Questions…… ……….…………………………………… …… 1.6 Significance of the study…………………………… ………………………… 1.7 Research Methodology………………………… ….………………………… 1.8 Structure of the Research……………………………… …………………… 1.9 Limitation of the Research……………………………………… …………… PART II: LITERATURE REVIEW…………………… ………… ………… 2.1 Seaport Activities……………………………………… …… ………… 2.2 Seaport Pollution……………………………… …………… ……………… 11 2.2.1 Air Pollution in Seaport Territory….………………… …… …… 12 2.2.2 Water Pollution in Seaport Territory…………………… 14 2.2.3 Noise Pollution in Seaport Territory ………………………………… 16 2.3 Current Strategies to Overcome Environmental Issues in Seaport …… 20 2.4 Conclusion ………………………………………………….………………… 28 PART III: METHODOLOGY…………………………………………… 31 3.1 Materials……… ………………………………………………………… 31 3.2 Methods……… ………………………………………………………… 31 3.2.1 Research Design…………………………………………………… 31 3.2.2 Research Location…………………………………………………… 32 3.2.2 Data Collection……………………………………………………… 33 v Primary Data………………… ………………………… 34 Population and Sample………………………… 34 Research Instrument………………………… .35 3.2.3 Data Analysis……………………………………………… 35 3.3 Conclusion…………… …… ……………………………………………… 36 PART IV: RESULTS ……………………… 38 4.1 Demographic Analysis………………………………………………………… 38 4.2 Analysis and Interpreting Data………………………………………………… 40 4.2.1 Analysis of Environmental Issues in Seaports (Kemaman, Kertih ,Kuantan)……… …………………… …………… 40 4.2.2 Analysis of Environmental Issues in Seaport of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia ……… …….……………………… ………… 44 4.2.3 Analysis of Environmental Strategies can implement in Seaports (Kemaman, Kertih ,Kuantan) …………………………………………… 48 4.2.4 Analysis of Environmental Strategies can implement in Seaport of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia………….……………………………… 51 PART V: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ……………………………… 55 5.1 Discussion of the Analysis…………………… …………………………… 55 5.2 Summary of the Empirical Findings………………………………………… 56 5.3 Contribution of the Research………………… …………………… …… 58 5.4 Recommendation……………………………………………………….…… 59 REFERENCES …………………………………………………………….…… 60 APPENDICES…………………………………………………………… …… 65 vi LIST OF FIGURES TABLE NO TITLE PAGE Figure Seaports in Malaysia……………………………………… Figure Research Methodology Flowchart………………… …… 32 Figure Data Collection…………… ………………………………33 vii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO TITLE PAGE Table Summary of Environmental Issues in Seaport…………… 17 Table Summary of Strategies to Reduce Environments Issues is Seaport…………………………………….…… 24 Table Expected Respondents …… 35 Table Age of Respondents …… Table Working Experience of Respondents 39 Table Academic Qualification of Respondents 39 Table Organization of Respondents 40 Table Environmental issues in Kemaman Port 41 Table Environmental issues in Kertih Port 42 Table 10 Environmental issues in Kuantan Port 43 Table 11 Environmental issues in Seaport 47 Table 12 Strategy can be implemented in Kemaman Port to reduce 38 environmental issues 48 Table 13 Strategy can be implemented in Kertih Port to reduce Environmental issues 49 Table 14 Strategy can be implemented in Kuantan Port to reduce Environmental issues 50 Table15 Strategy can be implemented in East Coast Seaport of Peninsular Malaysia to reduce environmental issues ………53 viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CO - Carbon Monoxide CO2 - Carbon Dioxide CFC - Chlorofluorocarbons EMAS - Eco- management Scheme and Adult Scheme EMS - Environmental Management System ESPO - European Sea Ports Organisation GHG - Greenhouse gas H0 - Null hypothesis IMO - International Maritime Organization MARPOL - (Marine Pollution) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships MARPOL 73/78- International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 MS Excel - Microsoft Excel NOx - Nitrogen Oxides OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PERS - Port Environmental Review System PM - Particulate Matter SECA - Sulphur Emission Control Area SDM - Self- diagnosis Method Sox - Sulphur Oxides SOSEA - Strategic Overview of Environmental Aspects SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Science UCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development VOC - Volatile organic compounds ix PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The pollution of air, land and water in many ways are what so called environmental pollution There are several reasons for environmental pollution, such as from agriculture, industry, and urban sources (Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution, 2007) Environmental pollution has drastically changed the air, water and terrestrial ecosystems Seaport contribute significantly to the cause of pollution in the areas they are situated (Fartoosi, 2013) The increasing transnational shipping has been due to large increase in international trade (OECD, 2014) In orderly to handle this expansion in maritime transport, seaports have to enlarge their areas and improve berthing However, this rise in maritime activity is also responsible for increased levels of air, water and noise pollution (Heijst, 2012) The marine environment is being ceaselessly stacked with synthetic toxins from anthropogenic sources (European Commission of Environment, 2016) In late decades, anthropogenic sources, for example, land-based industrial activities, transportation, urban and modern activities, have brought disturbing groupings of heavy metals and natural material in sea-going ranges These synthetic contaminations can bring about destructive impacts on both marine living beings and human population (Tavakoly Sany et al., 2013) Indeed, shipping operations interact with the environment in many ways, either accidentally or intentionally Such interactions are not only generating substantial damages to natural habitats, but also affecting economic activities, especially along coastlines with a concentration of maritime-related economic activities such as seaports (Ng and Song, 2010) articles like Gao (2009), Heijst (2012) Akamangwa (2013) Acciaro (2014) Merk (2014) and Vleguel and Bal (2015) Both sea vessels and means of transport used in the hinterland are a major source of pollution Dust is commonly appears in seaport because of the dirt that shipping activities produce based from result is also stated from Stayanov (2012) findings Seaport operation is a considerable burden for port cities inhabitants, therefore many ports have started implementation of solutions aimed at reducing shipping externalities The examples presented in this study show the multi-faceted approach of port authorities and organization for sustainable environment in seaport Furthermore, the environmental strategies indicates in questionnaire are proven as effective hence, the respondents mainly support the Environmental Management Systems (EMS), EcoManagement Scheme and Audit Scheme (EMAS) and ECA (Emission Control Area) which also have proven as an effective strategies according to many researchers these are also indicated in literature These strategies are been implement in different seaport in the world, like ECA that has been introduced to all European seaports to reduce air pollution this was stated in Brattisteli (2011) ECA also has been implemented in North America and US Carribean last January 2016 for more stringent in NOx regulations which also dedicated to reduce air pollution from Merk (2014) findings Actions are necessary to produce financial and time costs, but due to these actions cost savings in the form of learning and increased, efficiency can be achieved 5.3 CONTRIBUTION OF THE RESEARCH This research has studied environmental issues and environmental strategies The major contributions of this study are it determines the current environmental issues in 58 seaport of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia Furthermore, this study also propose some significant environmental strategies that can be implemented in seaports to minimize the cause of environmental impacts that seaport activities generated that may harm to local sea life and human health in nearby communities In addition, it provides references for developing more sustainable seaport 5.4 RECOMMENDATION Pollutants generated by routine shipping operations can lead to both natural damages and economic losses in over time This might also cause far more negative externalities pollutions generated by shipping activities Based on the research that have done, the study recommends some strategies like a set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce environmental issues in seaport and also these can be introduce as an effective environmental strategies in seaport at East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia Nowadays, global environmental changes such as climate change, global warming, and different types of pollution, ozone depletion, and biodiversity lost 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Ngày đăng: 16/05/2021, 11:47