FCE Test Builder là một trong những quyển sách để bạn tham khảo ôn thi trình độ B2 và C1. Sách được viết bởi Mark Harrison xuất bản năm 2008. Nội dung của sách là 4 bài TEST nhằm mục đích giúp bạn ôn luyện để sẵn sàng tham gia bài thi. Sách có kèm theo đáp án cho các bài test và điều đặc biệt là bạn sẽ được giải thích trong các đáp án tại sao bạn lại chọn đúng, tại sao bạn lại chọn sai. Sách bao gồm có file audio đi kèm. Audio 1 cho test 1+2: http:www.mediafire.comfile1dlw1l8c0rfjv7eFCE_TestbuilderCD_1tests_12.rarfile Audio cho Test 3+4: http:www.mediafire.comfilelfe16ec5q2746lwFCE_TestbuilderCD_2tests_34.rarfile
FCE Testbuilder Mark Harrison ~ MACMILLAN ~facmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP A d ivision of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and rep resentatives throug hout the world ISBN 9780230727861 (+key) ISBN 9780230727878 (· key) Text © Mark Harrison 2010 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010 First publi5hed 2010 All rights reserved ; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers Original design by eMC Design Ltd Page make-up by by xen Illustrated by Ben Swift and xen · Co,·er d esign by jim Evoy The publishers would like to thank Karen Harris, Director ol Studies, East Finchley School of English and the following students for writing Sample Answers: Test 1, Part ! letter, Caroline Marie Hafele; Test 2, Part letter, Luciane Lupeti eves; Part essay, Erdem Kili~; Part review, Zuzana Svitelova; Test 3, Part report, Mitsuko Oda; Part story, Vlatka Cesnik; Part article, Chris Cook We would also like to thank Louise Tester and Sarah Dymond The author and publishers would like to thank the followin g fo r permission to reproduce their photographic material: Alamy/ Gianni Mura tore pl21(tl), Alamy / Stockshot p127(tr); Corbis/ David Bergman pl22(br), Corbis/ Fabio Cardoso p121(tr), Corbis/ Robert Harding World Imagery pl27(br), Corbis/ Ariel Skelley p 123(bl), Corb is/ Hein van den Heuvel p122(tc), Corbis/ Yang Liu pl22(tr); Getty/ Getty Images pp123(tl), 123(br), Getty/ Bongarts p125(tl), Getty/ Daly & Newton p125(tr), Getty/ FilmMagic p125(br), Getty I Joos Mind p122(tl), Getty I Ed Pritchard p123(tr), Getty / Red ferns p127(tl), Getty/ Ken Wramton p l22(bl); Jup iter Images/ p122(cl); Ph otoalto/ p127(bl); Photolib rary/ Image Source p121 (br), Photolibrary I lmagestate RM pl22(cr); Punchstock/ Digital Vision p121(bl); Rex Features/ Ken McKay p125(bl) The author and publishers are gratefu l for permission to reprint the following copyright material: Adapted material from article: 'G race Darling' by Sue Wilkes, copyright © Sue Wilkes 2008, first published in Aquila Magazine july I August 2008, www.aquila.co.uk, reprinted with permission; Adapted material from article: 'Meet tile Curator' by Lisette Petrie, copyright © Lisette Petrie 2008, first published in Aquila Magazine 12/05/08, www.aquila.co.uk, reprinted with permission; Ad apted material from article: 'Life 011 a Reservation' by Godfrey Hall, copyright e Godfrey Hall 2008, first published in Aquila Magazine 09/02/08, www.aquila.co.uk, reprinted with permission; Adapted material from 'Backache generation' by jenny Hope, copyright © jenny Hope, first appeared in The Daily Mail 05/ 06/ 08, reprinted by permission o f the publisher; Adapted material from 'Wales lras tire hardest accent' - The Big Interview - The Piers Morgan In terview Emma Roberts, first appeared in First :>Jews, copyright © First News, Issue 118, 1521Aug 2008, reprinted by permission of the publisher; Adapted material from publication 'Love me Tender: The stories behind tire world's best-lot'