Mot ngay no,tinh co toi di ngang qua thanh pho Ho Chi Minh,toi chot nghe lai bai hat than quen cua ngay nao,bai hat ma toi da yeu men mot thoi..Que huong..luc ay trong long toi chot mie[r]
(1)Mot no,tinh co toi di ngang qua Ho Chi Minh,toi chot nghe lai bai hat than quen cua nao,bai hat ma toi da yeu men mot thoi Que huong luc ay long toi chot mien man mot noi buon khong the ta xiet.Toi biet xa que cung mang mot noi buon nhu the Doi voi toi hai tieng"que huong" nghe ma than thuong va dang nho biet bao!Hai tieng ay luc nao cung hien len tam tri cua toi.Toi tham hua voi long se co gang va co gang that nhieu hon nua de xung dang voi gia dinh,voi que huong dat nuoc,noi da nuoi toi khon lon nen
"Que huong oi,ta nho mai ten nguoi Noi phuong troi ,dat la dau xa xoi Khi hanh trang ta mang day noi nho
Buoc phong tran nao co hay Khi noi nho da dong day anh mat
Khi tinh thuong chan chua long Khi buoc doc hanh ta da di qua
Oi,ki niem va tuoi tho Da hien ve ki uc tim ta
De hanh phuc nuoi tinh thuong lon mai
->One day, I accidentally passed by Ho Chi Minh, I heard the song's familiar day, songs I have loved Que huong a time I came at that time in the long mien sadness a man can not know who we xiet.Toi rod also carries a distant sadness like that for me the words "homeland" to hear that so dear and missed so much! Two hours ay
always show up In the minds of participating promised me.I will try and try harder deserve more for families, homeland, said raised so people I grew up.
"Que huong oi, we remember names Phuong troi said, a sign dat far When we bring baggage wire vine Does anyone have a step or style tran When told of his grape skin dong mat day
When the love of god chan
When I walked alone through the skin cell Oi, childhood memories and