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Practice Test l 醱 Track, M: Hi, -'m here to _ _ _ W: You _ to Ms iasinsky M: Oh, which one is she? Is she the one _ _ _ _? W: No, that's Ms Jenson Ms iasinsky has _, _ _ She's M: You mean the one ? W: Yes, ‘ 蔘 Track 。 M: OK, everyone Let's start with _ First, _ a little wider than and look up Stretch Raise your body _ _ _ _ Make sure that you Don't move your feet, and for a while 略 Track, W: I'm so - _ today! At six o'clock, _ my little brother to _ ―· Then - have to go to _ _ _ After that, - _ _ _ _ the B Ut - have to remember to _ _ _ before I leave at six Then tonight, - can _ _ _ _ with my friend Dictation Book OTrack W: This weekend - am going to _ I'm I can find a - an apartment I also need an apartment that I don't want to _ _ if _ Many small pets _ 驪 Track W: I can't believe - really studied hard - studying - knew all the answers It I wonder I can't believe She - am glad the teacher is g이 ng to who received low grades _ ag 레 n OTrack 12 W M W M Marsha's It was fun Oh, nol _ It my shoelace and the table W: _ M: _ _ But - just I felt about it? ,,。。,。。。 Te,, W Track 16 M the park Hey, Tom! Do you _ go to Sorry, - can't _ W M with my family - thought _ _ _! We were going to, but _ _ _ _ _ WM Well, I guess -'" have to _ _ _, then Sorry Maybe we _ _ - ―· Track 17 _- Oh, no 니 MW M _ _, John? - 沁rgot - _ _ _ a _ _ _ and some salsa- W: Oh, M: Yes, W: We I-, - Marsha _ bring food? _ was supposed to _ _ bring something! It looks like there's _ - everybody 뺘 Track 18 M: even though Gills ? They oxygen out of the water Air actually has than water However, a fish's gills cave in ○『 the water Therefore, (fish cannot breathe in the air.) Dictation Book 」 謳 Track 19 ICome to Charlie's M: There is a party, and _ , and enjoy a new kind of A _ _ will play Come and enjoy _ in town - _ our food And you'll love , too! Come to Charlie's for ㅣ W:M W: : WM :: 】 죤 Track 21 _ _ _ -n scho 이 yesterday, Victor? Oh건 was But my little brother _ He _ else Then why _ OK, - was there My parents - ―· 】 轍 Track 22 W: The Greeks a Orpheus He Eurydice But Eurydice and died Orpheus He so beautifully that Hades, let Eurydice go But when Orpheus she ,,。 13 ctice ,。,, 뀀 OTrack 26 W: You M: Yes, I _ _ _ something _ , and I'm _ _ W: Do you think you _ _ _ _ _? M: _ I noticed it after I left the restaurant W: You should to the restaurant Maybe M: 14 OTrack 28 to W: Jason, can you go? M: Sure, but W:I my friend, Sarah She's M: Oh, is she the guitar? and I think W: Yeah So I her M: (-' get my keys and meet you out by my car.) 15 OTrack 30 But he doesn't show M: Jeremy He's afraid his friends He his parents _ He thinks his father w say that But he spends working on it One day, his work He's really _ Dictation Book 。 하 Pract ce Test -솔---緇 OTrack 31 M W M Sarah I'm sure _ _ _ _ She's really nice WM Is she the girl at the table? No, Sarah has , , hai W Oh, - think _ -, right? Yes, that's her Let's _ She's She's _ , and I'll ④ Track 34 W: - leave tomorrow B Ut - At three, I take the dog to _ Before - take her, - have to At five, I need to _ After I and - 莽 Track 36 M: - and balloons W: Great! M: M:W: We're W: Ihavea You I'll try to be there , right? What time? at two I'm not sure after two _ _ t Track 38 in the sun M: Many people know B Ut It can you to our the sun There are many reasons is good for you For one, _ Also, there is a in how one feels W: M:M:W: W: Track 39 I'm hungry, Tim What - want How about you? Italian sounds good, but I'm _ _ _ _ Let's eat Mexican food Yeah 건 So M: Yeah, 盼 Track 41 _ that _ _ _ _ _ La Casa Restaurant? and says, M: When l '' what you do? It's _ First, _ _ _ how to _ _, but look the one complimenting you _ _ _ After _ _ _ , you _ , "Thank you.I' _ _ _ _ But _ and _ Dictation Book OTrack 43 M:W: W: Hi - Deborah Smith All right, Mrs Smith Let me for you Thanks I reserved right? M: - have you W: bed Do you a king-sized _ No, Thank you M: room 211 , which is and It's just ' Track 46 for some ice W: Hi, Mark Would you like to cream? M: No, I'm sorry - _ _ M:W: W: Oh on Tuesdays band practice Actually, on Wednesdays, You're ! Well, for Friday night? M: - don't have plans I'd be then OTrack 49 W: an event is Dome's ! This weekend Come see why Dome has Fun popular flip flops _ And don't miss the and for w이I be the store on this weekend only! 칙 ”】 눠// F 『。 ctice Test ㅡ w: 】 驪 Track 51 this weekend, Tim? Can you _ I'm g 이 ng No, I'm sorry MW:M But you _ _ _ the football game _ _ W M Yes, but - _ Then why is your name _ _ _ _? I'm - _ _ it's _ _ 11 OTrack 52 the rich W: Robin Hood Robin Hood was, therefore, , had _ poor people But people, because Robin Hood was _ ' He was and those who because OTrack 54 W: - think I'm M: But contacts _ _ my glasses and _ _ _ 이 asses W: Yes, they _ _ _ _, but they're _ _ M: Oh, so contacts _ _? W: Yes They would be great - - - ―· M: - guess contacts may be _ _ _ _ _, Dictation Book 】 緞 Track 55 W: Tom was _ _ _ He - - -, and his He always wanted to be _ _ _ _ of his classes One day, his teacher on her desk Tom wanted to _ _ he had _ on the test, so he _ _ her grade book She and was _ _ _ him She his test grade W: WM :: WM :: I 준 Track 56 Ugh This steak is What's ? Is it It성 No, it's There's a tough steak I know This restaurant Let's We 】 嚥 Track 60 M: Sarah is she 눙 She for , and she on weekends In her , Sarah is always for others Sometimes, she because she is needs She Z0 other people's OTrack 281 W: that inside a for you There are that can , However, caffeine these chemicals It things the brain OTrack 282 W: How's M: Oh, , Sam? 「m _ - just W: M: - mean 건 just W: about it M: I'm 층 Track 283 M: Ma'am, your _, though so it's _ W: Oh, excellent, - ―· a lot M: Well, we had in the shop I used W: I'm sure my parents will love them M: 48 Have a great time p 『。 ctice Test 】 OTrack 284 to W: All right, you W: what It M: Yeah, Excellent Remember, M: I know _ _ my file folder and tomorrow W: Sounds good, 】 if you have 轍 Track 285 M: This is my hands or We always Then we and begin between - when they _ Some of the are really 】 OTrack 289 to be able to W: _? With the Caf 츤 Bar, you can right _ now that The Caf슨Bar and It so you can on _ _ Try the Caf 슨 Bar today! Dictation Book 49 13MW : M : :W: 』 rack 294 Hey, June, this afternoon? in my car to it? Oh? Why don't you Well, it's a lot just M: Yeah, but your car 14 釀 Track 295 M: so he Tim really His mother a few months because his But , so _ Two months later, He was , but his new computec anyway `5 蠱 Track 300 W: Ryan _ and He doesn't want to He's been thinking about when he , though He _ , but it was He wants to get a pet but _ than a dog 50 Practi 咨 M:W: M WM W 。。 Test 썹 Track 301 - love this lamp the bed I'd like to Well, there's True Well, what about The desk has for I' O rr 尺 2.W M Track 304 a nice Do you have W M: , but - don't want the one one and All right W: They're The ones shaped like circles are nice - think one Dictation Book 51 驪 ·Track 308 when M: Do you th n k ? Some people But sweating is a for _ It's good to sweat a week _, your body and that 移` Track 311 W: Leonardo Da Vinci was a He was also a ? He 副 so Did you know that _ painted But he that he For example, His alarm clock to mTrack 314 M: My father's is _ nice W: Sure, no problem What you _ M: Somewhere He's the country 52 -n the the Bahamas M: ? But I don't want him to W: , - want to _ 괘 ■■ P 『 。 ctice 離 Track 315 M: This is a of Farmers It It is used in People use it _ and in It is also used in From , this is 終숩 Track 316 M Wow, W ? I love it Yes, M W Can - Sure, but _ M:W: It's OK I have a Well, 夔 瀨鶴 Track 317 W , Sam? Am - late? M No, Thanks for on this project WM W M Well, back by the Sounds good And - so we can Dictation Book 53 蠱 Track 319 W: Duran Airlines this week o미y- the country Duran has planes are that In _ just ninety-nine dollars and Our You _ So today! 10 OTrack 322 W: is an of our lives It is , and it makes B Ut salt was In fact, it was is today not with money They were 】 M: 죤 Track 323 , but I'm Hi, Janice Pete here - saw you to and - the play soccer at the game this Saturday But Mark is going to if you Thanks 54 Mark 1 Practice U WM : :W: 柳 Track 324 !'" But you last year And , too because - Well, - now And it's M: But you're , too W: You're right 】 층 Track 325 W: Jenny _ about but She She on but was all of One day, the and 】 0Track 326 M: I'm keeping my desk clean How you W: Well, in them and M: Do you keep here W: Yes, and like Dictation Book 55 】 OTrack 330 피/ : James today He _ He But this morning, he He's and he can wants to He reaHy James the test because But he's worried he's It 56 Practice Test 」 莽 Track 332 W: Did you M: No, ? ? They're _ at 75 percent off? W: Yes, but you have to be _ M: ? W: _ peo 이 e it's _ _ Apple Drive and Barbara Street M: - know exactly _ Let's _ ⑩ Track 333 M: I want to before, but - - I've have all of my favorite players It is so hard to and with a good seat, though I'm happy that - Dictation Book 57 驪「Track 335 W: In Are you M: Yes, I am I want a The place four people W: Yeah, you need a nice house Are you M: We We before W: Well, good luck - hope you W: 계, OTrack 336 Wil- you be tonight? _ M: Oh, that's right Today is Monday - W: make it to M: - don't know My brother has W: Well, we will have a meeting M: OK, mTrack 338 M: Going to the movies First, you You wil- probably at or a want to buy To untH you can _ _ Then you can home 58 _, you It's at ,,。。,。。。,。, , '1 더 ' OTrack 341 M: Most tell a re Howeve these peo 이 e _ have They use them _ comic books and , as well Some people comic books to Now, comic books because some have become more popular 7·W Track 344 M D이 reaHy have to _ _ next week we'll W M Yes, that's Yeah, I guess you're right W It's OK now Yeah, the Wildcats _ M: Well, if you like that, - W: 8。 Track 345 here because it's to watch, or 히 d are co 히, and it The too There are and while Dictation Book 59 OTrack 346 M:W: W: Hi, John, M: Where are you going? I'm Do you today - can't, sorry I'm actually W: Oh Who are you next week M: My family _ '0 mTrack 347 \iV: It's nice to and Yeah, it's _ MW Which painting _ M - love W: you? I like that _ Isn't that great? ? are my favorite What about over there And I like the , too M: That of It's 1` 飇 Track 349 W: This week, _ _ On Monday, we French fries or rice will have Need for or a soda for Come by and with card this week and 60 P 『 。 ctice 】 OTrack 352 W: are one of in the and other They animals very _ They They're also _ by these sounds of these sounds 】 OTrack 355 M: When you it is best what Sometimes, you may want to so you and that you don't know _ _ , you will If you everything 14 DTrack 356 M: Hi, Sarah, 뀌/ : I ? think There's M: Oh, no Did you ask the neighbors : It M: Yes, and M: at night You M: You're right a police officer now Dictation Book 61 】 蠱 Track 360 W: Jean and AHy for many years , they haven't been been saying _ She also Jean or when she calls Jean why Ally She doesn't want to 62 Ally has about Jean ... ,,。。,,。。,。, ,4 10 轉·Track 11 1 W: to W: Why last night, Amanda? - had to M: a concert We , Marissa said W: No, M: you have on to play, and I W: OK, OK, I went! But they 11 OTrack 11 2 W: There can... eTrack 18 6 Dr Smith on the 13 th, but - W: M: What about W: No, I'll M Thursday evening Dr Smith has a W M Do you have _ Yes, and - at 11 o'clock Dictation Book 31 p 『 。 ctice Test 7 죤 ·Track 19 4... W: 』 Track 12 6 Hi, Richard Do you want to Sure! is there at one? Well, M: No, that my favorite TV show 12 30! W: OK We can go in the morning M: at 10 :30, Dictation Book 21 驪’Track 12 7 W: Hi 』

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2021, 14:10