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Tài liệu hạn chế xem trước, để xem đầy đủ mời bạn chọn Tải xuống


Nội dung

-Asks students to listen and read the dialogue then find out the reported questions. Then compare with the direct questions in the list. Some. students answer these questions in front [r]


Phòng giáo dục đào tạo huyện chí linh Trờng thcs đỏ


Giáo án giảng dạy

Bộ môn tiếng anh

Lớp 8

Họ tên giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Lan Hơng

Dạy lớp : 8B, 8C, 8E

Tổ chuyên môn :

khoa học xà hội

Năm häc 2008 - 2009

Phòng giáo dục đào tạo huyện chí linh Trờng thcs đỏ


Giáo án giảng dạy

Bộ môn tiếng anh

Lớp 9

Họ tên giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Lan Hơng

Dạy lớp : 9A, 9B, 9C

Tổ chuyên môn :

khoa học xà hội

Năm học 2008 - 2009

Date of plan: 16/10/2008 Date of teaching:………


Period 25 - unit 4: our past

Lesson - Language Focus

I objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practise further the past simple, prep of time and used to

III materials

Lesson plan, textbook, workbook , extraboard

IV work arrangements

Pairwork, individually



1 Warm up:

- Total of 8B : 8C : 8E: * Matching:

- Asks Ss to find out the past form of these verbs by doing the matching: (LF 1)

1 run fly go ride take have come be 10 eat 11 sit a went b had c took d ran e sat f flew g did h ate i rode j came k was / were

- T gets feed back and corrects : 1-d, 2-f, 3-a, 4-g, 5-i, 6-c, 7-b, 8-j, 9-k, 10- h, 11- e

Practice Language Focus 2 - Sets the scene: These Ss are asking and answering about their yesterday activities - Asks Ss to complete the dialogues, using Past Simple

- Gets feed back and corrects:

a Did you eat rice for lunch? b I rode a bicycle to school. c Where were you yesterday? d I had Math lesson.

Practice Language Focus 3:

- Asks Ss to remind the uses of the preposition of time, for example:

+ in January (month / year) + on Monday (date)

+ at a.m (time)

+ between am and am (from…to) + after > < before

-T gets feed back and corrects : b in , c between , d at - after, e before

Practice Language Focus 4:

- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue, using " used to + inf…" Helps Ss run through all the pictures and verbs in the text book

- Gets feed back and corrects:

1 used to have 2 used to be 3 used to live


* Deliberate mistakes (on poster):

1 I usually stay at home in Sunday She goes to school yesterday

3 They used to having classes in the afternoons He was born in November 1st

5 Did you used to get up late? - Gets feed back and corrects:

1.in-> on, 2.goes-> went, 3.having->have, 4.in-> on, used -> use.

6 Home work:

-Redo all the exercises into the notebook - Prepare next lesson Unit Lesson - Getting

- Monitor answers

- Group work (discussion)

- Individual ( write on the board) - Ss - Ss (correction)

-Whole class

Repeat the form and examples of past form of verbs : V-ed or V-2

-Pairwork ( discuss in closed pairs and then practice in open pairs) S1: Did you eat rice for lunch? S2: No, I ate noodles

S1: How did you get to school? S2: I rode a bike to school S1: Where were you yesterday? S2: I was at home

S1: Which subject did you have yesterday?

S2: I had Math -T - Ss (review)

- Individual (do the exercise)

- T- Ss (remind the form and uses of "used to + inf…" )

Pairwork exchange

S1: (Nga) Where is this? It isn't Ha Noi

S2: (Hoa) No, it's Hue I used to stay there

- Individual (do the Ex) - Pairs (share the keys)

-Individual ( give out the keys)


started & Listen and read

Date of teaching:………

Period 26:


Lesson 1- Getting started -Listen and read

I objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get used to practising reported speech and give simple advice

III Materials:

- CD disk, cassette, extraboard, wordcues

IV Work arrangements

Pairwork, group work, individual, team work

V procedure

Teacher's activities Students' activities

1 Warm up :

- Total of 8B: 8C: 8E: *Getting started (Chatting):

1 What subject are you good at?/ bat at? 2.What subject you like best?

3.How many subjects you learn at school? How often you have Math/ English / …? 2 Presentation

- Set the scene (Shows the picture and introduces): This is Tim and his Mom They are talking about Tim's report card.

a Pre teach vocabulary: - T elicits new words from Ss: + (to) promise (v) (explanation): høa

+ a report card (n) (example): phiÕu b¸o kq häc tËp + (to) improve (v) (review): c¶i thiƯn, trau dåi + (to) be proud of (example): tù hµo vỊ…

+ (to) try one's best (translation): cè g¾ng hÕt søc + a semester (n)(example) : häc kì

+ excellent (adj) (antonym): xuất sắc, tuyệt vời  Checks by What and Where b Model sentences:

- T elicits new model sentences from Ss:

Miss Jackson said you should work harder on your

- Monitor answers - T- Ss

(Listen to the teacher and answer the questions.)


- T-WC (practice vocab) + Choral repetition + Individual repetition + Record

Individually - T - WC


Spanish pronunciation

She asked me to give you this dictionnary - T asks Ss to find out the form and uses of reported advice/ command…:

* Form: S1 + said (that) + S2 + should + inf… S + tell /told + sb + (not) to + Inf…

ask / asked advise / advised invite / invited order / ordered

* Uses: - To report a speech or an advice / command

c T/F statements prediction (a-f Page 47) - T writes out what Ss guess

3 Practice

a Practice the dialogue with your partner.

- Plays and controls the cassette and asks Ss to look at the text book and listen to the tape

- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs and then check their predictions

- Goes round the class helps Ss if necessary and check Ss' pronunciation

- Gets feed back and corrects

b Answer the questions.

- T asks Ss to read the dialogue again, then practice asking and answering the questions

- Checks by playing "lucky numbers": 1-q b 2- q d 3- LN 4- qa 5-qc 6- LN 7- qe

- Gets feed back and corrects

4 Production

-Asks Ss to rewrite the following sentences using reported speech

a) Tim's mother said "I'm proud of you." b) She advised Tim "Don't worry"

c) She said "there's one thing you need to improve."

- Gets feed back and corrects 5.Homework

-Learn by heart the vocabulary, model sentences -Do exercise 1,2 in workbook

-Prepare next lesson: Speak and listen

find out the form and uses of reported speech.)

- Individual (copy)

- T- Ss

- Pair work ( closed- open pairs) - Ss - Ss (Check the prediction): a) F - Jim was at home

b) T

c) F - good/ exellent d) T

e) F - Spanish pronunciation f) T

- Pair work ( closed- open pairs) - - Team work (Read the dialogue again then answer )

a) Miss Jackson is Tim's teacher

b) Miss Jackson gave Tim's mother his report card c) Tim studied very well this

semester/ He worked very hard this semester

d) Miss Jackson said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation e) She gave him a dictionary - Work individually

a) Tim's mother said she was proud of him

b) She advised Tim not to worry c) She said there was one thing he

needed to improve


Date of teaching:………

Period 27:

unit : Study habits

Lesson - Speak and listen

I objectives

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their study habits and listen for specific information to fill in a report card

II materials

- Extra board , stereo, CD disk, text book

III work arrangements

- Pairwork, individually, whole class ,group work

v Procedure

Teacher's activities students' activities 1 Warm up :

- Total of 8B: 8C: 8E: * Brainstorming:

- Asks Ss to write out their ideas about improving their English :

- Monitors and corrects the mistakes

* speaking 1 Pre- speaking:

- Helps Ss build a mapped - dialogue:

Lan Nam

-When you your [homework] ?

(after school.)

- Who help you with your [homework] ? (my mom)

- How much time you spend on your [homework] ? (3 hours a day.)

- Which subject you need to improve?


- What you to improve your


(do a lot of exercises.)

-> (After dinner) And you?

-> (my brother) And you?

-> (4 hours a day) And you?

-> (English) And you? -> (speak E with my friends) And you?

- Asks Ss to remind the names of some subjects at

- Monitor answers

- Group work (discussion)

- Individual ( Ss from two groups go to the board to write out.)

- T- T - T- half - Half - half - Ss - Ss

- Pairs (closed - open pairs) Eg: S1: When you your homework?

S2: I my homework after school

- Ss copy Learn E songs improve your How to

English Listen E

on radio

Study words a day Watch E on TV Speak E to


Read English story


school: Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Literature, English, Physical



While speaking:

- Asks Ss to make a survey in groups of or Ss:

Questions Nam Nga Hoa

1.When you your homework?

2.Who help you with your homework?

3.How much time you spend on these subjects: Math, Vietnamese, History, English, etc.? 4.Which subject you

need to improve? 5.What you to

improve your English?

after school … after dinner … late at night …

 Talk about your friends

- Asks Ss to look at the survey and talk about friends using reported speech

- Listens and corrects the mistakes

3 Post- speaking: * Write it up:

- Asks Ss to use the survey and write about one of their friends they have inteviewed

- Goes round and corrects the mistakes

* listening

1 Pre- listening:

Set the scene:

We are going to listen a coversation between Mrs Chen and Miss Blake They were talking about the study of Sarah Chen.

a Vocabulary:

+ a behavior (n) (explanation) : hành vi + a participation (n) (trans) : tham gia + (un)satisfactory (n) (ex) : (không) thoả mãn + co-operation (n) (explanation) : hợp tác + attendance (n) (translation) : có mặt + a signature (n) (relia): chữ kí + (to) appreciate (n) (explanation): đánh giá * Check: Rub Out and Remmember

b.Open Prediction:

- Asks Ss to look at Sarah's report and predict the missing information

- Writes on the board what Ss guess

2.While - listening

a Checking predictions:

- Plays the tape twice or three times

- Asks Ss to listen to the tape and check their predictions

- Then asks them to compare the answers with their partners

- Gets feed back and corrects: 1) Days present: 87 days 2) Days absent: days

- Group work of or Ss

(Asking and answering the questions in mapped- dialogue and then take notes into a paper like the model on poster.)

Work individually

Nam said he did his homework after school His parents usually helped him with his homework

Listen to the teacher - Individual

- T - WC

- Choral repetition - Individual repetition - Record

- Individually

- T - WC - T - Ss

- Individual (Listen carefully) - Pairs (Check up the prediction, compare with the partners and give out the keys)


3) Behavior - participation: S 4) Listening: C

5) Speaking: A 6) Reading: A 7) Writing: B

8) Teacher's signature: Miss Blake

b.Comprehension questions

- Asks Ss to answer some questions about Sarah's report card

1 Who were Sarah's parents?

2 What was Sarah's teacher's name?

3 What subject was reported for?, What term? What were the comments?

5 What does S stand for? What about F, U, A, B, C, D?

6 How many days was she absent from class? How many days of school did she miss? - Gets feed back and corrects

3 Post - listening

- Asks Ss to use the Sarah's report card and write comments about Sarah's study

- Calls on some Ss to read aloud and corrects (if they finish)

2 Homework

- Do the task in the post - listening

- Learn by heart new words, prepare next lesson

- T- Ss, Ss - Ss

(Listen and answer):

1 They were Mr and Mrs Chen Her name was Miss Blake English - the first term

4 Speaking English was quite well However skills

5 S stands for satisfactory… She was absent days She missed days of school - Individual

- Copy

Date of plan: 18/10/2008

Date of teaching:………

Week : Period 17

Unit three: a trip to the countryside

Lesson - Read

I Objectives:

- Students drill reading skill and understand more about the countryside life and the word of an American farmer family

ii Materials: Text book, lesson plan, tape/ CD

iii Method: Communication approach, matching, summarizing the passage.

IV work arrangements : T-WC, pairs, groups, individual

iv Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up & check

- Class: 9A: ……… 9B: ……… 9C: ……… - Old lesson: Pelmanism

- Monitor answers

- Students play Pelmanism (Group work)

Banyan Tree

Home Village Bamboo


2 New lesson: a Pre reading:

* Vocabulary: Visuals/ explanation - grow maize

- work part time - grocery store - collect eggs - hamburgers - hot dog - feel like - as soon as

- trång ngô - làm thêm - cửa hàng tạp hoá - nhặt trứng

- bánh hamburgers -xúc xích

- c¶m thÊy thÝch - Ngay sau * Checks by " What and where"

- Asks students to exercise (a) : match A to B

- Gets feed back and corrects :

- Feed -> give food to eat - Grocery store -> where people buy food & small things

- Part-time -> shorter or less than standard time

- Collect -> bring things together 2 While reading:

- Has the students read the text again then answer the questions:

a) Where is the Parker’s family’s farm? b) How many children Mr and Mrs Parker have?

c) What does Van in the afternoon? d) What does the whole family on Saturday afternoons ?

- Asks students to study the text, then finish the summary

- Gets feed back and corrects: (1) Ohio

(2) farmer

(3) works part-time at a grocery store

- Listen then repeat

( T- WC, T-Ss, Individual)

Students play "What and where"

- copy

- Individual (read)

- Pairs (ask and answer the questions): -> It’s about 100km from Ohio -> They have two sons

-> He does the house work, collects the eggs or help on the farm

-> They watch Peter play baseball - Individual (do the gap- filling)

- Pairs (share the keys)

- individual (give out the keys) - T- WC (correction)

Feel like

Collect eggs Grow maize

Grocery store

Hamburger s Forest


(4) Peter (5) Sam (6) after (7) farm

(8) they watch (9) baseball (10) member 3 Post reading:

- T.asks students to play "noughts and crosses" by finding the sentences with words in the box

V Homework:

- Prepare for the next period: Write - Learn by heart new words

- Rewrite the answers of the questions

Group work (2 Groups)

Maize feed Part time

Chicken Collect primary

Hamburgers Grow nearby

- Copy

Date of teaching:………

Period 18

Unit three: a trip to the countryside

Lesson - Write

I Objectives:

- Students drill writing skills about the countryside life and a countryside picnic - Review the past simple tense

II Materials: Text book, lesson plan, extra board

III Method: Communication approach, matching, summarizing the passage

IV work arrangements : T-WC, pairs, groups, individual

V Procedure:

Teacher's activities Students' activities

1 Warm up and check - Class: 9A: ………… 9B: ………… 9C: ………… - Pelmanism:

(to) take – took (to) lay – laid (to) run – ran (to) catch – caught (to) put – put 2 Pre writing:

a Tenses used in the writing

- Monitor answers

- Students give the simple past form of those verbs


- Guides students to find out the tense used in the writing

b Drill before writing:

- Teacher uses the pictures to explain some words:

- picnic site = Địa điểm dã ngoại - Lay out = Dọn (đồ ăn), sửa soạn - Blind man bluff = Trò bịt mắt bắt dê - Blankets = Khăn trải, chăn

- Hurriedly = Mét c¸ch véi v· 3 While writing:

- Teacher asks students to write the story in groups of four or three

- Teacher helps weaker groups with their writing Takes notes some typical mistakes

4 Post writing:

- Teacher tells students to swap their writings to correct the mistakes (if necessary)

III Homework:

- Students listen, repeat then copy

vocabulary (T-WC -> T-Ss -> Individual)

- Students look at the pictures, read the cues carefully and then describe each picture to talk about the picnic

- Some students tell the story in front of the class

- Other students listen then give comments

- Students use the pictures and base on the oral practice to write the story (Group work)

- Suggested writing:

It was a beautiful day So my friends and I decided to go on a picnic We took a bus to the countryside and walked about 20 minutes to the picnic site next to a river When we arrived, we put down the blankets and laid out the food After the meal, we played some games such as "What song is it?" and "Blind man buff" Late in the afternoon we went fishing We enjoyed the picnic But when we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30 We hurriedly gathered the things and ran to the bus stop We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening.


1 Rewrite the passage into the notebook. 2 Asks students to write about a real picnic they spent

3 Give the past simple tense of these verbs: get, see, have, build, hold, speak, write, go, run, swim

4 Prepare : “Language focus”.

- Copy

Duyệt ngày 20 tháng 10 năm 2008

Date of plan : 19/10/2008

Date of teaching:………

Week 10

Unit three: a trip to the countryside

Period 19

Lesson Language focus

i Objectives:

- Students revise the use of “Wish”, the prepositions of time and the adverb clause of result

ii Materials: Text book, lesson plan,

iii Method: Communication approach, matching, summarizing the passage

IV work arrangements : T-WC, pairs, groups, individual


Teacher's activities Students' activities

1 Warm up and check - Class: 9A: ……… 9B: ………

9C: ………… Write Ba’s wishes

Ba wishes he

- be good at English - can get good grade - not have to that job - bring a calculator

- Monitor answers

- Students write Ba’s wishes: E.g: + Ba wishes he were good at English

+ He wishes he could get good grade


- know more English words II New lesson:

1 Language focus1.

* Present Wishes:

- Tells the students to look at the pictures and discuss what the people wish

e.g Ba wishes he could have a new bicycle (Can Ba have a new bicycle now?)

a) Ba/ can have/ new bike b) Hoa/ can visit/ parents c) I/ pass/ exam

d) We/ it/ not rain e) He/ can fly f) They/ stay/ Hue

2 Language focus 2,3:

* Preposition of time:

- Teacher asks students to remind some prepositions of time

- Tells students to LF 2,3 (P.30-31) - Gets feed back and corrects:

(Calls on several students to give their answers in front of the class)

LF2: b on LF3: a on c between b at - in d at / till c in e at / after d for f to / till e in f at

3 Language focus 4: Adverb clause of result - Teacher writes the model sentence with


Eg: Hoa passed the exam because she worked hard

- Teacher asks students to rewrite the sentence with "so":

Eg: Hoa worked hard so she passed the exam.

- Teacher explains “because” in the clause of

- Students look at the pictures and the task: ( Pairs -> Individual)

a) Ba wishes he could have a new bicycle

b) Hoa wishes she could visit her parents now

c) I wish I could pass the exam d) We wish it didn’t rain now e) He wishes he could fly

f) They wish they could stay in Hue

- T - Ss (Students give some prepositions of time ):

+ At / on / in / for / after / before / till / between / up to

+ At + time, midday, midnight, celebrations…

+ On + day, session of day

+ In + month, year, season, session of a day

+ For + duration of time + Since + period of time…

Students complete the sentences in LF 2,3

- T-WC ( study the example)

- T -Ss ( find out the adverb clause of result.)


reason, but “so” in the result clause Then asks them to the matching

- Tells them to LF

- Gets feed back and corrects

- Notices that this clause cannot stand at the beginning of the sentence

* LF4 : → c → a → d → b → c

III Homework:

1 Guides students to write sentences to express their present Wish

2 Change sentences in LF4 with “because” Prepare : Unit - Lesson

- Individual.(do the exercise)

- Some students read the answers of LF4 in front of the class

* Students rewrite the sentences, using "because" ( for class 9A): Eg: Hoa passed the exam because she worked hard

- Copy

Date of teaching:………

period 20

unit : learning a foreign language

Lesson : Getting started - Listen and read

i Objectives:

- Students get started the topic: learning a foreign language (English) - Students will be introduced oral examination questions

- Students will be able to find out the best way to learn English, how to learn new vocabulary, grammar, and so on…

ii Materials: Text book, lesson plan, CD

iii Method: Communication approach, pair work, group work

IV work arrangements : T-WC, pairs, groups, individual

v Procedure:

Teacher's activities Students' activities

1 Warm up and check - Class: 9A: ………… 9B: ………… 9C:…………

* Brain storming:

When? where ? difficult or easy? Interesting or boring? how…

2 Getting started:

- Monitor answers

- T - Ss


- Teacher asks students some questions:

- Do you sometimes watch English TV programs?

- Do you like singing English songs? - Do you read short stories in English? - How you think to learn English well?

- Teacher can sum up Ss' ideas 3 Listen and read:

* Vocabulary:

+ Aspect (n): LÜnh vùc (trans)

+ Attend (the course) (v): Tham gia khoá học + Oral examination (n): Thi vấn đáp (example) + Candidate (n): Thí sinh

+ Examiner (n): giám khảo

- Checks by " Rub out and remember" * Review model sentences:

- Reported questions:

- Teacher elicits model sentences from Ss: Eg1: She asked me what my name was Eg2: She asked me if I was a student - Asks Ss to find out the form and how to change from direct questions to indirect questions:

(1) Wh-question:

S1 + asked + (o) + Wh-q + S2 + V(1tense back) (2) Yes - No question:

S1 + asked + (o) + if / whether + S2 + V(1tense back)

* Predictions:

- Asks Ss to read the question list on page 33 and guess which questions the examiners asked Lan in her oral exam

- Writes out what Ss guess * Listen and read:

-Asks students to listen and read the dialogue then find out the reported questions Then compare with the direct questions in the list - Plays and controls the CD twice or three times

- Has students practice asking and answering

- T - WC, T - Ss (Students check (v) things they from the list Some

students answer these questions in front of the class)

- Pairs (Students discuss the way how to learn English well)

- T- WC - T- Ss - Individual

(Students listen, repeat then copy new words)

- T - WC -> T- Ss (Answer the questions about reported speech)

- Individual (Students can record the rule in transformation sentences from “direct” into “indirect”)

- T - WC - Individual - T- Ss

- Individual (Listening)

- Pairs (closed- open pair) : Practice the dialogue


directly then change the questions into reported questions (pairs):

1 What is your name?

2 Where you come from? 6 Why are you learning English? 7 Do you speak any other languages?

8 How did you learn English in your country 9 How will you use English in the future? 10 What aspect of learning English you find most difficult?

14 Read this passage.

- Gets feed back and corrects III Production

* Role play:

- Asks Ss to play the role of an examiner and a candidate to practice speaking

- Moves arround the class and helps Ss if necessary

- Calls on some pairs of Ss to practice in front of the class

- Corrects IV Homework:

1 Study 10 ways how to learn English

2 Change the questions in the list into reported speech

3 Do exercise 2, p 28-29 workbook

1 She asked me what my name was. 2 She asked me where I came from. 6 She asked me why I was learning English.

7 She asked me if I spoke any languages.

8 She asked me how I learned English in my country.

9 She asked me how I would use English in the future.

10 She asked me what aspect of learning English I found most difficult. 14 She asked me to read the passage.

- Some pairs of students practice in front of the class

- Pair work ( Closed - open pair) Eg: E: What's your name?

C: My name is…

E: Where you come from? C: I come from …

E: Why are you learning English? C: Because…

Ngày đăng: 05/05/2021, 13:39


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