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NBK HIGH SCHOOL ----*---- THE THIRD ENGLISH TEST FOR BASIC LEVEL TIME ALLOWANCE: 45 MINUS CODE 120 Câu 1: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Why don't you ask Mike? He ___________know the boy's address. A. needn't B. might have C. may D. ought Câu 2: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Houses are very expensive nowadays, _______, they have managed to buy one . A. so B. but C. therefore D. however Câu 3: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: The Simpson Desert was named _______ Mr. Simpson, President of the South Australian Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australia. A. for B. after C. with D. at Câu 4: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: If you _______ a book, you have a brief look at it without reading or studying it seriously. A. put down B. pick up C. dip into D. swallow Câu 5: Choose the sentence with the same meaning with the root sentence . Cars cause pollution but people still want them. A. Although cars cause pollution, people still want them. B. Despite people still want them, cars cause pollution. C. Because cars cause pollution, people still want them. D. Although cars cause pollution, but people still want them. Câu 6: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. A. damaged B. endangered C. destroyed D. provided Câu 7: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Two tablets (thuốc) ________ twice a day to help you recover from the illness quickly. A. must be taken B. must take C. must have taken D. must be taking Câu 8: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the other words. A. generation B. conservation C. vulnerable D. disappearance Câu 9: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: After Peter had returned from the Sahara desert, he was confined to bed by a ________ disease. A. mysteriously B. mysterious C. mysteriousness D. mystery Câu 10: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Rita is not used ______ on her own. Mã đề 120 trang 1/4 A. with living B. to live C. to living D. for living Câu 11: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. A. medicine B. crisis C. priority D. primary Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answers Gorillas (khỉ đột ) are peaceful, gentle, sociable, and mainly plant-eating creatures. They live in family groups. A typical group is led by the biggest and strongest grown-up male gorilla. A silverback’s group usually includes one or two sub-adult males and a few females and their young. Their food includes a variety of plants along with a few kinds of insects and worms. At night the animals make a nest(tổ) to sleep in. Many lightweight gorillas nest in trees. The heavier ones may nest in grasses on the ground. Babies sleep with their mothers at night. Life for mountain gorillas is not always peaceful. They are endangered and threatened by civil wars in the smaller parts of Africa. Hunters kill them for food. Their forests are cut down for farmland, fuel, and housing. But many scientists, forest rangers and other concerned people are working hard to protect mountain gorillas and their habitats. Câu 12: We can find gorillas in __________. A. Africa B. Australia C. Europe D. Asia Câu 13: Which of the following can be a group leader? A. A grown-up gorilla B. The biggest and strongest adult male gorilla C. The biggest adult female gorilla D. The heavy gorilla Câu 14: Why do hunters kill mountain gorillas? A. For their trees they live in. B. For their skin. C. For their nests. D. For food. Câu 15: Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Gorillas are endangered and threatened by civil wars B. Life for mountain gorillas is peaceful. C. Gorillas’ forests are cut down for farmland, fuel, and housing. D. A gorilla sometimes eats worms. Câu 16: The word “sociable” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to_________ A. hard B. easy- going C. good D. difficult Câu 17: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Toxic chemicals in the air, land and water have also _______many species to the verge of extinction. A. taken B. guided C. driven D. developed Câu 18: Find the mistake in this sentence by choosing A, B, C, or D: It may take centuries to re-grow a forest that cut down by humans. A B C D Câu 19: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: My car broke down on the way. ________, when I got to the airport, the plane had taken off. A. But B. Because C. Therefore D. However Mã đề 120 trang 2/4 Câu 20: Find the mistake in this sentence by choosing A, B, C, or D: He had not got any success since the time he began his work. A B C D Câu 21: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Mark failed his driving test for the third time____________ . A. because of his practicing very hard B. despite his many hours of practice C. instead of having practiced very hard D. even though his many hours of practice Câu 22: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: I _______ find my own way there. You _______ wait for me. A. might / mustn't B. should / can't C. have to / must D. can / needn't Câu 23: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: John _______ across the lawn. A. was dancing wild B. was being danced wildly C. danced wildly D. was wildly danced Câu 24: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Alice: “What shall we do this evening?” Carol: “_________ .” A. No problem. B. I went out for dinner. C. Oh, that’s good! D. Let’s go out for dinner. Câu 25: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Have you ever _______ “Pho” – a Vietnamese special food?" A. tasted B. digested C. chewed D. dipped into Câu 26: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: It was midnight, ____________ the restaurant was still open. A. however B. so C. but D. therefore Câu 27: Choose the sentence with the same meaning with the root sentence . The panda are in danger of extinction. A. The panda are in stake of becoming extinct. B. The panda are going to die out. C. The panda are threatened to die out. D. The panda are at the risks of becoming extinct. Câu 28: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the other words. A. global B. crisis C. current D. mankind Câu 29: Choose the sentence with the same meaning with the root sentence . I didn’t meet him yesterday, so I couldn’t tell him about that. A. If I had met him yesterday, I could have told him about that. B. If I hadn’t met him yesterday, I couldn’t have told him about that. Mã đề 120 trang 3/4 C. I could tell him about that because I met him yesterday. D. I met him yesterday so that I could tell him about that. Câu 30: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. A. attitude B. human C. survive D. introduce Câu 31: Find the mistake in this sentence by choosing A, B, C, or D: Governments have enacted laws to protect wildlife with commercial trade and over hunting. A B C D Câu 32: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: A new hospital _______in our town next month. A. is building B. will be building C. is going to be built D. will build Câu 33: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Almost half of turtles and tortoises are known to be threatened with_________. A. extinctive B. extinctly C. extinct D. extinction Câu 34: Find the mistake in this sentence by choosing A, B, C, or D: People do not know much about the need to protect rare and dangerous animals. A B C D Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Books are written to (35)______ knowledge and good books enrich the mind. By putting ourselves under the influence of superior mind. We improve our mental powers. Through good books we learn that people everywhere (36)______ the same, in all ages and in all classes. This knowledge improves our love of others and helps us to live in (37)______ with them. We also understand that the world was made (38)______ for man alone but (39)_______ every creature that can feel hunger and thirst, warmth and cold. Câu 35: A. change B. provide C. buy D. describe Câu 36: A. were B. was C. is D. are Câu 37: A. peace B. peaceful C. peacefully D. peaceable Câu 38: A. not only B. enough C. despite D. due to Câu 39: A. for B. by C. about D. in Câu 40: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: ______ is the existence of a wide variety of plant animal species living in their natural environment. A. Globe B. Biodiversity C. Individual D. Conservation Câu 41: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. - Thi No:" Would you like something to eat?" - Chi Pheo : " ______ I'm not hungry now." A. No, thanks B. Yes, I would C. Yes, it is D. Good ---------------HẾT--------------- Mã đề 120 trang 4/4 . used ______ on her own. Mã đề 12 0 trang 1/ 4 A. with living B. to live C. to living D. for living Câu 11 : Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced. ----*---- THE THIRD ENGLISH TEST FOR BASIC LEVEL TIME ALLOWANCE: 45 MINUS CODE 12 0 Câu 1: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Why

Ngày đăng: 02/12/2013, 19:11

