- Reading a magazine survey about the most popular activities of American teenagers and getting more practice in leisure vocabulary - Making invitation with “Would you like..?” accep[r]
(1)kế hoạch môn tiếng anh lớp 7 I c im tỡnh hỡnh
1 Yêu cầu cđa bé m«n
- Nội dung chơng trình SGK tiếng Anh đợc xây dựng quan điểm với sách tiếng Anh Nội dung sách đợc xẫy dung xung quanh chủ điểm gần gũi, sát thực với mục đích , nhu cầu, sở thích đời sống học sinh Ngữ liệu đợc giới thiệu luyện tập thơng qua tình tập sin động nhằm phát huy vai trị tích cực học sinh trình học tập Giúp em vừa phát triển đợc giao tiếp , đồng thời vừa nắm đợc cấu trúc ngữ pháp tạo tiền đề cho việc phát triển ngôn ngữ sau
- Cả kĩ : Nghe- Nói- Đọc- Viết đợc quan tâm phối hợp tập hoạt động lớp - Nh sau học môn tiếng Anh học sinh đạt đợc yêu cầu sau:
+ Nắm đợc kiến thức tối thiểu tơng đối hệ thống tiếng Anh thực hành đại, phù hợp với lứa tuổi + Có kĩ sử dụng tiếng Anh nh công cụ giao tiếp đơn giản dới dạng: Nghe- Nói- Đọc- Viết + Có hiểu biết khái quát văn hóa nớc sử dụng tiếng Anh
+ Hình thành kĩ học tiếng phát triển t 2 Thực tế giảng dạy giáo viên
- Giỏo viờn ó quen vi phơng pháp giảng dạy theo phơng pháp có nhiều tiến đổi so với năm trớc - Mức độ cịn đạt trung bình
3 Thùc tế học sinh năm học trớc - ĐÃ làm quen với phơng pháp
- Thực thao tác làm việc theo nhóm nhiều lúng tong - Đa thông tin phản hồi chem
- Còn thiÕu tù tin nãi b»ng tiÕng Anh 4 T×nh h×nh häc sinh hiƯn nay
- Tuy em làm quen với môn Tiếng Anh, song bỡ ngỡ tiếp cận - Sự tiếp thu phản ứng cha đồng đều, nhiều em phản ứng chậm
- Nhieeud häc sinh cha cã ý thøc häc, cha nhËn thÊy tÇm quan träng môn tiếng Anh em cha cã ý thøc häc vµ lµm bµi ë nhµ
5 Điều kiện thực môn này a Cơ së vËt chÊt
- Có đầy đủ phịng học mơn - Có phịng nghe nhìn
b S¸ch tham khảo
(2)c Thiết bị dạy häc
- Phải có đủ băng đài, tranh ảnh minh họa II Biện pháp thực hiện
1 §èi với giáo viên
- Giỏo viờn phi cú trình độ dạy học theo chơng trình SGK tiếng Anh
- Phải đợc bồi dỡng thờng xuyên để nâng cao trình độ chun mơn nghiệp vụ nh phơng pháp giảng dạy để thực chơng trình cách linh hoạt, sáng tạo, hiệu phù hợp với đối tợng học sinh
- Dành nhiều thời gian cho soạn nghiên cứu tài liệu 2 Đối với học sinh
- Tham gia luyện tập thực hành giao tiếp, mạnh dạn tích cực có chủ định, có hiểu biết ngơn ngữ luyện tập, có hiểu biết quy trình học tập có phơng pháp học tập cá nhân
- Kết hợp tốt hoạt động học tập làm tập nhà
III KÕ ho¹ch thĨ
periods Contents of the lessons The aims Main methods Teaching aids Note TiÕt 1
Unit 1 Back to school (TiÕt 2->6)
- Introduce and greet with “Nice to meet you/ How is everything?/ Just fine/Not bad…”
- Reading for details and revising simple present, comparisons, a lot of/many
- Asking for giving personal information
- Greet people - Identify oneself - Introduce others
- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work
(3)Unit 2 At school (TiÕt 7->12) Unit 3 At home TiÕt 13->17
- Using “How far” questions and answers with “Kilometer/meter” to talk about distance
- Practice the questions and answers about the distance
- Asking for and giving telephone numbers and further practice in address
- Use the “will” future positive statement and “wh” questions and answers to talk about sure events in the future
- Talking about dates of the year and pronunciation - Listening for factual information
- Writing an invitation to a party
- Use bathroom and kitchen vocabulary to describe their house
- Giving compliments with “What a/an +adj+ noun !”to talk about the house
- Making complaints with “What a/an +adj+ noun !”
- Reading a text for main ideas, details and job vocabulary
- Listening for personal information
- Comparative and superlative of irregular adjectives and long adj
- Agree with others
- Ask for and give personal information - Ask about transportation and distance - Ask for and give numbers - Identify numbers - Make arrangements - Talk about the future plans
(4)Language focus TiÕt 18
TiÕt 19
Unit 4 At school (TiÕt20->25)
Unit 5 Work and play
(TiÕt 26->31)
Unit 6 After
- Further practice in present simple, the “will’ future, adj comparative and superlatives, prepositions
TEST 45 minutes
- Revision for telling the time, school vocabulary and present tense
- Reading details and comparing an American school with a Vietnamese school
- Listening for details and school vocabulary - Reading a text to understand the details and practicing the library vocab
- Preposition of position to describe the position of books in the library
- Reading for details and further practice in comparatives and superlative
- Revision of simple present to talk about school subjects
- Reading for details about Ba's activities at school and at home
- School subject vocabulary with listening and reading practice
- Recess activity vocabulary and revision of present progressive tense
- Reading for details about recess activities in an American school
- Further practice in present tense and school vocabulary
- Ask for and state the time - Talk about the timetable - Talk about school subjects schedules and regulations - Ask for and give directions
- Talk about school subjects - Ask about and describe recess
- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual
- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual
- Text book - Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape
(5)school TiÕt 32->37 Language focus TiÕt 38 TiÕt 39 Unit 7 The world of work TiÕt 40->45 Unit 8 Out and about TiÕt 46->51
- Reading a dialogue about after school activities and getting further practice in present progressive tense
- Further practice in adverbs of frequency with present simple tense for after activities
- Reading a text for details about pastime activities - Making suggestion with “Let’s/ What
about ?/Why don’t….?”
- Reading a magazine survey about the most popular activities of American teenagers and getting more practice in leisure vocabulary - Making invitation with “Would you like ?” acceptance of invitation and polite refusal
- Further practice in present progressive tense and subject vocabulary
TEST 45 minutes
- Talking about student work and practicing the comparative
- Reading for details to compare American students’ vacation and Vietnamese students’ vacation
- Reading for details about an American family to understand their work and vacation
- Reading for details about Mr Tuan’s work to compare a Vietnamese typical working day and an American typical working day
- Reading for details about work and vacation and about Mr Tuan’s job to compare
- Asking for and giving directions
- Further practice with “Where” question and
- Talk about popular after school activities - Make suggestions - Make arrangements - Discuss schedules and routines
- Talk about vacation - Talk about occupations
(6)TiÕt 52-53 TiÕt 54
Unit 9 The body TiÕt 55->60
position of places
- Further practice with “How far” to talk about the distance
- Further listening practice in asking telling the price
- Reading a dialogue to understand the details and get further practice in need/would you like and office vocabulary
- Listening for details to get further practice in post office vocabulary and telling the price Consolidation
The first semester exam test
Häc k× II
- Talk about vacation activities using
“was/were/wasn’t/weren’t’ and some present regular verbs
- Reading for details about the Robinson’s vacation and practice “Wh” question in the past simple tense
- Listening for details and practice the past simple tense
- Reading Ba’s dairy to understand the details and talk about the past activities
- Ask for and give directions - Talk about distances - Enquire about prices - Make purchases
- Talk about your vacation - Describe the characteristics of friends and neighbors - Talk about
class - Group work - Pair work Individual
- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work
- Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape
(7)Language focus TiÕt 61 Unit 10 Healthy and hygiene TiÕt 62->67 Unit 11 What you eat? (66->70) Unit 12 Let s eat’ (73->78)
- Reading for details about Hoa’s sewing work and further practice to talk about the past activities - Further practice in past simple tense prepositions of place, “How much/how far” to talk about price and distance, comparative with more, less and fewer
- Reading a letter to understand the details about Hoa and her family
- Listen to a text about routine to review pastime tense
- Writing a letter about routine and hygiene - Reading a dialogue about visit to the dentist - Listen and read for details about Mr Lai’s job to revise the present simple tense
- Making question and answer “why/because” to tell about the cause
- Reading a dialogue to understand the details and practice “would you + v….?”
- Listening for details and practicing asking and answering about height and weight
- Asking and answering about sickness and practice in the past simple
- Listening for specific information
- Reading a text to understand the details about the common cold
- Reading a text to understand the details and practicing food vocabulary
- “I don’t like…either/ I like ….too” ”Neither I/So I” to express preferences
- Reading a text to understand how to make a meal - Listen for specific information about health problem
- Reading comprehension and further practice
hobbies - Describe a process
- Talk about habits and routines - Read and write a dairy entry
- Talk about a visit to the dentist - Describe sporting activities and pastimes - Describe timetables - Talk about frequency
- Identify different foods - Express preferences - Describe how
(8)Language focus TiÕt 79 TiÕt 80 Unit 13 Making plans (81->85) Unit 14 Free time fun (86->90) TiÕt 91 indefinite quantifiers
- Listening for details and food vocabulary - Further practice in past simple indefinite quantifiers too and either, so and neither imperatives
Test 45 minutes
- Reading comprehension and sort vocabulary - Practice in using adj and adv to talk about sports - Listen to a text about an invitation and practice in modal verb
- Further practice in making accepting and refusing an invitation using modal verbs
- Reading comprehension and use couldn’t for past ability
- Listening for specific information about Hoa and Lan
- “What would you like to watch?” question and answer “I’d like to watch ” to talk about favorite programs
- Reading a text to understand the details about television in Vietnam
- What kind of programs you like? To talk about your favorite programs
- Reading a text to understand the details about popular TV programs
TEST 45 minutes
to make a meal - Complete a recipe
- Talk about diet
- Create a menu
(9)Unit 15 Countries (91->96) Unit 16 Man and the environmen t (97->102) Language focus TiÕt 103
- Reading a text to understand the details and use Wh-questions and giving advice for not doing something
- Reading for details about video game and video program
- Giving advice with should and shouldn’t
- Reading for details about life in the city and in te country
- Activities in the evening with listening and reading practice
- Revision the simple present tense with adverb of frequency to talk about the famous place in Asia - Reading a text about interest with modal verb - Listening for details about a famous person and historic place
- Further practice with prefer/like favorite to talk about famous people
- Reading for details about Uncle Ho’s biography with sequence
- Listening for details about Uncle Ho’s biography
- Further practice in adjective and adverb, modal verb, like, dislike, why, because, simple present tense, simple past tense, present progressive tense,
- Talk about video games and their effects
- Describe and compare city and village lifestyles - Talk about hobbies - Discuss preferences - Name countries and their capital cities - Discuss vacation destinations - Talk about tourist
(10)TiÕt 104 TiÕt105
future tense
The second semester exam test
IV Ch tiờu phn u
1 Giáo viên: Xếp loại chuyên môn: Loại 2 Học sinh:
a ChÊt lỵng häc sinh giái
*CÊp tØnh: *CÊp huyÖn:
b Chất lợng đại trà:
(11)Giái Kh¸ TB Ỹu KÐm SL % SL % SL % SL % SL %
2 10
V đề nghị tổ chuyên môn BGH
(12)T/M ban giám hiệu tổ chuyên m«n