With the ideas listed in the report, write a complete paragraph about this new. kind of zoo.[r]
(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)Im + =
(11)Endangered (Adj) [in'deindʒəd]
En + + ed =
(12)Reconstruct (V) [ri:kən'strʌkt]
(13)Reintroduce (V) [,ri:ntrə'djus]
(14)Im+ = imprison
En + + ed = endangered
Re(again) + = reconstruct
(15)• Imprison (V) [im'prizn]: giam
• Endangered (Adj) [in'deindʒəd]:
bị đe dọa
• Reconstruct (V) [ri:kən'strʌkt]:
tái thiết, tái xây dựng
• Reintroduce (V) [,ri:ntrə'djus]:
(16)Task 1:
1 For what purpose are zoos of the new kind opened?
(17)2 What are their main features?
• They provide an environment as
natural as possible for the animals
• They breed endangered species
and reintroduce them into the wild
(18)Task 2: agree or disagree?
• A: Do you think that in the zoo
of the new kind, animals may …?
• B: Yes, I think so because …
(19)In the zoo of the new kind
• Animals may have better food • Animals may suffer from
dangerous diseases
• Animals may what they want to
• Animals may develop
• Animals may feel happier
• YES • NO
(20)TASK 3: discuss the advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the
(21)(22)• Money spent on reconstructions:
much OR little? Why?
• The animals that people can visit:
what kinds of animal people can visit? Are they special?
• The danger that keepers may have:
(23)Task 4: Writing reports and sharing ideas
• Report’s content:
–Why should we open zoos of the
new kind?
–The main features of these zoos –The advantages and
With the ideas listed in the report, write a complete paragraph about this new