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dethiHSG 12 A14

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READING 3: Choose ONE best option in each number below to complete the passage: DREAMS.. Everyone can dreamD[r]



You are going to listen to a conversation between two students Here are some facts that they talk in the tape Choose ONE best option for each fact corresponding to each sentence


1 One student is going to get married soon.

A true B false C this is not mentioned D both of them are. 2 The date this student celebrates wedding is

A June 21st B July 21st C July 26th D June 26th 3 The reason the other student can’t join the wedding party is

A going out for the fray B knowing that’s fraud C going on vacation D showing the pray

4 One student blames the other one for not coming to the party Is this right?

A Certainly B Why not?

C Yes, of courseD No, this isn’t right.

5 One student can’t join the wedding party The other one says “ .”

A Never mine B Never mind C Forever my D Ever kind

6 These students are

A waiting for the bus B waiting for the train C missing the train D missing the bus

7 The student who is going get married promise to sent the rest one a .

A date B fate C steak D cake

8 When they are talking, it’s

A a lovely day B a day off

C a fee to pay D coming of three gays

9 The thing one student want to find is .

A a banana B a partner C an umbrella D an ancestor

10 They congratulate each other because they are going to have .

A a bath B an example C a jam D an exam

11 The thing one student did last night was

A watching TV B writing a CV C making an essay D washing the face 12 One inveigles the other one to have a .

A an ink B drink C mint D sink

13 of the two students,

A One passed and one failed the exam B Both passed the exam C Both failed the exam D All are incorrect. 14 Why did the student fail the exam?

A The test was too easy. B Because of studiousness.

C Because of nervousness. D The supervisor was too serious. 15 The last sentence of the conversation is

A Well, all I can say is bad luck next time B Well, all I can say is better luck next time. C Well, all I can’t say is better luck next time. D Well, all I can’t say is good luck next time. PART II: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY:


1. You need to think it over or you’ll mistakes

A make B become C do D be

2. Do you bring with you? - No, we are going to sleep in a rented house. A sleeping pills B umbrellas C drinks D foods 3. The food smells _ Nobody wants to try it.

A good B well C bad D badly

4 much slower, he might have understood you.

A Had you spoken B Did you speak

C If you speak D If you spoke

5. In any case, you should not give up .

A danger B worry C death D hope

6. I a car accident while I for you on this corner yesterday. A saw / was waiting B has seen / has wait

C is seeing / will wait D see / wait

7. Never , household cleaning sprays, or solvent-based cleaners be used on the seat belts of a car.

A detergents should B detergents

C the use of detergents D should detergents

8. The to her daughter’s wedding are being sent out this week. A invitations B calls C appeals D requests 9. The of the lake is covered with reeds and rushes.

A beach B shore C coast D bank

10 I don’t want any mistakes.

A that you make B you to make C you to do D that you do 11 The Health Minister was in a private hospital last week.

A operated B admitted C cared D treated

12 A washing machine of this type will certainly up to normal domestic use.

A hold B stand C come D take

13 When he was a boy, he felt great for his uncle.

A marvel B wonder C admiration D pleasure

14 The noise got as the car disappeared into the distance.

A smaller B fainter C weaker D slighter

15 He looked forward to his pay packet.

A receive B have received C be receiving D receiving 16 he hasn’t any qualifications, he has managed to very well for himself.

A Despite B Notwithstanding C Although D Whereas 17 After his service to the country, he was with a knighthood.

A raised B honored C improved D granted

18 The government made serious attempts to raise the of living.

A standard B cost C level D mode

19 She in the supermarket for a year when she the manageress last month

A has worked / became B worked / becomes C works / is becoming D had worked / became 20 What will happen if my parachute ?


A had/ will B have/ will C has/ would have D had had/ would have 22 Unless I had known that you were in hospital, I you.

A will visit B would have visited

C visit D don’t visit

23 Had he known that the river was dangerous, he to swim across it.

A would have tried B would try

C will not try D wouldn’t have tried

24 Or you had been in such a hurry, you sugar into the sauce instead of salt. A will not put B would put C wouldn’t have put D put

25 Unless you the examination, they a party for you. A pass/ won’t celebrate B passed/ won’t celebrate C pass/ will celebrate D had passed/ would celebrate 26 I’m not very good at word-processing I learn when I was in Army.

A the / the B Ø / the C the / Ø D a / a

27 The greatest invention of twentieth century is computer.

A a / Ø B the / the C a / the D the / a

28 cinema was invented by Lumiere brothers in Lyon. A the / the B the / Ø C Ø / the D a / an 29 Chistmas comes once year.

A the B Ø C a D an

30 Hawaii is island in the Pacific Ocean.

A the B a C an D Ø

31 As result of corruption on large scale the election was lost.

A an / a B the / a C the / the D a / a

32 laughter and tears are part of long life, Grandpa had said.

A the / the / a B Ø / a / a C a / the / a D Ø / Ø / a

33 I’m returning France the end of this term Are you coming back England after the holidays?

A in / for / in B to / in / to

C on / without / beside D upon / to / down

34 The Loch Ness Monster is supposed to live the bottom of the Lake Noch, and come the surface from time time.

A in/to/with B on/to/on C with/up/by D in/up/to 35 Does Mr Long forgive Linh interrupting him?

A by B up C to D for

36 The monitor is really responsible the manager for the group.

A for B with C of D to

37 For the last few days I haven’t been able to sleep night.

A for B to C of D at

38 He is quite in capable such a thing.

A to B of C by D out

39 I just couldn’t believe what he said It was contrary his thought.

A from B in C out D to

40 A man usually takes off his hat when he is introduced a woman or a girl the street.


Choose ONE best correspondent options (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage below The blank (0.1) id done for you

The next generation of telephone users will (0.1) laugh (41) we explain how we used to stand next to a wall in the kitchen to (42) a phone call Mobile communications, already highly advanced compared with a decade ago, will completely change communications in the next few years (43) there are millions of people using mobile phones, most people know (44) about the mobile telecommunications industry and its technology.

There are three types of mobile phone These are hand portables, pocket-sized hand portables and transportable The smallest and most popular are the pocket-sized hand portables These work on rechargeable batteries, which allow an (45) of up to 80 minutes' conversation Mobiles that are fitted permanently in a vehicle not (46) on separate batteries They require an external aerial on the vehicle This can mean a stronger signal with clearer (47) Transportable have a high power capability and can be used (48) everywhere They come with powerful battery packs for longer, continuous use and may also be put (49) a vehicle, using its electricity They (50) to be bulkier than hand portables.

0.1 A probable B probably C probability D probabilities Answer: B

41 A unless B when C while D whether

42 A make B give C take D do

43 A In addition B Because C As a result D Although

44 A few B some C little D lots

45 A amount B account C activity D average

46 A rely B create C carry D insist

47 A wave B letter C speech D speed

48 A mostly B hardly C most D almost

49 A into B on with C up with D in to

50 A used B have C tend D are

Choose ONE best correspondent options (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage below The blank (0.1) id done for you

I (51) up while flight attendant was serving breakfast The plane was crossing the Channel, and when I looked out of the window, I could see ship far below I (52) home after long time abroad, I had been away for over twenty years I didn’t know what to expect I wondered whether things (53) much.

The plane landed and the bus took us the terminal building After (54) my luggage, I walked out of the baggage hall I didn’t know whether anyone (55) there to meet me But when I appeared, I had a big surprise Almost half of my family were there. It was wonderful.


but strangely enough it still (60) the same, because the people that I love are here I’m leaving again in a few weeks” time but I know that even if I’m even if I’m away for twenty years again, this will be always be my home.

51 A waked B woke

C awake D awaken

52 A come B am coming

C was coming D have been coming

53 A had changed B had been changed

C have changed D have been changed

54 A collected B collecting

C have collected D collect

55 A is B are

C were D would be

56 A don’t recognize B didn’t recognize C won’t recognizeD wouldn’t recognize

57 A see B seen

C have seen D saw

58 A build B built

C have been building D have built 59 A haven’t finished B hasn’t finished

C haven’t been finishing D hasn’t been finished

60 A feel B feeling

C felt D feels

In each correspondently numbered row below, there are one or more than one mistakes. Choose ONE best option (A, B, C or D) in correspondence to each number that shows the most exact mistakes in each row The number 0.2 is done for you:

So far back as 700 B.C., people have talked about children being 0.2 cared for by wolves Romulus and Remus, the legendary twins 61 founders of Rome, were purported to has been cared for by wolves 62 According at legend, Mars fathered the two boys As a result, a

63 relative of their mother imprisoned her and ordered that the boys been 64 drowned under a Tiber River However, a she- wolf saved them from this 65 horribly fate and take them back to her lair to care for them The legend has

it that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeks a human child to take its place This seemingly preposterous idea did not became credible until the

late nineteen century when a French doctor actually found a naked 66 ten-year-old boy wandering in the woods He did not walking erect,

and he could not spoken intelligibly, nor could he relate to people He only growled and stared at them Finally, the doctor won the boy’s 67 confident and began to work with him After many long years of

68 devoting and patient instruction, the doctor was able to getting the boy 69 to clothe and feeded himself recognize and utter a number of words, 70 and the boy write letters and forms words.


Answer: D

61 A founders B purported C has D for

62 A at B legend C fathered D result

63 A relative B imprisoned C that D been

64 A drowned B under a C However D she- wolf 65 A horribly / take B fate / them C back / lair D for / legend

66 A year B wandering C woods D walking

67 A confident B began C work D long

68 A devoting B patient C getting D boy

69 A clothe B feeded C recognize D words

70 A the B write C letters D forms


READING : Choose ONE best option in each number below to complete the passage:

From the moment they leave the security of their accustomed environment, travelers are at risk (1) arise not just from strange diseases they meet on their travels but from other factors too: seemingly uninspiring home (2) such as safe water (3) , sanitation and public hygiene controls, legal safety standards for motoring vehicles and road (4) , are easily taken for granted, but simply not exist in many countries Environmental factors such as arduous conditions, (5) climate, and high altitude may constitute a danger; and so may travelers’ own behavior, free from the (6) of the daily routine, and determined to have a good time with scant (7) for the consequences.

When illness or injuries occur abroad, many travelers are again at a disadvantage – from (8) to communicate with a doctor on account of language or cultural difficulties, or being unable to find a doctor owing to (9) of the (10) medical system There may be a complete (11) of skilled medical care, or of medical facilities of a (12) acceptable to travelers from technological sophisticated countries

When symptoms of an illness (13) abroad not appear until after return home, a final hazard becomes apparent: the symptoms may be (14) , may pass (15) and the correct diagnosis may not be considered until it is too late.

1 A Questions B Changes C Hazards D Complications

2 A comforts B helps C cares D aids

3 A stores B collection C levels D supplies

4 A correction B maintenance C improvement D quality

5 A worsening B unusual C sudden D adverse

6 A restraints B assurances C certainties D regulations

7 A knowledge B awareness C regard D need

8 A inability B difficulty C inflexibility D timidity

9 A misuse B doubt C ignorance D disbelief

10 A local B district C neighborhood D area

11 A breakdown B failure C disruption D absence

12 A type B design C standard D degree


14 A unfamiliar B unlikely C unpleasant D uncovered 15 A unrecognized B unknown C underwear D unearth READING 2: Choose ONE best option for each question below:


Long ago a lot of people thought the moon was a god Other people thought is was just a light in the sky And others thought it was a big ball of cheese!

Then, telescopes were made And men saw that the moon was really another world They wondered what it was like They dreamed of going there

On July 20, 1969, that dream came true Two American men landed on the moon Their names were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.

The first thing the men founded was that the moon is covered with dust The dust is so thick that the men left footprints where they walked Those were the first marks a living thing had ever made on the moon And they could stay there for years and years There is no wind or rain to wipe them off.

The two men walked on the moon for hours They picked up rocks to bring back to earth for study They dug up dirt to bring back They set up machines to find out things people wanted to know Then they climbed back into their moon landing craft.

Next day the landing craft roared as the two men took off from the moon They joined Michael Collins in the spaceship that waited for them above the moon Then they were off on their long trip back to the earth.

Behind them they left the plains and tall mountains of the moon They left the machines that they had set up.

And they left their footprints that may last forever. QUESTIONS:

According to the passage,

16 This story tells A about the first men to walk on the moon. B how men found footprints on the moon.

C what the men brought back from their trip to the moon.

D who had left footprints on the moon before the two men landed there. 17 A telescope

A makes ball of light seem brighter. B turns the moon into another world. C makes many of men’s dream come true. D makes faraway things seem closer.

18 A man brought rocks and dirt from the moon because A they wanted something to show they were there. B people wanted to use them to learn about the moon. C they wanted to keep them as souvenirs.

D they might sell them to scientists.

19 The American’s machines will most likely stay on the moon until A someone takes them away B a storm covers them with dust.


A find that the machines have disappeared. B leave the first set of footprints on the moon.

C find the place where Armstrong and Aldrin walked. D find the dust has wiped off the two men’s footprints.

21 When did the first spaceship of human beings land on the moon? A On July 20, 1969 B On June 20, 1969

C On July 12, 1979 D On June 20, 1979

22 Who were the first men to step on the moon? A Neil Armstrong and Darwin.

B Neil Armstrong and Edward. C Neil Armsrtong and Aldrin. D Neil Armstrong and Austin.

23 The two spacemen walked on the moon for

A months B years C decades D hours

24 Who went to the moon with Neil Armstrong and Aldrin?

A Collin Murphy B Michael Collins

C Collin Brown D Michael Faraday

25 The astronauts first found on the moon was

A dust B garbage C bushes D storms

READING 3: Choose ONE best option in each number below to complete the passage: DREAMS

Everyone can dream Indeed, everyone does dream Those who (26) that they never dream at all actually dream (27) as frequently as the rest of us, (28) they may not remember anything about it Even those of us who are perfectly (29) of dreaming night (30) night very seldom remember those dreams in (31) detail but merely retain an untidy mixture of seemingly unrelated impressions Dreams are not simply visual – we dream with all our (32) , so that we appear to experience sound, touch, smell, and taste.

One of the world’s oldest (33) written documents in the Egyptian Book of Dreams This volume is about the five thousand years old, so you can (34) that dreams were believed to have special significance even then Many ancient civilizations believed that you (35) never wake a sleeping person as, during sleep, the soul had left the body and might not be able to return (36) time if the sleeper were suddenly (37) .

From ancient times to the present (38) , people have been (39)

attempts to interpret dreams and to explain their significance There are many books available on the subject of dream interpretation, although unfortunately there are almost as many meanings for a particular dream (40) there are books

26 A demand B promise C agree D claim

27 A also B just C only D quite

28 A though B besides C however D despite

29 A familiar B accustomed C aware D used


31 A great B high C strong D deep 32 A feelings B emotions C impressions D senses

33 A considered B known C regarded D estimated

34 A see B feel C ensure D think

35 A would B ought C should D need

36 A by B in C with D for

37 A awoke B awoken C awake D awaken

38 A minute B hour C moment D day

39 A doing B putting C making D taking

40 A as B like C so D such


WRITING 1: Rewrite these sentences so that the meaning of each sentence does not change You must use the given word in the bracket following each sentence.

Example: I spend an hour to watch TV every day (takes)

It takes me an hour to watch TV every day.

1 It has always been her ambition to write a successful novel (dreamt)


2 You got lost because you didn’t what I told you (instructions)

If _

3 “Are you a member of the club” the receptionist said to me (belonged)

The receptionist asked _

4 This is the most amusing book I’ve ever read (amusing)

I’ve never

5 The train timetable has been changed (changed)

They the train timetable

6 The afternoon was so hot that the road surface melted (such)

It _

7 The darkness made it impossible to see (hardly)

We _it was so dark.

8 They feed the seals at the zoo twice a day (fed)

The seals _

9 It’s ten years since Mrs Pike started her teaching career in our school (has)

Mrs Pike

10 You can’t say anything that would persuade me to live overseas (to persuade)


WRITING : Here is the conversation between a policeman and a motorist Complete it by using the cues below:

Policeman: be / you / owner / this car / sir?

Motorist: yes / officer / there / be / nothing wrong / be / there? Policeman: it / park / here / last two hours / and / that / be / wrong. Motorist: when / I / arrive / there / be / several cars / park / here. Policeman: well / they / all go / now / you / be / unlucky one. Motorist: It / be / kind / you / overlook / it / officer.



Write a composition of about 250 words to describe your dearest school, mentioning to the establishment, the scene of your school, the teachers, your school-mates and your thoughts of your school.

Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 07:48
