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There’s a river called “Tra Ly” and most people live on planting rice, vegetables and raise chickens, ducks and animals..[r]


Tuần 8

Tiết 15 Ngày soạn: 17 / 09 / 2010Ngày dạy : 04 / 10 / 2010


LESSON1: Getting started + Listen and read I Objectives:

 After the lesson students will be able to talk about life and activities in the countryside

II Language content

Vocabulary: home village, a bamboo forest, a banyan tree, a shrine, a hero…  Grammar: Modal could with wish, simple past with wish ( review).

III Method:  Ask – answer  Individually  Team work

 Communicative approach IV Teaching aids:  Posters

 Tape and cassette  Flashcards  Pictures

 Students’ books V.Procedures: 1 Warm up (7 minutes)

Teacher Students

- Ask students some questions about the countryside

+ Have you ever been to the countryside? + Do you live in the countryside?

+ Do you like the country life?

+ What activities you usually see in the country?

- Ask Ss to look at the picture in 20 '' then write the activities in the picture

- Look at the pictures, take turn to talk about activities in the countryside

- Give the feed back

- Answer T’s questions

- Work in groups

- Hang the extra boards then compare the answers

1 She’s watering the vegetables They are swimming

3 She’s collecting the chicken egg 4.They’re harvesting the crop He’s feeding the pig

6 He’s plowing the field

7 A buffalo boy is flying his kite Some children are playing football

2 Presentation (10 minutes)


- Pre – teach vocabulary: explanation

visual / realia picture synonym example

- Guide Ss to read the new words - Give the game of “What and Where”

- Now, you are going to listen the text about the trip to the countryside of Ba sfamily Please listen and answer the questions:

+ When did Ba, Liz and his family go to his home village?

+ What did Liz think of the trip?

+ home village (n) : quê hơng + bamboo forest (n) : luỹ tre + banyan tree (n) : đa + shrine = a temple: đền, miếu + hero (n) : anh hùng + entrance (n): lối vào

- Repeat in chorus - Repeat individually - Take note

- Play game in two teams of five

- Prepare for listening

3 Practice (18 minutes)

- Open the tape and then call Ss to answer the questions

II Practice:

- Listen to the tape then answer the questions

+ They went on Sunday - Ask Ss to read the text silently and

exercise (p 23)

- Call Ss give their ideas - Give the feed back

1 Ba and his family had a two – day trip to their home village

2 Many people like going there for their weekend

3 There is a small bamboo forest at the entrance to the village

4 Liz had a snack at the house of Ba’s uncle

5 There is a shrine on the mountain near Ba’s village

6 Everyone had a picnic on the mountain Everyone left the village late in the evening

8 Liz had a videotape to show the trip to her parents

9 Liz wants to go there again

+ Liz enjoyed the trip very much and took a lot of photos

Exercise a) True or False

- Do individually Swap with their partners - Some Ss give their ideas Others listen to them and remark

1 F (Ba and his family had a day trip to their home village

2 T

3 F (There’s an old banyan tree at the entrance to the village.)

4 F (People had a snack under the banyan tree.)

5 T

6 F (They had a picnic on the river bank) T

8 F (Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents.)

9 T

hero Home village

shrine Banya



- Call some Ss to read the text loudly

- Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions in the Ss’ books (p 23)

- Give the game of “Lucky numbers” to get the correct answers to the questions

11  Q1 Q4 Q7 11  Q2 Q6 11  Q5 10.Q3 Where is Ba’ village?

2 How did Ba and his family get to the village?

3 Where is the banyan tree?

4 What did they see on the mountain? Where did they have their picnic?

6 What did Liz to show the trip to her parents?

7 What does Liz wish?

- Ss read the text in front o the class - Work in pairs

Exercise b) Answer

- Play game in two teams

1 It’s 60 km to the north of Hanoi They got to the village by bus It’s at the entrance to the village

4 They saw the shrine of a Vietnamese hero on the mountain

5 They had a picnic on the river bank

6 Liz took a lot of photos to show her parents

7 Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village again

4 Production (7 minutes)

- Ask Ss to read the text once more and find * Structure: out the structure they have learned in Unit


- C©u mong íc t¬ng lai:

VD: We wish we could go to Ho Chi Minh City this summer

+ Liz wishes she would stay in Viet Nam longer

- Ask Ss to the exercise with the new structure

Vicky is fed up What is she saying? Use I wish.

1 She can’t think straight She is so tired

3 She gets headaches

4 Her work isn’t going well

5 She can’t concentrate on her work She doesn’t know what to

7 She likes to go on a travel to somewhere Life is so complicated

- Show the new structure

+ I wish I could visit your village again S + wish / wishes + S + could / would + V

1 I wish I could think straight I wish I weren’t so tired I wish I didn’t get headaches I wish my work were going well

5 I wish I could concentrate on my work I wish I knew what to

7 I wish I could go on a travel I wish life were simple 5 Homework (3 minutes)

 Learn by heart all the new words and structure  Read the text fluently

 Do exercise 1, (p 20) in workbook

 Prepare for UNIT – Lesson 2: Speak + Listen TuÇn 8

Tiết 16 Ngày soạn: 22 / 09 / 2010Ngày d¹y : 06 / 10 / 2010



 Ask for and give information about their own village  Listen and fill the place in their right position on the map II Language content

Vocabulary: route , pond, parking lot, pick someone up, gas station, Dragon bridge, pond,…

Grammar: preposition of time, simple past with wish( review). III Method:

 Ask – answer  Individually  Pair work

 Communicative approach IV Teaching aids:  Posters

 Students’ books  Picture

 Tape and cassette  Flashcards

V.Procedures: 1 Warm up (7 minutes)

Teacher Students

- Ask some questions about Ba’s home village

+ Where is Ba’s home village?

+ How far is it from Ha Noi to his home village?

+ How can Ba get to his home village? + How long does it take to get to his home village by bus?

+ Does his home village have a river?

- Last lesson we have learned about Ba s’ home village Today we are going to talk about our home village.

- Listen to the teacher then answer the questions

+ It’s to the north of Ha Noi + It’s about 60 km

+ He can get there by bus + Two hours

+ Yes, it has a river

- Listen to the teacher’s introduction 2 Speaking (15 minutes)

* Pre speaking (3 minutes)

- Give the game of “Noughts and crosses”

1 Where’s your home village?

2 How often you go to your village? How far is it from the city?

4 What can you see on the way to ?

5 What activities are there in the countryside?

6 Is a lake, a pond, a river in your village? How can you get there?

8 How long does it take you to get there? Which of interesting place would you

I Speaking.

- Play game in two teams to answer T’s questions

One team is (O), the other is (X)




1 My home village is


8 It takes me…

9 If you have time, please to my home like to show us?

* While speaking (12 minutes)

- Have students read the questions in exercise (a) and work in pairs, play the role of A and B ask and answer about the partner’s home village using the information in the box

- Call some pairs to practice speaking in front of the class (Correct the mistakes if there are)

village and I’ll take you to and try special food such as

- Work in close pairs

- Some open pairs practice loudly A: Where is your home village? B: It’s to the west of the city A: How far is it from the city? B: It’s about 15 km from the city A: How can you get there?

B: We can get there by bus

A: How long does it take to get there? B: It takes an hour

A: What people for a living? B: They plant rice and raise cattle A: Does your village have a river?

B: There aren’t any rivers but there is a big lake

3 Listening (13 minutes) * Pre – listening (3 minutes) explanation

picture definition translation

- Ask Ss to look at the map then prepare for listening

- Open the tape three times

- Call some Ss to read their answers - Check the answer by listing once more

II Listening New words:

+ route: tuyến đờng, lộ trình + pond: ao

+ parking lot = car park: bến xe + pick someone up :đón (ai lên xe)

2 Look at the map Listen to the trip to Ba’s village Match the places

- Listen and exercise individually - Read their answers

- Check the answer - Take note

At 30 in the morning, the bus collected Ba and his family from their home After picking everyone up, the bus continued north on Highway Number It crossed the Dragon Bridge and stopped at the gas station to get some more fuel Then it left the highway and turned left onto a smaller road westward This road went between


green paddy fields, so the people on the bus can see a lot of cows and buffaloes The road ended before a big store beside a pond In stead of turning left towards a small airport, the bus went in the opposite direction It didn t stay on that road forvery long, but turned left onto a road which went through a small bamboo forest. Finally, the bus dropped everyone in the parking lot ten meters from a big old banyan tree It parked there and waited for people to come back in the evening

F: Store. G: Pond B: Airport

H: Bamboo forest I: Parking lot A: Banyan tree 4 Production (7 minutes)

- Make a survey about the classmates’ home village

- Call Ss to report their survey in front of the class

- Make survey


 Place  km  by  time  produce  sights

- Ss report their survey

Ex: Nam’s home village is in Thai Thuy It’s to the south of Thai Binh city

It’s about 25 km from the city He often goes there on the weekend It often takes him 50 minutes to get there by motorbike On the motorbike, he can see a lot of beautiful sights, trees , rice paddies, cows or buffaloes grazing along the roads There’s a river called “Tra Ly” and most people live on planting rice, vegetables and raise chickens, ducks and animals They’re very friendly

5 Homework (3 minutes)  Write it up from the survey

Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 03:28
