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All the students should remember clearly the deadline for entries for the final test. All of the students can certainly remember the deadline for entries for the final test[r]


TEST : ENGLISH Time : 90 minutes

I) Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group:

1 a manage b sat c add d black

2 a looked b moved c tried d opened

3 a gentle b get c game d gift

4 a church b each c much d ache

5 a alone b women c froze d open

II) Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:

6 a formality b formative c formation d forgive

7 a navigate b natural c nationalize d narrate

8 a simultaneous b situation c simplicity d singularity

9 a tolerate b tomorrow c tobacco d technique

10 a majestic b maintain c majority d magnify

III) Choose the best answer:

11 People gain great…………from saving money by learning to things themselves

a satisfy b dissatisfaction c satisfactory d satisfaction 12 Modern………….television carries a lot of advertising

a commercially b commercial c commerce d commercialize 13 TV advertising is very expensive and so also very…………

a profitably b profitable c non-profit d profit

14 Cigarette advertising on TV has been………… in Britain for a long time

a approved b approval c disapproved d disapproval

15 People seem to think pipe and cigar smoking is……….safe

a comparative b comparatively c comparable d comparably 16 Mr and Mr Black were delighted when they……… to sell their house so quickly

a succeeded b could c risked d managed

17 Just keep………….on the baby while I cook the supper, will you?

a a look b a glance c an eye d a care

18 He……….his friend to go camping with him

a attracted b suggested c appealed d persuaded

19 Do come……….instead of standing there on the doorstep in the rain

a onto b in c to d by

20 Don’t invite John to dinner; I can’t stand his bad…………

a mood b mind c character d temper

21 I don’t……….with your decision but I think that you might have told me last week

a displease b disagree c dislike d disregard

22 I’m sorry I haven’t got any money- I’ve……….my wallet at home

a missed b left c let d forgotten

23 You may not have to stay the night but take the toothbrush just in………

a case b time c order d preparation

24 A soldier has to learn to carry………… orders as soon as they are given

a on b out c through d off

25 We were………by the noise in the forest

a afraid b frightened c feared d nervous

26 The cat was…………to wait for the mouse to come out

a patiently enough b so patient c enough patient d patient enough 27 You smell awful! It’s high time you…………a bath

a have b will have c had d to have

28 He’ll never pass his driving test……….he takes some lessons

a unless b if only c provided d if


a pay b paid c are paying d have been paying 30 Poverty is a problem in many cities……… whole families can only afford to live in one room

a when b where c even d if

31 The world would be a better place if everyone showed………… cooperation as John

a as much b so much c too much d much

32 He turned on the TV,………I thought was rather surprising

a and b so c that d which

33 He refused to give up work,………… he had won a million pounds

a despite b however c even though d as though

34 I have to leave before seven and so………

a leave you b you have c you d you

35 She didn’t it herself She asked some workmen……….it for her

a to b doing c they did d

IV) From the four underlined words or phrases (a, b, c, d), identify the one that is not correct:

36 Weather and (a)geography conditions (b)may determine (c)the kind of transportation (d)using in a region 37 Modern Airlines (a)also serve South America, and the(b) high way network (c)is expanding (d)rapid 38 Caravan of camels plod(a) across the desert sands (b)as airplanes (c)fly (d)highly overhead

39 (a)There are about 500 (b)species of poisonous snakes, 200 (c)of them are harmful (d)to man 40 There (a)was (b)few useful information (c)in (d)this article

41 If you want (a)to keep fit, then why (b)not take (c)on (d)a sport such as badminton or tennis 42 When her dog (a)died, she (b)cried very (c)hardly for (d)half an hour

43 Modern transportation can speed a doctor (a)to the side of a (b)sick person, (c)even if the patient lives on an (d)isolating farm

44 Tom’s very good (a)at science (b)when his brother (c)is (d)absolutely hopeless 45 Daisy has (a)such many things (b)to that she (c)has no time (d)to go out V) Choose the best answer for each blank in the passage:

A long and happy marriage is something that many people wish for, but finding the right partner is (46) more difficult than you might imagine A friend of mine, Susan, had not been very successful in her (47)… to find the perfect partner, and she was beginning to lose heart and feel rather (48)… One day she happened to hear someone (49)…about a computer dating agency which could help you to find the ideal partner Susan immediately (50)…an appointment to see someone at the agency, then waited to see (51)…would happen The agency arranged a meeting with a suitable partner at the local railway station a week later, although I (52) her not to go My friend arrived a few minutes (53)…….but could see no one who matched the (54) … of the man in the photograph she had been sent She (55)… a man under the station clock and (56)…a bunch of flowers, but there was no one (57)… around Suddenly the man started chatting to her and, after a while, asked her if she would (58)… to go and have a coffee Not (59)……much later did they come to the conclusion that they had both been waiting for each other! When they had both (60)…….from the shock they decided that the computer had been right after all

46 a so b much c too d lot

47 a fight b duty c work d attempt

48 a depressed b ashamed c embarrassed d bored

49 a mentioning b telling c talking d relating

50 a did b had c set d made

51 a that b what c which d who

52 a advised b urged c suggested d whispered

53 a after b since c ago d early

54 a look b appearance c gesture d manner

55 a realized b considered c noticed d respected

56 a fetching b wearing c carrying d holding

57 a more b other c extra d else

58 a want b desire c like d need

59 a until b when c then d after

60 a returned b recovered c reviewed d realized


61 I very much admire Maradona as a football player but I loathe him as a man a I very much admire Maradona both as a footballer and as a man

b Although I admire him as a footballer but I look down on him as a man c Much though I admire him as a footballer, I dislike him as a man d Much as I admire him as a footballer I loathe him as a man 62 Without his wife’s encouragement, he wouldn’t have changed his job

a Had it not been for his wife’s encouragement, he wouldn’t have changed his job b Had his wife not encouraged, he wouldn’t have changed his job

c But for his wife not encouraged, he wouldn’t have changed his job d (a), (b) and (c) are correct

63 The film fell short of my expectation

a The film was so short that it made me disappointed b The film was shorter than I expected it would c The film didn’t live up to my expectation

d It was such a short film that it didn’t meet our expectation 64 “Where did you go?”

a She asked me where I had gone b She asked me where did you go? c She asked me where did I go? d She asked me where you had gone 65 “Can you use a computer?” she asked

a She wanted to know whether I can use a computer b She wanted to know whether I could use a computer c She wanted to know could I use a computer ?

d She wanted to know can I use a computer VII) Read the passage and choose the best answer:

If you were to stop people in the street and ask them to name a ship that had been sunk, it is likely that most of them would say the Titanic For the sinking of the Titanic was, if not the most tragic, certainly the most famous sea disaster in the history of ocean travel

The Titanic was built as a luxury liner intended to be the fastest in the world, and a great deal of publicity had surrounded it The last point probably explains why so many important people from all walks of life were on the boat when it went down

The Titanic was on its maiden voyage to America in 1912 when it struck an iceberg and sank Of its 2300 passengers, more than two thirds were drowned Because the Titanic was thought to be virtually unsinkable no one was prepared for the tragedy There was total panic as very few of the passengers had bother to learn the

necessary drill in the event of trouble There was severe shortage of lifeboats and those that were launched were still half-empty The one point of calm was found in the ballroom where the band carried on playing right to the very end

What makes the sinking of the Titanic even more tragic is the fact that warnings of the iceberg had been sent, yet the liner was still continuing at full speed In addition, one ship was only ten miles away but did not receive the distress signal

One good thing did, however, result from the disaster The whole question of safety at sea was looked into, resulting in much better safety measures, including stricter lifeboat regulations and the establishment of an iceberg patrol

66 The sinking of the Titanic was

a the most tragic sea disaster b the most historic sea disaster c the most famous sea disaster d the first great sea disaster 67 Why were so many important people on board?

a The Titanic had received a lot of publicity b The Titanic was a luxury liner c It was the fastest liner in the world d They wanted to go to America 68 The lifeboats were


a no warnings had been sent b the dance band was playing too loud c the Titanic was traveling too fast d there were no distress calls

70 The positive result of the disaster was that

a a full inquiry was made b a program of iceberg destruction was started c lifeboats were made larger d sea travel was made safer

VIII) Choose the most appropriate answer from a, b, c, or d: 71 opinion/ election/ fair

a My opinion was fair about the election b In my opinion, I think the election was fair c According to my opinion, the election was fair d In my opinion, the election was fair 72 you/ really/ be/ able/ dress/ yourself/ age

a You must really be able of dressing yourself in your age b You should really be able to dress yourself at your age! c You have really been able of dressing yourself by your age d You are really able of dressing yourself this age!

73 provide/ your handwriting/ legible/ test scorer/ accept/ your answer

a Providing your handwriting is legible, the test scorer does not accept your answer b Provided for your legible handwriting, the test scorer has to accept your answer

c Provided that your handwriting is legible, your answer will be accepted by any test scorer d Providing with your legible handwriting, every test scorer must accept your answer 74 imagine/ who/ happen/ run into/ yesterday/ just

a You imagine just who happened to run into us yesterday!

b Have you just imagined who happened to run into me yesterday? c Could you imagine who just happened to run into us yesterday? d Just imagine who I happened to run into yesterday!

75 Jack/ recover/ quickly/ his serious illness

a Jack was recovered very quickly from his serious illness b Jack has recovered quite quickly from his serious illness c Jack will recover quite quickly after his serious illness d Jack recovered more quickly over his serious illness 76 be/ clear/ what/ expect/ you

a Are you clear about your expectation? b Are you clear what is expected of you to do? c Are your expectations clear? d Are you clear what is expected of you? 77 hilltop/ have/ good/ view/ our village

a The hilltop can make our village views better b From the hilltop, our village can be well viewed

c From the hilltop, we can have a better view of our village d From the hilltop, our village can have a better view 78 students/ remember/ deadline for entries/ final test

a All the students surely remember the deadline for entries for the final test b All the students must remember well the deadline for entries for the final test c All the students should remember clearly the deadline for entries for the final test d All of the students can certainly remember the deadline for entries for the final test 79 man/ sentence/ 15 years/ prison/ he/ prove/ guilty

a The man will get a sentence for himself to15 years in prison if he proves himself guilty b The man was sentenced about 15 years in prison and proved himself guilty

c The man was sentenced to 15 years in prison because he had been proved guilty

d The man should make his final sentence after 15 years in prison as he proved himself guilty 80 school-leavers/ choose/ college/ employment/ immediate

a School-leavers can choose either college or immediate employment

b School-leavers can make a choice among college and employment immediately c School-leavers can choose either college and employment immediately

Ngày đăng: 29/04/2021, 01:35

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