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Gián án REVIEW UNIT 10

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MORE EXERCISES ( Unit 10 – English 8) Task 1 : Multiple Choice 1.Glass . from sand. A. was made B. is made C. is being made D. makes 2.We're delighted . you've won the English contest. Congratulation! A. that B. if C. whether D. while 3.Electrical faults can cause fire. Fire . by electrical faults. A. causes B. can be causing C. can cause D. can be caused 4.I'm . that Mary will go home soon because she wants to meet you as soon as possible. A. sure B. happy C. delighted D. afraid 5.She doesn't get up early on Sundays. She gets up A. lately B. slowly C. late D. hardly Task 2 : Multiple Choice A representative ( người đại diện ) from Friends of the Earth, Miss Blake, is talking to the students of Quang Trung School. Friends of the Earth shows people how to protect the environment ( bảo vệ môi trường ) and save natural resources ( tiết kiệm nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên ) . Miss Blake: Recycling is easy. Remember - reduce, reuse and recycle! Ba: You are right. It is not difficult to remember because all the three words begin with the letter R. Can you explain ( giải thích ) what you mean, Miss Blake? Miss Blake: Certainly. I am pleased that you want to know more. Reduce means not buying products (sản phẩm ) which are overpackaged ( đóng gói nhiều lần ) . For example, shirts and socks which have plastic and paper packaging. Hoa: I think I know what things we can reuse. Miss Blake: Can you tell the class, please? Hoa: We can reuse things like envelopes ( phong bì ) , glass, and plastic bottles and old plastic bags. Miss Blake: That is right. But instead of reusing plastic bags, we should not use them at all. We ought to use cloth bags ( túi vải ) . Lan: So, is that what you mean by recycle? Miss Blake: Yes, do not just throw things away. Try and find another use for them. Lan: That is easy to say, Miss Blake, but how do we do it? Miss Blake: Contact an organization like Friends of the Earth for information, go to your local library, or ask your family and friends. 1. Where can we look for information on recycling things? A. None is correct B. Through “Friends of the Earth” or local library C. Through UNESCO or your family and friends 2. What does "recycle" mean? A. Not throw reusable ( có thể sử dũng lại) things away B. Recover reusable material C. Both are correct 3. What things can we reuse? A. Envelopes, glass B. Both are correct C. Plastic bottles and old plastic bags 4. What does Miss Blake mean by "reduce"? A. Not buying socks and shirts B. Cutting down on doing something C. Not buying over-packaged products 5. Why does Miss Blake tell Lan that we shouldn't use plastic bags at all? A. Because they are expensive B. Because they can't be reused C. Because they can't be reuse as many times as cloth bags . Task 3 : True/False statements CAR TIRES ( vỏ xe ) . In the USA, millions of old car tires are thrown away every year. But tires can be recycled to make pipes and floor coverings ( thảm trải sàn nhà ). Nowadays, many people wear shoes and sandals made from old car tires. BOTTLES. In Britain, the milkman brings bottles of milk to houses and collects the empty ones. The empty bottles are then cleaned and refilled (đổ đầy lại) . Every milk bottle can be reused thirty times. GLASS. In industry, most glass is recycled. The glass is collected and sent to the factories. There it is broken up, melted ( làm tan ra) and made into new glassware ( thuỷ tinh mới ) . DRINK CANS. People throw away billions of cans every year all over the world. In Oregon, the government made a new law several years ago. They said that there must be a deposit ( tiền cọc) on all drink cans. The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling. COMPOST ( phân xanh ) . Farmers have recycled their waste for thousands of years. They grow food for their animals, and use the dung ( phân súc vật) for fertilizing ( bón phân) their fields. They also collect household and garden waste to make compost. Compost is a wonderful natural fertilizer ( phân bón thiên nhiên ) . It helps plants grow. 1. People clean empty milk bottles and refilled them with milk again. 2. Compost is made from household and animal waste. 3. The Oregon government made a new deposit law to prevent ( ngăn chặn ) people from using drink cans. 4. The glass is broken up, melted and made into new tools. Task 4 : Making Similar Sentences (Viết lại những câu sau sử dụng từ gợi ý sao cho nghĩa khơng đổi) 1. People grow rice in these fields. Rice 2. This team will win the prize by any means. The prize 3.The boy opens the door. The door 4.They heard him make an interesting remark. He 5. They sold tickets for the next match Tickets . MORE EXERCISES ( Unit 10 – English 8) Task 1 : Multiple Choice 1.Glass . from sand. A. was

Ngày đăng: 01/12/2013, 03:11

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