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Nội dung

Vietnam made serious attempts to improve relations with China and with t United States, which ended its economic embargo in 1994A. Full diplomatic relations were established the follow[r]


≈ ≈


I/ Fill the gap in each sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses:

1 growth is expected to average 2% next year (ECONOMY)

2 It is usually to buy washing powder in large quantities (ECONOMY) The factory is no longer viable (ECONOMY)

4 Older people are important contributors to the (ECONOMY) The government has a programme of economic reform (INITIATE) Activities all take place under the guidance of an tutor (EXPERIENCE) Until now, wage increases have always kept pace with (INFLATE)

8 The government have tried to achieve the of poverty and crime (ELIMINATE) The police have two suspects from their investigation (ELIMINATE)

10 The government pays to farmers to produce particular crops (SUBSIDIZE) 11 Meals in the cafeteria are by the company (SUBSIDIZE)

12 We not need further government (INTERVENE) 13 We needed you there to offer words of (ENCOURAGE)

14 Despite the recession the company is confident of further (EXPAND) 15 It is perfectly to import these goods under European law (LEGAL) 16 drinking clubs continue to operate in the city (LEGAL)

17 The schools have a measure of local autonomy (SUBSTANCE) 18 The city has grown (SUBSTANCE)

19 They are having a party to celebrate the of their first year’s goals (ACHIEVE)

II/ Choose the word which has the meaning provided:

1 A situation in which somebody becomes involved in a particular issue problem, etc in order to influence what happens (intervention, commitment)

2 Change intended to correct or improve the situation (reform, policy)

3 Control something or so, often in a negative way, because you have more power or influence (reduce, dominate)

4 Make something stop existing (commit, dissolve)

5 Action that’s intended to achieve or deal with something (productivity, measure) Happening or coming after something else (substantial, subsequent)


8 Not growing or developing (stagnant, inefficient)

9 An economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable (inflation, renovation)

10 Large in amount or degree (substantial, administrative)

11 Poor and not having modern industries or advanced technology (underdeveloped, developed) 12 Make something new again by repairing or improving it (adopt, renovate)

13 Organize something such as a company in a different way so that it will operate better (restructure, reaffirm)

14 Change (guideline, shift)

15 Decide to start using a particular idea, plan or method (adopt, eliminate)

III/ Fill in each gap with only one suitable word:

1 The government is tougher measures to combat crime They injected the directly into her bloodstream

3 Developing countries are against agricultural _ in western countries

4 Free is an economic system in which private businesses compete with each other without much government control

5 The scandals left his reputation in

6 A _ economy is not a developing, growing or changing one

7 is a group of people from a particular culture or of a particular race living in a country where the main group is of a different culture or race Overseas has had a positive effect on exports

8 The tertiary _ is the area of industry that deals with services rather than materials or goods

9 The key is , how long can the federal government control the rate? 10 It is urgent and essential to have the of the educational system 11 They have threatened us with action


I/ Complete the sentences with either because or because of (=due to):

1 He came ten minutes late he missed the bus We delayed our trip the bad weather

3 They are here us

4 they live near us, we see them quite often She stayed home feeling unwell


7 I left the message you weren’t there

8 We couldn’t get into the disco the enormous crowd

9 You can’t enter this secure area you don’t have an official permit 10 It’s unsafe to travel in that country the ongoing civil war

11 there had been an accident, we all arrived late

12 My mother is always complaining the untidiness of my room

II/ Choose the correct completion:

1 (Although/ Despite) the sun was shining, it was cold

2 (Despite/ though) his physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman

3 (Even though/ In spite of) the doctor warned Carol, she has continued to smoke nearly three packs of cigarettes a day

4 I wasn’t tired (although/ in spite of) working hard all day

5 Kitty wanted to report on the war (even though/ despite) the danger Bill kept playing golf (in spite of/ even though) it was raining

7 (In spite of/ Though) Kate’s clever, she isn’t doing very well at school It was a fantastic evening (in spite of/ although) the terrible food

9 (Though/ Despite) they lack official support, they continue their struggle 10 (Although/ in spite of) you dislike Jessica, you should try to be nice to her

III/ Fill in the gaps with: because/ because of (due to)/ although (though, even though)/ despite (in spite of):

1 She managed to get there, she didn’t have a map like the others Mark didn’t go to work yesterday he didn’t feel well

3 He never smiles at me or speaks to me the many efforts I have made to be friendly Several people in the crowd became ill and fainted the extreme heat

5 I’m quite old, I still miss my parents The trees were bent over the wind

7 the fact that they were busy, they still helped us The water in most river is unsafe to drink it’s polluted

9 being much younger than the others, he was the most outstanding footballer in the team

10 We watched TV all evening we had nothing to 11 I knew the truth, I decided not to tell them


13 My sister got the job, she didn't expect to 14 Daniel forgot his passport having it on his list

15 The goods were never delivered the promise we had received 16 Henry asked Claire to marry him the fact that he's a lot older than her

IV/ Rewrite the following sentences, using “because of”:

1 I stayed at home because my mother was ill

→ We had to hurry indoors because it was raining

→ We didn't arrive until seven o'clock because the traffic was terrible

→ I couldn't go out because I had a cold

5 Because he loved his country deeply, he devoted his whole life to the national liberation struggle →

6 He likes her because she is very beautiful

→ She can't work hard because she is very old

→ He couldn't go to school because he was very poor

→ I can't buy this bike because I don't have enough money

→ 10 I couldn’t concentrate on studying last night because there was a noise in the next flat →

V/ Rewrite the following sentences, using “because”:

1 Because of their interest in comets, they decided to study astronomy

→ She felt sleepy because of the long performance

→ The field trip was cancelled because of the heavy rain

→ Because of my friend’s absence, I have to copy the lessons for him

→ Harry had to stay in hospital because due to his broken leg

→ The young couple decided not to buy the house because of its dilapidated condition →

7 Jim had to give up jogging because of his severely sprained ankle


8 We all have received the best of everything because of our parents’ generosity →

9 John succeeded in is exam because of his hard and methodical work

→ 10 Sarah has to sit in the front row in class because of her poor eyesight

VII/ Make sentences from the given words or phrases:

1 He/ not pass/ driving test/ though/ tried/ keep calm

→ Although/ he/ like music/ not play/ musical instruments

→ Although/ they/ protest/ government/ won’t/ anything

→ Plane/ took off/ time/ even though/ foggy

→ Even though/ he/ strong/ not break down/ door

VIII/ Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1 Linh studied hard However, she didn’t pass the final exam

→ Even though _ It was late and I was exhausted, so I went straight to bed

→ Because I know he’s your friend, but he can’t sleep here

→ Even _ I disagree with his point of view, but I understand why he thinks that way → Although Jack is still unemployed in spite of applying for about a dozen different job → Though _ While most people agreed that the car was a bargain, none of them wanted to buy it → Even _ The old people didn’t have very much money, but they were really generous → Despite _ All the banks will be closed on Monday It’s a holiday

→ Because of Our team played really well, but we didn’t win the game

→ Though _ 10 You’ll know that the fruit is getting ripe when the skin starts to turn yellow → Because

IX/ Pronunciation:


3 A expand B islander C land D stagnant A domestic B confide C compulsory D remote A eliminate B eventual C enterprise D reform A slum B accuse C drug D subsidy A communist B constantly C government D achievement A administrative B intervention C productivity D opportunity A renovation B economic C eliminate D irrigation A dominate B inflation C constantly D subsequence A dissolve B reform C stagnant D expand A initiate B substantial C restructure D subsidy

X/ Prepositions:

1 These days everybody is aware the danger of smoking It was only accident when I found out who the man really was That man is very honest He isn’t capable telling a lie

2 Don’t worry arranging our holiday I’ll take care it I don’t care money It is not important me

4 They fell love each other almost immediately and were married in a few weeks

5 The education system in Britain was crying out reform

6 Until now, wages increases have always kept pace inflation Years of fighting have left the area ruins

7 The company’s commitment providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success

8 British schools are now required law to publish their exam results If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink, eliminate it your diet


1-3 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others

1 A eliminate B eventual C enterprise D reform A expand B islander C land D stagnant A thus B another C neither D ethnic

4-5 Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others:

3 A renovation B minority C apologize D compulsory A subsidy B vacancy C applicant D illegal


6-25 Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D:

6 “ ” means “an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less


A Renovation B Reform C Inflation D Intervention

7 As a result of the strike, the government is urging people to be with electricity A economical B economy C economic D economically

8 The reform has brought positive effects in many sectors of the economy

A in B about C on D to


9 She wasn’t well, but this she went to work

A although B because C because of D in spite of

10 It is to shoot an alligator in the Everglades where animals are under the protection of the National Park Service

A legal B illegal C legally D illegality

11 The government cut spending through reductions in state to industry A benefit B subsidies C intervention D taxes

12 The government is aiming 50% reduction unemployment A at/ in B to/ in C at/ of D for/ of 13 Some snakes are poisonous, others are harmless

A so B for C but D despite

14 After many years of Doi Moi process, Vietnam has many encouraging results A achieve B achieved C achieves D achieving

15 “We expected Larry to accept the job, but he didn’t.” is closest in meaning to “ ” A Larry accepted the job even though we didn’t expect so

B even though Larry was expected to accept the job, he didn’t C Although Larry was expected to accept the job but he didn’t D That Larry accepted the job was beyond our expectation

16 Did your country a lot of difficulties before Doi Moi?

A experience B experienced C experience D experiencing 17 I want you to these instructions exactly

A take up B put out C turn up D carry out 18 The player was ejected because he committed a foul

A as B due to C despite D provided 19 The committee among themselves for hours

A have been arguing B have been argued C has been arguing D has been argued 20 Industrial countries a great amount of raw materials

A absorb B apply C employ D consume 21 The most important impact of is the change in urban economic life A renew B renovation C recycle D change 22 We need a improvement in sales so that they are greater

A greatly B economic C substantial D particularly 23 Don’t you think the manager should deal this problem?

A with B to C on D from 24 He managed to win the race hurting his foot before the race A although B because of C despite of D in spite of 25 You have to work hard to keep with the rest of the class

A out B up C in D on

26-30 Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting:

26 The Land Law and the Enterprises Law have laid legal grounds for dissolve inefficient A B C D


27 One of the managers who works for the company has been dismissed A B C D 28 She wanted to know how long would it take her to get there A B C D

29 Although being the best qualified candidate, he didn’t get the job A B C D

30 The job is badly paid but I’m looking for another one A B C D


31-35 Read the passage below carefully Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE:

By 1986, Vietnam had begun to recognize that major changes were needed At a national congress held in December, new party leaders launched the doi moi (economic renovation) program to reform

Vietnamese society and stimulate economic growth The leaders declared their intention to bring about a mixed economy, involving a combination of state, collective, and private ownership Foreign investment was encouraged, and a more tolerant attitude was adopted toward the free expression of opinion in the country

Vietnam also sought to improve its position in foreign affairs Vietnam made serious attempts to improve relations with China and with t United States, which ended its economic embargo in 1994 Full diplomatic relations were established the following year In 1995, Vietnam joined in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a regional organization dedicated to promoting the economic growth of its member states

While stating the intention to create a modified market economy, Vietnam insists that state-run industries will hold the “commanding heights” in the system There is open concern at the corrosive influence of decadent ideas from the West, which is viewed as a pilot by “dark forces” in the United States to destroy the Vietnamese revolution Vietnam has declared its support for a policy of “economic reform, political stability.”


31 The purpose of the economic renovation program is to change Vietnamese society completely and stimulate economic growth

32 Vietnam has followed the economic policy allowing a mixed economy, involving a combination of state, collective, and private ownership

33 Vietnam has tried to improve diplomatic relations with all countries in the world, especially the neighboring nations and the United States

34 The United States established full diplomatic relations with Vietnam in 1994

35 There is still concern about “dark forces” from some Western countries to the Vietnamese revolution

36-45 Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:


The “Doi Moi” policy has produced remarkable economic success Macroeconomic and structural reforms initiated in the late 1980s (36) stabilized the economy and yielded high levels of income growth Not only has the economic decline of the 1980s been halted, but Vietnam has also become one of the fastest growing economies in the world with widespread and visible improvements in living (37)

for the large portion of the country’s population


Despite the adverse impacts of the regional economic crisis that (38) out in 1997, the country’s GDP increased by an average of 7% per year during the 1994-2004 period The growth (39) was 8, % in 2005

The share of GDP by economic sectors has been changing (40) As a proportion of the economy, agriculture has (41) to 21.8% in 2004 from 40.8% in 1990 Industry (including construction) (42) up 40.1% of the economy, up from 22.8% in 1990 while the share of services increased slightly from 36.4% (43) the same period New services are (44)


36 A has B have C become D get 37 A costs B levels C standard D scales

38 A broke B took C acted D came 39 A rank B amount C number D rate 40 A well B positively C better D brightly 41 A climbed B moved C dropped D been 42 A took B made C put D look 43 A during B between C at D while 44 A existing B coming C emerging D showing 45 A too B as well C also D and


46-50 Rewrite the following sentences using the words/ phrases given:

46 He couldn't go to school because he was very poor

→ Because of _

47 Due to the deep love of his country, he devoted his whole life to the national liberation struggle → Because _

48 In spite of Macy’s sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile → Macy managed to smile although

49 While I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, I will help you this time → Despite my _

Ngày đăng: 27/04/2021, 05:49

