So on, St can understand how the English importance and know how to learn English in easy to understand.. II.[r]
(1)TuÇn 1 Plan:
Period introduce the subject
- after finish the lesson, St will be interested in learning English So on, St can understand how the English importance and know how to learn English in easy to understand
II Content:
- Vocabs: Greetings - Grammar:
III Preparation:
-T: SGK, workbook - St: SGK
IV Process:
T s and St s activities’ ’ Content 1.Warm up:
T- Set organization
- leads St to the content of the lesson ? can you speak English ?
? can you write English ? ? you like to learn English ?
2 Presentation:
T- introduces the subject and the SGK St-listening
T- introduce the form of the SGK St- listen and look at the book
3 Practice:
T- speaks some English to interest St to the subject
St- listening
T- asks some St to repeat St- listen and repeat
4 Production:
T- asks some St to write the vocab St- write on the board
T-corrects mistakes
T- asks St to read the vocabs St- read aloud to class T- corrects mistakes
5 Consolidation:
T- sums up conten of the lesson and sets homework
St- listen and copy