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c) To remember words better, learners write the examples, put the words and their meaning on stickers, underline or.. d) Why don’t some learners learn all the [r]


Tuần 10

Tiết 28 Ngày soạn: 03 / 10 / 2010Ngày dạy : 18 / 10 / 2010

Unit 5: study habits

Lesson 3: Read

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

 Know how to learn the vocabulary in English

 Practice reading comprehension

II Language content

Vocabulary: Mother tongue, Make a list, Learn by heart, However, Underline, Instead, Highlight, Come across, Revision

Grammar: in order to / so as to + V…

III Method

 Communicative approach

 Individually

 Pair work

 Team work

IV Teaching aids:

 Ts’ & Ss’ books

 Real objects and posters

 Tape and cassette

 Wordcards

IV Procedure:

1 Warm up (7minutes)

Teacher Students

- Divides class into four groups and lets Ss play “Pelmanism”

- Calls on some Ss practice - Checks and gives feedback

- Listen to the teacher

- Go on the board and play game

2 Pre reading ( 10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to look at the real objects : a piece of paper, a high light pen … and tell the ways of learning new words

? Do you like to learn English vocabulary? ? What you always when you have a new word?

? How many words you learn a day?

- Today we are going to understand how many ways of learning new words in English

- Ask Ss to can the text and find out the new words

- Look at the real objects

- Tell the ways of learning new words - Answer T’s questions

- Listen to the teacher

- Scan and show the new words I New words:

sử dụng

quan trọng write


lear n viết

language importan


use ngôn ngữ


- Pre teach new words

- Ask Ss to read the information in exercise and give their prediction of “ T” or “ F”


prediction answersCorrect a)

b) c) d)

+ Make a list: liệt kê danh sách + Mother tongue :tiếng mẹ đẻ + Learn by heart: học thuộc lòng + However: nhiên + Instead: thay vào + Come across: gặp phải

a) All language learners write the meaning of new words in their mother tongue b) Some learners write examples of words

they want to learn

c) Every learner tries to learn all new words they come across

d) Many learners only leanr new words that are important

e) 3 While reading ( 18 minutes)

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape then tick “T” or “F” fo each sentences in exercise - Call some Ss to give their answers - Give the correct answers

- Call some Ss to read the text loudly in front of the class ( correct the mistakes if there are)

II Read

- Listen to the tape - Work individually

a) False.(NOT all language learners but only SOME)

b) True

c) False.(Many learners DO NOT try to learn )

d) True

- Some Ss read the text loudly - Ask Ss to work in pairs to answers the

questions in exercise

a) Do learners learn words in the same way? b) Why some learners write example sentences with new words?

c) What some learners in order to remember words better?

d) Why don’t som learners learn all the new words they come across?

e) What is necessary in learning words? f) How should you learn words?

- Give the game of “ Lucky numbers” to exercise

1 e a 33  b

5 c 33  d f

a) Do learners learn words in the same way? b) Why some learners write example sentences with new words?

c) What some learners in order to remember words better?

- Work in pairs

- Play in two teams

a) No Learners learn words in different ways

b) Such sentences help them remember the use of new words


d) Why don’t some learners learn all the new words they come across?

e) What is necessary in learning words? f) How should you learn words?

- Call some pairs to practice asking and answering the questions loudly

highlight them

d) Because they want to learn only important words

e) Revision is necessary in learning words f) Learners should try different ways of learning words to find out what is the best

- Some pars practice 4 Post reading ( minutes)

- Ask Ss to close their books and retell how many ways of learning new words in English

? Do you have any special ways to learn English vocabulary?

- Call Ss to translate the text into Vietnamese

- Close their books

- Retell the ways of learning English - Tell their ways of learning newwords

5 Homework ( minutes)

 Learn by heart all the new words

 Prepare for UNIT : Lesson – Các phần cần có th gửi cho bạn bè, ngời thân

Tuần 10

Tiết 29 Ngày soạn: 04 / 10 / 2010Ngày dạy : 20 / 10 / 2010

Unit 5:

study habits

Lesson 4: Write I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

 Give the structure, the main parts of the closed letter

 Write a closed letter to their friends and their folks

II Language content

Vocabulary: Heading, Opening, Body of the letter, Closing, Dear, Regards

Grammar: Review the tenses.

III Method

 Communicative approach

 Individually

 Group work

IV Teaching aids:

 Ts’ & Ss’ books

 Posters

IV Procedure:

1 Warm up ( 7 minutes)

Teacher Students

- Have Ss answer the questions

1 Have you ever written to someone? Who you usually write for? What you often write about? - Calls on some Ss answer

- Gives feedback

- Listen to the teacher

- Answer the question aloud (maybe in Vietnamese)


2 Pre writing (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to look at the poster of exercise A


Body of the letter

Heading – writer’s address and the date

Closing – Your friend / Regard / Love

Opening – Dear …,

I Reading.

- Look at the poster

- Listen to the teacher explanation

- These are the parts of a letter:

+ Heading (mở đầu) : địa ngời viết th, ngy vit

+ Opening/Salutation( lời chào đầu): Dear ,

+ Body of the letter(phần thân / bức th):Bao gồm nội dung nh:Lí viết th, đề xuất, hẹn gặp thờng đợc chia thành 3,4 phần nhỏ

+ Closing/ Complementary close (lời chào cuối th) đa dạng tuỳ vào mức độ thân mật: Regards, Best wishes, With best wishes, With fond/ warm regards, With much love, your loving son, with all my love

- Ask Ss to read the letter in exercise and decide which parts of the letter are heading, opening, body of the letter and closing. ? Who wrote the letter?

? Who received it?

? Which subjects did Hoa get good grades? ? Was her math result good?

? What did her math teacher ask her to do? ? What is Hoa going to on the Tet holiday?

- Do individually

- Compare with their friends

+ Heading: 12 Tran Dao St … + Opening: Dear …,

+ Body of the letter: Thanks for … your news

+ Closing: Regards, …

+ Hoa wrote the letter + Tim received it

+ Hoa got good grades for his Science, English and History

+ No, it wasn’t

+ Her teacher asked her to spend more time on it

+ She’s going to Hue tonight to celebrate the Lunar New Year Festival with her mother

3 While writing (– 15 minute)

- Ask Ss to read the information in exercise

- You are going to be Lan and you are going to write a letter to your pen pal Donna in San Francisco Now please answer the questions:

? Which subjects did Lan get good grades? ? Was she good at English and History? ? Where is she going in the Mid – Autumn Festivel?

II Writing

- Answer Teacher’s questions

- Work individually


4 Post writing (10 minutes) – - Call some Ss to read their letters

- Give a modal letter - Some Ss read their letter 24 Truong Chinh Street

Dong Da District, Ha Noi July 12,2004

Dear Donna,

Thanks for your letter I am very pleased to hear that you had a happy Mother’s day I received my second semester report last month I got good grade for Geography, Physics and Math, but my English and History results were poor My teacher told me to improve English and History I think I’ll have to study harder next school year

In a few weeks we’re going to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival That’s a moon festival in Autumn or Fall in Viet Nam I am going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus this afternoon and I’m going to stay there with them until after the festival I’ll send you a postcard from there

I am looking forward to hearing from your soon With warm regards,

Yours truly, Lan

5 Homework (3 minutes)

 Write a letter to your friend and tell him about your results of the last semester

 Prepare lesson - Language focus: ôn tập cách dùng trạng từ thể cách, câu gián tiếp yêu cầu nói lời khuyên

Tuần 10

Tiết 30 Ngày soạn: 05 / 10 / 2010Ngày dạy : 22 / 10 / 2010

Unit 5:

study habits

Lesson 5: Language focus I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

 Review the know ledges of unit 5, use the adverbs of manner, modal SHOULD, get acquainted with reported speech

II Language content

Vocabulary: review all the vocabulary in this unit.

Grammar: Adverbs of manner, should, reported speech.

III Method

 Communicative approach

 Individually

 Ask – answer

 Pair work

 Group work

IV Teaching aids:

 Ts’ & Ss’ books

 Pictures

 Posters

IV Procedure:

1 Warm up (7 minutes)

Teacher Students

- Ask Ss to look at the guiding words and write sentences

a) Should / get / early/ Nga / up

b) Miss / said / you / improve / Jackson /

- Write sentences

a) Nga should get up early


your / should / pronunciation / Spanish c) Lan’ mother / to / asked / her / the /

tidy / living room

d) Nam / hard / this / worked / very / semester

e) I / try / to / Spanish / I / will / improve / promise / best / my / my / pronunciation

your Spanish pronunciation

c) Lan’s mother asked her to tidy the living room

d) Nam worked very hard this semester e) I promise I will try my best to improve

my Spanish pronunciation 2 Presentation (13 minutes)

- Call some Ss to remain the way to use adverbs of manner

Adv = Adj + ly

- Nh÷ng tÝnh tõ tận lethì bỏ e thêm y

- Những tính từ có chữ tận “y” mà trớc phụ âm đổi “y” thành “i” thêm “ly”

- Note the special adverbs

I Adverbs of manner.

- Trạng từ thể cách dùng dùng để bổ nghĩa cho động từ để nói cách thức làm việc gì đó nh nào.


+ bad – badly + Slow – slowly + Careful – carefully +Quick – quickly

+ impossible - impossibly + happy – happily

+ Good – well + Hard – hard + Fast – fast + Early – early + Late – late Ex:

+ I didn’t study well this semester + They play soccer very skillfully

- Ask Ss to read the sentences:

+ Mr Lam should play sports every day + You should your homework right now + Lien shouldn t go to school today.

? Các câu nói có ý nghĩa gì? - Ask Ss to make some sentences

? Khi chóng ta nãi l¹i lêi nãi cđa mét ngêi víi ngêi khác ta thờng dùng cấu trúc câu gì?

- Present the ways of changing the direct into the indirects

+ Thay đổi đại từ nhân xng, đại từ sở hữu + Đổi động từ: hạ xuống + Đổi đại từ định, trạng từ thời gian, trạng từ nơi chốn

 This  That

 These  Those

 Here  There

 Now  Then

+ He usually gets up late

+ She speaks English very fluently - Nói khuyên nên / không nên làm

II Modal should

S + should / shouldn t + V ’ … III Commands, requests and advice in reported speech.

- CÊu tróc câu yêu cầu gián tiếp:

S + asked + O + to V – …. - Cấu trúc câu đề nghị gián tiếp:

S + asked + O + to V – ….

- Cấu trúc nói lời khuyên gián tiếp:


 Today  That day

 Tonight  That night

 Tomorrow The next day

 Yesterday  The day before

 Last night  The night before 3 Practice (15 minutes)

- Ask to work in pairs to choose the adverbs of manner to complete the dialogues

a) Hoa: Does Mrs Nga speak English? Lan: Oh, yes She speaks English well b) Hoa: Ba always gets excellent grades Lan: That’s because he studies (1) … c) Hoa: That’s our bus!

Lan: Run (2) …… and we might catch it d) Hoa: I’m very sorry I know I behaved (3) ……

Lan: It’s all right

e) Hoa: I can’t hear you, Lan

Exercise 1:

- Work individually

- Compare with their partners

1) hard 2) fast 3) badly

Lan: Sorry, but I’m speaking (4) … … because I have a sore throat

- Ask Ss to look at the picture of Mr Hao’s house and remark about the house

- Now, please speak what Mr Hao should to live in the house, use the verbs in the box

Ex: Mr Hao should repair the roof

- Ask Ss to look at the example in exercise 3: Work with a partner Suppose you are Tim s mother Report Miss Jackson s’ ’ commands and requests in her conversation with Tim s mother.

a) “Please wait for me outside my office.” b) “Please give Tim his report card for this semester

c) “Can you help Tim with his Spanish pronunciation?”

d) “Can you meet me next week?” - Give correct answers.

4) softly Exercise 2:

- Look at the picture

- Give their ideas about the house - Work in pairs

Mr Hao should paint the walls Mr Hao should cut the grass Mr Hao should replant the trees Mr Hao should mend the door Exercise :

- Read the sentences in exercise - Listen to the teacher

- Work in groups to the exercise on the posters

- Hang the posters and compare the answers


outside her office

b) Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester

c) Miss Jackson told me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation

d) Miss Jackson asked me to meet her next week

4 Production (7 minutes)

- This exercise is about advice in reportrd speech: Now you follow similar instructions as exercise 3, report Miss Jackson’s advice to Tim.

a) “Tim should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation.”

b) “Tim should practice speaking Spanish every day.”

c) “Tim should listen to Spanish conversations on TV.”

d) “Tim should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish.”

e) “Tom should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words.” - Give the game of “Lucky numbers”.’

1 a e 33  c

5 b d 33 

a “Tim should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation”

b “Tim should practice speaking English every day”

c “Tim should listen to Spanish conversations on TV”

d “Tim should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish”

e “Tim should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words”

Exercise 4: - Work in pairs

- Play game in two teams

a Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation b Miss Jackson said you should practice

speaking Spanish every day

c Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversation on TV

d Miss Jackson said you should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish e Miss Jackson said you should use this

dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words

5 Homework ( minutes)

 Do exercise in Ss’ books in the notebooks

 Lean by heart the usage of reported speech

Ngày đăng: 22/04/2021, 13:32
