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bai soan unit 2 English 11

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imaginative (adj) : töôûng töôïng, khoâng coù thöïc, hay töôûng töôïng, giaøu töôûng töôïng.. to turn around : quay laïi, quay sang 21.[r]



1 to embarrass : làm bối rối, làm lúng túng embarrassing (adj) : lúng túng  embarrassment (n)[im'bỉrəsmənt]: lúng túng , bối rối

2 personal (adj ) : cá nhân

3 experience (n) : kinh nghieäm  personal experience (n) : kinh nghiệm cá nhân  embarrassing experience (n) : kỉ niệm bối rối

4 to happen ['hỉpən]: xảy ra

5 floppy (adj) : meàm  a floppy hat : mũ vải mềm 6 like ( prep) : như, giống như

7 idol (n) ['aidl] : tượng thần, thần tượng 8 to wear / wore / worn : mặc, đeo, mang 9 to look : trơng có vẻ

10 to buy for something for oneself : mua cho đó. 11 extremely (adv) [iks'tri:mli] : cực kì

12 at once (adv) :ngay

13 schoolboy (n) ['sku:lbɔi] : hoïc sinh nam 14 to glance at [glɑ:ns]: liếc nhìn

15 to turn a way: quay nơi khác 16 sneaky (adj) : vụng trộm

17 look (n) : nhìn  on one’s face : khn mặt  sneaky look (n) :cái nhìn vụng trộm 18 to imagine : tưởng tượng, hình dung  imagination (n) : tưởng tượng, hình dung imaginative (adj) : tưởng tượng, khơng có thực, hay tưởng tượng, giàu tưởng tượng  imaginary (adj) : tửơng tượng, thực, ảo

19 after a while : sau choấc 20 to turn around : quay lại, quay sang 21 to notice : ý, để ý, nhận biết 22 schoolbag (n) : túi xách học

23 inside (adv) : beân trong

24 a wad of dollar note : xấp tiền la 25 exactly (adv) [ig'zỉktli] : xác, đúng 26 to look into : nhìn vào

27 note (n) ['nout] : giấy bạc ( tiền ) 28 thief (n): tên an cắp

29 to steal / stole / stolen [sti:l] [stoul] [stoulən] : ăn cắp, đánh cắp 30.to make a fuss :làm ầm lên, rối ríải

31 to take … back : lấy lại

32 without (prep) [wi'đaut]: không, không có

34 to put my hand into the boy’s bag : cho tay vào túi xách cậu ấy 40 to reply : đáp lại

41 to point to [pɔint]: chæ vaøo TASK 1

1 shy (adj) [∫ai] : bẽn lẽn, rụt rè, nhút nhát 2 to look away : quay ñi

4 to complain [kəm'plein]: than phieàn


10 to imitate : bắt chước SPEAKING

1 to affect [ə'fekt] : ảnh hưởng đến

2 native speaker (n) : người nói xứ 3 seriously (adv) : nghiêm trọng, trầm trọng 4 ill (adj) : bệnh

5 other parts of the country : nơi khác giới 6 to fail an exam : rớt kì thi

7 famous (adj) : tiếng 8 to appreciate : đánh giá 9 health (n) : sức khoẻ

10 be interested in : quan tâm, thích tứ về 11 attitude (n) : thái độ, quan điểm 12 turlte (n) ['tə:tl] : rùa


1 memorable (adj) : đáng ghi nhớ, không quên được 2 to scream : gào thét, hét lên

3 gas stove (n) : beáp ga

4 to escape : trốn thoát  escape (n) : trốn thoát 5 terrrfied (adj) : cảm thấy khiếp sợ, kinh hãi

6 to replace : thay thế, thay chỗ 7 to embrace /im'breis/ : ôm, ôm chặt, ghì chặt 8 to protect : bảo vệ

9 unforgettalbe (adj) : quên 10 progamme (n) : chương trình

11 successful (adj) : thành công

12 businesswoman (n) : nữ doanh nhân 13 to burn down [bə:n] thiêu huỷ, thiêu trụi

13 to turn off (v) : taét

14 to sleep / slept / slept : ngủ 15 suddenly (adv) : đột nhiên

16 to wake / woke / woken up : thức giấc 17 heat (n) : sức nóng

18 to surround : bao quanh, vây quanh 19 wall of fire (n) : tường lửa

20 to rush : lao vaøo

21 luckily (adv) : cách may mắn 22 to get away : ñi

23 to destroy : thiêu huỷ 24 to own : sỡ hữu, có

25 to rescue : giải thoát, cứu nguy 26 to be involved : liên quan, bị liên quan LANGUAGE FOCUS


1 grandmother (n) : bà nội, bà ngoại 2 cottage (n) : nhà tranh

3 to set off : bắt đầu

4 ready (adj) : sẵn sàng 5 to wave [weiv]: vẫy tay 6 to promise : hứa 7 arm (n) : cánh tay

8 basket (n) ['bɑ:skit] : rổ, giỏ 7 to contain : chứa đựng 8 to bake : nướng

9 specially (adv) : đặc biệt 10 to shine : chiếu sáng

11 bird (n) : chim 12 to be over : kết thúc EXERCISE 2

1 novel (n) : tiểu thuyết 2 marriage (n) hôn nhân

3 to drive / drove/ driven : laùi xe EXERCISE 3

1 to eat / ate / eaten : aên 2 to find / found / found : tìm thấy 3 purse (n) : ví tiền

4 to close : đóng 5 station (n) : nhà ga 6 train (n) : xe lửa

7 to leave / left / left : rời khỏi , đi 8 to pay attention : ý đến

9 complaint (n) : lời than phiền


Part I: vocabulary

1 I only had time to at the newspapers

A look B stare C investigate D glance I'd like to a complaint about the noise

A make B C have D offer We'd like a quiet wedding without any

A noise B sound C fuss D rumor I think that pop star is the of countless teenagers

A image B figure C sample D idol They made a great fuss the baby

A of B about C at D to He suffered loss of for weeks after the accident

A brain B memory C mind D thinking That was a trick!

A sneak B sneaky C sneaking D sneaked The south of the country was worst by the drought

A affect B affected C affectedly D effect I have a great for New York

A affect B affected C affection D affectedly 10 You're not allowed to look at the answers — that's

A cheat B cheated C cheating D A and B 11 I was taken by her story

A on B up C at D in 16 Her remark was followed by an silence

A embarrass B embarrassing C embarrassed D embarrassment 17 There were tears and as they said goodbye

A embrace B embraces C embraced D embracing 18 Last year I went to a party alone I didn’t know any people there except the host I felt very -A embarrass B embarrassed C embarrassing D embarrassingly 19 She broke a glass of wine at the party and the wine poured into a strange man sitting next to her

She was in a very -situation

A embarrass B embarrassed C embarrassing D embarrassingly 20 I don’t like that man He has a -behaviour

A clever B good C interesting D sneaky 21 The woman living next my door is always making - She complains and talks noisily about

everything she doesn’t like

A something B a fuss C acquaintance D stories 22 He entered the class, sat on the second row and -at the girl sitting next to him

A saw B talked C said D glanced 23 I in Da Nang before I moved to this city

A have been living B have lived C had lived D had been living 24 Can you write an article telling about one of your most memorable past -?

A experiences B experience C experiencing D experienced 25 How did the experience -you?

A affects B affect C affected D affecting Part 2: Tenses


months -A ahead B before C ago D past 27 Do you have any idols -you really love and imitate in many ways?

A which B who C what D why 28 Pasteur in the 19th century

A was living B lived C had lived D has lived 29 -you ever had any embarrassing experiences?

A Have B Has C Do D Did 30 My friend, Mary, arrived after I for her about half an hour

A was waiting B had been waiting C have been waiting D have waited 31 to rain before you woke up this morning?

A Did it begin B Has it begun C Had it begun D Would it begun 32 My daughter saw an elephant this morning, but she one before

A had never seen B has never seen C never sees D never had seen 33 Have you ever -a fire?

A see B saw C seeing D seen 34 The fire -some years ago at Dong Xuan Market

A happen B.happened C.happening D.happens 35 Did the firemen -in time?

A comes B come C coming D came 36 The fire was great and it -a lot of things there

A destroy B destroys C destroyed D destroying 37 The businessmen -many things in the fire

A to lose B lose C lost D losing 38 The accident when we were on the way to Vung Tau

A occur B occurring C occurred D had occurred 39 He said he would visit me, but he me yet

A has not visited B had not visited C is not visiting D does not visit 40 I was going home when I -an accident

A see B was seeing C saw D seen 41 I phoned you last night but you were out Where -you go?

A B are C did D were 42 When I got to the airport, the plane -taken off

A had B have C has D having 43 The police -no attention to her complaint because she always made a fuss

A pay B paid C pays D paying 44 The house was in great disorder because he -it

A was redecorating B was redecorate C redecogated D redecorates 45 Who were you talking to on the phone as I -in?

A come B am coming C came D was coming 46 Where -when you saw him last?

A dose he live B he live C did he live D was he living 47 The traffic was making so much noise that I couldn’t hear what he -

A said B say C says D was saying 35 When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker -speaking and the audience was clapping A just finishes B had just finished C has just finished D just finished 48 -I was looking for my passport I found this old photo


49 I didn’t want to meet Paul so when he entered the room I -

A leave B left C am learning D was leaving 50 You looked very busy when I saw you yesterday morning What -?

A were you doing B were you C did you D you 51 I was making a cake when the light wen out I had to -it in the dark

A finished B finishes C finish D finishing 52 He was watching TV when the phone -

A rings B ring C ringing D rang 52 As I -the road I stepped on a banana skin and fell heavily

A crosses B was crossing C crossed D cross 53 Cathy is trustworthy She is person upon -yo can always depend

A who B whom C that D which 54 Our office needs a secretary who -how to use various word processing programs

A knows B knew C knows D knowing 55 Jim is a kind of person -whom one can talk about anything

A with B at C to D in 56 When I was a boy, I often went to school -foot

A on B by C with D of 57 I -the restaurant wold be expensive but it was reasonably cheap

A think B was thinking C thought D am thinking 58 He looked at me angrily when I -him

A interrupt B was interrupting C am interrupting D interrupted 59 I wasn’t a serious accident Only the car was badly -

A damage B damaging C damaged D to damage 60 When I retuned home after 20 years, everything -completely

Ngày đăng: 22/04/2021, 03:36

