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ĐỀ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions Question 1: A churches B devices C resources D wives Question 2: A toll B roll C doll D hole Mark the letter A, B, C, or 19 on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions Question 3: A tragic B professor C mature D degree Question 4: A atomic B obviously C informal D approaching Mark the letter A, B, C, or I) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 5: You should more attention to what your teacher explains A make B pay C get D set Question 6: The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always in response to questions A attention B attentive C attentively D attentiveness Question 7; Jack's mother a birthday cake with seventeen lighted candles on it A brought out B showed off C turned up D took over Question 8: I have never seen such a beautiful dress _ you before A of B on C for D in Question 9: When you catch someone's that you can talk to him A head B hand you something to attract his attention so C eye D ear Question 10: The teacher recommended that Torn _ his composition as soon as possible A finish writing B finished writing C should finish to write D finishes writing Question 11: Jane is going to go abroad next month and she's having a party on Sunday A birthday B farewell C wedding D anniversary Question 12: A whistle is the for the football players to begin the match A communication B instance C attention D signal Question 13: advised on what and how to prepare for the interview, he might have got the job A Had he been B If he had C Unless he had been D Were he to be Question 14: John lost the bicycle he bought last week and his parents were very angry with his carelessness A new beautiful blue japanses B beautiful blue Japanese new C beautiful new blue Japanese D Japanese beautiful new blue Question 15: Each of the guests a bunch of flowers A are given B is given C were given D give Question 16: Let's go to the beach this weekend, ? A we B shall we C will we D don't we Mark the letter A, B, C, or I) on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word (s) in each of the following questions Question 17: This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate A situation B attention C place D matter Question 18: These anniversaries mark the milestones of a happy and lasting relationship between married couples A signs B achievements C landmarks D progresses Mark the letter A, B, C', or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 19: As a brilliant and mature student Marie harboured the dream of a scientific career which was impossible for a woman at that time A kept B had C abandoned D deleted Question 20: After the tragic death of Pierre Curie in 1906, she not only took charge of educating her two children but also took the position which her husband had finally obtained at the Sorbonne A brilliant B lovely C fascinating D happy Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges Question 21: - “I passed the TOEFL test, Mom.” - “ ” A All right B Well done C Good luck D Thank you Question 22: - Roger: "Wow! You look terrific in that new dress!" - Tina: "_ _” A Oh, what a pity! B I'm afraid so! C Thank you I'm glad you think so, D Why dare you say so? Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 23 to 27 ALFRED NOBEL Alfred Nobel was born on October 21, 1833 in Sweden His important invention was dynamite - a powerful (23) _ This dynamite business made him a very rich man One day, Alfred Nobel read about his death in a newspaper In fact, it was his brother's death The mass media (24)_ him a saleman of death, "The dynamite king" Nobel was very upset He had invented dynamite to save l ives - l ives ( 25 ) were lost because other explosives were dangerous to use He hated violence and war And he did not like the world to think of him as a man of war He thought (26) the best way for people to use his fortune for years (27) _ he knew what to with his fortune Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prize, an annual award to honour leaders of science, literature, and world peace Alfred Nobel died on December 10, 1896 He was unmarried and had no children His important decision changed the way the world thought of him He was remembered the way he wanted: Alfred Nobel, man of peace Question 23: A explode B explosive C explosion D exploded Question 24: A called B regarded C reminded D remembered Question 25: A who B what C that D where Question 26: A of B to C at D up Question 27: A Finally B At the end C Thus D Hence Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 28 to 35 In America, when dining, people consider it rude for a guest or dining partner to belch or burp, eat with an open mouth, smack, or lick your fingers Napkins, generally provided are available at every meal and should be placed in one's lap and then used throughout the meal to clean one's fingers and mouth It is acceptable to refuse additional servings of food by saying "No, thank you" and the host or hostess will not be insulted if you so Similarly, if you leave a small amount of uneaten food on your plate at a restaurant or in a home, it is not considered an insult If you eat everything on the plate, a host or hostess may possibly feel that they have not prepared enough food and might be embarrassed People in the United States serve and eat food with either hand, but never take food from a communal serving dish with their hands Generally, a serving utensil is used Americans typically use forks, spoons and knives to eat, but there are some types of foods that are acceptable to eat with one's fingers, like sandwiches or pizza When in doubt, look to see what others are doing In formal dining situations, if you wonder whether or not it is acceptable to begin eating, you should wait until the oldest woman (or oldest man if no women are present) begins to eat When eating, not pick up the bowl or plate from the table to hold underneath your mouth, Even noodles, soup, and rice are eaten with the plate or bowl remaining on the table When consuming soup and hot liquids, it is considered impolite to slurp - not this When consuming noodles, twirl them around your fork and then put it in your mouth If you are a man taking out a woman for dinner, you are almost always expected to pay This is for the woman to gauge your intentions and interest with her For example, taking a woman for coffee, versus tacos, versus a fancy dinner, versus for drinks at 11:30pm, all signal many different things to them So, the date is a -test- of many Paying is just as important as where you take her, and how late So, don't assume she is just trying to get a "free meal" Most girls aren't Also, if you are going out with a friend to eat, almost always, the bill is expected to be split in half, or each person pays for themselves If you are eating in a restaurant, you will be expected to add a 15 to 20 % tip for the server to your bill In America, wait staff might occasionally stop by your table to ask how your meal is, which is considered good service They will also bring you your check when it seems reasonable that you are finished with your meal, however this is not necessarily an indication that you must leave right away (Do not be too embarrassed to ask for the check either waiters and waitresses cannot read minds.) Take your time to finish your meal, and unless there is a line of people waiting at the door, it is not considered rude to linger at your table for as long as you like (Source:https://www.tripadvisor.com/) Question 28: Which of the following could be the best title of the passage? A What should we when being invited to the American's dinner? B Table etiquette in America C Polite behavior at American's restaurants D What is acceptable in dining etiquette in America? Question 29: According to the passage, what action may make the American unpleasant? A Refusing the supplementary food they serve B Leaving the left-overs on the plate C Eating food with the guests' hands D Cleaning the food on the fingers by the tongue Question 30: What sentence is NOT stated in the passage? A In formal dinners, the eldest often eat first B In America, the dishes are expected to remain on the table C Food is sometimes delivered from the communal serving dish with people's hands D It is not courteous to slurp when eating soup Question 31: The word "it" in paragraph refers to A your fork B noodles C your mouth D soup Question 32: What could the word "gauge" in paragraph best be replaced by? A determine B impress C express D estimate Question 33: When will the bill be divided for the people having the meal? A When a man is having a date with a woman B When people are having meals with their friends C When people are eating with the elderly D When a girl is testing a boy Question 34: The word "linger" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to A appear B arrange C reserve D remain Question 35: Which of the following can he inferred from the passage? A It is impolite if you give extra money for the waiter B Whenever you receive your bill, you should think of leaving soon C Paying meals for another may insult them D Imitating others if you are not sure what to at the meal is a good idea Read the following passage and mark the letter A, 11, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42 Christina and James met in college and have been dating for more than five years For the past two years, they have been living together in a condo they purchased jointly While Christina and James were confident in their decision to enter into a commitment like a 20-year mortgage, they are unsure if they want to enter into marriage The couple had many discussions about marriage and decided that it just did not seem necessary Wasn't it only a piece of paper? And didn't half of all marriages end in divorce? Neither Christina nor James had seen much success with marriage while growing up Christina was raised by a single mother Her parents never married, and her father has had little contact with the family since she was a toddler, Christina and her mother lived with her maternal grandmother, who often served as a surrogate parent James grew up in a two-parent household until age seven, when his parents divorced He lived with his mother for a few years, and then later with his mother and her boyfriend until he left for college James remained close with his father who remarried and had a baby with his new wife Recently, Christina and James have been thinking about having children and the subject of marriage has resurfaced Christina likes the idea of her children growing up in a traditional family; while James is concerned about possible marital problems down the road and negative consequences for the children should that occur When they shared these concerns with their parents, James's mom was adamant that the couple should get married Despite having been divorced and having a live-in boyfriend of 15 years, she believes that children are better off when their parents are married Christina's mom believes that the couple should whatever they want but adds that it would "be nice" if they wed Christina and James's friends told them, married or not married; they would still be a family (https://goo.gl/phi6w2) Question 36: Why did Christina and James suppose that marriage was unnecessary? Because _ A It was only a piece of paper B Half of all marriages ended in divorce C Neither of them had seen much success with marriage while growing up D They led to an independent life Question 37: Which can be used as an antonym of the word "maternal"? A relative B bloody C close D paternal Question 38: According to the paragraph 2, which of the following statements is TRUE? Christina lived with her parents until she left for college James was brought up by his father and his new wife Both James and Christina grew up in broken families James lived with his mother and her boyfriend for a year Question 39: Which of the following could best replace the word "traditional" ? A old-fashioned B customary C antique D ancient A B C D Question 40: Why have Christina and James mentioned the subject of marriage again? A They have been thinking about having children B Christina likes the idea of her children growing up in a traditional family C They have been living together for a long time D James is concerned about possible marital problems down the road and negative consequences for the children should that occur Question 41: What is the advice of the couple's parents? Married or not married, they would still be a family They should get married so that children are better off The couple should whatever they want They can have children without entering into a commitment of marriage Question 42: What does the passage mainly discuss? A B C D Marital problems Negative consequences of a broken family Changes in young people's attitude to marriage Arguments about marriage Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 43: Bill was very young when they left, and he could not longer remember living in the house A young B left C not longer D living A B C D Question 44: Hardly I had got onto the motorway when I saw two police cars following me A I had B when C saw D following Question 45: Statistics are now compulsory for all students taking a course in engineering A are B compulsory C taking D engineering Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions Question 46: The car was very expensive and he couldn't afford it A The car was very expensive so that he couldn't buy it B The car was too expensive for him to buy C He was rich enough to buy the car D He was so poor but he bought the car Question 47: "Please send me to a warm climate" Tom said A Torn pleaded with the boss to send him to a warm climate B Torn begged the boss to send him to a warm climate C Tom would rather went to a warm climate D Tom asked his boss to go to a warm climate Question 48: He expected us to offer him the job We were expected to be offered him the job He expected to be offered the job He is expected that we should offer him the job He was offered the job without expectation Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions Question 49: It was not until after I got home that I realized I had not set the burglar alarm in the office A B C D A On the way home, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to turn on the burglar alarm in the office B Fortunately, I realized that I hadn't set the burglar alarm just before I left for home; otherwise, I would have had to travel all the way back to the office C I didn't turn the burglar alarm on before I left the office, but I only became aware of this after I'd arrived home D I wish I had realized before I arrived home that I hadn't turned on the burglar alarm in the office, then it would have been easier to go and set it Question 50: The plan may be ingenious It will never work in practice A Ingenious as it may be, the plan will never work in practice B Ingenious as may the plan, it will never work in practice C The plan may be too ingenious to work in practice D The plan is as impractical as it is genius ... slurp - not this When consuming noodles, twirl them around your fork and then put it in your mouth If you are a man taking out a woman for dinner, you are almost always expected to pay This is for... was born on October 21, 1833 in Sweden His important invention was dynamite - a powerful (23) _ This dynamite business made him a very rich man One day, Alfred Nobel read about his death in a... other explosives were dangerous to use He hated violence and war And he did not like the world to think of him as a man of war He thought (26) the best way for people to use his fortune for years

Ngày đăng: 21/04/2021, 16:05

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Mục lục

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or I) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions


