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preparing date oct 5th 08 teaching date oct 6th 08 nguyôn b¸ h­¬ng quy chau high school preparing date sun october 4th 2009 teaching date sept 7th period division 21st unit 4 school education sys

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- Tell Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer about the school education system in Vietnam.. - Model to Ss:.[r]


Preparing date: Sun, October, 4th 2009 Teaching date: Sept, 7th

Period division: 21st


I Aims.

By the end of the lesson, students will:

Reading for specific information about school education system in England II Teaching aids:


Steps T Work arrangement

Warm up

Brainstorm: - Ask Ss to sit in group and answer the question “What school have you learnt?”

=> - (Chau Hanh) Primary school, Lower secondary school, Upper secondary school;

- Lead to the topic if the lesson: School Education System

5’ Pair work

Before you read Facts about schools

- Ask students to read the facts and decide whether the statements about school in Vietnam are true or false

- Go around to offer help

- Have Ss compare their answers - Feedback

* Teaching Vocabulary: Elicit from Ss some new words. - compulsory (a): [kəm'pʌlsəri] (explain) bắt buộc

- academic (a): [,ækə'demik](explain) thuộc giảng dạy -> academic year năm học

- parallel (a): ['pærəlel] (drawing)

- curriculum (n): [kə'rikjuləm] ( example) chương trình giảng dạy - fee-paying: (a): (explain) trả học phí

* Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese equivalents (if necessary). * Checking technique: Rub out & remember

- Have Ss read through the passage in silence and guess the meaning of other new words in context

- Go around and provide help if necessary


Individual/ Pair work

Whole class work While you read

Task Finding words or phrases - Run through task

- Get Ss to find words or phrases in the reading passage which have the same meanings as those in task

- Have Ss compare their answers

- Call some students to give the answers

7’ 8,

Individual/ Pair work


Preparing date: Tue, October, 7th 2009

Teaching date: Sept, 8th Period division: 22nd


I Aims.

By the end of the lesson, students will:

Practice talking about the school education system in Vietnam II Teaching aids:

Poster, chalk, handouts and real objects… III Procedure

Steps T arrangementWork

Warm up

Ordering the grades:

- nursery ['nə:sri](nha tre), lower secondary, kindergarten ['kində,gɑ:tn] (truong mau giao), upper secondary, university

5 Class work

Before you speak Task 1: Ask and Answer

- Get Ss to study the table (show on a poster if necessary)

- Tell Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer about the school education system in Vietnam

- Model to Ss:

A: When children in Vietnam go to (primary) school? B: When they are six (years old)

A: How long does the (primary) education last? B: (year)s

- Have Ss practice

- Call on some pairs to act out in front of the class - Give comments


Pair work?

While you speak Task 2:

- Ask Ss to look at the information in the task

- Guide Ss to use the information in Task to talk about the school education system in Vietnam

-Give Ss model:

Children in Vietnam go to (primary) when they are (six) years old And the (primary) lasts years

- Move around to give help -Call on some Ss to present - Feedback

15’ Individual work

After you speak Task 3

- Run through the school system in Vietnam and in England to elicit the similarities and differences between them



- Ask Ss to work in groups to talk about the similarities and differences between the school system in Vietnam and in England (focus on the age to start school, curriculum, subjects…)

- Give example 1.:

There are similarities and differences between the school system in Vietnam and in England In Vietnam, (the academic year) runs from August to May and is divided into terms In England, .(the academic year) runs from September to July and is divided into 3 terms


There are similarities and differences between the school system in Vietnam and in England In Vietnam children in Vietnam go to (the primary school) when they are (six) years old And (the primary education) lasts (5)years In England, children go to primary school when they are (5) years old And .(the primary education) last (6) years old.

- Move around to give help

-Call on some Ss present in front of the class - Feedback

Home work 3’ Whole class

Preparing date: Sun, October, 11th 2009 Teaching date: Sept, 12th

Period division: 23rd


I Aims.

By the end of the lesson, students will:

Listening for specific information of a conversation between two students talking about their study at school

II Teaching aids:

Poster, chalk, handouts and real objects… III Procedure

Steps T arrangementWork

Warm up


- Have Ss list the subjects they are learning at school - Collect Ss’ideas - Check with the whole class

5 Class work

Before you listening 1 Questions and answers

- Get Ss to work in pairs, then ask and answer the following questions + What subjects are you good at school?

+ Which ones you enjoy most/ least in your class? Why? - Encourage Ss to express their ideas freely



- Call on some pairs to act out - Give comments 2 Listen and repeat

-Help Ss to pronounce the words in their book correctly

-Play the tape and then ask Ss to read after the tape in chorus and individually

- T corrects errors if needed

-Check if Ss know the meaning of these words While you listening

Task 1: Put a tick

-Get Ss to read through the questions in the table

- Get Ss to listen to the tape twice, and then put a tick to the question to which the answer is “Yes”

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers - Go around and provide help

- Have Ss listen the third time to check the answers

- Call on some Ss to go to the board and write down their answers - Feedback and give correct answers

(If Ss make too many mistakes, have them listen to the tape once more.)

Task 2: Answer the questions

- Ask if s can answer any questions before they listen to the tape again - Play the tape again

- Have Ss compare their answers with a partner - Go around and provide help

(If Ss make too many mistakes, have them listen to the tape once more.) - Call on some Ss to read their answers

- Feedback and give correct answers

1 When he enjoyed the subjects He found it very difficult. 3 Because they difficult for him to in a short time.

4 Because he went away to boarding school when he was quite young and he didn’t like that So school days weren’t the days of his life.


Individual /Pair work

After you listening Discussion

- Get SS to work in groups to discuss the question: “What should you to pass your exam?”

- Go around and provide help

- Call on some groups to give their answers - Feedback

(take extra courses, invest more time in learning, buy some extra- books, …)


Group work

Home work - Learn the new words by heart

- Prepare for the next lesson Writing

2’ Whole class



Gavin: Yes, lets Jenny: OK, so, did you always work very hard?

Gavin: Well I certainly worked pretty hard at the subjects I enjoyed Yes, I did What about you?

Jenny: Yes, I did actually, I think I worked very hard, yeah Now let's come to the next question

Gavin: Did, yeah, did you always listen carefully to your teachers?

Jenny: No I don't think I did No, I think I was quite disruptive, actually What about you?

Gavin: Well I think I did listen to the teachers certainly when I got to the level where I was doing the subjects that I enjoyed

Jenny: Yeah, OK the next question is, did you always behave well?

Gavin: I don't think I always behaved well I was, a bit, er, a bit of a tearaway

Jenny: Um Well, I think I was pretty well-behaved on the whole, so I'd say yes, yeah

Gavin: Good for you! Did you pass your exams easily?

Jenny: No I can't say I did, no, I, I found them quite a struggle actually What about you?

Gavin: I didn't pass them that easily, though I worked hard I found it very difficult to answer all that long questions in a short time

Jenny: Yeah, yeah, exactly What about this one, then? Did you always write slowly and carefully?

Gavin: Quite slowly, essays took a long time to write and I suppose I took a bit or care, yes

Jenny: Yes, I agree I was also, I was very careful and erm yeah methodical

Gavin: Um, no, no I can’t say they were What about you?

Jenny: And did you think your school days were the best days of your life?

Gavin: No, I went away to boarding school when I was quite young and I didn’t like that No, they weren’t the best days of my life

Preparing date: Wed, October, 14th 2009 Teaching date: Oct, 15th

Period division: 24th UNIT 4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM

Lesson D– Writing I Aims.

By the end of the lesson, students will:

Ss’ll be able to write a paragraph to describe school education system in Vietnam II Teaching aids:

Poster, chalk, handouts and real objects…

III Procedure

Steps T arrangementWork

Warm up Brainstorming

5 Class work

levels GCSE


Before you Write Answering questions

Ask pls to using the information that they have learnt to answer the questions below

1 How many levels of education in Vietnam? What are they?

2 When the children in Vietnam go to prinary school? And when they finish it?

3 Is schooling compulsory for Vietnamese children until they finish lower secondry?

4 How long is the duration of the academic year? Does it run from September to May?

5 How many terms?

6 When is a national examination for GCSE exam held? And for whom?

7 Who are able to sit for the university or college entrance examination in July? => Keys:

1 There are two levels of education in Vietnam: Primary and secondary education

2 Children in Vietnam go to primary school at the age of six and move to secondary school when they are 11 yes, it is

4 Schooling is compulsory for Vietnamese children until they finish lower secondary It takes years for the children to finish compulsory education Two terms

6 A national examination for GCSE is usually held in June for all students who finish high school

7 Who pass the GCSE exam are able to sit for the university or college entrance examination in July


Pair work?

While you Write

- Get Ss to sit in groups of or to write a passage of about 150 words on the topic given (Ss write on a poster)

- Go around and provide help (structure, vocabulary ) if necessary Sample writing

There are two levels of education in Vietnam: Primary and secondary education

Children in Vietnam go to primary school at the age of six and move to secondary school when they are 11 Then they spend four years in lower secondary and years in upper secondary They usually finish secondary school at the age of 17

Schooling is compulsory for Vietnamese children until they finish


Individual work School

Education system

compulsory terms

independent / public duration of


lower secondary It takes years for the children to finish compulsory education

The duration of the academic year is 35 weeks or months It runs from September to May and is divided into two terms The first term is from the beginning of September to late December and the second term starts in early January and ends in May

A national examination for GCSE is usually held in June for all students who finish high school

And then those who pass the GCSE exam are able to sit for the university or college entrance examination in July

Probably, students will take only an examination for finishing high school and for university or college

After you Write

- Have Ss exchange their writing.- Get Ss to present their writing.- Introduce peer correction

- Take notes of some typical mistakes - Feedback


Group work Home work

- Rewrite the 1st draft.

- Prepare for the next lesson Language Focus

2’ Whole class

Preparing date: Thur Oct, 15th 2009 Teaching date: 16th

Period: 25th

Unit 4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM Lesson E – Language Focus

I Aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the stress in three – syllable words - Change the active sentences into passive sentences perfectly II Teaching aids: handouts, textbooks

III Procedure:

T’s activities Sts’ activities Warmer


WORD SQUARE Introduction:

- Find out the infinitive verbs in the Word square and then write the past participle of them.

-Get Ss to work in teams A & B

- Which team first has more correct answers will be the winner.

- Feedback - Lead to the topic of the lesson

Class work

Presentation and practice

A Pronunciation: * Listen and repeat

- Hang on a flipchart of the stress in two-syllable words on






35’ the board and introduce the pronunciation to the Ss

a flipchart of the stress in three-syllable words

Chemistry Cinema September Algebra

Academic Politics Physical Primary

carefully Compulsory Computing Statistics - Have Ss discuss how to put stress on the words given - Check with whole class and get Ss to practice reading * Practice reading the sentences

- Play the tape, Ask Ss to read after the tape - Call on some Ss to read and correct mistakes

B Grammar : Passive voice

- Show Ss two pictures of a person drinking a cup of tea and other will watch TV

- Elicit from Ss

+ What is he doing? + What will he do? + He is drinking a cup of tea + He will watch TV - Ask Ss to turn into passive voice

- A cup of tea is being drunk by him. - TV will be watched by him.

- Tell Ss to draw out the form

S + Be + Vpp

- Ask Ss how to turn an active sentence into a passive one

- Tell Ss in groups, completing the table below:

Active Passive

S + V(o, s, es)… ………

S + V(ed/c2)… ………

S + am/is/are + V-ing… ………

S + was/were + V-ing… ………

S + have/has + Vpp… ………

S + had + Vpp… ………

S +will/shall/must + Vo… ………

- Check with whole class and give correct answers B Practice :

Exercise Rewriting Sentences.

- Tell Ss to rewrite the sentences using the passive voice. - Go around and provide help

-Tell Ss to compare the answers with each other - Call on some Ss to give their answers

- Feedback

1 This school was built in 1997.

2 This dictionary was first published in 1870. 3 A surprise party is going to be organized… 4 The kitchen is being painted now.

5 …was written…

6 …have been translated…

Individual Work/whole

class work


Exercise 3. - Run through the passage

- Tell Ss to fill in the blanks with the correct tense in passive voice

- Have Ss compare their answers - Feedback

1 was built were sold has been made 4 can be bought are used can be used

7 is stored are done must be told 10 can be done Consolidation

& Homework 3’

- Summarize the reported speech. - Do exercise page50

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 09:45


