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During the first two years, which is also called kindergarten, children receive an average of 22 hours of (39)_____, during the last 6 years children receive an average of 25 hours per w[r]



TỔ NGOẠI NGỮ MƠN: TIẾNG ANH – KHỐI 12 (Chương trình chuẩn)   


(Chú ý: Học sinh dùng bút chì tơ kín vào phương án lựa chọn: ; / < hay\)

Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently

1. ; dead / meat < please \ heat

2. ; looked / washed < turned \ missed

3. ; games / plays < arrives \ stops

Choose one word whose stress pattern is pronounced differently

4. ; father / football < begin \ question

5. ; completion / general < prevent \ diversity

Choose from the four options given one best answer to complete each sentence 6. The novel was so exciting that I couldn't

; let it down / look it up < pick it up \ put it down

7. I moved in my new apartment, my neighbors have come to my house twice

; Because / Since < When \ After

8. To Americans, it is impolite to ask someone about age, _ and salary

; marry / married < marriage \ marrying

9. The year in Vietnam runs from September to June and is divided into terms ; academically / academicals < academician \ academic

10.A national exam is _ for all twelfth grade students at the beginning of June

; held / taken < made \ done

11.The man over there is my teacher

; stands / to stand < standing \ stood

12.This is the best play _I have ever seen

; which / what < whom \ that

13.He went to the cinema after he his homework

; finishes / finished < had finished \ has finished

14.It is very kind your sister to give me a lift to the airport

; from / with < for \ of

15.Can you turn off _ light before leaving this room?

; the / a < an \ Ø ( no article)

16. “ Hello! My name is Nam Nice to meet you” “ Hello ”

; I’m fine / Really?

< Good! \ I’m Mai Glad to meet you

17.Most smokers agree that it is very difficult to _ smoking

; go on / give up < put on \ give out

18.Schooling is _ for all English children from the age of to 16

; necessary / essential < compulsory \ voluntary

19.He is thought to America last year

; to be / to have been < being \ was

20.Each term is by one-break called half term

; divided / cut < marked \ separated


; had / have < were having \ was having 22.I have just visited the church _ in the 18th century.

; was built / built < building \ which built

23.He won’t pass the exams _he learns harder

; if / when < unless \ because

24.Mr John, is standing over there, can speak languages

; who / whom < that \ whose

25. _she was very tired, she helped her mother with the housework

; In spite of / Despite < So \ Although

26.“Let’s go to the movie now” “ Oh! _”

; I don’t / I need it < Why’s that \ It’s a good idea

27.I still can’t believed it! My bicycle _ last night ; was stolen / was stealing < stolen \ Stole 28.We got a lot of bad marks We wish we harder

; would work / will work < had worked \ worked

29.Nam: “ Whose book is this?” Mai: “ _”

; No, It’s over there / It’s my mother’s < It’s just outside \ It’s my mother 30.It is of great importance to create a good impression _ your interviewer

; with / about < for \ on

Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct

31 Unless you didn’t give her flowers on the birthday, she would be sad ; / < \ 32. Since I have moved my house, they haven’t written to me ; / < \

33. Can motorbikes produce in Vietnam? ; / < \

34.I finish my work before Mary came here to see me ; / < \

35.There are also many single fathers which are raising children by themselves ; / < \

Read the text and choose the best word to fill in the blank

Children in the Netherlands must be at least four years old to (36) _ primary education Almost all 4-year-olds (99.3%) in the country indeed attend primary school, although this is not compulsory until children reach the age (37) _ Primary school is free of charge In most schools, children are grouped by age in mixed ability classes, with one teacher for all subjects Primary school consists of groups, thus schooling (38) _ for years During the first two years, which is also called kindergarten, children receive an average of 22 hours of (39) _, during the last years children receive an average of 25 hours per week Schools are open days a week, but children are free on Wednesday afternoon At the end of primary school, or in group 8, schools advice on secondary school choice Most schools use a national test to support this advice, for instance the 'Citotoets’, a test (40) by the Central Institute for Test development

36.; afford / enter < come \ run

37.; of / on < in \ for

38.; spends / lasts < lengthens \ take


40.; develop / to develop < developed \ developing  Read the passage carefully and then choose the correct answers

Preparation is a key to a successful interview Does the idea of going to a job interview make you feel a little nervous? Many people find that


is the hardest part of the employing process But it is not really true The more you prepare and practice, the more comfortable you will feel You should find out as much as possible about the company before you go to the interview Understand the products that they produce and the services that they provide It is also good to know who the customers are and who the major competitors are Practice makes perfect It will also make you feel more confident and relaxed So, practice your answers to common questions Make a list of questions to ask, too Almost all interviewers will ask if you have questions This is a great opportunity for you to show your keenness, enthusiasm, and knowledge

Make a great impression The interview is your chance to show that you are the best person for the job Your application or resume has already exhibited that you are qualified Now it is up to you to show how your skills and experience match this position and this company The employer will be looking and listening to determine if you are a good fit He/she will be looking for a number of different qualities, in addition to the skills that you possess To make the best impression, dress appropriately; express your strengths; arrive early, by about 10-15 minutes; be enthusiastic; shake hands firmly; be an active listener; sit up straight and maintain eye contact; and ask questions

After the interview, follow up with a thank-you note This is a chance for you to restate your interest and how you can benefit the company Your best bet is to try to time it so that the note gets there before the hiring: decision is made You should also follow up with a phone call if you not hear back from the employer within the specified time 41.The pronoun


refers to

; the job / the interview < the interviewer \ the preparation 42.What does the writer advise you to practice?

; Asking and answering questions related to the job / Making products that the company produces < Providing services that the company serves \.Meeting some customers and competitors

43.Which should not be shown during your interview?

; Punctuality / A firm hand shaking

< Being properly-dressed \ Weaknesses

44.You can show your qualifications in the ; dressing style and punctuality / competing with the competitors < resume and letter of application \ eye contact with the interview

45.Which is not included in the writer's advice?

; You should not communicate with the interviewer after the interview / You 'should make the best impression in the interview

< You should write a note to say thanks to the interviewer after the interview, \ You should telephone the interviewer for any information after the interview  Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one 46.He drove carelessly and had an accident.


/ If he drove carefully, he wouldn’t have an accident

< If he had driven carefully, he would have avoided the accident \ He had an accident despite driving carefully

47.Because he didn’t obey his parent’s advise, he got into the trouble.

; If he had obeyed his parent’s advise, he wouldn’t have got into the trouble / If he obeyed his parent’s advise, he wouldn’t got into the trouble

< If he had obeyed his parent’s advise, he would have got into the trouble \ If he didn’t obey his parent’s advise, he wouldn’t got into the trouble 48.That factory is producing more and more pollution.

; Pollution is being produced more and more by that factory / More and more pollution is produced by that factory

< More and more pollution are being produced by that factory

\ More and more pollution is being produced by that factory

49.People say Chinese food is the best in the world.

; Chinese food is said to be the best in the world / I agree that Chinese food is the best in the world < Chinese food is eaten all over the world

\ No food in the world is eaten as much as Chinese food 50.She did her homework, then she went to bed.

; Before she did her homework, she had gone to bed /After she had done her homework, she went to bed <Before she had gone to bed, she did her homework \After she had gone to bed, she did her homework

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 00:31



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