In German, before the wedding, the newly married couple has to clean up all pieces of dishes broken by their friends and relatives.. It is believed that action will bring the couple…C[r]
(1)Crossword puzzle
(2)Number 1
A person who assists the bridegroom at his
(3)Number 2
(4)Number 3
Property or money
(5)Number 4
A person who likes trying to arrange
marriages or
(6)(7)Crossword puzzle N A M T S
Supervisor: Pro Nguyen Quang Presenters:
1.Duong Thi Thao 2.Dang Thuy Van 3.Pham Thi
4.Hoang Thi Thu
5.Vu Thi Thanh Thuy Group:
1 American Wedding Ceremony
2 Vietnamese Wedding Ceremony
(11)Activities before the wedding ceremony
Aims: To introduce activities before the wedding ceremony all
round the world
Time: 7 minutes
Taiwan China
(14)In Scotland the … is blackened and then paraded around town, and of course a few pubs, for all to see before the wedding
A Bride
(15)In Mexico, wedding invitations are written
in …
(16)In China, the couple will initially attend … at the groom’s house, to which the bride often wears a western style wedding dress
A a party B a buffet
(17)In America, having a wedding on … is said to bring love and fortune to the couple
(18)In Taiwan, the bride and
groom can’t see each other the day before the wedding Their … will design some tests and the groom has to pass them before taking his wife to get married
A Parents
(19)In Germany, some days
before the wedding, friends and relatives bring old … to throw on the ground in front of bride and groom.
A porcelain C shoes
(20)(21)1 Which country does each of the following traditional wedding costumes belong to?
Vietnam Indonesia
In German, at the end of the wedding, the groom and bride have to saw wood in order to…
A show their ability to handle problems in their future family life
B get gifts from relatives and friends
(23)3 In Korea, if a bridegroom smiles a lot in a wedding, he will…
A get a daughter as a first child
B has no child
(24)4 Brazilians believe that it will certainly rain in the wedding ceremony if the bride
A cries too much
B eats directly from the pot
(25)5 In …., if a groom's friend cuts a piece of the groom's tie, he'll get married soon.
A England
B Spain
(26)6 In Belgium, when the bride and the groom come out from the church, their family throws … on them.
A eggs
B roses
In German, before the wedding, the newly married couple has to clean up all pieces of dishes broken by their friends and relatives It is believed that action will bring the couple…
A good luck
B a smooth life
(28)(29)1 When did honeymoon originate?
A In the early 18th century
B In the early 19th century
(30)2 In Vietnam, in the morning after the wedding day, who the newly–married couple visit?
A Their friends
B Their relatives
(31)3 In France, friends and family of the newly married couple clang pots and pans to interrupt the couple on the wedding The couple have to provide them
various refreshments.
A night
B afternoon
(32)4 In India, after the wedding, coins and other items are placed in a large bowl The couple place hands in
the bowl to retrieve a specified item This Coin Game occurs in order to……
A wish a wealthy life
B find the ruler of their new home